Curriculum Development

April 18, 2017 | Author: Claudette Lui Cabanos- Mercado-Reyes | Category: N/A
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Curriculum Development & Evaluation * Dr. A. AsgariPresentation Transcript 1. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION Dr. Azadeh Asgari Foundations of Curriculum 2. What is Curriculum? Any document or plan that exists in a school or school system that defines the work of teachers, at least to the extent of identifying the content to be taught student and the methods to be used in the process (English, 2000). The educative experiences learners have in an educational program. The purpose of which is to achieve broad goals and related specific objectives that have been developed within a framework of theory and research, past and present professional practice, and the changing needs of society (Parkay, 2006). 3. Concept of Curriculum 1. A systematic group of courses or sequence of subjects required for graduation or certification in a major field of study; 2. A general overall plan of the content or specific materials of instruction that the college should offer the student by way of qualifying him for graduation or certification or for entrance into a professional or vocational field; 3. A body of prescribed educative experiences under the supervision of an educational institute, designed to provide an individual with the best possible training and experience to fit him for the society of which he is a part or to qualify him for a trade or a profession. 4. 7 Common Concepts of Curriculum 1. Scope and Sequence 2. Syllabus 3. Content Outline 4. Standards 5. Textbooks 6. Course of Study 7. Planned Experiences 1. (Posner, 2004) 5. Components of Curriculum 1. Curriculum Design 2. -Creating the curriculum in schools 3. Curriculum Delivery 4. -Implementation, supervising, monitoring or 5. using feedback to improve the curriculum

6. Curriculum Coordination 7. -Lateral focus and connectivity 8. Curriculum Articulation 9. -Vertical focus and connectivity 6. Types of Curriculum 1. Formal 2. Informal 1. -Values 2. -Personality of teacher 3. -Assessment 3. Hidden 4. Written 5. Taught 6. Tested 7. Quality Curriculum 1. Greater depth and less superficial coverage 2. Focus on problem solving 3. Facilitates the mastery of essential skill and knowledge 4. Coordinated 5. Articulation -multi-level sequence study 6. Emphasize academic and practical 7. Effective integrated curricula 8. Mastery of a limited number of objectives 8. Curriculum Goals 1. Provide general guidelines for determining the learning experiences to be included in the curriculum. 2. -Citizenship 3. -Equal Educational Opportunity 4. -Vocation

5. -Self-realization 6. -Critical Thinking 9. Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering: Student can recall or remember information (define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce, state) Understanding: Student can explain ideas or concepts (classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase) Applying : Student can use the information in a new way (choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write) Analyzing : Student can distinguish between the different parts (appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test) Evaluating : Student can justify a stand or decision (appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate) Creating : Student can create new product or point of view (assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write) 10. Syllabus 1. List of Subjects 2. Content outline for each subject 3. Broad time Allocations 11. Difference Between Syllabus & Curriculum 1. Functionally a ‘Syllabus’ is generally unidimensional in the sense it merely presents the content or the subject matter to be studied. 2. Curriculum is three dimensional , because it takes into account: 3. the needs of the students, 4. the content (in terms of specific performances) 5. instructional methodology 12. Curriculum Approaches 13. Curriculum as a Discipline 1. IS CURRICULUM A DISCIPLINE? 2. Reflect on the characteristics of a discipline: 1. have organized set of theoretical principles 2. encompasses a body of knowledge and skills pertinent to that discipline 3. has theoreticians and practitioners 14. Curriculum as a Discipline 15. Foundations of Curriculum

1. Foundations of Curriculum philosophy psychology sociology history 2. These foundations have been used by curriculum design and development teams to decide on: 3. - Goals of curriculum 4. - Content 5. - Organization of content 1. - Teaching process 16. Four Phases of Curriculum Process Design Phase Development Phase Implementation Phase Evaluation Phase Figure 1: Four Phases of Curriculum Process FEEDBACK LOOPS 17. CURRICULUM DESIGN PHASE 18. Curriculum Design Phase 1. What abilities the students possess on entry into the course? 2. What abilities they will acquire on leaving the course? (as indicated by the job analysis) THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN (a) and (b) IS THE GAP THAT MUST BE BRIDGED WHEN DESIGNING THE CURRICULUM 19. Formulation of the OBJECTIVES of the curriculum Job analysis Identification of knowledge and skill requirements Formulation of programme objectives Specification of entering behavior Curriculum Design Phase 20. Figure 2: Learning as a change in behavior Educational Process Student Input Entering Behavior Student Output Terminal Behavior 21. Educational Objectives PREREQUISITES OBJECTIVE What the learner has to know before he starts the course What the learner measurably knows after successful completion of the course CHANGE IN THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE LEARNER Figure 3: Educational Objectives Course Description (content) 22. Knowledge (intellectual) Cognitive Domain Affective Domain Attitudes (values) Psychomotor Domain Main Categories of Human Behavior Figure 4: Main Categories of Human Behavior 23. Instructional Objectives Instructional Objectives are statements that communicate in behavioral terms the expected performance of the students at the END of instruction. 24. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PHASE 25. Curriculum Development 1. Involves the following phases: 2. Curriculum planning

3. The decision about philosophy and aim of education 4. Curriculum design 5. The way curriculum is conceptualized 6. Selection and organization of content & learning activities 7. Curriculum implementation 8. Actualizing the curriculum entities 9. Curriculum evaluation 10. Determines the extent to which the curriculum has been successful 26. 1. Sequencing the various subjects / courses 2. Selecting the content in each subject 3. Sequencing the units and topics 4. Selecting instructional methods, instructional materials and media 5. Preparation of plans for instruction 6. Development of tests and other materials needed for evaluation of students performance 7. Orienting the teachers to the new curriculum. TASKS TO BE UNDERTAKEN: Curriculum Development Phase 27. Criteria of Utility, Variety & Flexibility While making various decisions during the process of curriculum development three criteria, described below, are usually employed: 1. CRITERION OF UTILITY 2. CRITERION OF VARIETY 3. CRITERION OF FLEXIBILITY 28. Criteria To Be Used For Decision Making 1. CRITERION of UTILITY CONTENT Must know Should know Nice to know 29. 2. CRITERION of VARIETY Interesting Variety of learning experiences Criteria To Be Used For Decision Making 30. 3. CRITERION of FLEXIBILITY 1. Horizontal and Vertical mobility 2. Modular approach 3. Bridge Courses 4. Core and Elective Subjects

Criteria To Be Used For Decision Making 31. What are the Qualifying Professional Development Categories? 1. 1. College and University Coursework 2. 2. Conferences/Workshops & Training Sessions 3. 3. Collaborative and Partnership Activities 4. 4. Involvement in Development/Improvement Processes. 5. 5. Individually-Guided Professional Development 6. 6. Professional Leadership Experiences 32. Suggestions for Improving CDP 1. Specification of instructional objectives for each course (subject) of the programme. 2. Organizing the syllabus in terms of units, topics and sub-topics. 3. Indicating the time allotted for teaching each unit of the course. 4. Assigning about 15% of the time allotted for each course for revision and conduct of tests. 5. Preparation and inclusion of a Table of Specifications (Blueprint) for construction of Question paper as an integral part of the curriculum, to ensure validity of the question paper. 33. 1. Greater involvement of teachers in the various tasks of curriculum process. 2. 7. Using the model curriculum as a base for curriculum revision (in various subjects). 3. Conferring Academic autonomy to the colleges 4. Utilization of the services of Academic council members 5. Establishment of a Curriculum cell in each college 6. Board of Studies 7. Size and 8. Composition Suggestions for Improving CDP 34. CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 35. 1. Preparation of implementation plans.

2. Organizing in-service staff development programmes. 3. Effecting organizational changes like work distribution, role clarification, provision of support services and streamlining procedures and communication channels. 4. Actual implementation of the curriculum in the identified institutions. 5. Monitoring the implementation processes and evaluation of students performance. 6. Collection of feedback information. TASKS TO BE UNDERTAKEN: Curriculum Implementation Phase 36. Curriculum and Instruction 1. Curriculum => what is taught 2. Instruction => how it’s taught Curriculum Instruction - Curriculum and instruction as 2 entities Dualistic Model 37. Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum Instruction 1. Curriculum and instruction mutually interdependent 2. Instruction is a subsystem of curriculum with curriculum dominating instruction Concentric Model 38. Curriculum and Instruction 1. Curriculum makes a continuous impact on instruction and vice versa. 2. Instructional decisions are made after curriculum decisions are made and later the curriculum decisions are modified after being evaluated in classroom Curriculum Instruction Cyclical Model 39. Two Approaches to Curriculum 1. Academic Approach 2. Competency based Approach 40. COMPETENCY BASED Subject Approach Knowledge Based Analysis of Subject Matter & Disciplines Systems Approach Job / Occupation Based Analysis of Policies, Labour Market and Occupations Contd. Two Approaches to Curriculum ACADEMIC 41. Determining Level and Prerequisites Organise Curriculum According to Logic of the Discipline Develop Instruction Analysis of Job and Tasks Contd. Develop Instruction Organise Curriculum According to way the job is done COMPETENCY BASED Two Approaches to Curriculum ACADEMIC

42. Who are the Learners? What Learning Objectives? What Learning Strategies? What Resources Needed? How Evaluate? What is to be learned? How will it be learned? What Texts / Materials? What Tests / Exams? COMPETENCY BASED Two Approaches to Curriculum ACADEMIC 43. Intended Curriculum vs. Operational Curriculum INTENDED CURRICULUM: Refers to the PRESCRIPTIONS in the curriculum document. The intended curriculum is an inert document containing the objectives of the curriculum, content matter, time schedules and the performance standards expected. 44. Intended Curriculum vs. Operational Curriculum OPERATIONAL CURRICULUM When an “intended curriculum” is enacted in a classroom or given life through teaching it becomes an “OPERATIONAL CURRICULUM”. It deals with the processes of teaching and learning, organisation of the class and the milieu in which instruction takes place. 45. Factors Influencing the Curriculum Implementation 1. FACTORS RELATED TO THE STUDENT: 1. Aptitude for the subject 2. Proficiency in the language which is used as the medium of instruction 3. Entering behavior 4. Motivation 46. 2. FACTORS RELATED TO THE TEACHER : 1. Teacher preparedness 2. Teacher’s resourcefulness Factors Influencing the Curriculum Implementation 47. 3 . FACTORS RELATED TO THE INSTRUCTIONAL ENVIRONMENT : 1. Appropriateness of curricular objectives 2. Adequacy of instructional time 3. Instructional resources 4. Instructional methods and procedures 5. Task orientation of the class 6. Evaluation procedures used 7. Feedback provided to students Factors Influencing the Curriculum Implementation 48. CURRICULUM EVALUATION PHASE

49. Curriculum Evaluation Phase Curriculum evaluation can be defined as the collection and provision of evidence, on the basis of which decisions can be taken about the feasibility, effectiveness and educational value of curricula. 50. Why Should We Evaluate a Curriculum? 1. To bring the curricular content abreast of modern advances 2. To remove the ‘Dead Wood’ from the curriculum 3. To improve the EFFECTIVENESS of the curriculum 4. To improve the Efficiency of curriculum Implementation process 5. To review the entry behavior requirements for admission into the course 6. To identify: 7. - How an “Intended Curriculum’ is enacted 8. - How it becomes operational 9. - The factors which may affect it and result in unintended effect EFFECTIVENESS = Actual Output Planned Output EFFICIENCY = Output Input 51. EFFECTIVENESS Doing Right Things EFFICIENCY Doing Things In The Right Way 52. ACTUAL OUTPUT PLANNED OUTPUT Determination of the extent to which the objectives of the curriculum have been achieved. EFFECTIVENESS 53. OUTPUT INPUT Efficiency is related to the various kinds of COSTS (Money/Time/Space/Instructional Resources etc.) associated with the educational program. EFFICIENCY 54. Curriculum Evaluation Phase 1. Whole curriculum of the program 2. Curriculum of a single course 3. Specific components like the objectives, course content, teachers’ guide, textbook, audio-visual aids, teaching methods and evaluation procedures. THE ENTITY TO BE EVALUATED: 55. 1. Outcomes 2. Processes 3. Fit to Standards CRITERIA FOR THE EVALUATION: Curriculum Evaluation Phase

56. Criteria for Curriculum Evaluation Outcomes should cover both short range and long-range ones. It should also take cognizance of the unintended outcomes. 1. Outcomes: 57. 2. Processes: 1. The Processes include: 2. Student participation in certain activities 3. Interest in the program and 4. The desired pattern of communication between students and teachers Criteria for Curriculum Evaluation 58. 3. Fit to Standards: 1. Standards may have their roots in: 2. P edagogical principles: 3. Appropriate provision of feedback, reinforcement, sufficient amount of repetition etc. 4. Communication principles: 5. Clarity of presentation, proper significance, vocabulary control, multisensory cues, etc. 6. Curricular principles: 7. Correspondence between objectives and planned activities. Criteria for Curriculum Evaluation 59. 1. Formative evaluation 2. Summative evaluation 3. Curriculum Improvement Tasks to be undertaken: Curriculum Evaluation Phase 60. This is carried out during the process of curriculum development. The evaluation results provide information to curriculum developers and enable them to correct flaws detected in the curriculum. The evaluation results may contribute to the formation of the curriculum and hence the notion of formative evaluation. 1. Formative evaluation: TASKS Curriculum Evaluation Phase 61. This is carried out after offering the curriculum once or twice. Such an evaluation will summarize the merits (as well as the weaknesses) of the program, hence the notion of summative evaluation. Summative evaluation of curriculum may aid in the specification of the optimal or minimal conditions for usage. Such results may serve the clients / customers in deciding whether they should use the program at all, or under what conditions (Availability of

equipment, space, time, professional prerequisites etc.) they should use it. 2. Summative evaluation: TASKS Curriculum Evaluation Phase 62. A curriculum that operates satisfactorily over a certain period of time may gradually become obsolete or deteriorate over time. To prevent this from occurring permanent follow-up and quality control of the program should be maintained. Quality control may reveal when some or all portions of the program should be altered or replaced. In this way quality control may lead toward the updating of an old program and production of “Second Generation Program”. 3. Curriculum Improvement: TASKS Curriculum Evaluation Phase 63. Beane, J. A., Toepfer Jr, C. F., & Alessi Jr, S. J. (1986) Curriculum Planning and Development Allyn and Bacon, Boston Brady, L., & Kennedy, K. (1999) Curriculum Construction, Prentice-Hall, Sydney Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) (2002a) “The Arts Modules”, from Spady, W. G. (1993) Outcome-based Education: Workshop Report No 5, Australian Curriculum Studies Association, Belconnen, ACT Spady, W. G. (1994) Outcome-based Education: critical issues and answers, American Association of School Administrators,Virginia, USA Beretta, A (1992) Evaluation of Language Education an overview. In Alderson. J & J Beretta, A (eds.) Evaluating Second Language Education. Cambridge University Press. Brindley, G. (1989) “The role of needs analysis in adult ESL programme design” In R. K.Johnson (ed) Brown, J. D. (1995) The Elements of Language Curriculum, USA: Heinle & Heinle. Dubin, F. & Olshtain, E. (1997) Course Design: Developing Programs and Materials for Language Learning, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. Finocchario, M. & Brumfit (1983) The Functional-Notional Approach, USA: Oxford University Press. Graves. K. (2001) Teachers as Course Developers. USA: Cambridge University Press. Graves, K. (2000) Designing Language Courses. Canada: Heinle & Heinle.. Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A (1996) ESP A learning centred approach. Great Britain Cambridge University Press. Jordan, R.R. (1997) English for Academic Purposes. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Lee, W. R. (1980) National Syllabuses Construction for Foreign-Language Teaching: Reconciling the Approaches ELT documents 108- Pgs.81-85, England: The British Council. Mackay, R. (1994) Understanding ESL/EFL programme review for accountability and improvement. ELT Journal Volume 48/2 McKay, S. (1978) Syllabuses: Structural, situational, notional. TESOL Newsletter,12(5),11. Moreno, P. (2000) The Implications of Curriculum Design for a Graduate of the English Language Program at Universidad Veracruzana. Unpublished dissertation. Mexico Munby, J. (1978) Communicative Syllabus Design. Cambridge University Press. Nunan, D. (2000 ) Syllabus Design, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Richards, J. (2001) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Richards, J. C, Hull, J., Proctor, S. & Shields, C. (2005) Interchange Third Edition. UK: Cambridge University Press. Richards, Platt and Platt (1993) Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics. London: Longman. Robinson, P. (1990) ESP Today. Great Britain: Prentice Hall. References

Curriculum development in the philippines in new societyPresentation Transcript

1. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES DURING NEW SOCIETY Sharel Mae Ponce PecB Group 6 2.  The emphasis of the New Society is on moral values, relevance, proper methods of teaching, retraining of teachers, vocational and technical education, bilingualism, national consciousness and cultural values.  To guarantee that the educational system would be relevant and responsive to the challenges and requirements of national, provincial and local development. 3. Proclamation No. 1081 Decree No. 6 (Educational Development Decree of 1972)- issued Sept 29,1972 aims to:  Make schools responsive to the needs of the New society  Provide broad general education that will assist each individual in his development as a whole human being useful his fellowmen and to his country.  To train the nation’s manpower in middle level in skills required for national development 4.  Develop high-level professions that will provide leadership for the nation and advance knowledge through research  Respond affectively to the changing needs and conditions of the nation through a system of educational planning and evaluation 5. Educational Development Decree has formulated a ten-year program based on:  Improvement of curricular programs and quality of instruction at all levels by upgrading physical facilities  Adopting cost-saving instructional technology and training and retaining of teachers and administrators  Upgrading of academic standards through accreditation schemes, admissions testing and guidance counselling 6.  Democratization of access to education by financial assistance to poor but deserving students  Skills training programs for out of school youth and a continuing educational program for illiterate adults 7. Plans and Steps for Education Decree of 1972  Teaching of land agrarian reform and cooperatives  Requirement of family planning and Philippine Constitution as compulsory subjects in collegiate  Mandatory use of textbooks authored/published by Filipinos in elementary and secondary: except for specialized and technical courses in college such as medicine 8.  Requirement to take the National College Entrance Exam for applications  Improve collegiate curriculum by opening manpower training centers  Alien schools have to follow Basic education Curriculum of DepEd and may not be solely owned by aliens 9. The Curricular Redirection of the New Society        Should be redirected on development of moral virtues As a means of integrating education and life Should reflect the urgent need and problems facing the country today Should be viewed in terms of learning to be acquired All teaching shall seek to develop comprehensive understanding of all subjects Cocurricular youth programs shall be restructured and enriched Non-formal education shall be recognized 10. Ratified 1973 Constitution set out 3 Fundamental aims of education :  To foster love of country  To teach the duties of citizenship  To develop moral character, self discipline, and scientific, technological and vocational efficiency

11.  1978 Presidential Decree No. 1397 wherein the Department of Education and Culture became Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC)  1982 Education Act of 1982 changes MEC to DECS via Executive Order No. 117 by Pres. Cory Aquino  Education Act of 1982 provided an integrated system of education covering both non-formal and formal education at all levels 12.  In 1988 Republic Act 6655 which mandated free public secondary education in the school year 1988-1989  In 1992 Republic Act 7323 which provided that students aged 15-25 maybe employed during Christmastime and summer vacation with salary not lower than the minimum wage. 13. This threefold division known as TRIFOCAL SYSTEM of EDUCATION  In 1994 Republic Act 7722Higher Education Act of 1994 which created Commission on Higher Education(CHED)which supervises tertiary degree programs  In 1994 Republic Act 7796- created Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) which supervises non-degree technical-vocational programs  While DECS retained responsibility for elementary and secondary education 14. Republic Act 9155  Was formed August of 2001  Also known as Governance of Basic Education Act  RA 9155 transformed the name DECS to Department of Education (DepEd)  RA 9155 redefined the role of field offices( regional offices, district offices and schools) 15. RA 9155 Overall Framework:  School head empowerment by strengthening their leadership roles  School-based management within the context of transparency and local accountability  Provide the school age population and young adults with skills, knowledge and values to become caring, selfreliant, productive and patriotic citizens 16. The Structure/Features of the 2002 BEC 1. Greater emphasis on helping every learner to become more successful reader. 2. Emphasis on interactive/collaborative learning approaches.  Between teachers and students  Between students and self-instructional materials  Between students (collaborative learning)  Between students and multimedia assisted instruction 17. 3. Emphasis on use of integrative learning approaches. 4. Greater focus on values formation in all the subject areas. Every teacher is a values education teacher. 5. Emphasis on the development of self-reliant and patriotic citizens. 6. Emphasis on the use of effective strategies for the development of critical and creative thinking skills. 18. The Curriculum Structure of the 2002 BEC  The CORE SUBJECTS: Filipino; English; Math; Science (Science and Health for Elem.); Science and Technology for Secondary  The Experiential Area: Makabayan: Araling Panlipunan; MAPEH (Music, Arts, PE and health); TLE; Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (the practice environment for holistic learning to develop a healthy personal and national self-identity 19.  Medium of Instruction: Pursuant to the DepEd Bilingual Policy (Dep.Ed Order No. 52, s,1987), the media of instruction shall be as follows: A. For Elementary Education:  Filipino shall be used in the following areas: Filipino; Makabayan  English shall be used in the following learning areas: English; Science

20. B. For Secondary Education:  English: Mathematics, Science and Technology, English, Technology and Livelihood Education, Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health/CAT  Filipino: Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (Values Education), Araling Panlipunan, Filipino 21. Philosophy of Basic Education Curriculum  The ideal Filipino learners are empowered learners; who are competent in learning how to learn and have life skills so that they become self developed persons who are makabayan (patriotic), makatao (mindfu of humanity), Makakalikasan (respect of nature), and Maka-Diyos (Godly).  Functional literacy is the essential ability for lifelong learning in our dynamically changing world. 22.  The ideal teacher of the curriculum is not the authoritarian instructor but the trustworthy facilitator or manager of the learning process. She enables the learners to become active constructors of meaning and not passive recipients of information  The ideal teaching learning process is interactive where the learners, the teachers, instructional materials and information technology interact with one another reciprocally. 23. Reformed Basic Education Curriculum of 2002  The RBEC sought to improve the standard of education in the country. The RBEC would respond to the needs of Filipino learners with the following objectives:  1.) To provide knowledge and develop skills, attitudes, and values essential to personal development and necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing society. 24. 2.) Provide learning experiences which increase the child awareness of and responsiveness to the changes in society; 3.) Promote and intensify knowledge, identification with and love for the nation and the people to which s/he belongs; and 4. Promote work experiences which develop orientation to the world of work and prepare the learner to engage in honest and gainful work 25. RBEC curriculum decongestion into five learning areas  English  Filipino  Mathematics  Science  Makabayan

Curriculum developmentPresentation Transcript 1. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Module 2 Crafting the Curriculum Prepared by: Christy C. Ador 2.  The planned and guided learning experiences and intended learning outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge and experiences, under the auspices of the school, for the learners’ continuous and willful growth in the personal social competence. ( Daniel Tanner, 1980) 3. CURRICULUM DESIGN MODELS Objective: › This lesson will present the different design models curriculum and; › This will guide to discover that curricula are organized. 4.  This model focuses on the content of the curriculum.  The subject centered design corresponds mostly to the textbook written for the specific subject.

