8) Yhfmr msiui msiuiohr ohr ms unh ohfdcd`h ohfdcd`h` ` `m ialundihi ialundihidan dan 8) Hckunhs Hckunhs vmims saca saca adlas mn vmz `m msiuioh msiuiohrr ian unh hitdtu dtu` ` iarrmi iarrmith th saca saca nas adlas h nasatr nasatras as ldslas ldslas y fèsdih fèsdih,, na ta` ta`a a mc lun lun`a `a tdmnm tdmnm msth msth ohfdcd ohfdcd`h` `h` phrh hit ialu ialund ndih ihla lass ca qum qum `msm `msmhl hlas as sdn sdn talh talhrr mn iumn iumnth th msiuiohr h cas `mlès apdndanms. 6) Zrmphrhrsm phrh msiuiohr h ch pmrsanh qum mldtm su 6) Mxprmshr qum sm msiuioh gudida u apdndùn. 9) Na dntmrrulpdr hc mldsar y mvdthr ch `dstrhiidùn
9) Vmearzhr h trhvms `m phchfrhs, ca qum mntmn`hlas phrh `mspuäs mxprmshrca ian lhyar ichrd`h`.
0) Msiuiohr hunqum na mntmn`hlas hc mldsar.
0) Zhrherhsmhr phrh mvdthr phchfrhs rmfusih`hs qum ianeun`hn hc rmimptar|
5) Ldrhr h cas agas h ch pmrsanh qum mldtm su apdndùn sdn 5) Ohimlas Ohimlas unh prmkunth prmkunth hc mxpasd mxpasdtar tar lmnshgm. mldtdr gudida `m vhcar.
phrh mnt mntmn`mr mn`mr mc
;) Lastrhlas sdlphrtìh m dntmräs par mc lmnshgm rmidfd`a ;) Hedrlhlas ian ch ihfmzh m dntmrprmthr mc lmnshgm rmidfd`a y qum sm pum`h mntmn`mr h ch oarh `m mxprmshr. mvdthn`a mntrhr mn un `mfhtm.
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