Curso de Ingles 10 de 30

May 13, 2018 | Author: Dannny | Category: Business
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p. 18




A Hot Summer Evening 

The hotel lounge is a very nice place. There are plenty o f big comfortable arm-chairs there, and many tables with magazines and newspapers on them. And usually , there is also air-conditioning. In the afternoon or in the evening, when people are tired, and want to rest , many of them sit in the lounge and watch television, or they have a lit tle nap. If they are thirsty and want to drink something , they c a n call the waiter to bring them beer, orange juice or Coca-Cola. If they are hungry, the waiter can bring them something to eat: a sandwich, some cakes, some biscuits, some fruit .. . and they can drink coffee or tea. If they are bored bored,, they can play cards or write letters to their friends, to their relatives or to their families. *** This afternoon Tom would like to stay in the lounge to watch an interesting football match: Real Madrid – Milan. He knows that Margaret detests football, so he says that he is tired and wants to rest. He says to her that in summer, after lunch, Spanish people usually have a siesta in the afternoon, so he would like to have a siesta, too.

But Margaret knows Tom very well, and she understands easily that he wants to watch TV. So she sits down and looks at the television programme. Tom smiles and says to her, “All right, dear, I admit it, it , I would like to watch the football match. But after the match we can go for a nice walk or we can go to the public garden.”


muchas butacas normalmente


algo llamar 


quedarse detesta después de

sonríe lo admito


Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

UNIT (continuation)



A Hot Summer Evening 

Now they are walking along the street. Tom asks a policeman the w a y to the public garden. The policeman knows a little English and he understands Tom easily. He tells him to take the first street on the right, walk for about ten minutes and then turn left at the second traffic lights.. The park is at the end of t he street. lights *** The public garden is really beautiful, and the nigh t is wonderful. It is not too hot and it is n o t cold either , it is nicely cool cool..

camino le dice semáforo

tampoco  fresco

They walk for about an hour, looking at the trees, the flowers and the grass. Then Margaret says that she is tired and wants to rest. Tom sees a comfortable bench and says that they can sit down and rest. The moon is shining over them. So big! So beautiful! And there are so many stars in the sky! Thousands … millions … billions … Who can count them all?

brillando contarlas

Margaret looks at the moon. She looks at the stars. She looks at the trees and the flowers. “Beautiful!” she says. “So beautiful!” “Sweet!” says Tom. “So sweet and pretty!” But he is looking at Margaret. His eyes s e e only Margaret.


He embraces her and kisses her pretty blonde hair. “Oh, stop!” says Margaret. “Please stop! I want to look at the moon and the beautiful stars.” “Yes!” says Tom. “You want to look at the moon, the stars, the flowers, the trees, the benches! - But you you are my fiancée! You are engaged to me! Not to the moon!” (continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

UNIT (continuation)



A Hot Summer Evening 

Margaret gets angry and says that he is unromantic, impossible and silly. She says many angry and unkind things. She is a sweet person, but there are moments when she is not very sweet, and this is one of those moments. He also says many angry things. But his voice is not angry. It is only s a d . After a few minutes Margaret understands that she is wrong. “My poor dear!” she says. “My poor Tom! I understand you. You love me so much! You want to embrace me and kiss me, and I only look at the stars! You are right. I am very unkind. Please forgive me! me ! ”

se enfada

triste comprende


She kisses him. He kisses her. She embraces him. He embraces her. It is a sweet and romantic m oment.


Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Some Good Music 

It is a hot afternoon. Tom and Margaret are walking in the streets of Barcelona. They are tired, hungry and thirsty. The city is so big and there are so many interesting places and things to visit. They visit them all. They like to walk, so they go to every place on foot.


Now they see a café, and Tom says that it is time for a nice rest and a good cup of coffee.


Margaret wants to sit outside the café. She likes t o watch all the people walking in the street.


Tom calls the waiter and tells him to bring them some coffee and some cakes, but Margaret says that she prefers tea. Tea with milk and sugar. Hot tea and cold milk. (That is the English style.)


The waiter brings coffee for Tom, tea for Margaret and some delicious cakes. Then Tom sees a jukebox inside the café and goes inside. He reads the titles of the records. These are some of the titles: Your Eyes are the Colour of the Sea.


Come to the Beach with Me. Sad Brown Eyes. I am Always in Love .


