Curso de Ingles 09 de 30

May 13, 2018 | Author: Dannny | Category: Nature, Business
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LET’S SPEAK ENGLISH! ¡Hablemos Inglés!

  Las “units” 9  y 1 0 han sido hechas para permitir a los estudiantes poder empezar a hablar en inglés. Estas dos “units” contienen unos pasajes que el estudiante puede memorizar y resumir. Se emplean palabras y expresiones que el estudiante ha aprendido en las primeras 8 “units”. Las palabras nuevas son   pocas, y su traducci ό n se encuentra en el margen derecho de la  página. En la “ unit 9” 9 ” hay varios ejemplos para practicar el uso de los verbos “ to say - to tell - to ask ”, ” , que permiten hablar usando el “estilo indirecto - discurso indirecto”.

  Al final de estas dos “units” hay algunos ejercicios de traducci ό n que contienen las reglas gramaticales y las expresiones más importantes usadas en las “units” anteriores.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



2 Tom and Margaret 

- Who are Tom and Margaret? - W e already know them them.. We know many things about them. We know that Margaret is an English girl, and that she is in Spain for a holiday with her fiancé. We know that she has blonde hair and blue eyes and that she likes art and classical music. We also know that she likes old things and that her favourite colour is green. Tom Hudson is an American young man w h o lives in New York. He has black hair and brown eyes. He and Margaret have different tastes tastes.. He likes sports and fast cars. He likes to play football and tennis. He likes modern music and jazz. His favourite colour is red.

 ya los conocemos sabemos

que gustos / veloces

I n each “unit” we learn new things about them. In “unit 3”, for example, we learn that Tom likes to swim, but Margaret cannot swim very well. And s o , when Tom is swimming, she prefers to sit on the beach under a beach umbrella and read a magazine or speak with other people.

cada / aprendemos

In “unit 4” we learn that Tom has a cousin whose name is Mary. Margaret thinks that Mary is ugly, but Tom says that she is always exaggerating. According to him, Mary is only plain.. plain

cuyo   piensa que siempre común

Tom likes to read magazines about sports and politics, but Margaret prefers to read books about art and music. According to her, politics and politicians are very boring.


Tom likes to drink wine and beer, but Margaret drinks only mineral water and orange  juice  juice.. She likes to eat a lot of sweet things. Tom, on the contrary, likes bitter things. He likes bitter beer and he likes to drink his coffee without sugar.

así / cuando bajo otras

 zumo amargas sin

(continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.





Who are Tom and Margaret? 

Margaret loves to visit museums and art galleries. She also loves to go shopping, while Tom thinks that museums and art galleries are boring. And, he thinks t h e same about shopping, especially when he is with Margaret, because she never stops buying souvenirs and presents for her friends a n d relatives . Poor Tom! He must always p a y for all the things that she buys.

mientras lo mismo nunca parientes / debe  pagar 

=== Nota

  Después de “to “ to stop - to begin - to continue ”, el verbo que sigue se pone en gerundio. Ejemplos: She never stops buying. He begins writing. They continue reading.

= Ella nunca para de comprar. = Él empieza a escribir. = Ellos continuan a leer.

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A Conversation on the Beach 

It is a hot summer morning. The sea and the sky are very blue. There are many people on the beach today. Hundreds of people. Fathers and mothers with their children ... old men and women ... boys and girls... Many people are swimming. Many are lying on the beach in the hot sun. Some boys are playing with a big, coloured ball.

tendidos algunos

Tom and Margaret come to the beach. “We can swim first and then we can lie in the sun,” says Tom. But Margaret cannot swim very well, and s o , she prefers to sit on the beach.

antes / dice a s í 

She sits down under a big red and green beach umbrella. The sun is very hot, s o she puts on a big green hat and her black sunglasses. She begins reading a magazine.

bajo a s í  empieza

Tom swims for an hour. “A long swim is good for me,” he says. “ It keeps me fit. fit . ” ( Me mantiene en forma. ) But poor Margaret, sitting alone under the big umbrella, is already tired of the beach. The magazine is very boring. There are articles only about sports and politics, and there are very few pictures. Margaret would like some conversation.

sola   ya cansada quisiera

She looks at the sky. She looks at the sea. She looks at all the people... Then a good-looking young man, with a very nice voice, comes near her and says: “Good morning! Are you English?”

guapo cerca

(continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.





