Curso Intensivo Nivel I-V Domingos 2016 Contestado

April 27, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Bye, Good bye

¡Hasta luego! !Buen día¡

¡Hasta pronto!

See you (soon)!

See you later! Good morning!

¡Hasta mañana! ¡Hola!

Hi! Hello! !Buena noche¡

!Buena tarde¡

Good afternoon!

!Buena noche¡

Good night (al salir)

¿Qué tal ?

¿Qué tal?

How are things?

¿A qué te dedicas?

What do you do?

Le presento a ...

Let me introduce you to ...

Quisiera presentarte a...

I'd like you to meet...

Encantado, Mucho gusto

Nice / pleased to meet you.

Salúdalos en mi nombre. Estoy a tu disposición.

Give them my kindest regards

Bien, gracias ¿Puedo presentarme? ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo está tu familia? El gusto es mío ¡Buena suerte! ¡Mis mejores deseos!

See you tomorrow! Good evening (al llegar) How are you getting on fine, thanks May I introduce myself? What's your name? How are your family ? Nice to meet you too All the best! Best wishes!

I am at your disposal.

Momentos del dia At Sunrise : Al Salir El Sol At Noon : Al Mediodía At Sunset : Al Atardecer

In The Afternoon : Por La Tarde At Night : En La Noche At midnight : A Media Noche

At Dawn : En La Madrugada In the Evening : Por La Tarde-noche


What is your name?

My name is... My name is Alexendy

¿Como te llamas?

Mi nombre es...

What is your last name?

My last name is... My last name is Condado

¿Cual es tu apellido?

Mi apellido es...

What is your full name?

My full name is...My full name is Alexendy Condado Soto

¿Cual es tu nombre completo?

My nombre completo es...

How old are you? ¿Que edad tienes?

Where are you from? ¿De donde eres originario?

Where do you live? ¿Donde vives

I am # years old : I am 24 years old Yo tengo # años

I am from... I am from cruz blanca city Yo soy originario de...

I live in... I live in veracruz

Yo vivo en

What is your address?

My address is # Hidalgo St. / Ave. (inventa una) My address is 79 cuauhtemoc Norte street

¿Cual es tu direccion?

What do you do?

My direccion es # Hidalgo street / Ave.

¿Cual es tu ocupacion?

What is your telephone number? ¿Cual es tu numero de telefono?

What is your e-mail address? ¿Cual es tu direccion electronica?

What are your hobbies?

I am a: I am study Yo soy un/a ... (ocupacion)

My phone number is... My phone number is 2291333009 Mi numero telefonico es... ( numeros uno a uno)

My e-mail address is... My e-mail address is [email protected]

¿Cuales son tus pasatiempos?

Mi direccion electronica es...

My hobbies are: (verb + ing) My hobbies are playing basquetball, reading book and sining in the parties Mis pasatiempos son:

Answer the following questions

1 – Where is Steve from? 2 3 4 5

- He,is fromManchester - Where does Steve live? - He is live in london – Where does Sarah live? - She is live in Piccadilly circus - How is Sarah? - She is fine – How is Steve? - He isn´t good_ He is ill.

PERSONAL PRONOUNS I = Yo, primera persona del singular You = Tu, segunda persona del singular He = El, tercera persona del singular solo p/hombres She = Ella, tercera persona del singular solo p/ mujeres It = Ello, tercera persona del singular solo p/genero neutro (cosa o animal) We = Nosotros, primera persona del plural You = Ustedes, segunda persona de plural They = Ellos/ellas, tercera persona del plural CONJUGATION "TO BE“ VERB AFIRMACION INTERROGACION


I am = yo soy / yo estoy You are = tu eres/tu estas He is = el es /el está She is = ella es / ella está It is = ello es / ello está We are = nosotros somos / estamos You are = ustedes son/ esta They are = ellos (as) son / ellos(as) están

I am not = Yo no soy/no estoy You are not = tu no eres/no estas He is not = el no es /no está She is not = ella no es /no está It is not = ello no es /no está We are not = nosotros no somos / no estamos You are not= ustedes no son/ estan They are not = ellos (as) no son /no están


I am You are He is She is It is

I´m You´re He’s She´s It´s

I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not

I am not You aren´t He isn´t She isn´t It isn´t

Am I? = ¿yo soy / estoy? Are you?= ¿tu eres/estas? Is he? = ¿el es /está? Is she? = ¿ella es / ella está? Is it? = ¿ello es / ello está? Are we? = ¿nosotros somos /estamos? Are you? = ¿ustedes son/ esta? Are they? = ¿ellos (as) son /están?

We are You are They are

We´re You´re They´re

We are not We aren´t You are not You aren´t They are not They aren´t

Formatos (Pregunta) Am/are/is + sujeto + complemento? Is your birthday next Saturday? Are you good friends? Write the next sentences in interrogative form Tom es un excelente arquitecto Mark, eres un ciudadano Americano Luisa y Marco son los mejores amigos

is tom an excelent arquitec? is mark american cityzen ? are luisa and marco good friends?

(Niega) Sujeto + am/are/is + not + complemento No, it is not next Saturday. No, we are not good friends Write the next sentences in negative form Shakira is an actress. You are a doctor. He is 20 years old.

Shakira isn´t an actress You aren´t a doctor He isn´t 20 years old

(Afirma) Sujeto + am/are/is + complement It is next Sunday. We are the best friend Write the next sentences in afirmative form Pedro / a / carpenter /is Pedro is a carpenter are / not / John and Michael / Méxican. Jonh and Michael are not the couwsins an / one / insect / spider / is spider is an one insect


+ verbo en gerundio + complemento + ?


+ am/are/is + not + verbo en gerundio + complemento


+ am/are/is + verbo en gerundio + complemento

“ Am” Para: I

“Are” Para: We, You, They

Verbo en forma simple Sleep – dormir She is giving me a gift. Is she giving me a gift? She is not giving me a gift.

“ Is” Para: I, He, She, It

Verbo en gerundio Sleeping – durmiendo Ella me está dando un regalo.

My father and my brother are painting the house. Mi padre y mi hermano están pintando la casa. Are my father and brother cutting the grass in the garden? No, they are not cutting the grass because they are panting the house Are they eating at the shopping center. They aren´t eating the shopping center They are eating the shopping center Is my grandmother wearing a coat? My grandmother isn´t wearing coat

Ellos están comiendo en el centro comercial?. Ellos no están comiendo en el centro comercial Ellos están comiendo en la casa de Pablo ¿Mi abuela esta vistiendo un abrigo? No, Mi abuela no esta vistiendo un abrigo.

My grandmother is wearing a coat

My abuela esta vistiendo un sweater.

Are megan and Brian waiting dor you Megan and Brian are not waiting for you. Megan and Brian are waiting for you

¿Están Megan y Brian esperando a alguien? Megan y Brian no están esperándote Megan y Brian están esperando a Luisa

Are students write in the blackboard the students aren´t write in the blackboard Students are explainig the lesson

¿Están los alumnos escribiendo en el pizarrón? No, los alumnos no están escribiendo en el pizarrón Los alumnos están explicando la lección

Is my sister buying a red dress? she isn´t buying red dress she is buying red dress

¿Mi hermana está comprando un vestido rojo? No, ella no está comprando un vestido rojo Ella está comprando una blusa verde

Is the secretary writing a letter The secretary is not writing a letter. She is sending an e-mail

¿ La secretaria está escribiendo una carta? No, ella no está escribiendo una carta Ella está enviando un e-mail

The maid is cleaning the house. She isn´t cleanig the house She is cooking

La mucama está limpiando la casa. No, ella no está limpiando la casa Ella esta cocinado

Are the tourists taking photographs. They aren´t taking photographs they are just enjoying the trip

¿Los turistas están tomando fotografías? No, ellos no están tomando fotografías Ellos solo están disfrutando del viaje

Are they fixing the ceiling of the house? They aren´t fixing the ceiling they aren´t fixing the car

¿Están Antonio y Mario reparando el techo de la casa? No, ellos no están reparando el techo Ellos no están reparando el carro

Is Yesenia cooking a cake ? she isn´t cooking a cake Yesenia is washing the clothes

¿Están Yesenia cocinando un pastel? No, ella no está cocinando un pastel Yesenia está lavando la ropa

Are Peter and Tom working in a pet shop? ¿Pedro y Tomas están trabajando en una tienda de mascotas? they aren´t working in a pet shop No, ellos no están trabajando en una tienda de mascotas They are working in a Ellos están trabajando en un almacén de ropa Are You inviting me to your birthday party? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

¿Me estás invitando a tu fiesta de cumpleaños? No, yo no estoy haciendo una invitancion a mi fiesta Yo estoy notificando, cuando es mi cumpleaños

_______________________________ _______________________________ The kids are not washing their hands.

¿ Están los chicos limpiando sus zapatos? No, ellos no están limpiando sus zapatos Los chicos no están lavando sus manos

________________________________ ________________________________ The doctor is not talking to the nurse.

¿El doctor está hablando con los paciente? No, el no está hablando con los pacientes El doctor no está hablando con las enfermeras

Are your friends attending a established store? ____________________________________ ____________________________________

¿Tus amigos están atendiendo una tienda establecida? No, ellos no están atendiendo una tienda establecida Mis amigos están abriendo un nuevo negocio.

____________________________________________ ¿Estas alojándote en una casa de huéspedes? ___________________________________ NO, yo no estoy alojando en una casa de huéspedes I am staying at the hotel. Yo me estoy alojando en el hotel.


Country México Australia Argentina Italy Russia Germany Britain Turkey Spain France China Japan Brazil U.S.A

Nationality Mexican Australian Argentinean Italian Russian German British/English Turkish Spanish French Chinese Japanese Brazilian American


Language Spanish English Spanish Italian Russian German English Turkish Spanish French Chinese Japanese Portuguese English



was born in


nació en

Colombia, Colombia,

Occupation Student Engineer Doctor Architect Lawyer Teacher Firefighter Accountant Electrician Attorney Housewife Employed Driver Singer


she is



she speaks

ella es Colombiana,

ella habla

Spanis h Español


and she is

a singer

y ella es una cantante

Michelle (Francia) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Hans (Alemania) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Diego (Argentina) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Venancio (España) __________________________________________________________________________________ Takeshi (Japón) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Juanito (México) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mao Ishi (China) ____________________________________________________________________________________


What + does/do +

+ look like? (Pregunta por rasgos físicos)

High (altura)

Eyes (ojos)

Body (cuerpo)

Hair (cabello)

Skin (piel)













well built







Brown light / dark

good looking

brown light




brown dark


black blond FORM wavy straight curly bald / hairless


What do you look like? (¿como eres fisicamente?)

First: high I am average; one meter seventy-two centimeters ( feet = pies

inches = pulgadas)

Second: eyes I have, normal, brown light eyes (inicialmente se dicen los adjetivos calificativos y despues el sustantivo) Third: body I am slim Fourth: hair I have short, brown light and curly hair (inicialmente se dicen los adjetivos calificativos y despues el sustantivo) Fifth: skin I have olive skin



What + am /is /are +

+ like? (Pregunta por cualidades personales)

Energetic adventurous impulsive impatient confident sociable shy quiet solitary loyal friendly ambitious talkative selfish careless charming generous honest intelligent proud lazy boring brave hard-working crazy strict polite sensible interesting right messy hopeful jealous introvert communicative

Enérgico aventurero impulsivo impaciente seguro sociable tímido silencio solitario leales conversador amable ambicioso egoísta descuidado encantador generoso honesto inteligente orgulloso perezoso aburrido valiente trabajador loco estricto cortés sensato interesante derecho desordenado esperanza celoso introvertido comunicativo Exercises:

What are you like? (¿como eres en personalidad?)

I am: confident, very sosciable,a lot friendly and talkative


Whatdoes Homero look like? He is average, 1.70 m. He has big and white eyes He is chubby He is bald, he has only three hairs He has yellow skin He is an inspector in a Nuclear Plant Whatis he like? He isangry, lazy,greedy and dishonest Whatdoes Don Ramon look like? He is average, 1.70 m. He has normal and light brown eyes. He is thin. He has short, dark brown and weavy hair. He has olive skin. He uses a big moustach Whatis Don Ramonlike? He is angry, lazy, and irresponsable.

Answer What does Emma Watson look like? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ What is Leo messi like? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


Her name is Salma, her last name is Hayek She is Mexican; she was born in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico Salma lives alternately in Malibu California, USA and Paris France. Her fans ´address is: P.O. Box 57593, Sherman oaks, Ca 91403-2593, USA Her birthday is on September 2nd and she is forty-two years old Salma is an actress and she is a polyglot because speaks different languages, for example: Spanish, English, French and a little Lebanese Her hobbies are enjoying her family. Salma is married with a business man French, his name is Francois-Henry Pinault. They have a daughter, her name is Valeria Paloma she is eight years old WHAT DOES SHE LOOK LIKE? Well. She is short, one meter, sixty-seven centimeters, Salma is well built. She has long, straight and black hair. About her eyes. She has beautiful normal, brown light eyes. Her skin is olive. WHAT IS SHE LIKE? Anyone is perfect She is proud, vain, interested, selfish, stubborn, but Salma Hayek is also hard working, self, honest and loyal


Adverbios de frecuencia


100 % of times 85% of times 75% of times 50% of times 05 % of time 0% of times

ANNUALLY - anualmente YEARLY anualmente WEEKLY - semanalmente DAILY – diariamente HOURLY a cada hora

How often do you….? ¿Con que frecuencia tu…? How often do you make exercise? _I SOMETIMES MAKE EXERCISE_ (Yo alguna veces hago ejercicio) How often do you get up late during the week? ______________________________________________________ How often do you eat vegetables? __________________________________________________ How often do you drink soda? ___________________________________________ How often do you drink water? _____________________________________________ How often do you eat fruits? ______________________________________________ How often do you take vacations? ______________________________________________________ How often do you go to the movies? ___________________________________________________ How often do you practice your English? _________________________________________________________ How often do you say lies? _______________________________________________ How often do you sleep during the day? ___________________________________________________ How often do you go to the bed late? _____________________________________________________ Daily Routine/Rutina Diaria

To wake up: despertarse To get up: levantarse To get dressed: vestirse To brush your teeth: cepillarse los dientes To brush your hair: cepillarse el pelo To have a shower/bath: ducharse/bañarse To have breakfast: desayunar To catch the bus: coger el autobús To read the paper: leer el periódico To listen to the radio: escuchar la radio

To watch television: To cook lunch: To have lunch: To have dinner: To go for a drink: To go for a walk: To go shopping: To get undressed: To go to bed: To go to sleep:

Put in order according to the routine (morning to night) 1 2

Go to bed. Brush your teeth.


Have lunch.


Get up.


Go to work.


Have/take a shower.

7 8

Have/take a breakfast. Watch television.

ver la televisión cocinar el almuerzo comer/almorzar cenar tomar una copa dar un paseo ir de compras quitarse la ropa ir a la cama ir a dormir

Sarah´s daily routine

I am Sarah and I live in London. I work for a radio station. I love my job because every day is different. Every weekday I wake up at half past four in the morning because the programme starts at six o'clok. I get up, I have a shower and then I get dressed. I do not eat breakfast until eight o'clok. I leave my house at five o'clok and I usually catch the bus.

