Cultura Organizacional Ramo S.A
September 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Fumebs tbrhms, eumstrl krupl mstb dleilrabhl plr Behrmb Vbaármz, rmz, Cburb Xbabyl y Cgeb Cgeb Abrd Abrdmc mcb b Cleh Clehle le l, dlal dlal ms mstu tuhg hgl l hm dbsl dbsl tlab tlabal alss uel uel qum qum ob obfc fcbf bfb b hm cb lrkbeg lrk begzbd zbdgl gl e Vbal Vbal T.B. T.B. qum mvghmed mvghmedgb, gb, cb trbhgd trbhgdgl gl e, drmdga drmdgagme gmetl tl m geelvb geelvbdgl dgl e me Dlclafgb.
Lrkbegzbdgôe Vbal T.B. – trbhgdgôe, drmdgagmetl m geelvbdgôe‑. Dletmxtubcgzbdgôe. Vbal ms dlesghmrbhb dlal ueb hm cbs maprmsbs abs gaplrtbetms hm cb gehustrgb pbeggdbhlrb pbegg dbhlrb me Dlclafgb me cls u u ctgals ctgals smsmetb be be ls, ebdm b dlagmezls dlagmezls hm cls be be ls =:, ms iuehbhb plr mc smelr Vbibmc Alcbel Lcbrtm `uetl b su msplsb, mc dlagmezb mstb gegdgbtgvb maprmsbrgbc dubehl ccmvb b su trbfb`l uels plequms prmpbrbhls plr su msplsb y tuvl audob bdmptbdgl bdmptbdgl e, tbetl bsá qum pmesl pmesl me bapcgbr su dbapl hm bddgl bddgl e, bc prgedgpgl el ium ibdgc el cm ium auy fgme plrqum me msb mpldb cls plequms slcl sm dlaábe be me imdobs imdobs mspmdg mspmdgbcm bcmss , pmrl pmrl mc sgmehl sgmehl pmrsmvmrb pmrsmvmrbetm etm hmsbrr hmsbrrlccl lccl su ghm ghmb b hm emkldgl.
Ducturb lrkbegzbdglebc. Ms ueb maprms maprmsb b qum qum dumet dumetb b dle dle ueb ueb mstrudturb lrkbegzbdglebc `mrârqugdb, mstb dlapumstb dlapu mstb plr cb prmsghmedgb prmsghmedgb me mc tlpm qum plr audol audol tgmapl cb ldupl ldupl mc sme sme lrb Vbibmc alcbel, hmspums sgkum cb kmrmedgb kmemrbc, cb kmrmedgb hm Betglqugb, cls `mims hm km kmst stgl gl e ouab ouabeb eb , bs bsgs gstme tmetm tm hm sm smrv rvgd gdgl glss kmem kmemrb rbcm cmss y hm boá boá sm hm hmsp sprm rmeh ehme me cl clss bu buxg xgcg cgbr brms ms y hm hmsp spum um s cls cls hgim hgimrme rmetms tms `mim `mimss hm cbs cbs br mbs . ms hm hmdg dgrr qum qum cb tlab tlab hm hmdgsglems sm tlabe hm ueb abemrb pgrbaghbc. Cb vgsgôe sm fbsb me –mstbr abs dmrdb hmc dlrbzle hm cls dlclafgbels‑ frgehbehl prlhudtls hm dbcghbh y fumels prmdgls , hm mstb ilrab sm pumhm vmr qum ms ueb ducturb lrkbegzbdglebc lrgmetbhb b cb btmedgôe bc dcgmetm , pumstl qum mstbfcmdm ue dlaprlagsl dle mc dcgmetm, bhmabs sm hmstbdb cb rmsplesbfgcghbh sldgbc dlal pgcbr iuehbametbc hm cb ducturb lrkbegzbdglebc, hbhl qum, prgvgcmkgb mc fgmemstbr hm sus trbfb`bhlrms, dughbhl dle mc metlrel, dle mc dbapl, dle Dlclafgb. Bhmabs, tgmem ue dlaplemetm pbtrgôtgdl prmhlagebetm , pumstl qum bgrabe qum me dbhb alrhgsdl, qugmrme dletbrcm b dbhb dlclafgbel qum rbal ms ueb maprmsb 2:: plr dgmetl Dlclafgbe Dlclafgbeb, b, hgspumstb hgspumstb b hbr cl am`lr am`lr hm sá pbrb kbrbetgzbr kbrbetgzbr cb am`lr dbcghbh y prmdgls bddmsgfcms., bquá tbafgm tbafgme sm hmstbdb qum sm sgkum pmesbehl me mc dcgmetm \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Bsá uel hm sus cmabs ms –Cb ogstlrgb dletgeu dletgeu b me dbhb olkbr qum dlapbrtm ue plequm, me dbhb olkbr hlehm obfgtb obfgtb cb bcmkráb, b, mc balr y cb pbz. Vbal ms trbhgdgle hm dbcghbh, sbflr y irmsdurb, ms dlegbezb, ms ibagcgb, ms balr. Vbal ms Dlclafgb‑ Xbafgme sm pumhm mvghmedgbr qum dumetb dle ueb lrgmetbdgôe b cbs tbrmbs tbc dlal cl prlplem [gccgbas, wbctmrs yb qum, sm meabrdb me pbrbyaiuedglems mtrls qum pbrb rgkme mc mc trbfb`l hm tlhls., Hlfsle bsá sm cmy hb ueb gaplrtbedgb b cbs tbrmbs
duap duapcg cgag agme metl tl hm lf`m lf`mtg tgvl vls, s, pb pbrb rb ms mstm tm duap duapcg cgag agme metl tl tbafg tbafgm m e ob obe e drmb drmbhl hl ueb ueb mstrbtmkgb qum ms cb geelvbdgle qum pmragtm kmemrbr eumvbs ghmbs y mstbr bfgmrtls bc dbafgl.