A Conversation on the Beach 

The young man, whose name is Pablo, can have a little conversation with Margaret, because he is studying English. In fact, fact , he is already at “unit 10”. So, he can say many things. For example, he says to her that she is very nice and that she is very pretty, too. He also tells her to take off her hat because he likes her blonde hair and would like to see it. Margaret smiles sweetly and takes off her hat. The young man says that he is Spanish and that his name is Pablo. She says that she is English and that her name is Margaret. They have a nice conversation in English and he offers her some chewing gum. A few minutes later he asks Margaret i f she is married, and she answers that she is not. He also tells her that her bathing costume is very elegant, and that he likes it very much. Margaret smiles sweetly again , and says that she likes Spain, its people, its art and its music. She also says that Spanish men are very nice ... and that Spanish women are sweet and beautiful. She says that she likes their black hair and their big black eyes. When Margaret says that that,, Pablo smiles happily.

cuyo de hecho

de quitarse sonríe

ofrece más tarde / si

de nuevo


“Oh, thank you,” he says. “You are very kind.” Margaret offers Pablo a chocolate. “No, thank you,” he says. “I eat very f ew sweets.” Margaret eats a chocolate. She eats two ... four ... six ... eight ... She loves chocolates. (continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only. .





A Conversation on the Beach 

“ I would like to see you again,” says Pablo. “Can you come here again tomorrow?” But in that moment Tom calls calls,, in a loud voice:

me gustaría *** (veas e abajo )

“MARGARET! PUT ON YOUR HAT! The hot sun is very bad for you !” And Margaret answers: “Very well, dear.” “Who is that man?” asks Pablo.


“He is Tom, my fiancé,” says Margaret. “Well, then...goodbye,” says Pablo sadly .


Poor Pablo! He walks for a long time along the crowded beach, under the hot sun... unhappy unhappy,, angry and.... alone alone!!

a lo largo de infelíz / solo

He remembers her sweet voice saying, “Oh, no! I am not married.” No, she is n o t married. But she is engaged ! === * * * Tom calls in a loud voice

= Tom llama en voz alta

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7 Cousin Mary 

Tom has only one cousin. Some people have many cousins … dozens of cousins … boy cousins a n d girl cousins.. But Tom has only one: his cousi n Mary. So he loves cousins her very much. Poor Mary isn’t pretty. She is ugly. But Tom gets very angry when people say that Mary is ugly. When Tom thinks about his cousin, he remembers a sweet little girl with long hair and with a pale little face face,, playing with him in the garden and always giving him many of her sweets and chocolates. Mary w a s not only generous , but obedient and loving. So, of course, when Tom remembers those days, he says that Mary is not pretty, but she is n o t ugly either . She is only plain. *** Tom is reading “The New American”, his favourite magazine. There are many interesting articles about politics in it, and there are many photos, too ... photos of football, photos of cars, and many colour pictures of Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, and many other beautiful Hollywood stars. Margaret thinks that the “New American” is a silly and boring magazine, because it speaks only about politics and sports. And it is full of pictures of Hollywood stars, generally beautiful women. So Margaret says to him, “Why are you always reading that stupid magazine? If you want to read something interesting I have lots of good books.” “No, thanks,” says Tom. “I prefer to read this magazine because I consider it very serious and interesting. Listen to this article for example.”

 primos  primas se enfada

  pálida / cara

era / generosa tampoco



algo muchos la considero empieza a leer 

And he begins reading the article to her. (continúa)

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.





