Cultural Beliefs in Housing

July 8, 2018 | Author: Doroty Castro | Category: Stairs, Basement
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presentation about housing beliefs...




 The experienced Filipino architect i !a"iliar #ith the co""on !ol$ %elie! and &&all' !ollo# the" or applie thee aeold &ideline in the plannin o! one* drea" ho&e+ ,an' o! thee %elie! are %aed on o&nd plannin practice that do not ha-e to %e o-erl' e"phai.ed !or exa"ple / In Bontoc0 the !ront door o! the ho&e "&t !ace aaint the 1o# o! a near%' ri-er accordin to ancient !ol$ %elie!+ In Ro"%lon0 the roo! o! the ho&e "&t lope !ollo#in the direction o! the incline o! the near%' "o&ntain+ In the Cordillera0 it i di2erent+ The ride o! the roo! i al#a' poitioned at riht anle to the ride o! the "o&ntain on #hich the ho&e tand+ A"on the I%aloi0 a Ben&et ethnic ro&p in the Cordillera0 it i c&to"ar' to i-e a"ple pace &nderneath their ho&e %' ele-atin their 1oor to acco""odate the !&t&re to"% o! the o#ner to en&re perpet&al &idance o-er the ho&e the dead lea-e %ehind+

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In So&thern Taalo0 pot are erected !ollo#in thi proced&re/ pot are laid #ith their %otto" end at the !ootin on the ro&nd and the top end pointin to#ard the eat+ The pot nearet the eat i the 4rt to %e raied+  The a"e proced&re i !ollo#ed !or the other pot0 one a!ter the other in a cloc$#ie direction a one read the plan+ Thi a"e cloc$#ie "anner o! raiin the pot i practiced on the iland o! Ro"%lon and the %elie! i that it #ill "a$e the ho&e #indproo!+  The Ta&& e5&ate the %&ildin o! a ho&e to the de-elop"ent o! a !et&+ The' %elie-e that the 4rt to appear in a #o"an* #o"% i the na-el+ Hence0 the 4rt pot to %e erected ho&ld %e the "ain pot #ithin the interior o! the ho&e+ In the Caa'an 6alle'0 "ean#hile0 the 4rt pot to %e raied i the one poitioned nearet to the northeat+ B&t thi i done a!ter the !ootin ha-e %een prin$led #ith #ine+

 The old !ol$ o! Bataan ca&tion aaint ha-in a olitar' pot in the "iddle o! a roo"+ It i aid to %rin "i!ort&ne to the !a"il'+ Thi %elie! i alo co""on in Taalo area and it i aid that pot it&ated thi #a' a&&r a 8hea-il' laden8 li!e (mabigat ang kabuhayan)+  The 9a$an do not &e croo$ed #ooden pot epeciall' the one #ith $nothole in the" %eca&e the' are aid to '"%oli.e death+ In the older co""&nitie o! Ba'a"%an0 :anainan0 it i co""onl' %elie-ed that ter"ite ( anay ) #ill not enter the ho&e i! the %otto" o! all #ooden pot are 4rt charred+ In!or"ed "ater carpenter0 ho#e-er0 &et that thee %otto" not ;&t %e charred %&t tarred a #ell+ Other #ear %' the potenc' o! roc$ alt prin$led enero&l' in all !ootin exca-ation a pre-enti-e "ea&re aaint anay  in!etation+ Old people alo ca&tion aaint c&ttin old pot !or re&e o a not to loe one* #ealth+



