Culture of India

January 22, 2019 | Author: Jagruti Nirav | Category: Indian Cuisine, Cuisine, Religion And Belief, Poetry, Entertainment (General)
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Culture of India

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Please help improve this article. article. The discussion page may page  may contain suggestions. The culture culture of  of India has been shaped by the long history of India, India, its uniue geography geography and  and the absorption of customs, traditions and ideas from both immigrants and invaders, !hile preserving its ancient heritage from the Indus "alley #ivili$ation. India%s great diversity of cultural practices, languages languages,, customs, and traditions are e&les of this uniue co' mingling over the past five millinea. India is also the birth place of several religious systems such as (induism (induism,, Jainism Jainism,, )uddhism )uddhism,, and *ikhism,, !hich have had a great influence not *ikhism only over India but also over the rest of o f the !orld. From the t!elfth century on!ards, follo!ing the Islamic conuests and the subseuent +uropean occupation, the culture of India !as influenced by Persian Persian,, rabic rabic,,

Turkish and +nglish Turkish and +nglish cultures.  cultures. The various religions and the multi'hued traditions traditions of  of India that !as created !ith those amalgamations have influenced *outh +ast sia and sia and other different parts of the !orld. Contents

-hide hide / 0anguage 1 0iterature 1./ (istory 1.1 Poetry 1.2 +pics 2 Perf rfo orming arts 2./ 3usic 2.1 4ance 2.2 2. 2 4r 4ram ama a an and d th thea eatr tre e 5 "isual arts 5./ Painting 5.1 *culpture 5.2 r rc chitecture 6 7e 7ecr crea eati tion on an and d sp spo ort rts s 8 #lothing 9 #uisine  Popular media ./ #inema .1 Television .2 7adio ; 7e 7eli ligi gion on an and d ph phil ilos osop ophy hy •













;./ Philosophy ;.1 7eligion /< *ee also // 7eferences o


/1 +&ternal links

[edit] an!ua!e Main article: Languages of India

0anguage families in *outh sia The great number of languages in India have historically created diverse cultures and traditions at both regional and national levels. 1/8 languages are spoken by a group of more than /
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