CSWIP Practice Multi Choice

February 9, 2017 | Author: iqbalmb | Category: N/A
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Practice multi choice questions CSWIP 3.1 . 1

Applyi Appl ying ng pre prehe heat at whe when n weld weldin ing g carb carbon on man manga gane nese se ste steel el is is norm normal ally ly don donee to avoid: a) Slag inclsions  b) !ydrogen crac"ing c) #ac" o$ sidewall $sion d) Porosity


Which Whic h o$ $o $oll llow owin ing g mec mecha hani nica call pr prop oper erti ties es o$ o$ a wel weld d in ca carb rbon on man manga gane nese se stee st eell is mo most st a$ a$$e $ect cted ed i$ th thee he heat at inp inptt pe perr n nit it le leng ngth th o$ we weld ld is e&cessively high' a)  b) c) d)


*o obs observe ce centerline cr crac"i "in ng a weld tha that as bee been mad made one one o$ $iv $ive wor" stations each ma"ing similar components. he $irst action to ta"e is: a)  b) c) d)


Impond Impon d all all weld welding ing con consm smabl ables es +eport the occrrence to high athority Stop St op al alll wel weldi ding ng Call Ca ll $or $or $l $lll ,- ,- chec chec"s "s

Which o$ the $ollowing de$ects is nli"ely to be $ond by visal inspection. a)  b) c) d)

(longation ensile strength !ardness oghness

#inear misalignment /nderct 0verlap #inear slag inclsion

Which Whic h o$ the the $ol $ollo lowi wing ng wel weldi ding ng pro proce cess sses es se sess a resi resisi siti tive ve hea heati ting ng sy syst stem em to achieve weld metal deposition. a) 2anal metal arc welding  b) Sbmergedarc welding c) (lectro slag welding d) +esistance sp spot we welding Whi hich ch o$ o$ the the $oll $ollow owin ing g nit nitss col cold d Char Charpy py 5 not notch ch ene energ rgy y be mea meas srred in'  Page 1 of 32

a)  b) c) d) 8

he sa he sall met metho hod d o$ ass asses essi sing ng the the sen sensi siti tivi vity ty o$ o$ rad radio iogr grap aph h is by by mea means ns o$ o$ a: a)  b) c) d)


@end test 2acro e&amination Impact tests 9ractre tests

!ydr !y droge ogen n cont contro roll lled ed ele elect ctro rode dess were were de deve velo lope ped d prin princi cipal pally ly $o $or: r: a)  b) c) d)


2andatory -epend pon site and weather conditions -epe -e pend nden entt pon pon the the con contr trac acto tor> r>ss con$ con$id iden ence ce in in his his proc proced edr res es 0nlly re6 0n re6i irred wh when en C0 C0% % wel weldi ding ng is to be s sed ed..

Whi hicch o$ the the $ollowing des destrctive tests is not nor orm mally re6ired $or welder approval test $or mild steel' a)  b) c) d)


-osimeter 9loroscope II ; Penetrameter) Clinometer  

/nderr norm /nde normal al con contr trac actt cond condit itio ions ns== weld weld pro proce ced dre re app appro rova vall test testss $or $or pipe pipe wor" are: a)  b) c) d)


Ponds per s6are inch 7oles ,ewtons per s6are millimeter  ,one o$ the above

he prevention o$ porosity he prevention o$ crac"ing he enhancement o$ arc voltage heir ease o$ arc starting

9or wh whic ich h o$ th thee $oll $ollowi owing ng is is pre preh hea eati ting ng mos mostt li"e li"ely ly to to be re re6 6ir ired ed'' a)  b) c) d)

Astenitic stainless steels !igh strength alloy steels #ow and medim strength steels #ow carbon steels

 Page 2 of 32

a)  b) c) d) 8

he sa he sall met metho hod d o$ ass asses essi sing ng the the sen sensi siti tivi vity ty o$ o$ rad radio iogr grap aph h is by by mea means ns o$ o$ a: a)  b) c) d)


@end test 2acro e&amination Impact tests 9ractre tests

!ydr !y droge ogen n cont contro roll lled ed ele elect ctro rode dess were were de deve velo lope ped d prin princi cipal pally ly $o $or: r: a)  b) c) d)


2andatory -epend pon site and weather conditions -epe -e pend nden entt pon pon the the con contr trac acto tor> r>ss con$ con$id iden ence ce in in his his proc proced edr res es 0nlly re6 0n re6i irred wh when en C0 C0% % wel weldi ding ng is to be s sed ed..

