Curso de Inglés Gramática

March 6, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UNIDAD 1 LECCION 1 COLORS AND NUMBERS White-Blanco Black-Negro Blue-Azul Orange-Naranja Red-Rojo Yellow-Amarillo Gray-Gris Green-Verde Purple-Purpura Beige-Beige

1 One 2 Two 3Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine 10 Ten

11 Eleven 12 Twelve 13 Thirteen 14 Fourteen 15 Fifteen 16 Sixteen 17 Seventeen 18 Eighteen 19 Nineteen 20 Twenty

30 Thirty 40 Forty 50 Fifty 60 Sixty 70 Seventy 80 Eighty 90 Ninety 100 One Hundred 1,000 One Thousand 1,000,000 One Million

Ejemplos con numeros

US$58.36 Fifty eigth dollars and thirty six cents $836.50 Eight hundred and thirty six pesos and fifty cents 236 Two hundred and thirty six 568,322 Five hundred and sixty eight thousand, three hundred and twenty two 6,382,597 Six million, three hundred and eighty two, five hundred and ninety seven 1236 One thousand, two hundred and thirty six 459 Four hundred and fifty nine 12,690 Twelve thousand, six hundred and ninety 25,006 Twenty five thousand, six 59,261 Fifty nine thousand, two hundred and sixty one 6,396 Six thousand, three hundred and ninety six 155,789 One hundred and fifty five thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine 104, 365, 287 One hundred four million, three hundred and sixty five thousand, two hundred and eighty seven

LECCION 2 GREETINGS Hi Hello Bye Good bye See you Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Thanks a lot What’s up? How are you? Ok Thanks Thank you Excuse me I am Sorry

Hola…corto Hola Adios…corto Adios Nosvemos Buenos días Buenastardes Buenasnoches…saludo Buenasnoches…despedida Muchisimas gracias ¿Quépasa? ¿Quéonda? ¿Cómoestas? Estabien Gracias…corto Gracias Disculpa Lo siento


My favorite color is: blue My favorite number is: eight My favorite animal is: eagle My favorite fruit is: mango My favorite vegetable is: cucumber My favorite hobby is: play videogames My favorite song is: Staystrong (Soulfly) My favorite singer is: Kurt Cobain My favorite food is: Meatballs My favorite drink is: orange juice

LECCION 3 “A” UN UNO / “AN” UN UNO Se ocupa la A cuando la siguiente es consonante o vocal que suena como consonante A house A car A ball Se ocupa la An cuando la siguiente es vocal o consonante que suena como vocal An Eagle An Orange An Apple An hour Set A or An in each case

A star An elephant A chair An hour An universal An umbrella A boy Agil An ant Apencil Anocean

LECCION 4 ADJETIVES Bad Pretty Tall Happy Strong Dirty Big Hard Fat Sad Blue Thin Slim Soft Good Ugly Short Healthy Hot Horny Weak Fast Quick Slow Sick/ill Beauty New Old Young Cheap Expensive Rich Poor Long Small Awesome

Malo Bonito Alto Feliz Fuerte Sucio Grande Duro Gordo Triste Deprimido Flaco Delgado Suave Bueno Feo Corto Saludable Caliente Cachondo Debil Veloz Rapido Lento Enfermo Bella Nuevo Viejo Joven Barato Caro Rico Pobre Largo Pequeño Grandioso

A rich girl Unachicarica

A fat man Un hombre gordo

A new tv Unanueva TV

The yellow motorcycle La motocicleta amarilla

The red tomatoe El tomaterojo

Thesickdog El perro enfermo

The green apple La manzana verde

Theoldman El Viejo

A weakman Un hombre debil

Thesmall car El carro pequeño

Thesadcat El gato triste

Anwhiteairplane Un avión blanco

A hungrygirl Unachicahambrienta

A darknight Una noche oscura

The old car El carro viejo

The strong man El hombre fuerte

Thesoftpaper El papel suave

The expensive house La casa cara

The thin woman La mujerdelgada

Thefatboy El chico gordo A long time Un largo tiempo


Ejemplos to be

Personal Pronombs I You He She It We You They

*The lions eat meat *They eat meat

Yo Tú Él Ella Eso Nosotros Ustedes Ellos

I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are

*He is weak *I am Sam *You aren´t sick *She is beauty *We are the champions *It is ugly