5. EXAMPLES OF THE SUBJECT-CENTERED DESIGN Subject design → is the oldest and the most familiar design for teacher, parents and other laymen. Discipline design → refers to the specific knowledge learned through a method which the scholars use to study a specific content of their fields. 6. EXAMPLES OF THE SUBJECT-CENTERED DESIGN Correlation design → this comes from the core, correlated curriculum design that links separate subject designs in order to reduce fragmentation. 7. EXAMPLES OF THE SUBJECT-CENTERED DESIGN Broad field design/interdisciplinary → this design was made to prevent the compartmentalization of subjects and integrate the contents that are related to each other. 8.  centered on certain aspects of the learner’s themselves.  the learner is the center of the educative process. 9. EXAMPLES OF THE LEARNER-CENTERED DESIGN Child-centered design ( John Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi, and Froebel) › the curriculum design is anchored on the needs and interests of the child. › the learner is not considered as a passive individual but as one who engages with his/her environment. 10. EXAMPLES OF THE LEARNER-CENTERED DESIGN Experience-centered design › experiences of the learners become the starting point of the curriculum, thus the school environment is left open and free. 11. Humanistic design ( Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers) › the development of self is the ultimate objective of learning. › it stresses the whole person and integration of thinking, feeling and doing. EXAMPLES OF THE LEARNER-CENTERED DESIGN 12.  draws on social problem, needs, interests and abilities of the learners.  content cuts across the subject boundaries and must be based on the needs, concerns and abilities of the students . 13. Life-situation design › it uses the past and present experiences of the of learners as a means to analyze the basic areas of living. › the pressing immediate problem of the society and the students’ existing concerns are utilized. EXAMPLES OF THE PROBLEM-CENTERED DESIGN 14.  Core design › it centers on the general education and the problem are based on the common human activities. › the central focus of the core design includes common needs, problems, concerned of the learners. EXAMPLES OF THE PROBLEM-CENTERED DESIGN 15. DIMENSIONS AND PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DESIGN Objective: › this lesson will allow us to consider some of the dimensions and provide some principles in its use in curriculum development. 16. ● Scope › defines as all the content, topics, learning experiences and organizing threads comprising the educational plan.

17. Scope › provides boundaries in curriculum as it applies to the different educational levels. › it should include time, diversity and maturity of the learners, complexity of content, and level of education. 18. ● Sequence › contents and experiences are arranged in hierarchical manner, where the basis can either be logic of the subject or on the developmental patterns of growth of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. 19. (Smith, Stanley and Shore, 1957) 20. Simple to Complex learning › content and experiences are organized from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract, form easy to difficult. Prerequisite learning › it means that there are fundamental things to be learned ahead. 21. Whole to part learning › the meaning can very well be understood if everything will be taken as a whole. Chronological learning › the order of events is made as a basis of sequencing the content and the experiences. This can be arranged from the most recent to the distant past or vice versa. 22. (Posner and Rudnitsky 1957) 23. a. Space - spatial relation will be the basis for the sequence. b. Time - the content is based from the earliest to the more recent. c. Physical attributes - this principles refers to the physical characteristics of the phenomena. 24. a. Class relation - refers to the group or set of things that share common practices. Teaching the characteristics of the class ahead of the member of the class. b. Proportional relations - a statement that asserts something. Sequence are arranged so that the evidence presented ahead before proposition. 25. - this is based on the scientific method of inquiry. Based on the process of generating, discovering and verifying knowledge, content and experiences are sequence logically and methodically. 26. a. Empirical prerequisites - sequence is primarily based on empirical study where the prerequisite is required before learning the next level. b. Familiarity - prior learning is important in sequence. What is familiar should be taking up first before the unfamiliar. 27. c. Difficulty - easy content is taken ahead than the difficult one. d. Interest - contents and experiences that stimulate interest are those that are novel. These can arouse curiosity and interest of learners. 28. ● Continuity - this process enables learners strengthen the permanency of learning and development of skills. Gerome Bruner called this “ spiral curriculum” where the content is organized according to the interrelationship between the structure of the basis ideas of a major discipline. 29. ● Integration “ Everything is integrated and interconnected. Life is a series of emerging themes.” - organization is drawn from the world themes from real life concerns.

30. ● Articulation ● Vertical Articulation - the contents are arranged from level to level or grade to grade so that the content in the lower level is connected to the next level. ● Horizontal Articulation - happens when the association is among or between elements that happen at the same time. 31. ● Balance - equitable assignment of content, time, experiences and other elements to establish balance is needed in curriculum design. 32. APPROACHES TO THE CURRICULUM Objective › this lesson will bring the various phases of designing a curriculum. › identify the commonly used approaches in the design of curriculum. › enhance and integrate the experiences and observations based on the features and characteristics of the different approaches. 33. 1. Who teaches? -- the Teacher → Good teachers bring a shining light into the learning environment, and are needed to sort out the knowledge from the information but more important, excellent teachers are needed to sort the wisdom from the knowledge. 34. 2. Who do the teachers teach? -- the Learners → the learners are at the center stage in the educative process. They are the most factors in the learning environment. There is no teaching without them. → they come from different sectors of the society. 35. 3. What do the teachers teach? -- knowledge, skills, values “to help the learners cope with the rapid changes to understand and to succeed in the new work in the work place, we must design a curriculum oriented to tomorrow.” 36. 4. How do teachers teach? -- Strategies and Methods Teachers should select teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned to the objective of the lesson. Situations should be creative to encourage learners to use higher order thinking skills. 37. 5. How much of the teaching was learned? -- Performance These learning outcomes indicate the performance of both teachers and the learners. Learning outcomes are the product performance of the learners as the result of teaching. Performance is the feature of a curriculum that should be given emphasis. 38. 6. With whom do we teach? -- Community Partners “ Teaching is a collaborative undertaking” Partnership is the means not an end to be pursued in itself. Society changes, teachers will have a new beginning, an opportunity to recast their role in their communities, to change their attitude to their community, to change the attitude of their communities and societies about them. 39. REFERENCE:  Bilbao, Purita,., (2008) Curriculum Development,. LORIMAR Publishing Company 40. =)

Teaching profession: Why have I chosen teaching as professionPresentation Transcript 1. WHY DID I CHOOSE TEACHING PROFESSION?PRSENTER’S NAME: LIAQUAT ALI NADEEM 2. Contents:a) What is teaching professionb) Top Ten Reasons why teaching can be agreat professionc) What are the opinion of great thinkersabout teaching and teachersd) Why did I choose it? 3. Teaching Profession?It is dissected as:a) The facilitation of student learningb) Imparting knowledge or skillc) It is an intended behaviour to introduce learningd) It is said that teacher is an artist and teaching is an art. 4.  According to G. Wells (1998) it is acluster of activities that are notedabout teacher such as explaining,deducing, questioning ,motivating,taking attendance, keeping record ofworks, students’ progress and students’background information. 5. Personal qualities of a teacher 6. Types of Teachers 7. Top ten reasons why teaching canbe a great profession1. Student potentialUnfortunately, not every student will succeed in yourclass. However, this fact should not stop a teacher frombelieving that every student has the potential forsuccess. This potential is so existing that each new yearpresents new challenges and new potential successes. 8. 2. Student success and teacher’s exhilarationIt can be a means of great exhilaration when a student who didnot understand a concept and then he learned it through yourhelp.3. Teaching helps you learn a subjectYou will never learn a topic better than when you start teachingit.4. Daily humourIf you have positive attitude and a sense of humour, you will findthings to laugh about each day. So find the fun in your class andenjoy your profession.5. Affecting the futureWhen you are teaching in a class, you, in fact, are also exercisingyour own influences upon your students who are our future.6. Staying youngerBeing around young people everyday will help you remainknowledgeable about current trends, fashions and ideas. 9. 7. Autonomy in the classOnce a teacher closes the door of his classroom andbegins teaching, he really is one who decides what isgoing to happen in the classroom. Not many jobsprovide an individual with so much room to becreative and autonomous each day8. Conducive to family lifeIf you are married and have children, academiccalendar will typically allow you to have the samedays off as your kids.9. Job securityIn many communities teachers are scarcecommodity. It is fairly certain that you will be able tofind a job as a teacher if you have proven yourself asuccessful teacher. 10. 10. Summer offIt is the only profession where you havesummer vacation, winter holidays, andweekends which can really be a hugebenefit and provide much needed rest time 11. Opinions of great thinkers Aristotle: those who know , do . Those whounderstand, teach. Phil Collinsin learning you will teach and in teachingyou will learn. 12. William Arthur WardThe mediocre teacher tells , the good teacher explain thesuperior teacher demonstrate, the great teacher inspires.Nikos KazantzakisTrue teachers are those who use

themselves as bridgesover which they invite their student s to cross, then havingfacilitated their crossing joy fully collapse, encouragingthem to create their own.Jacques BarzunTeaching is not a lost art but the regard for it is a losttradition.William GlasserWhen you study great teachers, you will learn much morefrom their caring and hard work than from their style.Albert EinsteinI never teach my pupils , I only attempt to provide theconditions in which they can learn. 13. Why did I choose teaching profession? The Holy Prophet says that he has been sent in this world as a teacher. Itmeans that it is a profession of prophets. My role models are my teachers. I can never forget them. Theymotivated and inspired me to be a teacher. Though my parents want tomake me a doctor and I did pre medical yet eventually they giveme permission to choose teaching profession. It is not only teaching rather preaching and the teacher leaves indelibleprints on the heart and mind of students. So if a teacher is sincere with hisprofession he can give “ true and sincere men” to his nation. 14.  It has been noted that a student pays a lot of attentionto his teacher. He is all ears to his teachers. So if youhave something good with your self you can impart it toyour students. it is a duty which gives us a chance to earn “Halal”. It is a suitable profession for a thorough gentle andeducated person. It is also a profession which gives us an opportunity forventilation of emotions and feelings . A teacher in theclass has a chance to share all his views and feelingswith his students about any topic . 15.  I choose this profession because it can become a bridgebetween you and society and as a teacher a person canenhance his social contacts. A teacher deals with the psyche of hundreds of studentsbelonging to different bent of mind, different culture, classesand family background. Though it does not appear that ateacher is a sharp person yet it is a fact that his maximumcontact with a student makes him a person of deep,profound and very broad vision. In the case of otherprofession like Army, police, csp, etc. people are expert incertain or limited areas but not in social issues. Teachingprofession enables a man to tackle every situation. 16. It can also be counted as“Sadqa-i-Jaria”. It means that when ateacher dies, his knowledge imparted tohis pupils would be spiritually benefitedto him when his pupils are transferringor imparting this knowledge to other. 17. A teacher can bring a great revolutionin the minds and hearts of people byexercising his sublime thought uponthem. He can reform, improve andrefine their personality and thoughts. 18. A teacher’s role in making ormarring a nation is of greatimportance. A teacher can lift theglory of a nation or he candemolish or destroy the edifice of anation. The example of the formerEast Pakistan which is nowBangladesh is before us whereHindu teachers played a key rolein poisoning the hearts and mindsof the people of East Pakistan.

Ed 103 format1Document Transcript 1. Principles and Methods of Teaching 1 Module 1Module 1PRINCIPLES OF TEACHINGED 107 Principles and Methods of TeachingJSED; TFr 9:00-10:30Group 1Leader: Ivy T. EnjocSecretary: Frelyn F. SantorceMembers: Jestila O. Cordova Ana Licel B. Sago Marhana A. Tocao Rodjelyn B. Taule Abigail Villa Irvin Dwight L. Costaños Mark Harold T. MoraldeModule 1 Principles of TeachingLesson 1: The Overview of teaching Profession and Basic Terms used in Teaching a. Strategy of teaching b. Method of teaching c. Technique of teaching d. DeviceLesson 2: The Professional Ethics, the Qualities of Effective Teachers, The Teacher’s Code andTeacher’s CreedLesson 3.The Teacher as Corporate Professional a. Polished Look b. Polished Demeanor c. Polished LanguageLesson 4: The Principles of Teaching (According to Various Authors) 2. Principles and Methods of Teaching 2 Module 1 LESSON 1 THE OVERVIEW OF TEACHING PROFESSION AND BASIC TERMS USED IN TEACHINGLearning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:  To distinguish the difference between the methods and the strategies in teaching.  To identify the role of these methods and strategies that is used in teaching.  To identify which method is the best choice for a given topic.  Understand the definition of techniques of teaching and the device  Know some of the techniques in teaching and the devices used by the teachers  Develop their own ability in presenting their lessons in the future 1.1Strategy of Teaching Strategy of teaching- refers to the personalized style of carrying out a particular step of a given method. It is a still employed by the teacher in carrying on the procedures or act of teaching. The Different Strategies in Teaching Learning is an Active Process This means that we have to actively engage learners in learning activities if we want them to learn what we intend to teach. The More Senses Involved in Learning, The More and the Better the Learning Sight – 75% Hearing – 13% Touch- 6% Taste- 3% Smell- 3% ( Tores, PhilipT.) 3. Principles and Methods of Teaching 3 Module 1“ The eyes contain nearly 70% of the body’s receptors and send millions of signals along theoptic nerves to the visual processing centers of the brain… We take in more information visuallythan through any of the other senses.”(Wolfe,2001)A Non-Threatening Atmosphere Enhances LearningA non-threatening and conducive classroom atmosphere is not only a function of the physicalcondition of the classroom but more of a function of the psychological climate that prevails inthe classroom.How can we contribute to the creation of a positive classroom atmosphere?-Cultivate a culture of respect &Give allowance to mistakesThe Methods of TeachingMethod is a common usage refers to a procedure that one follows in order to attain anobjective.1.2The Different Methods Used in TeachingLecture -A clarification of information to a large group in a short period of time. In other words,students expect to learn the information presented to them.Demonstration/Performance-A method that illustrates a general principle with a concreteexample to provide a model of a skill which can then practice.Discussion -A common method for allowing exploration of attitudes. The class discussion isintended to be a free give and take between the instructor and the students designed to elicitstudent interpretations, questions and opinions. 4. Principles and Methods of Teaching 4 Module 1Case Study-The case study method is primarily aimed at the application of general principles tospecific instances or at the analysis and

evaluation of the situation.Pairs or Small Group Works-These methods are generally used as a part of a larger courserather than as the only teaching method. In these situations, students work in pairs or smallgroups on problems of application and analysis.1.3The Techniques of Teaching Refers to the personalized style of carrying out a particular step of a given method. It is a skill employed by the teacher in carrying on the procedures or act of teaching. Refers to the quality of the acts executed by the teacher in presenting the subject matter to pupils. Includes the skill of teacher in accomplishing the task of teaching. Technical skill or an artistic execution. Factor which promotes or effectuates learning through teaching with the aid of devices, or the skill of the teacher in manipulating the devices so that the psychological processes of the learner may be stimulated to effective reactions, particularly in dealing with the subject matter that is to be learned. 1. General Techniques a. Question andanswer (knowledge) b. Drill (skill and habits) c. Appreciation (attitude and appreciation) 2. Standards that govern the selection of technique: The technique must be selected according to: o the nature of the subject matter and according on the basis of its direct effect upon some essential phase of the learners learning performances. o the nature and maturity of the pupils of the class. 5. Principles and Methods of Teaching 5 Module 1 o the basis of the ability and training of the teacher who would employ it. o the time allotted to the subject. 3. Rules governing the use of techniques: o the technique should be as a means to an end o the technique should be judged by the effect it produces upon each particular situation. o the technique should utilize the primary laws of learning such as readiness, exercise and effect.1.4Device A teaching aid or tool to facilitate instruction is any means, other than the subject matter itself that is employed by the teacher in presenting the subject matter to the learner. is an incentive introduce into the method of teaching for the purpose of stimulating the pupil and developing understanding through experience. with the wise selection and use of a variety of instructional devices or audio-visual materials, experiences can be provided that will develop understanding. 1. The uses of visual and audio-visual devices: o To challenge the attention of the pupils. o To stimulate the imagination and mental imagery of the pupils. o To facilitate the understanding of the pupils. o To provide incentive for action. o To develop the ability to listen. 2. Other forms of visual-aids: 6. Principles and Methods of Teaching 6 Module 1 o Demonstration o Field trips o Laboratory experiments.3. Classification of devices: a. Material device- has no bearing upon the subject matter presented. Ex: black board, chalk, book, pencil and paper. General -for all subjects(Projector or blackboard) Special-for only one subject. b. Mental devices- related to form and meanings to subject matter being presented. Classroom visual aids Field and excursion visual aids4. Criteria covering the selection of devices: o A device should always be means of helping the students learn the particular subject matter presented. o The device should be adapted to meet the individual needs of the pupils. o The device should not be too numerous. o The device should be numerous enough to permit selection by both teacher and learner. o Devices should be economical and should not be mere attraction o Devices should be readily usable. o Devices should be adapted to the goals to be secured through the mastery of the subject matter.5. General suggestions for the use of devices: o The order or system of the use of instructional devices should be well planned by the teacher. o The teaching devices should serve some vital purposes well established in advance.