Whi hicch o$ the the $ollowing des destrctive tests is not nor orm mally re6ired $or welder approval test $or mild steel' a)  b) c) d)


-osimeter 9loroscope II ; Penetrameter) Clinometer  

/nderr norm /nde normal al con contr trac actt cond condit itio ions ns== weld weld pro proce ced dre re app appro rova vall test testss $or $or pipe pipe wor" are: a)  b) c) d)


Ponds per s6are inch 7oles ,ewtons per s6are millimeter  ,one o$ the above

he prevention o$ porosity he prevention o$ crac"ing he enhancement o$ arc voltage heir ease o$ arc starting

9or wh whic ich h o$ th thee $oll $ollowi owing ng is is pre preh hea eati ting ng mos mostt li"e li"ely ly to to be re re6 6ir ired ed'' a)  b) c) d)

Astenitic stainless steels !igh strength alloy steels #ow and medim strength steels #ow carbon steels

 Page 2 of 32


2anal metal arc arc welding o$ low all alloy stee steells is more li"ely to be  per$ormed with: a)  b) c) d)


which whic h o$ th thee $oll $ollowi owing ng de$ de$ec ects ts is is mor moree comm common on to to weld weld dep depos osit ited ed by by the the C0% welding process than weld deposited by manal metal arc' a)  b) c) d)


Weld metal crac"s !AD crac"s #amellar tearing Porosity

Which Whic h o$ the the $ollo $ollowi wing ng is is li"e li"ely ly to giv givee the the highe highest st imp impac actt stre streng ngth th in in $erritic weld metal' a)  b) c) d)


/nder ct Porosity ngsten inclsions #inear misalignment

Which Whic h o$ the the $ol $ollo lowi wing ng can can ari arise se $ro $rom m copp copper er inc incl lsi sions ons is a $er $erri rite te ste steel el weld' a)  b) c) d)


Slag inclsion (&cess penetration #ac" o$ side $sion ngsten inclsions

Which Whic h de$e de$ect ct wol wold d yo yo e&pe e&pect ct to obt obtai ain n in I IB B weld weldss in in non nondeo deo&i &idi die ed d steel' a)  b) c) d)


+tile electrodes Celllosic (lectrodes Iron powder electrodes @asic hy hydroge gen n co controlled ele electrodes

Celllosic electrodes Sbmerged arc with acid $l& Spray trans$er Co%welding @asi @a sicc co coat ated ed no norm rmal al met etal al ar arcc el elec ectr trod odes es

Which Whic h o$ the the $ol $ollo lowi wing ng met metho hods ds o$ o$ ,- ,- wol wold d be mos mostt li"e li"ely ly to to dete detect ct lac" o$ side $sion in $erritic steel welds'  Page 3 of 32

a)  b) c) d) 1<

*o sspected that $erritic steel plates= which have been edge= prepared contain crac" in the prepared edges. Which ,- method wold yo se to chec" this' a)  b) c) d)


In improving resistance to stress corrosion crac"ing In dimensional stability a$ter machining improving In lowering the pea" residal stress In so$tening the steel

What is the ma&imm hardness sally recommended $or the !AD o$ a medim strength $erritic steel weld' a)  b) c) d)


#inear slag inclsions /nder cts 0verlap #inear misalignment

Stress relie$ is not help$l in one o$ the $ollowing cases. Which one' a)  b) c) d)


+adiography 2agnetic particle Penetrants /ltrasonic $law detector 

Which o$ the $ollowing de$ects do yo not e&pect to $ind by visal e&amination o$ completed welds' a)  b) c) d)


Penetrants 2agnetic particles +adiography /ltrasonic $law detector 

1 -P !v 3 -P !5  -P !v 8 -P !v

What e$$ect to midthic"ess lamination in steel plate normaly have when they are located within a weld !AD' a)  b) c) d)

Case lamellar tearing 9se together to $orm a bond A$$ect the weld metal composition Case internal tearing on a microscale

 Page 4 of 32


When hydrogen control is speci$ied $or a manal metal arcwelding  proEect the electrode wold normally be: a)  b) c) d)


*o wold with certainty recognie a hydrogen controlled $l& covered electrode $rom its: a)  b) c) d)


It is too e&pensive he wire wold be too thic"  he weld metal composition may be wrong he wire is too short

When open site wor"ing= serios porosity in manal metal arc welding is  broght to yor attention. What wold yo investigate' a)  b) c) d)


Concrete shttering welding team Pipe welders Plater welders Plant maintenance welders

*o noticed manal metal arc welding electrodes= stripe o$ $l&= are being sed as $iller wire= $or IB welding. *o wold obEect becase: a)  b) c) d)


Color #ength rade name AWSF@S43? Code #etter  

When manal metal arc welding is being carried ot on an open constrction site= which grops o$ welder are most li"ely to re6ire continos monitoring' a)  b) c) d)


Celllosic Iron o&ide Acid @asic

(lectrode type Power plant type (lectrode storage -ay temperatre

he steel composition in strctral contract is changed $orm .1G carbon= .4G manganese= to .%G carbon= 1.%G manganese. 2ight this in$lence the incidence o$:  Page 5 of 32

a)  b) c) d) %?