On Fridays. I get home at three o'clok in the afternoon and I relax. I like to watch the television or read a book. On Friday evenings, I like to go for a drink with my friends although sometimes I am very tired.

On Saturday morning, I wake up at ten o'clok and I read the paper. At twelve o'clok I have lunch. Usually I eat a sandwich. In the evenings I like to go to cinema or theatre.

On Sunday I go to my mum´s house. She lives in London too. We usually have lunch together. Sometimes my sister goes to my mum´s house with her children. I like playing with my niece and nephew. On Sundays I usually go to bed at eight o'clok.

Answer the following questions.

What time does Sarah: Get up on a Wednesday? _________________________________________ Eat breakfast on Monday? __________________________________________ Relax on a Friday? ___________________________________________ Go to bed on Sunday? ____________________________________________ True or False. Sarah works everyday Sarah wakes up early weekday Sarah eats breakfast at home Sarah goes out for drink on Saturdays Sarah has two children

( ( ( ( (

) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( )





One hundred 100






Three 3
























Seven 7

Seventeen 17



Eight 8






Nineteen 19






One thousand 1000

Two hundred 200 Forty eight = 48

77 = seventy-seven

Write with sing and word the numbers. Eleven _________________ 87___________________________________ Thirty-three _________________ 11____________________________________ Forty-nine __________________ 66 __________________________________ Eighty seven __________________ 13 ___________________________________ Three thousand and five hundred thirty-three _________________

Write in cardinal number over the year the following events occurred  _______ Levi Strauss, an American businessman, made the first jeans in eighteen seventy four.  _______ In sixteen thirty seven, unknown French invented the umbrella.  _______ A German inventor called Guttenberg invented the printing press in fourteen forty.  _______ John Walker invented matches in eighteen twenty seven.  _______ Somebody unknown invented the eyeglasses in twelve ninety, the same year as the first mechanical clock.  (And anybody know invented that either)  _______ The Chinese (again) invented the toothbrush in fourteen ninety eight.  _______ In fourteen eighty nine western people started to use the symbols + and --.  _______ In fifteen ninety six, Galileo, an Italian scientist, invented the thermometer and found out we have a temperature!  _______ Nobody knows who invented the first horseshoes, but it was in eight hundred ninety  _______ In eighteen forty five, Robert Thompson made the robber tire (but it was filled with horsehair, not air).  _______ In eleven twenty, the Chinese invented playing cards.  _______ In eighteen nineteen, a ten - year - old blind boy, Louis Braille, created a system for the blind to read  (called Braille after him)



¿Que hora es?

Son las…

Clock = reloj de pared Past = pasados/as Minutes = minutos Half = media Before = antes At = a las.. Pm = pasado meridiano

O´clock = puntual To = antes o para Seconds = segundos Quarter = cuarto After = despues Hours = oras Am = antes meridiano

Para este lado izquierdo usamos "to" Por ejemplo: 8:50 It is 10 minutes to 9 Para este lado derecho usamos "past" Por ejemplo: 8:15 It is 15 minutes past 8

Ejemplo: 07 : 30 05 : 45 01 : 20 09 : 05 04 : 15 05 : 45

It is seven and half Es las siete y media It is quarter to six Es un cuarto para las seis It is twenty minutes past one / It is twenty minutes after one Es veinte minutos pasados de la una / Es veinte minutos despues de las una. It is five minutes past nine / It is five minutes after nine Es cinco minutos pasados de las nueve / Es cinco minutos despues de las nueve It is fifteen minutes past four / It is a quarter past four Es quince minutos pasados de las cuatro / Es cuatro y cuarto It is quarter to six Es un cuarto para las seis

Distintas formas de expresar la hora en Ingles What time is it? 8: 20 am a) It is eight, twenty am b) It is twenty past eight am

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

2:50 a.m. 13:00 hours 12:00 13:25 7:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. 13:35 18:30 hours 8:20 p.m. 15:45

_______________ _______________

What time is it? 6:50 pm a) It is six fifty pm b) It is fifty past six pm c) It is ten to seven pm d) It is eighteen fifty hours e) It is ten to nineteen hours

1 It’s noon 2 It’s ten to three at dawn 3 It’s one o’clock pm 4 It’s seven o’clock in the morning 5 It’s twenty-five to two 6 It’s twenty-five past one 7 It’s twenty - three o'clock 8 It’s half past eighteen 9 It’s quarter to sixteen 10 It’s twenty past twenty

_____________ _____________

______________ ______________

_____________ _____________

_____________ _____________

What are you doing on the next hours?.

Monday at 4:00 pm. ______________________________________________________________

Tusday at 10:30 am. ______________________________________________________________ Wednesday at 15: 00 hours. ________________________________________________________ Thursday at 12:30 pm. ____________________________________________________________ Friday at 9:20 am _______________________________________________________________ Saturday at 19:20 hours. __________________________________________________________ Sunday at 10:10 am. _____________________________________________________________


Escribe con letra y en Ingles los siguientes números ordinales. 80th _____________________________ 10th __________________________________ 29th _____________________________ 16th __________________________________ 12th ____________________________ 33nd _________________________________ Completa con el número ordinal en letra las siguientes aseveraciones. April is the ____________ month of the year. Abril es el cuarto mes del año In a competition the bronze medal is for the _____________ place , silver is for the ____________ Fall is the _______________ seasosn of the year. Otoño es la tercera estacion del año I am the _______________ on the list. Yo soy el ........... en la lista Saturday is the ________________ day of the week. Sabado es el septimo dia de la semana In my family I am the _______________ son in line. En mi familia yo soy en ........... hijo en secuencia The ____________ month in the year is September El noveno mes del año es Septiembre Yury was the ______________ man in space. Yury fue el primer hombre en el espacio _____________, open your eyes. Primero, abran los ojos The _____________ World War La Segunda Guerra Mundial My brother is studying the ____________ semester in preparatory school

ADVERBIOS DE PREGUNTA What = Que - cual: Para preguntar acerca de las cosas Who = Quien: Para solicitar información sobre una persona (singular)

What is this? Who is the President of México?

How = Como: When = Cuando: Where = Donde: Why = ¿Por que?: Which = Cual - que: Whom = Quienes :

Para solicitar información sobre las razones Para solicitar información sobre el tiempo Para solicitar acerca de ubicaciones Para solicitar una explicación Para hacer una elección Para solicitar información de personas (plural)

Choose the correct alternative ................ are my keys? ................ is your favourite singer? ................ old are you? ................ are you from? ................ is your last name? ................. is the concert?

How are you? When is your birthday? Where are my books? Why are you happy? Which soda is better? Whom are your best friends?

................ is the problem? ................ is your birthday? ................ is your telephone number? ................ is your best friend? ................ old is your cat? ................. is Cristiano Ronaldo from?

PRESENTE SIMPLE Se usa cuando queremos expresar acciones o hechos que ocurren en presente. * AFIRMATIVA:


OJO: CON EL SUJETO "SHE", "HE", "IT" EL VERBO ACABA EN "S". (Siel verbo termina en s. sh. ch. z, o en o aumentan "es")

EXAMPLE: I play football. * NEGATIVA:

She eats pizza.

We drink orange juice.



EXAMPLE. I don´t play football. * INTERROGATIVA:


She doesn´t eat pizza.

We don´t drink orange juice.



EXAMPLE: Do you play football? Yes, I am / No, I am not PRESENTE SIMPLE Elige la conjugacion correcta del verbo

They ________ up very early.

Escribe las oraciones en forma negativa




He ________ Mary every Mondays.



John & Mary never _______ fresh meat.





He often ________ swimming on Tuesday. My parents ________ to God for rain.


The rumors _________ all over the city.





I _______ wearing jeans on week end.

find buyes




buzzes weares

The dogs _________ croquettes.




A cat ___________ with the dogs




He lives in New York. He doesn´t live in New York They work in an office They don´t work in a office My sister Susan kisses my mother every morning. ___________________________ They do their exercises every day. ___________________________________ Tom and Mike study every afternoon. _______________________________ The concert starts at nine. ________________________________________ We do the shopping every Saturday. _________________________________ My grandmother likes chocolate ice creams. _______________________________ Their baby cries a lot. __________________________________ Tom and his company do business in Mexico City. __________________________

We _________ the calculator in exams




Escribe la estructura de la pregunta para cada respuesta __________Do you have a tablet ? ____

No, I don´t have a tablet, but I have a computer in my house


No, he doesn´t work in an office, he works in a factory.


Yes, she speaks very well French.


Yes, they have some cats like a pet.


No, we don´t have classes this afternoon.


Yes, John and Mary usually go to shopping on Saturday.


Yes, I have a sister and two brothers.


Yes, I take the bus to the school.


No, they don´t study, they work.


Estructuras en Pregunta

Do/does + sujeto + verbo + complemento +?

(“Do” Para I, You, We, They

1) You like playing tennis.


2) You want to come to the cinema.


3) He plays football at the weekends.

“Does” Para He, She, It )


4) Mary goes to the cinema after work. ___________________________________________ 5) Mary and John have lunch in a restaurant on Fridays. ____________________________________________________ 6) It rains a lot in winter.


7) The cat comes into our garden.


8) It gets very hot in our office. ___________________________________________ 9) We drive to the beach on Saturdays. ___________________________________________ 10) My mother and I read in the afternoons. Estructuras Negativas

1) You like going camping.


Sujeto + do/does + not +verbo + complemento

(“Do” Para I, You, We, They


“Does” Para He, She, It )

2) I want to watch films at the cinema.


3) He plays tennis with his friends.


4) She has got a new car.


5) She has a drink with her colleagues after work.


6) It gets very hot here in summer.


7) The birds come into our garden.


8) My baby brother cries at night.


9) He does the washing up after dinner.


10) My wife and I swim at the local poo


Estructuras Afirmativas

Sujeto + verbo + s/es(3° personas del singular) + complemento.

(s o es para He, She, It)

1) You / playing / football (like).


2) I / to watch / television (want).


3) He / football / at weekends (play).


4) Mary / home / after work (go).


5) Mary / a cup of coffee / on Friday afternoons (have).


6) It / winter (snow).


7) The cat / its milk (drink).


8) Dave / about his job (worry).


9) He / his English homework / every evening (do). 10) My boss and I / once a month (meet).



Colocar el verbo entre paréntesis en Presente Simple en la forma que indica el signo ( + afirmative, - negative,? Question ) I (travel) …….........…. to Xalapa every week. (+) .........They (run) …….......…. in the park on Saturdays?. (?)

Yo viajo a Xalapa todas las semanas. ¿Ellos corren en el parque todos los sábados?.

My mother (clean) …….......…. the house. (+) Mary and Luis (work) …….......…. in a bank. (-) John (arrive)…….......…. to his office early. (-) ...........You (study) ……......…. English at Tecnological. (?) The dog (jump) ………....... the fence. (-) ........ your father (have) ……....…. a nice character?. (?) We (live) …….....…. in Merida. (-) George (sell) ……......…. ordenators. (+) I always (visit) …….....…. my grandmother. (+) Alice (go) …….....…. to the church. (-) ............. They (speak) …...……. Very well English?. (?) ........ he (pay) ……....…. the tickets. (?) My cousins (paint) …...……. their house. (+) I (study) ………. And she (work) …...……. . (+) Mike never (do) ……...…. the homework. (-)

Listado de verbos regulares e irregulares

Mi madre limpia la casa. Mary y Luis no trabajan en un banco. John no llega a su oficina temprano. ¿Ustedes estudian inglés en el Tecnológico? El perro no brinca la cerca. ¿Tu papá tiene un lindo carácter? . Nosotros no vivimos en Mérida. George vende computadoras. Yo siempre visito a mi abuela. Alicia no va a la iglesia. ¿Ellos hablan muy bien Ingles?. ¿El paga las entradas?. Mis primos pintan su casa. Yo estudio y ella trabaja. Mike nunca hace la tarea.


past simple Past





























































































































































wake up

woke up

woken up







































answered answered
































contestar Pedir/preguntar

VERBOS IRREGULARES awake become begin bite blow break bring build burn buy catch choose come cut do draw drink drive fall feed feel fight find fly forbid forgive spread stand steal stick swim take teach tell

awoke became began bit blew broke brought built burnt bought caught chose came cut did drew drank drove fell fed felt fought found flew forbade forgave spread stood stole stuck swam took taught told

awoken become begun bitten blown broken brought built burnt bought caught chosen come cut done drawn drunk driven fallen fed felt fought found flown forbidden forgiven spread stood stolen stuck swum taken taught told

despertar, mover, convertirse en. empezar, iniciar. morder. soplar quebrar, romper. traer, llevar. construir quemar comprar coger, atrapar. escoger, elegir. venir cortar, dividir. hacer, ejecutar. tirar, dibujar. beber conducir, llevar caer, disminuir. alimentar, nutrir. sentir, percibir. pelear, combatir. encontrar. volar prohibir. perdonar extender estar (de pié). robar. pegar, adherirse nadar, flotar. tomar, llevar. enseñar decir, contar.

hit hurt keep know learn leave lend let lose make mean meet melt pay put read ride ring run say see sell send shoot show sing tell think throw understand wake wear win write

hit hurt kept knew learnt left lent let lost made meant met melted paid put read rode rang ran said saw sold sent shot showed sang told thought threw understood woke Wore Won Wrote

hit hurt kept known learnt left lent let lost made meant met molten (old) paid put read ridden rung run said seen sold sent shot shown sung told thought thrown understood woke (n) worn won written

golpear herir ahorrar, guardar saber, conocer aprender dejar prestar dejar, permitir perder hacer significar encontrarse derretir pagar poner leer montar timbrar correr decir veer vender enviar disparar mostrar, enseñar cantar decir pensar arrojar entender despertar vestir ganar escribir


   

No tienen una traducción al español, pero sí una equivalencia Siempre se escriben acompañados de otro verbo No requieren verbo auxiliar para negar o preguntar Solo se escriben o expresan sin verbo en respuestas cortas (short form)

El verbo 'Can' pertenece a los verbos modales y se ubica antes del verbo principal en infinitivo se interpreta como 'poder'. Se utiliza para expresar habilidad, permiso.

