Cssa7 161218101108 170427061027 PDF

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PEGA CSSA 7.1 Questions and Answers(dumps) If you are thorough thorough with the PDN cours course e then you can cclear lear CSSA easily. These questions will only help you to clear the exam or score a good percentage if you prepare PDN course well. I don’t remember the exact framing of few questions and for most of the questions I d on’t remember few options. Below are the questions that I remember and there are other sets which I collected from my colleague’s  experience. Answers are marked bold when multiple options are mentioned. Some questions or question models may seem to be repeati repeating. ng. It only means that that particular question que stion or model mode l appeared appe ared multiple times in i n exam as the questions q uestions are from multiple multipl e individual experien experiencces. All the very best!  

SET-1 1.  Which of the following field is not mandatory while creating a new application with application wizard A.  Organization name B.  Application name

C.  Starting case

2.  In which layer should works objects be instantiated instantiated and why? A.  Implementation layer, to be more more specific

3.  A business has an application already built and a new division has started in a business. Which of the following is the best approach so that new users can start working in new division(not exact but similar) A.  Creat Create e new users in existing exi sting application application B.  Create Create a new ruleset and include new users C.  Run the application application express to extend e xtend the existing exi sting application application

4.  Question on rule resolution  

5.  Employee is a case and EmployeeAppraisal is a subcase of Employee case. EmployeeAppraisal is instantiated as standalone case and sent to two peers for their feedback. The locking configuration this case should be such that lock should be obtained upon submitting the case. How do you configure this behaviour  

A.  Configure the locking as optimistic locking on the advanced advanced tab of EmployeeAppraisal EmployeeAppraisal case type rule.


6.  Employee case has two flows, one to process the appraisal and another to process the feedback simultaneously. How do you configure configure this behaviour.   A.  Creat Create e a flow and call two subflows B.  Create two steps in a stage and select ‘Upon stage entry’ in the step configuration of both the steps.

7.  Question was something like: What will you do to get the latest data to a subcase from its parent case?  Ans. Use Data Transform rule in the subcase step of parent case to get the latest data

8.  A scenario based question on handling duplicate cases and we need to select any three options out of six choices. Correct answers are

A.  Configure a case match rule temporary y object by checking option ‘T ‘Temporar emporary y object?’ in B.  Configure case to be a temporar starting process of the case(pyStartCase) C.  Use a persist case smart shape and make the case permanent if it’s not a duplicate as evaluated by the case match rule

of the following are are true about Split For Each Each and Split Join shapes. We need t o select 9.  Which of any two and the correct options are   A.  Both the the shapes support joining of shapes using ALL or ANY etc. B.  Split for each calls calls same flow fl ow on multiple items and Split join calls dif different ferent flows

10. 10.   Which of the following fol lowing best descr de scribes ibes case dependency?   A.  Using a wait shape and configuring it such that the current case waits until the other case has reached a certain configured status

11. 11.   Which of the following fol lowing are true about screen screen flows? f lows? A.  Ha Harness rness is defined def ined on start shape shape of the flow B.  Harness Harness defined on assignment shape of the fflow low   C.  Flow action action is defined de fined on assignment assignment shape of the flow fl ow D.  Flow action is defined define d on connector connector shape shape of the flow  

12. 12.   Question was was something something li like ke how do you configure a pagelist to get the latest inf informa ormation tion from data page.   A.  Select ‘Refe r to Data Page’  for data data access access on page page list rules rule s


13. 13.   Which of the following change in a data page rule requires to be changed in the way it’s referenced?  A.  Addition of a new ne w required parameter parameter B.  Chang Changing ing the requestor level   C.  Changing refresh strategy 

14. 14.   A data page is accessed at 8.30 AM when there was no data page on clipboard. It has a refresh time ti me of 50 min. What happens when it i t next accessed at 9.30 AM?  A.  The data page will be already reloaded at 9.20 AM and latest data is accessed from clipboard   B.  The data page page iiss present on clipboar cli pboard d but considered stale and hence reloaded rel oaded

15. 15.   A requirement is such there are some hundreds of products categorised by their types. A customer needs to search and and select se lect a product by typi typing ng first few fe w lletters etters of a product. What control is best used to configure this?   A.  Drop down  B.  Auto complete complete

16. 16.   A section cannot be referenced in a (Not sure of answer)   A.  Layout B.  Portal  C.  Harness  D.  Flow Action 

17 17..   A requirement is such that that spouse spouse information information section should be displayed only based on what user selects for the field ‘Marital status’. This should happen at client side without a call to server. How do you configure this? A.  Configure a visible when whe n rule on spouse section based M Marita aritall status field. B.  Configure a visible visible when whe n rule in every field fiel d in spouse inform information ation section

C.  Configure a custom Java Script on harness D.  Configure a refresh when rule on Spouse information section section (Not sure of answer because using custom java script script is not recommended and all the other othe r options indicate indi cate a reference refere nce to a when rule which rrequ equ ires a call call to the server and cannot be processed proc essed at client side)

18 18..   Which of the following follow ing rules need to be modifi ed in order to provide provi de access to a fl ow action that was earlier denied access? A.  Privilege


B.  Acc Access ess Role Object(ARO Object(ARO)) (Only one of these two options is corr correct, ect, not sure) 19 19..   How do you configure responsiveness on a grid layout?(select three) A.  Enab Enable le ‘‘Responsiveness’ Responsiveness’ fflag lag on the layout. 

B.  Configure importance flag on columns as primary, secondary and other in the order of preference (There was one more option that I selected which I don’t remember)  

20 20..   Whoch of the following cannot be a source to a repeating grid? A.  Data page B.  Report defini definition tion C.  Page list

D.  Data transform

followi ng is true about floats in PRPC?  21. 21.   Which of the following A.  They are are used use d to float the layou l ayouts ts either left l eft or right B.  Float represent represe nt a data type  C.  Float represents decimal pointed variable variable  

22. 22.   A requirement requ irement requires a navigation menu to be configured in a layout. The menu should be displayed on click of a link l ink in the layout. How How do you confi gure this?  A.  Create a link control in the layout and configure ‘Click’ event on the control and reference a naviga navigation tion rule in the ‘Menu’ action

21. A page list is given whose values are as given below (not same same but similar) Office Name Mumbai off office ice Delhi office Calcutta offi ce Chennai office

Location Location Mumbai Delhi Calcutta Chennai


Recently Calcutta office is shifted to Hyderabad changing location name and code as well and it needs to be changed changed in above pagelist. Using a data transform, looping through the above pagelist, pageli st, after iterating iterating to the current current index, which keyword would you use to change the values ? A.  INSERT B.  APPEND C.  ADD




23 23..   In which table are the case attachments stored A.  Same table as case instances

B.  Pc_data_workattach

follow ing need N NOT OT be configured to send a assignments ssignments usi ng DWA to external ex ternal 24. 24.   Which of the following user? 

A.  Selecting assignment type as external on assignment shape   B.  Configure an email account to send emails   C.  Configure a public link URL that that needs to be sent in emails   (All the above 3 options are required to be configured, the last option which I don’t

remember need not be configur configured ed for external assignments using DWA) 25 25..   The standard router “ToWorkgroup” “ToWorkgroup” routes the assignment to?   A.  Group of operators in work group B.  Workbasket of the work group C.  Routes to an operator in work group and takes required skills into account

D.  Routes to a single si ngle random operator in a work group 26. 26.   Consider the following tasks (some tasks were given)   Task Task A

Urgency 80

Task B


Task C


Task D


Task E


Workbasket Workbasket A(define A(de fine d in work group of operatordefault workbasket) Workbasket A(define A(de fine d in work group of operatordefault workbasket) Workbasket B(defi first on workbasket list ned on work tab of Operator ID rule) Workbasket C(define C(def ined d second in workbasket list on work tab of Operator ID rule) Workbasket D(defi ned third in workbasket workbasket list on work tab of Operator ID rule)

The operator has “Operator is available to receive work”, “G “Get et from workbaskets ffirst” irst” and “Merge workbaskets” options checked and “Use all workbasket assignments in user's workgroup” option unchecked on work tab of operator ID rule. We need to determine w hich Task is selected by the “Get next work” functionality  assuming no skill is required?  A. Task Task A  


B. C. D. E.

Task Task B   Task Task C  Tas Ta sk D  Task Task E  

27. 27.   Considering syntax, what does the property Driver represent in Damage.Driver.Vehicle   A.  Page B.  Page list  C.  Page group  D.  Value list 

28. 28.   Considering









Damage.Driver(OWNER).Vehicle   A.  Page   B.  Page list  C.  Page group D.  Value group 

29. 29.   Wha Whatt is not the responsibility of a developer in the concept concept of tickets?   A.  Resolve a ticket B.  Reference a ticket in a flow   C.  Create ticket rule   D.  Set a ticket using SetTicket activity when an exception is i s raised

forward d chaining?   30. 30.   Which of the following options represent forwar A.  Wheneve Wheneverr inputs change change B.  When used, if no value present   C.  When used, if property is missing   D.  Whenever used 

followi ng is true about declare declare expressions? ex pressions?  31. 31.   Which of the following A.  Defining Defi ning them in data class makes them context free and is recommende recommended d approach approach as it promotes reusability

32. 32.   Why is decision table recommended recommended for delegation? del egation?  A.  Becau Because se they restrict what end users can change change by allowing only spe specified cified inputs


33. 33.   Scor Scoring ing rule is implemented using a decision table by? A.  By selecting ‘Evaluate all rows’ which makes if and else if statements as when conditions.

34. 34.   Which of the following is true about map charts?   A.  They can be conditionally coloured B.  Country charts charts can drill down to state charts C.  All country charts by default use country codes   D.  Country charts are are only onl y supported ffor or US and Canada 

35. 35.   Which of the following is true about summary reports?   A.  Should contain at least one aggregate column

36. 36.   Which of the following is the way a service rule executes.(Four options were given each containing 5 steps in different order, correct order is)   A.  1. Service package

2. Service rule 3. Map inbound data 4. Service activity 5. Map outbound data

37. 37.   Which










A. XSD file   B.  WSDL file C.  CSV file   D.  XML file  

perfo rm slow be betwee tween n 4:00 4:00 PM and and 5:00 5:00 PM. PM. What is the best 38. 38.   An appli cation is reported to perform way to debug this?   A.  See log files fi les during that period(not sure) B.  Use trac tracer er result of that period   C.  Use PAL readings  D.  Use Performance profiler 

39. 39.   How would you include access access groups groups in product product file (question w was as something li ke this, not sure of answer)?  A.  Associate access group with applicaton   B.  Create a separate ruleset rulese t for access groups  C.  Create manually after import 


D.  Migrat Migrate e access groups separately se parately  

40. 40.   How to handle interface changes in prodcution ? A.  Use resource settings to change change environment var variables iables like end point poi nt URL and timeout B.  Rerun the wizard if there are any changes or updates to the rules so that wizard creates a new ruleset version of integration creates integration ruleset rulese t and and creates new and updated rules in that rulese rulesett version

41. 41.   If an agent is scheduled to run daily at 5:00 AM and of there are no tasks in queue, what happens?(not sure of answer)   happens?(not A.  Agent wakes up and runs   B.  Agent will not wake up at all as there are not tasks   C.  Agent wak wakes es up and goes back back to sleep slee p mode since si nce there are no tasks D.  Agent wakes up and waits for the tasks to run  

42. 42.   LDAP provides   A.  Authentication for users of an organization 43. 43.   What rule is modified when you change access in Access Manager?   A.  Access Role to Object(AR Obje ct(ARO) O)

44. 44.   What you cannot do with clipboard?   A.  Run an activity  B.  Edit data on page C.  Refresh values on page   D.  Create a new page E.  Find the approximate approximate size of pages  

45. 45.   What is true about Purge and Archive of work objects?(Select one)   A.  Used to purge or archive ‘resolved’ work objects that are older than a certain period and Archive/Purg Archive/Purge e agent runs periodically periodically to process process the resolved work objects.

46. 46.   True statement(out of 4)   A.  Associate data instances with a ruleset to assist in packaging and migration



SET-2 This set contains questions from another candidate exam experience. Q.1) Which W hich of the following are virtua virtuall m memory emory based c caches? aches?  A.  A. Rule Cache B. Rules Rule s Assembly Cache C. RuleResolution RuleResolutio n Cache D. Lookup Looku p List Cache Q.2) When W hen a rule executes what is really executed? executed?  A.  A. A class file which iis s sto stored red in the BLOB Other 3 options don’t remember   Q.3) Where can you view the conten c ontents ts of the Rule Instance Cac Cache? he?  A.  A. Using the SMA you you can view the contents of the insta instance nce cache B. Using the Developer Portal you can view the contents of the instance cache Q.5) What determines determines which table a work obje object ct is persisted to to?(Not ?(Not s sure ure of answer)  A.  A. The Data-Admin-DB-Table Data-Admin-DB-Table rec record ord for the class group the work object B. Data- Admin-DB-Table definitions C. The Data-Admin-DB-Table Data-Admin-DB-Table rec record ord assoc associated iated to the class group the work object belongs to D. The RuleSet RuleSet of the class Q.6) Select one one true answ answer: er: classes should be on the sam same e rulese rulesett a) Class group and related work classes b) Class group does not belong to a ruleset Q.7) Which W hich statements in reg regards ards to commits c ommits in PRPC are fal false? se? database se updates re require quire that the requestor holds a loc lock k on the object    A.  A. All databa B. The system performs commits com mits automatically deferred rred operations wi will ll be comm committed C. The defe Q.8) Select the valid modes an Agent can have ?  A.  A. Nor Normal mal B. Legacy C. Standard


D. Advanced

Q.9) Why does PRPC create a Data-Agent-Queue instance when you create a Rule-AgentQueue instance? A. Data- Agent-Que ue

Q.10) Which W hich state statement ment is true rega regarding rding how locking w works orks with covers?  A.  A. By d defa efault ult,, the cover doe does s not get lo locked cked B. By default, the cover is lock locked ed when yo you u open a cove covered red object, but thi this s is configurable Q.11) What W hat p purpose urpose and effect does the Obj-Refresh-and-Lock method have have? ?  A.  A. It has no effect effe ct iiff a lock is he held ld and has no nott expired e xpired B. It will reacquire a lock and will always refresh the contents of the object from the Database C. If the lock is not held Q.12) What W hat does the rollb rollback ack method do do?(not ?(not s sure ure of answer)  A.  A. Cancels/Withd Cancels/Withdraws raws any pen pendin ding g obj-sav obj-save ea and nd ob obj-de j-delet lete e methods methods B. Rollback is not supported by PRPC when using a WAR deployment. The only way you can do a rollback rollback is by using the compensating actions met method hod C. Rollback is a way to rollback an object to a previous state using the History instance for a work object D. Rolls back the deferred stack s tack of of operatio operations ns for the specified s pecified pa page ge (Correct Answer) Answer) Q.13) Which W hich o one ne of the following statements is true regarding the PRPC threading threading model?  A.  A. PRThre PRThreads ads are similar to J Jav ava a threa threads ds PR Thre ad iis s essentially a nam namespace espace whic which h allow allows s a Reque Requestor stor to h have ave se separate parate B. A PRThre clipboard clipb oard pages that do not interact with each other   C. Multiple Multiple PRThreads c can an be executed concurr concurrently ently depend depending ing on whether multi-threading multi- threading is enabled Q.14) A customer c ustomer implementa implementation tion necessitates the usage of M Messageessage-drive driven n beans. beans. W hich of these platforms can c an the s solution olution be dep deployed loyed on? ?(not sur sure e of answer) answ er)  A.  A. JBoss (EA (EAR R Dep Deploy loyment) ment) B. W ebLo ebLogic gic (W (WA AR Deployment) C. W ebSph ebSphere ere (EA (EAR R Deploy Deployment) ment) Q.15) A PRPC installation has 3 nodes. Something related to agents  A.  A. Delete the A Agen gentt sc sched hedule ule on two nod nodes es Agent schedule on two of the nodes, either from the A Agent gent Schedule B. Disable the Agent rule form or using the System Manage Managem men entt A Application pplication Q.16) What W hat four steps m must ust be ta taken ken to unit tes testt a connector withi within n a flow when the target interface/sys interfa ce/system tem is not yet avai available lable? ? Create ate a Sim Simulation ulation activity   A.  A. Cre B. Set the connector to simulate in the Simulation data instance and specify the activity Define fine a Connect Sim Simulatio ulation n instan instance ce D. De E. Test T est the flow w with ith sim simulation ulation enabled Q.17) PRPC requires requires the configura configuration tion of a listener?  A.  A. JMS


Q.18) Which W hich metho method d of s service ervice integ integration ration within PRPC requi requires res the config c onfiguratio uration n of a listener?  A.  A. JMS Q.19) Which W hich two statements are false when using stateless services? must m manual anually ly clear the cl clipboa ipboard rd of any data left on from prev previous ious appli application cation  A.  A.  You must requestors Q.20) What W hat is the default error hand handling ling mechanism for connector rules genera generated ted through the Connector wizard? activity tivity does not handle a failure in the connector; iits  A.  A. The connector ac ConnectionProblem flow B. The connector activity handles Q.21) Which W hich statement is true about running Connect- methods in p paralle arallel?(not l?(not sure)  A.  A. RunI RunInPa nParall rallel el paramete parameterr B. All All Connec Connectt- methods offer a RunInParallel parameter param eter Q.22) Is it appropriate to use the RDB-Save method to save/update work object instances to the PegaRULES updates pdates agai against nst the PRPC d databas atabase e   A.  A.  Yes, you can run SQL inserts and u B. No, because not not all properties are distinct databa database se c columns olumns and and some data may be be lost Q.23) W hich Which two statements aretotrue abo about ut traffic tes testing tingand services and connectors? tools that allow you monitor interaction between a SOAP client  A.  A . Using and service serv ice can be helpful in de determini termining ng w where here the problem llies ies   B. Service invocation in PRPC cannot be traced because the requesto does not exist before the service invo invocation cation simulation ulation is e enabled nabled for an MQ connector, the connector itself is C. When connect sim not tested D. The only way to simulate a connector whe when n the service s ervice isn't availab available le is to comment c omment ou outt the Connect-SOAP method and replace it with an activity that directly creates pages and properties prope rties as the connector would Q.24) Which W hich two statements are true ab about out s services ervices and th the e Services Acc Accelerato elerator? r? (Choose Two) generates rates a serv service ice rule for activities of your choic choice e B. The Serv ice Accelerator gene C. Service Se rvices sc can an be con configured figured so that se service rvice re quests that fai faill PRPC processing are re-queued re-que ued for ano another ther attempt D. The performance of long running service requests can be significantly improved through requestor pooling

Q.25) Which W hich o off the followin following g is the best way to detect long-running long-running services and connectors connectors in a production PRPC environment?  A.  A. Alerts Log Q.26) Which W hich statements a about bout Obj-* m method ethods s are correct?  A.  A. Obj- meth methods ods can o only nly a access ccess int intern ernal al classes methods must be used if PRPC lock locking ing is to be used B. Obj- methods C. E. Specifying WriteNow on an Obj- method Q.27) RuleSet prerequisites? prerequisites? (Choose Two) Q.28) most appropriate for specializing by COUNTRY or STATE?