The Romantic Mosquito. Then he comes to Margaret and says, “Many of the songs are very nice.” “Your taste in music is horrible,” sa ys Margaret. (continúa)

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

UNIT (continuation)



Some Good Music 

There are many cars in the street. So many cars! They make a lot of noise and it is impossible to have a pleasant conversation. So they go inside the café and sit at a little table in a corner corner.. Margaret asks the waiter if they have some records of good music: Chopin - Mozart - Beethoven … But the waiter says that there aren’t any records of classical music in jukeboxes. (The waiter can speak English.)

ruido rincón  pregunta

The cakes are delicious. Margaret would like to eat six, but Tom says, “Remember, dear! Too many cakes are bad for your pretty figure ! ”


“Oh, yes!” says Margaret. “I am a silly girl!” She has a beautiful figure and she wants to keep it.


“It’s very sad,” she says. “All the things that I like to e a t make me fat : cakes, for example, sugar, chocolates, caramels,  jam  jam,, fried potatoes …”

me engordan mermelada

*** When Margaret finishes eating the cakes, Tom tells the waiter to bring him the bill. They go out of the café. In the street they see that the stars are shining. It is already evening. It is time for dinner, but they are not hungry. So they go to the cinema. They see a beautiful, romantic film. The title of the film is “El Angel del Amor” (The Angel of Love). The film is in Spanish, so they can understand very little. But they find it interesting, because they can learn some new Spanish words words..

lo encuentran  palabras

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




“Tomorrow We Go to a Museum.” 

Tom thinks that shopping is very boring, a waste o f time, and of course, a waste of money. But Margaret has different ideas. She finds shopping exciting, and she says that she would like to go shopping every morning. This is one of her typical shopping days.

despilfarro encuentra


Today she wants to buy a lipstick, some soap, some tooth-paste, some paper and envelopes, some stamps, dozens of postcards with views of Spain, a mantilla, a pair of white shoes and many other things. It is nine o’clock in the morning, the weather is fine, they are walking along an elegant street in Barcelona, looking at the shop-windows . She sees some flamenco dolls in a shop-window and says to Tom, “Look at those beautiful dolls! They are nice souvenirs of Spain. And they are cheap , too. I would like to buy some. I can buy many of them. I can give flamenco dolls to all my friends in England and I can say to them, ‘This is a souvenir of my visit to Spain.’ ”

vistas otras son las 9 escaparates


Then she sees a pair of beautiful white shoes and says, “I want to buy those shoes, too.” “But you have two dozen pairs of shoes already!” says Tom. “Yes, I know,” know ,” she answers “but I’m already tired of them!” She is now looking at a shop that sells postcards with coloured views of Spain: views of churches, cathedrals, statues, monuments, beautiful parks, interesting old streets …

un par 

She buys a large amount of cards. Some of the cards are for her family and her friends, but many of them are for her collection. She has a large collection of postcards, with views of interesting places.

gran cantidad 

lo sé  vende


(continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

UNIT (continuation)



“Tomorrow We Go to a Museum.” 

She buys paper, envelopes and a ballpoint pen. Then they go to the post office and buy stamps. In the post office there is a big table. Five or six tourists are sitting at this table. They are all writing postcards to their friends. Margaret sits at the table too. “Why are you sitting there, Margaret?” asks Tom. “It’s already time for lunch and I am very hungry.” “Because I want to send these cards,” answers Margaret, and she puts about twenty cards on the table. Then she begins to write on the cards with her nice new pen. She writes names, addresses and sweet words on all the cards. She writes cards to her father, her mother, her sister Linda, her brother William. She writes cards to two or three cousins and to many of her friends. Margaret always writes slowly and she writes slowly now. Then she puts stamps on a l l the cards. Tom stands looking at her. He is tired, very tired. And hungry, so hungry! “Come on, dear!” he says. “It i s time for lunch.” “I’m very sorry, dear,” she says, “but first I want to write two or three letters.” “Oh no!” says poor Tom. “Not let ters too!” Margaret doesn’t answer . She just continues writing. “Tomorrow we go to a museum,” says Tom. “There are moments when I can’t understand you, dear,” says Margaret. “You are always saying that museums are boring.” “And I say it again, for me museums are very boring … but I prefer museums to post offices.”

 pregunta  y a contesta empieza a

lentamente todas


no contesta

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




T r a d u c c i ó n d e  MUCHO

a lot - a lot of

en frases positivas

I like it a lot.