I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

I’m not You aren’t He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t We aren’t You aren’t They aen’t

*I am handsome Soy guapo

*It is small Esoespequeño

*You are ugly Tue res feo

*You are a great teacher Tueres un gran maestro

*He is wire El esraro

*We are amaze Estamos sorprendidos

*She is beautiful Ella es bellisima

*They are pathetic Ellos son pateticos

*The spoil children are grounded Los niñosmalcriados son castigados *The pretty woman is intelligent *Woman are gossip Las mujeres son chismosas

USO DE “THE” “The” se usa para La, los las, el, etc. Casosparticulares, no casosgenerales *The Lions of Africa *Lions eat meat


Sust + verbo + complemento Sust + verbo + neg + complemento Verbo + sust + complemento+ ? Yes, No,

Ella esbonita A She is pretty N She is not pretty I Is she pretty? Yes, she is No, sheisn’t Laura y Mary estanborrachas A Laura and Mary are drunks N Laura and Mary are not drunks I Are Laura and Mary drunks? Yes, theyare No, they aren’t

José es un maestro A Joseis a teacher N Jose is not a teacher I Is Jose a teacher? Yes, he is No, he isn’t Los leonesestancontentos A The lions are happy N The lions are not happy I Are the lions happy? Yes, theyare No, they aren’t

Los peces estan debajo del agua A The fish are under the water N The fish are not under the water I Are the fishunder the water? Yes, theyare No, they aren’t Yo estoy enfermo A I am sick N I am not sick I Am I sick? Yes, I am No, I’m not

La mariposa esbonita A The butterfly is pretty N The butterfly is not pretty I Is the butterfly pretty? Yes, it is No, it isn’t

La casa esvieja A The house is old N The house is not old I Is the house old? Yes, it is No, it isn’t

Los patos son salvajes A The ducks are wild N The ducks are not wild I Are the duckswild? Yes, they are No, they aren’t

El gatoestaasustado A The cat is scared N The cat is not scared I Is the cat scared? Yes, it is No, it isn’t

Mimamáesagradable A My mother is nice N My mother is not nice I Is my mother nice? Yes, she is No, she isn’t

LECCION 6 “THERE IS / THERE ARE” HAY DEL VERBO HABER Thereis> Una cosa y solo una y del mismo modo que existe algo incontable There is one gay in the classroom

Hay un gay en el salon de clases There is water in the fridge Hay agua en el refrigerador Thereismoneyonthetable Hay dinero en la mesa There are > Que existen dos o más cosas y del mismo modo para expresar cosas constables There are eleven pretty girls in class There are twelve liters of water There is not ~ There isn’t There are not ~ There aren’t

LECCION 7 VOCABULARY Fruit Apple / Manzana Banana / Platano Strawberry / Fresa Orange / Naranaja Watermelon / Sandia Mango / Mango Grape / Uva Plum / Ciruela Pine apple / Piña Peach / Durazno Lemon / Limón Cherry / Cereza Tropical fruit / Papaya Citron / Toronja Cucumber / Pepino Avocado / Aguacate Nut / Nuez Peanut / Cacahuate Cantaloupe / Melon Guava / Guayaba Pear / Pera Apple / Manzana

Vegetables Onion / Cebolla Garlic / Ajo Tomato / Tomate Potato / Papa Broccoli / Brocoli Carrot / Zanahoria Lettuce / Lechuga Cabbage / Col Peas / Chicharo Green beans / Habas Beans / Frijoles Chili / Chile Pepper / Pimienta Lentil / Lenteja Radish / Rabano Zucchini / Calabacita Rice / Arroz Corn / Maiz Vaina / Ejote Cauliflower / Coliflor Mushroom / Hongo Celery / Apio

UNIDAD 2 LECCION1 PLURALES REGULARES 1. Todas las palabras terminadas en: o, x, s, ss, ch y sh, para su plural se aumenta +es Potatoes Foxes Buses Kisses Beaches Wishes 2. Todas las palabras terminadas en “y” precedidas de vocal, para su plural se le aumenta la “+s” Boys Days 3. Todas las palabras terminadas en “y” precedidas de consonante, para su plural se cambia la “y” por “i” además se aumenta “+es” PartyParties FlyFlies 4. Todas las palabras terminadas en: f, fe, para su plural se cambian por “ves” Half Halves Wolf Wolves Knife Knives 5. Todas las demás palabras regulares que no entren en las reglas anteriores se les agrega una “s” Cars Houses Cats Dogs