7. Principles and Methods of Teaching 7 Module 1 o The devices should be used judiciously. o Should be within the view of all members of the class. o Teacher should use various types of devices. o Teacher must not consider devices as a substitute for teaching procedure or method. o Teacher should not consider devices as ends of themselves but near to an end. o Teacher bear in mind that no one device is effective for all types of learning in all situations. o The teacher should not use devices as mere tricks.6. The Teaching devices: a. Representations or replicas globes, maps, models, miniature of objects b. Prepared set-ups -aquarium, terrarium, home, veranda, mini weather station, launch pad c. Simulations using figures -historical events and places d. Real objects -articles, chemicals garden tools, living organisms e. Exhibits -life cycle, original investigations, preserve specimen. f. Collections of -shells, poems, letters, essay, ceramics, musical instruments g. Publication and other printed materials -book, magazines, autobiography, bulletins, clippings h. Art work -painting, sculpture, busks, fashion pieces i. Laboratory equipment -microscope, dissecting set, glass wares, calculator j. Electronic equipment and devices -computers, laptop, I pad, projector, tapes,films, discs k. Internet -Social Networking Sites, Google, YouTube 8. Principles and Methods of Teaching 8 Module 1 LESSON 2The Professional Ethics, the Qualities of Effective Teachers, The Teacher’s Code and Teacher’s Creed Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:  build understanding about professional ethics.  extend the knowledge in proper teaching.  apply the qualities of effective teachers.2.1Professional Ethics - Partly comprised of what a professional should or should not do in the work place. It also encompasses a much greater part of the professionals’ life. A. The Teacher and the Sate Section 1. The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state; each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage as well as to elevate national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance to the constitution and for all duly constituted authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state. Section 2. Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry out the declared policies of the state, and shall take an oath to this effect. Section 3. In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of his own, every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit. Section 4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to duty. 9. Principles and Methods of Teaching 9 Module 1 Section 5. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes. Section 6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and responsibility. Section 7. A teacher shall not use his position or official authority or influence to coerce any other person to follow any political course of action. Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have privilege of expounding the product of his researches and investigations; provided that, if the results are inimical to the declared policies of the State, they shall be brought to the proper authorities for appropriate remedial action.B. The Teachers and the Learners Section 1. A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotions of learners in the subject or grades he handles, provided that such determination shall be in accordance with generally accepted procedures of evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint, teachers

concerned shall immediately take appropriate actions, observing due process. Section 2. A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and foremost concern, and shall deal justifiably and impartially with each of them. Section 3. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced or discriminate against a learner. Section 4. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved. 10. Principles and Methods of Teaching 10 Module 1 Section 5. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials other what is authorized for such service. Section 6. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learners work only in merit and quality of academic performance. Section 7. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the learner. Section 8. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not manifestation of poor scholarship.C. A teacher and the Profession Section 1. Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling. Section 2. Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education, shall make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at his best at all times and in the practice of his profession. Section 3. Every teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program of the Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as will improve his efficiency, enhance the prestige of the profession, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be nationally and internationally competitive. Section 4. Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized, to seek support from the school, but shall not make improper misrepresentations through personal advertisements and other questionable means. 11. Principles and Methods of Teaching 11 Module 1 Section 5. Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that makes it dignified means for earning a descent living.2.2 The Qualities of Effective Teachers A. Personal Attributes of a Teacher Passion – passion for teaching is a compelling force that emerges from one’s inborn love for children. Passionate teachers exude spontaneity in ministering to the needs of the students especially those experiencing learning difficulties. Passion does not die nor diminish. They feel they “will live and die a teacher”. Humor – humor stands for anything funny, which elicits smile, laughter or amusing reaction. It is an essential quality of teachers that serves a number of purposes. Nothing will be difficult to undertake since a common feeling of eagerness exist among the students. Values and Attitudes – teachers are models of values. Whether conscious of them or not, values are exhibited implicitly and explicitly. Values connote standards, code of ethics and strong beliefs. Patience – in teaching, patience refers to a teacher’s uncomplaining nature, self control and persistence. Patient teachers can forego momentous frustrations and disappointments. Instead they calmly endure their students’ limitations and difficulties. Enthusiasm- enthusiasm is synonymous to eagerness and excitement. Enthusiastic teachers are full of energy and dynamism. Their passion and love for children are easily felt and not long after their lively presence in the classroom. B. Professional Attributes of a Teacher Control of knowledge base of

teaching and learning and use of this knowledge to guide the science and art of his/her teaching practice. 12. Principles and Methods of Teaching 12 Module 1 Repertoire of best teaching practice and can use this to instruct children in classrooms and to work with adults in the school setting. Dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/her work in a reflective, collegial, and problem solving manner. View of learning to teach as a lifelong process and dispositions and skills for working towards improving his/her own teaching as well as improving schools.C. Top 10 Qualities of Effective Teacher1. An effective teacher loves to teach. The single most important quality that every teacher should possess is a love and passion for teaching young people. Unfortunately there are teachers who do not love what they do. This single factor can destroy a teacher’s effectiveness quicker than anything else. Teachers who do not enjoy their job cannot possibly be effective day in and day out. There are too many discouraging factors associated with teaching that is difficult enough on a teacher who absolutely loves what they do, much less on one who doesn’t have the drive, passion, or enthusiasm for it. On top of that, kids are smarter than what we give them credit for.2. An effective teacher demonstrates a caring attitude. Even teachers who love their job can struggle in this area, not because they don’t care, but because they get caught up so much in the day to day routine of teaching that they can forget that their students have lives outside of school. Taking the time to get to know a student on a personal level takes a lot of time and dedication. There is also a line that no teacher wants to cross where their relationship becomes too personal. Elite teachers know how to balance this without crossing that line and once a student believes the teacher truly cares for them, then there is no limit to what that student can achieve.3. An effective teacher can relate to their students. The best teachers go out of their way to find ways to relate to each of their students. Common interest can be hard to find, but good teachers will find a way to connect with their students even if they have to fake it. For instance, you may have a student who is a Lego fanatic. You can relate to that student if you do something as simple as ordering a Lego catalog and then going through it and discussing it with that student. Even if you have no actual interest in Lego’s, the student will think you do and thus naturally create a connection.4. An effective teacher is willing to think outside the box. There is no one set cookie cutter way to teach. If there was, teachers and students would both be bored. What makes teaching so exciting is that kids learn 13. Principles and Methods of Teaching 13 Module 1 differently and we have to find and utilize different strategies and differentiated learning to reach every student. What works for one student, will not work for every student. Teachers have to be willing to be creative and adaptive in their lessons, thinking outside the box on a continual basis. If you try to teach every concept in the same manner, there will be students who miss out on key factors because they aren’t wired to learn that way.5. An effective teacher is a good communicator. To be the best possible teacher you must be an effective communicator. However, in this area you are not just limited to being a good communicator to your students although that is a must. You must also be a great communicator with parents of your students as well as your faculty/staff team within in your building. If you have a difficulty communicating with any of these three groups, then you limit your overall effectiveness as a teacher.6. An effective teacher is proactive rather than reactive. This can be one of most difficult aspects for a teacher to conquer. Intense planning and organization can ultimately make your job all the more less difficult. Teachers who plan ahead,

looking for aspects that they might have issues with, and proactively looking for solutions to solve those problems will have less stress on them, then those teachers who wait until a problem arises and then tries to address it. Being proactive does not replace being adaptive. No matter how well you plan, there will be surprises. However, being proactive can cut down on these surprises tremendously, thus making you more effective overall.7. An effective teacher works to be better. A teacher who has grown complacent in what they do is the most ineffective kind of teacher. Any teacher who is not looking for new and better teaching strategies isn’t being an effective teacher. No matter how long you have taught, you should always want to grow as a teacher. Every year there is new research, new technology, and new educational tools that could make you a better teacher. Seek out professional development opportunities and try to apply something new to your class every year.8. An effective teacher uses a variety of media in their lessons. Like it or not we are in the 21st century and this generation of students was born in the digital age. These students have been bombarded by technological advances unlike any other generation. They have embraced it and if we as teachers do not, then we are falling behind. This is not to say that we should eliminate textbooks and worksheets completely, but effective teachers are not afraid to implement other forms of media within their lessons. 14. Principles and Methods of Teaching 14 Module 19. An effective teacher challenges their students. The most effective teachers are often the ones that many students consider to be their most difficult. This is because they challenge their students and push them harder than the average teacher does. These are the teachers who are often students’ least favorite teachers at the time, but then later on in life they are the ones that we all remember and want to thank, because of how well they prepared us for life after our time with them. Being an effective teacher does not mean you are easy. It means that you challenge every one of your students and maximize your time with them so that they learn more than they ever thought possible.10. An effective teacher understands the content that they teach and knows how to explain that content in a manner that their students understand. There are teachers who do not know the content well enough to effectively teach it. There are teachers who are truly experts on the content, but struggle to effectively explain it to their students. The highly effective teacher both understands the content and explains it on level. This can be a difficult skill to accomplish, but the teachers who can, maximize their effectiveness as a teacher. 15. Principles and Methods of Teaching 15 Module 1 LESSON 3 The Teacher as Corporate Professional Learning Objectives:  To know the right and proper attire of a Professional Teacher.  To know the proper way as to how to act properly as a professional  To know the best way in approaching the students through their outside look, their behavior and their language.  Know the importance of polished language in teaching.  Apply those behaviors in teaching profession. 3.1Polish Look A teacher should be aware of his/her look especially to the dress he’s/she’s wearing. It isbecause dressing appropriately is very important for their profession. Their clothing choice ispart of their career, and it plays a major part. Whether you are a construction worker with your boots and carhartts or a businessprofessional in a threepiece suit. Your attire or your appearance is your first impressions and areflection of who you are. It may sound shallow but you will be judged on this immediately.To the Ladies Always keep it classy and not trashy. Looking good is fine, but there is no need to dressseductively. You are not there to really impress anyone. Keep everything covered and don’twear extremely form

fitting clothes. You are trying to teach the students and not to distractthem. If you wear jeans on a casual day, they should be fairly formal looking and in near-perfect condition. Avoid jeans that are too baggy and skinny styles, and go for a dark wash withno sandblasting or kitschy details like jewels or embroidery. If you do wear jeans, make sure 16. Principles and Methods of Teaching 16 Module 1you compensate for the casualness by pairing them with dressier shoes and a more formallayer, like a blazer over a blouse.To the Gentlemen Unfortunately, male teachers often seem to struggle with dress. There are commonissues to address:  Shoes and belt- Your shoes and belts should always be match (brown shoes/brown belt or black shoes/black belt). Always wear a belt and if not, wear suspenders. Don’t just go without. Don’t wear tennis shoes either. Dressed shoes should be worn because you are dressed up. Keep them polished and not all scuffed up.  Ties- Many schools do not require male teachers to wear a tie, but ties can help to gain respect and show authority. Make sure the knot of your tie is tight and centered, also be sure the length of the tie is around the buckle of you belt.  Wrinkles- Don’t wear wrinkled dress pants or shirts. Always iron your dress you’re going to wear. Wrinkled dress looks sloppy and like you don’t care.  Untucked- While moving around teaching all day, it is easy for your shirt to come untucked. Reaching to write on the board and other actions can cause this. It looks very sloppy for part of your shirt to be untucked and hanging out. Be sure to check and make sure your shirt remains tucked in.  Matching- This one may sound obvious but some people it isn’t. Your clothing should always match. You cannot just pair any color with another. Mixing different patterns can also cause other disasters. 3.2Polished DemeanorThe Professional Teacher The professional teacher is the “the licensed professional who possesses dignity andreputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence…. s/headheres to observe, and practices a set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values” 17. Principles and Methods of Teaching 17 Module 1Personal Attributes Personality is the sum of one’s personal characteristics. It is one’s identity. The teachers,more than any other professional, are momentarily subjected to scrutiny to the minutest detailand observation by those they associate with. Teachers are judged more strictly than otherprofessionals. The personality they project determines the impressions they make uponstudents and colleagues. Their poise, bearing and manner of dressing create a stunning andattractive appearance. Their facial expression communicates a friendly and amiable disposition. Teachers’ personality must be natural and genuine, that is, devoid of pretenses andartificiality. They must be consistent, true and authentic. Some outstanding personal qualities that never fail to win their flock are worth printingin gold. 1. Passion 2. Humor 3. Values and Attitudes 4. Patience 5. EnthusiasmPolished Demeanor- refers to the more refined behavior, manner or appearance of the Teachertowards the students and other people. A. The Teaching Profession The teaching profession is an occupation that requires extensive education or specialized training to become highly competent in the field of instruction and learning. There are some points for the teachers to serve as “guides” or “mirror” in order that his chosen career would be productive and efficient. 1.1 Awareness of profession 1.2 Separation of teaching job from personal life 18. Principles and Methods of Teaching 18 Module 1 1.3 Frustration 1.4 Constant selfevaluationB.Preparations of Teachers Nobody could teach and instruct in any formal school

without undergoingsufficient and painful preparation for a great task – teaching. Any candidate for teachereducation who is languid to read books, lethargic in doing research, and lousy may notbe a good teacher and a model for his students in the future. 2.1 Physical 2.2 Intellectual 2.3 Emotional 2.4 Moral 2.5 SpiritualC. The Teacher outside the Classroom The teacher’s morale in the classroom has to correspond with his daily social life.His good and exemplary life must radiate extensively to other people in the society thathe embraced to serve.C.1Model CitizenNon-partisan in Politics The teacher as an individual personality is an important element in the learningenvironment or in the failures and success of the learner. The way in which hispersonality interacts with the personalities of the pupils being taught helps todetermine the kind of behavior which emerges from the learning situation.3.2Polished Language  Typically focus on speaking, reading, writing and translating the Polish language. Coursework also includes studies of Polish literature and culture. 19. Principles and Methods of Teaching 19 Module 1 Both undergraduate and graduate degree programs are available in the Polish language.1. Voice  is the union for education professionals, and we speak up for everyone, from teachers, lecturers and nursery nurses, to head teachers and school support staff, including teaching assistants, technicians and administrators and students.  The primary tool of trade, your main mode of communication in the classroom and one of your most powerful assets.  The teacher and parents can determine what the best actions are to help enhance the learning process for a particular child. Many teachers can offset a childs negative surroundings outside of the classroom. The skills that students learn in school may help them get through any problems that they may have in dealing with their loved ones. Teachers can also help to reinforce the rules and skills that parents have already placed into their children.  Teachers should avoid raising their voice in the sense of shouting or using a higher pitch that may have an even more disturbing effect on the group or class.  No naughtiness or disobedience instead learning and positive activity is no longer possible.  Bad behavior can result from the lack of knowledge teachers have about the effect of their voice on their pupils.  A good teacher should give an encouragement words to their students.  Don’t say any words that may hurt them.2. Gestures  A body movement that express or emphasizes an idea, sentiment or attitude.  Teaching gestures is different from everyday communicative gesture. A. 3 main roles of teaching gestures: Management of the class ( to start / end an activity, question students, request silence) Evaluation (to show a mistake, correct, congratulate, etc.) Explanation (gives indication on syntax, underline specific prosody, explain new vocabulary, etc.) B. Various shapes of Gestures:  Hand gestures 20. Principles and Methods of Teaching 20 Module 1  Facial expressions  Pantomime  Body movements, etc.C. How to teach using gestures and mime  Giving directions  Vocabulary  Practice  Production  Cultural 21. Principles and Methods of Teaching 21 Module 1 LESSON 4 The Principles of Teaching (According to Various Authors) Learning Objectives: After the report, students should be able to:  Show how principles of teaching are derived.  Cite principles of teaching.  have more knowledge of what are the Principles of teaching.  understand the importance of the Principles of teaching.  apply the different principles of teaching4.1Principles of teachingPrinciple is:  A basic truth, law, or assumption  A rule or standard, especially of good behavior.  The

collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments.  A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.  A basic or essential quality or element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior  A rule or law concerning the functioning of natural phenomena or mechanical processes. PRINCIPLE is a comprehensive law or doctrine from which an accepted or professed rule ofaction or conduct is derived. It has been adopted from latin word princeps which means thebeginning or the end of all facts, circumstances or state of affairs. This is also used to expressthe origin of things and their fundamental laws and to bring out the ultimate objectives(Zulueta,2006)Principles of teaching The basic principles of teaching relate to effective communication and should be visiblewithin a lesson plan. By communication is meant the whole environment of effective teachingas well as simply verbal speaking and listening (each by student and teacher) 1. Share intellectual control with students. Building a sense of shared ownership is an effective way of achieving high levels of student interest and engagement. It can be achieved in many ways; many of these involve some form of formal or informal negotiation about parts or all of the content, 22. Principles and Methods of Teaching 22 Module 1 tasks or assessment. Another complementary approach is to ensure that students questions, comments and suggestions regularly influence, initiate (or terminate) what is to be done.2. Look for occasions when students can work out part (or all) of the content or instructions. Learning is almost always better if students work something out for themselves, rather than reading it or hearing it. This is not always feasible of course, but often it is.3. Provide opportunities for choice and independent decision-making. Students respond very positively to the freedom to make some decisions about what or how they will work. To be effective, the choices need to be genuine, not situations where there is really only one possibility. These may include choices about which area of content to explore, the level of demand (do more routine tasks or fewer more demanding ones), the form of presentation (poster, powerpoint presentation, role play, model etc.),and how to manage their time during a day or lesson.4. Provide diverse range of ways of experiencing success. Raising intellectual self-esteem is perhaps the most important aspect of working with low and moderately achieving students. Success via interactive discussion, question- asking, role-plays and tasks allowing high levels of creativity often results in greater confidence and hence persistence in tackling other written tasks. Publicly recognising and praising good learning behaviours is useful here.5. Promote talk which is exploratory, tentative and hypothetical. This sort of talk fosters link-making and, as our research shows, commonly reflects high levels of intellectual engagement. Teaching approaches such as delayed judgement, increased wait-time, promotion of What If questions. The classroom becomes more fluid and interactive.6. Encourage students to learn from other students questions and comments. The student conception that they can learn from other students’ ideas, comments and questions develops more slowly than the conception that discussion is real and useful work. The classroom dynamics can reach new, very high levels when ideas and debate bounce around from student to student, rather than student to teacher. 23. Principles and Methods of Teaching 23 Module 17. Build a classroom environment that supports risk-taking. We underestimated the very high levels of perceived risk that accompanies many aspects of quality learning for most students, even in classes where such learning is widespread. It is much safer, for example, to wait for the teachers answer to appear than to suggest one

yourself. Building trusts in the teacher and other students and training students to disagree without personal put-downs are essential to widespread display of good learning behaviours.8. Use a wide variety of intellectually challenging teaching procedures. There are at least two reasons for this, one is that teaching procedures that counter passive learning and promote quality learning require student energy and effort. Hence they need to be varied frequently to retain their freshness. The other is that variety is another source of student interest.9. Use teaching procedures that are designed to promote specific aspects of quality learning. Students could be taught how to learn, in part by devising a range of teaching procedures to variously tackle each of a list of poor learning tendencies, for example failing to link school work to relevant out-of-school experiences. The variety in (8) is not random and one basis for selecting a particular teaching procedure is to promote a particular aspect of quality learning.10. Develop students awareness of the big picture: how the various activities fit together and link to the big ideas. Many, if not most students, do not perceive schooling to be related to learning key ideas and skills. Rather, they see their role as completing tasks and so they focus on what to do not why they are doing it. Much teacher talk, particularly in skills based areas such as Mathematics, Grammar and Technology reinforces this perception. For these reasons, students (including primary students) commonly do not link activities and do not make links to unifying, big ideas.11. Regularly raise students awareness of the nature of different aspects of quality learning. This is a key aspect of learning how to learn. Students typically have no vocabulary to discuss learning. it is very helpful to build a shared vocabulary and shared understandings by regular, short debriefing about some aspect of the learning that has just occurred. Having a rotating student monitor of a short list of good learning behaviours can be very helpful. 24. Principles and Methods of Teaching 24 Module 112. Promote assessment as part of the learning process. Students and sometimes teachers typically see assessments as purely summative: something that teachers do to students at the end of a topic. Building the perception that most assessment tasks are part of the learning process includes encouraging students learning from what they did and did not do well as well as having students taking some ownership of and responsibility for aspects of assessment.4.2 How Principles of Teaching Are Derived It can be said that principles of teaching are derived; a) Through the pooling of the opinions of experts, b) Through comparative studies of the teaching performance of capable and oincapable teachers; c) Through experimental studies of teaching and learning in the classroom; d) From the results of experiments which are the universal methods of deducing principles; and e) From critically analyzed experience or from systematic investigations. Principles of Teaching and Learning Language 1. Begin with the end in mind. With the clear focus “no amount of far-fetched question or comment from our students, no amount of unnecessary interruption or disruption can derail our intended lesson for the day. If you want people to achieve result, clarify what you want your students to achieve. 2. Encourage your student to personalize the learning goals identified for them. Your student must own the lesson objectives. When they make the lesson objectives their own then they take care that they realize them. When student set their own personal targets they will become more self-motivated. 3. Motivation is essential for learning. It is motivation that makes students explore, choose, remain interested, participate actively and build self- confidence. 4. Learning is a social activity. We learn from others when we interact with them in the same way that they learn from us.