Cousin Mary 

The article says that there are lots of pretty women in th e world, but there are very few beautiful women. Beautiful women are very rare. “What is your idea of a beautiful woman, Tom dear?” asks Margaret sweetly. “Hm … well”, - says Tom. “La Gioconda, for instance i s a perfect example of classical beauty . And Demi Moore and Julia Roberts are two good examples of beautiful, modern women.” “Yes, Tom. Go on!” on! ” says Margaret.

por ej emplo belleza


“Well … you for example, are not beautiful, but you are pretty, very pretty!” Margaret is sad, and she is a littl e angry, too, o f course course.. “And what about your cousin Mary?” she says. “Is she also pretty?” Poor Tom! What can he answer? He cannot say that she is ugly. And he can n o t say that she is pretty either either..

naturalmente que me dices de …


“Well, no. Mary is not pret ty,” he says. No, she is not. She is ugly. Very ugly!” says Margaret. Hearing these cruel words , Tom gets very angry and says, “You are always exaggerating, and I think that you are very unkind, too. This article is right! It says that most women are vain and silly.” Margaret understands that Tom is right. And says in a very timid voice, “I am sorry, dear. Forgive me!” ===== ***

crueles palabras

*** (vease abajo) tímida

most women = la mayoría de las mujeres

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Dinner at an Elegant Restaurant 

It is a beautiful summer evening. Tom and Margaret are walking along “La Rambla de las Flores”, a beautiful street near t h e harbour of Barcelona. There are lots of people in the street. Some of them are sitting outside the cafés, talking and drinking coffee, tea or beer. There are many people looking at the shop windows. Three young men are playing the guitar, and two pretty young women wearing flamenco dresses are dancing and singing. Many people are looking at them and are listening to their lovely music. When they stop playing and dancing, everyone gives them some money. Tom gives them five dollars, so the young men smile sweetly and say, “ Muchas 

a lo largo de cerca del

llevando de tocar  cada uno

gracias, señor!” 

It is n o w eight o’clock . Tom and Margaret are beginning to feel hungry. Tom sees a big restaurant and says, “We can eat here, dear.”

son las ocho ... ...empezando

The inside of the restaurant is very elegant. There are beautiful flowers on all the tables, and there is airconditioning, too. A young man is playing the piano and a young woman is singing. Her voice is very melodious .


There are many people in the restaurant … good- looking men and pretty women wearing elegant evening dresses. There are very few free tables.


Tom and Margaret sit at one of the tables and after a few minutes, a smiling waiter brings them the menu.

después de

(continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




10 Dinner at an Elegant Restaurant 

Tom is hungry, as always, always , so he tells the waiter to bring h i m paella , a big steak with fried potatoes, bananas and oranges. He also tells the waiter to bring him a bottle of red wine.

como siempre

Margaret orders soup, fish and chocolate cakes, but she wants to drink only mineral water.


“You drink too much wine, Tom,” she says. “And you eat too many cakes,” says Tom. “But too much wine is very bad for you,” she continues.


“And too many cakes are bad for you,” says Tom. So, what can Margaret answer? ***

The dinner is really very good. The wine is delicious and the cakes are delicious, too. Margaret likes the restaurant very much because it is so elegant, and also because she can hear some of her favourite music. “I like to listen to music when I eat,” she says.


o í r  cuando

“Yes, dear. You are right,” says Tom. “Music is so good for the digestion.” “You are vulgar, Tom!” says Margaret. ***

The waiter brings the bill. “Keep the change,” says Tom. The waiter is happy. It is a very good t i p .


(continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.





Dinner at an Elegant Restaurant 

“Thank you, sir,” he says. “Thank you very much.” Tom and Margaret stand up . “I want to wash my hands,” says Margaret. So, Tom sits down again and she goes to the toilet and washes her hands. When she returns , she says, “Come on, Tom. We can go now.” When they are in the street, Margaret says, “A very nice place. We can come here again tomorrow evening.” “ Of course, course , dear,” says Tom. “The food is really delicious. The wine is good quality , and it is not expensive expensive.. ”

se levantan de nuevo vuelve

naturalmente calidad / caro

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to know


= conocer, saber 

We already know Tom and Margaret.


