CSSR Optimization for GSM and WCDMA CSSR stands for Call Set up Success Rate that is one of important KPI(Ke Performances Indicator! in Optimization "oth GSM and #M$S%WCDMA& 'or the "einnin )e ha*e to +no) that KPI in WCDMA includin CSSR are separated "ased on each Ser*ices such as , CSSR CS( for -oice ser*ices!. CSSR PS(for PS%Data Ser*ices!. CSSR -ideo(for -ideo Ser*ices!.CSSR /SDPA('or /SDPA Ser*ices!. CSSR /S#PA(for /S#PA Ser*ices!& In GSM there is onl one tpe CSSR(-oice Ser*ices!. 'or Data ser*ices usuall called as PDASR(Pac+et data Access Success Rate! or $0' 1sta"lishment Success Rate&$here are some tips ho) to optimizes CSSR in GSM and WCDMA& 1. GSM CSSR Optimization tips -Ma+e Sure no /ard)are issue /ard)are chec+in is al)as the first step to chec+ all KPI "ecause ou )ill ha*e no impact a"out our action if common pro"lem li+e /ard)are or Installation has occurred in our net)or+& Defect GR'#%C#($R2 Module! or Com"iner )ill ma+e CSSR deraded "elo) 345& S)ap module to other sector to identif the pro"lem and replace "ad module&Also ma+e sure no pro"lem )ith Po)er or $ransmission& Chec+ for $C/ a*aila"ilit and acti*e alarm to ma+e sure no hard)are issue& 6Ma+e Sure no SD 0loc+in 7ac+ of SDCC/ can ma+e deradation in CSSR "ecause SD 0loc+in included in CSSR 'ormula. ma+e sure no SD 0loc+in found in our cells& If found then ou ha*e to add SD channel "ased on 1rlan Calculation& If ou laz to calculate. 8ust add 9 channel first ,D .then increase 9 channel aain if still found 0loc+in on SDCC/& 6Ma+e Sure no 're:uenc Interference 're:uenc Interference can ma+e hih SD drop in our cells&SD drop also included in CSSR 'ormula.chec+ for SD drop first if found then ou need to clear the cells " re6tune%chane 0CC/ 're:uenc& Interference pro"lem also )ill impact to other KPI li+e drop call rate./ando*er. rate. /ando*er. etc 6Ma+e Sure no O*ershootin O*ershootin also )ill ma+e our CSSR ettin lo) and under threshold "ecause to much attempt at the ede of Co*erae )ith lo) R2 7e*el& ;ou ha*e to ma+e sure no o*ershootin occurred to ma+e ood CSSR& If found then ou need to ad8ust our co*erae " add $iltin *alue(Do)n $ilt! 6$unin Parameter ;ou need to chane parameter smoothl if all main pro"lem ha*e cleared& $r to chane )isel related access parameter such as , R271-AMI%R271-ACCMI! E& What do ou +no) a"out Po)er Control in GSML Good Ans)er from R' $eam, $eam, Po)er control is used to sa*e po)er consume of MS%0$S& Po)er in MS%0$S )ill decrease in certain threshold )hen sinal is considered as a Good and increase )hen considered as a "ad&Po)er control is also used to reduce fre:uenc interference& &$here are 9 $R2 in a cell in /opin mode that not used po)er control "ut use 'ull
po)er&Which one of $R2L Correct Ans)er, $R2 0CC/($R2,>! ?+ 6hat i* the 2enefit of Handover7 Good Ans)er from R' $eam, /ando*er +eep a call connected )hile user mo*in and continuin con*ersation "et)een user&/ando*er also reduce interference and a*oid cells o*erload& ;9+ 6hat do you 3no' a2out &BGTMARG#17 P0G$MARGI
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