25. Principles and Methods of Teaching 25 Module 15. Teaching language is more effective and learning, more meaningful when it is integrative. When you do integrative teaching you will: Incorporate the four language arts – listening, speaking, reading and writing Consider varied strategies for all multiple intelligence and learning styles Apply interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teaching Teach language structure and from in authentic contexts rather through contrived drills and in language workbooks Connect your lessons to the life experiences of your students Incorporate effective, research-based instructional strategies for teaching Integrate values in your lessons6. A conducive classroom atmosphere. Build comfort into learning. People function best in a favourable atmosphere. Gerald J. Pine and Peter J. Horne describe a facilitative learning atmosphere as one that: Encourage people to be active Promotes and facilities the individual’s discovery of the learning meaning of ideas Emphasizes the uniquely personal and subjective nature of learning Sees difference as good and desirable Consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes Tolerate ambiguity Looks at evaluation as a cooperative process and emphasizes on self- evaluation Encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self Encourages people to trust in themselves as well as in external sources Gives respect to people Accepts people for who they are Permits confrontation with self and ideas7. Learning is an active process in which the learner uses sensory input and constructs meaning out of it. Learning is not the passive acceptance of knowledge which exists ‘out there’ but that learning involves the learner’s engaging with the world.8. Learning is reflective. We need to provide activities which engage the mind as well as the hands.9. Emphasize on selfevaluation. Feedback should be criterion-referenced. Practice using rubrics. It is against this personal target that they will evaluate themselves at the end of the lesson. 26. Principles and Methods of Teaching 26 Module 110. Make use of an integrated performance assessment that makes the connections between learning styles, intelligence, and the real world explicit in a way that is useful to both students and teachers.11. Emphasize on real world application that favours realistic performance over out-of-context drill items. Such assessments require students to generate-rather than choose- a response, and to actively accomplish complex tasks while bringing to bear prior knowledge new learning, and relevant skills. 27. Principles and Methods of Teaching 27 Module 1 LET REVIEWER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (PAGES 317-346) 1. Ms. Ortiz ranked No. 1 in March 2012 LET Exam. Upon learning this by the school where she had her internship, she was offered immediately of a position for the school year 2012-2013. She gladly accepted this job offering. She submitted all the documents required by the school and just waited for the results of her medical exam. A week before the orientation for the newly hired teachers, the result of her medical exam was released. She learned that she has tuberculosis. Which of the following do you think must Ms. Ortiz do? a. Hide her sickness from the principal and proceed to teach in the SY 2012-2013 b. Ask the examining doctor to give her medical clearance so that she can teach and assure the doctor she will continue her medication. c. Tell the principal that she has changed her mind and opted not to teach anymore. d. Discuss her medical condition to the principal and defer to teach until she gets well. 2. Mrs. Banaticla is a high school teacher who is known for her integrity and credibility. In her community, she was regarded as one of the leaders. All thru out her career as a teacher, she is also a part of the board of canvassers every time there is an election. One time, she was asked by her nephew to campaign for him in the forthcoming election for he will run as a

Congressman. Should Mrs. Banaticla campaign for her nephew? a. Yes, there I no reason why she can’t do this since blood is thicker than water. b. Yes, she will be campaigning for her nephew and will do it discreetly. c. No, she hates her nephew and it’s time to get even. d. No, she knows that it’s against her principle as a teacher and this might put her credibility as a teacher at risk.3. Jonathan San Diego, son of the Principal of Mapagpala Elementary School is running as amayor in their town. Is it ethical for Principal San Diego to vote for his son during the election? a. Yes, it is a constitutional right of Principal San Diego to vote. b. Yes, his vote is an additional point for his son c. No, out of delicadeza, he should refrain from voting since his son is a candidate d. No, he has no right to vote 3. Mrs. Conception is a public school teacher for 35 years. Every time she was asked by her principal to attend a seminar, she refused and requested that the new teacher be the one to take the slot. Is this correct? a. Yes, Mrs. Concepcion had enough of these seminars b. Yes, Mrs. Concepcion is about to retire and these seminars will have no longer use for her 28. Principles and Methods of Teaching 28 Module 1 c. No, Mrs. Concepcion should take every opportunity to attend a seminar for her own professional growth d. No, Mrs. Concepcion has the prerogative to what seminar she will attend 4. Teacher Allyce doesn’t like Maria, her student who is expected to graduate as class Valedictorian. In this regard, she is so impartial to her; she also gives her low marks in recitation and project. Is this correct? a. Yes, this is the right of the teacher to determine the mark of the student b. Yes, it is human nature to feel disgust to an individual c. No, it is a mortal sin to hate anyone d. No, it is a must that every teacher be impartial to each student 5. Mrs. Quinay was asked by the parents of Michael (her favorite student) to help them to get the concession of the school canteen. Mrs. Quinay, effortless made this possible for Michael’s parents. In return, Michael’s parents gave her a brand new refrigerator as a gift. How should Mrs. Quinay react on this? a. Accept the gift since she made a favor for Michael’s parents b. Accept the gift and asked Michael’s parents to be discrete about this c. Accept the gift and politely explain that it is against the principle of a teacher to adhere in such practice d. Accept not the gift and tell to Michael’s parents that she prefers cash over the refrigerator7. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers cover(s) a. All private school teachers in all educational institutions at the pre-school, primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal b. All public school teachers in all educational institutions at the pre-school, primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal c. All private and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, secondary and tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal d. All private and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary and secondary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or nonformal 29. Principles and Methods of Teaching 29 Module 18. Which of the following is the mark of a good teacher? a. Has the control of the class b. Has the mastery of the lesson c. Has the capability to implement corporal punishment d. Has the habit of preparing for visual aids11. Mr. de Guzman is regarded as the best teacher in their school. He is known not onlybecause he teaches well but also because of his integrity and credibility. In addition, he is alsoan adviser in their barangay. Without the knowledge of everyone he is consistently attendingthe cockfight in his adjacent

town every other day. He is also known for betting a big amount ofmoney in every game. Can he continue doing this considering his profession as a teacher? a. Yes, this activity is not affecting his work as a teacher b. Yes, this activity is being funded by his own money c. No, this activity will not merit him reasonable social recognition d. No, this activity may lead him to financial loss and problem12. What do you think would be the action of the teacher who found out and has proven thathis principal is involved in the malversation of funds of their school? a. Malign him through an anonymous letter b. Circulate the issue and let it become a gossip c. Present the charge to a competent authority d. Ignore what the teacher has discovered about this action of the principal14. Teacher Reian is a new teacher. She realizes that handling her student’s misbehavior is avery demanding aspect of classroom management. In this regard, she thought of giving upteaching. What advice can you give her? a. Agree with the class on what rules to follow b. Report every student’s misbehavior to the principal c. Set the ground rules for the whole class d. None of the above15. If the teacher is an advocate of “banking concept in education”, he or she viewed studentas? a. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher b. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher c. Wobble account to be balanced by the teacher d. All of the above 30. Principles and Methods of Teaching 30 Module 117. Teacher Carol is a neophyte teacher. One time a mother of one of her students confrontedand maligned her in front of her colleagues. How should Teacher Carol react on this kind ofsituation? a. Walk away and ignore the mother b. Answer back the mother and malign her too c. Allow the mother to keep on maligning her until it’s her turn to do the same d. Wait until the emotion of the mother subsides and invite her to discuss the concernwith principal or guidance councilor18. During the distribution of the report card, which of the following must be the foremostconcern of a teacher? a. Discuss the projects of the school b. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the student c. Discuss the unsettled bill of the student d. Discuss the complaints of other teachers and classmates of the students24. Which of the following is NOT correct under the Code of Ethics for Teachers regardingTeacher and Businesses? a. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be financially interested in, any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other school commodities inthe purchase and disposal of which he can exercise official influence, except only when hisassignment is inherently, related to such purchase and disposal; provided they shall be inaccordance with the existing regulations; provided, further, that members of duly recognizedteachers cooperatives may participate in the distribution and sale of such commodities. b. A teacher has no right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate incomegeneration c. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the financial matters suchas in the settlement of his debts and loans in arranging satisfactorily his private affairs d. None of the above25. Teacher Mely, a neophyte in the field, experienced for the first time a complaint from themother of one of her students during the distribution of the report card. Which of the followingdo you think must be the attitude of teacher Mely? a. Bring the mother to the Guidance Councilor b. Ignore the complaint of the mother c. Listen to the complaint of the mother with sympathy d. None of the above27. Teacher Leor and student Joy are mutually attracted the first time they see each other. Thismutual attraction developed into love. Eventually, the teacher-student became a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. Can they continue this kind of relationship?

31. Principles and Methods of Teaching 31 Module 1 a. Continue the relationship but Teacher Leor must exercise utmost professionaldiscretion so as to protect the interest of one another b. Stop the relationship because teacher Leor is not allowed to have a romanticrelationship with any of his students c. Defer the relationship and wait for the right time d. None of the above30. Student Dianne hits her classmate. What do you think should her teacher do so that she canlearn from the consequence of her action? a. Ask Dianne’s classmate to hit her too b. Request Dianne to stand for the entire period c. Give Dianne a failing mark on the subject d. None of the above31. Principal Lourdes asks the assistance of teacher Elvie to prepare the report to be presentedto the District Supervisor. After the presentation, the District Supervisor commended her forthe excellent report. She even asks her to print the materials for the distribution to otherprincipals. In the printed work, principal Lourdes does not even acknowledge teacher Elvie. Isthis morally correct? a. Yes, the principal has all the right to decide who will be acknowledged. b. Yes, the principal knows that teacher Elvie is afraid of her and will not complain c. Yes, the principal must impress her district supervisor and hide the truth that it is nother alone who prepared the report d. None of the choices s correct32. During the class reunion of teacher Eloisa, she learned that most of her classmates aresuccessful in their fields. Also, she found out that most of them are wealthy because they havechosen a lucrative profession. Confronted with this situation, how should teacher Eloisa react? a. Hide those who asked her real profession b. Leave the event so as to avoid being asked about her profession c. Tell with pride that she is a teacher by profession d. Answer not their question concerning her profession45. Teacher Angelita is not only a competent teacher but also a community leader in theirplace. Which of the following should teacher Angelita NOT do as a teacher? a. Consistently proposes projects that will benefit the community b. Actively participate in the activities of the community 32. Principles and Methods of Teaching 32 Module 1 c. Always make herself unapproachable to every member of the community so that her decisions will have no effect of community politics d. Constantly help in raising funds for community projects46. Teacher Helen knows of the illicit affair of her colleague has with a married man. However,she chooses to be silent about this for the fear of getting involved in this situation. Which of thefollowing principle of morality does teacher Helen fail to comply? a. The end does not justify the mean b. Do what is good c. Choose the lesser evil d. All of the above48. Which of the following is NOT in accordance to the provision under the Code of Ethics forTeachers? a. All school officials shall at all times show professional courtesy, helpfulness andsympathy towards teachers and other personnel, such practices being standards ofeffective school supervision, dignified administration, responsible leadership andenlightened directions b. School officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth of all teachersunder them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them due recognition formeritorious performance, and allowing them to participate in conferences in trainingprograms. c. School officials, teachers and other school personnel shall consider it theircooperative responsibility to formulate policies or introduce important changes in the systemat all levels. d. No officials can be stopped from dismissing or from recommending the dismissal of ateacher or other subordinates even without a cause.49. Which of the following is incorrect? a. Teaching profession is a dignified mean of earning to have a decent living b. Teaching profession is the noblest profession c. Teaching profession can be used in soliciting funds for personal gain d. None of the above50. Teachers being trustee of the cultural and

educational heritage of the nation is underobligation to a. transmit to learners such heritage and elevate national morality b. promote national pride, cultivate love of country and instill allegiance to theconstitution authorities 33. Principles and Methods of Teaching 33 Module 1 c. promote obedience to the laws of the state d. all of the above52. Principal Thea is vewy much interested in a quality professional development program ofher teachers. Which of the following should she consider to realize this? a. Prescribed by top educational leaders b. Dependent on the availability of funds c. Required for the renewal of professional license d. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs53. Mrs. San Rafael is the principal of Matimbo Elementary School. For her to ensure highstandards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the followingmeasures should she implement? I. Plans the professional development of her teachers II. Allows each of her teacher to formulate their own professional development III. Monitors her teachers as they implement what they learned in training a. I only b. I and II c. II and III d. II only54. Aside from being a teacher, Mr. Sandoval is also a community leader. Which of thefollowing should Mr. Sandoval NOT do as a teacher? a. Support effort of the community to improve his status in life b. Make himself aloof to ensure that his decisions will not be influenced by communitypolitics c. Solicit donation for philanthropists in the community d. Play an active part in the activities of the community55. A teacher is said to be a “a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation andis under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage”. What practice makes the teacherfulfill such obligation? A. Use interactive teaching strategies. b. Use the latest educational technology. c. Observe continuing professional education. d. As a class, study the life of Filipino heroes.61. Cris is a sophomore student who complains to his teacher about his falling grade. When histeacher recomputed his grade, the teacher found out that he committed an error. The teacher 34. Principles and Methods of Teaching 34 Module 1decided not to accept the enormous computation before Cris and so leave the failing grade forthe fear that he may lose credibility. Is this morally right? a. No, the reason for not accepting the error before Cris is a sign of weakness b. No, the end does not justify the mean c. Yes, the end justifies the mean d. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility62. Teacher Wendell knows of the illegal activities of Mr. Cordero, his neighbor but keeps quietin order not to be involved in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality doesTeacher Wendell fail to apply? a. The end does not justify the mean b. The end justifies the mean c. Always do what is right d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil63. Which of the following action of Teacher Ford is an INAPPROPRIATE way to manage off-tackbehavior? a. Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his progress to make sure he iscontinuing to work. b. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate. c. Move closer to the child to make him feel your presence d. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task64. Mrs. Cristobal is admired for being an effective classroom manager. She is not only friendlybut at the same time be _____. a. Confident c. Analytical b. businesslike d. buddy-buddy67. Mrs. Paguiligan wants to help in ending Ms. Sandoval’s act of immorality but doesn’t havethe courage to confront her. What she did was to write and secretly distribute copies ofanonymous letter to her colleagues. What should have been done instead? a. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to prevent her from being involved b. Talk to the married man with whom Ms. Sandoval is having an illicit

affair c. If the charge is valid; present such charge under oath before school head. d. Secretly give anonymous letter to the people concerned68. Principal Jon asked his good teachers to write modular lesson in Filipino, then he had thempublished with his name printed as the author. Which is unethical in this case? 35. Principles and Methods of Teaching 35 Module 1 a. He was the exclusive beneficiary of the royalty from the modules. b. He had the modular lessons published when they worth publishing. c. He got the merit which was due for his teacher-writers. d. He burdened the teachers with work not related to teaching.77. Teacher Divine, a teacher for thirty-two years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims thather thirty-two years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are heractuation and thinking in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? a. No, non-attendance to seminars would mean no increase in salary b. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go throughcontinuing process of education c. Yes, because she taught for thirty-two years and may have mastered the traded. d. Yes, provided she has an excellent performance rating.81. Which of the following would be the most fitting action of a teacher who is having arelationship with his/her student? a. Deny the relationship b. Enjoy the relationship while it lasts c. Defer the relationship until they are ready to admit d. Continue the relationship and exercise utmost professional discretion about this83. Ms. Lopez is a sickly teacher. She gets to school even late and not feeling well. Whatprovision in RA 7836 does she violate? a. Teachers must be devoted, honest and punctual in performing their duty b. Teachers should be physically, mentally and morally fit to teach. c. Teachers should manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a nobleprofession d. All of the above87. In the National Election, the Chairman of Precinct 34 asked Teacher Emily to change theentries in the election returns in exchange for special favors. It would be best for Teacher Emilyto _______ a. Change some discreetly b. Follow what the chairman has instructed c. Say yes to the Chairman but don’t do it d. Say no to the Chairman and be firmed about it88. Which of the following would best manifest the Teacher-Student Relationship? 36. Principles and Methods of Teaching 36 Module 1 a. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment to offending student upon the approval ofparents b. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment on offending student secretly c. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment to offending students at all times. d. Teacher to inflict no corporal punishment on offending students at all times.90. Teacher Veena is a newly appointed teacher. The Principal told her to avoid any conductsthat will discredit the teaching profession. Which of the following do you think will not in anymanner discredit the teaching profession? a. Revealing confidential information of the school b. Writing anonymous letter maligning colleagues c. Joining social drinking d. Practicing entrepreneurship with the students as clients94. Which of the following situations violate the principle of respect? a. Teacher Helen tells her student that what Teacher Joann taught is wrong b. Teacher Joann, upon learning what teacher Helen did, asked the students not toattend her class c. Teacher Janis is giving special favor to students to please them so that she can getremarkable result in the evaluation d. All of the above97. Teacher Jon knows of the illegal gambling that his neighbor is operating. However, hechooses to be quiet about it for fear of getting involved in any investigation that may lead tothis. Which among the following principle of morality does Teacher Jon fail to comply? a. Choose the good and avoid the evil b. Choose the lesser evil c. The end justifies the mean d. The end does not justify the mean107. The Preamble of the Code of

Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is NOT said amongteachers? a. LET Passers b. Possess dignity and reputation c. Duly licensed professionals d. High moral values with competencies115. Ms. Gabrielle is the most admired pre-school teacher in her school. Which among thefollowing can best explain her being a good teacher? 37. Principles and Methods of Teaching 37 Module 1 a. She adheres to the want of the parents for their children b. She manages to instill control to her students c. She endorses all the projects of the school for her students d. She gives easy exams to her studentsAnswer Key1. D 62. C2. D 63. D3. A 64. B4. C 67. C5. D 68. C6. C 77. B7. D 81. D8. A 83. B11. C 87. D12. C 88. D14. C 90. C15. A 91. D17. D 94. D18. B 97. A24. B 107. A25. C 115. B27. A30. D31. D32. C45. C46. B48. D49. C50. D52. D53. B54. B55. D61. A 38. Principles and Methods of Teaching 35 Module 1 BIBLIOGRAPHYBooks:Salandanan, Gloria Ph. D. Elements of Good Teaching. Chapter 4 -- ISBN 971-685-679-8 LorimarPublishingCorpus, Brenda B. and Salandanan, Gloria (2006).Principles and method of Teaching. LorimarPublishingBilbao, Purita P., Corpuz, Brenda B., Llagas, Avelina T., Salandanan, Gloria G..The TeachingProfession. ISBN 971-685-673-6 Lorimar PublishingCorpus, Brenda B., Ph.D, Salandanan, Gloria G., Ph.D, & Rigor, Dalisay V., Ph.D. Principles ofTeaching 2.Lorimar Publishing Inc.Acero, Victorina O., Ph.D, Javier, Evelyn S.,M.A., & Castro, Herminia O., M.A. Principles andStrategies of Teaching. Rex Bookstore.Corpuz, Brenda B., Ph.D, &Salandanan, Gloria G., Ph.D. Principles and Strategies ofTeaching.Lorimar Publishing.Gregorio, Hernan C. (1976) Principles and Methods of Teaching. Revised Edition. Garotech Publishing.Salandanan, Gloria S. (2005). Teaching and the Teacher. LominarPublishingCo.Inc.Zulueta, Francisco M. &Guimbatan, Kathleen L. (2002). Teaching Strategies and Educational Alternatives. Volume I. Academic Publishing CorporationConcepcion, B. et al. Esmane, M. (2011). Licensure Examination for Teachers. 2010 Edition. MET Reviewer CenterRecto, Angel S., (2005) Foundations of Education (Anthropological, Psychological, Sociologicaland Moral) Vol. 1, REX BookstoreFaking good…, Herman C., (1976) Principles and Methods of Teaching, R. P. Garcia Publishing CompanyCorpuz, Brenda B. Ph. D. and Salandanan, Gloria G. Ph. D., Principles of Teaching I, LolimarPublishing, eachers/leading_from_the_classroom/2011/02/teacher_and_st udent_insights_on_using_technology_in_the_classroom.html // _of_teachingThis document iscopyright © 2009 Peel Publications, Australia. Education. (412) 2682896 | OTE: (412) 268-5503 | Blackboard: (412) 268-9090