  Q.29) Which W hich two of th the e followin following g statements are true regardin regarding g work and data class classes? es? Q.30) Which W hich o off the following are most accurate reg regardin arding g utility functions? (Choose Two) funct ions can use both the standar standard d Java A API PI and the PRPC Public A API PI    A.  A. Utility functions B. Utility functions are called by utility shapes in flows C. A new utility function should only be created if no other rules or provided functions can  Accomplish  Accomplish a g give iven n requ requireme irement nt D. Utility functions cannot acc access ess clipboard data E. ItIt is recomm rec ommended, ended, but not required, that utility functions belong to a library

Q.31) When W hen is it appropriate to use a spin-off?  A.  A. When you wish to route work to a different department while continuing down the current process path B. When you you wis wish h to run calculatio calculations ns in a separate th thread read from the current p process rocess C. When W hen you wis wish h to call a connector rul rule e asynchronou asynchronously sly D. When W hen you wis wish h to call multiple connector rules simultaneou simultaneously sly Q.32) Which W hich two of the follo following wing statements are m most ost accurate ab about out the Split-For-Each Split -For-Each and SplitJoin shapes? pr ocessing when A ANY NY or A ALL LL of the sub  A.  A. Both shapes allow you to continue processing processes complete complete B. Split-Join allows you to e xecute diffe different rent sub-flow sub-flows s wh where ere as Spl Split-For-Each it-For-Each ca calls lls the same same process on on differ different ent pages


This set s et conta contains ins questions that appe appeared ared from PDN questions, for c correct orrect answers answers see s ee the PDN quiz quiz with answers that follo follows ws after this s set et

1. Conside r th e followin following g sce scenario nario:: The PIPFW application applicatio n has th the e following application RuleSets: (Not e xact , but similar kind and shorter than th an this) PIPFW:01-01 PIPFWInt:01-01 LES:01-01 LESCatalog:01-01 LESInt:01-01  A rule with with an ap appliesplies-to to class of “ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work“ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work- Autoloan”  Autoloan” calls calls “Rule123”. There are 9 copies of Rule123 in the th e system as shown below. below. Option A: A: ABC-FW-LoanReq-Wor ABC-FW-Loa nReq-Work, k, P PIP IPFW:01 FW:01-01-01-05, 05, Availability = Withdrawn Option B: B: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-Work, Work, PI PIPFW:01-0 PFW:01-01-03, 1-03, Availability = Yes Option C: C: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-Work, Work, LESCatalog:01 LESCatalog:01-01-01-05, 05, Availability = No/Draft Option D: D: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-Work, Work, LESCatalog:01 LESCatalog:01-01-01-03, 03, Availability = Blocked Option E: E: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-,, PI PIPFW:01-0 PFW:01-01-05 1-05,, Avail Availability ability = Withdra Withdraw wn Option G: F :: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, F: Availability = Final Option G ABC-FW-LoanReq-, PIPFW:01-01-03, LESCatalog:01-01-05, Availability = Yes


Option H: H: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, LESCatalog:01-01-03, Availability = Yes Option I: I: @baseclass, Pega-RULES:07-10 Pega-RULES:07-10-99, -99, Availability = Yes Which rule is chosen by Rule Resolution? (Choose One) C, error raised C, no error raised H, error raised I, no erorr raised F, error raised  A, error raised B, error raised F, no error raised H, no error raised B, no error erro r raised  A, no error err or raised E, no error erro r raised G, error raised D, e rror raised D, no error raised I, error raised G, no error raised E, error raised 2. In which layer laye r shou should ld you instantiate y your our work instances and why? (Choos (Choose e One ) In the implementatio imple mentation n – to  – to be the most specific In the the organization organization –  – so  so they can reused In th e framew framework ork –  – so  so they can bebe easily maintained In the division – division  – so  so the division retains r etains ownership of the work 3. Which of the following rule types cannot be used to configure configure a case stage? (Choos (Choose e One) When Service Level Validate Data transform 4. Subcase instantiat instantiation ion can be configu configured red in the ____________ ______________. __. (Choose Two)


(Similar que stion with the he (Similar help lp of an example) Details tab of the case designer of the subcase. Correct! Details Detail s tab of the case designer of the parent case. Step configuration of the case designer of the subcase. Step configuratio con figuration n of the case designer of the parent case. 5. In Pega 7, which of the following enha enhancemen ncements ts have been m made ade to the locking mechanism? (Choose Two) Two) (The answer remains same bu butt the question was de signed to che ck if we kno know w the difference betw between een default locking and optimist optimistic ic locking) Parentt case s are now always locked when the child cases are being worked on to pro tect Paren the inte grity of the case. We can now configure con figure case instances to be locked on a case by b y case basis. Correct! The subcases locking mechanism is always always the same as the parent case configurat configuration, ion, w whethe hetherr the subcase is is instantiated as a standalone case or not. The locking mechanics mechanics can be configured to obtain the lock only w when hen submi submitting tting an action, and not when when opening the case instance. 6. If we ne e d to call the same flow from another flow for all the objects in a list or group, we can ca n use the ______ ____________(C ______(Choos hoose e One) Subprocess shape Wait shape Split Join shape Split Spl it For Eac Each h shape 7. (True or False) The Pe Persist rsist Case Smart Shape can be used to make a te mpo mporary rary case a pe rmanent case in the sy syste stem. m. False True 8. A scre enflow has the ffollowin ollowing g steps: 1. Ente r Contact Infor Information mation 2. E Ente nte r Shipping Information 3. 3 . Shipping Instructions 4. Bill Billing ing In Information formation 5. Use Userr Preferences A scre e nflo nflow w harness disp displays lays all five step steps, s, with ste p #1 se selected. lected. S Steps teps 2, 4, and 5 ar e active activ e , whereas step 3 is disabled. How are the properties set for Ste Step p 3, “Shipping Instructions”? (Choose One) On e) --- (Same questi que stion on but with a diagrammatic diag rammatic re presentat presentation ion ) “Enable link link if using breadcrumb trail” and “Only Going Back” are both unchec ked. “Enable link if using breadcrumb brea dcrumb trail” iis s checked checked,, “Only Going Back” is unch unchecked ecked “Enable link if using us ing bread breadcru crumb mb trail” and “Only G Going oing Back” are both checked. “Enable link if using breadcrumb brea dcrumb trail” iis s unche unchecked, cked, “Only Going Back” is checked 9. (True or o r False) Routing is configured on an assign assignment ment in a scre en flow. True False 10. Which of the following statements is true a about bout PageL PageLists ists and PageGroups? (Choose Two) PageGroups PageGrou ps are alw always ays faste fasterr than PageLists The integer '1' is a va lid subscrip subscriptt for a page list PageLists PageList s can only contain 10 100 0 pages. “Manager” “Mana ger” is a va valid lid subscr subscript ipt for a page in a P Page age Group 11. Giv Give e nOne) the following syntax, whatbut Property Mode is .Contact: .Contact(1).Name? .Contact(1).Name? (Choose (Same que questi stion on with different example )


Page Group Page List Value List Page List or Page Group


12. An application r etrieve etrieves s custom custome e r data from an external system of re cord (S (SOR). OR). T The he customer data is used fo forr display purp purposes oses onl only. y. Which is the be st design approach? (Choose One) Create Crea te a Data Page to retrieve the data and configure the prop property erty as a Page and use re fer to a data page to point to the data page. Configure the property as a Singl Single e Value and automati automatic c rreference eference to class inst instances ances (Linked Property). Configure the property as a Page and select Manual and use a data transform to populate the page. Create a Data Page to retrieve the data and configure the property as a Page Page and a nd use copy data from a data page to copy the data from the data page. 13. An application currently under de velop velopment ment requires access to cu custom stomer er d data ata from an inte rnal System of Record (SOR). T This his customer SOR will be moved move d to an e xternally hoste d cloud solution prior to the application going live. live. The data d ata structur structure e will be the same for both the curr current ent and future sy syste ste m and will use SOA SOAP P conn conne e ctors ctors.. Which is the be st design approa approach? ch? (Choos (Choose e One) Define data pages pointing to the current source and update the source as needed. n eeded. Define data pages with SOA SOAP P conne ctor data sources. Once the customer SOR is move d to the e xte xternal rnal system system,, update the connector inform information ation to reflect any diffe ren rences ces in the serv ic ices es expos exposed ed by the e xternal S SOR. OR. Define data pagesdata using a sim simulated ulatedadata source. For each needed page, define similar copy, one pointing to the current source and the other pointing to the future source. Define data pages pag es w with ith multiple conditiona conditionaliz lized ed data sources. 14. Which of the following changes to the de finition of a data pag page e would require a change to how the pag page e is referen referenced? ced? (C (Choose hoose One) Adding an additio additional nal re quir quired ed parameter Changing the scope from Thread to Node Changing the edit mode from read r ead only to editable  Adding a when when rule to the refresh strate strategy gy 15. Keyed page access can be u used sed to _________. (Choose T Two) wo) limit lim it the data page to a single page re turn a subse subsett of results from the data page Correct! re turn a specific instance fro from m the data page Correct! load a specific record from the database da tabase determine which data source to use 16. Which of the following wou would ld not be considered a good user e xper xperience? ience? (Cho (Choose ose One) Calculating Calc ulating totals for the user as the inputs change.  Avoiding scrolling Providing Prov iding all informatio information n on model screens to e limin liminate ate UI clu clutter tter Providing Provi ding the user the information they need when they need it 17. Which of the following steps are done to e nable respon responsive sive breakpoint breakpoints s on a gr grid id layout? lay out? (Choose Two) Configuring the importance flag on all columns Correct! Including dynamic layout inside the grid Enablingathe Responsiven Responsiveness ess flag in relayout peati peating ng grids


Correct! Ensure the Grid layout uses the Default Format 18. Which of the following is not a v valid alid setting that can be co configur nfigured ed when creating a


re sponsive breakpoint breakpoint? ? (Choose One) Hiding the entire layout Changing the number of columns per row from 2 to 1 Changing the row he ight Hiding the entire layout only on a specific pixel rang range e 19. Sele ct the most approp appropriate riate cont control rol to be u used sed in this scenario: We bu build ild a product catalog that lists all the th e v ario arious us products sold by the co company mpany.. This list includes sev se v eral items and th the e user should be able to search based on the product name, product produ ct type a and nd the associat associated ed category category.. (Choose One) Custom grid layout  A custom control Auto-complete Dropdown 20. Which option is the th e least le ast li like ke ly to use a Data Transform rule? ((Cho Choose ose One) Updating pro property perty values from one page using properties of another pag page. e. Copying a p page age into a page list property Initializ Initiali zing prope property rty values of a new case instance Updating the prop property erty values on a Data page. 21. What symbolic symbolic inde x can be used to retrieve the larg largest est index in a page list? (Choose One) Next Top Current last 22. What is the best option to attach the same file to every case instance from a certain case type? (Choose One)  AttachaFile Local Action Attach Conte nt Sm Smart art Shape  AttachFile Activity Activity  Attachment section of standard stan dard harne harnesses sses 23. Which of the following co concept ncepts s are associated with Pull Routing? (Choo (Choose se Two) Skill Based Routing Load Balanced Routing Get Next Work Correct! Workbaskets Correct!! Correct 24. The worklist wor klist rou router ter “T “ToWorkgroup” oWorkgroup” sends items to the ____ ____________ ________? ? (Choose One) workbasket of the workgroup. worklists of all operat operators ors in the workgro orkgroup up worklist of a random r andom av available ailable oper operator ator in the workgroup workgroup.. worklist of the workgroup. 25. The list be low shows a few fe w rules ca called lled when the default GetNext GetNextWork Work funct functionality ionality is use d. Choose the correct order order in which they are called. (Choose (Choose One) a. Work .findAssignmentinWorklist b. Assign-.CurUserHasRequiredSkills c. Work.GetNe xtWo xtWorkObject rkObject d. Assign-.IsReadyT Assign-.IsReadyToBeWorkedOn oBeWorkedOn e. Assignssign .HasBeenUpdateByMeToday c, a, d, b, and e c, d, b, e, and and eb a, a, c, d,


a, c, d, e, and b 26. state ment is NOT correct about the ticket rule? (Choose (Choose One ) A ticke t rule doe does s not describe the process processing ing to occur when the ticket is raised


 A ticket can be raised in a flow action.  A ticket rule is an instance of Rule-Obj-Ticket Rule-Obj- Ticket  A ticket rule can be referenced refere nced in Process M Modeler odeler by adding a ticket shape to a f low 27. Which of the following rrules ules can be inv oked declarati declaratively? vely? (Choos (Choose e Two) Data transform  Activity Decision Tree Correct! Decision Table Correct! Flow Action 28. The che ck-in opt option ion of the ruleset is e enabled nabled because it ________ ____________: ____: (C (Choose hoose One) (Similar que stion but in a twiste (Similar twisted dm manner, anner, an answer swer remains sam same) e) Ensure s user changes are not lost Let’s the user override o verride another user’s changes Is the easiest way way to maintain versions of the same rule Prevents rules rules from being saved in a production ruleset direc directly tly 29. Which of the following is NOT true regarding SQL functions? (Choose One) They are instances of the “Function Alias Alias”” rule type.  ALL SQL functions functio ns M MU UST have a an n applies-to class of Embed-UserFunctio Embed-UserFunction n They are run on the server, processing data after being retrieved from the database. They can be impl implemented emented in reports created either in the Designer Studio, or the Manager Portals. 30 Charts can be drilled int into o anoth another er __________. (Choos (Choose e Two)  A Static section  An embedded section that displays additional additiona l details Map Report Correct! Report that displays a chart 31. In which orde o rde r are rules and data instances applied for a service? (Choose One ) 1. Ser One) Serv v ice ice rule 2. Se rvice P Package ackage 3. Se Service rvice A Activ ctiv ity 4. M Mapping apping rule (from format re ceived by the se rvic rvice e to Clipboard structur structure) e) 5. M appin apping g rule (from Clipboard structu st ructure re to form format at specified by serv servic ice e type) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 32. What are be st practices with regards to handling interfac interface e changes for conne ctors ctors? ? (Choose Two) Use the generated class classes es and prop properties erties directly iin n your application Use the th e Resource Settings featur feature e for environ environmental mental specific variabl variables es Correct! Use a se parate r uleset for e ach generat generated ed interface Correct!  Avoid regenerating regen erating the interfa interface, ce, instead try to apply changes m manua anually lly 33. SOAP SOAP conne ctors are typically generated based on a __________? (Choos (Choose e One) Remote Object Model Definition SOAP Definition XSD File


WSDL File 34. Afte Afte r hav ing cre created ated a SOA SOAP P inte gration using the C Cre re ate a SOA SOAP P Inte gration wizard, which settings se ttings are you you most likely to have to ch change ange at som some e point


be fore go ing live with the ap applicatio plication? n? (Choos (Choose e Two) Compensating Action Timeout Correct! Endpoint URL Correct!! Correct  Axis  Ax is Ver Version sion 35. The Access M anager allo allows ws you to configure access to __________? (C (Choose hoose Two) Worklists Correct! Work Parties Process Flows Correct!  Attachments Workbaskets 36. Which of the following is tru true e about L LDA DAP? P? (Choose One) LDA LD AP is a dire ctory protoc protocol ol that can store entries abo about ut users and can be u sed for authentication. LDAP stores user use r information but cannot store passwords. passwords. LDAP only stores a username use rname and password password and is used to authent authenticate icate passw passwords ords only. LDAP is only used on Windows servers. 37. What happe import port Rule Set versions that active users can access? (Choose One) ns if you im Process Comm Commander ander ensures that an entire RuleSet version is im imported ported before the rules in it start executing Process Commander Commander e ensures nsures that the e entire ntire ZI ZIP P file f ile is imported befor before e the rules iin n it start executing The rule s in the RuleSets may start e xe cutin cuting g imm imme e diately the mom mome e nt they are i mported Users star startt executing the ne new w rules next tim time e the they y login no matter if the import process is complete com plete o orr not. 38. When would you not use the e xpor xportt gadget? (Choose One) To cre ate a RA RAP P (Rule -A -Admin-Product) dmin-Product) rul rule e To create a ZIP ZIP archive based on an exis existing ting product patch rule To create a ZIP ZIP a archive rchive containing all the rules in a specific RuleSet version To download download an already generated RAP (Rule-Adm (Rule-Admin-Product) in-Product) fil file e from the server


1. What type .Policy.Drivers(1).Name? s(1).Name? type of Prop Property erty is “D “Drivers” rivers” in the following  syntax: .Policy.Driver Ans: Page List 2. What type type of Prop Property erty Is “Driver” iin n the following syntax: .Poli .Policy.Driver.Name? cy.Driver.Name?   Ans: Page 3. What type type of Prop Property erty iiss “Drivers” in the following syntax: .Polic .Policy.Drivers(O y.Drivers(OWNER).Name? WNER).Name?   Ans: Page Group

4. What is the most approp appropriate riate sc scope ope when usi using ng a data page to store details about the logged in


operator? Ans: Requestor 5. Which of the following following s tatem tatements ents is most accurate when using a field f ield value table edit over a local list? Ans:Field values can be reused and referenced by other rules 6. A loan applica application tion case requested a D D_ExchangeRates _ExchangeRates data page no nott already on the clipboard clipboar d at 7:25. It is i s a nod node e level l evel data page with no param parameter eters. s. The refresh strategy is s et to be reloaded if loader than 50 minutes. minutes. Another Another loan applic application ation case cas e requests the the s ame data page at 8:25. Which answer best describes the behavior of the data page for the second request? Ans: The page exis ts on the cl clipbo ipboard ard but but is considered stale sso o it is reloaded. reloaded. 7. A linked property _____________. Ans: Forms a reference to a record stored in the database 8. Which of the following changes to a data page definition would require an update wherever the data page pag e is referenced? Ans: Adding a new required parameter. 9. A soap connector is cal called led from from a utility utili ty shape. When When a SOAP connector receives recei ves an exception that service s ervice is not availabl avai lable, e, how how sshould hould tthe he error error be handled? Ans: Use the Error Error Handler Ha ndler Flow defined in the conn connector ector rule. 10. Select Selec t th the e mo most st appropriate appropriate way to unit test a SOAP service service.. Ans: Run the Service rule 11. A File Listener can be configured for each of the following configurations, EXCEPT __________  ________________ ______ Ans: To start only on the first node that wakes up. 12. Which of the following scenarios require us to use a Connect SQL rule? Ans: To run stored procedures 13. If an external SOAP service is modified and some of the elements are modified, deleted, or added, what is the most approp appropriate riate way to implement those changes in i n the SOAP connector? Ans: Return the connector wizard wiza rd using usi ng a new RuleSet version 14. An external external sservice ervice pr provides ovides inform information ation about the customers. customers. What is the most most appropriate option to retrieve this data? Ans: Use a data page that access a ccess es the connecto connectorr 15. For a SOAP service, rule and data instances are applied in which execution order? Ans: 1. Service Package


2. Service File 3. Map Inbound Data 4. Service Activity 5. Map Outbound Data 16. A company company pa pays ys all of its emp employees loyees a an n annual bonu bonus. s. T The he amou amount nt of each em employee’s ployee’s bonuss depends on two bonu two variables varia bles:: their grade llevel evel and their their departm department. ent. The company company

categorizes categ orizes employees employees into 7 grade level levelss and 10 departments. departments. Which rule rule type is i s best suited to determining the bonus bonus amoun amount? t? Ans: Map value 17. Using the flow shown below, which flow shape would allow a reference to a Data Transform rule?

