Curriculum Vitae | August 2017

August 22, 2017 | Author: rossmounce | Category: Open Access, Natural History, Biodiversity, Paleontology, Museum
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Ross Mounce | Curriculum Vitae Arcadia Fund, Sixth Floor, 5 Young Street, London W8 6EH Œ • 7 @rmounce • ‡ rossmounce ¯ ross-mounce • ORCID: 0000-0002-3520-2046

I like using new technology to innovate and enhance our understanding of the world. Key themes of my research are reproducibility, text & data mining, and fostering change in academic publishing practices. I’m most at home collaborating on projects in distributed, version-controlled environments such as GitHub. Always keen to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to make change happen. Open is the way forward.

Education & Employment ○␣





Arcadia Fund London Open Access Grants Manager June 2017–present Seeking to make information available to all without barriers of cost or distance University of Cambridge Cambridge Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brockington Lab December 2015–May 2017 Modelling species conservation and the diversity of living collections in the world’s botanic gardens Natural History Museum London Scientific Associate July 2015–November 2015 Text mining museum specimen data from the recent literature University of Bath Bath Postdoctoral Research Associate February 2014–July 2015 The PLUTo project: Phyloinformatic Literature Unlocking Tools University of Bath Bath PhD in Evolutionary Biology October 2009–December 2013 Comparative Cladistics: Fossils, Morphological Data Partitions and Lost Branches in the Fossil Tree of Life


Natural History Museum, London MSc (Hons) in Advanced Methods in Taxonomy and Biodiversity

London 2008–2009


Imperial College London BSc (Hons) in Biology

London 2005–2008

Awards & Grants ○␣

Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship Personal award to help develop my plans for biodiversity content mining,

University of Cambridge 2016


BBSRC grant with Matthew Wills Tools & Resources Development Funding, PLUTo project

University of Bath 2014–2015


Panton Fellowship for Open Data in Science Personal award for the promotion and production of open research data,

University of Bath 2012–2013


Kurt M. Pickett Award Intercontinental travel grant to support promising research students,


Ede & Ravenscroft Prize Finalist A competition to reward the best graduate research students across the university,


Santander Research Grant Award Competitively-awarded funding to support research links with Latin America,


Systematics Association Travel Bursary Supporting travel to the SystAss Biennial meeting,

University of California, Riverside 2012 University of Bath 2012 São Paulo 2011 Belfast 2011