Man Woman Ox Child Person Mouse Louse Toot Foot

Men Women Oxen Children People Mice Lice Teeth Feet

Hombre(s) Mujer(es) Buey(es) Niño(s) Persona(s) Raton(es) Piojo(s) Diente(s) Pie(s)

Scissors Scissors Goose Goose Moose Moose Deer Deer Ejercicios oraciones en inglés

Tijeras Ganzo Alce Venado

*Los bueyes están cansados Theoxen are tired *Las vacas estan tristes Thecows are sad *Los ratones son pequeños Themice are small *Los lobos son salvajes The wolves are wild *Las fiestas son divertidas The parties are funny *Las papas son sabrosas Thepotatoes are tasty *Los muchachos son homosexuales Theguys are gay


Comparativos Better Worse Further

Superlativos Thebest Theworst Thefurthest

Para regulares cortos (llamados monosílabos)

*Para su comparativo se les aumenta “+er” *Para su superlativo se les aumenta “Theadj+est” *Aquellos que terminen en consonante, vocal, consonante, se duplica la ultima consonante y se le agrega el sufijo correspondiente Adjetivos regulares cortos Fat Cold Clean Hot Big Small Slim

Comparativos Fatter Colder Cleaner Hotter Bigger Smaller Slimmer

Superlativos Thefattest Thecoldest Thecleanest Thehottest Thebiggest Thesmallest Theslimmest

Para bisílabos que terminan en “y”

*Para su comparativo se les cambia la “y” por “i+er” *Para su superlativo se les aumenta y cambia “Theadj +iest” Adjetivos regulares bisílabos Ugly Pretty Smart Funny Old

Comparativos Uglier Prettier Smarter Funnier Older

Superlativos Theugliest Theprittiest Thesmartest Thefunniest Theoldest

Para regulares largos (Mas de una silaba y no termina en “y”) *Para su comparativo se les antepone la palabra “more” *Para su superlativo se les antepone la palabra “Themost” Adjetivos regulares largos Intelligent Expensive

Comparativos More intelligent More expensive

Superlativos Themostintelligent Themostexpensive

Español Lujoso Malo Interesante Bella Feliz Cachondo Flaco

Adjetivos Fancy Bad Interesting Beauty Happy Horny Thin

Comparativos Fancier Worse More interesting Beautier Happier Hornier Thinner

Superlativos Thefanciest Theworst Themostinteresting Thebeautiest Thehappiest Thehorniest Thethinnest

Español Bueno Obscuro Suave Enfermo Saludable Honesto Duro Rápido Pequeño Barato

Adjetivos Good Dark Soft Sick Healthy Honest Hard Quick Small Cheap

Comparativos Better Darker Softer Sicker Healthier Honester Harder Quicker Smaller Cheaper

Superlativos Thebest Thedarkest Thesoftest Thesickest Thehealthiest Thehonestest Thehardest Thequickest Thesmallest Thecheapest

LECCION 3 QUE – WHAT – THAT – THAN What That Than PreguntaConectorComparar I said that you are a stupid person He dicho que eras una estupida persona What is that? ¿Quéeseso? She is more intelligent than you Ella es mas inteligente que tu Oraciones comparativas Ella es más bonita que tú Sheisbeautierthanyou Yo soy más inteligente que él I am more intelligent tan him El león es más grande que el perro The lion is bigger tan the dog Los carros deportivos son más caros que los carros familiars The sport cars are more expensive tan the family cars La torre de Dubbaiis la más grande en el mundo Dubbai tower is the biggest in the world El rio Nilo es el mar largo en el mundo Nilos is the logest river in the world


Possessive pronouns My (Mi) / mine (mio) Your His Her Its Our Yours Their

Pronombres posesivos (Forma posesión)

Correlative pronouns Me You Him Her It Us You Them

My car / Mi carro Mydish / Mi plato The car is mine / El carro es mio

Pronombres correlatives (Sobre quien recae la acción) I loveher / La amo Sheloves / Ella me ama He speaksus / Él nos habla

LECCION 5 ANIMALS Farm Goat / Cabra Chiken / Pollo Hen / Gallina Rooster / Gallo Turkey / Guajolote Duck / Pato Goose /Ganzo Cow / Vaca Ox / Buey Bull / Toro Lamb / Borrego Sheep / Oveja Donkey / Burro Horse / Caballo Mule / Mula

