
December 14, 2017 | Author: Anonymous sSRdM4Z3 | Category: Labour, Employment, Business
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Revision test questions for Close Up B1 Unit 9...


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9 / 40 marks

Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 Do you believe that money is people’s main ___ for working? a application b bonus c promotion d motivation

9 Most of the workers who were made ___ found new jobs quickly. a unemployed b available c redundant d unworkable

2 Hilda was promoted to ___ manager after only a few months with the company. a volunteer b assistant c amateur d helper

10 Patrick cooks in his free time and at work. He’s a(n) ____ chef. a professional b dead-end c unemployed d high-risk

3 Vanessa had to get used to sleeping at different times when she began working ___ at the hospital. a shifts b perks c works d assignments

11 The sales assistant got the ___ for stealing goods from the shop. a walk out b lay off c sack d fire

4 I don’t think it’s fair that some people get monthly ___ which are higher than what many people earn in a whole year. a costs b wages c incentives d salaries

12 My grandfather ____ last year. Now he can do all the things he didn’t have time for before. a hired b fired c retired d arrested

5 The manager blames the economic crisis ___ the cut in wages. a by b for c to d with 6 The model’s contracts are organised through her ___. a agent b worker c candidate d speaker 7 The artist was so ___ by his work that he had no time for his family. a focused b passionate c fond d obsessed 8 Have you tried searching for job ___ online? a pensions b employers c vacancies d spaces Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

13 I rang my friend Susan to ___ her on getting a new job. a interview b congratulate c succeed d question 14 She might ___ the job offer because the salary isn’t very good. a take on b reject c revolt d walk out 15 A company car is one of the ____ of John’s new job. a bonuses b references c perks d offers 16 I would like to thank you on ___ of the staff for your service to our organisation. a behalf b place c speaker d position Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 9

17 The manager said that the business was doing very well and that he would ____ new staff in the new year. a care about b take on c lay off d take with 18 The company is planning to ___ a new series of products in the shops this autumn. a work b hire c launch d withdraw

19 When the bus drivers went on ___, many people had problems getting to work. a deadline b debt c strike d benefit 20 There are many young people out ___ work in our area. a about b in c of d for

(___ / 20 marks)

Graar Choose the correct answers. 1 The manager asked me how long ___ unemployed. a had I been b am I c I had been d have I been

9 Maxine’s colleague insisted ___ for the meal. a on paying b to pay c of paying d that pay

2 Nick ___ us that he’d applied for a new job. a asked b said c told d suggested

10 Sophie promised ___ anyone about the report. a she doesn’t tell b not to tell c that not telling d to not tell

3 Dorothy advised me ___ my own business. a starting b to start c that I start d I would start

11 Frank accused me ____ stealing money from his drawer. a for b to c of d on

4 The manager asked me ___ work immediately. a can I start b could I start c to start d if I will start 5 They said the sales figures had dropped ___. a next month b previous month c the month d that month 6 Mr Jones denied ___ the documents from my desk. a stealing b to steal c had stolen d of stealing 7 Bob’s boss told him ___ late for work again. a to not be b not to be c to be not d don’t be 8 The news report said that there would be a public transport strike ___. a one day before b next day c one day ago d the following day Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

12 I asked the secretary where ___ the next day. a was the meeting going to be b is the meeting c the meeting was going to be d the meeting be 13 Pat said that ___ use the company car that weekend. a he could b he can c could he d will he 14 Helen refused ___ anyone discuss the economic crisis at her party. a letting b to let c of letting d she let 15 The businessman ____ that he would be retiring. a told b apologised c said d congratulated

Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 9

16 Ann asked Paul when ___ those files. a would he be using b would he use c he would be using d he be using

19 Linda asked Dan if ___ all night. a had he been working b will he be working c he had been working d he will have worked

17 Brian apologised ___ so rude on the phone. a to be b being c that he is d for being

20 The manager told Sally that she ___ her work properly. a will do b had to do c had done d was doing

18 I ____ Fiona if she was getting a pay rise. a promised b accused c asked d denied

(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 9

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