I can – puedo 

I can make interpretation in English without dictionary

El verbo 'Could' Expresa poca probabilidad o condicionalidad. Significa: podría, pude, podía, pudiera de acuerdo con el contexto: I could dance if I could practice.

could - podía pude podría 

I could touch my toes with my mouth, when I was a child I could do my homework without help! I could help you, but… I don´t have free time

El verbo 'may' se utiliza para expresar cierto grado de probabilidad de una acción o grado de certeza: It may rain today. Significa: podría, quizás, puede que. may - podría / quizás / puede que If you want, you may give me a kiss

El verbo 'must' expresa una prohibición u obligación fuerte así como cierta certeza: I must go. She must be crazy. En español significa debo, debo de. must - debo / debo de

We must finish our project on time

Usamos 'should' para expresar grado de posibilidad o probabilidad, así como también para obligación débil. Significa: debería, tendría que. I should study. should - debería / tendría que

En inglés no existen los verbos en futuro, sino que al agregar will, convertimos en futuro al verbo que le sigue: I will come to see you tonight. will go – iré

You should drink 3 liters of water daily

I think, I will be an excellent engineer

'Would' es el pasado de will en algunos casos y verbo auxiliar en otros. Convierte en potencial al verbo que le sigue y va seguido del verbo en forma base. would go – iría

we would go with you, if you invite us

VERBOS MODALES Y SU CONTRAPARTE (Resumen) Should = recomendacion ( debes de) Must = obligación (tienes que) Can = habilidad para hacer algo (poder) Could = probabilidad (podría) May = permiso (permitir)

Shouldn´t = sugerencia (no debes de) Mustn´t = prohibición (no tienes que) Can´t = habilidad negativa (no poder) Couldn´t = probabilidad negativa Might = posibilidad muy remota (puede que )

Tips for Losing Weight 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Eat low-fat and low-calorie foods. Many "diet" foods are low in fat but high in calories. Limit your "liquid calories." Sodas and sugary drinks have a lot of calories and don't fill yo up because they are liquid. Cook! When you cook you see what the food contains and you can limit fat. Eat at least five servings of fruits or vegetables a day. Have fruit for dessert instead of a fatty dessert. Don't "diet." A "diet" is a temporary change. To stay healthy you need to make a permanent change in the way you eat. Exercise three or four times per week for 30-60 minutes. Exercise is the most important part of a healthy life style. Walking is simple and it's great exercise. It's a good idea to consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine. 8 If you don't have much time for exercise, use the stairs at work instead of the elevator.

After reading the text, makes four suggestions for losing weight (use modal verbs) a) _________________________________________________________________________________ b) _________________________________________________________________________________ c) _________________________________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________________________________

Read the text and follow the instructions

Different financial experts will offer different solutions for successfully managing your finances. My recommendations are not for everyone, but they have worked well for me over the years. Every month you have a net income – that is, your income after taxes and other deductions. I am going to offer you two situations, one that includes debt and one that does not. If you currently have debt, this is how I recommend you spend your net income each month: approximately 35% on housing, including utility bills for electricity, water, etc. approximately 15% on transportation, whether you have a car or not approximately 25% on life, including your cell phone, groceries, clothing, going out, etc. approximately 15% on paying off your debt approximately 10% on savings If you are spending more in any of these areas, it suggests you need to cut your expenses – for example, by moving to cheaper housing. If you don't have any debt, however, change that savings percentage to 25 percent, and your money will increase before you know it. Select the correct answer. What is the meaning of "net" income? income after taxes and deductions income before taxes are deducted income including debt What percentage of your income should you spend on housing and transportation? approximately 35% approximately 50% approximately 15% If you are not in debt, what percentage of your income should you save each month? approximately 10% approximately 15% approximately 25%

Escribir las partes del cuerpo dentro de los recuadros y el número que corresponda a los nombres de las partes de la cara dentro de los círculos BODY PARTS Calf Belly button Heel Arm Ankle Fingers Back Head Hand Foot Elbow Wrist Knee Ankle Chest Buttocks Neck Toes Thigh Leg Feet Shoulder Hip Fist Pulgar-thumb Indice–index Medio-middle Anular-ring Meñique-pinky

PARTS OF THE HEAD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Face Nose Hair Mouth Ear Eye Chin Forehead

9. Eye brown 10. Cheek 11. Neck 12. Lips 13. Teeth 14. Eye lash 15. Beard 16. Mustache

17. Scar 18. Mole 19. Eyelids 20. Tooth


The body is the physical and human material. The human body consists of head, trunk and extremities, the arms are the upper extremities and the lower legs. TRUNK:

Human Body Part is attached to the head and neck is divided into two parts. The thorax is the upper trunk, contains very important and sensitive organs such as the heart and lungs. The lower trunk and separated by a powerful chest muscle called the diaphragm is the abdomen that are located in the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and genitals EXTREMITIES:

They are external organs and articulated, which are used as means of transport in the case of the legs and as a movement and locomotion helps in the case of the arms. The limbs are body parts protruding from the trunk but that is attached to it, such as the arms, legs, hands, feet. UPPER EXTREMITY:

Are the extremities which are fixed to the upper trunk. It consists of four parts: hand, forearm, arm and shoulder girdle. In other words, going from shoulder to fingers. LOWER EXTREMITIES:

Limbs are attached to the trunk at the pelvis (hip joints) by the pelvic girdle. The lower limbs are the leg consist of the thigh, leg, foot and pelvic girdle

WRITE THE ANSWER FOR THE NEXT QUESTIONS How many parts composed the human body? ____________________________________________ Where are the heart and lungs organs? __________________________________________________ According with the text, how is composed the lowers limbs? ______________________________________ Stomach, intestines and liver, are organs which are in this part of the body. _____________________________ These parts of the body protrude from the body ________________________________________ What is the equivalence to Spanish of upper limbs? ______________________________________ What is the equivalence to Spanish of lower limbs? ______________________________________ "FIGHT BODY" (fable) One day left hand confided to the right hand: - Look, we work all day, while the stomach does nothing. The legs listened and said: - You're right, we too are tired walking all day to buy food for the stomach and he only eats without doing anything to get it. The right hand shouted: - Let's strike, not to give food to the stomach. That he can get along if you want. Then spoke the stomach: - Friends, you are thinking wrong. Our jobs and skills are very different, but the truth is that we depend so much from each other. The arms shouted: - Shut up. Those are the arguments of a bum. From now on you will not eat anything, absolutely nothing. A few days passed. - Oh, how weak I am! -Complained one arm to the other. - I also do not know how tired I am ... Legs complained: - We just we can move. And every part of the body said the same. Everyone felt faint. Then the stomach spoke: - I also feel weak. If I feed I can work again and you and I will feel better. - Well worth a try, 'said his right hand.

And legs with difficulty carried the body to the table, and put his hands cooperated food in the mouth. Soon hands exclaimed: - I feel better. All members of the body said the same. Then they understood that all members of the body should cooperate if they kept in good health. And stomach no realized that depends on the work of the members and they must be split equally with all members as he arrives.

What parts of the body had participation in the dialogue? _____________________________________________ Who start the complaint? _______________________________ What did the right hand demand? _________________________________ According the fable, who is the lazy part? ____________________________ Why all them felt weak? _________________________________________________ What do you thing is the most important part of the body? ___________________________________________ Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________

READING COMPREHENSION _____________________________________ It´s your first day in secondary school and you are excited. New friends, new teachers, new faces. You prepare your uniform and practice your best smile in front of the mirror… and there it is: you find a huge on your nose, just before you leave home. Everybody has a day like that, but the good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat those common skin problems. Some tips to help prevent pimples or zit and clear them up as fast as possible are: Wash your face twice a day, no more, with warm water and soap specially made to prevent acne. Gently massage your face with circular motions but don´t scrub! Over washing and scrubbing can cause skin to come irritated. After cleansing, some dermatologist recommend applying a lotion containing benzyl peroxide. Don´t pop pimples! Doing so can infect the skin. If you notice a pimple coming before a “big day”, like your best friend´s party, consult a dermatologist. Protect your skin from the sun. A tan can cause the body to produce extra sebum. Which may make your acne worse? If you´re concerned about acne, you should talk to a dermatologist. They can help you find the best treatment for you and can also give you lots of useful tips for dealing with acne and caring for your skin type. Do you agree? a) The text is about health. b) The text is for young people. c) The article includes some instructions. d) You have to wash your face more than twice a day. e) You must scrub your face to reduce grease. f) You should pop pimples if you want to get rid of them. g) Tanning is good for acne. h) A dermatologist can help you i) A zit is the best thing in youngster’s life! j) You are concerned about your skin.

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Yes ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

No ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

ANSWER What is the text about? _____________________________________ Where you can find it? _____________________________________ Which problem does it describe? ______________________________ Is interesting for you? ______________________________________ Why yes or why not? _______________________________________



Como verbo SER

Como verbo ESTAR





I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

Yo era/fui Tú-Usted eras/fuiste - Usted era/fue Él era/fue Ella era/fue Él/Ella era/fue Nosotros éramos / fuimos Ustedes eran / fueron Ellos/as eran/fueron

I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

Yo estaba/estuve Tú-Usted estabas/estuviste-estaba/estuvo Él estaba/estuvo Ella estaba/estuvo Él/Ella estaba/estuvo Nosotros estábamos / estuvimos Ustedes estaban / estuvieron Ellos/as estaban/estuvieron

PASADO VERBO "TO BE" (WAS / WERE) PREGUNTO: Was/ Were + complemento + ? NIEGO: + was/ were + not + complemento AFIRMO: + was/ were + complemento

Were you in Puebla last Sunday? I was not in Puebla last Sunday I was in Veracruz

Write the correct conjugation "was" or "were" on the blank lines (Escribe la conjugación correcta "fue, era estaba" en las líneas en blanco) Charles Darwin ______ born on February 12, 1809. He ______ a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection. In South America, Darwin found that fossils of extinct animals ________ similar to modern species. Many people ________ strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs. Throughout his life, Darwin ________ a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar. When Albert Einstein _________ young, his parents worried about him. Einstein's parents ________ concerned that Albert ________ "slow." Albert _________ a terrible student who didn't want to attend classes regularly and take exams. Einstein's best-known work, the theory of relativity, ___________ published in 1905.Unfortunately, the theory of relativity ___________ used to create the atomic bomb.

PASADO PROGRESIVO PREGUNTO: Was/ Were + + verbo en gerundio + complemento + ? NIEGO: + was/ were + not + verbo en gerundio + complemento AFIRMO: + was/ were + verbo en gerundio + complemento Complete with "was" / "were" or progressive past

Pedro (drive)...................................... to work yesterday when a dog ran into the middle of the road, while he (try) ............................................ to avoid the accident, other car crashed with Peter’s so he couldn’t do anything about it. He decided to call the police but while they (arrive) .........................................….. to the place the second car (escap) ..............................., fortunately the police could catch him to ask the driver some questions. Jaime (walk) ................................................. along the High Street when he noticed someone behind him. The man (follow) ......................................... him during the whole day, so he decided to go faster. When he (enter)…..................................... into a dark and narrow street, his heart (go) ….......................................… to explode but when he turned back to see the man that (follow) ......................................... him, he has dissapeared.

PROGRESSIVE PAST The children (play) …………............…….. football during the week. It (rain) …………................…….. hard during the soccer game. I (study) ………….....................……. English for five years in H.H. Peter (practise) ……….......................………. the guitar before the competition. Susan (drive) …………........................……. when the accident happened. My friends (fight) ……............................………… during the whole night at the club. Daniela (teach) …………...........................…….. language for ten hours. I (try) ………….............................……. to get a new job. Jane (plan) ……….........................……….. to go to the cinema with her parents. My son (play) ………............................……….. tennis when he broke his leg. Michael (climb) ………..........................……….. the mountain for three days. It (snow) ……………..............................….. a lot in the top of the mountain. John (sleep) …………............................…….. when the thieve broke the window. My mother (prepare) ………............................……….. the dinner when Charles got home. Sarah (send) …………….......................….. a message to me when I saw her. The tourists (travel) ……....................………….. to London when the plane crashed. Sally (sing) ……………..............................….. beautifully during the concert. Tom (work) …………............................…….. very hard in the weekend. Sam (have) …………...............................…….. lunch when my roommate met him.


estos verbos conservan su raíz, solo aumentan el sufijo “ed” o tan solo la letra “d” si el verbo tiene terminación en “e”

Regulares Pasado su escritura será la misma que en pasado simple, solo que se Participio deberá interpretar al castellano con las terminaciones “to”, “so”, “cho” y “do” VERBOS EN PASADO Pasado Simple

por lo regular su escritura es distinta a su raíz y se tiene que memorizar.

Irregulares Pasado su escritura nuevamente será distinta al pasado simple y su Participio interpretación al castellano también será con terminaciones “to”, “so”, “cho” y “do” VERBOS REGULARES Español Prese Pasado nte Simple trabajar work worked necesita need needed

VERBOS IRREGULARES Pasado Español Participio worked ir needed dar

Presente go give

Pasado Simple went gave

Pasado Participio gone given

r caminar ayudar bailar cocinar llorar

walk help dance cook cry

walked helped danced cooked cried

walked helped danced cooked cried

obtener romper tener escribir olvidar

get break have/has write forget

Verb crosswords (Crucigrama de verbos en pasado y pasado participio)

Across 1. Past of buy 2. Past of come 3. Participle of eat 4. Past of forget 5. Participle of give 6. Past of sit 7. Past of fall 8. Past of bring

Down 1. Participle of to be 4. Past of fly 6. Past of sing 9. Past of teach 10. Past of give 11. Past of meet 12. Past of lose



11 9





10 4




12 7






Escribe en Ingles y en pasado lo que cada persona del dibujo hace.

Pasado simple



got broke had wrote forgot

gotten broken had written forgotten

Escribir la forma afirmativa en pasado simple de estas frases empleando el verbo entre paréntesis.


Sujeto + verbo en pasado+ complemento

1) I (walk) home after work yesterday. ________________________________________________ 2) The children (play) in the park last Sunday. ____________________________________________ 3) The people (wait) two hours for a bus. _________________________________________________ 4) I (like) the party last night. It was fun.


5) Everybody (laugh). It was a funny joke. _____________________________________________________ 6) We (pass) "The Marquesa on the bus". It was very beatiful. ___________________________________________ 7) The train (stop) at the station for ten minutes. _______________________________________________ 8) John is a bad student. He (copy) my English exam yesterday. ___________________________________________ 9) At the end of the song all the people (clap). _____________________________________________ 10) We (carry) the suitcases from the airport to the hotel. ______________________________________________

Escribir la forma negativa del pasado simple inglés de estas. frases más abajo. Puedes utilizar la forma completa (did not) o contraída (didn't).


Sujeto + did + not + verbo en presente + comp.

1) I agreed with Mary about the money. ___________________________________________________

2) Mary cancelled her holiday.


3) They celebrated their wedding anniversary last weekend. ___________________________________________ 4) I telephoned the police when I got home. ____________________________________________________ 5) She visited her grandmother yesterday morning. _______________________________________________ 6) We talked about our schooldays.


7) The girl studied all night. _____________________________________________________ 8) The old man stayed in the library all day. ________________________________________________ 9) The young man smoked a cigarette in the supermarket. _________________________________________ 10) I dropped the expensive vase on the floor. ____________________________________________________

Escribe la forma de la pregunta en inglés del pasado simple de estas frases. Escribir la frase completa.


Did + sujeto + verbo en presente + complemento + ?

1) They climbed the mountain yesterday. ____________________________________________________ 2) He decided to leave his job last week. ____________________________________________________ 3) She earned a lot of money in London last year. ________________________________________________ 4) I enjoyed the wedding on Sunday.


5) It happened late last night. ________________________________________________ 6) They rented a car on holiday last summer.


7) Philo Farnsworth invented the television in 1927.


8) We listened to the concert on the radio yesterday evening. ____________________________________________ 9) John and Mary worked together when they were younger. ______________________________________________ 10) I received a nice letter from Aunt Jane this morning. ________________________________________________

USED TO USED TO = solía, acostumbraba, usaba

(Afirmo) Sujeto + used to + verbo en presente + complemento We used to go to the beach every summer when I was young. (Cuando era joven solíamos ir a la playa cada verano.)