Wild Tiger / Tigre Eagle / Águila Deer / Venado Cocodrile / Cocodrilo Buffalo / Bufalo Pelican / Pelicano Bear / Oso Camel / Camello Chimpanzees / Chimpancés Wolf / Lobos Zebras / Cebras Rhino / Rinoceronte Giragge / Jirafa Kangaroo / Canguro Ostrich / Avestruz Chamaleon / Camaleón Racoon / Mapache Squirrel / Ardilla Beaver / Castor Toad / Sapo Owl / Búho Hawk / Halcón Cougar / Puma Moose / Alce Baboon / Mandril Hippopotamus / Hipopótamo Frog / Rana

Sea Shark / Tiburón Crab / Cangrejo Dolphin / Delfín Eel / Anguila Jellyfish / Medusa Lobster / Langosta Squid / Calamar Starfish / Estrella de mar Seal / Foca Octopus / Pulpo Seahorse / Caballito de mar Sealion / León marino Turtle / Tortuga Stingray / Mantarraya Whale / Ballena Shrimp / Camarón Tuna fish / Atún Clam / Almeja Oyster / Ostra Hedgehog / Erizo de mar

Ejercicios de pronunciación Able – terminación Eibol Table - Mesa Abble - Ser capaz Cable - Cable Sable - Sable Fable - Favorable

(ie) Yes Yellow Yemen

(y) Jess Jello Yema

UNIDAD 3 LECCION 1 PRESENTE SIMPLE Reglas para verbos en 3ra persona 1.- Verbos terminados en o, s, ss, sh, ch, x, se les aumenta (+es) I go I guess Mix Kiss

She goes He guesses Mixes Kisses

2.- Verbos terminados en “y” precedidos de una vocal se les aumenta (+s) I play He plays I say She says 3.- Verbos terminados en “y” precedidos de una consonante se cambia la “y” por “i” y se aumenta (+es) Fly Flies Fry Fries Study Studies 4.- Todos los demás verbos para su plural se les agrega una (+s) Love Loves Hate Hates Eat Eats Live Lives 5.- Excepciones: Los de posibilidad no llevan (+s): May Can Can Have Has To be Is

Do / Does Solo para negar y preguntar se ocupa el auxiliar Do / Does en los pronombres: I do You do We do They do

She does He does Is does

Ejemplos: Forma A Sust+verbo+comp N Sust+Aux+neg+verbo+comp I Auxiliar+sust+verbo+comp?

Cuando en la negación o interrogación, se ocupa el auxiliar Do, Does, cualquier verbo utilizado en tercera persona, cambia a su estado original. En el ejemplo siguiente se cambio el has de tercera persona al have.

Ella tiene dos bebes A She has two babies N She does not have two babies I Does she have two babies? Yes, she does No, she doesn’t

Yo voy al trabajo A I gotowork N I do not go to work I Do I go to work? Yes, I do No, I don’t

A él le gusta el soccer A He likes soccer N He does not like soccer I Does he likes soccer? Yes, he does No, he doesn’t

Ellos compraron un carrro A Theybuy a car N They do not buy a car I Do they buy a car? Yes, they do No, they don’t

El gatotienepulgas Ustedes van al cine A The cat has inches A You go to the cinema N The cat does not have inches N You do not go to the cinema I Does the cat have inches? I Do you go to the cinema? Yes, it does Yes, you do No, it doesn’t No, you don’t La casa tienedoceventanas Daniela hacesutarea A The house has twelve windows A Daniela does her homework N The house does not have twelve windows N Daniela does not do her homework I Does the house have twelve windows? I Does Daniela do her homework? Yes, it does Yes, she does No, it doesn’t No, she doesn’t Yotrabajo los domingos Tu estudias pedagogía A I work on sundays A Youstudypedagogy N I do not work on sundays N You do not study pedagogy I Do I work on sundays? I Do you study pedagogy? Yes, I do Yes, you do No, I don´t No, you don’t Los leones comen venados A Lionseatdeer N Lions do not eat deer I Do Lions eat deer? Yes, they do No, they don’t Martha lava la ropa A Martha washes the clothes N Martha does not wash the clothes I Does Martha wash the clothes? Yes, she does No, she doesn’t