Nosotros ya   c o n o c e m o s Tom y Margaret. >

W e know that Tom is American and that Margaret is Engli sh.  Nosotros   s a b e m o s que Tom es americano y que Margaret es inglesa..

> 1.

Who …?


W h o is that pretty girl sitting in the car? 2.


= que

Tom is an American young man w h o lives in New York.



Tom is an American young man that lives in New York.

> 3. >


= cuyo

Tom has a cousin whose name is Mary. The young man, whose name is Pablo, can speak a little English. >



= con


= sin

Some people like coffee with a lot of sugar. Other people like their coffee without sugar. > while


= mientras

Margaret loves shopping, while Tom thinks that shopping is boring. While Tom swims, Margaret sits under a beach umbrella and reads a magazine.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



lying >

= tendido, -a -os -as

Many people are lying on the beach in the hot sun. sitting



= sentado, -a -os -as

Margaret is sitting under a beach umbrella. > I would like …


= quisiera …

Margaret would like to have some pleasant conversation. Pablo says to Margaret that he would like to see her again. > boy cousin

= primo

girl cousin

= prima

Cuando en español se dice “  mi primo”, se entiende que se trata de un v a r ό n . Cuando en inglés se dice “ my cousin”, cousin ”, puede tratarse tanto de un v a r ό n como de una  hembra . Por lo tanto, delante de “ cousin ” se pone “ b o y ” o “ girl ” .

> to get

Cuando a “ to get ” le sigue un adjetivo, significa “ volverse ” . to get angry

= enfadarse (lit. volverse enfadado)

to get tired

= cansarse

to get fat

= engordar 

to get bored …

= aburrirse


When people say that Mary is ugly, Tom gets angry . If you work too much, you get tired. tired . If you eat too many sweets, you get fat. fat .

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




= tampoco

Not … either >

Mary is not pretty, but she is n o t ugly either . Margaret cannot play tennis, and she can n o t play football either . > What about…?


= ¿Qué te parece de…? ¿Qué me dices de…? ¿Qué le pasa a…? etc.

What about a nice holiday in Disneyland? ¿ Q u é t e p a r e c e d e una agradable vacaci ό n en Disneyland?


What about your girlfriend? Is she well now? ¿ Q u é m e d i c e s d e tu novia? ¿Está bien ahora?


What about your friend Marta? Why isn’t she coming to university? ¿ Q u é l e p a s a a t u amiga Marta? ¿Por qué no viene a l a universidad?

> most >

= la mayoría de

The article says that most women are vain. Most children like sweets and chocolates. Most people spend their evenings watching TV. > along


= a lo largo de

Tom and Margaret are walking along “La Rambla de las Flores”.

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Los siguientes ve rbos tienen una construcc i ό n diferente del espoñol: 1.

= mirar  (lit. mirar a)

to look at

Look a t me!


Look a t him!

=¡Mirame! - ¡Mirale!

- What is Margaret looking a t ? - She is looking at a group of children playing happily with a ball. Now she is looking at the blue sky, a t the sea and a t all the people on the beach. ***

Pablo likes Margaret very much. He likes to look a t h e r sweet blue eyes and a t her beautiful blonde hair.  Nota “ T o l o o k ” es seguido de “ a t ” cuando se nombra la persona o la cosa que se mira. Look!

- Look  a t t h e m o o n !

> 2.

= escuchar  (lit. escuchar a)

To listen to…

Listen t o me!


Listen t o him!

= ¡Escuchame! - ¡Escuchale!

Margaret is singing a romantic song for T om. But he is not listening t o her. He only likes to listen t o rock and roll. He says that when he li stens t o romantic songs he falls asleep. === h e f a l l s a s l e e p = se duerme (lit. cae dormido)

 Nota “ T o l i s t e n ” es seguido de “ t o ” cuando se nombra la persona o la cosa che se escucha. Liste n!

- Listen t o t h e m u s i c !