Published Outputs In total, at least 145 citations so far | Google Scholar h-index: 5 | ImpactStory profile for altmetrics data 19. Mounce, R., Murray-Rust, P. and Wills, M. 2017. A machine-compiled microbial supertree from figuremining thousands of papers. Research Ideas and Outcomes DOI: 10.3897/rio.3.e13589 >1300 views 18. Beeston, A., Blazic, L., Chue Hong, N., Domander, R., Mounce, R. and Wilson, R. 2016. Ten simple rules for writing a comparative software review. PeerJ PrePrints DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.2221v1 17. Mounce, R., Sansom, R. and Wills, M. 2016. Sampling diverse characters improves phylogenies: Craniodental and postcranial characters of vertebrates often imply different trees. Evolution DOI: 10.1111/evo.12884 3 citations 16. Mietchen, D., Mounce, R., Penev, L. 2015. Publishing the research process. Research Ideas and Outcomes DOI: 10.3897/rio.1.e7547 3 citations >2700 views 15. Mounce, R. 2015. Dark Research: information content in many modern research papers is not easily discoverable online. PeerJ PrePrints DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.773v1 >2200 views 1 citation 14. Mounce, R. 2014. Open Data and Palaeontology. In: S. A. Moore (ed.) Issues in Open Research Data. Pp. 151–164. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI: 10.5334/ban.j 2 citations 13. Murray-Rust, P., Smith-Unna, R., and Mounce, R. 2014. AMI-diagram: Mining facts from images. D-Lib Magazine 20(11/12) DOI: 10.1045/november14-murray-rust 2 citations 12. Mounce, R. 2014. The right to read is the right to mine: Text and data mining copyright exceptions introduced in the UK. LSE Impact Blog invited, popular blog post 11. Vos, R., Biserkov, J., Balech, B., Beard, N., Blissett, M., Brenninkmeijer, C., van Dooren, T., Eades, D., Gosline, G., Groom, Q., Hamann, T., Hettling, H., Hoehndorf, R., Holleman, A., Hovenkamp, P., Kelbert, P., King, D., Kirkup, D., Lammers, Y., DeMeulemeester, T., Mietchen, D., Miller, J., Mounce, R., Nicolson, N., Page, R., Pawlik, A., Pereira, S., Penev, L., Richards, K., Sautter, G., Shorthouse, D., Tähtinen, M., Weiland, C., Williams, A., and Sierra, S. 2014. Enriched biodiversity data as a resource and service. Biodiversity Data Journal DOI: 10.3897/bdj.2.e1125 13 citations & >2000 views 10. Mounce R. 2013. Comparative cladistics: fossils, morphological data partitions and lost branches in the fossil tree of life. pp. 1-161. [University of Bath, PhD thesis] full text 2 citations 9. Poisot, T., Mounce R., and Gravel, D. 2013. Moving toward a sustainable ecological science: don’t let data go to waste! Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 6(2) DOI: 10.4033/iee.2013.6b.14.f 16 citations 8. Mounce R. and Janies, D. 2013. Synergistic sharing of data and tools to enable team science. In: J. Zander & P.J. Mosterman (eds.) Computation for Humanity - Information Technology to Advance Society CRC Press, pp. 437-447. full text 7. Mounce R. 2013. Easy steps towards open scholarship. LSE Impact Blog invited, popular blog post 6. Mounce, R. 2013. Open access and altmetrics: distinct but complementary. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 39:14-17. DOI: 10.1002/bult.2013.1720390406 54 citations 5. Garcia, A., Murray-Rust, P., Burns, G. A. P. C., Stevens, R., Tkaczyk, D., McLaughlin, C., Belin, A., Di Iorio, A., Garcia, L., Gruson-Daniel, C., Mounce, R., Nuzzolese, A. G., Peroni, S., Spinks, J., VillazonTerrazas, B., Corcho, O., Giraldo, O., and Wabiszewski, M. 2013. PDFJailbreak-a communal architecture for making biomedical PDFs semantic. Proceedings of the BioLINK SIG full text 5 citations 4. Mounce, R. 2012. Twitter for systematists. The Systematist 34 full text 3. Mounce, R. 2012. Life as a Palaeontologist: Academia, the Internet and Creative Commons. Palaeontology Online full text 2 citations 2. Stoltzfus, A., O’Meara, B., Whitacre, J., Mounce, R., Gillespie, E., Kumar, S., Rosauer, D., and Vos, R. 2012. Sharing and re-use of phylogenetic trees (and associated data) to facilitate synthesis. BMC Research Notes DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-5-574 24 citations 1. Mounce, R. and Wills, M. 2011. Phylogenetic position of Diania challenged. Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature10266 16 citations & 2 Wikipedia mentions


Invited Talks ○␣

OpenCon 2014 (Washington, D.C.) The State of Open Research Data

Nov. 15th 2014 >500 views


TDWG (Florence) Sharing re-usable phylogenetic data: we’re not there yet

Oct. 31st 2013 >500 views


Licences For Europe: Text and Data Mining (European Commission, Brussels) Content Mining: The Researcher Point-of-View

Mar. 8th 2013 >3000 views


Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 72nd Annual Meeting (Raleigh) Examining character congruence and compatibility of vertebrate cladistic data

Oct. 19th 2012 >300 views


NESCent seminar (Durham) Mining phyloinformatic data from the published literature

Oct. 18th 2012 >1300 views


International Council for Science (ICSU) workshop (Chicheley Hall) BOAI-compliant open access/data licensing matters: content mining