La mulava al campo A The mule goes to the field N The mule does not go to the field I Does the mule go to the field? Yes, it does No, it doesn’t Beto y Mary corren todos los días A Beto and Mary run every days N Beto and Mary do not run every days I Do Beto and Mary run every days? Yes, they do No, they don’t

La vaca tiene un becerro A Thecow has a calf N The cow does not have a calf I Does the cow have a calf? Yes, it does No, it doesn’t

Los peces viven bajo el agua A Fish live underwater N Fish do not live underwater I Do fish live underwater? Yes, they do No, they don’t


1. Verbos monosílabos terminados en verbo+vocal+consonante, para crear su presente progresivo se duplica la ultima consonante y se les agrega “+ing”. Cut – Cutting Run – Running Swim- Swimming Put – Putting 2. Verbos terminados en consonante, solo aumenta “+ing” Work – Working Walk – Walking 3. Bisílabos terminados en vocal, cambia vocal por “ing”. Love – Loving Live – Living Like – Liking 4. Verbos Die y Lie que son monosílabos y diptongos, cambiar vocal por “y” y aumentar “+ing” Die – Dying Lie – Lying 5. Verbos terminados en “y” para su gerundio aumentar “+ing” Play – Playing Enjoy – Enjoying 6. Terminados en “o” aumenta “+ing” Do - doing Go - going

Construcción “ing” Sustantivo + be + verbo+ing+complement Ella me estabesando A She is kissing me N She is not kissing me I Is she kissing me? Yes, she is No, she isn’t

Litzy está tomando un vaso de agua A Litzy is drinking a glass of water N Litzy is not drinking a glass of water I Is Litzy drinking a glass of water? Yes, she is No, she isn’t

Lupe estausandopantalonespurpura A Lupe is wearing purple pants N Lupe is not wearing purple pants I Is Lupe wearing purple pants? Yes, she is No, she isn’t

America estasubiendolasescaleras A America is walking up the steps N America is not walking up the steps I Is America walking up the steps? Yes, she is No, she isn’t

Yo estoy viviendo en San Diego A I am living in San Diego N I am not living in San Diego I Am I living in San Diego? Yes, I am No, I’m not

Miguel está sentado en su silla A Miguel is sitting in his chair N Miguel is not sitting in his chair I Is Miguel sitting in his chair? Yes, he is No, he isn’t

LECCION 3 VOCABULARY: Parts of a day

At sunrise In the morning At noon In the afternoonIn the evening At night In the midnight At sun set -

Amanecer En la mañana Mediodía En la tarde En la noche (19:00) En la noche A la media noche Anochecer

Days of the week On Sunday On Monday On Tuesday On Wednesday On Thursday On Friday On Saturday

Months of the year In January In February In March In April In May In Jun In July In August In September In October In November In December




+She was an actress -Ella fueunaactriz +They were firemen when they were young -Ellos fueron bomberos cuando fueron jóvenes +When I was a child I want to be a doctor -Cuando era niño quería ser un doctor

Prepositions for past Yesterdey – ayer Ago – Hace Since – Desde When – Cuando Last – pasado, la ultima. Once upon a time +I saw a nice movie yesterday -Vi una agradable película ayer El verbo en negritas se encuentra en pasado, see>saw +Two days ago I was sick -Hace dos días, me encontraba enfermo +Since I metyou -Desde que te conoci +Last year she was alone at home on Christmas -El año pasado ella estuvo sola en casa en navidad Ella estaba tan enojada A Shewas soangry N She wasn’t so angry I Was she so angry? Yes, she was No, she wasn´t

Tú eras un idiota A Youwere a dumbass N You were not a joke I Were you a moron? Yes, she were No, she weren´t

Ella era mi mejoramiga A She was my best friend N She was not my best friend I Was she my best friend? Yes, she was No, she wasn´t Tú fuiste un policía A Youwere a policeman N You were not a policeman I Were you a policeman? Yes, you were No, you weren’t

Esofuemio A It was mine N It was not mine I Was it mine? Yes, it was No, it wasn´t Ellosfueron heroes A They were heroes N They were not heroes I Were they heroes? Yes, they were No, they weren’t



LECCION 5 VOCABULARY CLOTHES Belt Bikini Tange Blouse Boots Underbra Scarf Skirt Short Raincoat Underpants Dress Sweater Socks Shirt Tie Sox