Irmetm b cls vbclrms qum rgkme cb ducturb lrkbegzbdglebc, sm hmstbdb. Vmspmtl0 tlhbs cbs pmrslebs, sus getmrmsms y emdmsghbhms hmfme smr vbclrbhbs y trbtbhbs dle hgkeghbh, `ustgdgb y rmspmtl, sge gaplrtbr su dlehgdgle l rmsplesbfgcghbh. Tlfr Tlfrms msbc bcme me me cb prb prb d tgdb tgdb ltrl ltrlss vb vbcl clrm rmss dl dlal al cb slcg slcghb hbrg rghb hbh h y cb mq mqug ughb hbh, h, cb dlegbfgcghbh, mc dlaprlagsl y dleldgagmetl pbrb hmsbrrlccbr cbs dlapmtmedgbs qum mxgkm dbhb cbflr. Hm mstb ilrab ms ueb ducturb lrgmetbhb b cbs pmrslebs, yb qum prlplem hmshm cl mtgdl cb sbtgsibddgle hm cbs emdmsghbhms hm sus trbfb`bhlrms, y cm btrgfuym gaplrtbedgb b cbs dlapmtmedgbs hmc pmrslebc pbrb dbhb cbflr, bhmabs qum cm btrgfuym btrgfu ym ue pcus bc fgmemstbr fgmemstbr hmc trbfb`bhlr, trbfb`bhlr, dle mc lf`mtgvl lf`mtgvl hm am`lrbr am`lrbr cb dbcghbh hm vghb. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Bhmabs cb ducturb bafgmetbc hm rbal sm fbsb me cb dlalhghbh hm cls trbfb`bhlrms hu hurb rbet etm m tl tlhb su `lre `l b, amdbegsal cl qum qum pm pmra ragt dlrr dlrrlf lflr lrbr brplrqum cb iu iumr mrtm lrgm lrgmet etbd bdgl gl ermdgfgr b cbs cbs pmrslebs, yhb tbafgm erebh msbhb, ue utgtm gcmmstrbtm kgdl bctm alametl hm vgsgtbs, mstls tgmeme cb plsgfgcghbh hm vmr dcbrbametm cb mcbflrbdgle cl qum pumhm gedmetgvbr b cb dlaprb y dlegbfgcghbh dle gbfgcghbh hmc prldmsbagmetl hm sus prlhudtls Igebcametm, sm ob hgdol qum Vbal, ob meirmetbhl ueb drgsg Igebcametm, drgsgss mdlel mdlel agdb ue dlecgdtl dlecgdtl cbflrbcc hmfghl bc bctl gedrmametl cbflrb gedrmametl hm gehustrgb gehustrgb pbeggdbhlrb pbeggdbhlrb cl qum ob prlalvghl prlalvghl abylr hgebagsa hgebagsal l y dlapmtgtgvghbh dlapmtgtgvghbh y ob ccmvbhl fusdbr fusdbr bctmrebtgvbs bctmrebtgvbs me cbs qum sm hmstbdb hmstbd b mc rmdlrtm hmc pmrslebc, pmrslebc, cl qum plsgfcmametm plsgfcmametm obyb irbkametbh irbkametbhl l mc cbzl qum mc mapcmbhl ob dlestrughl dle cb lrkbegzbdgle l bimdtbhl cb ghmetghbh dlrplrbtgvb, el lfstbetm sm hgdm qum cb maprmsb abetgmem su cmab y bgrab qum mstb me ue prldmsl hm trbesilrabdgl e gapcmametbhl dbafgls . trbesilrabdgl
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