Curso de Ingles 11 de 30

May 13, 2018 | Author: Dannny | Category: Leisure, Entertainment (General)
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p. 30



1 In a Night Club 





Tom Marg. Tom






Come on, Margaret! We haven’t much time. The show in that night club begins at nine o’ clock. Then we have plenty of time, dear. It’s only eight o’clock! What are you talking about? It’s already half-past eight. Well, my watch says that it’s only eight o’clock. Then your watch is slow. It isn’t a good watch. Throw it away! What nonsense, dear! There are moments when you are very silly. Well, we are talking and time is passing, and we are forgetting that the show begins in half an hour. ( A cuckoo clock strikes 9 o’cl ock ) (Un reloj de cuco toca las nueve.)





Well, the cuckoo clock says that it’s nine already! You can throw your watch away, too. We have no time for jokes, Margaret. Come on! Hurry up! (Half an hour later.) (Media hora más tarde.)





Marg. Tom

Marg. Tom


This is a fantastic night club, Tom! And so big! Is the entrance fee very expensive? No, it isn’t. On the contrary, it’s very cheap. Well, the fi rst number of the show is over. What a pity! Come on! This table is free. Let’s sit down here. The programme says that the next number is a flamenco dance. There are four famous dancers: a man and three women. Yes? Oh! …Look at that lady with those beautiful pearls! Beautiful? Yes! A very beautiful woman! You’re right.

(continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.






Tom Marg.


Tom Marg.




Marg. Tom





In a Night Club 

Not the woman. The pearls. The pearls. I love pearls. I have no pearls. I… Pearls are for dark women. You’re blonde, my dear. You’re wrong. Pearls are for blonde women too. Tomorrow we can go to that jewellery sh op… A museum tomorrow, Margaret! But dear! You are always saying that museums are very boring. Opinions change, dear… And now, would you like a drink, dear? N o . I want just an ice cream. A chocolate ice cream. All right. Waiter! A chocolate ice and a double whisky, please. Very well, sir.

*** Marg.




Marg. Tom

Oh, Tom! They are wonderful dancers! Yes and the girls are so beautiful! I’m not talking about their faces, Tom. I’m talking about their art. Yes, dear… their art… their art…

Las palabras subrayadas deben pronunciarse con más é n f a s i s .

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



saxon genitive


= genitivo sajón

T o m ’ s car is red.

= El coche d e Tom es rojo

My friends ’ house is large.

= La casa d e mis amigos es grande.

The children ’ s room is small.

= El cuarto d e los niños es pequeño.

como se forma el  saxon genitive  : 

Primero se pone el nombre del  poseedor   poseedor cc o n ( ’ s  ) .


Después se pone e l nombre de l a cosa poseida. poseida .

Tom’s car …

Nota Si el poseedor es plural, se le añade solamente ( ’  ) .

M y friends ’ house

Si el plurale es irregular, se le añade ( ’ s  ).  ) .

T h e children’ children ’ s room…


The car o f Tom is red.


Abel ’ s real name is Abelard.


His grandparents ’ house is very large.


Abel ’ s sister ’ s name is Debra.


( l a r g e = grande )

El nombre de la hermana de Abel es Debra. 4.

Tom and Margaret ’ s tastes are different. Los gustos de Tom y Margaret son diefe rentes.

Nota En el ejemplo” 4 ”, hay   dos poseedores  , por lo tanto la “ ’ s ”  ”  se añade sólo al último poseedor. (Margaret) Las otras reglas que tratan del G e n i t i v o S a j ó n las veremos más adelante.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



What time is it?


= ¿Qué hora es?

It is four o’clock .

It is five past four.

It is five t o four.


Cuando la manecilla que indica los minutos se encuentra sobre el “ 1 “ 1 2 ”  se dice: “  o’clock  o’clock” ”.


Cuando se encuentra en la parte  derecha del cuadrante se dice: “  past ” .


Cuando se encuentra en la parte i z q u i e r d a del cuadrante se dice: “  t o ” .

o’clock past to a quarter half

E klØk pa:st tu E kwØ:tE ha:f 

= = = = =

Es la forma abreviada o f t h e c l o c k . k . pasado, después de a, a las un cuarto media

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




It is four o’clock.

It is five past four.

It is ten past four.

It’s a quarter past four.

It is twenty past four.

It is twenty five past four.

It is half-past four.

I t i s t w e n t y f i v e t o f i v e. e.

It is twenty to five.

It is a quarter to five.

It is ten to five.

It is five to five.


Para decir la hora entera se dice: I t i s f o u r o ’ c l o c k ,

o   It is four .