An orientation to#ard the eat i alo re5&ired !or tair+ Ilocano poition their tair o that the' rie #ith the "ornin &n+ To the"0 i! it #ere the other #a' aro&nd0 "eant t&rnin one* %ac$ on !ate+ B&t %&ilder in :andi0 B&lacan0 ;&t li$e "an' t'pical Filipino0 %elie-e that a tair#a' !acin eat i conidered %ad l&c$ %eca&e0 the' a'0 an'thin !acin the earl' &n drie &p ahead o! all other0 and in the a"e to$en0 #ealth ta$en into the ho&e #ill dr' &p "&ch !ater+ I! there i no #a' one can "a$e the tair !ace eat0 at leat "a$e the" !ace an' near%' "o&ntain+ I! one* lot a%&t a ri-er0 poition the tair in a #a' that the' are !acin &ptrea"+ Thi i o in order that ood l&c$ !ro" the ho&e #o&ld ne-er %e #ahed a#a' #ith the ri-er* 1o#+ In the a"e #a'0 i! the propoed ho&e i %eide the ea0 or i! one i %&ildin a %each ho&e0 plan the tair in &ch a #a' that the' r&n parallel #ith the hore+ I! the tair are perpendic&lar to the horeline0 l&c$ "a' 1o# in %&t alo 1o# o&t #ith the tide+

,ot oor ho&ld al#a' %e on the riht ide o! the ho&e and the tair ho&ld al#a' t&rn to the riht to $eep a "arried co&ple lo'al to each other !or li!e+ >oor erected on the le!t ide o! the ho&e and tair that t&rn to the le!t #ill enco&rae in4delit'+


S&n$en roo"0 li$e %ae"ent are loo$ed at a poc$et o! ca-e #here e-il pirit can hide+ It i %alanced o2 onl' #hen an exit lo#er than the aid roo" i pro-ided+ So"e Ilocano do not #ant %ae"ent altoether %eca&e o! the %elie! that onl' co=n ho&ld %e !o&nd &nder the ro&nd+ Old !ol$ o! Sta+ ,aria0 B&lacan ad-ie that the 1oor o! the li-in and dinin roo" "&t %e o! the a"e le-el+ O-erl' ornate li-in and dinin roo" ceilin0 epeciall' thoe #ith cornice0 "oldin0 and other &per4cial decoration are a-oided a it tend to "a$e the ceilin loo$ li$e a co=n+ E-en the 8"anard8 are a-oided a it re"ind people o! a co=n


It i ad-ied that one "&t plan the door o! one* %edroo" in &ch a #a' that #hen it i opened0 one #o&ld !ace neither the !oot nor head o! the %ed+ There ho&ld al#a' %e a"ple pace %et#een the door and the %ed itel!+ :oition the %ed &ch that the head%oard doe not ret aaint a #indo# openin+ Neither ho&ld 'o& p&t an' %ed &nder a cro %ea"0 reardle o! #hether the %ea" i o! #ood or concrete0 and poition the %ed o that the occ&pant #ill not %e l'in perpendic&lar to the %ea"+ For ho&e #ith econd 1oor0 it ho&ld %e o%er-ed that no drainae pipe r&n inide or &nder the 1oor #here the %ed i located+ >rainae pipe contain &nclean 1&id aociated #ith %ad enerie #hich "a' a2ect the ood pirit o! the people leepin o-er thee pipe+ >o not place %edroo" in the %ae"ent portion o! the ho&e+ It i al#a' pre!erred (l&c$#ie) that the %edroo" 1oor i hiher than the li-in roo"


A an'one #ho $no# Filipino c&iine0 :a"pano lo-e to coo$ (and eat)0 o "ot o! their dinin roo" are it&ated in the &nniet and %rihtet location o! the ho&e+ Ilocano0 on the other hand0 pre!er &%d&ed lihtin %eca&e the' conider eatin a ole"n occaion

OTHERS CULTURAL BELIEFS IN HOUSING A in other area o! their exitence0 Filipino n&rt&re certain &pertition #hen it co"e to %&ildin their a%ode+ Thee ho&e%&ildin %elie! are a a"&in a the' are intri&in+  The oriin o! thee no# #idel' held &pertition can %e traced %ac$ to the tradition o! partic&lar ethnic ro&p+ Applica%le to %oth ho&e o#ner and tenant0 i! the !or"er i not reidin in it0 thi &pertition i attri%&ted to :a"pano in Central L&.on+  :al" !rond are pop&lar in Filipino ho&e epeciall' !or Ro"an Catholic !a"ilie+  In plannin and deinin the ho&e0 people ho&ld re!rain !ro" ha-in their ho&e in the hape o! a cro a it #ill %rin the reident %ad l&c$+  >oor ho&ld ne-er !ace #et •