0ne o$ the $ollowing alloys is nonmagnetic= Which' a) .G Chromim molybdenm  b) 1%.G Chromim c) Astenitic Stainless Steel d) ?.G ,ic"el Steel When the IB welding Astenitic Stainless Steel pipe. Argon gas bac"ing is called $or. his is to: a)  b) c) d)


#eg length Actal throat thic"ness Weld width

9or open site manal metal arc welding the $ollowing e6ipment is available. Which wold yo choose $or sa$e wor"ing' a)  b) c) d)


Scattered porosity Worm hole porosity Parent metal crac"ing #ac" o$ penetration

I, /H practice= @S ?? Part% speci$ies that the drawing dimension 6oted $or a $illet weld is the: a)  b) c)


Prevent o&idation Prevent nder bead crac"ing Prevent porosity Control the penetration bead shape

Preheating a carbon steel manal metal arc welding is carried ot to minimie the ris" o$  a)  b) c) d)


Porosity Crac"ing in the weld area /nder ct $or $illet welds #ac" o$ root $sion de$ects

Single operator trans$ormer  2lti operator trans$ormers ACF-C composite power nit -iesel engine driven motor generator 

I$ sbmerged welding to be sed to ma"e btt welds= which wold yo be most critical o$: a)

he root gap tolerance  Page 6 of 32

 b) c) d) 3

-ring C0% welding= the arc length is most li"ely to be a$$ected by: a)  b) c) d)


he s"ill o$ the welder   he 6ality o$ the materials he nondestrctive procedres he man$actring methods

A $abricating procedre calls $or $illet welds to be blended in by grinding. his is to in$lence: a)  b) c) d)


he weld cold be hard and brittle he weld metal cold be too so$t here will be no e$$ect on the weld he weld have nder ct

A welder 6ali$ication test is o veri$y: a)  b) c) d)


Assembly welding only Assembly and tac" welding 7oint over % mm thic" only Crci$orm welds only

*o see a welder sing o&yacetylene $lame with along $eathered inner cone. What wold be the e$$ect o$ this on carbon steel' a)  b) c) d)


he wire diameter   he crrent retrn connections he gas $low rate he torch to wor" angle

Pre heating $or arc welding applies to: a)  b) c) d)


he angle o$ penetration he root $ace width he gas ct $inish

!AD crac"ing 9atige li$e +esidal stresses *ield strength

@end test specimens have been ta"en $rom a % mm thic" carbon steel btt weld. Which wold show lac" o$ interrn $sion: a)

Side bend  Page 7 of 32

 b) c) d) 

#amellar tearing has been occrred in steel $abrication. @(90+( welding cold it have been $ond by: a)  b) c) d)


Arc voltage Crrent WireFelectrode $eed rate 2etal brno$$ rate

In 22A welding= what parameter is sed $or the control penetration into the base material' a)  b) c) d)


Permit it to proceed Permit it to proceed with $me e&traction Stop the operation at once Advise the welder to drin" mil" and proceed

What two $nctions in arc welding mst be in e6ilibrim to enable a stable arc to be established' a)  b) c) d)


ray e&amination -ye penetrant /ltrasonic inspection It wold not have been $ond by any inspection method

*o are to over see arc welding o$ some machine $ittings and $ind they are cadmim plated. What yo: a)  b) c) d)


+oot bend 9ace bend Bided bend

5oltage Welding speed Iron powders in the coating Crrent

In the welding o$ btt Eoint $rom one side= which o$ the $ollowing controls the pro$ile o$ the root bead' a)  b)

+oot 9ace @evel Angle  Page 8 of 32

c) d) 

What type o$ power sorce characteristic is re6ired $or manal welding' a)  b) c) d)


2olybdenm Chromim itanim Carbon

In 2ABFC0% welding= which parameters give the greatest control o$ weld appearance dring dip trans$ers or shortcirciting welding' a)  b) c) d)


Case corrosion Problems Bive o$$ Phosgene Bas #eave +esides All o$ the Above

Which o$ the $ollowing chemical elements has the greater e$$ect on the harden ability o$ a steel plate' a)  b) c) d)


2acro ,ic" brea"  !ardness Charpy vee notch

-egreasing components are essential $or 6ality welding bt some agents may: a)  b) c) d)


