
December 14, 2017 | Author: Anonymous sSRdM4Z3 | Category: Severe Weather, Storms, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Meteorology
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Revision test questions for Close Up B1 Unit 7...


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7 / 40 marks

Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 Our car was damaged by the ___ which fell during the storm. a aftershock b hail c hurricane d lava 2 The city was built on a ___ line so it’s not surprising that it experiences many earthquakes. a deep b flash c fault d tidal 3 We could hardly see the path in front of us in the ___ because the snow was so heavy. a blizzard b landslide c eruption d tornado 4 Everybody ran for their lives when the lava ___ down the sides of the volcano. a covered b flowed c erupted d dropped 5 The plane was unable to land because the airport was in the ___ of the hurricane. a head b eye c flow d peak 6 Tornadoes differ ___ normal storms because in a tornado the wind moves in a circle. a than b in c from d by 7 Scientists were doing research ___ the causes of landslides when the disaster occurred. a of b to c for d on 8 Rob is a pleasure to work with. He’s always a ___ of sunshine. a wave b head c ray d flood Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

9 A severe weather ____ was issued on the radio this morning. a line b warning c cloud d scale 10 Thunderstorms play ___ with the power supply to the town. a havoc b lightning c wildfire d nature 11 The earthquake was only 4.5 on the Richter ___ , so there wasn’t much damage to property. a intensity b magnitude c force d scale 12 This area of the country is suffering from ___ because most of its farmland was destroyed by the recent floods. a earthquake b drought c famine d twister 13 People had been warned about the volcanic eruption in advance, so they weren’t surprised ___ what happened. a from b by c of d for 14 Several coastal villages were destroyed by the huge waves when the ___ reached the island. a ash b avalanche c tsunami d drought 15 After a night of severe weather conditions, the whole city was covered ___ ice and snow. a of b under c within d with

Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 7

16 The authorities have been ___ under with calls for help since the disaster struck. a dropped b covered c snowed d surprised 17 A supervolcano eruption could threaten the ___ of our planet. a survival b casualty c destruction d hotspot

19 Most of the plants in our garden died due to the sudden drop ___ temperature. a off b for c in d on 20 One of the forest ___ saved a family of bears when he stopped a fire from reaching their cave. a quantities b rangers c authorities d organisations

18 Olga is so ___ earth. She never pretends to be something that she isn’t. a in the b into c down to d through the

(___ / 20 marks)

Graar Choose the correct answers. 1 The snow wasn’t ___ we’d expected it to be. a more heavy b as heavy as c the heaviest d heavier 2 We can’t afford ___ on holiday to New York. a going b to go c went d go 3 They were ___ brave rescuers that they risked their own lives to save us. a so b too c such d such a

7 There is a ____ risk of flooding close to the river than anywhere else. a higher b the highest c high d as high as 8 George has always been interested in ___ about natural disasters. a write b to write c writing d is writing 9 It was ___ earthquake Asia had ever experienced. a as bad as b worse c the worst d worst

4 I wish I hadn’t forgotten ___ the weather forecast before I left home. a checking b to check c checked d check

10 You had better not ___ too close to the volcano. a get b to get c getting d got

5 Out of all the rangers, John is ____ prepared to deal with a wildfire. a least b less c little d the least

11 The farmhouse was ___ away for us to see through the storm. a far too b too far c far enough d enough far

6 I’d rather ___ home and watch a DVD than drive to the cinema in this thunderstorm. a staying b to staying c stay d to stay

12 I stop ___ in the sea at the beginning of winter. a to swim b to swimming c swim d swimming

Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 7

13 The ranger wouldn’t allow us ___ in the forest. a camp b to camping c to camp d camping 14 The more ice there is on the road, ___ the risk of accidents. a as great as b the greater c the greatest d more great 15 The building was damaged because the owners hadn’t spent ___ money on making it earthquake resistant. a enough b too much c such d many 16 It’s no good ___ about who’s going to come first. Just do the best you can. a to worry b to worrying c worry d worrying

17 The residents tried as ___ as they could to protect their properties. a hard b hardly c hardest d hard enough 18 I watched ___ interesting documentary on natural disasters last night. a a so b an enough c such an d a too 19 Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time ___ the village. a them evacuate b evacuating c evacuate d to evacuate 20 He was too tired to walk any ___ through the snow. a further b far c farthest d the furthest

(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 7

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