(Pregunto) Did + sujeto + use to + verbo en presente + complemento +? Did they use to go to the beach in the summers? (¿Solían ir a la playa durante los veranos?) (Niego) sujeto + didn´t + use to + verbo en presente + complemento I didn´t use to eat vegetables , when I was child (Yo no acustubraba comer verduras cuando era niño) ¿Que solías hacer cuando tenías 10 años? (what did you use to do, when you were ten years?) ¿Qué solías hacer, cuando estabas en la primaria? What did you use to do, when you were in Primary school? When I was in primary school, I used to use the calculator in exams Cuando yo estaba en la primaria, yo solía usar la calculadora en exámenes. Elabora cuatro enunciados en relación a lo que solías hacer en una determinada época de tu vida. dos afirmativos y dos negativos ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Three men were on a desert island and wanted to leave. one day, a genie´s bottle washed up on the shore, so they of course rubbed it, and a genie appeared. The first man wished that he was backing home with his family, and suddenly he was. The second man wished he was too. Finally, the third man said, "Oh I Am lonely now, I wish my mates were back here." And... Answer the next questions about the text. a) What is the story about? _____________________________________ b) The men were in ... ________________________________________ c) What did they watch on the beach? ___________________________ d) Who was in there? _______________________ e)What was the first man´s request? ___________________________ f) What did the third man want? ______________________________ Write your opinion about the story. ________________________________________________________________________________________ THE RABBIT A guy came home from work a Monday when he found his dog with the neighbors' pet rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit was dead and the guy panicked. He thought the neighbors would hate him forever, so he took the dirty, chewed rabbit into the house, then gave it a bath, blow-dried its fur that, and finally put the rabbit back into the cage at the neighbors' house, hopping that they would think it died of natural causes. The next day, the neighbor's wife was outside and asked the guy, "Did you know that Fluffy died?"The guy looked a little embarrassed and said to her, "Um... No... Um... What happened?" The women replied, "We just found him dead in his cage. But the strange thing is that we buried him on Sunday and Monday someone dug him up, gave him a bath and put him into the cage."

Do you agree? YES a) The dog hated the rabbit. ( ) b) The guy was afraid of his neighbors. ( ) c) He though his dog killed the rabbit. ( ) d) He cleaned the rabbit. ( ) e) He dried it with hair drier. ( ) f) He sat the rabbit at their neighbors' door. ( ) g) The neighbor's wife told him the truth. ( ) h) The situation was mystery for the neighbors ( ) Answer

NOT ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Who are the characters in the story? __________________________________________________________ Who buried the rabbit? ________________________________________ Why? ________________________________________ Was the dog responsible for the rabbit´s death? __________________________________ Was it right for the dog´s owner to feel responsible? ____________________________________________________ Was he right in the end ?______________________________________


We were in my grandma´s house yesterdays.

 Pasadoprogresivo

We were celebrating her birthday.

 Pasado simple

We gave her some presents.

 Pasado “con used to”

When I was I child, she used to give me candies.

 Pasado con interrupcion arrived

We were taking lunch with my grandma, when my uncle with Mariachis

CHICHEN ITZA Chichen Itza was one of the most important Mayan establishments- Built as ceremonial center. It is about 120 km from the city of Merida. It has many notable construction. Perhaps the most important is the pyramid of Kukulkan. Every year during the spring equinox and the autumn solstice, you can see the shadow of a snake descending from the top of the building all the way to the ground. Other structures include the Temple of The One Thousand Columns and the observatory, where the Mayas used to study the movement of the stars and planets. The Mayas built these important structures from stone, they were working for long time in order to finish their propose. Because they did not use animals, such horses or donkeys, to help them, they brought these huge stones through the jungle on foot. The Mayas were having their best development, when suddenly all them disappeared.

Lee el párrafo y elige una oración del mismo de acuerdo a cada tiempo solicitado a) pasado simple ______________________________________________________ b) pasado con verbo “to be” ______________________________________________ c) pasado progresivo _____________________________________________________ d) pasado con interrupción _________________________________________________ e) pasado con “used to” __________________________________________________ Contesta. What The Mayas used to study? _________________________________________________________ What happen during the spring on the pyramid? __________________________________________________________ Where is Chichen Itza? ___________________________________________________________ What was Chichen Itza? ___________________________________________________________ What happend with this culture? _____________________________________________________________ According with the text, what is the most important construction? ______________________________________________

Tercera sesion PRESENT PERFECT El presente perfecto es una forma del verbo para describir algo que pasó en un tiempo inespecífico en el pasado o que empezó en el pasado y sigue en el presente. O sea una acción en pasado con relevancia en el presente AFIRMO

I have visited Cancún. (Pasó en un tiempo inespecífico en el pasado) Yo he visitado Cancún. NIEGO

I have not approved the English subject Yo no he reprobado la materia de ingles PREGUNTO

Have you found money on the Street? ¿Has encontrado dinero en la calle? Notas:     

Este tiempo requiere de un verbo auxiliar, que es el verbo “have” (Tener / haber) El verbo principal se escribe en pasado participio “Have” para: I, You, We y They / “has” para: He, She e It. Las contracciones en la forma afirmativa serán: I’ve, you’ve, He’s, She’s, It’s, We’ve y They’ve Las contracciones en forma negativa serán: Have not = haven’t y has not = hasn’t


Elige entre have o has para formar el present perfect simple en las frases siguientes: I __________ printed a document. He _________ asked a question. We _________bought some biscuits. Alan and Kerrie _______danced. Louis _______ carried that heavy bag all the way home.

Escribe las oraciones siguientes en present perfect simple. (you/dial/the wrong number) ________________________________ (I/read/just/the book) __________________________________ (they/answer/not/my question) _______________________________ (he/speak/not/to me/yet) ___________________________________ (she/finish/her work/already) ____________________ Forma frases interrogativas en present perfect simple. (you/be/to England/yet) ________________________________? (How often/she/call/you) _________________________________? (the kids/tidy up/their rooms) ________________________________? (How often/you/travel/abroad) _______________________________? (How many letters/he/write) _______________________________?

Redacta tres enunciados en presente perfecto Pregunta _________________________________________________ Negación ________________________________________________ Afirmación ______________________________________________


Sue (lose) ………...................…… the key of her car. Peter (save) ………................…… almost $7000 for a new motorcycle. Jenny (finish) ………....................…… her homework. Some boy (break) …….....................……… the windows. My mother (buy) …….........................………new glasses. I (read) ………...........................……a hundred pages of the book. My niece (find) …….........................……… a valuable necklace. The town(suffer) ……...........................……… terrible floods. Martha (think) ………......................……very carefully her situation. The factories (contaminate) ……...........................……… too many rivers. Sofie (study) ……….................................…… so hard for the final exam. We (write) ………..............................…… a lot of beautiful poems. Margaret (travel) …..........................………… to California in USA. I (go) ………...........................…… to the cinema. They (bring) ……...........................……… a lovely dog. Sam (arrive) ……….....................……late to work.

Mark (visit) …………...................… wonderful cities in Europe. My mother (make) ……….....................…… a nice dress for my sister. Clare (invite) …………..................… her boyfriend to the wedding.

Order the next senteses 6 o’clock/Diana/ has/ until/ slept


traveling/ I/ the/ possibility/ considered/ of/ abroad/ have


has/about/ Sally/ her/ job/ thought


important/The/ director/ has/ an/ meeting/ arranged/


enjoyed/ Tom and Mary/ have/ movie/ the


exam/ I/ many/ mistakes/ in/ the/ made/ have


delicious/ has/ Sarah/ made/ dinner/ a


tried/ I/ to/ do/ exercises/ the/ have


the/ radio/ concert/ She/ has/ the/ on/ listene


smoked/ My/ has/ ten/ father/ cigarettes


They/ many/ have/ too/ problems/ faced


a/ new/The/ have/ apartment/ workers/ built


John/ movies/ has/ a lot of/ seen


painted/ Michael/ house/ has/ the


given/ The/ has/ a/ conference/ Presiden


house/ has/ My/ sold/ his/ friend


project/ The/ have/ a/ new/ architects/ started



EVER = alguna vez

NEVER = nunca


YET = aún

JUST = acabar de

FOR = por

SINCE = desde

Usamos “ever” en frases interrogativas:

Have you ever been to the United States? Have you ever traveled by train? Have you ever failed a class? Usamos “ never” en frases afirmativas, pero con significado negativo

I have never cheated in an exam. My son has never been to Moscow. My brother has never gone to London. Usamos “just” para expresar acciones que ocurrieron recientemente. The cat has just caught a bird. The guests have just arrived. I have just finished my homework. Usamos “already” para expresar que la acción pasada de la que se habla ya se ha efectuado. Don't forget to bring your book! Oh, I have already brought it. The boys are going to pack, aren't they? No. They have already packed. Is Adam going to buy a new car? No, he isn't. He has already bough tit. Nota: Aclaración sobre el uso y significado de “still”. La palabra “still”presenta cierta confusión porque en español también se traduce como “todavía” o “aún”, pero a diferencia de yet (para preguntar y negar) y already (para decir que algo ha ocurrido antes de lo esperado) “still” se utiliza para indicar que una acción continúa.

Ejemplo 1: Are you still there?¿Estás todavía ahi? Ejemplo 2. It's midnight and she is still studying. Es medianoche y todavía está estudiando. Usamos “yet” en frases interrogativas y negativas. Entendiéndose como aun y ya de acuerdo al contexto. Have you done your homework? No, I haven't done it yet Has your father seen your report? No, he hasn't seen it yet Have the visitors arrived? No, they haven't arrived yet. Usamos “since” para determinar una fecha concreta y o un momento determinado día, mes, año, período del año (verano, invierno, el año pasado) se entiende como “desde” I've lived here since 2003. “He vivido aquí desde 2003” o “Vivo aquí desde 2003.” Nota: Fíjate como 2003 es una fecha concreta Usamos “for” en frases que indican una prolongación de tiempo y se entiende como “durante / por”. I've lived here for 5 years. He vivido aquí (durante) 5 años. Nota: En muchas ocasiones en español omitimos “durante”.

Redacta un enunciado en presente perfecto con cada uno de los adverbios mencionados Have you ever sung in front of public?

Ever ______________________________________________________________ I have never sung in front of public. Never _____________________________________________________________ Yes, I have just sung in front of public two days ago. Just _____________________________________________________________ Yes, I have already sung in front of public Already ___________________________________________________________ Have you sang in front of public, yet? Yet (como interrogación) ____________________________________________________ No, I haven’t sung infront of public, yet Yet (como negacion) _____________________________________________________ Yes, I have sung in front of public, since I was eight years old Since _________________________________________________________________ Yes. I have sung in front public for ten years because that is my occupation. For _________________________________________________________________ Utiliza los verbos entre parantesis en el Present Perfect. Si hay un adverbio, colocalo en el sitio correcto. Las frases pueden ser afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas. 1. Tom: _________ you _________reading The Lord of the Ring _________ (finish, yet)? Jane: No, not yet. I ___________________(read, never) a whole book in English. It's a bit difficult but I _____________________ (see, already) the film, so I hope this will help. 2. Tom: I __________________ (buy, just) the second volume but I ____________________time to start reading it___________ (not have, yet). I ___________ (be) very busy at work this week and it's only Wednesday! 3. Jane : How long _______you _______ (work) for your company? Tom: I ________________ (work) here for 10 years. My wife ___________________ (be) here for 15 years! 5. Jane: Oh, I ___________________ (lose, just) my job! I'm looking for one but I _____________anything _____________ (not find, yet). Tom: I'm sorry to hear that! ________ you _________ (try) sending your CV to the local schools? They always need good teachers like you.

FORMATOS Presente verbo to be Pregunto Niego Afirmo

Am / are / is + + complemento? + am / are / is + not + complemento + am / are / is + complemento

Pasado verbo to be Pregunto Niego

Was/were +

+ complement ?

+ was / were + not + complemento


+ was / were + complemento

Presente Progresivo Pregunto: Niego: Afirmo

Am/ are/ is+

Pasado progresivo

+ verbo + ing + complemento +?


Was / were +

+ verbo + ing + complemento +?

+ Am/are/is + not + verbo + ing + complemento


+ was / were + not + verbo + ing + complemento

+ am/ are/is + verbo + ing + complemento


+ was / were + verbo + ing + complemento

Presente Simple Pregunto Do/does +

Pasado Simple

+ verbo + complemento +?

Pregunto Did +

+ verbo en presente + complemento +?


+ do/does + not +verbo + complemento


+ did +not + verbo en presente + complemento


+ verbo + s/es(3° pers/ sing) + complemento


+ verbo en pasado + complemento

s, sh, ch, z, o

Presente perfecto Pregunto

Has / have +

Presente perfecto progresivo

+ verbo en past participle + compto + ?


+ has / have + not + verbo en past participle + compto.


+ has / have + verbo en past participle + complemento


Has / have +


+ has / have + not + been + verbo en gerundio + compto.


+ has / have + been + verbo en gerundio + compto.

Pasado perfecto Pregunto Niego Afirmo

Had +

+ been + verbo en gerundio + complemento + ?

Pasado perfecto progresivo

+ verbo en + past participle + complemento + ?

+ had + not + verbo en past participle + complemento


Had +

+ been + verbo en + gerundio complemento + ?


+ had + not + been + verbo en gerundio + complemento


+ had + been + verbo en + gerundio complemento

+ had + verbo en past participle + complemento

Futuro simple Pregunto Will +

Futuro simple progresivo

+ verbo + complemento + ?


Will +

+ be + verbo en + gerundio complemento + ?


+ will + not + verbo + complemento


+ will + not + be +verbo en gerundio + complemento


+ will + verbo + complemento


+ will + be + verbo en gerundio + complemento

Futuro idiomático Pregunto Niego Afirmo

Are/is/am +

Futuro idiomático progresivo

+ going to + verbo + comp. + ?


+ am/are/is + not + going to + verbo + comp.


+ am/are/is + going to + verbo + comp.


Are/is/am +

+ going to + be + verbo en gerundio + comp. + ?

+ am/are/is + not + going to + be + verbo en gerundio + comp + am/are/is + going to + be + verbo en gerundio + comp

Pasado "used to" Pregunto: Did +

+ use to + verbo en presente + complemento +?


+ did +not + use to +verbo en presente + complemento


+ used to +verbo en pasado + complemento

NOTA: Los verbos auxiliares en las formas negativas e interrogativas en los distintos tiempos son las siguientes:


“Do” Para I, You, We, They “Does” Para He, She, It “Am” Para I “Are Para We, You, They “Is” Para He, She, It “Did” Para todos los pronombres “Was” Para I, He, She, It “Were Para You, We, They “Has” Para He, She, It “Have” Para I, We, You, They “Has been” Para He, She, It “Have been” Para I, We, You, They “Had” para todas las persona “Had been” para todas las persona “Will” Para todos los pronombres “Will be” Para todos los pronombres “Am going to” Para I “Are going to” Para We, You, They “Is going to” Para He, She, It “Am going to be” Para I “Are going to be” Para We, You, They “Is going to be” Para He, She, It


El Futuro Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro sin necesidad de aclarar en que momento se producirán. Su equivalente en el idioma español es el Futuro Imperfecto. (Predecir acciones) Ejemplo: I will study the lesson. Yo estudiaré la lección. (No se menciona en que tiempo) He will travel to U.S.A.. Él viajará a U.S.A. (No se especifica cuando) They will buy a new car. Ellos comprarán un nuevo auto. (No se sabe en que momento) Estructura afirmativa +







1. A: “There's someone at the door.” B: “I _________________________ (get) it.” 2. Joan thinks the Conservatives _________________________ (win) the next election. 3. A: “I’m moving house tomorrow.” B: “I _________________________ (come) and help you.” 4. If she passes the exam, she _________________________ (be) very happy. 5. I _________________________ (be) there at four o'clock, I promise. 6. A: “I’m cold.” B: “I _________________________ (turn) on the fire.” 7. A: “She's late.” B: “Don't worry she _________________________ (come).” 8. The meeting _________________________ (take) place at 6 p.m. 9. If you eat all of that cake, you _________________________ (feel) sick. 10. They _________________________ (be) at home at 10 o'clock.