=   Me gusta  mucho .

Lola has got a lot of money.

= L o l a t i e n e  mucho d i n e r o .

(I like it m u c h. h.


L o l a h a s g o t m u c h money.


!Error! )

e n f r a s e s n e g a t i v a s  y i n t e r r o g a t i v a s

Mark doesn’t talk much much..

 Mark  no  n o h a b l a m u c h o .

Does he study much much??

¿Estudia mucho?

> T r a d u c c i ó n d e  MUCHOS

many S e p u e d e u s a r e n f r a s e s  positivas  positivas ,  , n e g a t i v a s e i n t e r r o g a t i v a s .

Margaret buys many post cards for her collection. Robert hasn’t got many friends. Has Millie got many friends? >  Nota En frases positiv as, en lugar de “ many ” se prefiere usar “ a l o t o f  ” o “ lots of ” .

Tom has got a lot of friends. Margaret reads lots of books about art. “  A lot of ” y “ l o t s o f  ” s e u s a n m á s e n e l i n g l é s h a b l a d o . Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



very much


= muchísimo (lit. muy mucho)

  E n i n g l é s c u a n d o “v “v e r y m u c h ” e s t á u s a d o c o n u n v e r b o t r a n s i t i v o , s e  pone  después d e l o b j e t o . M e g u s t a e l h e l a d o  muchísimo .

En español pod emos decir:

o   Me gusta  muchísimo e l h e l a d o .

I like ice cream very much .

En inglés se debe decir:

> very well

= muy bien A l f o n s o h a b l a e l i n g l é s   muy bien .

En español pod emos decir:

o Alfonso habla muy bien el inglés.

Alfonso speaks English very well.

En inglés se debe decir:

Alfonso speaks very well English.



a – an

= un, una

E l a r t í c u l o i n d e t e r m i n a d o i n g l é s e s  a

a •

an •

o  a n .

Se usa delante de una consonante.

boy a girl a

= un muchacho = una muchacha

Se usa delante de una vocal.

apple a n orange an


= una manzana = una naranja

Mira la pági na siguiente.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Se usa también delante de las pal abras que aunque empiezen por  v o c a l , t i e n e n e l s o n i d o :  j u o w a .


university student

= un estudiante universitario


European country

= un país europeo


one-way street

= una calle a un solo sentido

university European one-way an

  ju:niv j u : n i v¨ : s i t i  jue  jj u e r E p i : E n wanwei

S e u s a t a m b i é n d e l a n t e d e l a s p a l a b r a s q u e e m p i e z a n p o r   “  h ”   muda :

hour – honour – honest – heir

y sus derivados


pronunciation exercises h

happy hat have head

  La “ h ” s e p r o n u n c i a s i e m p r e  aspirada .

her here his holiday

hApi hAt hAv hed

hE: (hE) hiE hiz hØlidei

hot house how hundred

hØt haus hau húndrEd

  La “ h ” e s m u d a e n l a s p a l a b r a s :

hour honest honour heir









hourly honesty honourable heiress


cada hora




honorable, honroso



Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Se pronuncia de dos modos:



the them then there

U n a “ d ” c o n l a l e n g u a e n t r e l o s d i e n t e s .

TE / Ti Tem / TEm Ten TeE


thank thing think

this these that those

*sonido sordo*







TAt TouzE

S e o b t i e n e s o p l a n d o c o n l a l e n g u a e n t r e l o s d i e n t e s.

†Ank †iN †iNk

throw theatre thirsty


†rou †iEtE †¨:sti


*sonido sonoro*


pronunciation exercises   La “ s ” a l f i n a l d e p a l a b r a s e p r o n u n c i a d e d o s m o d o s :

s 1.