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= preguntar; pedir 

to ask >

T o m asks (pregunta) a policeman, “Where is the public garden?”


T o m asks (pide) the waiter to bring him a beer.

En español se dice:

Tom pregunta a un policía …- Tom pide a l camarero...

En inglés se dice:

Tom asks a policeman … -

Tom asks a t a policeman …

Tom asks a t the waiter... ¡Error ! ! 

> 4. To give (to)

= dar (a)

T o m gives Margaret a cake cake.. Margaret gives Tom a kiss. kiss .


T o m gives a cake t o Margaret. Margaret gives a kiss t o Tom. Nota Cuando se pone el  objeto  antes, “ cake, kiss”, kiss ”, la persona a quien se da algo es precedida de “ t o ” . G i v e h e r a k i s s ! - G i v e a k i s s  t o h e r !

> 5. To bring (to)

= traer (a)

The waiter brings Margaret some cakes cakes.. The waiter brings some cakes t o Margaret.



“ To bring ” se construye como “ to give” give ” . B r i n g h i m a b e e r ! - B r i n g a b e e r  t o h i m !

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.





to offer (to)

= ofrecer (a)

Margaret offers Pablo a chocolate.


Margaret offers a chocolate t o Pablo. Nota

“ T o o f f e r ” se construye como “ to give”  y “ to bring ” . O f f e r h i m a b e e r ! - O f f e r a b e e r  t o h i m !

> 7.

to say (to) >

= decir (a)

Margaret says , “I am tired.” Margaret says t o Tom that she is tired. S h e says to him, “I am hungry.” S h e says to h i m that she is hungry.


“ T o s a y ” se construye como “ to give” give ” , “ to bring ” y “ to offer ” .

1 > Look! Listen!

- Look  a t t h e m o o n ! - Liste n t o t h e m u s i c !

2 > G i v e h e r a k i s s ! . - G i v e a k i s s  t o h e r ! B r i n g h i m a b e e r ! - B r i n g a b e e r  t o h i m ! O f f e r h i m a b e e r ! - O f f e r a b e e r  t o h i m !

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




direct speech

= estilo directo

indirect speech

= estilo indirecto (lit. discurso indirecto)

to say - to tell

(lit. discurso directo)

= decir 

En el estilo indirecto, cuando se expresa el complemento, en lugar de “ t o s a y ” se prefiere usar “ to tell”, tell ”, sin “ t o ” . >

H e says to Margaret that he is hungry. H e says to her that he is hungry. o 


H e tells Margaret that he is hungry. H e tells h e r that he is hungry. > Tom

- In the morning, I like to go to the beach and swim in the blue sea. In the afternoon I like to sit in the lounge of the hotel and read a magazine. If I am tired I like to have a little n a p . ( siesta) s iesta) If I am hungry I lik e to have a sandwich. When I am thirsty I li ke to drink a cold beer.

indirect speech T o m says that in the morning he likes to go to the beach and swim in the blue sea. H e says that in the afternoon he likes to sit in the lounge of the hotel and read a magazine. He also says that if he is tired he lik es to have a little nap. If he is hungry he likes to have a sandwich. And when he is thirsty he likes to drink a cold beer. Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




direct speech In a Restaurant Tom Marg.



Waiter, bring us the menu, please. ***

I want fish, a t omato salad and mineral water. I want a steak with f ried potatoes and red wine.

Marg. Tom Marg.



Tom, pass me the o i l please. (oil = aceite ) Margaret, this steak is delicious. Is your fish good, too? Yes, it is very good.

indirect speech In a Restaurant

Tom and Margaret are in a restaurant. T o m says to the waiter (tells ( tells the waiter) to bring them the menu. ***

Margaret says that she wants fish, a tomato salad and mineral water. T o m says that he wants a steak with fried potatoes and red wine. ***

Margaret says to Tom (tells ( tells Tom) to pass her the oil. T o m says to Margaret ( tells Margaret) that the steak is delicious. And he asks her if her fish is good, too. Margaret answers that it is very good. Nota En lugar de los nombres: nombres :

Margaret says to T o m (tells T o m ) T o m says to Margaret (tells Margaret) Margaret )

Usa los  pronombres:  pronombres :

S h e says to h i m (tells h i m ) H e says to h e r (tells h e r )

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pronombres complementos me









En inglés los pronombres complementos se ponen después d e l v e r b o . •

Give m e a glass of water, please. Bring h e r a cup of tea, please. Tell h i m to come here.