Professionalism in EducationPresentation Transcript 1. Domain of Teaching Profession and Roles and Tasks of Teacher EDUCATIONAL PROFESSION created by : Dian Armadani Ritonga 4103312012 Maria Priscillya Pasaribu 4103312018 Bilingual Mathematics 2010 State University of Medan 2. Domain of teaching are grouped into three domains, they are : 1)Professional Knowledge 2)Professional Practice 3)Professional Engagement A. Domain of Teaching 3. 1) Professional Knowledge Teachers draw on a body of professional knowledge and research to respond to the needs of their students within their educational contexts. Teachers know their students well, including their diverse linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds. They know how the experiences that students bring to their classroom affect their continued learning. They know how to structure their lessons to meet the physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of their students. 4. Teachers know the content of their subjects and curriculum. They know and understand the fundamental concepts, structure and enquiry processes relevant to programs they teach. Teachers understand what constitutes effective, developmentally appropriate strategies in their learning and teaching programs and use this knowledge to make the content meaningful to students. Through their teaching practice, teachers develop students' literacy and numeracy within their subject areas. 5. 2) Professional Practice Teachers are able to make learning engaging and valued. They are able to create and maintain safe, inclusive and challenging learning environments and implement fair and equitable behaviour management plans. Teachers have a repertoire of effective teaching strategies and use them to implement well-designed teaching programs and lessons. They regularly evaluate all aspects of their teaching practice to ensure they are meeting the learning needs of their students. They interpret and use student assessment data to diagnose barriers to learning and to challenge students to improve their performance. They operate effectively at all stages of the teaching and learning cycle, including planning for learning and assessment, developing learning programs, teaching, assessing, providing feedback on student learning and reporting to parents/carrers. 6. 2) Professional Engagement Teachers model effective learning. They identify their own learning needs and analyze, evaluate and expand their professional learning, both collegially and individually. Teachers demonstrate respect and professionalism in all their interactions with students, colleagues, parents/carrers and the community. They are sensitive to the needs of parents/carrers and can communicate effectively with them about their children's learning. Teachers value opportunities to engage with their school communities within and beyond the classroom to enrich the educational context for students. They understand the links between school, home and community in the social and intellectual development of their students. 7. • This following table tell the standards of each domain of teaching. Domains of teaching Standards Professional Knowledge 1. Know Students and how they learn 2. Know the content and how to teach it Professional Practice 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments 5. Assess, provide

feedback and report on student learning Professional Engagement 5. Engage in professional learning 6. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/ careers and the community 8. As described previously, the teacher serves as a professional educator with the major task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students in the formal education. One of experts suggests that teachers act as designer, activator, evaluator and motivator described as follows: B. The Roles of Teacher 9. Teachers as planner is compiling academic activities or curriculum and learning, organize student activities, formulate infrastructure needs and financing sources estimating school operations, and relationships with parents, communities, stakeholders and relevant agencies. 1. Teacher as Planner 10. Teachers must have a certain personal quality standards, which include responsibility, authority and discipline. With regard to the authority of the teacher should have an advantage in realizing the value of spiritual, emotional, moral, social, intellectual in him, and has the advantages of science and understanding science , technology, and art which was developed in accordance with the field. While discipline meant that teachers must follow various rules and regulations consistently, the professional consciousness because they fatherly duty to discipline students in school, especially in learning. Therefore, teachers should start instilling discipline of its own, in a variety of actions and behavior. 2. Teacher as Educators 11. Teachers said as activator is the mobilizers that encourage and activate system of school organization. A teacher must have the intellectual ability. To encourage and activate the school system forward does require the ability to streamline the brilliant performance of human resources optimally and sustainably. From this ambition and vision, the teacher as activator is expected to have a sense of responsibility, a sense of belonging, and a sense to promote the institution school as an the big tent to dedicate their lives. 3. Teacher as Activator 12. Teachers as an evaluator, is doing evaluation / assessment of the activities that have been undertaken in the school system. Evaluation or assessment is the most complex aspects of learning, because it involves a lot of background and relationships, as well as variables that have meaning when related to the context in which it is almost impossible to be separated by any standpoint. 4. Teacher as Evaluator 13. As a process, the assessments are conducted with the principles and the appropriate techniques, may test or non-test. Either technique, the assessment should be done with clear procedures, which includes three stages: preparation, implementation and follow- up. In addition to assessing learners, teachers must also assess themselves as both a planner and evaluator of learning programs. Therefore he must have sufficient knowledge about the assessment program which understands assessment of learning outcomes. 14. Teacher as a motivator means teacher as a motivator as students in order to increase driving excitement and development of student learning activities. The teacher as a motivator should be able to know the motives that led to the low power of student learning that can lead to decreased academic achievement. Teachers should stimulate and provide encouragement and

reinforcement to revive the passion and enthusiasm of student learning. 4. Teacher as Motivator 15. Some of the efforts of teachers in providing motivation to learn, is as follows: Clarify Objectives Encourage Students’ Interest Create fun atmosphere in learning Give rating 16. Teachers regarded as the most knowledgeable. He not only obliged to deliver its knowledge to the students, but also obligate to develop knowledge and continually cultivates knowledge he had. In this century, where science and technology is growing rapidly, the teacher must follow and adjust to these developments. Many ways can be done, eg, self-study, conduct research, attend courses, writing books, and making scientific writings that his role as a scientist performing well. 5. Teacher as Scientist 17. Expanding Role of Teachers in schools In the future, the teacher's role will be more strategic, though not necessarily be construed as the most dominant in terms of learning. Teachers are no longer limited to only work manually, but had to be more familiar with the instrument of information and communication technology. This implies a change in their attitudes and behavior in carrying out their duties. Thus future teachers should be able to play the role as follows: 18. In order to realize its role as a confidant and advisor in more depth, he must understand the psychology of personality and mental health sciences. Among living creatures on this planet, humans are unique creatures, and even develop a unique character as well. Being what he is, is strongly influenced by the experience, the learning environment and education. To become an adult human, humans must learn from the environment during life by using their strengths and weaknesses. Psychological approach to mental health and above teachers will go a long way in its function as an advisory has been widely known that he had a lot of help learners to be able to make their own decisions. 1. Teacher as Advisor 19. Teachers who have past experience translate into a meaningful life for students. In this case there is a deep and wide chasm between the generations with each other, as well as parents who experience more than our grandmothers. Teacher's task here is to understand how the gaps are, and how to bridge them effectively. So the basis is those thoughts and ways are used to express the pattern formed by the time used. Language is a tool for thinking, through observations made and arrange the words and save the brain, there was an understanding of the learning outcomes. 2. Teacher as Innovator 20. Teacher is a model or example for the students and all those who consider him as a teacher. There is a tendency to assume that this role is not easy to resist. Being a role model is the basic of the learning activity, and when a teacher does not want to accept or use it constructively so have reduced the effectiveness of learning. The role and functions should be understood and should not need to be a burdensome expense so, by skill and humility will enrich the meaning of the learning. 3. Teacher as a Model and Example 21. What will be models for students from teacher are : •Basic attitudes •Talk and speech style •Work habits •Attitudes by experience of error •Clothing •Human relations •The process of thinking •Health •General lifestyle

22. D. The Tasks of Teacher Teachers have a lot of tasks, both of which are bound by duty and off duty, in the form of DEDICATION. Teacher is a profession that requires special skills as a teacher and can not be done by anyone outside the field of education.  Proffesion sector, includes : I. Educating : forward and develop the values of live II. Teaching : forward and develop science and technology III. Excercising : develope creativity of students 23.  Humanity sector At school, teacher should be able to make himself as both parents that are able to attract sympathy so that he became a favorite of the students, and a motivation for students to learn.  Social Sector Society puts teachers in a more prominent place in their environment because of a teacher is expected to acquire the knowledge. This means that teachers are obliged to educate the nation towards the establishment of a human being in Indonesia based on Pancasila. 24. In the concept of teacher education, LPTK asserted that the task of teacher includes the personal task, social and professional tasks, thus the required components are also related to personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. In this discussion we discussed the three tasks the teacher. 25. 1.Personal Task This personal task concerns teacher’s personal, it is why every teacher needs to look at her and understand the concept itself. In his book, Student teacher in Action, P Wiggens writes about self-portrait as an educator, he wrote that a teacher should be able to look in the mirror at himself. When he reflect on himself, he will see not one person, but three persons, they are:  I am with my self-concept (self Concept).  I am with my self-idea (self Idea).  I am with my self-reality (self Reality). After teaching the teacher must hold a learner reflection. He was asking myself, is there the results obtained from the students? Or after finishing teaching he asked himself whether the student understands what he taught? 26. 2.Social Task The mission of teachers is a humanitarian mission. Teaching and learning is the task of humanizing mankind. Teachers have asocial duty. According Langeveld, teacher is a speaker age. And article of Ir, Sukarno of "The teacher is in Development". He mentioned the importance of teachers in its development. Teacher's task is to serve the community. It is therefore the task of the teacher is the duty of human services. 27. 3. Professional Task As a profession, teachers carry out the role of the profession. As the role of the profession, teachers have professional qualifications, as noted, was a professional qualification among others are expected to master the knowledge that he can give some knowledge to students with good results.

What teachers need to learnPresentation Transcript 1. What Teachers Need to Learn 2. Today’s Presentation Goals 1. What is meant by a good teacher? 2. What is meant by teacher learning? 3. What are the possible goals of teacher learning? 4. Views of teaching learning 5. What good teachers know? 6. Types of teacher knowledge 7. Types of knowledge and teacher learning goals. 8. What are the characteristics of good language teachers? 9. Why do teachers need to know more about language? 10. What are the courses that teachers need to take? 3. What Is Meant By A Good Teacher? The literature abounds with different definitions of good teachers: (as cited in Shono: 2004: 2-3): i. Simon and Boyer (1969), for example, define good teachers as analytic teachers; i.e. teachers who use a systematic method of recording and examining their classrooms and their interactions with their students. ii. Cruickshank (1987) considers good teachers to be reflective teachers who demonstrate interest not only in learning the art and science aspects of teaching but in learning about themselves as teachers as well. iii. Good teachers are caring teachers who take a special interest in the lives of their students and are sensitive to their particular needs. 4. What Is Meant By Teacher Learning? Westwood (2008) reports that: teacher learning is the process of making the teacher informed about: 1. The subject knowledge and the curriculum goals that he/she will deal with. 2. The linguistic and non- linguistic competencies he/she should have. 3. The personal and social qualities that he/she should have. 4. The teaching methods and learning styles/strategies that he/she will adopt. 5. Students‘ needs and individual differences. 5. What Are The Possible Goals of Teacher Learning? Goal 1: Producing Good Teachers What do teacher preparation programmes mainly focus on? 1. Developing sufficient belief and confidence to feel enough like a teacher. 2. Pupil behavior during lessons. What are the intrapersonal teacher should have? and interpersonal qualities a Good teachers are : (Intrapersonal): knowledgeable, kind, patient, & attractive. (Interpersonal) : able to form relationships, team work, leadership…etc. 6. Good teachers : 1. Pay attention to learners’ emotions – confidence building. 2. Teacherly qualities and intrapersonal skills. 3. Interpersonal skills – conflict resolution. 4. Using drama techniques to support the personal public presentation aspects of the work. 7. Goal 2: Producing / Developing Good Teaching Is teaching art or Science? 1. Craft: teachers benefit from other experienced teachers. 2. Science :teachers apply what is scientifically acceptable. Teaching is a Complex & an Open Skill. Complex: many activities happen at the same time inside the classroom such as reading, writing, listenining, managing behavior , etc. Open Skill: there are many ways to do an activity: ex: managing behavior can be made by talking, shouting, mocking, etc. 8. Teaching contains the elements of an Art, a Craft, a Science and as a Complex open skill 1- What are the implications for teaching as an art? Making personal choices & new ways of doing things & access to experiences teachers. 2- What are the implications for teaching as a craft? Opportunities for learners practice – practice in real world situations. 3- What are the implications for teaching as a science? Access to the latest findings of scientific research.

9. 4- What are the implications for teaching as a complex open skill? • Opportunities for learners to practise and receive comments on the component parts of skill in a safe environment. • Opportunities together, and for learners managing to the practise putting complexity situations, and be supported in doing so. in the parts real world 10. Goal 3: Producing Teaching Professionals What teachers need to do in order to be professional teachers? 1. Understand how and to whom they are accountable. 2. Obtain recognized specialist qualifications. 3. Access to professional journals. 4. Participate in professional debates 5. Participate in professional activities ( conferences, reading newsletters. Etc.). 6. Develop flexible and informed decision-making skills. 11. Goal 4: Teachers as Reflective Practitioners What is required of teachers to be reflective practitioners ? 1. Noticing and observing what is actually happening in classrooms . 2. What teachers think about (i.e. themselves, learning, exams, the influence of the wider context) and why . 3. How teachers use what they think about in relation to their teaching, their pupils, their colleagues. 4. When teachers give themselves time and space to thinkimmediately after teaching , sometime later, on the bus , in the bath. 12. Goal 4: Teachers as Reflective Practitioners Reflective: Characterized by deep careful thought. Practitioner: Somebody who practices a particular profession. Reflective practitioner: A teacher who uses deep, careful thought to improve instruction. 13. Goal 4: Teachers as Reflective Practitioners Why is Reflective practicing important? 14. Goal 4: Teachers as Reflective Practitioners What is required of teachers to be reflective practitioners ? 1. Noticing and observing what is actually happening in classrooms . 2. What teachers think about (i.e. themselves, learning, exams, the influence of the wider context) and why . 3. How teachers use what they think about in relation to their teaching, their pupils, their colleagues. 4. When teachers give themselves time and space to thinkimmediately after teaching , sometime later, in the car …etc 15. Goal 4: Teachers as Reflective Practitioners 5. How teachers (can) access and use other people‘s ideas in their thinking . 6. Teacher diary. 7. Peer observation. 8. Recording lessons. 9. Student feedback. 16. Goal 5: Technicians What teachers should have to be described as technicist teachers? 1. Share the syllabus and materials designers ‘ ways of thinking . 2. Develop the skills to carry out the requisite in-class operations and activities that these ways of thinking engender, in ways that are consistent with the expected outcomes. 17. Views of Teacher Learning Are Good teachers born or made? What are the main views/perspectives of teacher learning? 1. Identity and interpersonal skills development. 2. Socio-cultural perspective: teacher learning is made through participation in culture of teachers in a given context. 3. The cognitive view: social constructivism: emphasize engaging the learner in meaning-making & and interaction with others. 4. Skill theory : intelligent action is developed through cyclical processes of trial and error.

18. What Good Teachers Know What are the topic areas teachers need to be knowledgeable about? 1. Content Knowledge : subject knowledge. 2. General pedagogical knowledge: classroom management & assessment techniques. 3. Curriculum knowledge: what is in it? Why it is there? Planning to cover it. 4. Pedagogical content knowledge: techniques to teaching the subject. 5. Knowledge of learners and their characteristics. 6. Knowledge of the educational context. 7. Knowledge of the educational ends, purposes, values, and historical backgrounds. 19. Types of Teacher Knowledge 1- Knowing About (KA) WHAT SHOULD TEACHERS KNOW ABOUT AND USE IN THEIR THINKING? 1. Their subject : its aim & role 2. How the subject is learnt. 3. The school and its policies. 4. The students, their backgrounds, their needs. 5. Strategies for managing their ongoing professional learning, professional organizations, & journals in their subject area. 20. 2- Knowing How(KH) WHAT SHOULD TEACHERS BE ABLE TO ? 1. Use strategies to support pupils and their learning. 2. Notice important features of classrooms and organizations. 3. Promote conditions which support the learning processes. 4. Assess learning. 5. Relate to students, other professionals, parents, and colleagues. 6. Fulfill other professional obligations. 7. Access and use new idea and theories. 21. 3- Knowing to (KT) What should the expertise developed by good teachers allow them to do ? To intuitively and instantaneously use what they know at just the right moment and in just the right way to support the learning of their learners in their classroom. 22. Types of Knowledge & Goals of Teacher Learning Goal Knowledge 1- Producing Good Teachers: Focus on personal & Interpersonal skills 2- Developing Good Teaching: Make appropriate choices at the appropriate time. 3- Producing Teaching Professionals: Access to professional journals 4- Producing Reflective Practitioners: Understand what they think about. 5- Producing Technicist Teachers: Interpret the syllabus in the manner the designers intended. 23. LANGUAGE TEACHER LEARNING 24. What Are the Characteristics of Good Language Teachers? 1. Having a Good Command of the L2 (e.g. fluent in the foreign language with good communication skills). 2. Possess Sound Teaching Skills (e.g. employs diverse teaching methodology). 3. Teacher Empathy toward Students (e.g. knows and understands students’ needs, and Strengths and weaknesses). 4. Personal Qualities (e.g. is patient and humorous). 5. Reflection and Improvement (e.g. reflects on their own teaching and keeps up-to-date in knowledge and skills). 25. Why Do Teachers Need To Know More About Language? 1- Teacher as Communicator Understanding student talk – his langauge must be clear. 2- Teacher as Educator Selecting materials that suit students – assessing student accomplishments. 3- Teacher as Evaluator Sorting learners - placement 4- Teacher as Educated Human Being Access to basic information about langauge. 5- Teacher as Agent of Socialization Matching practices at home & school. 26. What Are The Courses That Teachers Need To Take? 1. Language and Linguistics 2. Language and Cultural Diversity 3. Sociolinguistics for Educators in a Linguistically Diverse Society 4. Language Development 5. Second Language Learning and Teaching 6. The Language of Academic Discourse 7. Text Analysis and Educational Settings Language Understanding in

PRINCIPLE OF TEACHING: THE LEARNER Presentation Transcript Chapter I:The Learner The Nature of the Learner- The learner is an embodied spirit. He is the union of sentient body and a rational soul. His body experiences sensations and feels pleasure and pain. His soul is the principle of spiritual acts, the source of intellectual abstraction, self-reflection, and free rational volition. Body and soul exist in mutual dependence. (Kelly, 1965) The Fundamental Equipment of the LearnerThe learner has the power to see, hear, touch,smell, taste, perceive, imagine, retain, recall,recognize past mental acts, conceive ideas,make judgment, reason out, feel and choose. Five Elements of the Learner1. Ability The students’ native ability dictates the prospects of success in purposeful activity. It determine their capacity to understand and assimilate information for their own use and application. 2. Aptitude Aptitude refers to the students’ innate talent or gift. It indicates a natural capacity to learn certain skills. 3. Interest Learners vary in activities that are undertaken due to a strong appeal or attraction. 4. Family & Cultural Background Students who come from different socioeconomic background manifest a wide range behaviour due 5. Attitudes Students have unique way of thinking and reacting. Confronted with the same situation in the learning environment each one would react differently depending on their personal characteristics. Positive Attidudes:a. Curiosityb. Responsibilityc. Creativityd. Persistence Howard Gardner Howard Earl Gardner (born July 11, 1943 is an American developmental psychologist who is a professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard University ,Senior Director of Harvard Project Zero and author of over twenty books translated into thirty languages. Since 1995, he has been the codirector of the Good Work Project. He is best known for his theory of Multiple Intelligence Multiple Intelligence1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence3. Spatial Intelligence4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence5. Musical Intelligence6. Intrapersonal Intelligence7. Interpersonal Intelligence8. Naturalist Intelligence9. Existential Intelligence

Principles of teachingPresentation Transcript 1. A Child’s Plea A little love that slowly grows and grows Not one that comes and goes That’s all I ask of you. A sunny day to look up to the sky, A hand to help me by, That’s all I ask of you Don’t let me down Oh, show me that you care Remember when you give You also get a share. Don’t let me down I have no time to wait Tomorrow might not come By then t’ will be too late 2. The Elements of Teaching andThe Elements of Teaching and LearningLearning The principal elements that make teachingThe principal elements that make teaching and learning possible and attainable are theand learning possible and attainable are the teachers, the learners, and a conducive learningteachers, the learners, and a conducive learning environment . Without one, there could be noenvironment . Without one, there could be no teaching, nor will there learning of a desiredteaching, nor will there learning of a desired objective.objective. Teacher Learner Conducive learning Environment 3. The teacher serves as the primeThe teacher serves as the prime mover of the educational wheel, whilemover of the educational wheel, while the learners are the key participants inthe learners are the key participants in the learning process. The favorablethe learning process. The favorable environment provides essentialenvironment provides essential features and ingredients that would befeatures and ingredients that would be of great help in guiding the learningof great help in guiding the learning process.process. 4. How does each elementHow does each element contribute to learning?contribute to learning? ???? ?? 5. The leaner is an embodiedThe leaner is an embodied spirit. He is not just a body,spirit. He is not just a body, neither just a spirit. He is aneither just a spirit. He is a union of a sentient body and aunion of a sentient body and a rational soul. His bodyrational soul. His body experiences sensations andexperiences sensations and feels pleasure and painfeels pleasure and pain.. 6. His soul is the principle of spiritualHis soul is the principle of spiritual acts, the source of intellectual abstraction,acts, the source of intellectual abstraction, self-reflection, and free rational volition.self-reflection, and free rational volition. 7. Body and soulBody and soul exist in mutualexist in mutual dependence. Whatdependence. What happens to the bodyhappens to the body happens also to the spirit.happens also to the spirit. Likewise what happens toLikewise what happens to the spirit affects the body.the spirit affects the body. 8. As teachersAs teachers then, let us take care forthen, let us take care for the embodied spiritthe embodied spirit- learner. Let us feedlearner. Let us feed his/her body as well ashis/her body as well as his/her spirit.his/her spirit. ““Man does not live by breadMan does not live by bread alonealone.”.” 9. The teachers isThe teachers is equipped with facultiesequipped with faculties or powers-or powers-cognitivecognitive andand affectiveaffective. His/her. His/her cognitive facultiescognitive faculties include his/her fiveinclude his/her five senses, instinct,senses, instinct, imagination, memory,imagination, memory, and intellect. By his/herand intellect. By

