Crystallizations of the Sacred Word

November 19, 2017 | Author: Grayham Forscutt | Category: Matrix (Mathematics), Consciousness, Quantum Mechanics, Universe, Physical Cosmology
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Crystallizations of the Sacred Word An interview with crypto-numerologist Grayham Forscutt by Marsha Jones "We tend, in the late twentieth and early twenty first century, to bracket out the idea that letters have a magical power or a mystical power. I think that’s a mistake, because I think it’s exactly at the intersection of these two things that the alphabet functions most effectively." Dr. Johanna Drucker, author of The Alphabetical Labyrinth.

The Mayan people believed the universe was, in essence, a living organism and numbers were the symbolic and metaphoric links by which we could establish a connection to the heart and soul of that organism. - G.V.Tenuta (who coined the term 'crypto-numerology)

242 = Crypto-numerology, Alphanumeric Equations, Universal Principles, Co-operative Synergy, Study Physics of Phi

When I first came across crypto-numerology I assumed it was another navel gazers new age tool, sure, I'd probed my own belly with a bit of pop numerology (we are our own reference points after all), traits and latent potential were presented through the archetypal numbers from one's birth date or name. Yet as far as crypto-numerology (CN) was concerned, with numerical subsets of related words, I was not convinced of its relevance and dismissed it as coincidence, subjective, selective - and besides what did it all mean anyway? In theory it is simple enough; a=1, b=2...m=13...y=25, z=26. Words then equal the sum of their unified individual letter numbers (these are not reduced down to single digits or 'master' numbers as is the norm in traditional alpha/numerology or the nine-fold gematria system). Although Pythagoras never delved into numerology per se, his quest to explore the deeper essence behind mathematics and the vibrations of the universe, was profoundly influencial to Western notions of alpha-numeric systems. Whereas numbers in this dimension are usually used in a quantitative sense, numerals are said to exist qualitatively in the higher dimensions. Therefore each number holds a unique signature vibration just as each letter does, and just as unified letters create meaning and form (through language), the arithmetic of the word as a whole also resonates synergistically, literally 'bigger (or more profound), than the sum of its parts'.

Nevertheless, crypto-numerology still seemed a bit abstract and mildly obsessive, an unbridged gulf between hypothesis and experience. However my skepticism transformed into curiosity when an 'empirical' example presented itself through my subconscious in a dream where '199' was written down inside the back cover of a book about 'Kundalini Tantra'. So, in my awake state, I checked out this number against a friend's CN database, curious to see if there were any connected clues. At once I was struck by phrases such as ‘kundalini vortex,' 'the tantric ritual' and 'nourish pineal gland'. I felt swirls of excitement as the deeper interconnections of numbers and language revealed themselves. Could this system be transdimensional communication, a code of universal principals after all? “Interdimensional news,” Grayham Forscutt mused “via a subatomic network,” when I asked him crypto-numerological comparisons for '242'. Grayham is Golden Bay's resident phi-polyhedra model maker, stargate mapper and CN creator-decoder, aptly his full birth name equals the signature sum of 242. “Convert Language of Light,” he offers another equivalent echo and I am further intrigued by this pattern of conscious numbers mirrored in language. The interplay between numbers and letters has always been a symbiotic relationship as seen by the ancient Greek and Hebrew numero-alphabet, and in metaphysical systems like isopsephy, gematria and the Arabic abjads. That the origins of Chinese pictographs are from the I Ching, where counting and geometrics are used to interpret higher wisdom, also highlights the entwined relationship between numbers, letters and consciousness. Ironically, it was through the influence of Fibonacci and his avocation of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system (in Liber Abaci 1202 AD), that the alphabet was separated from its weave with numbers, ironic because it is precisely from his work that the 'golden mean' spiral was reintroduced to the West, and provides the reuniting ratio link between the rational and spiritual. At a more esoteric level, so-called 'angel-alphabets', like the flame letters of Chaldean script or the undeciphered Ophanim alphabet via John Dee, were seen to be given as divine gifts. Despite the fact that opinions differ regarding the origins of the 'language of light' (ancient versus Modern Hebrew; Ophanim; English; vowel tones etc), the awareness that the form of letters can influence neurochemistry is a fascinating subject that requires further study.