Se ponen también detrás de las  preposiciones . •

The hot sun is bad for m e . Can I come with y o u ? Look at h e r ! Isn’t she pretty? She says to h i m , “You are very kind.” The moon is shining over u s . >

E n inglés los pronombres complementos se ponen detrás del verbo. E n español se ponen antes del verbo.

He gives m e a book.

É l  m e da un libro.

The waiter brings h i m the bill.

El camarero l e trae la cuenta.

He kisses h e r .

É l l a besa.

  Al imperativo, tanto en español como en inglés, los pronombres complementos se ponen  detrás del verbo.

Pass m e the wine, please!

¡Pása m e el vino, por favor!

Bring m e a coffee, please!

¡Tráiga m e una café, por favor!

Follow h i m !

¡Sígue l e !

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



21 Translation

1 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

T r a d u c e o r a l m e n t e . En la p ά gina siguiente está la clave de esta

traducci ό n . C o p i a toda la p ά gina.

I am Italian. My name is Marco. You are English. Your name is Robert. He is Spanish. His name is Carlos. She is French. Her name is Brigitte. It is a Persian cat. I ts name is Kosmo. We are American. America is our country. country. You are Russian. Russia is your country. They are German. Germany is their country. I have got an old house. You have got a modern house. He has got a big house. We have got a black cat. You have got a white cat. They have got two canaries. I am Italian and I live in Rome. You are English and you live in London. He is American and he lives in New York. She is Portuguese and she lives in Lisbon. We are French and we live in Paris. You are Spanish and you live in Madrid. They are German and they live in Berlin. This child has blonde hair. That child has black hair. These children are Chinese. Those children are Indian.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



22 Translation

Escribe en u n cuaderno la traducci ό n del español al inglés.


precedente está está la clave de esta Corrige los errores. En la p ά gina precedente


traducci ό n . Traduce oralmente del español al inglés .

3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Yo soy italiano. Mi nombre es Marco. Tú eres inglés. Tu nombre es Robert. Él es español . Su nombre es Carlos. Ella es francesa . Su nombre es Brigit te. Ello es un gato persa. Su nombre es Kosmo. Nosotros somos americanos. América es nuestro país. Vosotros sois rusos. Rusia es vuestro país. Ellos son alemanes. Alemania es su país. Yo tengo una casa vieja. Tú tienes una casa moderna. Él tiene una casa grande. Nosotros tenemos un gato negro. Vosotros tenéis un gato blanco. Ellos tienen dos canarios. Yo soy italiano y yo vivo en Roma. Tú eres inglés y tú vives en Londres. Él es americano y él vive en New York. Ella es portuguesa y élla vive en Lisboa. Nosotros somos franceses y nosotros vivimos en París. Vosotros sois españoles y vosotros vosotros vivís en Madrid. Madrid. Ellos son alemanes y ellos viven en Berl ín. Este niño tiene el pelo rubio. Aquél niño tiene el pelo negro. Estos niños son chinos. Aquellos niños son indios.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



23 Translation

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

There is a man on the beach. There are three men in the sea. Is there a woman in the car? Are there three women in the car? One foot, two feet. One tooth, two teeth. He is a good student. Is he a good student? He is not a good student. Mary has got a red dress. Has Mary got a red dress? Mary hasn’t got a red dress. There is a dog in the house. Is there a dog in the house? There is not a dog in the house. I am reading a magazine. You are reading a book. He is writing a letter. She is drinking a glass of water. We are watching TV. You are listening to the radio. They are eating ice cream. She is sleeping. Is she sleeping? She is not sleeping.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



24 Translation

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Hay Hay Hay Hay

un hombre en la playa.. tres hombres en el mar. una mujer en el coche? tres mujeres en el coche?