Estructura negativa + VERBO +



1. I'm afraid I _________________________ (not / be) able to come tomorrow. 2. Because of the train strike, the meeting _________________________ (not / take) place at 9 o'clock. 3. A: “Go and tidy your room.” B: “I _________________________ (not / do) it!” 4. If it rains, we _________________________ (not / go) to the beach. 5. In my opinion, she _________________________ (not / pass) the exam. 6. A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?” B: “Okay, I _________________________ (not / take) the bus, I'll come with you.” 7. He _________________________ (not / buy) the car, if he can't afford it. 8. I've tried everything, but he _________________________ (not / eat). 9. According to the weather forecast, it _________________________ (not / snow) tomorrow. 10. A: “I'm really hungry.” B: “In that case we _________________________ (not / wait) for John.” WILL



Estructura interrogativa + VERBO + RESTO DE FRASE



1. ____________________ (they / come) tomorrow? 2. When ____________________ (you / get) back? 3. If you lose your job, what ____________________ (you / do)? 4. In your opinion, ____________________ (she / be) a good teacher? 5. What time ____________________ (the sun / set) today? 6. ____________________ (she / get) the job, do you think? 7. ____________________ (David / be) at home this evening? 8. What ____________________ (the weather / be) like tomorrow? 9. There’s someone at the door, ____________________ (you / get) it? 10. How ____________________ (he / get) here?

More exercises Acciones o estados en el futuro (no planes): _____________________________ all night long. Next month he _____________ ten years old. How old ___________ next month? It ___________very cold in the winter. This winter ___________ so cold.

(Bailarán toda la noche.) (El mes que viene cumplirá diez años.) (¿Cuántos años cumplirá el mes que viene?) (Hará mucho frío en el invierno.) (Este invierno no hará tanto frío.)

I hope you ____________ a successful trip. I hope you ____________ disappointed. He ____________ late again. What time _________________ ? We _____________ in ten minutes. You ____________ him in a minute. I believe it ____________ a very nice party.

(Espero que tengas un viaje exitoso.) (Espero que no te decepciones.) (No volverá a llegar tarde.) (¿A qué hora llegará?) (Comeremos en diez minutos.) (Lo verás en un minuto.) (Creo que será una fiesta muy linda.)

Promesas o intenciones: I ________ always ________ you. You _______________ this match! _______ you ________ with us? We ____________ for dinner. I ____________ give up. I ____________ it tomorrow. I ______________ the car as soon as I can. We ____________ anyone about it.

(Siempre te ayudaré.) (¡Ustedes no ganaran este partido!) (¿Nos acompañarás?) (Nos quedaremos a cenar.) (No me daré por vencido.) (Lo haré mañana.) (Arreglaré el auto tan pronto como pueda.) (No lo diremos a nadie.)

Zodiac signs

Aquarius A greate week for Aquarians. You will feel extremely happy because of a love relationship. You will have lots of things to do during the week. Take it easy.

Capricorn You must pay attention to what your relatives and friends tell you. It will be for your own benefit, some who lives in another city will visit you.

Pisces You will end a love relationship, but you won´t feel sad because you will find your true love very soon and you will be full of hope and joy.

Aries You will have a busy week. You should be careful with your heart and patient if things take longer than you expect.

Cancer You will visit new and interesting places. Your family and you will spend a great time abroad on Friday.

Libra A good week in general, but avoid arguing with your family. You will receive news that will make you happy.

Scorpio You will have the opportunity of moving house these days. You will feel full of enthusiasm. Your work and study will keep you very busy.

Sagittarius This week you will receive good news concerning your studies. Your efforts won´t be in vain. Your family will give you the support you need.

Leo An interesting week. You will meet an old friend next Wednesday, and you will have a good time with her/him

Virgo Be careful. Avoid accidents. This will be a difficult week. You will have bad news about financial economy, you will pay some liabilities.

Taurus Prosperous days. Your business affairs will have a great success. On Friday, an unexpected sum of money will come your way.

Gemini A sociable week. You will have lots of meetings and parties with friends , colleagues and schoolmates. Enjoy them.

What zodiac sign predicts a shift from home? _____________________ What zodiac sign predicts a possible physical discomfort? _____________________ What zodiac sign predicts meetings with friends? _____________________ What zodiac sign predicts hear recommendations? ____________________

What zodiac sign predicts a loving relationship? ______________________ What zodiac sign predicts a void discussions ? ______________________ What zodiac sign predicts travel to other country? ______________________

IDIOMATIC FUTURE El tiempo futuro con "going to" se usa más comúnmente en el lenguaje hablado cuando se quiere hacer referencia al futuro inmediato, es decir, a algo que está por ocurrir. (Se usa para realizar planes)

Existe una diferencia entre estas dos formas de expresar el futuro. Generalmente "to be + going to" se usa para acciones que van a suceder muy pronto o para expresar un plan que se tiene. "Will" se usa para expresar una promesa, una predicción o algo que se quiere hacer en el futuro.


She is going to pay with a credit card = Ella va a pagar con una tarjeta de crédito (algo que está por ocurrir). I’m going to learn English = voy a aprender inglés. Se forma con el verbo"to be" conjugado para la persona correspondiente, seguido de "going to" y el verbo base.


___________________________ easy. ___________________________ late. ______________________________ tomorrow. ______________________________to a party tonight. ______________________________ late tonight.

Va a ser fácil. Vas a llegar tarde. Ella va a ir de compras mañana. Vamos a ir a una fiesta esta noche. Voy a trabajar hasta tarde esta noche.

Estructura negativa Sujeto + am/are/is + not + going to + verbo + complemento _____________________________ easy. _____________________________ happy.

No va a ser fácil. No van a ser felices.

_________________________tomorrow. ________________________ to school today. _________________________ this afternoon.

No voy a ir al trabajo mañana. Él no va a ir a la escuela hoy. Nosotros no vamos a trabajar esta tarde.

Estructura interrogativa Are/is/am + sujeto + going to + verbo + complemento + ?

___________________________ cold the tomorrow? ___________________________ busy today? ___________________________ to the party? Where _________________________? Where _________________________?

¿Va a estar fría la mañana? ¿Vas a estar ocupado hoy? ¿Ellos van a ir a la fiesta? ¿Dónde vas a estar? ¿Dónde va él a trabajar?

More exercises 1. We __________________ a new computer game. (to play) Afirmacion 2. My sister ______________ TV. (to watch) Negacion 3. _______You __________________ a picnic next Tuesday?. (to have) Interrogacion 4. Jane __________________ to the office. (to go) Afirmacion 5. They __________________ to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk) Negacion 6. ______ your brother ________________ a letter?. (to write) Interrogacion 7. She ____________________ her aunt. (to visit) Afirmacion 8. I _______________________my homework after school. (to do) Negacion 9. ________Sophie and Nick ______________ to México City?. (to travel) Interrogacio Elige un verbo para complementar las siguentes oraciones en futuro idiomatico He is going to ____________ the chair. That girl is going to __________ the house. The boy is going to ____________ because he lost his toy. I'm going to __________ my mother next week. My friends are going to __________ the soccer game on T.V. The teacher is going to ___________ you some questions. She is going to ________ her clothes in the laundry. My father is going to ___________ a new house. The girl is going to _____________ in her boyfriend. If I can, I'm going to _____________ you.

a. buy b. watch c. cry d. see e. dream f. help g. fix h. ask i. wash j. do

Escribe la forma correcta del verbo auxiliar de las siguiente oraciones en futuro idiomatico Clara _________ going to study for the exam. My friends _______ going to learn English language. The soccer team _____ going to participate in a local tournament. The teachers ______ going to have meeting. I _______ going to make exercise. My parents __________ going to arrive early, because of the traffic. Children ________ going to go to the fair.

That guy _______ going to arrive on first place. ________ Ulises & Sophia going to help you with your homework?. i Luisa, Tere & me _________ going to go to cinema. We ________ going to go to theatre . Ahora escribe el verbo auxiliar correcto y elige un verbo para cada enunciado They _______ going to___________ this city next month. You _______ going to ___________ in Morelia city. He _______ going to _____________ at the cinema. My cousin _______ going to ____________ in the party. She _______ going to _____________ her child on the chair. The chemistry teacher ________ going to __________ math now. We _______ going to ___________ our family on vacation. I _________ going to _______________ in the park at night. Raul ________ going to _____________ in the factory. Raul and Carlos ________ going to __________ a new job.

dance sit live look teach have walk visit see work

DIALOGUE CHILD #1 – My daddy is going to buy me a puppy for Christmas. CHILD #2 – Really? Well, my daddy is going to buy me a horse. I am going to ride it around in my yard. CHILD #1 – Uh uh. That is not true. CHILD #2 – Yeah, and he’s going to buy me a pet monkey too. He is going to eat bananas in my room all day while I am at school and when I come home he is going to play with me. CHILD #1 –Well, my daddy is going to buy me a pet tiger. CHILD #2 – That is impossible. The tiger is going to eat you. CHILD #1 – I am going to keep him in cage and feed him hamburgers. FATHER – Are you kids making up stories again? If you don’t stop lying, you are not going to get anything for Christmas. Escribe las palabras en orden para formar oraciones 1. daddy a is buy My going to me 2. going 3. eat 4. feed

I'm He's going






to .


5. tiger The going

to to





__________________________________________ __________________________________________

hamburgers is




eat .

__________________________________________ ___________________________________________

GRADO COMPARATIVO Y GRADO SUPERLATIVO COMPARATIVE adjetivo corto + er + than China is bigger than Haiti

SUPERLATIVE am/are/is + the + adjetivo corto + est The Vaticano is the smallest country in the world

more + adjetivo largo + than Mexico City is more dangerous than Tokio City corto Small = pequeño Smaller = mas pequeño Smaller than = mas pequeño que

am/are/is + the +most + adjetivo largo The most dangerous City in the world is Mexico City. corto Small = pequeño The smallest = el mas pequeño

largo Dangerous = peligro More dangerous = mas peligroso More dangerous than = mas peligroso que

largo Dangerous = peligro The most dangerous = el mas peligroso

Comparativo de superioridad: smaller than (más pequeño que) Comparativo de igualdad: as small as (tan pequeño como) Comparativo de inferioridad: less small tan (mas pequeño que)

También existen formas irregulares que, como su nombre lo indica, componen su grado comparativo y superlativo con palabras diferentes al grado positivo: ADJETIVE

good – bueno bad – malo far – lejos



better tan worse tan farther tan

the best the worst the farthest COMPLETE



famoso Fácil Difícil hermoso Viejo Frio costoso/caro delgado inteligente barato Sucio pequeño Feliz feo rápido grande Alto bueno Malo Lejos angosto interesante Loco nuevo importante joven




the easiest more difficult than beautiful the oldest cold expensive thinner than more intelligent than cheap the dirtiest small happy the ugliest fast big tall good bad fart narrow

better than worse than farther than

the best the worst the farthest The most interesting

crazy newer than More important than young

Cuarta sesion EL USO DEL GERUNDIO "ING" EN EL IDIOMA INGLES GERUNDIO COMO PREFIJO EN VERBO PRINCIPAL EN LOS TIEMPOS COMPUESTOS I am studying the elementary school in a Privete Institution. I was watching by TV an interesting documentary about the second war. I will be ending my projec next January. I am going to be traveling to Chiapas next vacations. We have been doing many exercises about the "gerund" They had been listening pop music, when we arrived

GERUNDIO COMO SUJETO EN ORACIONES CON SENTIDO GENERICO Eating too much fat can cause cholesterol Drinking alcohol is not good for the liver Playing chess is boring VERBOS EN GERUNDIO POSTERIORES A UNA PREPOSICIO in, on, at, to, of, from, since, with, without, for, by, through, about, until, before, after, etc. "I will talk with you before going to lunch" You must keep on studying English this afternoon VERBOS EN GERUNDIO POSTERIORES A VERBOS MODALES should, must, can, could You should give up drinking We can´t doing that

tu debes dejar de beber nosotros no podemos hacer eso

VERBOS EN GERUNDIO POSTERIORES A CIERTOS VERBOS COMO: Like, hate, love I love traveling! They like dancing! We hate listening rap music! VERBOS EN GERUNDIO POSTERIORES A VERBOS COMO: (regla gramatical) Admit, anticipate, complete, discuss, enjoy, stop, risk, suggest, understand, prevent, etc. He stoped working very late yesterday. I anticipate being late Para los verbos que terminan con la letra e, se cambia la ultima letra por el gerundio "ing". por ejemplo: Infinitivo Gerundio drive driving write writing live living Para los verbos que terminan en una vocal seguida de una doble consonante o una doble vocal seguida de una consonante, añadimos "ing". Por ejemplo: Cook cooking Wait wating Count counting Sleep sleeping Para los verbos que tienen solo una vocal y terminan en consonante, se debe repetir o duplicar la última consonante, seguido después de un "ing". Por ejemplo: Swim Sit

swimming sitting

win cut

winning cutting

Los verbos que terminan en ie, son cambiados por "y" seguido por "ing", mientras los verbos que terminan en cualquier vocal solo se añade ing. Por ejemplo: Die dying Go going

lie lying see seeing

Hay una serie de verbos que cuando van acompañados por otro este segundo va en gerundio: admit anticipate appreciate avoid

Admitir Anticipar Apreciar Evitar

escape excuse finish give up

escapar disculpar finalizar escapar

recall recollect recommend report

recordar recolectar recomendar informar

complete consider defend delay despise detest discuss dislike

completar considerar defender retrasar despreciar detestar discutir disgustar

deny forgive regret imagine involve keep on mention miss

negar perdonar lamentar imaginar involucrar continuar mencionar perder

lose risk suggest take up tolerate understand resist prevent

enjoy stop

disfrutar Parar- detener

postpone practice

posponer practicar

risk suggest

perder ariezgar sugerir comenzar tolerar comprender resistir Evitar prevenir ariezgar sugerir

Ejemplos:  

When I lost my job I postponed buying a new house After the heart attack my father stopped smoking

If you drive when you are drunk you risk losing your driving licence

The detainee admitted doing business with the mafia

También suelen ir seguidos de gerundios los siguientes verbos:

Like / Dislike / Hate / Love / Enjoy / Mind

           

She stopped ____________ (Dejó de fumar.) I finished ______my homework. (Terminé de hacer mi tarea.) They keep on ____________. (Siguen peleando.) We discussed ___________ to Florida. (Hablamos de mudarnos a Florida.) You recommended _________ until tomorrow. (Recomendaste esperar hasta mañana.) He recalled ____________ on the couch. (Recordó quedarse dormido en el sofá.) She practices ____________ those drums all the time. (Practica tocando esos tambores todo el tiempo.) John finished __________ the car. (John terminó de arreglar el coche.) The job involves ____________ with animals. (El trabajo implica manejar animales.) Brian mentioned ___________ late. (Brian mencionó quedarse despierto hasta tarde.) They suggested not _____________ the luggage. (Sugirieron que no quedarse con las maletas.) We started ____________on this yesterday. (Empezar a trabajar con esto ayer.)