Ans: The “Submit” connector 

18. Which of the following rule types are you most likely to use to extend the capabilities of Pega 7 with custom Java code? Ans: Utility Function 19. Which of the following statements is true regarding an Activity rule? Ans: Activity steps can be configured configured to iterate iterate through through a page list lis t 20. Which of the the following tasks tas ks is not required of a system architect when using the SetTicket activity? Ans: Resolve Res olve the the Ticket once the case ca se instance resum resumes es 21. Which of the the following steps s teps is not performed when implementing skill-based routing? Ans:Specify the skill in the workbasket

22. Skin rule can be referenced by  _____________________.  ____________________ _. Ans: portal.


23. In the following activity, ac tivity, which which sstatem tatement ent regarding the Ass et p page age is most accurate?

Ans: The class cla ss of the Asset Asse t p page age sshou hould ld be mapped to a dat database abase table 24. Decis ion rules rules can ca n be delegated delega ted to a business user because because ____________ Ans: they provide provide options to restrict what the business busi ness users use rs can change.

25. accurately describes declarative rules?as needed. Ans:Which Decla statement Declarative rative Rulesmost are executed automatically autom atically by the system, 26. While processi processing ng a cas e, a user posts a Pega Pulse with the Private Priv ate option. option. Where Where can ca n other users see and respond to this post? Ans: In the case Instance itself. 27. The standard rou router ter _________________ __ ______________________________ ________________can _can be used to assi as sign gn tasks tas ks based on operator workload and desired skills? Ans: To WorkList with appropriate parameters. 28. An application requirement requirement sta states tes that that a S Socia ociall S Security ecurity number must be submitted in the form form xxxxx-xxxx, xxxxx- xxxx, as shown in the foll following owing example.

The application developer not only wants to verify that the user’s input matches this format, but als o wants to add the the dashes das hes if th the e use userr om omitted itted them. them. What is the most appropriate way to implement implement this behavior? Ans: Add an Edit Validate Vali date rule rule to the corresponding pro property. perty. 29. Select the rules that can be referenced directly in a declare expression. (Choose Three). 

  Declare trigger   Decision table


  Map value

30. In which situation can a Data Transform rule not be used? Ans:To save records records into i nto the database. 31. Which report configuration most necess necessitates itates the use of pr proper operty ty optimization? Ans: To use a prop property erty in a filter condition 32. Which report report mo most st likely li kely requires the use of a clas classs join to return return the appropr appropriate iate data? Ans: All current current assi as signments, gnments, grouped b by y the assi as signee gnee and sorted from from highes t urgency urgency to lowest 33. A chart can be created on_____________________? Ans: A report report that contains a att least lea st one one ag aggrega gregate te column. 34. An architect would like to create a report that needs information from both a work class (MyCo-HRSelfService-Work-TimeOff) and the operator class (Data-Admin-Operator-ID). These class cla ss es must be linked by operator operator ID of the user who has created the ca case. se. All of the following are viable mechanisms mechanisms to do this, this, except : Ans: Configure Config ure ent entries ries iin n the ““Decl Declarative arative Index Join” part of the repor reportt definition.  

35. Which of the following following is i s least lilikely kely to affect affe ct the the perform performance ance of a report? report? Ans:The order of the columns in the report report 36. Which of the following statements most accurately explains the private edit featur feature? e? Ans: Private Private edit us available availa ble if the the rule rule is checked-out by by someo someone ne else els e 37. Which of the following scenarios most likely requires the use of the branch feature? Ans: Team X and Y work on different enhancements in the same ruleset and it is not known which enhancement enhancement will go into pro production duction first. 38. In which layer should you instantiate instantia te your work ins instances tances and why? Ans: In the implementation  – to be the most specific 39. The ruleset rules et stack stac k of an applic application ation consis ts of the following rules rulesets, ets, ord ordered ered from highest to lowest: 1. MyCoSelfService:01-01

Assuming that the class of the work object executing the rule is MyCo-HR-SelfService-WorkTimeOff, which is chosen by the rule resolution?


Ans: A Explanation: Explanatio n: If the same question is replaced with Blocked Instead of Withdrawn the Answer is C. 40.There are five instances of the same rule. The only differences between these are the circumstance circum stance settings and a nd ruleset version:

Which is chosen by rule rule resolution, when the “Count “C ountry” ry” C Clipboard lipboard proper property ty is “Greece” “Greece”? ?  Ans: D Explanation: Explanatio n: If the same question c ountry oun try is Replaced by Albania Alb ania the Answer iiss E. Whenever Base Rule checkbox is present present the rules ru les above above it are not considered. c onsidered.

41. To support maximum reuse, which layer should contain standard processes? Ans: Framework 42. There is a requirem requirement ent for users of an applicati application on to to support support two different product product lines . Much of the application’s applica tion’s functionality iiss speci specific fic to the pr product oduct line, a and nd m must ust be deployed into production at different times. Given these requirements, what specialization approach would be most appropriate? Ans: Each produ product ct line would would have its own class cl ass and ruleset. ruleset. 43. The Framework layer __________________ Ans: Is a reusable found f oundation ation upon which implementations implementations can be buil builtt quickly. quickly. 44. Which type of layout does not support responsive behavior? Ans: Smart Layout.

45. When updating a skin rule, what are the three types of Mixins that can be leveraged? (Choose (Choo se Thr Three) ee) Ans: Backgrounds, Borders, Typography. 46. When using a repeating grid, which of the following cannot be performed on the results? Ans: Grouping 47. Which user interface behavior best demonstrates responsive behavior? Ans: A layout changes from an inline grid double format to a stacked layout format when an operatorr resizes operato resi zes the window. window. 48. Which tool is most usef useful ul in identifying the pr propert operty y that is displayed displaye d on a screen? Ans: UI Inspector


49. When the user use r is selecting sel ecting a p produ roduct ct from f rom a lilist, st, the the control control should al allow low the us user er to select sel ect an item by entering the first few characters of either the product product or the associ as sociate ate d category. categ ory. Which UI control control would you use for this requ requirement? irement? Ans:AutoComplete 51. Select the statement that best defines the term “Float” “Fl oat” in a Pega 7 applic application. ation.   Ans:A setting that pushes a layout to the right or the left within a section.

52. Which of the the following statements s tatements about about compon component ent formats formats iiss not true? Ans: Formats Formats can be applied in the propert property y rule form. form. 53. Which of the following statements regarding dynamic layouts are true? Ans: A section sec tion can be embedded embedded ins inside ide a dynamic llayout. ayout. 54. The Persist case cas e Smart Smart Shap Shape e is use used d to to _____________ _______________________ _____________ ___ Ans: Convert a tempor temporary ary cas e into a permanent permanent one 55. The Employee Employee Evaluation case type is defined as a sub cas e of the the performan performance ce Appraisal App raisal case ca se type, but can als also ob be e instant i nstantiated iated as a stand-alone, top level cas e. An Employee Employee Evaluation is instantiated for Employee Employee A as a stand-alone, s tand-alone, top-level and sent se nt to two peers of Employee A, to get their feedback other performance of Employee A. this Employee Evaluation Eva luation must be be locked whenever a peer opens their a ass ss ig ignmen nment, t, and remained locked until he/she submits the evaluation. Select the best configuration for locking the Employee Employee Evaluation case. Ans: Enable the Default Locking option on the Case Designer for the Employee Evaluation case 56. An application allows users to enter a new “Enhancement Request” case. We don’t want to create the case instances i nstances until until the end user verifies that no exis ting cases match match their their request. Select the design steps that a system architect should do to meet these requirements. (choose Three) Ans: duplicate search in tthe he Case Cas e Designer   1.Configure a duplicate   2. Create C reate a Validate rule rule to val validate idate the the com c omparison parison   3. Use a Persist Persis t Case Ca se smart shape iin n a flow tto o persist persis t the temporary temporary enhancement requests case instances 

57. Which of the the following are a re the the most appropr appropriate iate waysto limit w which hich flow actions a user can execute execute Chose Thr T hree). ee). Ans: Add the flow action to a stage as an optional action with an Allowed When condition     Add a privilege to the flow action form Add the flow action to a case as a case -wide local local action w with ith a Show Show When   condition 58. What is the main main pur purpose pose of marking marking a stage as a resolutio resolution n stage?


Ans: Provides Provides to busines businesss users a visual indicator that that a stage stag e that that is expected e xpected to to resolve a case. 59. A financial –services firm wants to build a Pega application to manage the creation of new accounts. Part of the account process involves the election of a beneficiary, who inherits the account should the account holder pass away. Each beneficiary will be an instance insta nce of a Beneficia Benefi ciary ry work work party. Fro From m which whic h standard work work party class cla ss should this custom Beneficiary party inherit? Ans: Data-Party-Person 60. Bas ed on th the e following foll owing output output of a screen flow, which of the sstatements tatements Is true true about a bout th the e settin s etting g of the g grreyed out “Shipping instructions” step?  

Ans: Both the “ Enable link if usi using ng a breadcru breadcrumb mb tr trail” ail” and a nd “Only Going Going Back” check boxes are enabled.

61. A router router ______________________________ _______________ ________________ _ in a screen fflow. low. Ans: can only be applied to the start shape. 62. A parent case, Program, contains the total remaining funds available for its Purchase Requestt subcases Reques subcas es.. An auditing req requirement uirement regarding the approval approval of purchase purchase requests states that each purchase purchase reques requestt must be recor record d the avail available able fund fundss for the program at a t the the time the purchase request reques t is approved. What is the best option to satis fy this this requirement? requirement? Ans: Configure data propagation on the parent case to use a data transform to copy the value to the subcase 63.Which property property is used to un uniquely iquely id identify entify a w work ork party? Ans: pyWorkPartyUr pyWorkPartyUrii 64.An application applica tion consists two cas cases, es, “Purchase “Purchase Request” and “pur “purchase chase Order” Order” in the cas e hierarchy. The T he requirement requirement is to instantiate a purchas purchase e order ca case se whenever the status of th the e purchase purchase request case cas e ch changes anges to “delivery “deli very –confirmed –confirmed.” .” What is the bes bestt way to instantiate the purchase order case? Ans: Configure instantiation on the the Purchase Purchase Order case 65. A requirement requirement iin n the sys system tem is to identify the num number ber of student’s enrolled ccour ourse. se. “Course” “Cou rse” is a parent cas e with separate “Enro “Enrollment: llment: subcas e fo forr each student enrolled. The


“Course” has only  “Enrollment”: subcases in the case hierarchy. What is the best way to “Course” identify the number of enrolled students? Ans: Use Us e pxCoveredCount pxCoveredCount property. property.

66. An agent is configured to run at 30 minute interval, with a max records of 50.If the agent runs at 2:30 PM, when does the agent run next time? Ans: Thirty minutes after the last run is completed. 67. The acces s rrole ole of of an oper operator ator determines ___________. Ans: The privileges and access granted to the operator. 68. Which of the the following is false when using LDAP authentication? Ans:LDAP Ans:LD AP authentication authentication el eliminates iminates the the need nee d for for operator ID records records 69. Which of the following acces s configurations configurations cannot be changed in the Access man manger. ger. (Choose two). Ans: Workbaskets Attachments 70. Which of the following statements is least accurate about the PAL tool? Ans: It suggests sugg ests the recom recommen mended ded action needed to fi fixx the the is issue. sue. 71. The clipboard tool can be used to ____________________. Ans: examine the messag messages es a ass ssociat ociated ed with the pro proper perties. ties. 72. What is the benefit of as sociating a rules ruleset et tto o a data instance? Ans: To ass ist in application packaging and migration 73. Which of the the following is i s the most most approp appropriate riate way to include incl ude acces s grou g roups ps into your Rule-Admin-Product (RAP)? Ans: Associate Ass ociate tthe he access gro g roups ups with with a ru rules leset et included in the application 74. A given user interaction takes 5 seconds. The elapsed time shown in PAL only adds up to 2 seconds. sec onds. Which Which of the following tools is the most appro appropriate priate for determining determining how the other 3 seconds were spent? Ans: Performance Profiler 75. Guardrail reports are useful in identifying __________________? Ans: if the report report def definition inition is usi using ng a column that is not optim optimized. ized. 76. Connector simulations cannot be used __________ ___________________ _________________ ________ Ans: When the interface has not been defined. 77. A Soap connector connector is invoked ffrom rom a data page. page . Select Selec t the best option option for f or handling any situation. Ans: Configure a Post Load Process Process ing activity on the data page. 78. A service package record record is not used to ______________________ (Choose Two)



  1.unit 1.unit test a service rule   2. Not al alll of the the sservices ervices used in tthe he application.

 

79. Connector rules can ca n be invoked from ___ __________________ _______________ (Choose (Choos e Two) Two) Ans:   Activity

  Data Page

80. Which of the following aspects as pects of data managem management ent is i s not controlled via the data page rule? Ans: Whether Whether a given g iven user user has a acces ccesss to see a specific s pecific portion portion of the data 81. Keyed page access acces s in a data data page is primar primarily ily used to ______________? ______________? Ans: return return a specifi spec ificc ins instance tance from th the e data page. 82. An application retrieves customer data from an external system of record (SOR). The customer custom er data is used for display pur purposes poses only. Which is the best design desi gn appr approac oach? h? Ans: Create a data Page Pag e to to retrieve retrieve the data and configure the property property as a page and refer to a data page to point to the data page. 83. Which of the the following is i s NOT a com common mon customization of the authentication a activity ctivity used in LDAP authentication Ans: Specifying the timeout strategy in case of a long running request. 84. A standard standard agent is scheduled to run at 1:30 PM. which statement best describes the behavior of agent when it runs, if the queue is empty at that time? Ans: The Agent Thread wakes up, but does not run the Agent Activity 85. Cas cading access acces s rroles oles into each other other is a best practice practice because_______________________. Ans: Doing so can impro improve ve reuse and eliminate dual maintenance maintenance of role role definiti definition. on. 86. Which of the following statements about the Split-For-Each and Split-Join shapes are not accurate? Ans: Split-For-Each Split-For-Each allows you to execute different sub-flows whereas Split-Join calls the same process process on different different pages . Bot Both h shapes allow al low y you ou to execute different s ub-flows 87. Checking out the the ____________ rule would prevent ot other her users from editing stag stages es in the Case Designer. Ans: pyDefault caseType 88. A business busines s requirem requirement ent is to perfo perform rm a credit check every time a case ca se enters the the Verification stage. Which step configuration option best meets this requirement? Ans:Configure the step to start upon stage entry and launch on re-entry 89. The sys tem automatica automatically lly performs performs a commit commit for ea each ch of the foll following owing operations except_________ Ans:A user reopen reopenss a case


90. Which of the following configurations configurations iiss not possible when using Casc C ascading ading App Appro roval val smart shape? Ans: Authority Authority Matrix with a Ca Case se Match rule. 91. The page list lis t Benefi Beneficia ciaries ries contain a text text pro property perty named Benefici Benef iciary. ary. To suppor supportt reporting repor ting needs for the app applic lication, ation, the Benefi Beneficia ciaryID ryID property property must be be optimized optimized When the BeneficiaryID proper property ty is optimized, optimized, the system creates all the following except: Ans: A database index i ndex on th the e BeneficiaryID datab database ase column column.. 92. From From the rreport eport browser, a manager creates a new new standard rep report, ort, a new shared category categ ory and then saves sa ves the report report in the shared category. How H ow m many any rules were created from his process? Ans: 3: A report report defi definition, nition, category, and 1 shortcut. shortcut. 93. Users have have reported reported that a pro production duction sys tem experienced performance performance is issue sue s between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM last Monday. Select the best approach approach to diagnose the iss ue. Ans: View the Log-Usage reports to see the PAL stats from that time. 94. When importing a new ruleset version into a new application for a logged-I n user,  __________ Ans: The imported imported rules may be exec executed uted on once ce they are imported. imported. 95. Which of the following tools can be used to detect system exceptions in real-time? Ans: Tracer 96. A section rule cannot be placed in a _______? Ans: Portal 97. The positioning of UI elements on-screen can be affected by each the following except : Ans: a harness harness 98. A harness rule can be referenced in _____________. (Choose Two) Ans:   A portal A flow   99. Select the steps that are needed to be done to make a grid layout responsive (Choose three). Ans: Configure Config ure th the e sskin kin to establi establish sh the the behavior of the primary, primary, se condary and other   columns at responsive breakpoint   Specify an importance for each column in the grid. Enable the responsi responsiveness veness fl flag ag on the the grid layout.  


100. A specification s pecification states that that an application shou should ld dis display play a menu menu what user clicks a specific link. Which statem s tatement ent best describes how to implement implement this specification specifica tion? ? Ans: Reference a navigation rule in layout l ayout and configure configure the the ru rule le to display as a link. 101. A page list li st cont contains ains the following office office locations, sorted sorted a alphabet lphabeticall ically y by by office code. The Madrid Madrid office has been relocated relocated to Barcelona Barcelona a and nd assigned ass igned a new new office office code, ES-BA. ES-B A. Which symbolic keyword could c ould be use used d to update the entry for the the Madrid office off ice after iterating through out to the correct index?

Ans: CURRENT 102. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding decision decis ion trees trees and decision tables? Ans: decision decisi on trees trees and tables can be executed detractively using expressions. expressi ons. 103. What is the most appropriate way to control which user roles can create case attachments? Ans:configure Ans:con figure a pr privileg ivilege e on the allowed all owed att attached ached category. 104. Which of the following statements are true regardin regarding g declarative express express ions and their scope? (Cho (C hoose ose Two) Ans: Defining expressions directly on a data cla class sses es can impr improve ove reusability of the   expression   Declarative express express ions can b be e defined relative tto o the to top p level page OR an embedded page.


105. Given the following decisi decision on table: ___________ ____________________ _________

When the Order total is 10000 and if it is placed to an Existing Vendor, what is the return value? Ans: 10 days 106. Which of the the following is not a valid use case for using when rules? Ans: Conditionally make a part of the screen read only 107. Which of the the following is not possible when merging merging a branch ruleset into th the e base ruleset? Ans: Create a new (higher) version of the branch ruleset after the merge. 108. When using Application Express to create an application that does not require reuse at the application level, level , which a applica pplication tion structure structure is mo most st approp appropriate? riate? Ans: Implementation only. 109. It is most appropriate appropriate to run run Applica Application tion Express Ex press to extend an existing existi ng applicati application on to  __________ Ans: Add a new case type 110. Which of the following statements statements mo most st accurately describes rule rule set prerequ prerequisi isites? tes? Ans: Ruleset Rulese t prer prerequisites equisites are prim primarily arily used to to validate th the e dependencies dependencies while saving a rule. 111. An application contains contains thr three ee Work-der Work-derived ived classes clas ses that all belong to to the clas s group MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work: MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work MyCoHR-SelfService-Work-TimeOff MyCo-HR-SelfService-Wor My Co-HR-SelfService-Work-Expen k-Expense se There are no n-Work, o ins instances tances MyCo-HRMyCo-HR-SelfServic SelfService-Work. e-Work. If a report report is created in MyCo-HRMyCo-HR SelfService-Work, SelfService what of ins instances tances will the the report repor t retur return? n?


