Which Which of these drawin drawing g symbols symbols shows shows weld penetr penetration ation depth depth in accordan accordance ce with BS EN EN 22553? 22553?
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BS EN EN 2 2 is a spec specifi ifica cation tion for... for...... ..... ! B % &
What determine determiness the penetrati penetrating ng power power of 'amma 'amma rays? rays? ! B % &
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Which Which element element has the greates greatestt effect effect on the *!+ *!+ hardness hardness of carbon( carbon(mang manganes anesee steel? ! B % &
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! welder welder appro"al appro"al certi certifica ficate te sho$ld sho$ld be be withdra withdrawn wn if ......... ......... ! B % &
he has has no not don donee any any weldin lding g for for a per period iod of of ) mon month thss he has has be been abs abseent from wor or for for a pe period iod of of 6 month onthss the repair rate for his welds lds ece ceeds 17 all of the abo"e
-W8 North9 ,iddlesbro$gh
Welding Inspection:
Multi-Choice Questions
Paper 4
(Rev. 2)
Please return this paper unar!ed 6.
8n friction welding9 the metal at the interface when the :oining occ$rs is described as being in the .......... ! B % &
! penetrameter is $sed to meas$re ......... ! B % &
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