Cinturón Bikini Tanga Blusa Botas Brasier Bufanda Falda Pantalones cortos Impermeable Calzoncillos Vestido Sueter Calcetines Camisa Corbata Calsetas

T- shirt Boxer Coat Suit Sportshirt Sandals Mini skirt Vest Bathingsuit Berumude Undershirt Stockings Trousers Jacket Hat Panty Highellsshoes

Playera Boxer Abrigo/Saco Traje Camisa tipo polo Huarache Mini falda Chaleco Traje de baño Bermuda Camisa debajo Medias Pantalones Chaqueta Sombrero Pantaleta Zapatillas

UNIDAD 4 LECCION 1 IN THE RESTAURANT Drinks Wine Alcohol Lemonade Water

Bebidas Vino Alcohol Limonada Agua

Meals Eggs Pork Steak Beef

Comidas Huevos Carne de cerdo Bistec Carne de res

Coke Soda Milk Tea Coffe Milkshake Juice Beer Cocoa Desserts Jello Banana Split Cake Pie Ice cream Cream and banana Napolitanjello Creppas Milk and rice Burnet bananas Burnetstrowberry

Refresco de cola Refresco Leche Té Café Malteada Jugo Cerveza Chocolate Postres Gelatina Banana Split Pastel Pay Helado Plátanos con crema Flan napolitano Crepas Arroz con leche Platanos flameados Fresas flameadas

Chop Chiken Turkey Sausages Ham Sea food Bacon Gravy Chiken burritos Hamburger Hotdog Waffles Spaguetty Pizza Sandwich Rice Beans Lassagne French potatoes Soup Baguette Crousaint

Chuleta Pollo Pavo Salchichas Jamón Mariscos Tocino Salsa Tacos de pollo Hamburguesa Perro caliente Waffles Espagueti Pizza Sándwich Arroz Frijoles Lasaña Papas a la francesa Sopa Baguette Cuernito

+May I take your order? -Yes, please -I want to drink _________ -I want to eat __________ -And for dessert -I want to _____________

LECCION 2 POSSIBILITIES May Might Could Can Able to

Poder Puede Poder Poder Poder / sercapaz de

Permiso Posibilidad Favor Acción

May I go to the bathroom She might be at home Could you borrow me a pencil? Can I help you? She is able to keep awake two days a row

LECCION 3 MODALS VERBS Must Should Have to Shall

Deber Deber Tenerque Deberías

Obligación Consejoobligado Deber Consejo

Parents must support their children You should see a doctor She have to be loyal to me You shall buy it

LECCION 4 FREQUENCY ADVERBS Always Usually Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Siempre Usualmente Frecuentemente Algunasveces Raravez Nunca

She is always happy She is usually loyal He is often win We sometimes have sex I rarely eat seafood You never ran

Once=unavez Twice= dos veces Three times= tresveces

Vocabulary Borrow - Prestar Loyal – Leal Row –Consecutivo Seafood – Mariscos

Reglas 1. Los adverbios de frecuencia van después del verbo to be Sheisalwayshappy 2. Los adverbios de frecuencia van antes de cualquier verbo que no sea “to be” They nevergo to the church

EXAMPLES POSSIBILITIES, MODALS VERBS AND FREQUENCY ADVERBS Possibilities May I take a beer? May I go to sleep? She might be more intelligent They might be crazy Could you take my order? Could their run faster You can’t do that? Can you hear me? I am able to play tennis You are able to sing

Modals verbs You must be the best They must do their homework You should go to school You should finish your work He has to fix it We have to win You shall know us She shall be actress

Frequency adverbs She always lies to me I always do my job I usually sleep after eat She usually studies in the library They often have reason I often dream with you Sometimes failure is good Sometimes is difficult to find the true love I rarely smoke She rarely talks to me She never listens to me We will never surrender

LECCION 5 SIMPLE PAST El pasado simple ocupa los verbos en pasado, tanto verbos regulares como irregulares es necesario aprendérselos. Al igual que con el presente simple, en vez del Do se utilizara el Did, a su vez se deberá cambiar el verbo en pasado a su forma original cuando se esté usando el auxiliar Did. El perrosalió 2 horas Túhiciste la tarea A The dog went out two hours A You did the homework N The dog did not go out two hours? N You did not do the homework I Did the dog go out two hours? I Did you do the homework? Yes, it did Yes, I did No, it didn’t No, I didn’t Sandy me besó A Sandy kissed me N Sandy did not kiss me I Did Sandy kiss me? Yes, she did