EL INFINITIVO "TO" El infinitivo inglés va normalmente precedido de la partícula 'to': To be / ser To run / correr To speak / hablar

El infinitivo expresa el significado del verbo de una manera general, sin referencia a tiempo alguno.

USOS DEL INFINITIVO - El infinitivo puede ser usado solo o como parte de una frase de infinitivo. We began to run / Empezamos a correr - Puede ser sujeto o complemento en una expresión u oración To save money now seems impossible / Ahorrar ahora parece imposible I'ts good to see you / Me alegro de verte - Puede expresar un deber u obligación cuando sigue al verbo to be You are not to smoke here / No debe fumar aquí - Puede expresar un propósito o la razón por la que alguien hace algo. He went to England to learn English / Fueron a Inglaterra a aprender inglés. - Puede ser el complemento u objeto de un verbo, nombre o adjectivo. She wants to pay / Ella quiere pagar His plan is to keep us in suspense / Su plan es mantenernos en suspense

A continuación los principales verbos que les sigue un infinitivo agree aim appear arrange ask attemp be able beg car claim consent decide demand

Estar de acuerdo Aspirar Aparecer organizar preguntar Intentar Ser capaz mendigar Cuidar Reclamar consentir Decidir Exigir

decerve expect fail hope lear manage want wish choose forget decline threaten leave

merecer esperar fallar Tener esperanza aprender dirigir querer desear elegir olvidar disminuir amenazar abandonar

Ejemplos: 

He agreed to help me with my homework

She promised to phone her mother

My brother decided to sell his car

Kate agreed to come.

I hope to see you soon.

We plan to finish this shortly.

They decided to return home.

She promised to stop smoking.

I refuse to pay.

Kate agreed _____________.

(Kate aceptó venir.)

mean need offer plan prefer prepare pretend promise refuce seem tray use wait

significar necesitar ofrecer planear preferir preparar fingir prometer rechazar parecer intentar usar esperar

         

I hope ___________ you soon. (Espero verte pronto.) We plan __________ this shortly. (Tienen pensado terminar esto dentro de poco.) They decided ___________ home. (Decidieron volver a casa.) She promised ____________ smoking. (Prometió dejar de fumar.) We agreed never _____________ about it again. (Acordamos nunca volver a hablar de ello.) He offered ____________ the house. (Ofreció vender la casa.) I refuse __________! (¡Me niego a pagar!) You seem _________ disappointed. (Pareces estar decepcionado.) I want __________ . (Quiero beber.) They need ___________ early. (Tienen que levantarse temprano.)

A GERUND OR AN INFINITIVE? CHANGE THE VERB IN BRACKETS INTO THE CORRECT FORM 1. He is determined ______________ (win) that race. 2. He lay in bed ______________ (plan) the days to come. 3. We went ________________ (run) in the morning. 4. Her fear of spiders made ______________ (travel) difficult. 5. They don't mind ______________ (wait) outside. 6. The problem is ______________ (get) there on time. 7. I am accustomed _________________ (take care) of myself. 8. I want him ______________ (paint) the wall. 9. To be (be), or ______________ (not be), that is the question. 10. This guy is known for _______________ (break) the rules. 11. Sue enjoys _______________ (dance). 12. The advantages of _____________ (go) by train were clearly visible. 13. Your advice ______________ (plan) ahead was excellent. 14. Your addiction to _______________ (drink) will not serve you well. 15. I am pleased ______________ (meet) you. The government encourages ______________ (recycle). 2. She is tired of ______________ (wash) dishes every night. 3. He understood her ______________ (leave) so soon. 4. He went _______________ (fish) with his father. 5. He wants _______________ (take) the test. 6. Kelly offered to take (take) us home. 7. Her reaction to ______________ (win) the Oscar was a bit odd. 8. They want to play (play) with us. 9. I advised _______________ (start) the game. 10. Your support enabled us ________________ (finish) on time. 11. He denied ____________ (take) the car. 12. Russell was discouraged by __________________ (not win) that match. 13. I promised you _______________ (take care) of Jonathan. 14. His decision _______________ (quit) was very surprising. 15. David is starting _____________ (work) there next week.

Elige el verbo que corresponde a cada enunciado (Writing speaking living bathing/taking smoking playing having watching going driving) 1. - He is ___________ to his friend on the telephone. 2. - I´m _______________ in Madrid now. 3. - Look, there´s a man ________________ in the river. 4. - Mr. Hilton is ________________ a pipe. 5. - John is _________________ a letter to his parents. 6. - They´re _________________ television in the sitting-room. 7. - That boy is _________________ along the street. 8. - My friend is ___________________ golf jut now.

9. - I saw Joan __________________ her car a moment ago. 10. - Mrs. Wilson is ________________ lunch with her family. Subraya las alternativas correctas en cada caso, teniendo en cuenta que, a veces son posibles dos de ellas. 1.-- It began (to rain / rain / raining) at four o´clock. 2. - I let the boys (to go / go / going) to the cinema. 3. - I propose (to go / go / going) on holiday together. 4. - The boss made us (to work / work / working) hard. 5. - What are you going (to do / do / doing)? 6. - He continued (to work / work / working) after lunch. 7. - I´ll get your brother (to paint / paint / painting) the doors again. 8. - He said it started (to snow / snow / snowing) during the night. 9. - I think you must not delay (to send / send / sending) the telegram. 10. - What does he intend (to do / do / doing) now. 11. - She promised (to stay / stay / staying) with us. 12. - I hate (to scrub / scrub / scrubbing) the floors.

VOZ ACTIVA Y VOZ PASIVA La voz activa y la voz pasiva son dos maneras de presentar la misma situación enfocándola desde perspectivas diferentes. En el caso de la voz activa, nos interesa la persona responsable de la acción (el agente), mientras que en la voz pasiva nos interesa el paciente o el resultado de esta acción: Christopher Columbus discovered the New World Agent object The New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus Object Agent

(Active voice)

(Pasive voice)

Active and passive voice in other tenses Progressive Present

(Active voice) Rene is painting the house

(Passive voice) The house is being painted by Rene

Progressive Past

(Active voice) Rene was painting the house

(Passive voice) The house was being painted by Rene

Perfecto Present

(Active voice)

Rene has painted the house

(Passive voice) The house has been painted by Rene

Perfect Past

(Active voice) Rene had painted the house

(Passive voice) The house had been painted by Rene

Simple Future

(Active voice)

Rene will paint the house

(Passive voice) The house will be painted by Rene

Idiomatic Future

(Active voice)

Rene is going to paint the house

(Passive voice) The house is going to be painted by Rene Nota: En la voz pasiva el sujeto agente se expresa con by. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de las ocasiones se prescinde del sujeto ya que no siempre interesa saber quién exactamente ejecuta la acción.

Exercise Write an example for each one in the different tenses

Tiempo Verbal de la oración voz / activa Presente Simple



Presente Continuo

My brother is studying the lesson.

Pasado Simple

My brother studied the lesson.

Pasado Continuo Futuro Simple

VOZ PASIVA The lesson is studied by my brother.

The lesson was being studied by my brother. The lesson will be studied by my brother.

Futuro Cercano

My brother is going to study the lesson. The lesson has been studied by my brother.

Presente Perfecto Pasado Perfecto

My brother had studied the lesson.

Write the pasive or active voice Britney Spears sang her new songs. The ladies were listening the speech carefully. My father gets a good salary. The boss lent me one of his books. He did not pay the bill. My neighbour is going to buy a new car. I had lost my umbrella when it began to rain.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Amy Winehouse broke an expensive picture at the hotel. ______________________________________ Tom’s mother keep the yoghurt in the refrigerator. ___________________________________________ Mrs. Thompson has the best garden in town. ______________________________________________ We will send the parcel inmediately. ______________________________________________ The waiter brought a bottle of beer. ______________________________________________ The truck was carrying a bag full of money. ______________________________________________

Tutankamon’s tomb was discovered by Howard Carter. _________________________________________ All the money was spent in the market by us. ______________________________________________ My house was lent to Paul in the weekend by me. _____________________________________________ Some subjects were being found boring by children. ___________________________________________ The sensation could not be felt by my parents. ______________________________________________

A new pair of sunglasses is given to me by Michael and Margaret. __________________________________________________________________ The fence is going to be fixed by William. ______________________________________________ A new apartment has been rented in Paris by my parents-in-law. __________________________________________________________________ The truth has been told to your mother by me. ______________________________________________ A good advice has been given to me by my boyfriend. _________________________________________ Your address and phone number will be asked to you by my secretary. _____________________________________________________________________________________

SCANNING AND SKIMMING Tecnicas de busqueda o Estrategias de lectura

SKIMMING: is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. When you read the newspaper, you're probably not reading it word-by-word, instead you're scanning the text. Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time. Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of interest in your research.

SCANNING: is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. You search for key words or ideas. In most cases, you know what you're looking for, so you're concentrating on finding a particular answer. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases. Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to determine whether it will answer your questions. According with the text. Write in English. What is a Skimming? _________________________________________________________________ What is a Scanning? _________________________________________________________________ Read the statements and circle True or False before you read the information. Monarch butterfly can fly as far as 120 kilometers in on day T F Their wingspread can be up to 10 centimeters. T F The Monarch Butterfly National Park cover an area of 1,600 hectares T F Predators eat Monarch butterflies. T F Female butterflies lay eggs in the winter. T F Using scanning write the title for each paragraph on the line.

Sanctuary Migration


Poisonous butterflies

Origen and description



______________________________ scanning _______________________________ scanning They live in North America. They are beautiful and they Each year the adult Monarch that live in North America have wings of brilliant orange-brown with black veins and black Migrate to central Mexico. They can fly 120 kilometers daily borders from Canada and the United States to Mexico with two rows of white dots. The wingspread may reach 10 centimeters. ______________________________ scanning ______________________________ scanning In winter, Monarchs begin to mate. In march they leave The Monarch larvae eat from the poisonous plants. their home in Mexico and fly back to the north. On the Journey, They accumulate a poisonous substance in their bodies so females stop predators can´t eat them to lay eggs under poisonous plants and die after that. The Monarch babies continue to migrate, returning to the same regions as their parents. ______________________________ scanning The Monarchs are protected in the Monarch Butterfly National Park, a nature reserve in Mexico that is located in the state of Michoacán and Mexico. The park has an area of 16,110 hectares and is covered by oyamel, a type of Pine tree. The park was designed as a biosphere reserve on April 09 th, 1980.

SYNOPTIC (Cuadro sinoptico) It is a graphical representation of a keying scheme which combines the ideas contained in sub-ideas. The summary table

provides a coherent overall structure of a subject and its many relationships. It occurs from left to right, starting with the main title on the left and is opening keys.

General Idea (topic)


Ideas additional main

details details details


Ideas additional main

details details details


Ideas additional main

details details details

CONCEPT MAP (Mapa conceptual) The concept map is a graphic organizer that aims to establish the hierarchical relationship between ideas by using connectors (line or arrows). To construct a concept map, follow the steps below you will have: 1. Identifies key concepts and make a list. 2. Rank the concepts at different levels according to their generality or inclusiveness (including other items). In a concept map the more general concepts should be located at higher levels and more specific concepts at lower levels. 3. Locate the central or most general concept at the top of the map and from this place begins to concepts by level, according to the order you created in the previous step. 4. Sets the relationships between different concepts (of the same or different levels) through lines or arrows. 5. Add connectors (short words) that will serve to establish and clarify the relationship established between concepts. 6. Check your map, this will let you realize if ubicate how concepts is appropriate and / or identify new relationships (you had not intended) between concepts.

DIAGRAMMING LOGIC (diagrama de flujo) Flowcharts (or flow programs) are diagrams that use graphical symbols to represent the steps or stages of a process. Also possible to describe the sequence of individual steps and their interaction.

In otherwise Diagram is plot events, situations, movements or relationships of all kinds by symbol.


Create a synoptic conceptual map or flow digram with a theme that you choose.


______________ Sender´s ______________ Identification ______________ _____________ Time & place ______________ recipient´s ______________ identification ______________ ______________ Greeting ____________________ Dear Sir / Miss / Mrs / friend (Estimado Sr. / Señorita / Señora / Amigo) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Introduction _______________________________________________________________ Content development _______________________________________________________________ conclusion _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


______________ Yours faithfully (respetuosamente su S.S.) Sincerely (atentamente) Signature ________________________________ Title/Name PUNTUACTION MARKS

SIGN . ? ! , ; : ´ ““ ( ) … -___ * @ A A

ENGLISH Period Question mark Exclamation mark Comma Semi colon Colon Apostrophe Quotation marks Parentheses Suspense periods Dash Down line Asterisk Arroba Capital letter Small case letter



That is all. Where are youfrom? What a niceday! I speak Spanish, French, etc For example; one, two, three To whom it may concern: I don´tknow “Help!” me I can´t do it! ( He said) Finally… In Pre-Colombian times

We use it to mark the end of statement We use it to make a question We use it to make a surprise expression We use it to make a list We use them to start a list We use them to start a formal statement We use it to make a contraction We use them to make a emphasis We use them to make a signaling We use them to make a pause We use it to divide words

*It´stakenfrom… [email protected] Carlos, Luis, Antonio

We use it to make a distinction We use it in e-mail We use it in personal pronouns Common use

HOW TO MAKE A LETTER 1st Step - Identification of the sender Every letter requires information identifying who sends and who receives it. The recipient opens the card aims mainly to answer the question who? Want to know quickly who you are. Top right, so that is the first thing you read, our data indicate, one above the other forming a small column. Mariano Perea Torres Rio Tigris N° 48 – 7C Col. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06500 Tel (01) 5556884231 E-mail [email protected] 2nd Step - Time and Place The recipient once you know the who, want to know where and when. It is common to use a phrase that is given to know the place from which you enter and the date on which it is written. The below will place our data but left. México, D.F. June 10th, 2016 3rd Step - Identification of the recipient In another paragraph, under the date and also on the left indicate the recipient information of the card. In this case write avoid contact details because they involve known simply bringing the company name (if applicable), followed by the recipient's name (if known), and the position held or department belongs. Many times it is not known who is the person in charge and the letter bears the recipient a department. DEGREMONT DE MEXICO, S.A. de C.V. To attention Mr. Miguel Garcia HR Department. Dear Mr. Garcia, 4th Step - Paragraph of the matter Knowing the who, where and when, now it expose what and if required the AS. as mentioned above, not worth the effort to maintain a respectful treatment nor excessively beating around the bush with introductions or greetings. It is best to always go straight to the point. That in the first sentence is to know the subject of the letter. I am writing to recommend.... I am writing this letter to remind you.... The reason for my letter is to..... I am writing regarding the notice published looking staff.... We explain in a clear and brief our business, try using the "you", without being excessive. The best example to give you an idea of what is right is to imagine that you are phoning that person and he skips the answering machine. It should be clear, concise and brief. 5th Step - Farewell Finally, there is a phrase that always looks good: a greeting. Your sincerely, _________________________________ Miguel Garcia (Signature)

Model Labor letter (Solicitud de empleo) Example 1

Alfonso González Roa Rio Amazonas 24 N° 7 Col. Doctores, C. P. 06503 Tel. (01) 55514741624 México, D.F. January 12th, 2016 TABACALERA DEL BAJIO

Avda. de los Conquistadores, 12 Att. Mr. Miguel Garcia HR Department. Dear Sir, Regarding the ad appeared in the newspaper "The People" on december 08th , 2015, I send my resume and academic information that you requested. Since my great skills in the area of loans and mortgages, as well as my extensive experience in accounting, I think, and I do, I feel qualified to engage successfully in the position that you offer. I remain at your disposal to answer any questions or concerns that are in the air, do not hesitate to contact me. Awaiting prompt news, I remain yours, _______________________________

Alfonso Gonzalez Roa. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Model Labor letter (Solicitud de empleo) Example 2

Alberto Ocampo V. Bosque Urales N° Col. Polanco, C.P. 06589 Tfno.: 01 55525228

Mexico, DF January 12th 2016 L. & N. Inc. de CV Fresno No. 458, Col. Anzures, CP 06629 Att. Director of Human Resources Dear Sir, I write this letter in order to be considered to participate in the selection of new candidates for the maintenance of instrumentation job in the production area. Annex to this note a resume letters of recommendation requested in the notice that appeared yesterday in the newspaper. I have the required experience and best wishes to be a member of the team that directs you. I remain at your disposal for any questions or queries you may have. No more to add, I remain yours: ________________________________ Ing. Alberto Ocampo V.