Un pie, dos pies. Un diente, dos dientes. Él es un buen estudiante. ¿Es él un buen estudiante? Él no es un buen estudiante. Mary tiene un vestido rojo. ¿Tiene Mary un vestido rojo? Mary no tiene un vestido rojo. Hay un perro en la casa. ¿Hay un perro en la casa? No hay un perro en la casa. Yo estoy leyendo una revista. Tú estás leyendo un libro. Él está escribiendo una carta. Ella está bebiendo un vaso de agua. Nosotros estamos mirando la televisi ό n . Vosotros estáis escuchando la radio. Ellos están comiendo helado. Ella está durmiendo. ¿Está ella durmiendo? Ella no está durmiendo.

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25 Translation

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 7 0. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.


Who is that boy? What is his name? Which is your favourite favourite sport: football or basketball? Why are you reading that stupid magazine? Because I like it.

I am always bored. This translation is so boring. He is writing a letter to his father. She likes to read books about history. I am single. He is engaged. She is married. According to Tom, Sharon Stone is a beautiful woman. In my opinion, English is a very i mportant language. Come in! Put on your hat! Take off your your shoes! The opposite of much is littl e. The opposite of many is f ew. The plural of much is many. What is your name? What is your address? What is your telephone number? What are you eating? What are you drinking? Margaret thinks that politics are boring. -

Waiter, bring him a beer, please! please! Waiter, bring her a Coca-Cola, please! Waiter, bring us a bottle bottle of wine, please! If you give me some wine, I will give you some beer.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



26 Translation

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.


¿Quién es aquel muchacho? ¿Cuál es su nombre? ¿Cuál es tu preferido deporte: f útbol o bal ό ncesto? ¿Por qué estás leyendo esa estúpida revista? Porque me gusta.

Yo estoy siempre aburrido. ¡Esta traducci ό n es tan aburrida! Él está escribiendo una carta a su padre. A mi me gusta ( l i t . y o g u s t o ) leer libros de historia.


Yo estoy soltero. Él está prometido. Ella está casada. Según Tom, Sharon Stone es una bella mujer. Según mi, el inglés es una lengua muy importante. ¡Entra! ¡Ponte tu sombrero! ¡Quitate tus zapatos!

64. 6 5.

El opuesto de mucho es poco. El opuesto de muchos es pocos. El plural de mucho es muchos.

66. 67.

- ¿ C ό mo te llamas? (lit. ¿Cuál es tu nombre?) ¿Cuál es tu direcci ό n ? ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? ¿Qué estás comiendo? ¿Qué estás bebiendo? Margaret piensa que (la) política es aburrida.

60. 61. 62.

68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.


Camarero, ¡traigale una cerveza, por favor! Camarero, ¡traigale una Coca-Cola, por f avor! Camarero, ¡traiganos una botella de vino, por f avor! Si tú me das un poco de vino, yo te daré un poco de cerveza.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



27 Translation


- Waiter bring them some cakes, please!


When I’m hungry I want to eat. When I’m thirsty I want to drink. When I’m cold, I put on a woollen pull over. When I’m hot, I take off my pullover. In January, it is usually cold. In August, it is usually hot.

78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.

Here you are! Come on! - It is time for lunch! When Robert is hungry, he is angry, too. There is a glass and a box on the table. There are two glasses and two boxes on the table. One fish. - Two fishes. One church. - Two churches. In the afternoon I always watch TV. I never watch TV in the morning. The sun is too hot this morning. Tom drinks too much beer. Margaret eats too many cakes. He drinks too much. She eats too much.


The newspaper is on the table. The shoes are under the table. I have only one friend.


- I think that this translation is very useful.

96. 97.


- I think that it is too long.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.