EXERCISES PRESENTSIMPLE, PRESENT PROGRESSIVE ANDPAST SIMPLE Present simple Jose has sex Mery goes to the hotel The vulture eats deer Lupe’sauntbuysgrocery

Present progressive José tienesexo Jose is having sex Meryva al hotel Mery is going to the hotel El buitre come venado The vulture is eating deer La tía de Lupe compra la despensa Lupe’s aunt is buying grocery



You We They

Yoestubebailando A I was dancing N I was not dancing I Was I dancing? Yes, I was No, I wasn’t Tuestubistemintiendo A You were lying N You were not lying I Were you lying? Yes, I was No, I wasn’t Ellasestabantomando A They were drinking N They were not drinking I Were they drinking? Yes, they were No, they weren’t


Past simple Jose had sex Mery went to the hotel The vulture ate deer Lupe’sauntboughtgrocery

UNIDAD 5 LECCION 1 FONÉTICAS 1 R – Rggghh Red, Road, Rabbit, Ray, Raw P – Explosiva Picture, Pig, Paper, Purple, Pork, Pencil T – Raspada Two, Tasty, Time, Tell, Tall, Tune, Toad C – Raspadocorto Can, Car, Cut, Come, Cup, Cow A ei – game – day – label –ate – take –make – may -made aw – walk – taught – caught – talk e – beware – care - stare ae – man – bad – cat – hand –and – ant B Bisont – Bisexual V – con los dientes Viseral – Victori – Vision – Veins

LECCION 2 ADVERBS -MENTE Adjetivo o sustantivo para su adverbio se le aumenta “+ly” Sad Happy Crazy Friend


Saddly Happily Crazily Friendly

LECCION 3 FUTURO SIMPLE Con el uso del Will – Will not=Won´t I will go with you I will be always with you Ella estará en casa A She will stay at home N She will not stay at home I Will she stay at home? Yes, she will No, she won’t

José se casará A Jose will get married N Jose will not get married I Will Jose get married? Yes, he will No, he won’t

LECCION 4 FUTURO IDIOMATICO - GOING TO Ocupando el verbo “to be”, acciones que se van a hacer en el futuro I am going to have a baby She is going to have sex They are going to buy a car

Tu vas a reprobaringlés A You are going to fail English N You are not going to fail English I Are you going to fail English? Yes, I am No, I am not


Litzy will be an excellent person Litzy will not be an excellent person Will Litzybe an excellent person? Yes, she will No, she won’t


She is going to have a baby She is not going to have a baby Is she going to have a baby? Yes, she is No, she isn’t


Ilse will studies for the test Ilse will not studies for the test Will Ilse studies for the test? Yes, she will No, she won’t


We are going to sleep together We are not going to sleep together Are we going to sleep together? Yes, we are No, we aren’t


I will be a teacher I will not be a teacher Will I be a teacher? Yes, I will No, I won’t


The dog is going to eat The dog is not going to eat Is the dog going to eat? Yes, it is No, it isn’t

LECCION 5 NATIONALITIES México Italia Brasil Canadá EUA España Alemania China Japón Francia Grecia Rusia Escocia Inglaterra Egipto Portugal India Kenia EAU Cuba Colombia Perú

Mexico Italy Brazil Canada USA Spain Germany China Japan France Greece Russia Scotland England Egypt Portugal India Kenya UAE Cuba Colombia Peru

Mexican Italian Brazilian Canadian American Spanish German Chinese Japanese French Greek Russian Scottish English Egyptian Portuguese Indian Kenyan Cuban Colombian Peruvian

LECCION 6 MODAL – WOULD –RIA I would go, but I don´t have money I would kiss you, but you are drunk She would give you placer, but you don´t have money A N I

You would pass the exam You would not pass the exam Would you pass the exam? Yes, I would No, I wouldn’t


C- suena como “s” antes de e – i – y Cent - citizen – city – agency – center C- suena como “k” antes de la a – o – u – l – r – t Come – cat – cult – claw – cream C – suena como “ks”, cuando se ocupa en par Acces – succes