Ans: MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work-TimeOff and MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work-Expense 112. The property property Beneficia Benefi ciaryID ryID is defined on an embedded page. page . When rrun un on the Beneficia Benefi ciaryID ryID property, property, the Optimize for Reporting Reporting wizard wi zard creates  ____________________  __________ ____________________. __________. Ans: A new database table column for the property 113. When you drill down on a map chart, it can be_________________. (Choose two) Ans:

  Another map chart   Another report

114. A Data Transform rule rule is most most approp appropriately riately used ________________________. ________________ ________. Ans: To initialize proper property ty values when a sub case cas e is created 115. Which of the the following is not required to configure Directed Web Access Acces s (DWA)? Ans: Configure a unique Operator ID for each external user 116. Which use case best reflects reflects the appr a pprop opriate riate use of a ticket ticket during during case process process ing? Ans: To resolve a parent case ca se once all subcases a are re resolved resolved 117. Consider the following steps of an activity: a ctivity:

Consi der tthe Consider he locks being prop properly erly held. What wo would uld be the value of th the e variabl variable e “Total” once the activity is run, Knowing Total is calculated using properties from SecondPage with this formu formula: la: .Total = .Quantity * .Price? Ans: 900

118.Which statement about declarative rules is most accurate? Ans: Declarative Decl arative rrules ules are usually us ually invok invoked ed without without being explici explicitly tly referenced referenced 119. Given the following decision decis ion table:



When the Order Total is 10000 and the the order is placed plac ed to a Preferred Preferred Vendor, Vendor, wh what at is i s th the e result value val ue retur returned ned when the paymen paymentt is i s already paid usi using ng a credit card? Ans: 3 days 120. The following foll owing rout routing ing information is configured config ured for operator Ale Alex.Murp [email protected] [email protected] and the work group Accounting@Pco.

Given this information, which of the following pending as assi signments gnments would be selected sele cted by GetNextWork?


Ans: Verify Fulfillment of Purchase Purchase Request 121. Even though there are plenty of assignment in a workbasket a user has access to, no assignment was returned by the “Get Next Work Work”” butt button. on. What is the m most ost likely li kely reason? reas on? (Choose One) Ans: The user’s profile is not configured with the required skills ski lls needed to pr process ocess the assignments 122. A proper property’s ty’s Table Type d defini efinition tion do does es which of the foll following? owing?   Ans: Limits the valid values for the property

123. Which of the following statements is most accurate? Ans: Page lists lis ts are preferr preferred ed over v value alue lists li sts as they pro provide vide more more flexibili flexibility. ty. 124. A claims c laims application case requested requested a D_Count D_CountryList ryList data page not already al ready on the the clipboard clipboar d at 5:25. It is i s a nod node e level l evel data page with no param parameters. eters. The refresh strategy is s et to be be reloaded if i f older than 60 minutes. Anoth Another er load application applic ation case cas e requests requests the same data page at 6:15. Which answer best describes the behaviour of the data page for the second request? Ans: The page is not reloaded since it exists and was already reloaded onto the clipboard by the system at 5:25 125. One common common customization of the authentication activi activity ty used in LD LDAP AP authentication is to_________. to_________. Ans: Add logic logi c to create create a new operator if nece necess ss ary 126. Select the steps that are needed to be done to make a grid layout responsive (Choose Three) Ans:   Configure Config ure th the e sskin kin to establi establish sh the the behavior of the primary, primary, se secondary condary and other other columns at each responsive breakpoint Specify an importance for each column in the grid     Enable the responsi responsiveness veness flag on the g grid rid layout 127. When an operator operator selects se lects a state, the the City fie field ld m must ust refresh to show only the choices that are appropr appropriate iate for that state. Wh Which ich rule type is recommended recommended to source source the selection sele ctionss for the the State and Ci City ty fields fields,, as seen in the the following exa examp mple? le?


  Ans: Data page 128.When the user us er is se selecti lecting ng a pro product duct from a list, lis t, the contr control ol should al allow low the user to select sel ect an item by entering the first few charac characters ters of either the the pro product duct of the associated ass ociated category. categ ory. Which Which UI control would you use for this requirement? requirement? Ans: AutoComplete 129. When is i s it approp appropriate riate to configure a Subproces Subprocesss s hape to to call c all a flow ru rule le as a s a spinoff flow? Ans: When you wish to run run ca calcul lculations ations in a separate thr thread ead from the the current proces processs 130.When is it appropr 130.When appropriate iate to use a Wait shape? (Cho (Choose ose T Two wo)) Ans:   To pause case cas e process processing ing for a specific length of of time. To hold a case cas e un until til ano another ther case reaches a specific sstatu tatuss   131.The business busi ness requirement iiss to process process both the credit check and employment employment verification processes simultaneously. What would be the best design approach to implement this requirement requirement? ? Ans: Have two steps and configure config ure th them em to start up upon on sstage tage entry 132. A business analyst has requ requested ested that a custom status, “Open-Review”, be applied to  specific as signments signments in o one ne application. How might th this is request request be satis fied? Ans: Create a field value rule for the Open-Review status and apply it to the corresponding class group. 133. Which of the following statements most accurately describes case dependency configuration? Ans: A case cas e can be instantiated instantiated wh when en another another case has sstart tarted ed o orr reached a specific Status


134. A business busines s requ requirement irement for a loan application applica tion states that an a n applicant should be subject to a credit check during during the Proces Processi sing ng stage stage.. This check can be perform performed ed at any point point during during th the eR Risk isk Analysis step, which which consis ts of three three as assig signm nments. ents. What What would be the best design option to meet this requirement? Ans: Configure a local action in the Ris k Analysis Analysis flow rule rule 135. Which of the following rules is most appropriate when retrieving information from a comma com ma s eparated value value (CSV) (C SV) file? Ans: Parse Delimit Deli mited ed 136. Once a file fi le has been succes successfully sfully by a file listener liste ner,, the the file fi le can be  ____________________  __________ ___________. _. Ans: Left in the same directory 137. The SOAP Connector Connector Wizard uses _________ ________________ _______ as its input. Ans: A WSDL 138. A Service Package recor record d is us used ed to to _________________. _________________. (Choose Two) Ans: Listt all of of th the e services used in tthe he application   Lis   Gener Generate ate a WSDL that can be supplied to external clients

139.Which rulese 139.Which rulesett versioning versioning practice is not allowed in Peg Pega a 7? Ans: Locking a ruleset that contains checked out rules 140. Which of the following scenarios most likely requires the use of the branch feature? Ans: Several development teams work on different enhancements and it is not known when which enhancement will go into production production 141. Which of the following is not required when creating a new application using Application App lication Express Express ? Ans: A s tarting tarting cas case e type type 142.A TimeOff case type is represented represented by the class clas s MyCo-HR-SelfService-Wor MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work-TimeOff. k-TimeOff. In the TimeOff case ca se,, the flow MainFlow ca callllss the the flow action UpdateInfo, which runs runs the data tr transform ansform SetIn SetInfo fo as a post-pr post-process ocessing ing action. action. Each ru rule le is i s defined in the clas classes ses below. Updateinfo: MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work MainFlow: MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work-TimeOff SetInfo: MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work SetInfo: MyCo-HR-Sel MyCo-HR-SelfServicefService-Work-TimeOff. Work-TimeOff. Which version versi on of SetInfo does the application run, and why? Ans: MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work MyCo-HR-SelfService-Work-TimeOff, -TimeOff, because it is the class cl ass of the the wor work k object. object. 143. An architect wishes to move a rule to a more general class so that it can be used by more mo reDo than one work woand rk type. technique i swithdrawn best used to handle this situation? situati on? Ans: a SaveAs, markWhat the original ruleis


144. How does does the sys tem selec se lectt which cas cases es will be removed removed during during the purge purge and a nd archive process? Ans: The system sys tem finds only only resolved cases that were resolved resolved more more than the s pecified peci fied number num ber of days ago 145. Which task tas k is not usua usually lly perfor performed med by a sys tem administrato adminis trator? r? Ans: Fixing bugs in an application 146. The Persist Cas e Smart Smart Shape is us used ed to_________ to___________________ _________________. _______. Ans: Convert a tempor temporary ary cas e into a permanent permanent one 147. A parent case “Program” contains two sub cases, named “Purchase Request” and “Purchase Order.” When an operator operator opens a pur purchas chase e request, the system locks the parent Program case. cas e. However, However, when an operator opens a purchase purchase order, the system sys tem should not not lock the parent parent Program case. cas e. S Sele elect ct the best option option to implement the des desired ired locking behavior. Ans: Change the locking behavior on the purchase order case 148.Which of the following property types would most appropriately represent a list of ordered ord ered line li ne item itemss in i n a purchase purchase order? Ans: Page List 149. Which of the following statements is most accurate when comparing the “Refer to a Data Page”versus “Copy “ Copy”” auto-populate options? Ans: The “copy” option is useful when you need to store a snapshot of data thr oughout the life of a case

150. Which of the following is true about LDAP? Ans: LDAP is directory protocol protocol that can store e entr ntries ies about us users ers and can be be used for Authentication 151. An instance of a(n) ______________ rules rules is created o orr update update when granting granting access acces s to a flow action that was previously restricted. Ans: Access-Role-Obj (ARO) 152. Which of the the following statements s tatements are true true regarding reg arding countr country y map charts? charts? (Choose Two) Ans: The country country map can either use country country names or country codes     Specific portions of a map can be conditionally colored 153.Connector rules are referenced referenced in by a ________________. (Choose Two) Ans: Activity     Data page 154.Which of the following calculation options for a declare expressions rule does not represent backward chaining? Ans: Whenever inputs change


155.A page lis t co contains ntains the following office location locations, s, sor s orted ted alphabeticall alphabetically y by office code. code. An entry must be added to the list for a new office in Paris, France, with the office code FRPA. Which symbolic keyword should be used to add the entry into the lis listt and maintain alphabetical alphabetic al order, order, without needing to iiterate terate th throu rough gh the lis listt to do do so?

Ans: INSERT 156. Which statement statement regarding the nesting of dynam dynamic ic layouts layouts is false? fal se? Ans: A dynamic dynamic layout l ayout la layout yout g roup roup cannot ca nnot be nested within another another layout type. 157.Which statemen 157.Which statementt regarding regarding the configur configuration ation of an action is fals e? Ans:A single si ngle action set can ident identify ify a specific specifi c action for each ea ch event 158. Which of the following cannot be referenced as a source for a Repeating Grid? Ans: Data table 159. There is a requirement requirement to vary the functionali functionality ty of an applic application, ation, based base d on the value of a “Sal “Salary” ary” pro propert perty. y. The behavior should change depend depending ing on whether “Sa “Salary” lary” is less than or greater than 200000. Selec Selectt the the a appro pproach ach most likely used to support support this requ requirement? irement? Ans: A single property circumstanced rule 160.Select the statement that best describes the use of the Purge and Archive wizard. Ans: To remove remove all cas es older than a sspecified pecified threshold threshold from the database da tabase 161.An applica a pplication tion requirem requirement ent dictates that the custom wor work k sstatus tatus “Open -review” should be applied to a case ca se at any assig ass ignm nment ent at which the ca case se is reviewed and either approved or

rejected. Which actions should b be e performed performed to app apply ly this custom status s tatus to the case ca se? ? (Choose (Choo se Two)


Ans: 1. Create a field value rule for the the Open-Review statu s tatus. s. 2. Apply Apply the the Open-Revi Open- Review ew status to the appropriate appropriate as assi signments. gnments. 162. An approval flow uses the Cascading Approval smart shape. Select the allowed configuration options for this shape. (Choose Three) Ans: 

Approval bas based ed on Reporting Structur Structure, e, using the o operator perator’s ’s Reporting TO m manag anager er   Approval to   determine the approver(s)   Appr Approval oval bas based ed on Auth Authority ority Matrix, with a Decisi Deci sion on Table rule to determine determine the approver(s)   Approval based on reporting Structure, using the operator’s Work Group manager to determine the approver(s)

 

163.A Purchase Order sub case is instantiated under a parent Purchase Report case. As part of the approval approval proces processs for a purchase purchase order, an assi as signment gnment to re re view the purchase order is routed rou ted the wor workbasket kbasket for the Pur Purchas chasing ing department department.. Select Selec t the locking locki ng o option ption that would allow all ow m multiple ultiple members of the Purchas Purchasing ing department department to open open the as assi signment gnment at the same time. Ans: Enable Default Locking on the advanced tab of the Purchase Order case type rule 164. Which of the following is the most appropriate use if Connect SQL rules? Ans: Execute a stored procedure procedure aga against inst an external databas database e 165. Once a file fi le has been succes successfully sfully process process ed by by a filter listener, the ffile ile can be  ____________________  __________ __________.. (Choose (Choose Two) Ans:   Left in the folder and flagged it as complete complete Moved to the completed folder   166.Which statement about case attachments is true? Ans: Attachments are not stored in the same table as case 167. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between operato operators rs and access acces s groups? groups? Ans: An operator operator can be as sig signed ned to multiple multiple access acc ess groups groups but but only 1 is effective e ffective at a time time 168. Which of the following is not a type of rule in Pega 7? Ans: ActionSet 169.Which of the following would not be considered a good user experience? Ans: Providing all the data for a customer on the screen so the user can see the entire history. 170. Given the following ru rules les and as assuming suming tthe he expressi expression on to cca a lculate is sset et to to backward backward chaining



Ans: Whenever .ExtendedTotal is referenced 171.Wh ich statement about tickets is true? Ans: The ticket is referenced on the flow shape where the case instance need to resume 172. The options seen below on the decision tree from the useful in  ____________________  __________ ____________. __.

Ans: Controlling Controlling what can be changed by business ru rule le man managers agers 173. Consider the following scenario sce nario:: The Purchase Purchase Request app application lication has the following application application RuleSets: PRAPPFW: 01-01 PRAPPFWInt: 01-01 ABC: 01-01 ABCCatalog: 01-01 ABCINT: 01-01 A rule rule with an applies applies -to class of “ABC -FW-Req-Work-PurchaseRequest” calls “PopulateLineItems”.  There are 7 copies of PopulateLineItems in the system as shown below.Availability below .Availability = Yes . Which Which rule is i s chosen by Rule Resolution? Ans: Option D: ABC-FW-Req-Wo ABC -FW-Req-Work, rk, ABCCatalog: ABC Catalog: 01-01-03, Availability Avail ability = Blocked


174.When imp i mport orting ing a new rules ruleset et version into an applic application ation for a logg logged ed-in -in use user, r,  ____________________  __________ __________.. Ans: The imported imported rules may be exec executed uted once they are iimpo mported rted 175.Keyed page access a ccess can be u used sed to ________ __________________ __________? ? Ans: Return a subset of results from the data page 176. Which of the the following tools can ca n be used to create a Rule -Admin-Pr -Admin-Product oduct (RAP) rule? rule? Ans: Application Packaging Wizard

SET-5 This set contains conta ins entire PD PDN N quiz of SSA course w with ith answers

Starting Starti ng a Pega 7 Appli Application cation  Which of the following tools would you use to generate the application structure in Pega 7? (Choose One)  Application Express Express  Application Profiler  Application Accelerator  Application Explorer Explorer

Correct! You need to create an applicati application on that does not require reuse at the applicati application on level. IItt is unlikely that the application will will be extende extended d in the futu future. re. Which application structu structure re w would ould you generate? (Choose One) Implementation Only Framework and Implementation Implementation Framework Only

Correct! Which of the follow following ing rrequire equire the use of the advanced configuration options in the Appl Application ication Ex Express? press? (Choose Two) To provide a custom framework name

Correct! To create an organiz organization ation To specify business objecti objectives ves To create a divis division ion reuse layer


Correct! Which of the following is the most appropriate method to add a case type to an existing application? applicati on? (Choose One) Use Application Accelerator Use Case Ex Explorer plorer  Add it manually Use Application Ex Express press

Correct!  Application Express Express allow allows s you to _____ __________ _____? ? (Choose Tw Two) o) define a Data Type in the enterprise or applicati application on layer

Correct! define initial initial stages for Case Types define parent/child relationships for Case Types reuse Data Types from an extended extended framew framework ork


Introduction to RuleSets Which of the follow following ing rule types do not belong to ruleset versi version? on? (Choose Tw Two) o)  Application

Correct!  Activity Property Class

Correct! Which rules can be referenced when developing rules in a specifi specific c ruleset version call called ed MyCo:02-03-04? My Co:02-03-04? (Choose Two) Rules in the ruleset versions defi defined ned as prerequisites for the prerequsites of this ruleset

Correct! Rules in the rulesets r ulesets spec specified ified iin n the application rul rule e Rules in all lower lower numbered versi versions ons of that ru ruleset leset Rules in the ruleset versions defi defined ned as prerequisites for that ruleset version


  Correct! What statement is true about the ruleset list? (Choose One) Specified in the Application rule Used when running rules Specified through the Access Group, Organization, and Division Used when developing rules

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is not a ruleset versi versioning oning best practice? (C (Choose hoose One)  All development should shou ld occur in the highest version Only the highest version of ruleset should be unlocked Once locked, a ruleset version should should not later be unlocked  All application rulesets should have the same version number

Correct! Which feature would would you use to copy the highest versi version on of every rule in a ruleset to a new version? (Choose One) Refactor on import Lock and Roll Skim a Ruleset Copy/merge Copy/m erge a Ruleset


Working with Branches Process Commander’s Commander’s branch branching ing ability is most appropr appropriate iate to use w when hen __ _______ ______ _ (Choose One)  All development teams tea ms sim simultaneo ultaneously usly w work ork on the sam same e enhan enhancement cement in a RuleSet and it is not known ahead when the enhancement will go into production The only development team work on an enhancement in a RuleSet and it is not known ahead when when the en enhancement hancement w will ill go into production Several development teams work on different enhancements enhan cements in in the same RuleSet simultaneously and it is not known ahead which enhancements will go into production first Several development teams work on different enhancements enhan cements in in a RuleSet simultaneously that will will go into prod production uction at the same time



Which of the follow following ing statements a are re least accurate in respect to bra branches nches and branch RuleSets? RuleS ets? (Choose One)  A branch is a container conta iner for RuleSets with rules that are und undergoing ergoing change chang e and development  A branched branche d RuleSet must belong to a br branch anch Branches are defined on the application  A branch RuleSet can be branched bra nched from another branch RuleSet

Correct! Which of the following following requirements requ irements does Process Comm Commander ander enfor enforce ce w when hen merging a branch RuleSet RuleS et into the base RuleS RuleSet? et? (Choose Tw Two) o)  All merge merge conflicts must be resolved

Correct!  All rules in the branch RuleSet must must be checked in

Correct! The branch RuleSets must must be locked  A higher version of the base RuleSet must be available on the system Which statement is is least accurate w with ith regar regards ds to m merging erging rrules? ules? (Choose One) Discuss conflict with with the individual w who ho modified b base ase rule if chang changes es are com complex plex It is recommended to merge rules into a new (higher) (higher ) base RuleSet RuleSet version Use the automati automatic c merge functionality for mi minor nor base rrule ule changes Ignore conflic conflicts ts in other branched RuleSets s since ince changes might n not ot be final

Correct! Which of the following is not a best practice when merging the branch RuleSet into the base RuleSet? RuleS et? (Choose One) Create a new RuleSet RuleSet version in the target bas e RuleS RuleSet et for the branch  Always  Alw ays merge all available bran branches ches into the base RuleSet at the same time Lock the target base ba se RuleS RuleSet et version after the m merge erge Lock the branch bran ch RuleS RuleSet et before the merge


Rule Resolution (True or False) Rule Resolution Resolution is the process that creates ex executable ecutable code out of a rule. False



Correct!  An error message is thrown when when a user performs an action in the P PRPC RPC application app lication that calls a rule. What could explain explain this observation? (Choose Two) The rule that is chosen by the system iis s not in the class inheritance path for the given context. The user does not have appropriate privilege privilege to access the rule that is chosen by the system.

