Worm2)To restrict visiting Internet sites,you can modify the setting of your o o o o
Operating system ISP Web browser Modem
3)choose the correct statement from the following. o o o o
A personal firewall protects system fromInternwt attacks to a certain extent An antivirus eliminates the need for a firewall A personal firewall will check all email attachments for malware An Antivirus is not needed when a firewall filters all ports
4)which of the following statements is wrong regarding good password management? o o o o
Do not share your password Do not write down your passwords Do not use easily guessable password Do not change password frequenty
o o o o
Do not share your password Do not write down your passwords Do not use easily guessable password Do not change password frequenty
6)choose the correct statement o o o o
Threat is a potentail violation of security Threat is a defined way to brech security through a vulneabily Threat is the existence of weakness or implementaion error Threat is an assault on system security
7) is database thate stores all installation information of windows os o o o o
Event Viewer Registy Logs Accsess
8)A stong password will be a combination of
o o o o
Letters only Numbers only Letters in caps and small forms Letters,numbers and special characters
9)Which of he following would you consider as a good password? o o o o
Beatle Juices Lms#456JKZX8 13Locksmith JamesBrown
10)Whatv is Regedit32.exe? o o o o
Regidit editor Registred edito for 32 bit system Registred editor for windows Registred event viewer
11)How would you active SSL on your system? o o o o
Download a SSL certificate from a secure server There is a need to do anything to active SSL Use the SSL extension in your URL(https) Register with a security provide such as version
12)What are the three most common risk associated with “surfing the Web”(selec t 3 answer) o o o o
Theft of credit card information Theft of personal identify and other private information Overloading computer system resources Contamination by a virus or other malicious code
13)Highest macro security is used in by defaults in MS OFFICE application o o o o
Accsess Word Powepoint Excel
14)Which statement is correct with regad to path management? o o o o
Patches are occasionally sent over email Patches should be download only from the vendor site Not applying application patches cannot lead to system comproms. Only operating system patches need to be applied
15)Name the attack whee a person is tricked into disclosing information o
o o o
Keylogging Time bomb Social Engineering
16)A ‘Private’ folder in windows xp is o o o o
A folder that is not shared A private shared folder An encrypted folder A hidden folder
17)In asymmetric encryption o o o o
Similar key are used Two public keys are used Two privatee keys are used A public and private key is use
18)Which of the following option would you choose to secure e-mail messages? o o o o
Digital signature Digital voice Digital autograph Digital photograph
19)What is a ‘cookies’?(select 2 answer) o o o o
A cookie is a dynamic link library loded when windows start A cookie is a file encryption utility A cookie is spyware program A cookie is a file created by an Internet site to store information on your computer
20)A guest account should be o o o o
Given executable rights Used for administrator alone Preferably disabled Created as a separate login
21)Events are of two types namely o o o o
Application and Execution Application and log Application and security Execution and security
22)Security is a
o o o o
A snapshot of a system in time One time initative On going procees Theoretical concept
23)Event viewer is used for o o o o
Viewing web events in real time Viewing system log of events Viewing progress of events Viewing mail analysis of events
24)choose the correct statement o o o o
The skill level needed to conduct an exploit has decreased Evolution of technology did little to increase ease of use Security is only a one stage process Software flaws can be absolutely eliminated
25)Denial of service occurs when o o o o
Illegitimate users are prevented from using resources Legitimate users are denied access to resources ISPS notify a down time to users An organization denies access to certain sites
26)What should you do if you receive a call from someone in your computer support department asking for your password? o o o o
Give it to them without question Inform them that there is no reason they should need your password and refuse to give it to them Ask them why they need the password.If the reason sounds legitimate,go a head and give Send the password via e-mail to ensure you’re giving it to the right person
27)Working away from the office gives you are more freedom to disregard .your company’s security standards and policies.(True or False) o o
True False
28)Which key combination in windows will lock your workstation? o o o o
29)To verify if your are on a secure page,you will check for
