
December 14, 2017 | Author: Anonymous sSRdM4Z3 | Category: Leisure
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Revision test questions for Close Up B1 Unit 5...


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5 / 40 marks

Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 It’s no surprise the company has gone ___. It had been losing money for years. a bankrupt b faulty c remote d dusty 2 Millie works ___ without taking a break as she really loves her job. a tirelessly b traditionally c tiringly d likely 3 You’ll have to work your ___ off to get promoted in this company. a chances b passion c socks d rags 4 She became known ___ the ‘Queen of Pop’. a in b from c to d as 5 Since Martha left her job, the boss has had trouble finding someone suitable to take her ___. a expedition b partnership c mind d place 6 When we found out how dishonest William was, we never ___ business with him again. a did b made c set d took

9 The computer website made a huge ___ from online sales for its owner. a message b failure c pay rise d profit 10 Natalie dreams ____ becoming a famous dancer. a to b at c of d from 11 She trained hard daily and was ___ to win the gold medal. a devoted b determined c accomplished d renowned 12 Avatar was a huge ___. Millions of people saw it around the world. a loss b blockbuster c message d flop 13 Do you believe having lots of expensive ___ makes a person happy? a fortunes b accomplishments c possessions d steps 14 Judy is a very ___ woman. She never talks about her achievements. a infamous b faulty c best-selling d modest

7 Do you know who the richest woman ___ the planet is? a at b in c on d from

15 I don’t think anyone has a truly ____ character. Nobody is perfect! a flawless b rough c stubborn d arrogant

8 I was ready to throw in the ___ when they refused to publish my first book. a ribbon b dream c ladder d towel

16 The non-profit organisation bought some ___ where they are going to build a hospital. a drive b land c jewellery d wealth

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Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 5

17 Rosemary’s natural ___ as an artist was obvious. She became successful in no time. a gift b goal c vision d present

19 Justin is an up and ___ musician who’s sure to set the world on fire. a daring b coming c tiring d leading

18 Polly has set her ___ on becoming a surgeon. She’s a very determined young lady. a fantasies b dreams c sights d riches

20 Ian used to feel like a failure, but now he’s more ___ since he got a new job. a perfect b self-confident c celebrated d valuable

(___ / 20 marks)

Graar Choose the correct answers. 1 They don’t ___ to hand in the project until next week. a can b need c must d be able 2 You ___ be late for the job interview. It won’t make a good impression. a don’t have to b mustn’t c needn’t d might not 3 ___ you ask Tom to come into my office for a moment, please? a Must b Should c Could d Need 4 It ___ be a very difficult operation. They’ve been in surgery for three hours. a can b would c must d is able to 5 ___ I use your mobile phone, please? Mine needs recharging. a May b Must c Should d Would 6 John ___ into partnership with his wife’s brother, but I’m not certain. a should have gone b needn’t go c has to go d might have gone 7 You ___ your own business until you’re sure that you’ll have enough customers. a couldn’t have started b might not start c mustn’t have started d shouldn’t start Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

8 Jane ___ arrived so early for the conference as none of the speakers were there yet. a can’t have b needn’t have c would have d has to 9 Most children ___ learn how to use computers very quickly. a are able to b could have c must d would 10 ___ work late again today? a You must b May you c You need to d Do you have to 11 You ___ go out tonight if you prefer to stay home. a mustn’t b don’t have to c wouldn’t d can’t 12 Tracy ___ become a manager if she’d stayed with the company. a can b could have c has to d was able to 13 You ___ for me if you want to leave now. I’ll take a taxi later. a couldn’t wait b mustn’t have waited c aren’t able to wait d needn’t wait 14 Yes, of course you ___ check your emails on my laptop. a can b would c should have d may have

Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 5

15 You ___ to be more careful. You keep losing important papers. a should b are able c must d ought 16 My keys aren’t in my bag. I ___ them on my desk. a was able to leave b could have left c would leave d would have left 17 What do you think? ___ take the job? a Should I b Would I c Am I able d Do I have

18 You really ___ watch this DVD. It’s so funny. a must b might c would d have 19 Andy ___ us his opinion at the meeting, but he was off sick. a must give b may give c would have given d was able to give 20 It must ___ really hard for them to set up a business in a foreign country. a to be b have been c can be d was

(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-Up B1+ Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 5

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