Also of archeological and metaphysical interest, is that most of the seed languages - Egyptian hieroglyphics and Sumerian cuneiform (c.3000 BC), that created the cultural mix of Proto-Canaanite Linear, a common alphabet formed for the immigrant turquoise and gold miners at Sinai peninsula c.1700 BC sprung from cultures that were geographically situated on the vertices of intersecting Earth grid lines, as do the undeciphered ancient texts from the Indus Valley (modern north India and Pakinstan) and the Rongorongo of Easter Island1.. That the time and location of the [archelogical] origins of the alphabet (Sinai, 1700BC) co-incides with the myth of Moses and the Ten Commandments, has been interpreted by secular scholars as to intentionally strengthen the cultural authority of 'God's Word' which thereby undermined humans co-creative expression2. Expression is our cord between worlds, and words can be guides or catalysts, working from both the inside-out and outside-in. However sometimes these experiences (when 'divinely inspired' or emotionally moved) cannot be translated in the linear form of words or concepts yet still need a medium of expression, hence the challenge (and tenderness) of the growing child, maturing adult and appreciation of art and music. In my present experience with crypto-numerology I still receive clues via thetabrainwave dream-numbers that support personal growth towards transpersonal truths, while others in beta-states 'decode' key words to reveal patterns of meaning. Although the term 'crypto-numerology' was coined by Gary Tenuta in the 1990’s, who found remarkable patterns within the ancient Mayan calendar system 3, it was American Spiritualist William Eisen 4 and his innovative perspective of the English Cabalah, that stimulated an alpha-numerology renassiance. 5 While the initial source of Eisen's information may not be everyone's cup of chai - it was claimed to be channelled from advanced Egyptian time-travelers who evaluated our current era to be the optimum demographic for consciousness evolution - it is nevertheless intriguing in light of the hype and interpretative significance of '2012' as the transition period to a new world paradigm. Expanding on Eisen in a more contemporary and futuristic framework, Forscutt – who started to resonate with the galactic center and access interdimensional

information in the mid 1980's, a prime time for burgeoning astro-planetary consciousness – explains how CN revealed to him the sacred geometrical template which underlies the discoveries of plasma cosmologists. "Over the last twenty years cosmotopologists have modeled the overall structure of our universe, a hypersphere, the hecatonicosachoron crystal. I postulate this topological modeling will expand to include the rhombic triacontahedron and its stellations. Within this framework plasma cosmologists have mapped the 'family tree' of creation, via braided electric filaments of crystallized light, linking galaxy clusters to mega superclusters like the Great Attractor and the Shapley Supercluster. I was able to contribute to this unfolding cosmology ('Cosmogenetic Family Tree' equals 242), by plotting the crystalline latticework underlying the birthing process of galaxy clusters and super-clusters, revealing they conform to golden phi ratio filament arrays 6. This is a vital proof for plasma cosmologists who will now be able to tie in their discoveries with the evolving 'uni-phi-ed' theory of Cosmo-genesis. Cosmo-genesis is the 'Queen' of sciences and has huge impact on how other sciences interpret their findings. Torsion waves and the Pulsars connected to our galaxy centre also show definite golden ratio characteristics, here pulses as fractions of time, display a quasi-periodic crystalline nature. All these astrophysical discoveries can now be plotted via the golden ratio dynamic. The golden ratio or cosmic fire is the blueprint for consciousness via its nature to self embed and become self organizing. Truly phi is the synthesising principle par excellence." The ubiquitous golden mean ratio, the basis of fractality, infinity and harmony, the same ratio that exists between the heartbeats when in a state of bliss or compassion, as biofeedback ECG data from the international HeartMath Institute has proved7. Grayham continues animatedly about the alphabet's mechanisms of transference, from the celestial through the cosmic to the corporal, embedding in our brain, DNA and nervous system, where we can reconnect with our source of origin through conscious use of sound, language and most importantly, intent. "Firstly, Eisen attached each of our letters to a tarot card and positioned each card upon the Tree of Life, interestingly neo-theosophist Simon Phillips models the 26 dimensions of string theory onto the Tree of Life, so it will be interesting to see if the 26 letters of our alphabet can be mapped into string theory. Phillips provides a more inclusive model to the 'E8xE8' string theory with his modeling using Platonic, Archimedien and Catalan solids8. The letters we know as the English alphabet are fragments of the phi spiral and as