o o o o
http:// in the url and padlock sign on the page http:// in the url and padelock sign on the page http:// in the url and handlock sign on the page https:// in the url and handlock sign on the page
30)SSID is the o o o o
Application of SSL in a wireless LAN Name of a wireless local area Network Secure ID given to an individual browsing on a wireless LAN Encryption off data over radio waves to avoid interception
31)While using peer network which of the following precautions would you use? o o o o
Use a reliable client software You can safely transmit password in pqp network Share files and folder selectively Scan all downloaded file using av software
32)Which option will you choose to share file more security? o o o o
FTP sites HTTPS sites Share you root drive PQP network
33)This tool can capture password when types from the keyboard o o o o
Eavesdropper Keylocker Enterapper Keylogger
34)Computer virues are most commonly spread by? o o o o
Choosing weak computer passwords Opening e-mail attachmens Downloading pictures from web Reading jokes on the Internet
35)What is a Zombie Machine o o o o
A machine that is dependant on othor machine for resources A machine that accespt and acts on instruction from athor machine A machine that does not respond to any instruction A machine that does not have a hard drive
36)Which of the following statements are wrong in the contex of “downloading”files? o
It is safe to open a file or run a program directly from a location
o o o
Never save the file in the root directory of the computer Before opening the file,save all other work and close other programs Files must be scanned for viruses/Malware prior to using them
37)Which of the following is the best example of a strong password? o o o o
Pa44word(a word thatsubtitutes numbers for some of the letters pateR%office3 (a name or phrase that mixes uppercase and lowercase letters,numbers and symbols) good2go(a phrase the mixes letters and numbers) Dadl969(something easy to remember like a name and birth date)
38)What is an incident? o o o o
Misuse of computer rersources by runnig malicious codes Gain unauthorized access to computer An undesired event of violating the security of a computer All of the above
39)Which service listens on port 25? o o o o
telnet pop FTP SMTP
40)Services are programs that o o o o
Starts when MS OFFICE starts Starts up when the system boot Starts when an application is abruptly closed Starts when the user connects to the internet
41)Which command displayes all.Current TCP/IP network configuration values?(select 2 answer) o o o o
IPconfig Netstat Ping Netconfig
42)While using peer to peer networks which of the following precautions whould you use?? o o o o
You can safuly transmit password in PQP network Scan all downloaded file using AV software Use a reliable client software Share files and folder selecting
43)when youlogin to your computer,you o
Identify and authenticate
o o o
Identify and authorize Authenticate and validate Authenticate and reinforce
44)Which statement is correct with regard to patch management? o o o o
Not applying application patching cannot lead to system compromble Only operating system patches need to be applied Patches should be downloaded only from the vendor site Patches are occasionally sent ove e-mail
45)Which of the following statements are false? o o o o
Encryption involves protecting a file by hiding them into an anthore file or message so that only authorized users can access the file Authenticity of all files downloaded from third party sources cannot be trusted File integrity can be checked by using MD5 check sum All application can be identified by using a task manager
46)choose the correct statement from the following o o o o
A person firewall will check all e mail attachment for malware An antivirus eliminates the need for a firwall An antivirus is not neede when a firwall filters all port A personal firewall protects system from Internet attacks to a certain extens
47)The folder in windows registry editor is called o o o o
and the content called
Keys,notes Keys,values Values,key Notes ,value
48)The three types of registry values are called o o o o
Dword,Numberical and Ascil Binary,Dword,Ascial String,Binary,Dword String,Numberical and Binary
49)The default port on which HTTP listens is o o o o
23 80 110 130
50)If you had secure a folder completely,which option will you choose? o
Rename the folder
o o o
Hide the folder Zip the folder Encrypt the folder
51)While using peer to peer networks.which of the following precatons would you use? o o o o
You can safely transmit passwords in PQP networks. Scan all downloaded files using AV software Use a reliable client software Share files and folder selection
52)When you login to your computer,you o o o o
Identify and authentication Identify and authorize Authenticate and validate Authentication and reinforce
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