S e p r o n u n c i a “ s ” c u a n d o l a p a l a b r a t e r m i n a e n k



t  o s u s


books book s stops stop s roofs roof s cats 2.

buks stØps r u : f  s kAts

= tejados

looks look s cups laughs laugh s hats

luks kúps l a : f s  hAts

= ríe


E n l o s o t r o s c a s o s s e p r o n u n c i a “ z ” .

boys girls girl s names name s apples apple s cars

bØiz g¨:lz neimz Aplz ka:z

says does lives live s loves love s goes

sez dúz livz lúvz gouz


Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Palabras que a menudo se confunden:

tree three free


= árbol


= tres


= libre

walk work

wØ:k w¨:k

= paseo

steak stick

steik stik

= trabajo = filete = bastón

Las siguientes palabras tienen l a misma pronunciación. I

= yo

e ye

= ojo



= allí 


= su, sus



= aquí 

(to) hear

= oír 



= también


= dos



= hora


= nuestro



= no

(to) know

= conocer 


(to) write

= escribir 


= derecha



= querido


= ciervo



= flor 


= harina



= pelo


= liebre



= mar 

(to) see

= ver 



= sol


= hijo


Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



13 Translation

1. 2.

Traduce oralmente. Copia toda la página.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Can you speak Spanish? Yes, I can. Spanish is my language. Can you speak Russian? No, I can’t. Russian is a very difficult language. Tom can play tennis, but he can’t play the piano. What can I do for you? Where is the train station, please?


In the In the In the When When

13. 14.

Robert drinks so much wine! He says so many rude things to Millie.


The wife is a nice person. The husband is a nice person, too. They are two nice people.


Mama, can I go out and play with my fri ends? Not now dear. First do your homework, and then you can go out and play with your fri ends. Mr Golden has a big house at the seaside, three expensive cars and a large boat. He has plenty of money.

8. 9. 10. 11.

17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

morning I go to school. afternoon I watch TV. evening I study, but not much. I finish my homework I am always very tired. I am tired I like to rest.

Tom says that Demi Moore is beautiful. I think that he is right. Margaret thinks that Mary is ugly. I think that she is wrong. Margaret likes to exaggerate. - I feel tired. What can I do? - If you are are tired, you can sit down and rest. If you are very tired, you can lie on t he bed and sleep.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



14 Translation

1. 2. 3.

 Escribe l a t r a d u c c i ó n d e l e s p a ñ o l a l i n g l é s . Corrige los errores. En la página precedente está la clave. Traduce oralmente del español al inglés.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

¿Sabes hablar español? Sí, yo sé. (El) español es mi lengua. ¿Sabes hablar ruso? No, no sé. (El) ruso es una lengua muy difíci l. Tom sabe jugar (al) tenis, pero él no sabe tocar el piano. ¿Qué puedo hacer por usted? ¿Dónde está la estación de trenes, por favor?

11. 12.

Por la mañana ( l i t . e n l a m a ñ a n a ) voy a la escuela. Por la tarde (temprano) ( l i t . e n l a t a r d e ) miro la televisión. Por la tarde estudio, pero no mucho. Cuando termino mis deberes estoy siempre muy cansado. Cuando estoy cansado me gusta descansar.

13. 14.

¡Robert bebe tanto vino! Él dice tantas cosas groseras a Milli e.


La mujer es una simpática persona. El marido es una simpática persona también. Ellos son dos simpáticas personas.

16. 17.

¿Mamá, puedo salir a jugar con mis amigos? No ahora, querido. Antes haz tus deberes, y luego puedes salir y jugar con tus amigos. El señor Golden tiene una casa grande al mar, tres costosos automóviles y una barca grande. Él tiene mucho dinero.

8. 9. 10.


19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Tom dice que Demi Moore es guapa. Yo pienso que él tiene razón. Margaret piensa que Mary es fea. Yo pienso que ella no tiene razón. A Margaret le gusta exagerar. - Me encuentro cansado. ¿Qué puedo hacer? - Si estás cansado, puedes puedes sentarte sentarte y descansar. Si estás m u y cansado, puedes tenderte sobre la cama y dormir.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



15 Translation

26. 27.

Jane goes to school by bus, because her school is far away. Jack goes to school on foot, because his school is near.

28. 29.

Mr Golden has got three radios, two videos and two pianos. Mr Golden owns an island. On this island there are two volcanos, hundreds of buffalos, and millions of mosquitoes.

30. 31.

Some people sleep by day and work by night. To travel by aeroplane is very expensive; to go by taxi is expensive; to go by bus is cheap; to go on foot is f ree.

32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

What would you like to drink? I would like some cold water, please. And what would you like to eat? I would like a steak wi th fried potatoes and a salad. Would you like some cakes, too? No, thank you. I eat very few s weets.


- Waiter, bring us some coffee, some tea, and two packets of American cigarettes. - I’m sorry, sir. W e haven’t got any cigarettes here.