expected powers of phi define the hyper-light realms. 9 Sacred geometrist Dan Winter animates10 the curves we identify as English letters using fragments of a 3D phi spiral, these frozen shadowform snapshots are seen projected on the inner wall of a torus as the hyper-dimensional spectrum encompassing phi-spiral twists through and around that torus. We, as wormhole experiencers, navigate through the torus central vortex (the white light vortex seen at death), and on this journey our attention, the infolding spiral of perception, 'sees' each letter as our viewpoint undergoes a rotation translation from one dodecahedron / triacontahedron axis to another. In other words hyperdimensional light phase locks into our reality popping up in the quantum domain via the pent[agonal] array geometries which act as wave-guides for english letters. Individual consciousness uni-phi-es with the Source of Universal Consciousness via our pent based DNA catchers mit. This phase locking of geometries allows our English language to express inspired ideas that resonate from the Universal level.” The plot was definitely thickening with a juicy spiralling current. So, if thoughts arrive superluminally, and thoughts consist of letters/words, then are thoughts and words an 'instantaneous interlinkage' from a universal mind, quantum tunnelling through a holographic crystalline matrix? "Only those ideas that reveal truth manifest coherently within cryptonumerology. These are aligned with the intentions of a spectrum of supraphysical intelligences seeking to express new ideas throughout the Universal Field. Thoughts generated by supraphysical intelligences create angle axis codes called seed crystal templates. These templates create a spectrum of wave 'particles' or 'ideas' in all density's which when reaching our physical realms slow to below light speed and end up becoming the particles of matter. Hyper-particles are super-conscious thought forms, a spectrum of fractally nesting crystalline matrices within matrices, the structural fabric which is literally the celestial and cosmic domain. The golden phi spiral is the scalar template, reflected mirror into mirror into mirror, that traverses scale / space / time instantaneously, a supraholographic linking medium throughout all matrices with its associated angelic alphabets, seeding new blueprints to those who align with this method of service." It would seem that being grounded is key to access this 'macrocosmic' information transferred to the 'microcosm'. One needs to be integrated and embodied, a unified body-mind, in order to centre these 'higher energies' into our

denser physical form, so that they can be experienced as the fractal gateway of consciousness into the larger, holographic universe. To further explain the role of humans in the macro-microcosmic link, Grayham affirms: "A helpful way to visualise our position is to see our Earth as a tiny bubble in-abigger bubble (our solar system) which is inside a larger bubble (our galaxy) which again is inside the plasmic ocean (our universe) of a creative being whose expression is love and light or polarity and vibration. We live within this universal being/body – as humans we don't need to go anywhere to interface with the myriad aspects of our universe. Crypto-numerology is a way to decipher and resonate with energetic signatures by decoding numbers and names. This has been referred to as accessing the universal Akasha. We are crystal receiving structures stationed in the physical with the potential to create with this 'information'. However only through resonantly coherent heart and brain frequencies can this be optimized, which in turn can rejuvenate and transform DNA, by interpreting the Light we become that Light." The awareness that our words and thoughts can create or affect our reality is permeating all aspects of popular culture, as seen by Dr. Masaru Emoto's water experiment and within the field of quantum physics and psychoneuroimmunology, that the power of intent as a vibration can change molecules to enhance health and well-being, which re-empowers personal responsibility to co-create their experience. Recent discoveries by Russian scientist prove that the 90% so-called ‘junk’ DNA could potentially be ‘jewel’ DNA and enables an “instant holographic resonance” explaining 'hyper-communication' (like telepathy, clairvoyance and remote healing). Working with linguists, these scientist suppose that human language and vibration is the healing tool to re-programme DNA and theorise that “...The alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.”11 This was quite mind-boggling terrain to navigate, with my brain synapses and DNA braids in need of quantum leaps to reconnect, translate and integrate the implications of the dynamic potential of a universal intercommunication. Since the relationship between higher consciousness and synchroncity is still mysterious or 'miraculous', a cosmic messenger of alignment or portentous

affirmation, I am always invigorated when I encounter this 'magic' or coincidence first-hand. So on the day I received the idea to write this article about the CN system and a spontaneous visitor arrives with her portable hard drive that contained her own personal CN database, I was inspired to persevere with research. Nicola, an artist and spiritual seeker saw the deeper connection of numbers as a child and resonated with numerology as an adult. Her collection of softer science and spiritual symbols is a reflection of her perspective and are quite beautiful. While I have omitted the more esoteric and Theosophical terms for a broader appeal, here are some examples; 160 = Rose Quartz * The Heart of Love * The Rainbow Bridge * 267 = Living crystals of light * Earth’s Alpha Omega blueprint * Gridwork energy dynamics * The basic pattern of creation 343 = Number-based geometry codes creation * Eternally Regenerative Principle * The unification of Spirit and Science. Additionally, crypto-numerology is useful for cross-philosophical comparisons, and has scientific applications. It can be used as inter-disciplinary tool to investigate the synergy of universal principles inherent in seed ideas and as confirmation of intuitive research. One can start their own data-base and may be surprised at the addictive nature of this tool once the synchronicities start to reveal themselves! Lets explore this interface between the cosmic mind and the English Cabalah or 'English Qabala', in a lighthearted way by using alpha-total; 135. (The words/phrases in bold equate to CN word, while the * serves to distinguish the separate sum totals eg; the '135's, from each other for purpose of this example, although it is read as a flowing whole). Courtesy Grayham Forscutt's CN database. The English Cabalah, one of a number of angelic alphabets is a code breaking key, a rod of power to access the timeless * thoughtfield the eternal word of the Cosmic Mind * Unity Body. This numbers book of hieroglyphic * energy wands * seed vectors * created when we tilt donut produces angles of light called the book of Thoth, specifically designed for articulating and storing the * everwidening * phi Light Codes by fertilizing * the Lighbody with mental waves at infinite speed and divine timing. The charioteer * starwalking * piloting the * nonlinear * magnetic flux

