Whic Wh ich h wel weldi ding ng pro proce cess ss is is cons consid ider ered ed to be be the the mos mostt vers versat atil ile? e?
(a) SAW (b) TIG (c) MIG MAG (d) MMA "ne o# the the adv advan antag tages es o# o# a m$lt m$lti%p i%pas asss MMA MMA we weld ld is is that that it gen genera erall& ll& pro prod$ d$ce cess a' (a) (b) (c) (d)
igh ten igh tensil silee str streng ength th igh ig h degr degree ee o# o# d$c d$ctil tilit& it& oars o arsee grai grain n str$ str$ct$ ct$re re *inee gr *in grain ain str str$c $ct$r t$ree
MMA MM A ele elect ctro rode de ca can n be be gro gro$p $ped ed int into o thre threee mai main n t&pe t&pes. s. The These se are are''
(a) ,a ,asic sic-- ell$l ell$los osic ic and and $ti $tile le (b) /e$ /e$traltral- ell$ ell$losi losicc and $ti $tile le (c) ,a ,asic sic-- ell$lo ell$losic sic and and ne$tr ne$tral al (d)) /o (d /one ne o# th thee abo above ve Move Mo veme ment nt o# o# the the arc arc b& ma magn gnet etic ic #or #orce cess in MM MMA A we weld ldin ing g is te term rmed ed'' (a) (a) (b)) (b (c) (d)
Whic Wh ich h o# th thee #ol ollo lowi wing ng st stat atem emen entt is is tr tr$e $e?? (a) (b) (c) (d)
The core core wire in a MMA electrode has a higher higher melting melting point point than the the #l$2 3lectrode dc 4ve is $sed when welding welding with the MIG MAG welding welding process process The A5 o# a carbon manganese manganese steel weld $s$all& $s$all& has a lower $ltimate $ltimate tensile strength strength than the the weld All o# the the abo above ve are tr$ tr$ee
A m$lt m$ltii r$n MMA b$tt weld mad madee on Mn stee steell consis consists ts o# passes passes $sin $sing g 6mm 6mm electr electrode odes. s. A 1! pass pass weld made on the same 7oint $sing 0mm electrodes on the same material will' (a) (b) (c) (d)
Arcc dev Ar devia iati tion on Arc misa Arc misalig lignm nmen entt Arc blow Arc e& e&e
ave a lower heat heat inp$t inp$t and a higher higher degree degree o# grain re#inement re#inement avee a lower av lower heat inp$t inp$t and and a coarser coarser grain grain str$ct str$ct$re $re ave a lower amo$nt amo$nt o# distortion distortion and and a higher higher degree degree o# grain grain re#inement re#inement ave a higher amo$nt amo$nt o# distortion distortion and and a lower lower degree o# grain re#inemen re#inementt
A t&pi t&pical cal mini minim$m m$m preh preheat eat temp temperat erat$re $re #or an an MMA MMA weld mad madee on stee steell with with a carb carbon on conte content nt o# 9.!+ 9.!+: : and and manganese content o# 1.+:' (a) (b)) (b (c)) (c (d)) (d
;reheat ;reh eat wo$ wo$ld ld not not norma normall& ll& be be rec A min minim im$m $m o# o# 199> 199>cc Abov Ab ovee !9 !9>c >c
Whic Wh ich h is o# o#te ten n the the har harde dest st par partt o# a m$l m$lti ti r$n r$n we weld ld mad madee $sin $sing g MMA? MMA?
(a) Th (a) Thee A5 A5 o# th thee roo roott (b)) Th (b Thee A5 A5 o# th thee cap cap (c) The root (d) The ca cap Which Whi ch o# the #o #ollo llowin wing g weld welding ing pro proces cesse sess wo$ wo$ld ld &o &o$ $ e2p e2pect ect to $se a coll collet' et'
(a) TIG TAG (b) MIG MAG (c) MMA (d)) Al (d Alll o# o# the the ab abov ovee Which Whi ch o# o# the the #ollo #ollowin wing g proc process esses es $se $se a co const nstan antt char charact acteri eristi stic? c?
Which Whic h o# the the #ollowin #ollowing g welding welding proce processe ssess $ses a resistiv resistivee heating heating s&stem s&stem to to achieve achieve weld weld metal metal deposi deposition tion??
(a) MMA (b) SAW (c)) 3l (c 3lec ectr tro o slag slag weld weldin ing g (d) e esis sistan tance ce spo spott weldi welding ng In MMA MMA weld weldinging- wha whatt parame parameter ter is is $sed $sed to con control trol the pen penetra etration tion into the base mat materia erial? l?
(a) Colt (a) ltag agee (b)) Weld (b ldin ing g spe speed ed (c) Iro Iron n powd powder er in the co coast asting ing (d) $rrent In MMA weld weldinging- the the slag prod prod$ce $ced d can be be varied varied to s$it the the weldin welding g position position.. Which Which t&pe t&pe o# slag slag wo$ld wo$ld be be re
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