   

,irror ho&ld ne-er !ace a ho&e? "ain door %eca&e it i %elie-ed that the "irror #ill end o&t the %lein that are &ppoed to o inide the ho&e+ >&rin contr&ction0 reident or the carpenter #or$in on the ho&e ho&ld o2er a pi or a chic$en? %lood thro&h po&rin it to the !o&ndation or pot o! the ho&e+ Another thin #hich ho&ld %e done d&rin contr&ction i t#itin the pot cloc$#ie %e!ore ce"entin it in it place It i %elie-ed that a child #ill %e l&c$' i! hi or her 4rt e-er extracted tooth i placed &nder a ho&e? roo!+ :eople ho&ld ne-er #eep the 1oor in the e-enin oin to the direction o! the "ain door and o&tide the ho&e+ A ho&e that i %&ilt in the "iddle o! a croroad and !ace the dead end or #hat i called @t&"%o$ in Filipino i aid to %e !&ll o! %ad l&c$ !or it reidence+ Thi alo applie to %&ildin0 apart"ent0 and all other tr&ct&re+

An i"perati-e rit&al in %&ildin a ho&e0 perhap the Ilocano co&nterpart o! the cornertonela'in cere"on'0 i to i"%ed the !o&ndation pot #ith looe coin!or ood l&c$+  A ho&e "&t !ace eat0 i! it co&ld %e helped+ S&nhine enterin the !ront door &her in properit'+  >oor inide ho&e "&t not directl' parallel other door that lead o&tide+ Ea' exit "ean "one' earned "a' %e 5&ic$l' diipated and ne-er a-ed+  A !or tair0 the' ho&ld al#a' t&rn riht0 that %ein the rihteo& path+ Thi partic&lar %elie! applie %et to the "arital %ond+ An oppoite direction ini4e in4delit'+  Ilocano o! the northern"ot part o! the :hilippine tend to c&t do#n aratiles tree ro#in in !ront o! their ho&e to pre-ent their da&hter !ro" %ein illicitl' i"prenated+   To "a$e a ho&e t'phoonreitant0 the pot ho&ld %e t&rned cloc$#ie %e!ore %ein per"anentl' ce"ented and ec&red+ Allo#in the hado# o! a pot to !all on 'o& #hile erectin it i a %ad o"en

Erectin a ho&e in !ront o! a deadend treet #ill %rin %ad l&c$ to it occ&pant0 #hether it i the oriinal o#ner or tenant+  >oor ho&ld al#a' %e on the riht ide o! the ho&e and the tair ho&ld al#a' t&rn to the riht to $eep a "arried co&ple lo'al to each other !or li!e+  >oor ho&ld not %e %&ilt !acin each other !or it portend that "one' #ill co"e in eail' %&t #ill alo r&h o&t 5&ic$l'+  Septic tan$ "&t not %e contr&cted hiher than the ro&nd !or it #o&ld de"and a acri4ce in h&"an li!e+   The o#ner "&t tran!er to the ne# ho&e not later than ix in the "ornin d&rin the ne# "oon toattract ood l&c$ and properit'0 and the 4rt thin that "&t %e %ro&ht inide the ho&e are alt0 riceand coin+  No part o! the ho&e ho&ld co-er or han o-er the t&"p o! a ne#l' c&t tree+ Neither ho&ld a ne# ho&e o-erlap an' portion o! an old ho&e+  A t#otor' %&ildin that i re"odeled into a inle tor' #ill horten the li-e o! it occ&pant

A na$e that enter the ho&e %rin ood l&c$ a lon a it doen?t %ite an' o! the occ&pant+ Thi i pro%a%l' %aed on the practice o! Fili pino d&rin the Spanih colonial ti"e to $eep p'thon in the partition %et#een the roo! and the ceilin to red&ce the rodent pop&lation the ho&e+ 
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