Recommendation Letter (Carta de recomendación)

Mexico D. F., January 10th, 2016 To whom it may concern: Through this I would recommend José Alvarez Alvarez widely as a responsible person, and who worked in Aspe Constructions, SA de CV and during this time showed the enthusiasm required in each of the activities entrusted to it. Jose joined the company on December 17th , 2010, and stopped working as of December 28th , 2015, holding the position of Quality supervisor with a monthly salary of $ 8,000.00. No more for now I send my best wishes and I am at your service. Sincerely, ___________________________________ Ing. Mariana Real Valerio, Human Resources

Homework a) Write a Labor letter

b) Write a Recommendation letter

CURRICULUM VITAE Name Street Address City, State (dirección incluya ciudad y estado)

Telephone Cellphone Fax Email (número telefónico domicilio celular fax Correo electrónico) Objetive (motivo)

Type objetive here (lo que quieres conseguir, tus capacidades y logros)

Experience (experiencia profesiona) Company name (nombre de la empresa) Job title, Type job description here

Dates (fechas) Company name Dates

(breve descripción de las tareas encomendadas logros conseguidos y las funciones ejercidas) Job title, Type job description here Job title, Type job description here

Company name Dates Company name Dates

Education (estudios)

Degree, University name (estudios universitarios)

Types honours, clubs, committes involved with

Dates (fechas)

(descripción de los estudios y cursos realizados, la Universidad)

Degree, University name.


Types honours, clubs, committes involved with. Skills (conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas)

List special skills (conocimiento de idiomas, informática, cursos u otra información pertinente)

Language, software (cursos, idiomas, programas)

Language, software Language, software


____________________________________________________________ 1135 Michigan Avenue Lansing MI 48823 * Mobil +1 (517) 555-0558 [email protected]

Profile ______________________________________________________________________ Earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing in under the prescribed four-year course schedule while financing my own education. Able to totally self-support the final two years of my studies, working an average of thirty hours per week. Improbé inherente sales abilities attending to different sales and marketing seminars. Ability to communicate effectively with customer. Accurate, assertive, adaptable. _________________________________________________________________________ Selected Achievement

Working at UPS enabled me to enough to support my set in school. I erned over $12,000 per year. an impressive accomplishment for a college student. As well. I maintained the highest production average at our center

After three months at Spring, I was the sales leader among the part time college students and enjoyed the interaction with the customers.

Meet all quarterly sales quotas.

Related Experience


United Parcel Service, Lansing, Michigan

solved customer problems and assured satisfaction.


Sprint Telephone Division, Lasing, Michigan

Sold local telephone services to the consumer market in Lansing, experience pavec the way for my future carrier path in sale. The only reason I left to move on the UPS, where the part- time coming potential was greater.

CALL CENTER & SALES 2007 - 2008

American Collegiate Marketing, Lasing, Michigan.

This position was my introduction to sales, where I worked in a call center saling magazine Subscription. Though I enjoyed the sales environment, my desire was to set closed to customer in a more direct manner.

Computer Skill MS Office Highly proficient Education


Bachelor of Arts in Marketing

Michigan State University - Est Lasing, Michigan. GPA:3.6 Oup. Of 4. 210

Tom Hoppinkins Seminar. "How to Master the Art of Selling"

Detroit, Michigan Honors & Activities

Enjoy watching good films, and reading

Checar audio de video en próxima sesion INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO SUPERIOR DE PEROTE Carrier _____________________ Name ___________________________________________________ Control Number ______________ Semester ___________________ ¿

______________________ (Skimming) What does she ask as drinking? _________________________________________________ What did the assistant offer to her ? _______________________________ What was the dessert? ______________________________________________ What does the customer ask for eating? __________________________________________ How much was the total? __________________________________________________ How customer ask for the total? __________________________________________ Write a scanning about the dialogue _____________________________________________

______________________ (Skimming) When is she going to take vacation? (month) ________________________________________ How long is she going to be in vacations? ____________________________________________ What would she like to enjoy in her vacations? _________________________________________ What place does the assistant suggest her to visit? _______________________________________ What would she like to see in that place? __________________________________________ What does the assistant suggest her in order to see the volcano? ____________________________ How long will she remain there? __________________________________________ Write a scanning about the dialogue _____________________________________________

______________________ (Skimming) Why Ammy is happy? _______________________________________________________ What is her first activity to do for her? _______________________________________________________ Where is the job? _______________________________________________________ When will she star to work? _______________________________________________________ What attitude is expressed by mom? _______________________________________________________ What feeling is expressed by Dad? ______________________________________________________ Write a scanning about the dialogue _____________________________________________

______________________ (Skimming) Who decides the curriculum of studies in these countries? __________________________________________ How old American children begin their studies? _________________________________________ What is the average class size in the USA and UK? _________________________________________ Which countries were considered in the comparison? _________________________________________ Write at least four subject in the basic curriculum of education in China? ___________________________________ What subject is common in the basic curriculum in the three countries? __________________________________ Write a scanning about the dialogue _____________________________________________

WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? 1. " What Are you afraid of ? " A team of researchers asked 3000 U.S. inhabitants. The fears are listed below. It´isn´t strange that more people are afraid of speaking in front of public than financial problems, or death Discuss the result in the table. Write, what are you afraid of ....? % (Scale from 1 to 10) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

FEAR Speaking in front of a group Heights Insect and bugs Financial problems Deep water Sickness Death Flying Loneliness Dogs Driving in the city The dark Elevators (lifts) Escalators Exams Glossary





Petrified / terrified






I can´t stand I´m terrified of / to I´m frightened of / to I´m afraid of / to I was petrified I remember when I... How terrible! When I... Once when I was...

No lo puedo soportar Me aterra / a Tengo miedo de / to I'm miedo a / a Yo estaba petrificada Recuerdo cuando Yo. .. ¡Qué terrible! Cuando Yo .. Una vez cuando yo era

In a short paragraph explaining what are your fears? and describes an experience. (no least to 80 words) I´m afraid to worms, because once when I was a child, I was eating an apple and it had a big green worm inside. I remember I felt its soft texture moving in my mouth and its bitter flavor , but the worst thing was that in the fruit was only one part of the worm. I tried to throw up, but unfortunately it was too late. I had already eaten the biggest part of the worm. This has been one of the worst experience in my life. for this reason I hate worms and I'm scared to them. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

VER Y ESCUCHAR EL VIDEO PARA CONTESTAR LAS SIGUIENTES PREGUNTAS ARMANDO UN ARGUMENTO C S R - Corporate Social Responsibility (Responsabilidad Social Empresarial) I believe we have a moral responsibility. It makes sound business sense. supporting your local community After all ... Not only is it unfair ... but it's also bad for a company's image. On the one hand ... On the other hand ... Let me give you an example of ... It's what you call a win-win situation.

Creo que tenemos una responsabilidad moral. Tiene buen sentido de negocios. apoyando tu comunidad local Después de todo . No sólo es injusto . pero también es malo para la imagen de la compañía. Por un lado . Por el otro lado . Déjame darte un ejemplo de . Es lo que llamas una situación de ganar o ganar.

What does she say companies need to take responsibility for? What does she argue makes sound business sense? What argument does she not use against outsourcing? What do critics of CSR argue? What does the speaker call 'a cynical publicity stunt'?

making sound business sense the impact their actions have all of nature's resources to hire only local people to train all staff properly to pay employees well It's a risk that conditions will be poor. It's bad for a company's image. It's too expensive. It can make companies a lot of money. It's not used enough by companies. It's a trick to make companies look good. only donating old computers simply giving money to charity generally helping people in need

SPARKLY COLA TO DONATE $200,000 IN SCHOLARSHIPS Company to partner with high schools across state July 23, 2014 – Buffalo, NY – Locally owned SPARKLY COLA Soft Drink Co. announced today that it will partner with local schools across the state to provide scholarships for underprivileged high school students to attend college. The SPARKLY COLA Scholarship Program will award 20 scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each, starting next year. Scholarships will be determined by local school boards, based on need and academic achievement. "The people of New York have made SPARKLY COLA one of their favorite soft drinks, and we just felt like it was time for us to give back to our communities across the great state of New York," Sparkly CEO Sandy Parks said. "Our donation of $200,000 is a lot of money, but nothing is too good for our kids. And we hope to do even more in the future." SPARKLY COLA was founded in 1996 by CEO Sandy Parks' father, Randy Parks. He began the business by distributing his soft drink to local stores and restaurants in Buffalo, NY. The soda was an instant success, and the business quickly expanded to include supermarkets and other retail outlets across the state. Sparkly products are now sold in New Jersey as well, with plans to expand to other states. For more information on the full range of Sparkly products, please visit www. sparkly For more details about the SPARKLY COLA Scholarship Program, please contact: Neal Slatty, Media Relations 1467 South Blvd., Suite 425 Buffalo, NY to encourage high school graduates to work at Sparkly Cola to advertise Sparkly's scholarship award scheme

Select three of the main purposes of the press release.

How much in scholarship money will each student get?

How many states does Sparkly Cola currently operate in?

What is the CEO's relationship to the founder of the company? How much money is Sparkly putting into the scholarship program? Whose job is it to deal with news organizations?

to publicize Sparkly's new brand of soft drink to make Sparkly Cola seem part of the local community to let the public know more about Sparkly Cola one hundred thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars ten thousand dollars 2 3 1 father daughter partner twenty million dollars two hundred thousand dollars two million dollars Sarah Edwards Sandy Parks Neal Slatty

Answer A) Do you know about any company with a corporate social responsibility in your community? B) What are the benefits that the community is receiving? C) Municipal, state or federal authorities also receive benefits? D) What is your opinion about this topic?

CONDITIONALS Los "conditionales" son ciertas estructuras del inglés en las cuales, si cierta condición, situación o circunstancia es verdadera, entonces sucede un resultado específico. Aquí veremos varios tipos usuales de "condicionales" Zero Conditional - (Type Zero) - Situación siempre verdadera Este condicional refiere a una situación que es siempre verdadera (verdades universales) If + Present tense If you freeze water

Present tense it turns into ice.

If I work too much, I get tired. If I have time, I usually go to the movies

Si trabajo demasiado, me canso. Si tengo tiempo, generalmente voy al cine.

WRITE FIVE EXAMPLES WITH THE ZERO CONDITIONAL _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

First Conditional - (Type I) - Situación real o posible

Es necesario que comencemos diciendo que este tipo de frases sirven para mencionar situaciones que ocurrirán en un futuro y que pueden suceder -probable o seguramente- dependiendo de un determinado requisito para que se realizen, por eso reciben el nombre de oraciones condicionales, por ejemplo: If I have enough money, I will / can / must /enjoy my next vacations in Can Cun. Si tengo suficiente dinero, disfrutare mis proximas vacaciones en Can Cun. Aquí vemos que es necesario que yo tenga el dinero suficiente para poder concretar la acción, caso contrario sería imposible que yo pudiera viajar a Can Cun.





Trabajo duro

Ganare mucho dinero


I work hard

I will earn a lot of money


can If + sujeto + presente + sujeto + will / + verbo + complemento must If it rains today I will stay at home


If Britney Spears (hit) ……….....…… the paparazzi, she (be) …….......………. in a serious trouble. If he (not /listen) …………… to the teacher, he (not /understand) ………...........…… the lesson. If you (touch) …………… the owen, you (burn) ………................…… your hand. If she (break) …………… the window, her parents (pay) ……........……… for it. If they (not /go) …………… to the cinema, they (not /enjoy) ………........…… the movie. If he (be) …………… intelligent, he (solve) ………........…… the problem. If you (go) …………… to the party, I (go) ………..........…… with you. If she (need) …………… a favour, I (do) ………........…… it. If your car (be) …………… broken, the mechanic (repair) …….......……… it If you (buy) …………… a new computer, you (give) ……............……… me the old one. If the police (catch) …………… the thieves, they (go) ……...........……… to prison. If the judge (not /find) …………… him guilty, he (not /pay) ……...........……… the fee. If the weather (be) …………… fine, they (go) …………..............… camping. If you (lose) …………… my book, you (buy) ………................…… a new one. If I (have) ……………. time, I (not / practice) ………...............……. the exercises. If you (eat) …………… your vegetables, you (eat) ……..............……… ice-cream. If it (not rain) …………… we (play) …………................… soccer. If you (stay) …………… at home, we (enjoy) ………..................…… the concert. If we (disturb) …………… him, he (not finish) ………..............…… his homework. Now write the next senteses in English Si tengo tiempo, visitaré a mis padres esta tarde. If I have time, I´ll visit my parents this afternoon. Si está caluroso mañana, iremos a la playa. _________________________________________________ Si está frío, debes usar ropa abrigada. ________________________________________________________ Si él no hace su tarea, no puede ir a la fiesta. __________________________________________________ Si ella no te llama, tú puedes llamarla. _______________________________________________________

Second Conditional - (Type II) - Situación hipotética irreal Refiere a una situación hipotética y se forma según la estructura if + simple past + simple condicional. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world Si ganara la loteria, yo viajaria por el mundo If I won the lottery, I could travel around the world Si ganara la loteria, yo podria viajar por el mundo Aquí vemos que la accion en pasado mediante la condicion nos permite suponer un resultado hipotetico o sea si ganara la loteria existe la posibilidad de viajar por el mundo. IF




Ganara la loteria

Viajaria por el mundo


I won the lottery

I would travel around the world could


If + sujeto + Pasado + sujeto + would + verbo + complemento If I studied for my exams, I could have good notes

If they (use) ……….........…… public transportation, they (save) ……...........…… a lot of money. If you (have) ………….......… time in the evenings, you (go) …………...............… to the cinema. If I (be) ………….......… you, I (not spend) ………............…… all the money. If your friend (not be) ………......…… so irritant, I (visit) …..............………… you. If my mother (speak) ………….........… less, I (enjoy) ………...........…… the film. If you (tell) ………….......… me the truth, you (not have) ……….............…… problems. If my brother (ask) ……….....…… for permission, my parents (not annoy) …...........………… with him. If he (run) ……….....…… fast, he (win) …………............… the race. If he (send) …………......… me an e-mail, I (answer) …….............……… it. If my sister (do) ……….....…… the housework, I (go) ……….............…… shopping. If they (climb) ………......…… the mountain with a guide, they (not lose) ……..............………. If you (Know) ………......…… him well, you (not lend) ………..............…… money. If he (give) ………........…… a good excuse, I (forgive) ………...........…… him. If the teacher (explain) ……......……… the lesson, I (understand) …….............……… it. If the play (not be) ………......…… so boring, I (not sleep) ………….............… at the theatre. If you (live) ……….........…… in a foreign country, you (have) ………..........…… problems with the language. If the workers (go) …….....……… on strike, the manager (pay) ……................……… the salaries. If my credit card (disappear) …….......………, I (call) ……….............…… the police. If my boyfriend (be) ………….......… jealous, I (not marry) ………...........…… with him.