his/her senses, the learner issenses, the learner is able to see, hear, feel,able to see, hear, feel, taste and smelltaste and smell whatever is to bewhatever is to be learned.learned. 10. By the power of imagination, theBy the power of imagination, the learner is able to formlearner is able to form representations of material objects orrepresentations of material objects or things which are not actually presentthings which are not actually present to the the senses. 11. By his/her power of memory, he isBy his/her power of memory, he is able to retain, recall, and recognizeable to retain, recall, and recognize past mental acts. By his/her intellect,past mental acts. By his/her intellect, he/she can form concepts or ideas,he/she can form concepts or ideas, make judgment, and reason out.make judgment, and reason out. What are his/her appetitiveWhat are his/her appetitive faculties? These are his/her feelings,faculties? These are his/her feelings, emotions, andemotions, and rational will.rational will. 12. Through his/her feelings and emotions,Through his/her feelings and emotions, a person experiences the pleasantness ora person experiences the pleasantness or unpleasantness , the satisfactoriness orunpleasantness , the satisfactoriness or unsatisfactoriness, the pain or the joy of anunsatisfactoriness, the pain or the joy of an object or an activity.object or an activity. His/herHis/her willwill serves as the guiding forceserves as the guiding force and the main integrating force in theand the main integrating force in the person’s character. Through his/herperson’s character. Through his/her willwill,, the learnerthe learner willswills what his/her intellectwhat his/her intellect presents as good and desirable.presents as good and desirable. 13. For, effective and efficient learning, the fiveFor, effective and efficient learning, the five senses must function normally. The leanersenses must function normally. The leaner becomes aware of his/her objective worldbecomes aware of his/her objective world through his/her senses.through his/her senses. All learners are equipped with the cognitiveAll learners are equipped with the cognitive and appetitive faculties. However, the exerciseand appetitive faculties. However, the exercise of their different abilities, aptitudes, interests,of their different abilities, aptitudes, interests, home background, attitudes and values.home background, attitudes and values. 14. Let us take a look once moreLet us take a look once more at the learner from the point ofat the learner from the point of view of these five distinguishingview of these five distinguishing elements.elements. 15. AbilityAbility -- determine thedetermine the capacity of learners tocapacity of learners to understand andunderstand and assimilate information forassimilate information for their own use andtheir own use and application. Learners mayapplication. Learners may be classified generallybe classified generally into fast, average andinto fast, average and slow learners.slow learners. Others are labeledOthers are labeled high, moderate and slowhigh, moderate and slow achievers.achievers. Fast Aver- age Slow 16. As to their mental ability, students can beAs to their mental ability, students can be categorized into superior, above average, andcategorized into superior, above average, and below

average.below average. A wide range in their intelligence is a factor toA wide range in their intelligence is a factor to consider in planning instruction.consider in planning instruction. Below Average Above Average Superior 17. AptitudeAptitude - This refers to the student’s- This refers to the student’s innate talent or gift. It indicates ainnate talent or gift. It indicates a natural capacity to learn certainnatural capacity to learn certain skills. Some may exhibit specialskills. Some may exhibit special inclination for the arts such asinclination for the arts such as painting and designing crafts,painting and designing crafts, propensity for music and flair forpropensity for music and flair for dramatics. Talent fordramatics. Talent for Mathematics or literature isMathematics or literature is likewise noticed among a few.likewise noticed among a few. 18. It is important that these aptitudes beIt is important that these aptitudes be recognized early among our students sorecognized early among our students so as not to waste such inborn learning. Asas not to waste such inborn learning. As teachers, it is imperative that we helpteachers, it is imperative that we help develop students’ potentials.develop students’ potentials. 19. InterestsInterests - Learners vary in activities undertaken due to- Learners vary in activities undertaken due to a strong appeal or attraction, Girls, for example,a strong appeal or attraction, Girls, for example, are strongly attracted to flowering plants andare strongly attracted to flowering plants and greeneries. Boys go for hiking and mountaingreeneries. Boys go for hiking and mountain climbing.climbing. Lessons that give them the chance to expressLessons that give them the chance to express their deep feelings for objects or actions will betheir deep feelings for objects or actions will be more meaningful and easily absorbed.more meaningful and easily absorbed. 20. A classroom set-up could offer centersA classroom set-up could offer centers of interest so that students would like toof interest so that students would like to enjoy staying in the classroom. Interestenjoy staying in the classroom. Interest clubs could be organized to serve asclubs could be organized to serve as outlet of special interest shared by theoutlet of special interest shared by the members.members. 21. Family & CulturalFamily & Cultural BackgroundBackground Students coming from differentStudents coming from different socioeconomic background manifest asocioeconomic background manifest a wide range of behavior, due towide range of behavior, due to differences in upbringing practices.differences in upbringing practices. Their participation in classroomTheir participation in classroom activities are influenced by their trainingactivities are influenced by their training at home and experiences, either theyat home and experiences, either they become active and confident in thierbecome active and confident in thier ways or inactive and apathetic.ways or inactive and apathetic. 22. AttitudesAttitudes Students have a unique way ofStudents have a unique way of thinking and reacting. Facing thethinking and reacting. Facing the same situation in the learningsame situation in the learning environment, they would reactenvironment, they would react differently depending on their personaldifferently depending on their personal

characteristics.characteristics. AttitudeAttitude refers to an individual’srefers to an individual’s perspective and disposition.perspective and disposition. 23. Some positive attitudesSome positive attitudes areare:: • CuriosityCuriosity • ResponsibilityResponsibility • CreativityCreativity • PersistencePersistence 24. These five elements makeThese five elements make learners different from onelearners different from one another.another. The learners’ multiple intelligences andThe learners’ multiple intelligences and varied earning styles make them evenvaried earning styles make them even more different from one another. Added tomore different from one another. Added to these differences is the integration ofthese differences is the integration of children with special needs as well aschildren with special needs as well as children of the indigenous people groupschildren of the indigenous people groups in the the classroom. (Multiple Intelligences Learning Styles)(Multiple Intelligences Learning Styles) 25. What is intelligence? According to Gardner, intelligence is “the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural settings” (Gardner & Hatch, 1989) “all societies value different types of intelligences” (Gardner, 1983) 26. Howard Gardner claims • we all possess all of these intelligences but in varying degrees of strength, skill and limitation • just as we all look different and have unique personalities and temperaments, we also have different profiles of intelligences • no one kind of intelligence is better than another • each intelligence has its own sphere of expertise • intelligences are independent of each another. 27. Gardner’s 8 Intelligences are: • 1. Logical-mathematical • (associated with scientific thinking) • 2. Verbal-linguistic • (the production of language and communication) • 3. Musical- rhythmic • (recognition and use of sounds) • 4. Naturalist • (ability to work with nature) 28. • 5. Visual-spatial • (deals with visual arts) • 6. Inter-relational • (inter personal skills) • 7. Intrarelational • (understanding of self) • 8. Bodily-kinesthetic • (associated with body movements) 29. Who is intelligent? 30. 8 Intelligences – by Dr. Howard Gardner 1. Linguistic 2. Logical/ Mathematical 3. Spatial 4. Bodily/ Kinesthetic 5. Musical 6. Interpersonal 7. Intrapersonal 8. Naturalistic 31. Can you define intelligence? Toni Morrison Linguistic Intelligence • Skilled with words • “The Word Player” 32. Can you define intelligence? Albert Einstein Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence • Skilled with numbers & reasoning • “The Questioner” 33. Can you define intelligence? Milton Caniff Spatial Intelligence • Skilled with pictures & images • “The Visualizer” 34. Can you define intelligence? Cy Young Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence • Physical skill • “The Mover”

35. Can you define intelligence? Doris Day Musical Intelligence • Skilled with melody & rhythm • “The Music Lover” 36. Can you define intelligence? James A. Garfield Interpersonal Intelligence • Skills of social understanding • “The Socializer” 37. Can you define intelligence? Helen Keller Intrapersonal Intelligence • Skills of self-knowledge • “The Individual” 38. Can you define intelligence? Sacagawea Naturalistic Intelligence • Skills of making connection to elements in nature • “The Outdoorsman” 39. Multiple Intelligences • “An intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings” ~Howard Gardner Frames of Mind (1983) 40. OHT 3:4:4 E=mc2 Linguistic intelligence Logical mathematical intelligence Visual spatial intelligence Bodily kinaesthetic intelligence Musical intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Emotional intelligence Multiple intelligence Naturalistic intelligence Sara Shaw and Trevor Hawes Session 4 – Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences 41. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence 42. Linguistic If you have strong linguistic intelligence you might learn better by • Reading • Memorizing • Playing word games (Scrabble, Anagrams, Password) • Making up rhymes, puns • Using the internet 43. Linguistic Intelligence • often called verbal/linguistic intelligence • having mastery of language • ability to manipulate language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically • use language as a means to remember information 44. Verbal/Linguistic intelligence refers to an individual's ability to understand and manipulate words and languages. Everyone is thought to possess this intelligence at some level. This includes reading, writing, speaking, and other forms of verbal and written communication. 45. • Teachers can enhance their students' verbal/linguistic intelligence by having them keep journals, play word games, and by encouraging discussion. People with strong rhetorical and oratory skills such as poets, authors, and attorneys exhibit strong Linguistic intelligence. Some examples are T.S. Elliot, Maya Angelou, and Martin Luther King Jr. Traditionally, Linguistic intelligence and Logical/Mathematical intelligence have been highly valued in education and learning environments. 46. Word Smarts 47. are usually good at: • Reading fiction and non-fiction • Writing letters, reports, scripts etc. • Talking • Debating • Word puzzles 48. are usually good at: • Making up and telling jokes • Storytelling • Emailing • Listening to tapes and people • Poetry 49. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence

50. Logical/Mathematical Learner If you have strong logical-mathematical intelligence you might learn better by • Recording information systematically • Setting up experiments (“What if…?”) • Playing strategy games (Chess, Checkers) • Analyzing data • Asking logical questions • Using the internet 51. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence • ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically • often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking 52. Logical/Mathematical intelligence refers to an individual's ability to do things with data: collect, and organize, analyze and interpret, conclude and predict. Individuals strong in this intelligence see patterns and relationships. These individuals are oriented toward thinking: inductive and deductive logic, numeration, and abstract patterns. They would be a contemplative problem solver; one who likes to play strategy games and to solve mathematical problems. 53. • Being strong in this intelligence often implies great scientific ability. This is the kind of intelligence studied and documented by Piaget. Teachers can strengthen this intelligence by encouraging the use of computer programming languages, critical-thinking activities, linear outlining, Piagetian cognitive stretching exercises, science-fiction scenarios, logic puzzles, and through the use of logical/sequential presentation of subject matter. Some real life examples people who are gifted with this intelligence are Albert Einstein, Niehls Bohr, and John Dewey. 54. Math/ Logic Smarts 55. are usually good at: • Mazes and puzzles • Graphing • Mathematics and numbers • Problem solving • Timelines 56. are usually good at: • Strategic games and codes • Spreadsheets and databases • Computer games • Patterning and sequencing • Fact finding and collecting 57. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence • Visual/Spatial intelligence 58. Spatial Learner If you have strong spatial intelligence you might learn better by • Studying pictures • Watching videos • Using visual, tangible aids • Doing mazes, puzzles • Making predictions • Using the internet 59. Visual / Spatial Intelligence • gives one the ability to manipulate and create mental images in order to solve problems • this intelligence is not limited to visual domains • Gardner notes that spatial intelligence is also formed in blind children. 60. • Visual/Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to form and manipulate a mental model. Individuals with strength in this area depend on visual thinking and are very imaginative. People with this kind of intelligence tend to learn most readily from visual presentations such as movies, pictures, videos, and demonstrations using models and props. They like to draw, paint, or sculpt their ideas and often express their feelings and moods through art. These individuals often daydream, imagine and pretend 61. • They are good at reading diagrams and maps and enjoy solving mazes and jigsaw puzzles. Teachers can foster this intelligence by utilizing charts, graphs, diagrams, graphic organizers,

videotapes, color, art activities, doodling, microscopes and computer graphics software. It could be characterized as right-brain activity. Pablo Picasso, Bobby Fischer, and Georgia O'Keefe are some examples of people gifted with this intelligence. 62. Picture Smarts 63. are usually good at: • Drawing and painting • Cartooning and doodling • Reading and making maps • Sketching and illustrating • Making murals, charts, posters, • collages, statues and mobiles 64. are usually good at: • Photography • Creating and understanding films • Making constructions and models 65. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence • Visual/Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence 66. Musical Learner If you have strong musical intelligence you might learn better by • Listening to recordings • Talking to yourself • Making up songs • Mentally repeating information • Reading aloud • Changing tempo 67. Musical Intelligence • encompasses the capability to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms • auditory functions are required for a person to develop this intelligence in relation to pitch and tone, but it is not needed for the knowledge of rhythm 68. • Musical intelligence refers to the ability to understand, create, and interpret musical pitches, timbre, rhythm, and tones and the capability to compose music. Teachers can integrate activities into their lessons that encourage students' musical intelligence by playing music for the class and assigning tasks that involve students creating lyrics about the material being taught. Composers and instrumentalists are individuals with strength in this area. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Louis Armstrong are examples. 69. Music Smarts 70. are usually good at: • Singing • Playing a musical instrument • Remembering songs • Making up song lyrics • Tapping and clapping 71. are usually good at: • Writing jingles • Composing music • Performing music for a group • Listening to music • Understanding music 72. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence • Visual/Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence 73. Bodily/Kinesthetic Learner If you have strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence you might learn better by • Doing role plays • Constructing physical examples • Exercising while reviewing • Visiting museums, institutions, parks • Asking logical questions • Using the internet 74. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence • ability of one’s one mental abilities to coordinate one’s own bodily movements • this intelligence challenges the popular belief that mental and physical activity are unrelated

75. • Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence refers to people who process information through the sensations they feel in their bodies. These people like to move around, touch the people they are talking to and act things out. They are good at small and large muscle skills; they enjoy all types of sports and physical activities. They often express themselves through dance. 76. • Teachers may encourage growth in this area of intelligence through the use of touching, feeling, movement, improvisation, "hands-on" activities, permission to squirm and wiggle, facial expressions and physical relaxation exercises. Some examples of people who are gifted with this intelligence are Michael Jordan, Martina Navratilova, and Jim Carrey. 77. Body Smarts 78. are usually good at: • Dancing • Sports and athletics • Throwing, catching, jumping etc. • Building and manipulating 79. are usually good at: • Performing, role-playing and drama • Shaping and sculpting • Keyboarding • Experimenting • Obstacle Courses 80. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence • Visual/Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence • Interpersonal intelligence 81. Interpersonal Learner If you have strong interpersonal intelligence you might learn better by • Studying in groups • Comparing information with others • Interviewing experts • Relating personal experiences • Being a teamplayer • Doing cooperative projects 82. Interpersonal Intelligence • ability to recognize feelings, intentions and motivations of others 83. • Although Gardner classifies interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences separately, there is a lot of interplay between the two and they are often grouped together. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to interpret and respond to the moods, emotions, motivations, and actions of others. Interpersonal intelligence also requires good communication and interaction skills, and the ability show empathy towards the feelings of other individuals. 84. • Teachers can encourage the growth of Interpersonal Intelligences by designing lessons that include group work and by planning cooperative learning activities. Counselors and social workers are professions that require strength in this area. Some examples of people with this intelligence include Gandhi, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. 85. Group Smarts 86. are usually good at: • Working with others in a group • Communicating with others • Group games and challenges • Leading a group 87. are usually good at: • Debating • Sharing with others • Caring about other people • Questioning and surveying 88. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence • Visual/Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence • Interpersonal intelligence • Intrapersonal intelligence

89. Intrapersonal Learner If you have strong intrapersonal intelligence you might learn better by • Avoiding distractions • Establishing personal goals • Playing solitary games • Setting own pace • Working alone • Relating personal experiences 90. Intrapersonal Intelligence • ability to understand one’s own feelings and motivations • ability to use that information to regulate one’s own life 91. • Intrapersonal Intelligence, simply put, is the ability to know oneself. It is an internalized version of Interpersonal Intelligence. To exhibit strength in Intrapersonal Intelligence, an individual must be able to understand their own emotions, motivations, and be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can assign reflective activities, such as journaling to awaken students' Intrapersonal Intelligence 92. • . Its important to note that this intelligence involves the use of all others. An individual should tap into their other intelligences to completely express their Intrapersonal Intelligence. Authors of classic autobiographies such as Jean Paul Satre and Frederick Douglas are examples of individuals who exhibited strong Interpersonal Intelligence in their lifetimes. 93. Self Smarts 94. are usually good at: • Working independently • Writing diaries and journals • Poetry • Writing autobiographies 95. are usually good at: • Setting goals • Creative writing • Imagining • Planning and organising • Thinking 96. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence • Visual/Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence • Interpersonal intelligence • Intrapersonal intelligence • Naturalist intelligence 97. Naturalistic Learner If you have strong naturalistic intelligence you might learn better by • Studying outside • Learning in the presence of plants & pets • Relating environmental issues to topics • Smelling, seeing touching, tasting, • Observing natural phenomenon 98. Naturalist Intelligence • ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature 99. • Naturalistic intelligence is seen in someone who recognizes and classifies plants, animals, and minerals including a mastery of taxonomies. They are holistic thinkers who recognize specimens and value the unusual. They are aware of species such as the flora and fauna around them. They notice natural and artificial taxonomies such as dinosaurs to algae and cars to clothes. 100. • Teachers can best foster this intelligence by using relationships among systems of species, and classification activities. Encourage the study of relationships such as patterns and order, and compare- and-contrast sets of groups or look at connections to real life and science issues. Charles Darwin and John Muir are examples of people gifted in this way. 101.

Nature Smarts

102. are usually good at: • Looking after a pet • Exploring the natural environment • Hiking • Touching • Reusing, reducing and Recycling 103.

are usually good at: • Gardening • Fishing • Star gazing • Photography • Camping

104. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Linguistic intelligence • Logical/Mathematical intelligence • Visual/Spatial intelligence • Musical intelligence • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence • Interpersonal intelligence • Intrapersonal intelligence • Naturalist intelligence • Existential intelligence 105. Existential Intelligence • sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence (i.e., the meaning of life? why do we die? how did we get here?) 106. • The ninth intelligence that has yet to experience full acceptance by educators in the classroom. This is Existential intelligence, which encompasses the ability to pose and ponder questions regarding the existence -- including life and death. This would be in the domain of philosophers and religious leaders. 107. ““Teachers open the door.Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself”You enter by yourself” Chinese proverbChinese proverb 108. Focus Questions:Focus Questions: 1.1. Who isWho is thethe professio-professio- nalnal teacher?teacher? 2. To facilitate2. To facilitate learning, whatlearning, what attributes areattributes are expected of aexpected of a professionalprofessional teacher?teacher? 109.

The ProfessionalThe Professional TeacherTeacher

110. The professional teacher is the “The professional teacher is the “ licensed professional who possesseslicensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation with high moraldignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical andvalues as well as technical and professional competence… he/sheprofessional competence… he/she adheres to observe and practice a set ofadheres to observe and practice a set of ethical and moral standards and values.ethical and moral standards and values. 111. (Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers)(Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers) The professional teacher is one who wentThe professional teacher is one who went through four to five year, period of rigorousthrough four to five year, period of rigorous academic preparation 9in teaching and oneacademic preparation 9in teaching and one who is given a license to teach by the Boardwho is given a license to teach by the Board for Professional Teachers of the Professionalfor Professional Teachers of the Professional Regulation Commission after fulfillingRegulation Commission after fulfilling requirements prescribed by law such asrequirements prescribed by law such as passing the Licensure Examination forpassing the Licensure Examination for Teacher (LET) . He/she is registered in theTeacher (LET) . He/she is registered in the roster of professional teachers at theroster of professional teachers at the Professional Regulation Commission, andProfessional Regulation Commission, and undergoes continuing professional education.undergoes continuing professional education. 112.

Professional AttributesProfessional Attributes

113. A professional teacherA professional teacher possess the followingpossess the following attributes:attributes:  control of the knowledge base of teachingcontrol of the knowledge base of teaching and learning and use of this knowledge toand learning and use of this knowledge to guide the science and art of his/herguide the science and art of his/her teaching practice.teaching practice. 114.  repertoire of bestrepertoire of best teaching practices andteaching practices and can use these to instructcan use these to instruct children in classrooms andchildren in classrooms and to work with adults in theto work with adults in the school setting. 115.  Dispositions and skills to approach allDispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/her work in a reflective,aspects of his/her work in a reflective, collegial, and problem-solving manner,collegial, and problem-solving manner,  View of teaching as a lifelong process andView of teaching as a lifelong process and dispositions and skills for working towardsdispositions and skills for working towards improving his/her own teaching as well asimproving his/her own teaching as well as improving schools.improving schools. 116.