Correct! The rule that is chosen by the system has an A Availability vailability of “Blocked”  “Blocked”  

Correct! The rule that is chosen by the system has an Availability of “Withdraw “Withdra wn”   The rule that is chosen by the system is in a RuleSet that is not in the application’s RuleSet stack. The rule that is chosen by the system has w warning arning messages shown to tthe he designer w when hen the rule was last saved. Consider the following scenario: The PIPFW PIPFW application has the following application RuleSets:

    


PIPFW:01-01 PIPFWInt:01-01 LES:01-01 LESCatalog:01-01 LESInt:01-01

 A rule with with an ap appliesplies-to to class of “ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work“ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work- Autoloan”  Autoloan” calls calls “Rule123”. “Rule123”.   There are 9 copies of Rule123 in the system as shown below.         


Option A: A: ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work, PIPFW:01-01-05, Availability = Withdrawn Option B: B: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-Work, Work, PI PIPFW:01PFW:01-01-03 01-03,, A Availability vailability = Y Yes es Option C: C: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-Work, Work, LESCatalog:01 LESCatalog:01-01-01-05, 05, A Availability vailability = No/Draft Option D: D: ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work, LESCatalog:01-01-03, Availability = Blocked Option E: E: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-,, P PIP IPFW:01FW:01-01-0 01-05, 5, Availability = Withdraw Withdrawn n Option F: F : ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-,, P PIP IPFW:01FW:01-01-0 01-03, 3, Availability = Final Option G: G: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, LESCatalog:01-01-05, Availability = Yes Option H: H: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, LESCatalog:01-01-03, Availability = Yes Option I: I: @baseclass, PegaPega-RU RULES:07-10 LES:07-10-99, -99, Availability = Yes

Which rule is chosen by Rule Resolution? (Choose (Choose One) C, no error raised


F, no error raised I, error raised H, error raised E, error raised B, error raised B, no error raised H, no error raised C, error raised E, no error raised  A, no error er ror raised G, error raised D, no error raised G, no error raised F, error raised D, error raised  A, error raised I, no erorr raised

Correct! Consider the following scenario: The PIPFW PIPFW application has the following application RuleSets:

    


PIPFW:01-01 PIPFWInt:01-01 LES:01-01 LESCatalog:01-01-01 LESInt:01-01

 A rule with with an ap applies-to plies-to class of “ABC “ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work-FW-LoanReq-Work- Autoloan”  Autoloan” calls calls “Rule123”. “Rule123”.   There are 9 copies of Rule123 in the system as shown below.         


Option A: A: ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work, PIPFW:01-01-05, Availability = Withdrawn Option B: B: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-Work, Work, PI PIPFW:01PFW:01-01-03 01-03,, A Availability vailability = Y Yes es Option C: C: ABC-FW-Lo ABC-FW-LoanReqanReq-Work, Work, LESCatalog:01 LESCatalog:01-01-01-05, 05, A Availability vailability = No/Draft Option D: ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work, D: ABC-FW-LoanReq-Work, LESCatalog:01-01-03, Availability = Blocked Option E: ABC-FW-Loan E: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, Req-, PI PIPFW:01-0 PFW:01-01-05 1-05,, Avail Availability ability = Wi Withdra thdraw wn Option F: A F: ABC-FW-Loan BC-FW-LoanReq-, Req-, PI PIPFW:01-0 PFW:01-01-03, 1-03, Availability = F Final inal Option G: G: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, LESCatalog:01-01-05, Availability = Yes Option H: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, H: ABC-FW-LoanReq-, LESCatalog:01-01-03, Availability = Yes Option I: @ I: @baseclass, baseclass, Pega -RU -RULES: LES: 0 07-10 7-10-99, -99, Availability = Yes

Which rule is chosen by Rule Resolution? (Choose One)


C, no error raised E, no error raised C, error raised I, error raised  A, no error er ror raised H, error raised F, no error raised G, error raised I, no error raised E, error raised  A, error raised B, error raised H, no error raised F, error raised B, no error raised D, error raised G, no error raised D, no error raised


Enterprise Class Structure This quiz has been developed to test your understanding of the content in this lesson and to help you identify areas in which which you might nee need d further review review.. Your score does not count and you may take this th is quiz multiple times. Your score is: 5 out of 5 In order orde r to achieve m maxim aximum um reuse, w which hich layer should contain the standar standard d processes? (Choose One) Framework Implementation Organization Division



In which layer should you instantiate your work work instances and w why? hy? (Cho (Choose ose One) In the th e framew framework ork –  – so  so they can be easily m maintained aintained In the division – division – so  so the division retains ownership of the work. work. In the implementation – implementation  – to  to be the mos mostt specific In the organization – organization – so  so they can be reused

Correct! (True or False) F alse) Pattern inheri inheritance tance is checked before directed inheritance. False True

Correct! Consider the following scenario: Orga Organiz nization: ation: MyCo Five Divisions: DivA, DivB, DivC, DivD, DivE Framework: Framework: L LoanAppF oanAppFW W The LoanAppFW contains an “Is “IsApproved Approved”” rule, tha thatt directly call calls s the “GetRating” rule. The requirements re quirements for GetRating are the same for DivA – DivA  – DivD,  DivD, but different for DivE. DivE. All w work ork types use these rules. IIn n a bestbe st-practice practice design, how m many any GetRat GetRating ing rules are there?(Choose One) Six,, in: MyCo-FW-L Six MyCo-FW-LoanApp oanApp-Work, -Work, MyCo-DivA-, MyCo-DivB MyCo-DivB-, -, MyCo-DivC-, MyCo-DivD-, MyCo-DivESix,, in: MyCo-FW-L Six MyCo-FW-LoanApp oanApp-Work, -Work, MyC MyCo-DivA-Loan o-DivA-LoanAppDivA-Work, AppDivA-Work, M MyCo-DivByCo-DivBLoanApp DivB-Work, M LoanAppDivB-Work, MyCo-DivC-LoanApp yCo-DivC-LoanAppDivC-Work, DivC-Work, M MyCo-DivD-Loan yCo-DivD-LoanAppDivD-Work, AppDivD-Work, MyC MyCooDivE-LoanAppDivE-Work Two, in: MyCo-FW-LoanApp-Work, MyCo-DivEFive, in: MyCo-DivA-, MyCo-DivB-, MyCo-DivC-, MyCo-DivD-, MyCo-DivEMyCo-DivEFive, in each of the th e im implementation plementation classes: MyCoMyCo-DivA-LoanAppDivA-Work, DivA-LoanAppDivA-Work, MyCo-DivBLoanApp DivB-Work, M LoanAppDivB-Work, MyCo-DivC-LoanApp yCo-DivC-LoanAppDivC-Work, DivC-Work, M MyCo-DivD-Loan yCo-DivD-LoanAppDivD-Work, AppDivD-Work, MyC MyCooDivE-LoanAppDivE-Work Two, in: MyCo-FW-LoanApp-Work, MyCo-DivE-LoanAppDivE-Work

Correct! Consider the following scenario: Orga Organiz nization: ation: MyCo Five Divisions: DivA, DivB, DivC, DivD, DivE Framework: LoanAppFW The LoanAppFW contains con tains an “IsApproved “IsApproved”” rule, tthat hat directly calls the “GetRating” rule. The requirements req uirements for GetRating are different for all five divisions. All work work types use these rules. In In a best-practice design, how many many GetRating rul rules es are there? (Choose One) Six,, in: MyCo-FW-L Six MyCo-FW-LoanApp oanApp-Work, -Work, MyC MyCo-DivA-Loan o-DivA-LoanAppDivA-Work, AppDivA-Work, M MyCo-DivByCo-DivBLoanApp DivB-Work, M LoanAppDivB-Work, MyCo-DivC-LoanApp yCo-DivC-LoanAppDivC-Work, DivC-Work, M MyCo-DivD-Loan yCo-DivD-LoanAppDivD-Work, AppDivD-Work, MyC MyCooDivE-LoanAppDivE-Work Five, in: MyCo-DivA-LoanAppDivA-Work, MyCo-DivB-LoanAppDivB-Work, MyCo-DivCLoanAppDivC-Work, MyCo-DivD-LoanAppDivD-Work, MyCo-DivE-LoanAppDivE-Work Six,, in: MyCo-FW-L Six MyCo-FW-LoanApp oanApp-Work, -Work, MyCo-DivA-, MyCo-DivB MyCo-DivB-, -, MyCo-DivC-, MyCo-DivD-, MyCo-DivE-


Five, in: MyCo-DivA-, MyCo-DivB-, MyCo-DivC-, MyCo-DivD-, MyCo-DivEMyCo-DivE-



You wish wish to create a “CalculateRate” rule and specializ specialize e it so that the functionality functio nality of it is differen differentt based on the “AccountNumber” property: any AccountNumber in the 1000’s (1000 -1999) should have this special functionality. functiona lity. A Assuming ssuming that circumstancing is used to pro provide vide this specialization, specializ ation, and that the ““CalculateRate” CalculateRate” rule does not exist in the system, how ho w m many any rules (at minimum) must be created? (Choose One) 2 Circumstancing Circum stancing cannot be u used sed to address this requirem requirement. ent. 4 3 1

Correct!  Assume that there are no other “ApproveLo  Assume “ApproveLoan” an” or related rules other than those specified below. Which of the following scenarios is allowed by the system? (Choose One) 2 Rules: A ApproveLoan pproveLoan (not circumstanc circumstanced), ed), ApproveLoan (.MortgageRate > 0.05) 2 Rules: ApproveLoan (not circum circumstanced), stanced), ApproveLoan (.OriginP (.OriginProvince rovince = .PropertyProvince) 2 Rules: A ApproveLoan pproveLoan (not circum circumstanced), stanced), ApproveLoan (Start Date: [blank], End Date: 12/31/2013) 1 Rule: A ApproveLoan pproveLoan (.CreationDate A As-of s-of 1/1/2042) 3 Rules: ApproveLoan (not circums circumstanced), tanced), ApproveLoan (.OriginProvince = Ontario),  ApproveLoan  ApproveLo an (.AccountID = C1234)

Correct! Which of the follow fo llowing ing scen scenarios arios is LEAS LEAST T likely to use circumstancing as a mechanism to provide the specialization specialization described? (Choose One) Provide different different functionality for w when hen a rule is called during w winter inter months. Provide specialized specialized function functionality ality for a particular w work ork type type.. Provide speciali specializ zed functionali functionality ty w when hen a rule is called iin n the years 201 2013 3 and 2015. Provide specialized specialized functiona functionality lity when tthe he “YearBuilt” property is 2004 or after.  


Provide specialized functionality when the “RequestedBy” property is “J “John ohn Doe” and the “BudgetCode” property is “AC2348”  “AC2348”  

Correct! The “CalculateRisk” rule is called from the ABC ABC-LoanRequestFW-Loan-Autoloan -LoanRequestFW-Loan-Autoloan context with a “Creation Date” value of J “CreationDate” June une 6, 20 2010. 10. Of the rules listed below below,, which would be chosen by rule resolution? (Choose One) .CreationDate as-of as-of February 4, 2010, 20 10, Class = “ABC “ABC -LoanRequestFW-LoanRequestFW-Loan” Loan”   Not circumstanced, Class = “ABC “ABC-LoanRequestFW-LoanRequestFW-Loan” Loan”   Start Date: Date: May 1, 2010, End Date: August 31, 2010, Class = “ABC-LoanRequestFW-Loan“ABC -LoanRequestFW-Loan Autoloan”    Autoloan” .CreationDate as-of as-of September 3, 2010, Class = “ABC-LoanRequestFW“ABC -LoanRequestFW-Loan” Loan”   Not circumstanced, Class = “ABC “ABC-LoanRequestFW-Loan-LoanRequestFW-Loan- Autoloan”   Autoloan” 

Correct!  Assuming all oth  Assuming other er factors are the same, w which hich of th the e follow following ing “VacationDays” rules w would ould be chosen by rule ru le resolution, w when hen .Country = Spain and “HRApp:01 -01-01-05” 05” is in the ruleset stack? (Choose One) Rule = VacationDays VacationD ays (not circumstanced; “Base Rule” unchecked), unch ecked), RuleSet = HRApp:01 HRApp:01 01-01 Rule = VacationDays Vacat ionDays (not circumstanced; “Base Rule” checked), checke d), RuleSet = HRApp:01 HRApp:01 -0102 Rule = VacationDays (.Country = Spain), RuleSet = HRApp:01-01-01 Rule = VacationDays (.Country = Spain), RuleSet = HRApp:01-01-03 Rule = VacationDays Vacat ionDays (not circumstanced; “Base Rule” unchecked), unch ecked), RuleSet = HRApp:01 HRApp:01 01-04


Reusability and Specialization

Which of the follow following ing is least important in promoting reuse? (Choose One) Documenting Docum enting rules w well ell so they can be read by other users. Creating rules that execute execute a single logi logical cal function. Creating robust, robu st, m multistep ultistep rules that can execute execute a complete flow wi without thout the need to call other rules. Creating a robust r obust and intuitive cl class ass structure and placing rules iin n the right class.


  Correct! Which of the following following statements about a bout parameterization is FALSE? (Choose One) Filling Filli ng in a parameter descripti description on is recomm recommended, ended, but not required. It is possible to make a parameter required. Circumstanced Circum stanced rules cannot be parameteriz parameterized. ed.  A parameter can be of type text, integer, integer , or page name.

Correct!  A customer wishes wishes to h have ave rules that are managed by tw two o grou groups ps of people people,, such that each group cannot view the rules of the other, and each group can deploy their rules to production and subsequently update them at different times. What are the best speciali specializ zation technique(s) to be used? (Choose One) Class Both RuleSet and Circumstance Circumstance Both Class and RuleSet Ruleset Both Class and Circumstance Not enough information Class, RuleSet, and Circumstance specialization are all necessary.

Correct!  An automobile insurance company wishes wishes to ca calculate lculate the covera coverage ge fee consistently for all Makes/Models, with with the ex exception ception o off two m models: odels: Honda Civic and Toyota Camry. Other than this coverage covera ge fee, the business requirements for these two two models are the same same as with a allll other models. model s. What are the best specializ specialization ation technique(s) to b be e used? (Choose One) Both RuleSet and Circumstance Class Circumstance Both Class and Circumstance Ruleset Class, RuleSet, and Circumstance specialization are all necessary. Both Class and RuleSet Not enough information

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is true? (Choose One)


RuleSet specialization allows allows work ob objects jects to be stored in differ different ent tables, if desired desired.. Service Servic e rules should be put in the integration class of the Organiz Organizational ational Reuse Layer to promote reuse. In order for a rule to pass parameters into another rule, both need to be in the same RuleSet. If two rules are identical in every way, way, except for RuleSet, a user m must ust login to a different application applicati on to sw switch itch from using one rule to the other.


Case Management - Under the Hood

The locking configuration on the Advanced tab of the case type rule is meant_______________________. meant______________________ _. (Choose One) For the instantiation of both stand-alone stand -alone and under a parent case hierarchy For the instantiation of stand-alone cases only To be irrespecti irrespective ve of the instantiation; end users can configure the locki locking ng mechanis mechanism m at runtime For the instantiation of subcases subcases under a parent case hierarchy

Correct! (True or False) Email Email Instantiation Instantiation of a case can only be configured for the top -most parent cas case. e. False True

Correct! The calculation calculation of a property of the parent case based on the properties of subcases can can be configured on the ________________. (Choose Two) Case Type rule of the parent pare nt case

Correct! Case Designer – Designer – Detai  Details ls tab of a subcase Case Designer – Designer – Detail  Details s tab of the parent case



Case Type rule of a subcase If the Stages could not be edited edite d for a specific case be because cause the rule iis s locked, what rule could be locked? (Choose One) pyStartCase Flow rule pyDefault Case Case T Type ype rule pyConfigureStages Flow rule pyConfigureStages pyConfigureS tages Case Type rule


Case Lifecycle Management (Stages)  Which of the following following rule types cannot be used to configure a case stage? (Choose One) Validate Data transform Service Servic e Level When

Correct! (True or False) Multiple Multiple steps of a stage can be marked to start sim simultaneously ultaneously upon stage entry. True False

Correct!  A Stage cannot cann ot be configur configured ed ______ ___________ __________ _____ (Choose One) With a validati validation on rule upon stage entry With a when rule to skip the stage With a when rrule ule to process the stage With the selection to indicate the resolution stage or not

Correct!  A step may be configured as any of the listed step types EXCEPT: EXCEPT: (Choose One) Multi-Step Process Transfer Case  Attachment



Case Hierarchy

Subcase instantiation instantiation can be configured in the _ ______________. _____________. (Choose Two) Step configuration of the case designer of the subcase. Step configuration of the case case designer of the parent case.

Correct! Details Detail s tab of the case desi designer gner of the subcase.

Correct! Details Detail s tab of the case desi designer gner of the paren parentt case. In Pega 7, which of the t he follow following ing enhan enhancements cements have been m made ade to t o the locking mechanism? (Choose Two) The subcases locking mechanism is always always the same as the parent case configurat configuration, ion, whether the subcase is instantiated as a standalone case or not. The locking mechanics can be configured to obtain the lock only when submitting an action, and not when opening the case instance.

Correct! We can now configure case instances to be locked on a case by case basis.

Correct! Parent cases are now always always locked w when hen the child cases are being w worked orked on to prote protect ct the integrity of the case. Which of the follow following ing a are re true regarding inheritance of a subcase. (Choose Two) Pattern inheritance inheritance m must ust be same as that of the parent case. Direct inheritance m must ust be same as that of the parent case. Pattern inheritance inheritance does not have to be the same as that of the parent case or the class of the parent case.



Direct inheritance does not have to be the same as that tha t of the parent case or the class of the parent case.

Correct! If the latest val value ue of a property of the parent case is needed dur during ing the processi processing ng of a specifi specific c step of a subcase use_____________. (Choose One) Data transformation transformation on the create case step configuration in the parent case. Data transformation transformation on the starting flow rule of the subcase. Data propagation in the p parent arent case. Data transform in the flow rule that is associated with with that step.

Correct! Which of the following is not a key property when keeping track of a parent  –  –subcase subcase relationship? relationshi p? (Choose One) pxCoveredCountOpen pxCoveredCount pxCoveredInsKeys pxCoveredCountResolved


Creating and Editing Flows Mid Mid Process Dependency involves the___________________ the_______________________. ____. (Choose One) Splitt For Each shape Spli Wait shape Subprocess shape Split Join shape

Correct! (True or False) If the step type of the step is “Single S Step tep Ass Assignm ignment” ent” or “Case”, adding m more ore shapes to the th e associated flow rules change changes s those steps to “Multi Step Process” step type.   True False



Flows can be edited using the embedded process m Flows modeler odeler in the ________________ ________________.. (Choose Two) Process view of the Case Designer

Correct!  App Explorer Explorer Case Explorer Flow rule

Correct! If we need to call the same flow from another anothe r flow for all th the e objects in a list or group group,, w we e can use the____________( Choose Choose One) Split Join shape Wait shape Subprocess shape Splitt For Each shape Spli


Advanced Flow Processing

Duplicate Search involves the mainly mainly creation of w which hich tw two o rules? (Choose Two)  A when when rule to com compare pare  A Validate rule to validate the comparison Flow rule with a duplicate search smart shape

Correct!  A Case Match rule to compare

Correct! Cascading approvals approva ls can be based on w which hich two? two? (Cho (Choose ose Tw Two) o) Reporting Structure

Correct! Declare Trigger


Decision Decis ion Tab Table le

Correct! Decision Decis ion Tree (True or False) The Persist Case Case Smart Shape can be used to make a temporary c case ase a permanent case in the system system.. True False

Correct! In duplicate du plicate search configura configuration, tion, to filter the poten potential tial duplicate cases from the lilist st of exi existing sting case, we we need to configure_______________.: (Choose O One) ne) Weighted Match Conditions Sum of the weighted conditions must be of some value  Aggregate  Aggrega te Value must of some value Must Match Conditions


Screen Flows  A screenflow has the following following steps: 1. Enter Contact Information 2. Enter Shipping Information Information 3. Shipping Instructions 4. Billing Information 5. User Prefe Preferences rences A screenf screenflow low harness displays all five steps, with with step #1 selected. S Steps teps 2, 4, and 5 are act active, ive, w wherea hereas s step 3 is disabled. How are the propert properties ies set for Step 3, “Shipp “Shipping ing IInstruction nstructions”? s”? (Choose One)   “Enable link link if using breadcrumb trail” and “Only Going Back” are both checked.   “Enable link link if using breadcrumb trail” is checked, “Only Going Back” is unchecked  unchecked  “Enable link if using breadcrumb brea dcrumb trail” iis s unch unchecked, ecked, “Only Going Back” is checked   “Enable link link if using breadcrumb trail” and “Only Going Back” are both unchecked.  

