CT SCAN basics-1
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Computed Tomography (Basics)
Siemens Medical Systems
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 1
The Discovery of X-Rays... 100 years ago, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a German scientist, discovered x-rays...
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 2
Look Inside The Human Body... This allowed people for the first time to be able to view the anatomy of the human body noninvasively
« But anatomic structures were superimposed « And soft tissue couldn’t be differentiated Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 3
CT Broke the Barrier... In 1972, two scientists Hounsfield and Ambrosepresented the first clinical CT image ...
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 4
The Human Body Slice by Slice... So we could see tomographic anatomy & density differences ♠ But it was time consuming (10 min. / image) ♠ And the resolution needed to be improved Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 5
What Does a CT Look Like?
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 6
The First Siemens CT Scanner...
SIRETOM (in 1974) Acquisition time 7 min., image matrix 80x80 pixels, scan field 25 cm , spatial resolution 1,3 mm (4LP/cm) Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 7
The Progress in Image Quality...
SIRETOM (1974) Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 8
SOMATOM Plus 4 UFC (1996)
What Does a CT Look Like? From the outside... ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣
Gantry Table Generator Console Computer
Generator Table
Console Computer Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 9
What Does a CT Look Like? From the inside...
♣ Tube ♣ Detector ♣ DAS* DAS Detector * Data Acquisition System Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 10
How Does CT Work? X-ray X-ray generation generation Data Data acquisition acquisition Recon Recon && postprocessing postprocessing
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 11
Image Generation - The “Slice” X-rays pass through a collimator therefore only penetrating an axial layer of the object, called a "slice"
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 12
Image Generation - The “Voxel” The slice is artificially divided into small volume elements called "voxels" with a square base, inside which the attenuation is measured as a constant value. And in plane, the picture elements are called “pixels” Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 13
Image Generation - The “Matrix” The attenuation of radiation values is measured, encoded and transferred to a computer.
35 36 34 39 33 31 34 33 35 32 31 78 80 85 90
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 14
CT Image Generation - A/D/A* The numerical matrix is converted into a black and white image in a corresponding gray scale. 35 36 34 39 33 31 34 33 35 32 31 78 80 85 90
*Analog - Digital - Analog Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 15
Criteria for CT Image Quality CT Image Quality
Spatial resolution
Contrast Detectability
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 16
Spatial Resolution... The ability to resolve High Contrast Objects, (also called “High Contrast Resolution”)
This is influenced by system geometry, and determines image definition Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 17
Definition... Image definition means the sharpness of an object relative to surrounding tissue. It depends on:
Image display Scan time Algorithm Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 18
Operating mode Slice thickness
Contrast Detectability... When Small Contrast Differences are crucial (also called “Low Contrast Resolution”)
This is influenced by image definition & noise Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 19
Noise? Noise is superimposed on the image and results in a "grainy" impression, as is the case with poor TV reception. 206 mA
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 20
60 mA
Noise... Image “noise” is determined by the number of x-ray quanta that reach the detector and then contribute to the image. It depends on: Noise Image display
Operating mode
kV Algorithm
Patient size
Slice thickness Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 21
Artifacts... The various structures or patterns that appear in a CT image, but are not found in the original object.
They depend on: Scan time Slice thickness Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 22
Artifacts Patient Operating mode
Influences on CT Image Quality?
CT Image Quality System
User Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 23
System Efficiency... 100 mAs
100 mAs
The complete system design determines how efficiently x-rays are finally converted to electrical signal as the detector output, after passing through the patient. The generator, tube, geometry, filtration, collimation and detector design all play a role. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 24
mAs... Tube current and scan time, determine dose. Noise Rule Ruleof ofthumb: thumb: The Thehigher higherthe thedose, dose, the thelower lowerthe thenoise. noise.