39. 40. 41.

Margaret says that a dozen pairs of shoes aren’t enough for her. Tom and Margaret are sitting on the grass. The moon is shining over them.

42. 43. 44. 45.


How are you? I’m very well. But my brother is ill. And what about your father? He is all right.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

- Give me some money, please. - What? Money? Again? Today - yesterday - the day before yesterday. See you tomorrow. Tom is tired of museums and shopping.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

UNIT 26. 27. 28. 29.

30. 31.

32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.



Jane va a la escuela en autobús, porque su escuela está lejos. Jack va a la escuela andando, porque su escuela está cerca. (El) señor Golden tiene tres radios, dos videos y dos pianos. (El) señor Golden posee una isla. En esta isla hay dos volcanes, centenares de bufalos, y millones de mosquitos. Algunas personas duermen de día y tr abajan de noche. Viajar en avión es muy costoso; ir en taxi es costoso; ir en autobús es barato; ir andando es gratis. ¿Qué te gustaría beber? Querría un poco de agua fría, por favor. ¿Y qué te gustaría comer? Querría un filete con patatas fri tas y una ensalada. ¿Querrías unos pasteles, también? No, gracias. Yo como muy pocos dulces . - Camarero, traiganos un poco de café, un poco de té, y dos paquetes de cigarrillos americanos. - Lo siento, señor. No tenemos cigarrillos aquí. Margaret dice que una docena de pares de zapatos no son bastantes para ella. Tom y Margaret están sentados sobre la yerba. La luna está brillando encima de ellos. -

¿Cómo estás? Yo estoy muy bien. Pero mi hermano está enfermo. ¿Y qué me dices de tu padre? Él está bien.

- Dame un poco de dinero, por favor. - ¿Qué? ¿Dinero? ¿Otra vez? Hoy - ayer - anteayer. Hasta mañana. Tom está cansado de museos y de “shopping”. Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



17 Translation

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

Every morning I like to go for a long walk. I like to walk quickly, but my girlfriend lik es to walk slowly. - How much are these shoes, please? please? - They are not expensive; they are very cheap. Some people have got lots of cousins, but Tom has got only one, his cousin Mary. - How many cousins have you got? Tom can swim very well. H e is a good swimmer. I write, but I am not a writer. He sings, but he is not a singer. - I’m hungry. Is it already lunchtime? There are thousands of interesting things in museums. I am hungry, not angry. There is difference between “soup” and “soap”. There is also difference between “waiter” and “water”. There is a big difference between “waiter” and “weather”. People like to eat a “steak”, not a “stick”. The plural of “city” is “cities”. The plural of “family” is “families”. The third person of “to try” is “tries”. The third person of “to cry” is “cr ies”. The third person of “to fry” is “fries”. The third person of “to go” is “goes”. You can have many relatives, but only t w o parents. A hundred. Two thousand. Three million. Four billio n. Hundreds. Thousands. Millions. Billions.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



18 Translation

51. 52.

Cada mañana me gusta ir por un largo paseo. Me gusta caminar rapidamente, pero a mi chica le gusta caminar lentamente.


- ¿Cuánto cuestan estos zapatos, por favor? - No son caros, son muy baratos.

54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

Algunas personas tienen muchos primos, pero Tom tiene solamente una, su prima Mary. - ¿Cuántos primos tienes tú? Tom sabe nadar muy bien. Él es un buen nadador. Yo escribo, pero no soy un escritor. Él canta, pero no es un cantante. - Tengo hambre ( l i t . e s t o y h a m b r i e n t o ) . ¿Es ya hora del almuerzo? Hay millares de cosas interesantes en (los) museos. Estoy hambriento, no enfadado. Hay diferencia entre “sopa” y “jabón”. Hay también diferencia entre “camarero” y “agua”. Hay mucha diferencia entre “camarero” y “tiempo”. A las personas les gusta comer un “filete” no “un bastón”. El plural de “ciudad” es “ciudades”. El plural de “familia” es “familias”. La tercera persona de “buscar” es “busca”. La tercera persona de “llorar” es “llora”. La tercera persona de “freír” es “fríe”. La tercera persona de “ir” es “va”. Tú puedes tener muchos parientes, pero solo d o s padres. Cien. Dos mil. Tres millones. Cuatro billones. Centenares. Millares. Millones. Billones.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

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