En los otros casos, antes se dicen los minutos o las fracciones de la hora ( a q u a r t e r ,  half ) ,   y luego la hora. Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




( minits )


= minutos

Cuando los minutos son  5 , o m ú l t i p l o s d e 5  , la palabra  minutes no se suele usar. Pero:

It is five past four. It is t e n past four. It is twenty five past four.

It is two minutes past four. It is three minutes past four. It is four minutes past four. >

it is eight thirty

= son las ocho y treinta

La hora se puede expresar también de este modo: 9:15

It is nine fifteen.


It is ten twenty-two.


It is eleven thirty.


It is twelve forty. etc. >

Para los orarios de trenes, de avione s, para programas de radio, de televisión etc., los ingleses divi den el día en 24 hor as también.

The train leaves at eight forty-five.

= El tren sale a las 8 . 4 5 .

The show begins at twenty fifty.

= El show empieza a las  20.50.

The aeroplane from London lands at

= El avión de Londres aterriza a las  21.30.

twenty-one thirty.

The aeroplane to Paris takes off at nine fifty.

= El avión para París despega a las  9.50.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.





= reloj de pulsera


= reloj de pared, de iglesia etc.

alarm clock

= despertador 

> right

= correcto


= adelantado (lit. veloz)


= atrasado (lit. lento)

My watch is fast.

= Mi reloj está adelantado.

Your watch is s l o w .

= Tu reloj está atrasado.

It is nine o’clock. •

That clock is right . It says nine o’clock . Tom’s watch is fast . It says ten past nine . Margaret’s watch is slow . It says ten to nine . > Nota


Para preguntar la hora se puede decir: What time is it?


What is the time?

Delante de los núme ros que indican la hora  n o se pone el artículo  the . •

It is eight o’clock.

It is t h e eight o’clock.


Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




i n the morning

= por la mañana

i n the afternoon

= por la tarde (temprano) lit. en la tarde (temprano)

I n the evening

= por la tarde

lit. en la mañana

lit. en la tarde

a.m. = ante meridiem

= (antemeridianas) antes del mediodía

p.m. = post meridiem

= (posmeridianas) después del mediodía

Para distinguir entre las horas antemeridianas y las posmeridianas hay dos modos:

At eight in the morning.


At eight a.m. At eight in the evening.


At eight p.m. > time


= hora

It is time to go. time


= tiempo

Time passes so quickly!



= Es hora de irse.

= ¡El tiempo pasa tan rápidamente!

= vez

I eat three times a day.

= Yo como tres veces al día.

Nota once

= una vez


= dos veces

three times, four times etc.

= tres veces, cuatro veces etc.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.


11 to have



= tener 

Margaret h a s got a brother and a sister.

to have


“To have”  viene usado también con il significado de “desayunar, almorzar,

cenar, beber algo etc.”

I have breakfast at eight.

= Desayuno a las 8. (lit. Tengo desayuno a las 8.)

I have lunch at one.

= Almuerzo a la una.

I have dinner at nine.

= Ceno a las nueve.

I have tea, coffee, a drink…etc. Nota “I make breakfast.” significa: “ P r e p a r o e l d e s a y u n o . ”   Abel 

I have breakfast at eight o’clock. For breakfast I usually have coffee with milk, bread, butter and jam.

I have lunch at half-past one. For lunch I usually have a plate of pasta, a salad and some cheese. I also like t o have a tin of CocaCola. For dessert I have only some fruit.

I have dinner at half-past eight with my family. For dinner we generally have soup and fish. After dinner my father likes to watch TV and t o have a glass of whisky, sitting in a comfortable armchair.


to have

Se usa también con las siguientes expresiones:

t o have a bath

= bañarse

t o have a shower

= ducharse

t o have a rest

= descansar 

t o have a siesta

= hacer una siesta

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

UNIT some •





I have some money.

= tengo u n p o c o d e dinero.

I have n ’ t a n y money.

= no tengo  ningún dinero.

I have n o money.

= no tengo  ningún dinero.

“ not any” any ” es igual a “ n o ” “Any”  si usa con il verbo nella forma negativa. •

I haven have n ’ t a n y money. I haven have n ’ t a n y time. I haven’t have n’t any friends. “No”  si usa con il verbo nella forma positiva.

I have n o money. I have n o time. I have n o friends. >

s omeone

= alguien

not anyone

= nadie

no one

= nadie

There is someone in the house.

= Hay  alguien en casa.

There isn’t is n’t anyone in the house.

= No hay  nadie en casa.

There is no one in the house.

= No hay  nadie en casa. (lit. Hay nadie en casa.)

En inglés no se pueden poner dos negac iones en la misma oración.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Let’s go!

= ¡Vámonos!

