Question number 2: a) In welding procedure involves usage of rutile and basic electrodes, briefly discuss important items/points that should be taken in consideration b) Rutile and Basic electrodes were included in two different welding procedures where noticed that that the preheat temperatures temperatures of the two procedures were different, which one you expect to include the higher preheat temperature? And why?
Question number number 3: NDT technician technician duplicating duplicating radiograph (typical question)
Question number 4: Question number 5: hat is the meaning of following? 123!"
Norm Normal aliz ized ed stee steell Quenche Que nched d and tempere tempered d steel steel s roll rolled ed stee steell ! plates
Question number number ": ": De#ine the the #ollo$ing and gi%e e&le #or #or each one one 1- 'mper mper#e #ect ctio ion n 2- (ino (inorr de#e de#ect ct 3- rit ritic ical al de#e de#ect ct 4- 'nspe 'nspect ction ion spec speci#i i#ica catio tion n 5- certi#icate o# con#ormance
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