via the expanding radii * the conic helix * flow in ether called phi gravity to remote view * the Grand Design * where Angels of Light radiate beams of energy * schooling the * grail bloodline * grail knights who fully anchor with simplicity the resourceful as codes take form - What is the '5th dimension' the New Age talk about? My understanding is it is a state of consciousness, rather than a physical plane of reality. " Yes, it is an integration of polarities, fifth dimensional consciousness is also called the fourth density - yet within fourth density there are harmonic subdensities and yes it is the end of the karma / drama...lets look at 151." 151 = Icosidodecahedron (the yin-yang model of the sacred geometry world) Fifth Dimension * the ending of Karma * Hemispheric Balance * Self Induction * Ambidextrous * The God and Goddess* Mirror Imaging * Right and Left Hand * Counterpart * Intersection * a whole person * Super-Magnetic * victorious * enthronement * accomplishment * 184= The Fifth Dimension Fourth-Density * Polarity Unified * The Earth Ascension * The Christ Energy * act of forgiveness - What were, or are, some of your personal processes to aid and enhance this state of balance? "Born a left-hander, music came naturally so I pursued that avenue to access brain-wave states and then as well as learning to write with my right-hand I developed left-brain skills like maths and geometry. Funnily, once righthandedness became natural it became difficult to react instantly while driving when friends gave directions for left or right hand turns!" 208 = Wormhole Physics Sound Therapists amongst the ambient music scene create music for innerspace based on higher prime numbers. A Sound Sculpture * without rhythm triggering Hyperspace Sounds promotes real-time projection * Inner World Contact and Dream State Enhancement to telempathically link while working with Devas * this uncluttered music changing particles to waves * under compression * is a vortex generator * causes gravity acceleration a wormhole current and a magnetic field reversal promoting high speed data transfer

- What was your experience of hemispheric integration? "Direct connection to Higher Self which planted seeds of enquiry for further exploration. This Higher Self, now revealed as the phi spiral and incorporated dynamics, has been called many names including the I Am Presence, I There and Monad. Lets look at an alternative name for crypto-numerology, the English Qabala.”12 141 = Prime Creator13 the omnipotent * Super Plasma or Ether Matrix is an enhanced wave field of motionless* radiant energy with no speed limit, * the phi spiral * impregnation is the rite of passage called self embeddedness or a total merging with the I Am Presence . Invocations based upon the English Qabala allow telethought * reciprocity an energy exchange * capable of miracles. To open Stargate use the pent pyramid - Can crypto-numerology descibe the grassroots movement we see happening now throughout the planet? "Many overlapping astrophysical cycles of differing lengths are coming to a close, each of these cycles affects a different level of our being, opening life experiences of many varieties, we are naturally attracted to and create with those of like vibration. Some will resonate with the grassroots levels, others with a global level and some with a trans-earth level". 183 = Angelically Speaking New Earth Hologram *Aquarian Archetype * Future Education * Cosmic Principles * Whole Systems * Mature Social Body * Agents of Society * The Prototype * The Central Group * Communal Spirit * The Twelve Rays * Planning Councils * Interactiveness * Light Based Society * New Communities * a Model Community * Non-Nuclear Family * Community Meals * Emote Coherently * Quantum Coherence * The above references to a 'new earth hologram', where 'future education' is based upon 'cosmic principles' of 'whole systems' can be expanded upon by shifting the numerical positions of 183 to 138, seen next: 138 = Angelic Languages