British Ecological Society Annual Meeting (Sheffield) On the Importance of Open Science and Open Data


The 6th Annual Open Knowledge Conference (Berlin) Open Palaeontology: putting data on the web for all to see and use

Sep. 3rd 2012 >900 views Sep. 13th 2011 >1300 views Jul. 1st 2011 >2500 views

Selected Conference Talks Lyell Meeting on Palaeoinformatics (The Geological Society, London) Specimen-level mining: bringing knowledge back ’home’ to the NHM, London Jisc Digifest (Birmingham, UK) New Directions in Open Research [panel session]

Mar. 9th 2016 Mar. 3rd 2016

SciFri Monthtly Seminar (The Natural History Museum, London) Museum impact: linking-up specimens with research published on them

Sep. 18th 2015 on YouTube

6th European Phycological Congress (London) Modern Tools & Rationales for 21st Century Research

Aug. 27th 2015 >500 views

Open Data & Reproducibility Workshop (British Ecological Society, London) Open Research Data: Licensing, Standards & Future

Apr. 21st 2015 >600 views

FOSTER Open Science (King’s College London) The Open Advantage for Early Career Researchers

Sep. 4th 2014 >700 views

Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (Boston, MA) The PLUTo Project: mining phyloinformatics data from the literature

Jul. 11th 2014 on YouTube

iEvoBio (Raleigh, NC) The PLUTo Project: mining phyloinformatics data from the literature British Ecological Society Careers Event (London) Social Media: How it can help you do science

Jun. 24th >900 Nov. 28th >800

2014 views 2013 views

Beyond The PDF 2 (Amsterdam) Simple Additions to PDF Metadata

Mar. 19th 2013 >1000 views

The 2nd Pro-iBiosphere Workshop (Leiden) Deconstructing PDF’s into SVG to extract semantic data

Feb. 14th 2013 >1400 views

The 1st Open Knowledge Festival (Helsinki) The OKFN Panton Fellowships: from data mining to graduate training with Kershaw S.

Sep. 19th 2012 Video

Willi Hennig Society Meeting XXXI (Riverside, California) Partitioned Supertree Support Mounce R., Davis K., Hill J., Hughes M. & Wills M.

Jun. 25th 2012 >1300 views

The 55th Palaeontology Association Annual Meeting (Plymouth) Methods of Determining Cranial and Postcranial Character Congruence [poster]

Dec. 19th 2011 >1000 views

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 71st Annual Meeting (Las Vegas) Nov. 2nd 2011 Phylogenetic Congruence between Cranial and Postcranial Characters in Archosaur Systematics


Willi Hennig Society Meeting XXX (Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil) A Review of the Incongruence Length Difference test: Uses and Abuses The 8th Biennial Systematics Association meeting (Belfast) Nullius in Calculo: the Explicitness & Reproducibility of Cladistic Analyses

Aug. 1st 2011 >1400 views Jul. 8th 2011 >1500 views

iEvoBio (Oklahoma) Publishing Re-usable Phylogenetic Trees Jun. 22nd 2011 O’Meara B. (presented by), Whitacre J., Mounce R., Rosauer D. F., Vos R. A. & Stoltzfus A. Progressive Palaeontology (Leicester) Congruence between cranial & postcranial characters in vertebrate systematics

May. 5th 2011 >1100 views

The 12th Young Systematists’ Forum (London) The (continued) growth of phylogenetic information

Dec. 1st 2010 >2200 views

Willi Hennig Society meeting XXIX (Hawaii) The congruence of morphological characters

Aug. 1st 2010

International Palaeontological Congress 3 (London) How do fossils influence estimates of phylogeny? Wills, M.A. (presented by) & Mounce, R.