28 Translation


- ¡Camarero traigales algunos pasteles, por f avor!


Cuando yo tengo hambre ( l i t . e s t o y h a m b r i e n t o ) , quiero comer. Cuando yo tengo sed ( l i t . e s t o y s e d i e n t o ) , quiero beber. Cuando yo tengo frío, me pongo un jersey de lana. Cuando yo tengo calor, me quito el j ersey. En enero, usualmente hace frío . (lit. ello es frío) In agosto, usualmente hace calor. (lit. ello es caliente)

78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

¡He aquí! ¡Vamos! - ¡Es hora del almuerzo! Cuando Robert tiene hambre (lit. está hambriento) , él está enfadado, también. Hay un vaso y una caja sobre la mesa. Hay dos vasos y dos cajas sobre la mesa. Un pez. - Dos peces. Una iglesia. - Dos iglesias. Por la tarde yo siempre miro (la) televisi ό n . . Yo miro la televisi ό n por la mañana. (lit. en la mañana) El sol está demasiado caliente esta mañana. Tom bebe demasiada cerveza. Margaret come demasiados pasteles . Él bebe demasiado. Ella come demasiado. El peri ό dico está encima de la mesa. Los zapatos están debajo de la mesa. Yo tengo solamente un amigo. - Yo pienso que esta traducci ό n es muy útil. - Yo pienso que es demasiado larga.

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Exercises 1.


Completa con:  to - at



- in 

Algunas frases non requieren ninguna preposici ό n . Consulta las páginas 14 a 18.

It is a beautiful summer evening. Tom and Margaret go … . . t h e public garden. There are many beautiful trees and flowers … . . the garden. They walk and walk. When they are tired they sit … . . the grass. Margaret is very romantic and she says … . . him, “Look Tom! Look … . . the moon and the stars!” But Tom says … . . her, “I prefer to look … . . you.” Now they are in a café. There is a juke box … . . the café. Tom wants to listen … . . some nice modern songs, but Margaret would like to listen … . . classical music. So she asks … . . the waiter if they have got any any classical music. But the waiter answers that there isn’t any classical music … . . the juke box. Margaret tells … . . Tom that she is hungry. So he gives … . . Margaret a cake. Tom says … . . her that he is thirsty. So she gives a beer … . . him. Tom says … . . the waiter, “Bring the bill, please.” The waiter brings the bill and T om gives him a tip. The waiter says … . . him, “thank you, sir.”

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Vocabulary after along as always asleep beauty t o begin t o call t o consider cruel direct each face t o fall fast fat fit for instance full generous t o hear I would like in fact indirect loud lying melodious most nap not …either t o offer

despu és de, tras ElØN a lo largo de Ez Ø:lweiz como siempre dormido Esli:p belleza bju:ti empezar  tu bigin llamar  tu kØ:l considerar  tu kEnsidE cruel kru:El direkt / dairekt directo cada, cada uno i:tS cara feis caer  tu fØ:l veloz, velozmente fa:st gordo fAt en forma fit fErinstEns   por ejemplo lleno ful dZenErEs generoso tu hiE o í r  ai wEd laik me gustaría, quisiera in fAkt de hecho indirekt indirecto laud fuerte, al to (un ruido) laiN tendido miloudiEs melodioso moust la mayoría de nAp siesta tampoco nØt aiTE ofrecer  tu ØfE a:ftE

(continúa) Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.




Vocabulary oil


t o order

tu Ø:dE

other to pay t o return same to smile smiling something speech university (I) w as to wear while whose word would

úTE tu pei tu rit¨:n seim tu smail smailiN súm†iN spi:tS  ju:niv¨:siti woz / wEz tu weE wail hu:z w¨:d wud / wEd

aceite ordenar  otro  pagar  volver  mismo sonreír  sonriente algo discurso, conferencia universidad  era, fue – estaba - estuve llevar (ropa) mientras cuyo  palabra Auxiliar verbal usada para formar el tiempo  condicional 

Carmelo Mangano – – for private or academic use only.

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