Correct! (True or False) Routing is configured on an assignment assignment in a screen flow flow.. True False



Which of the following is an accurate accura te description for why a screenflow may be used? (Choose One) To enhance a flow that routes to multi multiple ple users so that there is a clear representation of which user is on what step. To provide an alternative alter native mode for standard flows, in w which hich standar standard d flow flows s can be sw switche itche d to screenflows screenflows depending on use case. To break up a step pe performed rformed by a single user into screens in whi which ch re related lated data are entered. To simplify simplify the user interface for para parallel llel processing so that a single screen can show all unresolved assignments assignments for a particular w work ork object.

Correct!  A customer requires requ ires that every step in a particular screenflow m must ust be enter entered ed sequentially: that is, Step B cannot canno t be done until Step A is complete, and Step C cannot be done until Step B is complete, and so on. on . W Which hich of the following, on its ow own, n, will NOT meet this requirement? (Choose One) Check the “Entry Point” option op tion for only the first assignment in the screenflow. screen flow.   Using the “Perfor “Perform m Screenflow” harness. Using the “Tabbed Screenflow” harness.  harness.   Check the “Only Going Back” option for every assignment in the screenflow.  screenflow.  


Work Status

Which work work statu status s value is not a standard status in PRPC PRPC? ? (Choose One) Open Resolved-Canceled Resolved-Withdrawn New

Correct! (True or False) The work status value can be set only by using the properties pro perties panel of a flow shape. False True


Correct! Two Tw o hours after a case instanc instance e is created, it has been moved to the “Open - Ready” status. The worker sp spent ent 45 minutes to process the w work ork and resolve it. What w would ould be the values of the elapsed time time in the status prop properties? erties? (C (Choose hoose One) pyElapsedStatusNew = 0, pyElapsedStatusOpen = 120, pyElapsedStatusPending = 45 pyElapsedStatusNew = 2, pyElapsedStatusOpen = 45, pyElapsedStatusPending = 0 pyElapsedStatusNew = 7200, pyElapsedStatusOpen = 2700, pyElapsedStatusPending = 0 pyElapsedStatusN pyElapsedStatu sNew ew = 120, pyElapsedStatusOpen = 45, pyElapsedStat pyElapsedStatusPending usPending = 0

Correct! Which flow shape does not allow the work status to be updated through thr ough its properties panel? (Choose One) Smart shape Start shape None of the above Utility shape


Work Wo rk Parti Parties es Which of the following following statements is true about a work work party? (Choose One)  A work work party defines a group of users w who ho can pick the case from a w workbaske orkbaskett  A work work party defines the group of users w wh h o are auth authorized orized to approve the case  An operator oper ator w who ho is external to PRPC, however acts as an approve approverr of the case  An operator oper ator w who ho is external to PRPC, to w whom hom a notification on the case progress can be sent Correct! (Tru e or False) A w (True work ork item has 5 work parties defined defined.. Only 2 are required. PRPC cannot allow a correspondence to be sent to the 3 non -required parties as they may not be present. False True

Correct! When creating a new ne w w work ork party rule, identify w which hich field do does es not im impact pact tthe he visibility of the w work ork party on the case instanc instance e form. (Choose One) Display Displ ay on Creation


 Allow Multiple Multiple Description Role

Correct! Work parties are saved _______________. (Choose One) In the Requestor ses session sion and not seen in clipboard  As a data page in the clipboard to be used by different differ ent work items  As a top level page in the clipboard  As a page group grou p property in the case instan instance ce


Building a Solid Foundation Which of the following following statements is true about a Page? (Choose One)  A class can only be defined defin ed inside of a page.  A Page is an instantiation of a specific class and is stored in memory. memory. Pages only exist exist at design time.  A page can only be embedded embedde d inside of a class.

Correct! Which of the follow following ing statements is true about PageLists and PageGroups? (Choose Two) Two) The integer '1' is a valid subscript for a page group. PageLists can be iterated over in a guaranteed order, w whereas hereas PageGr PageGroups oups cannot.

Correct! PageLists can only contain 100 pages. PageGroups are always always faster than PageLists “Manager” is a valid subscript for a page in a PageGroup PageGroup  

Correct! Given the following following syntax, what Propert Property y Mode is .Contact: .Contact(1) .Contact(1).N .Name? ame? (Choose One) Page List Value List


Page List or Page Group Page Group

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is NOT a best pra practice ctice for data m modeling? odeling? (Choose One) When possible possible extend out of the box data classes Choose PageLists/Groups PageLists/Groups over ValueLi ValueLists/Groups sts/Groups in most cases. Define all data classes classes at the enterprise layer. Try to limit limit pro properties perties defined directly on w work ork object

Correct! Which of the follow following ing statements is not true? (Choose One) In the reference .Ac .Account.Type, count.Type, .Ac .Account count is both a pa page ge and a pr operty.  An embedded page can be b e created by refer referencing encing the embedded proper property. ty. Pages can be both top level and embedded. embedded.  All pages are top level pages. page s.


Controlling Data with Properties

Given the following following syntax, what Propert Property y Mode is .Contact: .Contact(1) .Contact(1).N .Name? ame? (Choose One) Value List Page List Page List or Page Group Page Group

Correct!  An application retrieves retrieve s custom customer er data from an external system of record (SOR). The c customer ustomer data is used for display purposes only. only. Whic Which h is the best design approach? (Choose One) Configure the property as a Page P age and select Manual and use a data transform to populate the page. Create a Data Page to retrieve the data and configure the property as a Page Page and use copy data from a data page to copy the data from the data page.


Create a Data Page to retrieve the data and configure the property as a Page and use refer to a data page to point to the data page. Configure the property as a Singl Single e Value and automati automatic c reference to class instanc instances es (Linke (Linked d Property).

Correct! In a Section rule, ru le, a prop property erty field reference references s this prop property erty .pyResolvedUserI .pyResolvedUserID.pyWorkstation D.pyWorkstationID ID with .pyResolvedUserID defined as a linke linked d property in the Work - class an and d pyWorkstationID being a property prop erty in the linked class Data Data-Admin-Opera -Admin-Operator-ID. tor-ID. IIn n which which class is the section rule defined? (Choose One) Data-Admin-Operator-ID @baseclass None of the above Work- or a class derived de rived from it

Correct! Which of the following is a not a supported way to source the valid values of a table edit? (Choose One) Using the results of a connector Using field values Directly Directl y inputting a list of values on the rule form Using the key field of data instances

Correct! Setting Setti ng the colum column n inclus inclusion ion field on a property has w which hich of the follow following ing effects? (Choose One) It executes executes the approp appropriate riate alter statem statement ent at the tim time e the property is saved. It queues the appropriate alter statem statement ent to be ex executed ecuted by a background agent. It has no direct effect but rather is a recomm recommendation endation to DBAs. It generates and displays the appropriate al alter ter statement when when the property form is saved.


Source Your Data with Data Pages  A loan application app lication case reque requested sted a D D_Loa _LoanRate nRate data page not already on the clipboard at 9:35. It is a node level data p page age w with ith no parameters. The refresh strategy iis s set to be reloaded if older than 60 minutes. minutes. Another loan a applicati pplication on case requests the same data p page age at 10:45. Which answer answ er b best est descri describes bes the behavior of the data page for the second request? (Choose One)


The page does not exist on the clipboard since it expired expired and is therefore loaded onto the clipboard. The page exists exists on the clipboard but is considered stale so it is reloaded. Node level pages do not support a time based refresh strategy. The page is not reloaded since it ex exists ists and w was as already reloaded onto the clipboard by the system at 10:35.

Correct!  An application currently curren tly under development requires access to customer data from an internal intern al System of Record (SOR). This Th is customer SOR wil willl be moved to an externally hosted cloud solution prior prior to the applicati application on going live. Th The e data structure w will ill be the same for both the current and future system and will will use SOA SOAP P con connector nectors. s. W Which hich is the best design approach approach? ? (Choose One) Define data pages using a simulated simulated data source. For each needed data page, define a similar copy, one pointing to the current source and the other pointing to the future source. Define data pages pa ges w with ith SOAP conn connector ector data sources. Once the customer SOR is moved moved to the external external system system,, update the connector information to reflect any differen ces in the services exposed by the external SOR. Define data pages pointing to the current current source and update the source as needed. Define data pages with multiple conditionalized data sources.

Correct! Which of the follow fo llowing ing is a valid syntax for refer referencing encing a D_OrderHistory data page wi with th one parameter called called CustomerI CustomerID? D? (Choose One) D_OrderHistory[“CustomerID:C--101”] D_OrderHistory[“CustomerID:C 101”]   D_OrderHistory[“C-- 101”] D_OrderHistory[“C 101”]   D_OrderHistory(.CustID) D_OrderHistory(CustomerID:param.custID)

Correct! Which of the follow fo llowing ing cha changes nges to the def definition inition of a data page w would ould requir require e a change to how the page is referenced? (Choose One) Changing the scope from Thread to N Node ode Changing the edit mode from read only to editable  Adding an additional addition al required parameter  Adding a when when rule to the refresh strate strategy gy

Correct! Keyed page access can be used to _________. _____ ____. (Choose Two) Two)


limit lim it the data page to a single page determine which data source to use return a subset of results from the data page

Correct! return a specific instance from the data page

Correct! load a specific record from the the database

Introduction to User Experience

Which of the following is not a UI UI rule in PRP PRPC? C? (Choose One) Harness They are all rules Control Section Layout

Correct! (True or False) The User Interface is the same thing as User Experience. False True

Correct! Which one of these is not considered w when hen planning user ex experience? perience? (Choose One) Ergonomics Using intent driven processes User training  Automating business busine ss processes processe s

Correct! Which of the follow following ing would not be considered a goo good d user ex experience? perience? (Choose One)  Avoiding scrolling Providing all information on model screens to eliminate eliminate UI clutter clutte r


Providing Providi ng the user the inform information ation they need when they need it Calculating Calcul ating totals for the user as the inputs change.

Correct! Where can you go to find find examples of Out-of-th Out -of-the-Box e-Box (OOTB) U UII components? (Choose One) UI Canvas UI Samples UI Gallery Design Canvas


Introduction to UI Architecture

Which of the following following is not a type of portal? (Choose One) Custom Composite Fixed Mobile Developer

Correct! When defining spaces spaces in a portal, w which hich space is mandatory? (Choose One) Navigation Main Work Dashboard

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is not one of the Standard H Harnesses? arnesses? (Choose One) Confirm Create Perform Review


  Correct! What two features can be configured to ex execute ecute be before fore and after a flow action on the Acti Action on tab? (Choose Two) Confirmation Router  Activity

Correct! Data Transform

Correct! Validation Declare Expression Expression (True (Tru e or False) Local Actions and Flow Actions are two two ways to describe the same kind of rule. False True


Building the UI

In general gen eral alignment of a cell is specified in the Skin, EXCEPT EXCEPT when using ______ __________. ____.:: (Choose One) Grids Smart Layouts Column Repeating layouts Floats

Correct! Dynamic Dynam ic Layouts are styled by selecti selecting ng its ______. (Choose One) Template Outer Layout style Format


Page content

Correct! Grids are sourced by _____ .(Choose Two) Two) Data page

Correct!  Any top level page  Any embedded page property prop erty Report Defini Definition tion

Correct! Which of the follow following ing settings in the grid can be enabled using a speci specific fic condition? (Choose Two) Hide the entire grid

Correct! Refresh a row when its value is changed

Correct! Hide or show of only the first row Hide or show of any column Which of the follow following ing statements about layouts are true? (Choose One) Their scope can be extended to multiple multiple rules by savi saving ng them in the class group  A column layout can be nested inside a dynamic dyn amic layout Smart layouts support responsive UI behavior They are saved as a rule in the system for reusability


Introduction to Responsive UI Which of the follow following ing is mos mostt helpful in achieving responsive user interfac interfaces? es? (Choose One) Enabling Enabli ng the Appli Application cation to ren render der in H HTML5 TML5 Docum Document ent Type Using the Auto generated User Interfaces Using a Stacked Dynamic Layout to group data elements  Adding the section in a flow action rule


  Correct! Consider this this requirement: A cust customer omer has an applicati application on built in one of the older PRPC versions and they want to upgrade up grade the applicati application on so that it can be accessed in a tablet by thei theirr staff.  Assuming  Assumi ng tha thatt the customer already upgrade upgraded d their environment to Pega 7, w which hich of the following follow ing steps mus mustt be performed to support this requirem requirement? ent? (Choose Tw Two) o) Invoking the HTM HTML5 L5 readiness gadget to upgrade the user interfaces to standards mode mode

Correct! Upgrading the layouts to use newer dynamic layouts

Correct! Creating a new end user user portal Create a new skin skin rule to support Which of the follow following ing steps are done to enable responsive breakpoints on a grid layout? (Choose Two) Configuring the importance importance flag on all columns

Correct! Ensure the Grid layout uses the Default Format Enabling Enabli ng the Responsiv Responsiveness eness flag in repe repeating ating grids

Correct! Including a dynami dynamic c layout inside the grid layout Which of the following is not a valid setting that can be configured when creating a responsive breakpoint? (Choose One) Hiding the entire layout only on a specific pixel range Changing the row height Hiding the entire layout Changing the number number of colum columns ns per row from 2 to 1


Introduction Introduct ion to Styli Styling ng an Application Every component supports an out-of-the-box out-of-the -box form format at called either ___________. (Choose One) Default or Important Standard or Default


Standard or Important Simple or Default

Correct! The skin contains two two formats for buttons: M Main ain and Secondar Secondary y and contains tw two o formats for links: Strong and Simple. Simple. If I create a link in my sect section, ion, can I pick ‘Main’ as a format for mat for it? (Choose One) No Yes

Correct! Which of the following following are categories of Mix Mixins ins as defined on the skin rule? (Choose Three) Backgrounds

Correct! Borders

Correct!  Alignment Layouts Typography

Correct! Styles Formats are applied to the user interface by __________. (Cho ose One) Selecting Select ing the appropriate format on the presentation tab of the property panel of the component com ponent in the section or harness.  Associating the format and the component on the th e com componen ponents ts tab of the skin. Updating the CSS to specify the preset to use. Dragging the formats formats onto the section or harness.


Understanding Available Controls  Actions in a control are selected in ______ (Choose One)  Action based controls contr ols


 Any Control where where users perfor perform m the con configured figured event Controls used as user inputs List Controls

Correct! Select the mos Select mostt appropriate control to be used in this scenario: We build a product catalog that lists lists all the various products sol sold d by the company. This list includes several items and the user should be able to search based on the product name, product type and the associated category. (Choose One)  A custom control Dropdown Custom grid layout  Auto-complete

Correct! Select the control that cannot be populated using a cascading relationship Select relationship of controls? (Choose One) Drop down Radio buttons  Auto-complete Text Input

Correct! Which of the follow following ing requirement is usually addressed by configuring the control? (Choose One) Display Displ ay the font for the hidden tex textt Display the bu Display button tton label as Cancel Display Displ ay a list of states w where here the values are presented in ascending order Display Displ ay the button that show shows s a red r ed background color


Building Dynamic UI When is a navigation rule us used? ed? (Choose Tw Two) o) To identify the URL URL that needs to be opened w when hen a link is click clicked ed To render a menu menu on clic click k of a control


Correct! To render a context context menu on clic click k of a row in a grid

Correct! To display a history of navigated links  An action set can be configured configu red for each of the following EX EXCEPT CEPT  _________  _____ _________ _________________ _______________. ___. (Choose One)  Action controls contro ls such as buttons User-based controls such as dropdowns  A paragraph parag raph  A text-based control con trol such as Text Input, Rich Text Editor, etc.

Correct!  An action set can be defined define d for _____________ ________ _____________? ________? (Choose Tw Two) o)  A navigation rule  Any layout  A control

Correct!  A grid

Correct! Which of the follow following ing choices listed are accurate in terms of event processing? (Choose One) Events attached to an action action a are re sequenced  Actions attached attach ed to an event a are re sequenced The same action cannot be performed on different events The same event cannot be used to configured to do m multiple ultiple actions

Correct! Consider this this requirement: A user interface should display display a list of buttons in the screen and each button should perform different actions such such as one opens an external w website ebsite such as google.com,, and one opens the audit trail an google.com and d one refreshes the screen. Which of the follow following ing is the recommended recommended design to support this requirement? (Choose One) Use a navigation rule and configure the menu to render as different buttons Create a grid and use click actions Use a menu bar control and confi configure gure the skin to ren render der the menu bar as buttons Create three button controls and add events to each of them



Data Transforms Which flow shape in Process Commander Commander provides the option to refe reference rence a Data Tran Transform sform rule? (Choose One)  Assignment Shape Subprocess Shape Integrator Shape Connector Shape

Correct! Which option is the least likely likely to use a Data Transform rule? (C (Choose hoose One) Copying a page into a page list property Initializing Initializ ing prope property rty values of a new case instance Updating p property roperty values from one page using properties of another page. Updating the proper property ty val values ues on a Data page.

Correct! When a subcase is instantiated, which which data transform iis s evaluated first? (Choose One) The Data Transform defined on the cas case e instantiati instantiation on step in the Case Des Designer igner of the parent case. The Data Transform defined on the cas case e instantiati instantiation on step in the Stage Des Designer igner of the parent case. The Data Transform on the Case Designer Designer –  Details s tab of the parent case.  – Detail The Data Transform Tran sform on the starting fl flow ow of the subcase.

Correct! What symbolic symbolic index can be used to retrieve the llargest argest index in a page list? (Choose One) Current last Top Next




Every activity step has multiple parts. Which is part is not optional if the step needs to be executed? executed? (Choose One) Jump Method Label Description

Correct!  A sub-step sub- step within within a “For Each Em Embedde bedded d Page” multistep iteration has n no o “Step Page” defined.  At runtime, in which which page context, does Process Commander execute tha thatt step? (Choose One) There Ther ew will ill be no pa page ge context The current page of the iteration The Primary Page of the activity The Step Page of the parent iteration

Correct! Which option is the most likely to use an Activity rule, compared to Data Transform rule? (Choose One) Initializing Initializ ing prope properties rties values of a new case instance Parsing a file to do some tasks Copying a page into a page list property Updating p properties roperties values ffrom rom one page using properties of another page.