Jul. 3rd 2010

Professional Service Council Member for the Systematics Association 2012-2017 | SRF grant reviewer 2015 & 2016 Founding Editor Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) 2015-present Subject Editor for Biodiversity Data Journal 2013-present | Editor Data (MDPI) 2015-present Organising Committee for OpenCon 2014 & 2015; Young Systematists’ Forum 2013, 2014 & 2015 Program Committee for LCPD 2014; Reproducible Open Science 2016 Reviewer for many journal articles as detailed at my Publons reviewer profile

Technical and Personal skills ○␣

Web / Programming Languages: Proficient in: R, Perl, Python, bash, LATEX, Markdown, HTML Web-scraping with wget, curl, quickscrape, BeautifulSoup, and Javascript.


Specific tool expertise & experience: Unix tools & data science at the command line; IPython; R packages including ape, phangorn, treebase, dplyr, reshape, tm, SnowballC, VennDiagram; Authorea, Overleaf & GitHub for manuscript preparation; PAUP; TNT; MrBayes; POY; RAxML; Dendroscope; BioPhylo; TreeSnatcher Plus; FigTree; Eclipse IDE; Mesquite; ghosts; Supertree Toolkit 2; PICA...


Wikipedia: It’s the world’s go-to information resource, and I’m proud to be a contributor. During a TrowelBlazers event for Ada Lovelace Day 2014, I created new articles for Meemann Chang & Doris Mary Kermack. I hope to contribute more to Wikipedia and Wikidata in future.


Communication Skills: Excellent presentation skills. Works well in a team. Good at technical writing for both academic and lay audiences. Enthusiastic online communicator through webinars, podcasts, blogs and social media. Highly-experienced with remote working: Skype, Google Hangouts, UberConference, Etherpads, Slack, GitHub & Google Docs are second nature to me. First-rate in-person communication too.

Courses and Workshops, Taught and Attended [Lead Instructor] ContentMine Workshop (University of Bath) Teaching the basics of content mining tools and philosophies to biologists

Jul. 2015

[Attended] Supertree Toolkit 2 (University of Bath) A training course on how to use the STK2 program for managing supertree data

Dec. 2014

[Taught At] Software Carpentry Bootcamp (University College London) Teaching basic Python, Shell, Git & GitHub, Testing & Debugging

Nov. 2014

[Attended] Software Carpentry Instructor Training (TGAC, Norwich) Learning how to teach research scientists how to program

Oct. 2014


[Attended] Phylogenetic Comparative Methods Workshop (Raleigh, SVP) Phylogenetic uncertainty & retrodiction, correlated evolution, and rates of character evolution

Oct. 2012

[Attended] Linking Open Data in Biology using Ontologies (Hinxton, EBI) An introduction to RDF, triples, ontologies and literature mining.

May 2011

[Attended] Data-intensive Paleobiological Research using PaleoDB (Edinburgh, NeSC) Learning statistics, accounting for uncertainty, and methods of querying PaleoDB data.

Apr. 2011

[Taught At] Postgraduate-led Four-Day R Training Course (University of Bath) Teaching data import/export, data manipulation, visualization, basic statistics & scripting

Aug. 2010

[Attended] 2nd EDIT Summer School (Muranska Planina National Park, Slovakia) Field-based learning about taxonomy. Small mammals, plants and insects.

Jul. 2009

Popular Media Nature News, I’ve been interviewed for quotes on: Data sharing in palaeontology 2011-03-11 ; Open Access 2013-02-06 ; Text-mining 2013-03-20 ; Careers advice 2013-03-27 ; Secret publishing deals 2014-06-26 ; A PLOS ONE paper 2015-01-29 ; Sparrho’s literature recommendation & discovery service 2014-09-03 The F1000 Blog “Fortune favours the brave! Publishing delays are completely avoidable.”

Jan. 2017

The Economist No peeking. . . A publishing giant goes after the authors of its journals’ papers

Jan. 2014

The Journal of Ecology podcast An interview, recorded by Scott Chamberlain on open data and open access

Apr. 2013

BBC Radio 3, live-broadcast debate on Open Access Night Waves programme with MP David Willetts & Dame Janet Finch

Oct. 2012

Voice of Russia UK radio show Discussing RCUK Open Access policy and academic publishing

Aug. 2012


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