Personal AttributesPersonal Attributes

117. Personality is the sum of one’sPersonality is the sum of one’s personal characteristics. It is one’spersonal characteristics. It is one’s identity. The teachers, more than anyidentity. The teachers, more than any other professional, are subjected toother professional, are subjected to scrutiny to the minutest detail andscrutiny to the minutest detail and observation by those they associate with.observation by those they associate with. Teachers are judged more strictly thanTeachers are judged more strictly than other professional.other professional. 118. Personalities many be describe asPersonalities many be describe as authoritative, weak, dynamic, orauthoritative, weak, dynamic, or “magnetic”. Teachers’ personality must be“magnetic”. Teachers’ personality must be natural and genuine, that is, devoid ofnatural and genuine, that is, devoid of pretenses and artificiality. They must bepretenses and artificiality. They must be consistent, true, and authentic.consistent, true, and authentic. 119. Some outstanding personalSome outstanding personal qualities that are worthqualities that are worth mentioning are:mentioning are: 120. PassionPassion Passion in teaching is a compellingPassion in teaching is a compelling force that emerges because of one’sforce that emerges because of one’s inborn love for children. Passion does notinborn love for children. Passion does not die nor diminish. Teachers with passiondie nor diminish. Teachers with passion feel they “ will live and die a teacher”feel they “ will live and die a teacher” 121. HumorHumor Humor stands for anything funny,Humor stands for anything funny, which elicits a smile, laugher or amusingwhich elicits a smile, laugher or amusing reaction. It is an essential quality ofreaction. It is an essential quality of teachers serves a number of purposes.teachers serves a number of purposes. 122. Values of AttitudeValues of Attitude Teachers are models of values. WhetherTeachers are models of values. Whether conscious of them or not, values areconscious of them or not,

values are exhibited implicitly and explicitly . Valuesexhibited implicitly and explicitly . Values connote standards, code of ethics andconnote standards, code of ethics and strong beliefs . To mention a few of thesestrong beliefs . To mention a few of these values , we have:values , we have: 123. a)a) Open-Mindedness – is basic inOpen-Mindedness – is basic in promoting respect and trust betweenpromoting respect and trust between teachers and students.teachers and students. b)b) fairness and impartiality –inculcates self-fairness and impartiality –inculcates selfconfidence and trust among studentsconfidence and trust among students.. 124. c)c) sincerity and honesty – These values aresincerity and honesty – These values are exhibited in words and actions. Teachers mustexhibited in words and actions. Teachers must show their real self, devoid of their real self, devoid of pretenses.  professionalism – this is highly treasured inprofessionalism – this is highly treasured in the teaching profession. Teachers arethe teaching profession. Teachers are adjudged professional if they areadjudged professional if they are knowledgeable , skilled and valueladen.knowledgeable , skilled and value-laden. 125. PatiencePatience In teaching patience refers to aIn teaching patience refers to a teacher’s uncomplaining nature, self-teacher’s uncomplaining nature, self- control, and persistence.control, and persistence. 126. EnthusiasmEnthusiasm - is- is synonymoussynonymous to eagerness andto eagerness and excitement. Enthusiastic teachers are fullexcitement. Enthusiastic teachers are full of energy and dynamism. Their passionof energy and dynamism. Their passion and love for children are easily felt.and love for children are easily felt. Everyone anticipates an interesting andEveryone anticipates an interesting and enjoyable learning activity.enjoyable learning activity. 127. CommitmentCommitment - is a solemn promise to perform the duties- is a solemn promise to perform the duties and responsibilities mandated by the lawsand responsibilities mandated by the laws and code of ethics of the –profession.and code of ethics of the – profession. Committed teachers are ready to carry onCommitted teachers are ready to carry on no matter the matter the price. 128. ““ To heredity, the child owes hisTo heredity, the child owes his possibilities. However, topossibilities. However, to environmentenvironment, he owes the realization, he owes the realization of these possibilities.”of these possibilities.” 129.

The LearningThe Learning EnvironmentEnvironment

130. The learning environment is a product of theThe learning environment is a product of the physical psychological as well as socialphysical psychological as well as social atmosphere created by the interaction betweenatmosphere created by the interaction between the teacher and the learners and among thethe teacher and the learners and among the learners themselves.learners themselves. The physical features of the classroom whichThe physical features of the classroom which include space, location, lighting, ventilation,include space, location, lighting, ventilation, order, tidiness , and noise level exert influenceorder, tidiness , and noise level exert influence on the teaching –learning process.on the teaching –learning process.

131. Pine and Horn (1990)Pine and Horn (1990) described the learningdescribed the learning environment thatenvironment that facilitates learning.facilitates learning. 132. it is an environment :it is an environment :  which encourages people to be active.which encourages people to be active.  which promotes and facilitates the individual’swhich promotes and facilitates the individual’s discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.  in which difference is good and desirablein which difference is good and desirable  which consistently recognizes people’s right towhich consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes.make mistakes. 133.  which tolerates ambiguitywhich tolerates ambiguity  in which evaluation is a cooperativein which evaluation is a cooperative process with emphasis on selfevaluation.process with emphasis on self-evaluation.  which encourages openness of self ratherwhich encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self.than concealment of self.  in which people are encouraged to trust inin which people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in external sources.themselves as well as in external sources. 134.  in which people feel they are respectedin which people feel they are respected  in which people feel they are acceptedin which people feel they are accepted  which permits confrontation.which permits confrontation. 135. How much learning will take placeHow much learning will take place depends ultimately on the learner.depends ultimately on the learner. Whether he/she develops his potentials asWhether he/she develops his potentials as a genius to the fullest is ultimately up toa genius to the fullest is ultimately up to him/her. It is his/her free choicehim/her. It is his/her free choice.. 136. Principles of TeachingPrinciples of Teaching and Learningand Learning A.A. Principles DefinedPrinciples Defined The term principle has been adopted from theThe term principle has been adopted from the Latin wordLatin word princepsprinceps which means the beginningwhich means the beginning or the end of all things. The early Greeks usedor the end of all things. The early Greeks used the termthe term principlesprinciples not only to express the originnot only to express the origin of things but also to express their fundamentalof things but also to express their fundamental laws and to brig out the ultimate objectives.laws and to brig out the ultimate objectives. 137. According to Webster , a guide to makeAccording to Webster , a guide to make teaching and learning productive. They areteaching and learning productive. They are the fundamentals through which we proceedthe fundamentals through which we proceed form one situation to another.form one situation to another. Principles are important for the governingPrinciples are important for the governing of actions and the operation of techniques inof actions and the operation of techniques in any field of education.any field of education. For the individual, a principle, whenFor the individual, a principle, when understood and accepted, serves inunderstood and accepted, serves in important ways to guide his reflectiveimportant ways to guide his reflective thinking and his choice of activities orthinking and his choice of activities or actions.actions.

138. In the filed of education, an acceptedIn the filed of education, an accepted principle becomes part of one’s philosophyprinciple becomes part of one’s philosophy which serves to determine and evaluate hiswhich serves to determine and evaluate his educational aims, activities, practices, andeducational aims, activities, practices, and outcomes,outcomes, 139. a. through the pooling of opinions of experts;a. through the pooling of opinions of experts; b. through comparative studies of the teachingb. through comparative studies of the teaching performance of capable and incapable teachers;performance of capable and incapable teachers; c. through experimental studies of teaching andc. through experimental studies of teaching and learning in the classroomlearning in the classroom d. from the results of experimentsd. from the results of experiments e. from critically analyzed experience or frome. from critically analyzed experience or from systematic investigations.systematic investigations. B. How Principles o Teaching Derived 140. C. Types of Teaching PrinciplesC. Types of Teaching Principles 1.1. Starting PrinciplesStarting Principles -These involve the nature-These involve the nature of the learner and his psychological andof the learner and his psychological and physiological endowments which makephysiological endowments which make education possible. 2.2. Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principles -These refer to the-These refer to the procedure methods of instruction orprocedure methods of instruction or agglomeration of techniques by which theagglomeration of techniques by which the learner and the teacher may work togetherlearner and the teacher may work together towards the accomplishment of the goals ortowards the accomplishment of the goals or objectives of education.objectives of education. 141. 3.3. Ending PrincipleEnding Principle -These refers to the-These refers to the educational aims, objectives, outcomes,educational aims, objectives, outcomes, purposes, or results of the wholepurposes, or results of the whole educational scheme to which teaching andeducational scheme to which teaching and learning are directed.learning are directed. 142.


143. PRINCIPLES OF LEARNINGPRINCIPLES OF LEARNING 1. The Learner must clearly perceive the goal. Learners readily understand and internalize concepts and ideas which are relevant to their own needs and problems. 144. 2. The learner must be psychologically and physiologically ready. This principle is in consonance with Thorndike’s law of readiness and law of effect. The law of readiness states that when a person is prepared to respond or act, giving the response is satisfying and being prevented from doing so is annoying. The law of effect states that learning is strengthened when it results in satisfaction but is weakened if it leads to annoyance 145. 3. The learner must be motivated to learn. That the learner must be motivated to learn is a basic principle in the teaching-learning process. Every learner in the classroom however, is a unique individual. The learner’s experiential background varies from learner to learner. 146. Types of Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation It comes in the form of reward and punishment. Means creating a desire to learn a subject because it is worth knowing.

147. Some principles on motivating learnersSome principles on motivating learners which are significant for teachers arewhich are significant for teachers are enumerated below.enumerated below. a. Intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation. b. Goal setting is an important motivational aspect of learning. c. Successful experiences are important motivators. d. Feedback about one’s progress can be an effective motivation. 148. e. Considering learner’s interest is important in classroom learning. f. Reward rather than punishment is a better motivation for learning. g. Meaningful materials and tasks serve as good motivators. h. Success generally increases the level of aspiration and achievement of the learner. i. Teacher’s expectations of the learner’s performance influence the latter’s achievement. 149. 4.4. The learner must be active notThe learner must be active not passive for maximum learning.passive for maximum learning. This principle is adroitlyThis principle is adroitly expressed in the Chinese adage:expressed in the Chinese adage: I hear and I f orget , I see and I remember, I do and I underst and. 150. 5. The learner must repeat or practice what he has learned in order to remember. Thorndike law of exercise states that constant repetition of a response strengthens its connection with the stimulus and disuse of a response weakens it. Educational practices such as drill, review and examination exemplify this principle 151. 6. The learner must put together the parts of a task and perceive it as a meaningful whole. This is an extension of the principle formulated by the Gestalt school of psychology. The principle places emphasis upon the concept that learning is a process of discovering and understanding relationships, and of organizing and finding significance in the sensory experiences aroused by the external situation. 152. 7. The learner must see the significance, meanings, implications, and applications that will make a given experience understandable. (Apperception) 8. The learner must be prepared to respond. A teacher sometimes may encounter situations where learners learn automatically and spontaneously, or learners who are able to perform skills and activities without much apparent effort. These situations can be credited to readiness on the part of the learner. Readiness varies with the different learning tasks and among individuals. Without readiness, much effort, is exerted by the teacher and the learner and this effort may result in little or no learning at all on the part of the learner. 153. 9. The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and specific. Each individual has his own unique style of learning and solving problems. As individuals become more aware of how they learn and solve problems and become exposed to alternative models used by other individuals, they can modify their personal learning style so that this can be employed more effectively. 154. CONDITIONS WHICH FACILITATECONDITIONS WHICH FACILITATE LEARNINGLEARNING 1. Learning is facilitated in an atmosphere which encourages learners to be active. 2. Learning is facilitated in an atmosphere which promotes and facilitates the individual’s discovery of the

personal meaning of ideas. 3. Learning is facilitated in an atmosphere in which different ideas can be discussed but not necessarily accepted. 155. 4. Learning is facilitated in an atmosphere in which consistently recognizes the individual’s right to make mistakes. 5. Learning is facilitated in an atmosphere in which evaluation is a cooperative process. 6. Learning is facilitated in an atmosphere were individuals feel they are respected and accepted. 156.

Principles of Learning Pine and Horn (1990)

157. 1.1. What areWhat are thethe principlesprinciples ofof learning?learning? 2. What are the2. What are the implications ofimplications of these principlesthese principles of learning toof learning to teaching?teaching? Focus Questions:Focus Questions: 158. 1.Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner. 2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas. 159. 3. 3. Learning (behavioral change) is a consequence of experience 4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process. 160. 5. Learning is an evolutionary process. 6. Learning is sometimes a painful process 7. One of the richest resources for learning is the learner himself. 161. 8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual. 9. The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual. 162.

Learning Styles


The Sensing-Thinking (ST) or Mastery Learner

164. PREFERS TO LEARN BY:  seeing tangible results  practicing what he has learned  following directions one step at a time  being active rather than passive  knowing exactly what is expected of her, how well the task must be done and why LEARN BEST FROM:  drill  demonstration  practice  hands-on experience 165.

The Intuitive-thinking (NT) or understanding Learner

166. PREFERS TO LEARN BY: LEARN BEST FROM:  studying about ideas and how things are related  planning and carrying out a project of his own making and interest  arguing or debating a point based on logical analysis  problem solving that requires collecting, organizing, and evaluating data  lectures  reading  logical discussions and debates 167.

The Sensing-feeling (SF) or interpersonal Learner

168. PREFERS TO LEARN BY: LEARN BEST FROM:  studying about things that directly affect people’s lives rather than impersonal facts or theories  receiving personal attention and encouragement from his teachers  being part of a team – collaborating with other students  activities that help her learn and about herself and how she feels about things  group experiences and projects  loving attention Personal expression and personal encounters  role playing


The intuitive-feeling (NF) or Self- Expressive Learner

170. PREFERS TO LEARN BY: LEARN BEST FROM:  being creative and using his imagination  planning and organizing her work in her own creative ways  working on a number of things at one time  searching for alternative solutions to problems beyond those normally considered  discussing real problems and looking for real solutions  creative and artistic activities  openended discussions of personal and social values  activities than enlighten and enhance – myths, human achievement, dramas, etc. 171.

I. Goal and Objective Related to Teaching

172. 1. Begin with the end in mind. In the context of teaching, this means that we must begin our lesson with a clearly defined lesson objective, with a clear and specific lesson objective, we will have a sense of direction. 173. 2. Share lesson objective with student. Make known to our students our instructional objective and encourage them to make the lesson objective their own. This lesson objective when share and possessed by our students will become their personal target. 174. 3. Lesson objectives must be in the two or three domains knowledge (cognitive) skills (psychomotor) , and values (affective) A cognitive or skill lesson must always include the affective dimension for wholistic learning. What is most important in this principle is that our lesson is wholistic and complete because it dwells on knowledge and values or on skills and values. 175. 4. Work on significant and relevant lesson objectives. The level of students’ selfmotivation all the more increases when our lesson objective is relevant to their daily life. 176. 5. Lesson objective must be aligned with the aims of education as embodied in the Philippine Constitution and other laws and on the vision-mission statements of the educational institution of which you are a part. This means that the aims and goals of education as provided for in our laws filter down to our lesson objectives. We have something to do with the attainment of our broad aims of education. We can also contribute to the realization of our school’s vision-mission statements because our lesson objectives are based on our school’s vision-mission statements. 177. 6. For accountability of learning, lesson objectives must be SMART, i,e., Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented and Relevant, Time bound and Terminal When our lesson objective is SMART, it is quite easy to find out at the end of our lesson if we attained our objective or not. 178. 7. Aim at the development of critical and creative thinking. If we want to contribute to the development of critical and creative thinkers, the type of citizens needed to make democracy, then we should include in our scope of questions, high- level, divergent, or openended questions. 179.

II. Teaching Strategy-Related Principles of Teaching and Learning

180. 1. Learning is an active process This means that we have to actively engage the learners in learning activities if we want them to learn to teach. We have to give our students opportunities to participate in classroom activities. (Learning by doing) What I hear, I forget What I see, I remember What I do, I understand 181. 2. The more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better the learning. The Contribution of the Senses to Learning This implies that visual aids are more effective than audio aids. But a combination of audio and visual aids is far more effective. Most effective of course is the use of a combination of three or more senses, thus the term “multi-sensory aids. Sight --75% Hearing --13% Touch --6% Taste --3% Smell --3% 182. 3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning. This conducive atmosphere refers not only to the physical condition of the classroom but more so to the psychological climate that prevails in the classroom. 183. 4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning We tend to remember and learn more those that strike our hearts. 184. 5. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life. For meaning, connect your teaching to your students’ everyday life. 185. 6. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. Most teachings are confined to recall of information and comprehension. Ideally, our teaching should reach the levels of application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. 186. 7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective then teaching isolated bits of information. For effective teaching, it is imperative on our part as teachers to possess a repertoire of teaching and testing strategies and techniques to reach a full range of students with varied learning styles and multiple intelligences. 187. 8. There is no such thing as best teaching method. The best method is the one that works, the one that yields results. 188.

Selection and Organization of Content

189. ““There are dull teachers, dullThere are dull teachers, dull textbooks, dull films, but no dulltextbooks, dull films, but no dull subjects.”subjects.” 190.

Guiding Principles in the Selection and Organization of Content

191. 1. One guiding principle related to subject matter content is to observe the following qualities in the selection and organization of content: a)Validity – the content is aligned with the goals and objectives of the BEC b) Significance – what we teach should respond to the needs and interests of the learners, hence meaningful and significant. 192. c) Balance – Content includes not only facts but also concepts and values. This includes cognitive, psychomotor and effective elements. d) Self-sufficiency – content fully covers the essentials. Learning is not “mile- wide- and-inch-deep”. The essentials are sufficiently covered and are treated in depth. e) Interests – the teacher considers the interest of the learners, their developmental stages and cultural and ethnic background.

193. f) Utility – will this content be of use to the learners? It is meant not only to be memorized for test and grade purposes. What is learned has a function even after examination are over. g) Feasibility – The content is feasible in the sense that it can be covered within the school year. That is why teachers tend to rush towards the end of the school year, do superficial teaching and contribute to non-mastery of content. 194. 2. At the base of the structure of cognitive subject matter content is facts We can’t do away with facts but be sure to go beyond facts by constructing an increasingly richer and more sophisticated knowledge base and by working out a process of conceptual understanding 195. 3. Subject matter content is an integration of cognitive, skill and affective elements. When we teach facts, concepts principles theories and laws, it necessitates the skill of seeing the relationships among these in order to see meaning. Likewise when our subject matter is focused on the thinking and manipulative skills, out lesson content also has cognitive content. More so with the teaching of values, for values have definitely a cognitive basis. The cognitive lesson may be used as a vehicle in the teaching of skills and values.

How to Manage Teaching and LearningPresentation Transcript 1. “How to manage teaching and learning” (by Jeremy Harmer) Students: Martin, Melisa Paci, Ma. Belén 2. Teacher’s physical presence• Aspects of class management to consider: Proximity: how close or distant the teacher is from students. Appropriacy: the way in which teachers stand or sit in the classroom RELATIONSHIP Movement: how much the teacher moves around the classroom. Contact: making eye contact with students, listening to what they have said and responding appropriately. 3. Teachers chief tools: the voiceThree issues to consider: Audibility: teachers need to be audible/ but not necessary to shout Balance between audibility and volume Variety: teachers should vary the quality of their voices and the volume. Conservation: teachers need to take care of their voices Breathe correctly 4. Marking the stages of a lesson Beginning: Its useful to start with a routine and introduce the topic for the class. •Development: Teachers should mark the ending and beginning of activities through clapping, speaking loudly or saying a rhyme. •Ending: The closure of the class should include a summary of what was taught. 5. Seating arrangement 6. Seating arrangement•Orderly rows: ADVANTAGES: Clear view Lecturing and discipline much easier Easy to walk along the isles. Teachers work with the whole class. DISADVANTAGES: No possibility of eye contact 7. Seating arrangement• Circles: teachers position: less dominating feeling of equality• Horseshoes: teacher located in a central position, much opportunity to get close to students. Students share feelings and information through talking, eye contact and body movements. 8. Seating Arrangement•Separate tables: ADVANTAGES: The teacher can walk around to check homework and help the students. Atmosphere: less hierarchical. DISADVANTAGES: Students may not like to be with the same colleagues. Whole-class teaching seems more difficult. 9. Student groupings ADVANTAGES: - Whole class: sometimes, the best type of organisation. - Groupwork: a cooperative activity, students participate more equally Independence Pairwork: attractive to students - Solowork: students work at their own speed, more time to think individually. 10. Student groupings DISADVANTAGES: - Groupwork/pairwork: * students may not like their partners. * one student dominating the group. * more disruptive behaviour 11. Evaluation of the success or failure Accept new ideas and techniques to take into the classroom by means of: Getting feedback from the students: orally or asking them to write their answers. Inviting a colleague into the classroom to observe the class. Recording the lesson. Assessing how well the students are progressing.

