CS705A Internet Technology.pdf

June 28, 2016 | Author: vikash bhakta | Category: Types, School Work
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exam paper of informantion technology (wbut)...


CS / B.Tech (CSE-NEW) / SEM – 7 / CS-705A / 2014-15 2014 INTERNET TECHNOLOGY Time Allotted : 3 Hours

Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable.

Group – A (Multiple Choice Type Questions) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following: 10 x 1 = 10 i. In SMTP, the client establishes a ___________ connection with the server. a) TCP b) UDP c) IP d) HTTP ii.

The IPv4 address is a a) Multicast Address b) Unicast Address c) Broadcast Address d) None of the above


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