* Noise reduced by factor 1.4 while dose is doubled. low mAs low Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 25
mAs... Low mAs
Image 1: Low mAs value high noise level Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 26
High mAs
Image 2: 4 times the mAs valuehalf the noise level
Recommendations for mAs... In the case of a soft tissue study, it is most important to keep noise to a minimum by using higher mAs. The lower the noise level, the easier it is to recognize structures with minute differences in density. But for bone or lung studies, higher mAs is not necessary. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 27
Tube Voltage - kV The dose level, depends very strongly on the voltage applied to the tube.
Water 20 cm
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 28
kV kV
Relative Relativedose dose
140 140 120 120
100% 100% 58% 58%
80 80
12% 12%
Tube Voltage - kV The higher the voltage, the more the radiation spectrum is shifted to a higher energy level, resulting in decreased radiation attenuation. This is most noticeable in bone and contrast media. 140 kV
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 29
80 kV
Algorithms... ... provide the recipe for mathematical image calculation Image definition Sharp
Noise low Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 30
Algorithms An edge-enhancing (HighRes) algorithm produces good edge definition, but also a high noise level, while a smoothing algorithm produces a low noise level, but also poorer edge definition. For routine studies, a standard algorithm is normally recommended. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 31
Algorithms Soft Algorithm
HighRes Algorithm
Soft algorithms provide better contrast detectability with less noise. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 32
Algorithms Standard Algorithm
HighRes Algorithm
HighRes algorithms provide better spatial resolution, but with more noise. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 33
Selecting Slice Thickness Selecting a suitable slice thickness is a balance between edge definition and noise because of their mutually offsetting effects. AA thick thick slice slice means: means:
low noise better contrast resolution poorer edge definition partial volume artifacts
AA thin thin slice slice means: means:
high noise poorer contrast resolution better edge definition no partial volume artifacts
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 34
Slice Thickness... slice thickness
no. of x-ray quanta
noise level
Image definition = spatial resolution
Noise High
Low 1 2
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 35
5 10 mm Slice thickness
1 2 3
5 10 mm Slice thickness
Slice Thickness... 3 mm Slice
Thicker slices give less noise & better contrast detectability for soft tissue Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 36
10 mm Slice
Slice Thickness 5 mm Slice
1 mm Slice
Thinner slices give better spatial resolution for bony structures. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 37
Patient Size... Noise 400%
Rule Ruleof ofthumb: thumb: The Thenoise noiselevel leveldoubles doublesfor forevery every88cm cm increase increaseininpatient patientdiameter. diameter.
300% 200% 100% 30
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 38
cm Patient diameter 46
Patient Size... An attenuation by a factor of 2 results from each 4 cm increase in patient thickness, thus increasing the pixel noise. 45 cm
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 39
28.8 cm
Image Display - Windowing 3000
60 Spleen 40
Heart Adrenal Gland
-100 Mamma -200 Fat -900 -1000
Kidneys Pancreas
Rule Ruleof ofthumb: thumb: The TheCT CTvalue valueof ofwater waterisis00and and air air-1000. -1000.The Therelative relativevalues valuesof of the theother othertissues tissuesare arecalculated calculated relative relativeto tothat thatof ofwater water
This is the so-called CT number in Hounsfield unit (HU) Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 40
Image Display - Windowing The range of CT density values is defined from -1000 to +3000, but the human eye can distinguish only 30 - 40 gray scales at best. Lung Window
Mediastinum Window
So, the window settings must be in accordance with the structures to be visualized Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 41
Image Display - Windowing Hounsfield unit
Gray scale display White
Window width W
Window center C
0 -1000
CT Windowing
Window width (W): the density range represented within the gray scale. Window center (C): the center of the density range. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 42
Image Display - Windowing Narrow Window Width
Narrow window width: High-contrast image, but structures outside that window range may be inadequately represented or overlooked. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 43
Broad Window Width
Broad window width: Minor density differences appear homogeneous and may be masked.