LECCION 2 PRESENTE PERFECTO Una acción en pasado que ha ocurrido y puede seguir ocurriendo. Utilizando el auxiliar have / has y un verbo en pasado participio (terminado en ado, ido): I haveeatencrikets Have:han, ha, has , he, hemos Pasadoparticipio: ado, ido. *She has gone to Acapulco’s beaches Ella ha ido a las playas de Acapulco *I have done my homework Yo he hecho mi tarea *She has paidthe car Ella ha pagado el carro *We have gone to Disney World Nosotros hemos ido a Disney World *You have eaten crickets Tu has comidogrillos El ha estudiado matemáticas A He has studiedmaths N He has not studied maths I Has he studied maths? Yes, he has No, he hasn’t A The door is closed N The door is not closed I Is the door closed Yes, it is No, it isn’t

Tu has tenidounbebe A You have had a baby N You have not had a baby I Haveyou had a baby? Yes, I have No, I haven’t A The house was built by the carpenters N The house was not built by the carpenters I Was the house built by the carpenters? Yes, it was No, it wasn’t

Elloshanestadomintiendo A They have been lying N They have not been lying I Have they been lying? Yes, they have No, they haven’t

LECCION 3 PASADO PERFECTO Auxiliar have en pasado + verbo en pasado participio. 1- Shehad done herhomework 2- I hadpassmyexam 3- You had not taken my Money, sorry by blame you. Ella se ha ido A Shehad done N She had not done I Had she done? Yes, she had No, she hadn’t

LECCION 4 QUESTIONS TAG             

She is a good student, isn’t she? You are a stupid, aren’t you? He is not rich, is he? She eats shrimps, doesn’t she? We can’t play basketball, can we? You drive like a girl, don’t you? They went to the party, didn’t they? Luis did not have money, did had? Mary was sick, wasn’t she? You are studding, aren’t you? We weren’t playing, were we? Lupe has a baby, doesn’t she? You have made a mistake, haven’t you?

Presente simple

She is nice You can swim We have money -

isn’t she? can’t you? doesn’t we?

-Have como auxiliary se ocupa igual -Have como verbo se ocupa el do Pasado simple Was/Were Could Had Did Ate Presente continuo Be + verbo + ing They are eating, aren’t they? Pasado continuo Was/Were verboing She was ironing Futuro simple I will go, won’t I? She won’t have a girl, will she? Futuroidiomatico He is going to die, isn’t he? LECCION 5 LIKE / AS - COMO LIKE Similar ha, Igual que, Como (comparación), *This car is like mine *He is like my father *She sings like beyon-c

AS (Conjunciones) Como preposiciones *She sings as you do? *Behaved as your mother told you *He worked as a lawyer *You play as a Professional As - tan y como She is a good as him As soon as possible

LECCION 6 STILL - YET - ALREADY Todavia Ya Ya Aun Hasta ahora Still – Algo que todavía sucede I am still in love with you It is 11 o’ clock in the morning and you are still in bed Yet – Por lo regular para negaciones I haven’t finished yet You will die someday, yes, but not yet Have you finished yet? Already – Algoqueyapaso She has already gone We have already broken I am already hungry Are you already hungry? UNIDAD 7 LECCION 1 TIEMPOS At – Hours – Parts of day – Time At 5:00 o’ clock At present

At sunset At sunrise At luch time At midnight At night At noon

At weekend At Christmas / Easter At the moment At the sametime

In – Months – Seasons – Years – Centuries – The past In July In June In August

In morning In afternoon In evening

In winter In spring In summer In fall

In the middle age

In the 18th century

In a moment

On – Days of the week – on 12 march 1992 on Christmas day On my birthday On Sunday night Be on time – SerpuntualIn time – en tiempo Ejercicios At the end Al final In the end En el final In a room Building Box Mouth At the bust stop The door The window The top On my house The wall The table The floor The second floor The left / right A farm



garden town continent pool/river/sea

At the bottom the traffic light work home, at the church The corner In


corner a line/row/queve a streeth the world

LECCION 2 VOZ PASIVA (Pasado) To be (pasado) + past participle VozActiva My mom cooked cookies J. Cameron proceed Avatar My sister bought a new car

VozPasiva The cookies were cooked by my mom Avatar was proceed by J. Cameron The new car was bought by my sister

LECCION3 VOZ PASIVA (Presente) To be (presente) + past participle VozActiva V.W. fabrics New beetle The secretary tipes a letter Boats are of wood

VozPasiva The newbeetle is fabriced by V.W. The letter is typed by my secretary The boats are made of wood

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