Let us go!

= ¡Vámonos!

“  Let’s  Let’s”  ”  es la forma contracta “ l “ l e t u s ” .

Para hacer una propuesta o una invitación, se usa seguido de un infinitivo sin “ t o ” . •

Let’s Let’s Let’s Let’s

go to the cinema! sit down here! eat in that restaurant! have tea!

= = = =

“let us ”  ”  o

“ l e t ’ s ”  ”   

¡Vamos al cine! ¡Sentémonos aquí! ¡Comamos en aquel restaurante! ¡Tomemos un té!

> over •

There is a beach umbrella over Margaret’s head. to be over

= sobre, encima de

The The The Our

= terminar 

lesson is over. film is over. show is over. holidays are over.

= La lección ha terminado. = La película ha terminado. = El espectáculo ha terminado. = Nuestras vacaciones han terminado.



= broma, chiste

to joke

= bromear 

to tell a joke

= contar un chiste

Tom is a jolly young man. He is always laughing and  joking . H e likes to tell funny  jokes too. ===  jolly to laugh funny

= alegre = reír  = gracioso

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.


11 that



= aquel, aquella ; ese, esa

This boy is Italian. That boy is French.



= que (conjugación)

I think that …

= Yo pienso q u e …

He says that …

= Él dice q u e …

Remember that …

= Recuerda q u e … Tom and Margaret 



Come on, Margaret! It’s half-past eight. Remember that t h e show begins at nine o’clock.





But Tom! I think that your watch is fast. My watch says that it is only eight o’clock. Then it is better that you throw it away.


I can’t dear. This watc h is a present from my fiancé. === better throw it away a present from

= mejor  = tirarlo = un regalo de

> 1.

= de

Tom likes to read magazines about sports and politics.

2. •



= aproximadamente

China has a population of about a billion (1,350,000,000) people. What are you talking about ?

= ¿De qué estás hablando? (lit. ¿Qué estás tú hablando de?)

¡No digas tonterías!

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.





= lejos

to go away

= irse, marcharse

G o away away!!

= ¡Vete! - ¡Márchate!

to throw away

= arrojar 

Throw it away away!!

= ¡Tíralo! - ¡Échalo!

to give away

= dar gratuitamente

Give it away away!!

= ¡Regálalo! Robert and Millie 







But Robert dear! It’s already midnight. P u t that book away away!! It’s time t o go to bed.



O h , go away! Go away! ===

Rob. Mil. Rob.

Millie! Bring me a bottle of wine! Here you are, dear. This wine is awful, so bitter! Throw it away! away ! Oh no dear! I can’t throw it away! away ! It isn’t right to waste things. Then give it away! And now please go away! away ! I want to read my paper in peace.

awful to waste peace midnight

= = = =

horrible derrochar  paz medianoche

> half an hour

= media hora (lit. media una hora)

an hour

= una hora

an hour and a half

= una hora y media (lit. una hora y una media)

two hours and a half

= dos horas y media (lit. dos horas y una media)

etc. Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




It is time to go.

= Es hora (de) irse.

Cuando las preposiciones   d e español, en inglés   se omiten.





p a r a   preceden el infinitivo

Give me something to eat , please! ¡Dame algo ( d e ) comer, por favor!


No! Begin to read ! You come here to study . Not t o w a s t e time!


¡ N o ! ¡ E m p i e z a ( a ) leer! Tú vienes aquí ( para ) estudiar. ¡No ( para ) perder  tiempo! Oh, I’m so tired! I’m going away. It’s time to go to bed. Oh, ¡estoy tan cansado! Me estoy marchando. Es hora ( d e ) ir a la cama.

> = piedad, compasión; lástima


to feel pity f o r

= sentir  piedad  p o r 

Those people that go on holiday and abandon their d ogs and cats are very cruel. They feel no pity for their poor loving animals.

What a pity!

=¡Qué lástima! (lit.¡Qué una piedad!) Tom and Margaret 









The first number of the show is over. It was a flamenco dance. What a pity! But we can come again tomorrow evening. No, we can’t. Tomorrow evening there is a football match on TV that I can’t miss. What a pity!

=== was I can’t miss sin

= era = no puedo perderme = pecado

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



15 Abel 

My real name is Abelard, but most people call me Abel.

la mayoría de las /  me llaman

I can’t understand it, because Abelard and Abel are two completely different names. Some of my teachers call me Abel t h e rebel .


They call me “rebel” because I am always speaking about students’ rights rights.. I f women want their rights why can’t young people speak about their rights, too?

derechos si

The problem is that very few people understand us. Least of all , our teachers. menos que nadie (lit. menos de todos)
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