Constant voltage 9lat Characteristic -rooping Characteristic 2otor Benerator  

Which o$ the $ollowing destrctive tests wold indicate the toghness o$ weld metalFparent metal J !AD. a)  b) c) d)


+oot Bap 0ne o$ the above

Wire sic"ot length Amperage Wire $eed speed Indctance

In 22A welding= the slag prodced can be varied to sit the welding  positionK which type o$ slag wold be re6ired $or welding in the !5  position' a)

9lid  Page 9 of 32

 b) c) d) 1


he weld metal deposits o$ manal metal arc electrode achieves its mechanical strength throgh' a) he core wire  b) he $l& coating c) Iron powder with the $l& coating What constitent is needed in coating o$ electrode o$ an electrode to  prevent $ormation o$ porosity in welding o$ rimming steel' a)  b) c) d)


Prevent $ormation o$ porosity in the weld Prevent brnthrogh in the root rn Prevent o&idation o$ the rood bead (liminate the $ormation o$ !%

In ray the 6ality o$ the radiograph negative is assessed by the' a)  b) c) d)


-ctility oghness 9atige strength 2echanical strength

In the welding o$ Astenitic pipe wor"= the borer is sally prged with Ar to' a)  b) c) d)


Iron powder Calcim $loride Silicon Calcim carbonate

Welds made with high heat inpts show a redction in one o$ the $ollowing properties' a)  b) c) d)


5iscos ,one o$ the above Semi $lid

-ensity o$ the 9ilm II indicator  H5A available Stando$$ distance

A steel described= as  will have improved tensile properties it has' a)  b) c)

!ad control o$ chemical composition @een heat treated @een 6ality tested  Page 10 of 32

d) 8

Which one o the $ollowing steels wold give rise to the $ormation o$  porosity when atogenosly welded with an arc process' a)  b) c) d)


Crac"ing I the !AD he $ormation o$ chromim carbides Crac"ing in the weld metal -istortion

Sbmerged arc $l&es can be spplied in two $ormsK thses are' a)  b) c) d)


!ydrogen control is needed Iron powder in the electrode !igher arc voltage can be obtained Shorter arc length can be achieved

In the welding o$ Astenitic stainless steels= the electrode and plate material can be prchased with low carbon contents. he reason $or this is to prevent' a)  b) c) d)


Ins$$icient $l& melting (&cessive $l& melting Slag removal di$$iclties Spatter

he se o$ celllosic electrode is o$ten made when welding the root pass o$ pipes in the $ield. his is becase' a)  b) c) d)


9lly "illed steel Semi "illed steel +imming steel 9ine grained steel

In sbmerged arc welding= the se o$ e&cessively high voltage wold reslt in' a)  b) c) d)


@een vacm melted

Sintered and agitated Agitated and $sed Crshed and agglomerated 9sed and agglomerated

In a steel= which has improved creep properties at elevated temperatre= which one o$ the $ollowing elements helps in this improvement' a)  b)

ngsten 2anganese  Page 11 of 32

c) d) 43

Welding a steel plate o$ C( o$ . wold re6ire preheating to' a)  b) c) d)





9riction welding -i$$sion bonding (lectron beam welding Atogenos IB welding

#i6id state Solid state Plastic state (lastic state

!ave poor pro$ile !ave larger grain sie !ave high hardness in the !AD !ave low elongation properties

In a tensile test= a brittle material wold be indicated i$ the $ractre sr$ace' a)  b) c) d)



Welding procedres may re6ire welds to be deposited at a controlled rate heat inpt. !igh heat inpts wold' a)  b) c) d)



In $riction welding= is the metal at the inter$ace in the' a)  b) c) d)


Prevent the $ormation o$ slphides Prevent hardening in the !AD Prevent the $ormation o$ carbides o improve mechanical properties in the weld

Which o$ the  system o$ $sion' a)  b) c) d)


2olybdenm Carbon

Shows redction in sie Is $lat and $eatreless @rea"s in the weld metal @rea"s in the parent material

What destrctive test wold be re6ired to ascertain the li"elihood o$ crac"ing in the !AD o$ a weld' a)  b) c)

,ic" brea"   Side bend test Charpy inpt  Page 12 of 32

d) 4?

In sbmerged arc welding= e&cessive arc voltage may case' a)  b) c) d)


(&cessive root $ace width (&cessive root gap sie #ow crrent setting @oth A N C

Incomplete root $sion weld certainly be cased by: a)  b) c) d)


@e$ore= dring and a$ter welding activities @e$ore welding activities only A$ter welding activities only ,one o$ the above

Incomplete penetration in a btt Eoint cold be cased by: a)  b) c) d)


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