Double Window Technique Hounsfield unit +3000
Gray scale display White
Window 1
0 Black
Window 2 -1000
CT Windowing
This is used for the display of two tissue types differing greatly in their density values, such as the lung & the mediastinum. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 44
Double Window Technique* To see both lungs and mediastinum within image simutanously
*Double window is not recommended for diagnosis. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 45
Image Display - Windowing Double Window
Image 1: Both lung, thorax wall & mediastinum visible Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 46
Lung Window
Image 2: Only lung visible
Mediastinum Window
Image 3: Only thorax wall & mediastinum visible
Extended CT Scale Normally, CT values can be measured from -1024 to +3071, but with SOMATOM Plus 4, this can be extended from -10240 to +30710 to visualize metals of high attenuation. Therefore, it is always possible to measure the real CT value no matter where and how the window is positioned.
Post operative femoral head replacement - the CT value is 6000 HU
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 47
Review vs. Magnification Reviewed
A zoom reconstruction from raw data to enhance sharpness of details Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 48
a purely optical magnification of image data which may result in blurred appearance
Image Artifacts - Origins ...
Image Artifacts
Operator error
Motion Metal Partial volume
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 49
Technical defects Beam hardening
Image Artifacts - Appearance Image artifacts
Cupping Dark bar
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 50
Motion Artifact & Scan Time Motion artifacts Severe
Rule Ruleof ofthumb: thumb: The Theshorter shorterthe thescan scantime, time,the the less lesslikely likelymotion motionartifacts artifactsare are occur. occur. Moderate
Scan time (s) Short Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 51
Motion Artifact & Correction Motion artifacts can be compensated for by the Motion Correction Algorithm (MCA)
w/o correction Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 52
w/ correction
Metal Artifact Metals, such as gold, absorb x-radiation almost completely, thus producing “radiation shadows”, leading to pronounced streak artifacts over the entire reconstructed image This can only be avoided via a gantry tilt that excludes the disturbing metallic objects from the slice plane. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 53
Partial Volume Effect Streak-like artifacts, also called partial volume artifact, occur most frequently in the bony structures at the base of the skull and the petrous bone region. 5 mm
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 54
That is because the very dense structures (bones) are only partially included in the slice, resulting in high contrast errors.
Partial Volume Effect 5 mm
2 mm
Selecting a thinner slice prevents such artifacts from occurring, since high contrast structures are less frequently partially included, but this inherently increases the noise level, thus degrading contrast resolution. Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 55
VAR - Volume Artifact Reduction 5 mm
2 x 2 mm
Combines several thin slices (which reduces the partial volume artifact) to provide a thicker slice (which reduces the pixel noise and offers good soft tissue discrimination). Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 56
Beam Hardening Effect The x-ray photons emitted from the x-ray tube do not all have the same energy. As they penetrate the irradiated object, the spectrum is shifted to higher energies - called “beam hardening”. In the image, streak artifacts or the so-called “cupping effect” can be seen.
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 57
Beam Hardening & Correction
w/o correction Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 58
w/ correction
Beam Hardening & Correction The “cupping” effect can be compensated for by means of “beam hardening correction” w/o correction
severe cupping Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 59
w/ correction
homogenuous CT values
Technical Defects The individual detector elements of a detector system may not produce the same signal for the same irradiation. When a detector element outputs an erroneous signal, ring artifacts appear. This can be eliminated by calibration, if not, call technical service! Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 60
Adaptive Filter For a non-circular object, x-ray attenuation is greater along the long axis than along the short axis, therefore directional noise is seen. w/o A.F.
Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 61
w/ A.F.
Artifacts & Corrections The reasons for artifacts are quite diverse. What we do is to perform corresponding corrections in order to avoid them. But sometimes artifacts can not be compensated for completely.
Nothing is perfect... But we keep on working to reduce them as much as possible! Source: CTC/CTM © Siemens AG, 1998 Medical Engineering Group, Computed Tomography CT Basics 62
For the Clinical Routine... Since the influence on HC resolution & LC resolution by changing parameters can be contradictory, it is necessary to differentiate between: ¨ A Soft tissue study (contrast detectability) ( >90% of routine studies, normally) ¨ A Bone study (spatial resolution) (
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