Creation Womb * Divine Feminine * The Tree in Binah * Prime Matter * Crystalline * Symmetrical * All-Space-Filling * Super Stable * Highly Ordered * Encoded Matrices * Crystalize * Quantizing * Harmonic Grids * Angel Physics * Living Music *Energy Paths * Stores Charge * Induce Voltage * Fractal Spins * Spiralling Phi * Zero Point * Infinite Mass * Phase Overlap * Educational Aids * Teachers College * Arcane Knowledge * Metaphysics * Copy Nature *Ascension Art * Magical Training * Ultimately * Repairs DNA * Transfigure * cultivating * Synthesis * Global Unity * Effectiveness * Orderliness * Temple Work * Build a Scale Model * Crystal Mind * Reciprocating * Synergetical * The Deva Kingdom * Digest Energy * Organic Forms * Infused with * Healing Energies * Here is the Key * - Can you see within your CN clusters, models of co-creatorship that point to a better functioning society? "Absolutely yes, the whole dynamic involving the thirteen crystal skulls is to awaken an archetype, which, when applied leads to optimum success for local and global community. A twelve around One social structure, the central thirteenth is the pure intent formulated by the community. Within each of the twelve divisions of Council there is a natural further subdivsion of twelve, making one hundred and forty four divisions within each local council body.” 284 = Perfect archetype of Unity Twelve spheres around One * Futuristic Educational aids * return of Original Innocence * Ultimate Transformation * the Rays balanced to perfection * the Law of Group Progress * the conscious community * collective visualisation “There are representatives exploring, developing and refining the blueprints that each of these twelve rays represent. They include all aspects of our total life here on earth and beyond, these natural life affirming principles will surface during this next generation". - If, to quote the Pythagoreans, “All nature consists of harmony arising out of number”, it would make sense to design our immediate environments from pure principles such as the golden mean ratio. Do you think this would enhance holistic relationships, considering we are in relationship with everything?

“I'm so much enjoying the quality of your questions. My take on this is we can use the tenfold tetraktys of Pythagoras to map out a decagon, this decagon is the equator of both dodecahedron and triacontahedron and is the template for vortex mechanics. Rocks, trees, crystals and buildings when positioned at decagon vertices and along edges attract life force, we see this when slicing an apple, the seeds are in penta sets of 5, offset to the next set of 5 by 36 degrees - a decagon each set of 5 catches the life force travelling from branch into stem of the apple, each set of 5 seeds is a wave-guide to focus spin in either left or right directional flow. Not only does a decagon attract charge, it also facilitates optimum exchange or flow between what is inside the shape and what is outside, perfect for garden layouts, communal buildings, village and town layouts.” 14 107 = Decagon Design Earth Ascended * New Cities * Green Belts * implement * optimum * Life Enhancing * Light Cell * Infusion * Reflection * Refractive * balanced state * Stabilized * Consecrated * Emerald Green * balancing Ray * Blue Green Gaia * Openness * prosper * unlimited * Star Born *Angelic Beings * breathing in * life's ether * soothing * foresight * garden design * organic food * live foods * enzymes * To summarize, I asked Grayham how he viewed the upcoming transition through the post-2012 era. With gentle confidence and strong clarity he responded: "Our role as humanity matures is to interface with the evolving intelligence we call our Sun. Here we merge with our Higher Selves. Then over the next few generations to develop the awareness of our place in the galaxy which will allow some to surf the veins/wormholes connecting star systems. As our earth transforms, humanity comes of age, and our collective aura expands, many teams of sovereign individuals will begin exploring our galaxy as we seek out new areas of service to the Whole." An inspiring vision to aspire to. And crypto-numerlogical as a tool of transition? "Cryptonumerolgy has shown me many aspects of myself, the coming age and the wider universe. As my experience, intuition and research deepened a broader overview and a more concise viewpoint has surfaced, which I am always happy to share!" 318 = Universally All-Encompassing

Master Cryptonumerology * Compressed Information Exchange * Compiled Data using Fractal Alphabets * mapping Cosmo-genetic Family Tree * Inter-dimensional Scientists In an ongoing journey, crypto-numerology can be viewed as an exciting possibility in the alchemy of the alphabet and numerals, that operates within the sphere of an intelligent design, unifying the scientific and spiritual, where the reconnection to pure principles as an expression of our inner experience can be manifested in the outer world. My gratitude to the magnetic forces that revealed this interplay and to the beautiful work and words of Grayham and also Nicola and anyone else who wishes to share their discoveries.

Endnotes 1 Allison, Jim “A New Look at an Old Design; Prehistoric Alignment of World Wonders” 2 Drucker, Dr. Johanna; 'Art Meets Technology: The History and Effects of the Alphabet' 3 Tenuta, Gary Val; 4 Eisen, William 5 Lawrence, Shirley Numerology and the English Cabalah, 1993, Newcastle Publishing Co., CA. 6 7 8 . 9 10 Nb; Google may not link to include Dan Winter's site. 11 synopsis of Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf work.

12 'Quest for the English Qabala' (with CN calculator) 13 14


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