Correct! What is the name of the method to invoke a Data Tran Transform sform rule from a step in an activi activity ty rule? (Choose One)  Apply-Data- Transform  Apply-Data-Tran sform Call with with the data transfor transform m rule na name me Set-Data-Transform Invoke-Data-Transform


PegaPulse PegaPulse contex conte xt activity streaming can be accessed from the _____. _____ . (Choose Two) Two) Portal


  Correct! Case Instances

Correct! Calendar Reports Browser From the Social User User Profile, messages can be posted to the ________. (Choose Two) Two) Work group

Correct!  Access Group Case Instances Individual Operator

Correct! (True or False) We can post private messages from the por tal. False True

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is not a filteri filtering ng option under contex contextual tual activity st streaming? reaming? (Choose One) Posts by me Posts with Attachments  All Posts Posts with Links

Correct! (True or False) It is possible to have automated postings. False True



Case Attachments Which attachment types types do not appear in the basic add option in standard harnesses? (Choose Two) Scanned Document

Correct! URL Screenshot

Correct! File (Tru e or False) We cannot attach a PDF file auto (True automatically, matically, unless we define PDF as an attachment attachm ent category. True False

Correct! What is the best option to attach the same file tto oe every very case instance from a certain case type? (Choose One)  Attachment section of standard stan dard harn harnesses esses  AttachFile Activity  AttachaFile Local Action  Attach Content Conte nt Sm Smart art Shap Shape e

Correct! In which table are work item attachments stored by default? (Choose One) pc_data_workattach pc_work pc_data_attachmentcategory pr4_rule


Routing Which of the following concepts are associated with with Pull Routing? (Choose Tw Two) o)



Correct! Get Next Work

Correct! Load Balanced Routing Skill Based Routing Where is routing typically typically set in a flow rul rule? e? (Choose One) In the process proce ss tab of a flow rule In an assignment shape In the utility shape In the connector s shape hape

Correct! (True or False) F alse) DW DWA A involves configuring assignm assignment ent type to be external. external. False True

Correct! The worklist worklist router “ToWorkgroup” sends item items s to the ____________? ((Choose Choose One)   workbasket of the workgroup. worklist of the workgroup. worklists of all operato operators rs in the w workgro orkgroup up worklis orklistt of a random avail available able operator in the workgroup.


Get Next Work  A user clicks clicks on the “Get M Most ost Urgent rgent”” button; PRP PRPC Cd did id not return any task even thoug though h there are plenty of work work items. What is the most plausible reason? (C (Choose hoose One) No task iis s flagged as being urgent The user does not have the skills skills required to process the tasks There is no task assigned specifi specifically cally to this user The user is not configured configu red to pull work from m merged erged workbaske orkbaskets ts


  Correct! Based on the setting of this rule, PRPC w will ill e either ither move the ta task sk to the w worker’s orker’s worklist or keep the task at the original place w when hen the w worker orker selects the “Ge “Gett N Next ext Work” functionality. Which rule is it? (Choose One) The configuration setting Get_Next_Work_MoveAssignmentToWorklist The system setting GetNextWork_MoveAssignmentToWorklist The system setting GetMostUrgent_MoveAssignmentToWorklist The decision tree Assign-.GetNextWorkCriteria

Correct! Which rule is not no t involved in the default GetN GetNex extWork tWork functionali functionality? ty? (Choose One) Data-Admin-Operator-.pyWorklistFirst Data-Admin-Operator-.pyWorkbasketFirst  Assign-.GetNextWorkCriteria  Assign-.GetNex tWorkCriteria  Assign-.pyActionTime  Assign-.pyActionT ime

Correct! The list below shows a few rules called when when the default GetNex GetNextWork tWork function functionality ality iis s used. Choose the correct order in which which they are called. (C (Choose hoose One) a. Work.findAssignmentinWorklist b. Assign-.CurUserHasRequiredSkills c. Work-.GetNextWorkObject d.  Assign-.IsReadyToBeWorkedOn  Assign-.IsReadyToBeWorkedO n e. Assign-.HasBeenUpdateByMeToday a, c, d, e, and b c, a, d, b, and e a, c, d, b, and e c, a, d, e, and b


Correspondence When a Notification activity is called for an assignment, how does PRPC select the appropriate emaill account record to use for sending the message? (Choose One) emai PRPC uses the email account accoun t record that has the same na name me as the work pool. PRPC PRP C uses the email account record that has the same name as a s the correspondence rule being used. PRPC PRP C uses the email account record that is set as a parameter of the notification notification activity. activity. PRPC uses the email account record recor d that iis s set in a field in the flow rule form.


  Correct! (True or False) F alse) Creating and configuring an Em Email ail Account rule is optional for sending the emails emails during the processing of the case instances. False True

Correct! What notifications no tifications cause the email sent thro through ugh PRPC to be added as an attachment atta chment to the w work ork object? (Choose One)  Assignment Notifications, Notifications, SLA Escalation N Notifications, otifications, a and nd the Send Correspon Correspondence dence flow action  Assignment Notifications Notifications SLA Escalation Notifications Notificati otifications ons sent through the Send Correspondence flow action

Correct! Correspo ndence rules allow all of the following to be dire Correspondence directl ctly y inserte inserted, d, EX EXCEPT CEPT one? (Choose One)  A property prope rty value from the clipboard  A corresponden correspo ndence ce fragment rule  A message rule  A Paragraph Paragrap h rule


Ticketing (True (Tru e or False) The Work-.StatusReso Work-.StatusResolved lved ticket all allows ows P PRPC RPC to alert a parent case instance when all covered subcase instances are resolved. True False

Correct! Which statement is is NOT correct about the ticket rul rule? e? (Choose One)  A ticket rule is an instance of Rule-Obj-Ticket Rule-Obj- Ticket  A ticket can be raised in a flow action.  A ticket rule does not describe the processing to occur occu r w when hen the ticket is raised


 A ticket rule can be referenced refere nced in Process M Modeler odeler by adding a ticket shape to a flow

Correct! Which shape does not provide the Tickets T ickets tab through its Proper ties panel in the Process Modeler? Model er? (Choose One) Split Join End Shape Start Shape Subprocess

Correct! Which rule is not a standard rule to set a ticket? (Choose (Choose One) Work-.SetTicket flow action @baseclass.SetTicket flow action Work-.SetTicketNames activity @baseclass.SetTicket activity


Declarative Processing Which of the follow following ing a are re reasons w why hy declarative ex expressions pressions are preferred over procedural rules (activities (activities or data transforms) for calculati calculating ng values. (Choose Three) Since they are declarative, PRPC PRPC d determines etermines w when hen tto o run them, making err errors ors less like ly.

Correct! Since they are declarative, PRPC PRPC d determines etermines w when hen tto o run them, making app applications lications easier to change.

Correct! Separating the calculation calculation from other logic mak makes es mai maintenance ntenance and delegation easier.

Correct! They perform better, making making applicati application on response times better. They are the only way way to ex execute ecute a decisi decision on tree, table or map value. Expressions that are ‘backward chaining’ execute when ________________.(Choo se One)


The target property is referenced by another rule; including including references made in jjava ava code. The target property is referenced by another rule; except except references m made ade in java code. The source property or properties are referenced by another rule; except except references made in java code. The source property or properties are referenced by another rule; includi including ng references made in java code.

Correct! Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of forward and backward chaining expressions? expressions? (Choose One) Backward Backw ard chaining shoul should d only be used in pure Business Rule Engine app applic lications. ations. Forward Forw ard chaining rules are alw always ays better for performance. Backward Backw ard chaining rules are alw always ays better for performance. Each chaining type has use cases where where it performs better than the other.

Correct! Which of the follow following ing d declarativ eclarative e rules can apply ba backw ckward ard chaining? (Choose One) Declare Expressions Expressions Declare Pages Declare Triggers Declarative Index

Correct! Which of the following declarative rules can apply forward chaining? (Choose Two) Declare Triggers

Correct! Declare Pages Declare Expressions Expressions

Correct! Decision table

Declaratives Rules Which of the following statements is true regarding context free and context sensitive expressions? expressions? (Choose One) By default, all expressions start as context free expressions


Contextt free express Contex expressions ions promote reuse of data structures as the express expression ion is defined directly on the object containi containing ng the target property Context Sensitive expressions can only be defined on classes that derive from workContext free expre expressions ssions should only be used w when hen a data structu structure re is embedded more than 5 places

Correct! Declarative Decl arative ex expressions pressions ________ __________. __. (Choose One)  Are used to update up date all instances of work in the dat database abase  Are only used for complex rule engine applications Can only be used to calcul calculate ate numeric numerical al values Provide different different calcul calculation ation types and functions based on the type of o f the target tar get property

Correct! Which of the follow following ing statements a about bout utility ffunctions unctions are correct? (Choose One)  All utility functions must must belon belong g to a library Utility fu functions nctions are used only in declare expressions We cannot create new Utility functions It is recomm recommended, ended, but not required, that utili utility ty functions bel belong ong to a library.

Correct! Which of the follow following ing rrules ules can be invoked declaratively? (Choos (Choose e Two)  Activity Decision Decis ion Tree

Correct! Decision Decis ion Tab Table le

Correct! Data transform Flow Action  A Purchasing application has the following following cases: • P Purchase urchase Request (ABC (ABC-Purchasing-Work-Purchasing-Work-Purchasing-Work-PurchaseOrder) PurchaseRequest) PurchaseR equest) • Purchase Order (ABC (ABC-Purchasing-WorkPurchaseOrder) • Order Fulfillm F ulfillment ent (ABC-Purchasing-Work-Fulfillment) (ABC-Purchasing-Wor k-Fulfillment) Purchase Order is created automatically when when Purchase request is approved, appro ved, w while hile the ord order er fulfill fulfillment ment is a subcase for Purchase Order and is created manually by the fulfillment manager. In In the Purchase Request, line items are a re added and this line item is copied to Order Fulfillment and Purchase Order cases when those cases are instantiated. Line Items Items are added using the data class (AB (ABC-Pur C-Purchasingchasing-Data-Item). Data-Item). Which of the following scenario requires context context free expression expression calculation? (Choose One)


Calculating Calcul ating the ur urgency gency of the Purchas Purchase e Order case based on o n the urgency of Orde Orderr Fulfillment case Calculating the unitsinstock unitsinsto ck property of a specific line item w when hen the t he or order der is fulfilled Calculating Calcul ating the total price property in the purchase request case when when line iitems tems are added to the case Calculating Calcul ating the days past goal time for the purchase order case


Delegating Rules to the Business User Which of the follow following ing rules are not usually del delegated egated to business users? (Choose One) Decision trees Map Values Decision tables When rules

Correct! What are the recomm recommended ended choices to im improve prove readability iin n decisi decision on trees? (Choose Two) Do not build any additional nodes Do not use more than one property to evaluate Use the Dis Display play Label option to display the label of the property

Correct! Use A function alias that accepts a fewer number of parameters

Correct! Which of the follow following ing options cannot be restricted thereby enabling busines business s users to make a change in a delegated rule?(Choose One) Entering a value in the cell of a table  Ability to call a when when rule  Adding a column or row Deleting a column or row

Correct! To delegate delega te a busine business ss rule, w we e are alw always ays requ required ired to configure all of the fo follow llowing, ing, EXC EXCEPT EPT one. (Choose One)  Application


 Access Group Operator ID  Access Role

Correct! The check-in option of the ruleset is enabled because it ____________: (Choose One) Let’s the user override another user’s changes  changes   Is the easiest way to maintain versions of the same rule Ensures user changes are not lost Prevents rules rules from being saved in a production ruleset directly directly


Automating Decisions When using a Decision Table a given cell cell can be “split” to rep represent resent ?(Choose One)  And-Logic  And-Log ic Evaluate All Rows Rows logic  Any Boolean Logic OR-Logic

Correct! Which rule is most appropriate appro priate for the followi following ng re requirement: quirement: The combination “COU “COUN NTRY” and “CATEGORY “CATE GORY”” need to return a discount value and there are approxim approximately ately 15 unique countries and 10 unique un ique categories. (Choose One) Map Value Decision Decis ion Tree Decision Decis ion Tab Table le Data Table

Correct! When using the ‘Evaluate All Rows’ Rows’ se setting tting on a Decision Table w which hich of the followi following ng is tru true? e? (Choose One) You can stop the execution using the “Stop“Stop - Table” directive.  directive.  You must also use the += or -= operation ope ration in the action co columns lumns You cannot call the table from a Declarative Expression. You can only have one action column.


  Correct! What rule type is most most ap appropr propriate iate to repr represent esent the follow following ing logic? (Choose One): IIff Age Between Betw een 2 25-35 5-35 AN AND D Sex = Male AN AND D Cre Credit dit Score Betw Between een 500 -600 Return 10 IIff Age Between 25-35 AND AND Sex = F Female emale AN AND D Cre Credit dit Score Betw Between een 500500-600 600 Return 15 IIff Age Betw Between een 3 366-45 45  AND  AN D Sex = Male AN AND D Cre Credit dit Score Betw Between een 5 500 00-600 -600 Return 12 This pattern continues for about 20 different return values with with the same three properties being evaluated. Decision Decis ion Tab Table le When Decision Decis ion Tree Map Value

Correct! Which of the follow fo llowing ing ar are e features available to Decision Tree Trees, s, Decisi Decision on Tables AN AND D Map Values? (Choose Two) The ability to directly call decision decision trees. The ability to control which which functions are avai available lable for a user to select. Restricting allowed return values.

Correct! Checking Checki ng for conflic conflicts ts in the rrules ules logic logic..

Correct! The ability to evaluate all row ro ws

Validation From which which rule types can a validate rule be refer referenced? enced? (Choose Tw Two) o)  Activity

Correct! Edit Validate Property Flow Action

Correct! (True or False) Edit validate is easier to develop and is the recomm recommended ended best practice to use for validation, validati on, instead of Vali Validate date rules. False



Correct! Which scenario is not a validati validation on test performed during the Dicti Dictionary onary validati validation? on? (Choose One) Test whethe whetherr a pro property perty value has exceeded iits ts max maximum imum length Ensure a value of a Page Group mode mode pro property perty is not set to a Value Group mode prop erty Ensure a property of Integer type does not contain “PEGA” “PEGA” as value   Execute an Edit validate rule

Correct! Which statement is is not correct about constraints rules? (Choose One)  A Constraints rule can be referenced referen ced through a flow action rule.  A Constraints rule allows allows us to specify a m message essage tto o be associated w with ith a specific propert property y when the constraints fails  A Constraints rule is effective as soon as it is saved.  A Constraints rule is automatically executed when the value of a property prope rty changes


Creating Business User Reports Which of the follow following ing provides access to all of the reports that an end user can access? (Choose One) Report Editor Report Browser (All Reports) Report definition Report Viewer

Correct! When a manager creates a report in the report brows browser, er, which of the follow following ing options does it create? (Choose Two)  A shortcut

Correct!  A report repor t definition rule


Correct! The production RuleSet  A category categor y ifif it does not ex exist ist The requirement suggests that a manager should not be able to create reports in a public category categor y nam named ed “Daily Reports”. How However, ever, they should be ab able le to view any reports repo rts that exi exist st in the public category. Which approach solve this requirement the best? (Choose One) Cannot handle hand le this require requirement ment unless “Daily R Repor eports” ts” is Private Private   Disable the New New Rep Report ort button Daily Dail y Reports must be defined as a standard c ategory in the applicati application on Do not define a production p roduction RuleSet RuleSet

Correct! Shortcuts are used for _____________ . (Choose Tw Two) o) Creating links links to a report definiton rule in a different category

Correct! Providing Providi ng the abili ability ty to edit favorite reports quicker Creating a report r eport definition using a tem template plate n named amed pyD pyDefaultReport efaultReport Providing Providi ng the abili ability ty to run a report in the report browser

Correct! What are the best practices for creating reports? (Choose Two) Keep them in a private Rul RuleSet eSet during development before sharing them

Correct! Save a copy in application Rul RuleSets eSets even if they are created o only nly for busi business ness users Developers create them as report definition rules before business users work work on them Configure the user options to control what users can perform pe rform at runtime


Configuring Reports Which of the follow following ing repo reporting rting requirem requirements ents w will ill require the use of a sub report? (Choose One) Columns Colum ns to display are: Operator N Name, ame, Count of Operator Div Divisi isions ons h he e belong to Columns to display are: Operator Oper ator N Name, ame, Opera Operator tor Divisi Division, on, Count of Purchase Requests created by the operator ope rator filtered by unresolved unresolved status


Columns Colum ns to display are: Operator Nam Name, e, Operator Divis Division, ion, Cou Count nt of Purchase Requests created Columns to display are: Operator Name, Name, Last updated Case ID, ID, Last updated Case Status , Update Date

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is NOT true regarding SQL functions? (Choose One) They are run on the server, processi processing ng data after being retrieved from the database.  ALL SQL functions funct ions M MU UST have a an n applies-t applies-to o class of Embed-UserFunction They can be im implem plemented ented in reports created either in the Designer Studio, or the Manager Portals. They are instances of the “Function Ali Alias” as” rule type. type.  

Correct! Which of the follow following ing requ requires ires a secti section on to be referenced? (Choose Tw Two) o)  Adding header he ader to a report  Applying Pagination Paginatio n  Applying Custom Filtering

Correct!  Adding a smart Info on each row

Correct! Which of the following statements are true when it comes to using standard functions? (Choose Two) Some Som e functions are cirumst cirumstanced anced and they are all referenced in the sam same e way

Correct! Custom functions functions are the on only ly ones that a manager can use Functions are accessible in Report Editor

Correct!  A developer develope r needs to save the them m in an application ruleset for m manage anagers rs to use Which features impact impact the number of rows queried from database? (Choose Two) Two)  Adding a blank column Threshold Thre shold settings on m maxi aximum mum number o off row rows s


  Correct! Custom SQL Function Pagination Paginati on Settings


Data Model in Reports  A customer would would like a repor reportt that iindicates ndicates how m much uch time is lost due to assignments being “ idle”. What should the report represent rep resent or include? (Choose One)   The gap between pxTaskElapsedTime and pyPerformTaskTime The gap between pyPerformTaskTime and pyPerformActionTime The gap between pxAssignmentElapsedTime and pxTaskElapsedTime pxAssignmentIdleTime

Correct! Which of the follow following ing subcase prope properties rties identifies identifies the parent case? (Choose One) pxCoverInsKey pzInsKey pxRefObjectKey pxParentInsKey

Correct! Which of the following cases would would likely req require uire joining cl classes? asses? (Choose One)  A list of all workbaske workbaskett assignm assignments ents g groupe rouped d by the Operato Operatorr w who ho is performing pe rforming the action  A list of all cases created by operator along a long w with ith their w work ork statu status s  A list of all cases categorized by the cover ID (pxCoverInsKey) (pxCoverInsKey) tha thatt the cases are part of  Average turnaround turna round time of flow actions, categ categorized orized by Performer

Correct! Which of the follow following ing choices d does oes not change the number of rows returned by the report? (Choose Two) Creating a new association rule rule in the class where the report is created



Changing the join join type of an associati association on rule that is referenced in the report Including a property from a rrelated elated class class,, using the associati association on rule to include matching rows Including a page list proper property ty that has bee been n optimi optimiz zed  Adding a new column , correspond corr esponding ing to a single value proper property ty that has not been optimiz optimized ed

Correct! Which of the following requires optimizing optimizing a property? (Choose Two) To use the property prope rty as a filter criteria criteria To display the property in a colum column n To display pagelist result result in a re report port

Correct! To improve the performance


Data Vi Visua suali lizat zation ion using Charts Which chart type is most effective in displaying displaying burn rate of throughput? (Choose One) Gauge Pie Funnel Spark

Correct! Which of the follow following ing statements a are re true? (Choose Two) Only summary-type summary-type reports can include charts

Correct! Colors can be applied conditional conditionally ly to chart elements

Correct!  All chart types can be configured configur ed in the Report Brow Browser ser Chart data is always always sim simulated ulated during configuration Which of the following statements is not true with regards to map charts? (Choose One)


By default, countries are mapped mapped by their country codes  A map can drill down to another map Colors can be applied conditionally to map elements Regions can can be mapped to proprietary codes

Correct! Charts can be drilled into another __________. _______ ___. (Choose Two) Two)  A Static section  An embedded section that displays displa ys additional addition al details Map Report

Correct! Report that displays displays a chart

Correct! Which of the follow following ing requ requirem irements ents suggest us usi using ng a Chart Control ? (Choose One) Using a standard chart shipped in the product Displaying Displ aying the chart in rreport eport brows browser er Delegating a chart to an end user Embedding Em bedding a chart output in the end user portal


Introduction to Integration The terms Connector and Service Service are from the perspective of __________? (Choose One) Your application. application. Thus, a Connector is w when hen your applicati application on requests data from an external external system, and a Service is when external systems request data from yoru application. The external system. Thus, a Connector is when external systems connect to your application to req application requests uests data, and a Servi Service ce is when your application requests request data from an external system.