Now write the next senteses in English Si yo fuese tú, compraría ese auto. If I were you, I would buy that car. Si él estuviese en mi lugar, no haría esto. _________________________________________________________ Si yo tuviese más dinero, me compraría un lindo apartamento.______________________________________________

Si no estuviese lloviendo, podríamos salir. _______________________________________________________ Si no tuviésemos que trabajar hoy, podríamos tener un picnic. ______________________________________________ Nota: la conjugacion del verbo "TO BE" en pasado siempre sera "WERE" para todos los pronombres

Third Conditional - (Type III) - Situación hipotética del pasado Refiere a una situación hipotética del pasado y se forma según la estructura : If + Past perfect, sujeto + would/could/ + have + past participle + complement If she had come on Saturday, I would have seen her. Si ella hubiese venido el Sábado, yo la habría visto. If they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time. Si ellos hubiesen salido más temprano, habrían llegado a tiempo . Expone una condición hipotética en pasado ya que el "hubiese" no es real (They had left = habían salido pero el condicional "If" modifica el sentido de la interpretación a "hubiesen salido") y que como consecuencia de la misma al aplicar una condición la respuesta es una hipótesis irreal "yo habría llegado /yo podría haber llegado.





Ellos hubiesen salido

Ellos habrian llegado


They had left

They would have arrived


If my father (buy) ……….....…… fast food, I (have) …….............…...…… dinner outside. If Tom (pay) ……….....…… the fee, he (go) ………...................…… to jail. If the police (arrive) …………....… earlier, they (catch) ……...............……… the thieves. I you (do) ………....…… your homework, you (go) ……….................…… the party. If Susan (not work) ……...……… on Saturday, she (come) ……....….....…… to the cinema with us. If Peter (break) ………….....… the glass, he (fix) ……….............…… it. If Michael (know) ……....……… the secret, he (tell) …….........…....…… you. If Jane (not run) …….....……… inside the house, she (not break) ……........…....…… the lamp. If I (answer) ………….....… all the questions, I (pass) …….....….......…… the test. If the problems (be) ……...……… easier, I (solve) ………...............…… them. If you (bring) ………….....… a present, my sister (be) ………...............…… very happy. If my mother (knit) …………....… a sweater, she (give) ………...............…… it to you. If John (fix) ………......…… the car, we (go) ……...............……… to the concert. If my brother (clean) ……….....…… his bedroom, he (not be) ……..............……… punished. If you (stay) ………......…… at home, your friends (visit) ……...............……… you. If I (receive) …………......… the letter, I (not travel) ………...............…… to Spain. If Sally (not spend) ……….....…… all the money, she (buy) …….............……… a new car. If the workers (start) …….....……… the past month, they (finish) ……........….....…… If Mary (sell) ………...…… a house, she (not be) ……....….........…… fired. If the kids (play) ………....…… outside, an accident (happen) ……........….....…… Now write the next senteses in English

Si tú me hubieses telefoneado, habría sabido que estabas aquí. ______________________________________________________________________ Si ellos nos hubiesen invitado, habríamos aceptado de inmediato. ______________________________________________________________________ Si no hubiese olvidado su número, lo habría llamado. ______________________________________________________________________ Si no hubiese llovido, habríamos ido a pescar. ______________________________________________________________________ Si mi hermana hubiese estado aquí, habría disfrutado esto. ________________________________________________________________________ FORMATOS CONDICIONALES CONDITIONAL TYPE ZERO (condicion real = consecuencia real, verdadera) if + sujeto + presente + sujeto + tense presente CONDITIONAL TYPE I (condicion real = consecuencia real, verdadera) If + sujeto + presente + sujeto + can / may / / must / will / + verbo CONDITIONAL TYPE II (condicion irreal en pasado= consecuencia irreal, hipotetica) If + sujeto + pasado + sujeto + would / could / might / + verbo CONDITIONAL TYPE III (condicion irreal hipotetica = consecuencia irreal, hipotetica) If + sujeto + pasado perfecto, + sujeto + would /could / mig +have + verbo en pasado participio

QUESTION TAG Las "QuestionTags" en inglés se usa para pedir la opinión o buscar la aprobación del interlocutor. Equivalen en español a: ¿no es verdad?, ¿no?, ¿no es así? TRES REGLAS BASICAS

1 2 3 4.

Las question tags siempre se escribiran en forma interrogativa Los tag questions utilizan siempre los verbos auxiliares de la forma inicial de la oracion. Con oraciones afirmativas utilizamos un tag question en NEGATIVO. Con oraciones negativas utilizamos un tag question en AFIRMATIVO o POSITIVO En oraciones imperativas

Give these books to Luis! (Dale estos libros a Luis)

Will you? (lo haras?) Could you? (podrias?) Can you? (puedes?) Would you? (lo harias?) I Am / I Am not / Are / Aren't / Is/ Isn't Was / Wasn't / Were / Weren't

I am on the list of those who have passed the test, aren't I? (Are para 1° persona del plural) Pearl and Nick aren't in position to buy an expensive house, are they? Your friends weren't expecting your call, were they? It was a great day to go camping, wasn't it? Do / Don't / Does / Doesn't Did / Didn't

I don't play tennis very well, do I? Those musicians play beautifully that song, don't they? Wendy doesn't like coffee, does she? The room looks great with the new painting, doesn't it?

Alice and Nick invited you to their wedding, didn't they? We didn't come on time to see the festival, did we? Have / Haven't / Has/Hasn't

I have chosen the shirt you like, haven't I? Phillip and Judith haven't been in the supermarket, have they? Edith hasn't attended classes lately, has she? The Lord of the Rings has been a good film, hasn't it? EJERCICIOS

He always loses money, _doesn´t he__? My father took the keys, _didn´t he___? He lives in London, _______________? It is very cold, ____________________? We are not going to sleep, _______________? Your brother was very sorry, ________________? They want to sell their house, ____________________? Your mother enjoyed the opera last night, __________________? This is a beautiful house, ____________________? My sister never writes letters, ________________? My cousin was wearing rubber boots, ___________________? You can not see that notice, _______________? Jennifer was very surprised, ______________________? Tommy will be in Paris tomorrow, __________________? Workers will go on strike the next week, ________________? It is not a new car, _____________? John did not learn English, ________________? We are going to rent an apartment, _________________? Susan broke her glasses, ___________________? The salesman showed an expensive dress, ______________? Ahora traslada al ingles las siguientes oraciones para hacer una etiqueta pregunta Su coche no es barato his car isn´t cheap. Is it? Somos amigos __________________________________________ puedes ayudarme _________________________________________ Hay un museo en esta ciudad __________________________________________ Yo no hice nada malo __________________________________________ Lisa ha perdido su identidad Lisa has lost her ID, hasn´t she? No estabas en la fiesta de anoche __________________________________________ Buena idea That is a great idea!, isn´t it? EMBEDDED QUESTION

Una pregunta incrustada es una pregunta que se incluye dentro de otra pregunta o afirmación. Ellos son comunes después de las frases introductorias, tales como: I wonder Could you tell me? Do you know? Can you remember? Let's ask We need to find out I'd like to know I'm not sure

me pregunto ¿Me podría decir? ¿Sabes? ¿Puedes recordar? Pidámosle Tenemos que saber Me gustaría saber No estoy seguro

Would you mind explaining me ? ¿Te importaría explicarme? Do you happen to know? ¿De casualidad sabes?

Si la pregunta incrustada incluye un verbo auxiliar o el verbo "ser", invierte las posiciones del sujeto y el verbo auxiliar, como en los siguientes ejemplos. Pregunta directa: Embedded pregunta Pregunta directa: Embedded:

What did he say? (¿Qué dijo?) Could you tell me what he said?(¿Podría decirme lo que dijo?) Can you help me?(¿Puede usted ayudarme?) I wonder if you can help me?me pregunto si usted puede ayudarme.

Pregunta directa: Is he a doctor?( ¿Es un doctor?) Embedded pregunta: Do you know if he is a doctor?(¿Sabes si él es un doctor?) Do not use a verbal contraction at the end of the sentence. Direct Question Correct Embedded Question Incorrect Embedded Question

Where is he? (¿donde esta el?) Do you know where he is?( ¿sabes donde el esta?) Do you know where he ? XXXXX

Exercise: Change the following questions to noun clauses after the appropriate main clauses supplied. 1. When does the train arrive? Do you know WHEN THE TRAIN ARRIVES? 2. Was Sam in San Francisco last year? (COMO PREGUNTA DIRECTA) I don't know IF SAM WAS IN SAN FRANCISCO LAST YEAR (COMO PREGUNTA INDIRECTA ) 3. Where's your brother going to live next year? I'm not exactly sure WHERE MY BROTHER IS GOING TO LIVE NEXT YEAR? 4. What is the teacher's name? Can you tell me _____________________________________________________ 5. Does this school have a cafeteria? Could you please tell me IF THIS SCHOOL HAS A CAFETERIA? 6. When did the new factory open? Do you remember ________________________________________________________ 7. Where can I find a good shoe store? Do you know WHERE I CAN FINE A GOOD SHOE STORE? 8. How far is Oregon from here? I'd like to find out ___________________________________________ 9. What time is it? Could you please tell me WHAT TIME IT IS? 10. Are there any new employees this week? I really can't tell you _____________________________________________________ El Reported peech o Estilo indirecto es una estructura que usamos cuando reportamos o hacemos mención sobre algo que alguien ha dicho previamente. Aquí tenemos varias ejemplos que nos ayudarán a entender su uso En las preguntas indirectas el orden del sujeto y del verbo principal es el mismo que en las frases afirmativas o negativas. Do you know where she lives? .Nota : DQ = Direct Question, IQ = Indirect Question.

Am I/Am I not...? / Are/Aren't ( you, ...)..? / Is/Isn't (she, he, ...)...? Was/Wasn't ( I, he, she, it...)...? Were/ Weren't (you, they...)...? DQ) Whom am I going to invite to my birthday party? ¿A quién voy a invitar a mi fiesta de cumpleaños? (IQ) I WONDER WHOM I AM GOING TO INVITE TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY Me pregunto a quién voy a invitar a mi fiesta de cumpleaños. (DQ) Why wasn't she happy with the result of the test? ¿Por qué ella no estaba contenta con los resultados del examen? (IQ) ________________________________________________________________________ ¿Podrías decirme porqué ella no estaba contenta con los resultados del examen? Do/Don't( I, you ...)...? / Does/Doesn't ( he, she, it...)...? Did (I, he, they...) ... ? (DQ) What time does Margaret expect to be here? A qué hora espera Margaret estar aquí? (IQ) COULD YOU TELL MEW HAT TIME MARGARET EXPECTS TO BE HERE? ¿Podrías decirme a qué hora espera Margaret estar aquí? (DQ) What else did the teachers say about me? ¿Qué más dijeron los profesores sobre mí? (IQ) ________________________________________________________________ ¿Podrías repetir qué más dijeron los profesores sobre mí? Have/Haven't ( I, you, they...)...? / Has/Hasn't ( he, she, it...)...? Had/Hadn't ( I, you, she...)...? (DQ) What has Nick done for Sarah to be so upset? ¿Qué ha hecho Nick para que Sarah esté tan enojada? (IQ) I WONDER WHAT NICK HAS DONE FOR SARAH TO BE SO UPSET? Me pregunto qué ha hecho Nick para que Sarah esté tan enojada. (DQ) Where else had the robbers been hiding the jewels? ¿Dónde más habían estado escondiendo las joyas los ladrones? (IQ) _______________________________________________________________________________ La policía me preguntó dónde más habían estado escondiendo las joyas los ladrones. Will/Won't ( )...? Would/Wouldn't ( )...? (DQ) Why else won't anybody tell Scott the truth? ¿Por qué otra razón nadie le diría la verdad a Scott? (IQ) I WONDER WHY ELSE ANYBODY TELL SCOTT THE TRUTH? Me pregunto por qué otra razón nadie le diría la verdad a Scott. (DQ) When else would Peter invite Barbara? ¿En qué otra ocasión invitaría Peter a Barbara? (IQ) __________________________________________________________________________ Sally sabe en qué otra ocasión invitaría Peter a Barbara? Can/Can't ( )...? Could/Couldn't ( )...? (DQ) How soon can the police come here to see what is happening? ¿Cuán pronto puede venir la policía para ver qué sucede? (IQ) PEOPLE AT STREET ARE ASKING HOW SOON THE POLICE CAN COME HERE TO SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING?

La gente en la calle está preguntando cuán pronto puede venir la policía para ver qué sucede. (DQ) Where could Tony and his wife come from if they live in the South? ¿De dónde podrían venir Tony y su esposa si viven en el sur? (IQ) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Necesito saber de dónde podrían venir Tony y su esposa si viven en el sur. May ( )...? / May ( ) not ..? Might ( )...? / Might ( ) not...? (DQ) How can I translate this sentence? ¿Cómo puedo traducir esta oración? (IQ) ________________________________________ (DQ) When might Tim come to the hospital to see his cousin? ¿Cuándo podría ir Tim al hospital a ver a su primo? (IQ) ___________________________________________________________________________ Dime por favor cuándo podría ir Tim al hospital a ver a su primo. Should/Shouldn't ( )...? Must/Mustn't ( )...? (DQ) When should Susan's mother call you to see if you have any news? ¿Cuándo debería llamar la mamá de Susan para ver si tienes alguna novedad? (IQ) I WONDER WHEN SUSAN´S MOTHER SHOULD CALL YOU TO SEE IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWS Me pregunto cuándo debería llamar la mamá de Susan para ver si tienes alguna novedad. (DQ) Who must my brother call to get an appointment to the director? ¿A quién debe llamar mi hermano para conseguir una entrevista con el director? (IQ) ___________________________________________________________________________ Me pregunto a quién debe llamar mi hermano para conseguir una entrevista con el

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