Methods and strategies of teaching- jerinPresentation Transcript 1. BY JERIN C ISSAC M.Ed Pondicherry University METHODS AND STRATEGIES OF TEACHINGAn overview 2. The biggest challenge before a teacher is the presentation of a lesson. If this presentation is effective, students can reach the goals of life by acquisition of knowledge and if the teacher is unsuccessful in his presentation, it is impossible to reach the educational objectives. INTRODUCTION 3. Method of teaching is directly related to the presentation of the lesson. Which a teacher should use, depends on the nature of the subject, and the tact of the teacher . METHOD OF TEACHING 4. There are four methods of presenting the subject matter. 1. TELLING METHOD; Lecture method, Discussion method, Story telling method and so on. 2 .DOING METHOD; Project method, Problem solving method, Textbook method and so on. 3 .VISUAL METHOD; Demonstration method, Supervised study method and so on. 4 .MENTAL MEHOD; Inductive, Deductive, Analysis, Synthesis method etc. METHOD OF TEACHING 5. STRATEGY: - Strategy is the art and science of directing and controlling the movements and activities of the army. If strategy is good, we can get victory over our enemies. In teaching this term is meant those procedures and methods by which objectives of teaching are realized in the class. STRATEGIES OF TEACHING 6. Stone and Morris have defined teaching strategy in the following words; “Teaching strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure, instructional objectives and an outline of planned tactics, necessary to implement the strategies”. Definition 7. Strategy can be summarized as Teaching is the generalized plan of the whole lesson plan. It consists of structure of teaching, objectives of teaching and techniques of evaluation of teaching. In strategy of teaching, realization of objectives is given more importance than presentation of lesson. A strategy does not follow a single track all the time, but it changes according to the demands of the situations such as age, level, needs, interests and abilities of the students. Thus strategy is more comprehensive than method. It is directional in nature. It refers to goal directed activities of the teachers. Thus, it is more close to science than arts. 8. It is that procedure by which new knowledge fixed in the minds of students permanently. For this purpose, a teacher does extra activities in the class. These activities help the teacher to take shift from one strategy to another. Thus, teaching tactics are that behavior of the teacher which he manifests in the classi.e., the developments of the teaching strategies,giving proper stimulus for timely responses, drilling the learnt resposes,increasing the responses by extra activities and so on. TACTICS OF TEACHING

9. TEACHING METHOD TEACHING STRATEGY When we try to achieve some objectives by any method it becomes strategies. Strategy is actually a combination of different method. For E.g. Lecture or textbook or question answer method can be never be used separately. It is a macro approach. It considers teaching as science. Its purpose is to create conducive learning environment. It is based on modern theories of organization. (pre determined objectives, becomes strategy) Behavior of students and teachers and their mutual relationship. It is limited to the presentation of subject matter. Methods come under strategy. It is a micro approach. Teaching as an art. Effective presentation of subject matter. Classical Theory of human organization. Work is important. 10. Selection of using strategies depends on the nature of organization of human activities. Teaching strategies are divided into two; Autocratic Democratic TYPES OF TEACHING STRATEGIES. 11. Teacher centered methods Teacher exercise full control over student, they are given least chance to act freely. They can do what they are allowed to do. Banking concept. AUTOCARTIC TEAHING STRATEGY 12. STORY TELLING METHOD Tell the students real time stories, anecdotes about great men, women, rulers, prophets, saints to develop-qualities of truth, honesty, perseverance, courage, co-operation or creativity-identification of characters, empathizes. AUTOCRATIC METHODS 13. Story should be interesting Natural sequence should be maintained. Character should be elaborated to the demanding situations. Actions-Story should be full of actions. Phrases and figures of speech should be used. Story should be purposeful. SUGGESTIONS 14. Increase interests of the people. Improves vocabulary. Increase in Imaginative power. Develop good qualities. Lively environment. APPLICATIONS Used languages and social sciences ADVANDAGES

15. Traditional method A teacher delivers a lecture on different point on any topic in a serial order and asks several questions. Logical and sequential presentation of the content. LECTURE METHOD 16. Content should be systematized in a logical and systematic manner. Listeners should not find any gap Language should be easy, clear and understandable. Question should be asked to the student in between the lecture. Material aids such as chart, graph, and picture should be used. SUGGESTIONS 17. Important points should be written on board. Illustration should be given. There should be sufficient flow in lecture, avoid use of notes and books during lecture. Lecture should not be too long, short lecture is recommended. Minimize seriousness and dullness by adding humor. SUGGESTIONS 18. For introducing a new lesson Cognitive and affective domains can be developed. More content can be presented. Lays much stress on presentation thereby developing ability of presentation in students also. Concentration for a longer period of time APPLICATION All school subjects can be taught. ADVANTAGES 19. Teacher shows all the activities given in the lesson to the students as an action and explains the important points before them during demonstration. The teacher follows three steps Introduce the lesson by question answer or lecture method. Demonstrate each and every aspects of the lesson and develops it through activities. He make the student drill of the subject matter for assimilation. He ask evaluative question and the desired skill is developed through imitation of the action. DEMONSTRATION 20. 1. Teacher should prepare well what and how he has to demonstrate in the class 2. Students should be given enough chance to remove their doubts after the demonstration 3. Afterwards the activity students should be asked to repeat the demo. 4. Important point should be explained by short lectures during the process of demonstration. 5. The demo. Process should be divided into many phases and students should be evaluated after every phase SUGGESTIONS 21. It is helpful in teaching skills in training institutions. Lower and middle level of objective cognitive and psychomotor domains can be easily achieved through this method. Useful in teaching science subject in schools Every practical work needs demonstration Observation and thinking capacity of students can be developed. Senses of students can also be trained

APPLICATION This method is applicable in teaching science crafts arts and agriculture. ADVANTAGES 22. All class is divided in two different groups of common features. The division is made on the basis of difficulty level of different subjects. Every group is handed to different teachers separately. Here teachers find out the individual problem of students and then he individually guides them to remove this problem. If difficulty of whole group is similar, group teaching and group guidance can be given. TUTORIAL METHOD 23. Students of same capacity or same weakness should be kept in same group. The behavior of teacher should be unbiased at the time of guidance to ensure equal chance of progress. It should be done by experienced and expert teachers. Every student should be motivated to tell his problems frankly so as to get the benefits. SUGGESTIONS 24. TYPES OF TUTORIAL TEACHINGS SUPERVISED TUTORIAL TEACHING :- In this methods, the bright students discusses their problem with their teacher and weak students are asked to do drill work after removing their difficulties This system is close to democratic. GROUP TUTORIAL:- In this method, the teacher to remove the difficulties of average students, this is needed when level of class room teaching is low from the point of view of the students PRACTICAL TUTORIAL: - In this system, the students work with teacher in lab. Psychomotor domain is especially developed through this approach. 25. It is a type of remedial teaching. Teacher can teach in the class keeping the individual differences due to the small size of the class. Absence of previous knowledge can be compensated. Every student gets the chance to express his problem openly and individually. APPLICATION Teaching natural science and mathematics. ADVANTAGES 26. These strategies are child centered. Interest, capacities, attitudes, needs of learners are taken to account. It develop affective and cognitive domain. Maximum interaction between teachers and students are seeing. Both students and teachers are equally active. Purpose-all round development of learners. Teachers works as helpers and guide DEMOCRATIC TEACHING STRATEGIES 27. It is an oral method like question and answer method. Maximum interaction between teachers and students can be seen. Discussion can be formal and informal. Formal discussions are arranged for the purpose of achieving predetermined objectives hence rules are also predetermined. Informal discussions are neither objective oriented nor rules are predetermined. DISCUSSSION METHOD

28. Teacher and students discuss in the class whenever it becomes necessary. In formal discussion, teacher divides the class in to different groups and gives the topic of the discussion to each group. Every group has a leader to anchor and conduct the discussion. Leader raises new topics of discussion. In the end, teacher draws the conclusion of the discussion with the help of leaders. DISCUSSSION METHOD (Cont.) 29. Ensure maximum participation. Students have the opportunity to criticize and evaluate. Logical and meaningful criticism should be accepted. Students should anchor the discussion themselves. Keeping teachers as guide. Teacher selects the topic only with the help of students. Students who have leadership quality should be selected for anchoring. Relevant topic should only be considered. SUGGESTIONS 30. ADVANTAGES Thinking and communicating powers can be developed. Leadership quality can be developed. Expression ability can be developed. Problem solving ability can be developed. Develop creative potentials of the students. Attitudes and interest of students can be drown out towards learning. Higher level cognitive and affective objectives can be realized through classs room discussion. APPLICATION All subject except mathematics, art, music, dance can be taught. 31. Literary means high discover Students learns themselves Teacher raises problematic situations before the students. He guides them from there will get materials to the solutions of the problems. Individual discovery of the solutions to the problem by trial and error method. HEURISTIC METHOD 32. Five steps involved in the methods are:(a) Presentation of the problem. (b) Giving information about material and techniques helpful in solving the problem. (c) Hypothesis formulation by the students themselves. (d) Data collection for testing of the hypothesis. (e) Testing the hypothesis-accepting the true hypothesis and rejecting the falls hypothesis. PROCEDURES 33. Teachers should help in formulating hypothesis. They should help in gathering the resources. Doubts should be removed. Students should be given chance to go further on the basis of trial and error, theory of learning. SUGGESTIONS 34. Knowledge through self study and self learning. Learning through investigation an research. There by developing scientific attitudes. Increase self confidence of the students.

Motivates students to accept newer and newer challenges. Highest level of cognitive objectives can be achieved. APPLICATION Useful in teaching mathematics and science. ADVANTAGES 35. Used in social science to clarify facts and concepts unlike heuristic method used in science to formulate or testify laws and principles. Facts and concepts are explained in an objective manner unlike heuristic method where subject matter is comprehended subjectively. Discovery is related to past events while heurism is concerned with phenomena at present. E.g. “Courses of Aurangzeb’s failure in south India” is a discovery and “Causes of law productivity of agriculture lands in India is a heuristic method. DISCOVERY METHOD 36. This method was propounded by W.H Kilpatrick. Pupil is assigned a project which has direct utility for the students. Students work on the project under the guidance of the teacher. Find out the solution of the problem based on their experience. PROJECT METHOD 37. Student follows a collective approach in project method unlike individual problem solving as in Heuristic method. The problem given in the form of project is real while the problem of heurism may be real as well as imaginary. The approach of the project is productive, here something useful is created. Unlike heurism which is analytical. 38. Constructive project Pupils work physically in or outside the class like writing letters, essays on given topics, preparing fields for games , playing drama etc. Aesthetic project Appreciation powers of students are developed. Presentation of music programmes, decorating a hall, beautification of lawn etc. TYPES OF PROJECT 39. Problematic project. Students learn solutions of life- related problems such as studying the effect of balance diet on health, advantages of physical exercise on body fitness, Causes of family disputes and their solution etc. Drill project. Working capabilities and automation of students are increased. Filling in the map, coloring the arts and pictures, solving mathematical sums etc. 40. Principles of purpose Principles of utility Principles of freedom Principles of activity Principles of reality Principles of prior planning PRINCIPLES OF PROJECT METOD

41. 1. Creating situation:- Teacher creating situation in the class that student propose themselves to work on the project . High level of motivation is found in students. Teacher tells them the method and procedure of the project. 2. Selection of the project:- Six principles as mentioned above are taken into consideration. Teacher helps the student to select the project on the basis of their interests. STEPS INVOLVED 42. 3. Planning:- Teacher discusses various points of the project with the students. Students take part on discussion. After discussion, teacher writes down the whole programmmes of action step wise on the black board. Grouping is also done. 43. 4. Execution:- Students first upon select relevant facts, information and material and each groups works on the project separately and complete it within time limit. 5. Evaluation:- When project gets completed ,it is first criticized and evaluated by the students themselves within the group and when fully satisfied report to the teacher. 6. Rporting:- Students write each and every steps of the project that is how they did. The report may submit to the teacher. 44. Based on principles of learning. Law of readiness Law of exercise Law of effect Related to real life situation- Students learn how to solve real life problems in life. Work experience-Students get real experience of working by their projects and the learning which is associated with doing is more stable and meaningful. Inculcation of democratic values-They learn coopration, tolerance, mutual acceptance. A boon for weak students-It is a boon since students work in group collectively. ADVANTAGES 45. ROLE PLAYING METHOD Students are given a chance to play the role of teacher. It is a dramatic method. Teacher teaches the topic and the students one by one teaches the same topic to the class. When he teaches all his classmates answer his questions. They not down the shortcoming of the student teacher. This teaching is later criticized and suggestions for improvement are given. Drama in literature is also thought to this method. This method is usually adopted in training colleges. 46. Subject teacher, he is advice to be present in the class at the time of role play. He should be there in the class at the time of criticism. The topic of teaching for the purpose of role playing should same for all for comparison. All the observers should note down the short comings of all teachers selected for the purpose. Discussion based on memory and recall is recommended. SUGGESTIONS 47. Repeated teaching of the same topic increases learning. Practice makes a man perfect and a critical observation make man alert. It increases social skills of students Students learn the methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Develop critical power of the students.

Remove their own mistakes through imitation. ADVANTAGES 48. The basic assumption of this method of teaching is that a group of pupils can give more ideas than a single person. Problem can be analyses and evaluating more comprehensively. A problem is given to students and there asked to put forward their views on this problem one by one. Thus many views regarding the nature of the problem, its causes and its possible solutions come to light. Conclusion is drawn after evaluating these jumbled ideas. BRAIN STORMING 49. This method being problem centered, it should be meaningful and related to real life situation. All views of students are welcome and relevant views should be isolated from them later on. The views of students will be either written or typed. SUGGESITONS 50. Cognitive and affective objectives can be achieved. Good ideas can be inculcated. Imaginative power of students can be developed. MERITS 51. THANK YOU

Teaching SkillsPresentation Transcript 1. Dr. B. Victor., Ph.D., Teaching Skills For A College Teacher

2. PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. What is good teaching? 2. Core qualities of a good teacher. 3. Methods of teaching. 4. Lecture method 5. How to prepare and present a good lecture. 3. What is Good Teaching? 1. All students have had hundreds of teachers in their lifetimes. 2. They remember only a few teachers as being exceptionally good. 3. What are the qualities that combine to create an excellent, memorable teacher? 4. Why do some teachers inspire students to work harder, while others inspire students to skip class? 5. Why do students learn more from some teachers than others? 4. "Core qualities" of a good teacher 1. The characteristics fall into two specific categories: 2. a set of "core qualities" that students recognize in good teachers, and 3. a set of specific skills that are developed by good teachers. 5. Knowledge 1. The first quality of a good teacher is knowledge of the subject. 2. You must be an expert in your field if you are going to be a good teacher at a college . This is a prerequisite . 6. Communication 1. The second core quality of a good teacher is the ability to communicate their knowledge and expertise to their students. 2. There is a saying, "Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.“ 7. Interest 1. A good teacher builds knowledge of the subject, with a clarity and understanding. 2. Best teachers make the class interesting and relevant to the students. 3. Good teachers work hard to make their material relevant.

8. Respect 1. Good teachers have a deep-seated concern and respect for the students in the classroom. 9. Conclusion 1. When you strive and work to become a good teacher and to create a good class, the four core qualities are essential: 2. knowledge, 3. the skills to convey that knowledge, 4. the ability to make the material you are teaching interesting and relevant, and 5. a deep-seated respect for the student . 10. Learning and Teaching 1. Learning is a change in the way 2. an individual thinks, acts and feels. 3. Learning takes place through experiences involving people, things and events and the response to these. 11. Methods of Learning 1. The individual learns through the five senses – hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste and combinations of these – in involvement-oriented experiences. 12. Methods of Teaching 1. The method of teaching selected must be interesting to the learner. 2. The methods can be tied to the methods of learning – listening, seeing and doing. 13. Listening 1. Listening involves the hearing of something (use of only one of the senses). 2. Since hearing accounts only 13 percent of learning, this is the least effective method used alone. 14. Seeing 1. Seeing involves the eyes in observing new information. 2. It is estimated that 75 percent of learning is derived from the eyes. 3. Examples of teaching techniques include illustrated talks, demonstrations, tours, field trips and exhibits 15. Listening and Seeing

1. When the young people see and hear new material, they will retain approximately 50 percent. 2. Observing demonstrations, seeing movies, participating in tours, etc., are all ways Learners can see and hear. 16. Doing 1. Doing involves the total individual in the learning process or experience. 2. By the involvement of the learner, maximum learning occurs. 3. Examples of teaching techniques include work sessions or workshops, judging and roleplaying, 17. Saying and Doing 1. When learners are actively involved in saying and doing, they will retain approximately 90 percent of the material. 2. Most people learn best by actually “doing.” 3. Provide opportunities for the learners to practice and explore what they have learned. They might plan and present a demonstration or teach younger members. 18. Lecture 1. STRENGTHS: 1. presents factual material in direct, logical manner 2. contains experience which inspires 3. stimulates thinking to open discussion 4. useful for large groups 2. LIMITATIONS: 1. experts are not always good teachers 2. audience is passive 3. learning is difficult to gauge 4. communication in one way 3. PREPARATION: 1. needs clear introduction and summary 2. needs time and content limit to be effective 3. should include examples, anecdotes

19. 20. Attention 1. The instructor may begin by telling a story, making an unexpected or surprising statement, asking a question, or telling a joke. 2. The main concern is to gain the attention of everyone and concentrate on the subject. 21. Motivation 1. The purpose of the motivation element is to offer the students specific reasons why the lesson content is important to know, understand, apply, or perform. 2. This motivation should appeal to each student personally and engender a desire to learn the material 22. Overview 1. A clear, concise presentation of the objective and the key ideas gives the students a road map of the route to be followed. 2. A good visual aid can help the students the path that they are to travel. 3. The introduction should avoid stories, jokes, or incidents. Also, the instructor should avoid a long introduction. 23. Development 1. Development is the main part of the lesson. 2. The teacher must logically organize the Teaching material to show the relationships of the main points. 3. The teacher can proceed by developing the main points in one of the following ways: 4. from past to present, 5. simple to complex, 6. known to unknown, and 7. most frequently used to least frequently used. 24. Past to Present 1. the subject matter is arranged chronologically, from the present to the past or from the past to the present. 25. Simple to Complex 1. The student will find it easier to master simple concepts first and then apply these concepts to more complex ones. 26. Known to Unknown

1. Learning moves faster when it builds on what the student already knows. 2. Teaching that begins by comparing the old, known information and the new, unknown, one allows the student to grasp new information more quickly. 27. Accommodate learning style of students 1. Teach according to the learning style preference. 2. Visual learners gain knowledge best by seeing or reading ; auditory learners , by listening; and tactile or psychomotor learners , by doing. 28. Sort goals by learning domain 1. A teacher can combine the knowledge of the student's preferred learning style with the knowledge of LEARNING DOMAINS 2. Learning behaviors fall in three domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. 3. The cognitive domain deals with intellectual abilities. 4. The psychomotor domain includes physical or motor skills. 5. The affective domain involves expression of feeling about attitudes, interests, and values. 6. Most learning involves all three domains. 29. Make material meaningful 1. Another way to facilitate learning is to relate material to the student's lifestyle and to recognize incompatibilities. 2. The more meaningful material is to a student, the quicker and easier it will be learned. 30. Allow immediate application of knowledge 1. Give students the opportunity to apply his or her new knowledge and skills reinforces learning and builds confidence. 2. This immediate application translates learning to the "real world" and provides an opportunity for problem solving, feedback, and emotional support. 31. Plan for periodic rests 1. When your instructions are especially complex or lengthy, your students may feel overwhelmed and appear unreceptive to your teaching. 2. Be sure to recognize these signs of mental fatigue and allow the students to relax. 32. Tell your students how they are progressing

1. Learning is made easier when the students are aware of their progress. 2. Positive feedback can motivate them to greater effort because it makes their goal seem attainable. 33. Reward desired learning with praise 1. Praising desired learning outcomes improves student’s retention of the material. 2. Reassuring them that they have learned the desired material or technique can help them retain and refine it. 34. Types of lectures 1. Illustrated talk : the speaker relies heavily on visual aids to convey ideas to the listeners . 2. Briefing : the speaker presents a concise array of facts to the listeners who normally do not expect elaboration of supporting material . 3. Formal lecture : the speaker's purpose is to inform, to persuade, or to entertain with little or no verbal participation by the students. 4. Teaching lecture : the instructor plans and delivers an oral presentation in a manner that allows some participation by the students and helps direct them toward the desired learning outcomes. 35. Preparing the Teaching Lecture 1. Careful preparation is one key to successful performance as a classroom lecturer. 2. This preparation should start well in advance of the presentation. 3. The following four steps should be followed in the planning phase of preparation: 1. Establishing the objective and desired outcomes; 2. Researching the subject; 3. Organizing the material; and 4. Planning productive classroom activities. 36. Advantages of the Lecture 1. In a lecture, the instructor can present many ideas in a relatively short time. 2. Facts and ideas that have been logically organized can be concisely presented in rapid sequence. 3. Lecturing is unquestionably the most economical of all teaching methods in terms of the time required to present a given amount of material.

4. The lecture is particularly suitable for introducing a new subject and for explaining the necessary back- ground information. 37. Disadvantages of the Lecture 1. the lecture inhibits student participation 2. Learning is an active process, and the lecture method tends to foster passiveness and teacher-dependence on the part of the students. 3. As a teaching method, the lecture does not bring about maximum attainment of certain types of learning outcomes. Motor skills, for example, can seldom be learned by listening to a lecture. 38. Disadvantages of the Lecture 1. The lecture does not easily allow the teacher to estimate the students' understanding as the material is covered. 2. It is difficult to hold the attention of all students in a lecture throughout the class period. 3. A student's rate of retention drops off significantly after the first 10-15 minutes of a lecture and picks back up at the end. 4. The retention rate for a lecture is about five percent after 24 hours. 39. Thank you very much

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