Correct! In which order ar are e rules and data instances applied for a connector? (Choose One) 1 . Data Page / Acti Activity vity 2. Data Transform (from appli application cation to integration cli clipboard pboard structure) 3. Mapping rule (from integration clipboard structure to format specified by the target service) 4. Connect rule 5. Data Transform (from integration to application clipboard structure) 6. Mapping rule (from format received by the service to integration clipboard structure)


1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5

Correct! In which order ar are e rules and data instances applied for a service? (Choose One) 1. Service Service ru rule le 2. Service Package 3. 3 . Service Activity 4. Mapping rule (from format received r eceived by the service to Clipboard Clipboard structure) 5. Mapping rule (from Clipboard structure to format specifi specified ed by servic service e type) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 2, 1, 4, 3, 5

Correct!  A Connector rule can be directly referenced reference d from ____ _________ ______? _? (Choose Tw Two) o) Flow Data Page

Correct! Data Transform  Activity

Correct! What are best practices w with ith regards to handling interface changes for connectors? (Choose Two) Use the generated classes and properties directly iin n your application Use a separate ruleset for each generated interface

Correct!  Avoid regenerat rege nerating ing the iinterfa nterface, ce, instead try to apply change changes sm manually anually Use the Resource Settings feature for environmental specific specific variabl variables es



Error Handling and Debugging Which of the follow fo llowing ing stat statements ements is the most accur accurate ate with with respect to the error han handler dler flow? flow? (Choose One) The error handler flow is typically typically invoked from the post processing acti activity vity in a da data ta page The error handler flow is is the recomm recommended ended way to handle errors The standard connector error handler flow can help recover from transient errors The standard error erro r handler flow is final and cannot be custom customiz ized ed

Correct! In which of the following following scenarios is the use of con connector nector simulation lleast east ap appropr propriate? iate? (Choose One) When the data source is temporarily unavail unavailable able When the service has not yet been developed When the interface has not yet been defined When testing the application

Correct!  A connector can be configured config ured to be s simulated imulated for _____ __________ _____? ? (Choose Tw Two) o) The current operator only

Correct!  All operators operato rs in a give Wor Work k Group  All operators operato rs on the system

Correct!  All operators operato rs in a given Access Group Which of the following Tracer options is the most most usef useful ul w when hen debug debugging ging service related issues? (Choose Two) Parse Rules

Correct! Locking Stream Rules

Correct! Interaction


PRPC returns retur ns w which hich er error ror code w when hen a conn connector ector call to an ex externa ternall system does not co complete mplete within the allow allowed ed time? (Choose One ) PEGA0014 PEGA0020 PEGA0012 PEGA0011


Configuring a SOAP Connector SOAP SOA P connectors are typic typically ally generated based on a __________? (Choose One) Remote Object Model Definition WSDL File XSD File SOAP Definition

Correct! You have generated gener ated a Customer service using the Create a SOAP Integration Integratio n w wiz izard ard with the Global Integr Integrations ations option for the reuse layer. IIn n which class would you expect expect to find the generated rules? (Choose One) Org-Int-Customer Customer-Int Org-App-Int-Customer Int-Customer

Correct! You have generated gener ated a Customer service using the Create a SOAP Integration Integratio n w wiz izard ard with the Global Integr Integrations ations option for the reuse layer. The RuleSet crea created ted is called CustomerIntegr CustomerIntegration. ation. What is true w with ith respect to the RuleSet prerequistite for Custom CustomerIntegrati erIntegration? on? (Choose One) The Organizational Organizational Integrati Integration on RuleSet is a prerequisite for Custom CustomerI erIntegration ntegration The CustomerIntegration RuleSet is a prerequisite for the Organizational Integration RuleSet The CustomerIntegration CustomerIntegration RuleSet is a prerequ prerequisit isite e for the Applicati Application on Integration RuleS RuleSet et The Application Application Integration RuleSet is a prerequisite for CustomerIntegration CustomerIntegration

Correct!  After having created creat ed a SOAP integr integration ation using the C Create reate a SOA SOAP P Integr Integration ation w wiz izard, ard, which settings are you most likely to have to change at some point before going live live w with ith the application? (Choose Two)


Compensating Action Timeout

Correct! Endpoint URL

Correct!  Axis  Ax is Ver Version sion What kind of error w would ould most likely be represented by a SOAP fault? (Choose One) Invalid Endpoint URL System Failure Incorrect Message Format Timeout


Setup a SOAP Service What are the three Service purposes that are supported in the Servi Service ce Accel Accelerator? erator? (Choose Three) Immediately resolve a Work Object.  Add an attachment. Invoke existing activity rules

Correct! Create and manage work

Correct! Create a Servi Service ce Package Process input or output data

Correct! If your SOAP Service is not listed in the Service Package “Method” tab, the most likely reason is  _____ _________  _________ _________? ____? (Choose One) Your parsing rules have not generated correctly. The Access Group specified on the Context Context T Tab ab does not provide access to the RuleS RuleSet et containing your Service Rule. Your Service Activity is in in the w wrong rong class.


You forgot to log off, then back on, o n, after running the Accelerator. Accelerator.

Correct! When deploying SOAP SOAP services ____________________. (Choose One) Provide the ‘client application developers’ develop ers’ w with ith authe authentication ntication crede credentials ntials to be used w when hen invoking the Service – Service – such  such as UserIdentifier and Password. Ensure that the Access Group listed in the Service Package has access a ccess to your service rules. rules. Provide the ‘client application developers’ develop ers’ w with ith authe authentication ntication crede credentials ntials to be used w when hen invoking the Service – Service – such  such as UserIdentifier and Password. Ensure that the Access Group listed in the Service Package Packa ge has access to you yourr service rules. E Ensure nsure that all of the RuleSets involved in the service are locked. E Ensure nsure that all of the rules invol involved ved in the Service are checked in. Ensure that the Access Group listed in the Service Package has access to your ser vice rules. Ensure Ensure that all of the RuleS RuleSets ets involv involved ed in the service are locked. Ensure that all of the RuleSets involved in the service are locked. locked. Ensure that all of the rules involved involv ed in the Service are checked in.

Correct! Which of the follow fo llowing ing is ne never ver require required d by the client app application lication developer developers s to integrate integra te w with ith an authenticated Process Commander Commander SOA SOAP P service? (Choose One)  An Operator Opera tor IID D and passw password ord The WSDL file The SOAP service ser vice endpoint U URL. RL. The URL URL to the service activity

Correct! The recommended recommended order for unit testing SOA SOAP P Servi Services ces is¬ is¬________________ ______________________? ______? (Choose One) (1) Invoke the Service from an externa externall application. (2) U Use se “initializ “initialize e service reque requester ster context” to test authentication. (3) Use the Current Requestor Context – testing –  testing your Service  Activity and Mapping rules. (1) Use Use the Current Request Requestor or Context Context –  –  testing your S Service ervice Activi Activity ty and Mapping rules. (2) Use “initializ “initialize e service requ requester ester context” to test authen authentication. tication. (3) Invoke the Service Ser vice from an external application. (1) Use Use the Current Request Requestor or Context Context –  – testing  testing only your Service Activity (2) Use Use the Current Requestor Context – Context – te  testing sting your Service Activity and an d M Mapping apping rules. (3) U Use se “initializ “initialize e service requester requeste r context” to te test st authentication authentication.. (4) IInvoke nvoke the Service from an external application. Simply use the Service Activity’s “run” button.  button.  



Setup a File Listener In which order would you configure con figure the followi following ng rrules ules and da data ta instances w when hen creating a n new ew file service? (Choose One) Service Activity, Service Package, Service File, File Listener Service Activity, File Listener, Service Package, Service File Service File, Service Activity, Service Package, File Listener File Listener, Service File, Service Package, Service Activity

Correct! Which of the follow following ing parse rule does not ex exist? ist? (Choose One) Parse Delimited Parse Structured Parse Binary Parse XML

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is not an available proces processing sing m method? ethod? (Choose One) By record type Record at a time File at a time By file type

Correct! What can be done to a file after it has b been een successful successfully ly process processed? ed? (Choose Tw Two) o) Deleted

Correct! Moved to a given directory Renamed Kept

Correct! Which of the following activity extension extension point is not available? (Choose One) Before each record is is parsed Before each input file


 After each input file  After each record recor d is parsed


Interacting with an External Database Which statement about external external classes is false? (Choose One) It is possible to create crea te declare index rules on externa externall classes  An external class always has an associated database data base table instance  An external table can be part of a class group Externa Externall classes do not contain the pz pzInsK InsKey ey and px pxObjClass ObjClass prope properties rties

Correct! Which record does not get ge t created by the Ex External ternal Database Ta Table ble Clas Class s Mappi Mapping ng tool? (Choos (Choose e One) The Property rules used to map to the table colum columns ns The Database data intance The External Class rule The Database Table data instance

Correct! You want want to run an EX EXECU ECUTE TE or CA CALL LL stat statement ement for a store pro procedure cedure in a Connect SQL rule. Which tab would would you use? (Choose One) Browse Save Open Delete

Correct! The mapping defined on an external external class is used by the __________? (Choose One) Obj-methods Both the Obj-methods and the Connect SQL SQL rules Connect SQL SQL rules



Which of the follow following ing is a good use of Connect SQ SQL L rules? (Choose Tw Two) o) Execute Execute a com complex plex SQL state statement ment such as a join or stored procedure against again st an external database

Correct! Execute Execute SQL statements that contain database vendo vendorr specific syntax

Correct! Execute Execute custom SQL statements to im improve prove perfor p erformance mance of queries and update updates s to the PegaRULES database Update an external external table as part of a distributed transacti transaction on

Standard Agents Under which access group does a Standard agent process its tasks? (Choose One) The access group of the requestor who who q queued ueued the task The access group g roup specified on its “Security” tab tab   The access group specified for the the default Batch Batch req requestor uestor The system processes the queue so the Standard agent does not need an access group

Correct! Which facility allows a Standard agent not to worry about transactional processing? (Choose One)  Auto Queue Queu e M Manage anagement ment  Agent Schedule  Agent Queue  Agent Mode Mode

Correct! What is the default class of the Standard agents queue entries? (Choose One) Data-Agent-Queue Rule-Agent-Queue System-Queue-DefaultEntry System-Agent-Queue

Correct! What is the interval value for for a Standard agent running every day at 7:00 AM? (Choose One) 86400


1440 None 5

Correct!  A Standard agent is configured configur ed to run every 30 minutes w with ith the maxim maximum um number of recor records ds set to 45. 45 . The last run of the age agent nt w was as at 11:44 11:44:50 :50 AM AM.. Fr From om this last run time, how ho w long it w would ould take before it processes all all 140 tasks queued for it at 11:02 AM AM? ? (Choose One) 30 minutes 1.5 hours Not sure. IItt w will ill depen depend d on how long it takes to proce process ss each batch. 1 hour


Controlli Control ling ng Access to an Appli Application cation Which of the following rule or data instances is not part of the authorization model? (Choose One)  Access Group Portal  Access When Privilege

Correct! What is the outcome if several roles are specifi specified ed for an access group? (Choose One) The most restrictive role determines determines the level of authorizati authorization on The most permissive role determines the level of authorization

Correct! The Access Manager allow allows s you to configure access to ___ __________? _______? (Choose Tw Two) o) Workbaskets Work Parties Process Flow F lows s




Correct!  Attachments Which rule types are most likely to be created or updated by the Access Manager if you grant an access group access to a flow action that they previously pre viously were were rrestricted estricted access to? (Choose One) Privilege  Access-Role-Object (ARO)  Access Group Flow Action

Correct!  A team of CSRs have the same role. Which of the follow following ing would b be em most ost suitable to restrict a CSR to process proce ss w work ork fr from om other team mem members’ bers’ worklists? (Cho (Choose ose One)   Set Process Flows access to ‘Conditional’ ‘Condition al’ and select access-w access -when hen called px pxAssignedTo AssignedToMe Me Set Modify to ‘Conditional’ and select accessselect  access-w when pxA pxAssignedT ssignedToMe oMe Set Perform Perfor m to ‘‘N No Access’ Access’   Set Open to ‘Conditional’ and select the access-when access -when pxAssignedToMe


Authentication Using LDAP The PRCustom PRCustom authentication schem scheme e _____________ ____________________ __________. ___. (Choose One) Is used for integrating integratin g w with ith LDAP a and nd m many any toke token n based Si Single ngle -Sign On systems. Is used for integrating integratin g w with ith LDAP a and nd m many any toke token n based Si Single ngle -Sign On systems and container managed security. Requires custom java coding. Is used only for authentication authe ntication w with ith LDAP

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is true about LDAP LDAP? ? (Choose One) LDAP is a directory protocol that can can store entries about users users and can be used for authentication. LDAP is only used on Windows servers. LDAP stores user informati information on but cannot store passw passwords. ords. LDAP only stores a username u sername and passw password ord and is used to authenticate passw passwords ords only.


  Correct! Configuring PRPC PRPC to use LDAP integration __________________ _____________________. ___. (Choose One) Requires manual manual edits to web.x eb.xml ml and the creation of an authenticati authentication on service.  Automatically disables the standard standa rd PRP PRPC C opera operator tor IID D based authe authentication ntication (PRBasic). Should only be done by ex experienced perienced Java programmers. Can be done by running the authentication wizard and customizing the authentication activities if necessary.

Correct! Which of the follow fo llowing ing is NOT a comm common on customiz customization ation o off the auth authentication entication activities used in LDAP authentication? authentication? (Choose One)  Adding additional ad ditional m mapping apping logic to find app appropr ropriate iate m model odel operat operators. ors. Localizing user response messages for invalid users / passwords. Caching users passwords to avoid long LDAP response times.  Adding additional ad ditional logic for denying access to certain users.

Correct! Which of the following statements is correct? (Choose One) PRPC PRP C operator ID IDs s must be created be before fore a user can login usi using ng LDAP LDAP.. Using LDAP elim eliminates inates th the e need for PRPC oper operators ators unless you plan to route w work ork to worklists. Even when using LDAP authentication PRPC operator IDs are required for work routing, routing and authoriz authorization. ation. Using LDAP eliminates the need for PRPC operators


System Debugging When is the most appropriate time to engage in system system debugging? (Choose One) During the QA cycle Throughout the development process During unit testing To track down down user reported errors

Correct! Which of these is not a debugging tool? (Choose One)


The logs The performance analyz analyzer er The clipboard The tracer

Correct! Which action is not available when when using the clipboard? (Choose One) Creating a new top level page Editing Editi ng the page Refreshing the page Viewing View ing the clipboard size

Correct! When tracing an e error rror in a rule it is a good practice to __________________. (Choose One) Ignore declarative rules Increase the n number umber of rows to capture all possible events Use the tracer view viewer er for all tracing analysis Use the tracer settings to filter irrel irrelevant evant readings.

Correct! (True or False) You can filter the events w written ritten the Remote Logger. True False


Designing for Performance Which tool is not generally used to analyz analyze e system performance? (Choose One) Performance Analyzer Performance Profiler Tracer DB Trace

Correct! The reason we want to run our process right before taking performance readings is  _________  _____ _______ ___ (Choose One)


To make sure there are no bugs in the system To allow the rules to assemble To make sure we know which buttons but tons to cl click ick so w we e can be quick To train the system which process p rocess w we’re e’re g going oing to measure  

Correct! (True or False) We should justify all our warnings warnings to get the Com Compliance pliance Score Score to 1 00. True False

Correct! Guardrail reports are valuable to identify ________________. (Choose One)  All of the above  All the application exceptions Which developer has the most warnings  All the application warnings by severity and the th e cause

Correct! Which of the follow following ing is not a performance best practi practice? ce? (Choose One) Cleaning up the clipboard Minimiz Minim izing ing the number of rules Dedicating Dedicati ng a back end process node Restarting the system


System Tuning and Maintenance (Tru e or False) We s (True should hould immediately increa increase se the rule cach cache e if w we e notice instances being pruned. True False

Correct! Which one of these is not part of the initi initial al Purge and Archiv Archive e configuration? (Choose One)


 Age Work Pool Case/Supporting Case/S upporting Type Work Status

Correct! What is the default number of days betw between een archive cy cycles? cles? (Choose One) 60 Days 7 Days 30 Days 90 Days

Correct! Which of these is not a recommended recommended task for a system admini administrator? strator? (Choose One) Monitoring Moni toring p performance erformance issues Installing hot fixes and updates Monitoring AES Fixing performance issues


Migrating an Application Which option is not available when when including data instances in a prod product uct rule (RA (RAP)? P)? (Choose One) Exclude Exclude non rule resolved data instances Include all instances of a class including all descendants of that class Include individual data instances Filter class instances using a list view

Correct! What happens if you im import port RuleSet versions that active active users can access? (C (Choose hoose One) Process Commander Commander e ensures nsures that the entire ZI ZIP P file is imported before the rules in it start executing The rules in the RuleSets may start sta rt ex executing ecuting imm immediately ediately the mom moment ent they are im importe ported d Users sta start rt executing the n new ew rules next time they login no matter if the import process is complete com plete or no not. t.


Process Comm Commander ander ensures that an entire RuleS RuleSet et version is im imported ported before th e rules in it start executing

Correct! Which statement regarding the Associated RuleSet RuleSet setting on data instances is false? (Choose One) The associated RuleSet RuleSet for data instances of certain classes mus mustt be entered manually  A data instance does not have to be associated with with a RuleSet  Associating a RuleSet to a data instance affects runtime run time beha behavior vior  Associating a RuleSet to a data instance assists in application packaging

Correct! When would would you not use the export export gadget? (Choose One) To create a ZIP ZIP archive based on an ex existing isting product patch rule To download download an already generated RAP (R (Rule-Admin-P ule-Admin-Product) roduct) file from the server To create a ZIP ZIP a archive rchive containing all the rules in a specific RuleSet version To create a RAP (Rule-Adm (Rule-Admin-Product) in-Product) rule


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