Cruise Control

May 31, 2016 | Author: tom_a_ndrei | Category: N/A
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How Cruise Control Systems Work Introduction to How Cruise Control Systems Work

Cruise control is an invaluable feature on American cars. Without cruise control, long road trips would be more tiring, for the driver at least, and those of us suffering from lead-foot syndrome would probably get a lot more speeding tickets.

Cruise control is far more common on American cars than European cars, because the roads in America are generally bigger and straighter, and destinations are farther apart. With traffic continually increasing, basic cruise control is becoming less useful, but instead of becoming obsolete, cruise control systems are adapting to this new reality -- soon, cars will be equipped with adaptive cruise control, which will allow your car to follow the car in front of it while continually adjusting speed to maintain a safe distance. In this article, we'll learn how a conventional cruise control system works, and then we'll take a look at adaptive cruise control systems that are under development.

What Cruise Control Does The cruise control system actually has a lot of functions other than controlling the speed of your car. For instance, the cruise control pictured below can accelerate or decelerate the car by 1 mph with the tap of a button. Hit the button five times to go 5 mph faster. There are also several important safety features -- the cruise control will disengage as soon as you hit thebrake pedal, and it won't engage at speeds less than 25 mph (40 kph). The system pictured below has five buttons: On, Off, Set/Accel, Resume and Coast. It also has a sixth control -- the brake pedal, and if your car has a manual transmission the clutch pedal is also hooked up to the cruise control. •

The on and off buttons don't actually do much. Hitting the on button does not do anything except tell the car that you might be hitting another button soon. The off button turns the cruise control off even if it is engaged. Some cruise controls don't have these buttons; instead, they turn off when the driver hits the brakes, and turn on when the driver hits the set button. •

The set/accel button tells the car to maintain the speed you are currently driving. If you hit the set button at 45 mph, the car will maintain your speed at 45 mph. Holding down the set/accel button will make the car accelerate; and on this car, tapping it once will make the car go 1 mph faster. •

If you recently disengaged the cruise control by hitting the brake pedal, hitting the resume button will command the car to accelerate back to the most recent speed setting. •

Holding down the coast button will cause the car to decelerate, just as if you took your foot completely off the gas. On this car, tapping the coast button once will cause the car to slow down by 1 mph. •

The brake pedal and clutch pedal each have a switch that disengages the cruise control as soon as the pedal is pressed, so you can shut off the cruise control with a light tap on the brake or clutch.

Cruise Control Acceleration and Deceleration The cruise control system controls the speed of your car the same way you do -- by adjusting thethrottle position. But cruise control actuates the throttle valve by a cable connected to anactuator, instead of by pressing a pedal. The throttle valve controls the power and speed of the engineby limiting how much air the engine takes in (see How Fuel Injection Systems Work for more details). In the picture above, you can see two cables connected to a pivotthat moves the throttle valve. One cable comes from the accelerator pedal, and one from the actuator. When the cruise control is engaged, the actuator moves the cable connected to the pivot, which adjusts the throttle; but it also pulls on the cable that is connected to the gas pedal -- this is why your pedal moves up and down when the cruise control is engaged.

One of the cables is connected to the gas pedal, the other to the vacuum actuator.

Many cars use actuators powered by engine vacuum to open and close the throttle. These systems use a small, electronically-controlled valve to regulate the vacuum in a diaphragm. This works in a similar way to the brake booster, which provides power to your brake system.

The electronically-controlled vacuum actuator that controls the throttle

Controlling the Cruise Control The brain of a cruise control system is a small computer that is normally found under the hood or behind the dashboard. It connects to the throttle control seen in the previous section, as well as several sensors. The diagram below shows the inputs and outputs of a typical cruise control system. A good cruise control system accelerates aggressively to the desired speed without overshooting, and then maintains that speed with little deviation no matter how much weight is in the car, or how steep the hill you drive up. Controlling the speed of a car is a classic application of control system theory. The cruise control system controls the speed of the car by adjusting the throttle position, so it needs sensors to tell it the speed and throttle position. It also needs to monitor the controls so it can tell what the desired speed is and when to disengage. The most important input is the speed signal; the cruise control system does a lot with this signal. First, let's start with one of the most basic control systems you could have -- a proportional control. In a proportional control system, the cruise control adjusts the throttle proportional to the error, the error being the difference between the desired speed and the actual speed. So, if the cruise control is set at 60 mph and the car is going 50 mph, the throttle position will be open quite far. When the car is going 55 mph, the throttle position opening will be only half of what it was before. The result is that the closer the car gets to the desired speed, the slower it accelerates. Also, if you were on a steep enough hill, the car might not accelerate at all. Most cruise control systems use a control scheme called proportional-integral-derivative control(a.k.a. PID control). Don't worry, you don't need to know any calculus to make it through this explanation -- just remember that: •

The integral of speed is distance.

The derivative of speed is acceleration.

A PID control system uses these three factors -- proportional, integral and derivative, calculating each individually and adding them to get the throttle position. We've already discussed the proportional factor. The integral factor is based on the time integral of the vehicle speed error. Translation: the difference between the distance your car actually traveled and the distance it would have traveled if it were going at the desired speed, calculated over a set period of time. This factor helps the car deal with hills, and also helps it settle into the correct speed and stay there. Let's say your car starts to go up a hill and slows down. The proportional control increases the throttle a little, but you may still slow down. After a little while, the integral control will start to increase the throttle, opening it more and more, because the longer the car maintains a speed slower than the desired speed, the larger the distance error gets. Now let's add in the final factor, the derivative. Remember that the derivative of speed is acceleration. This factor helps the cruise control respond quickly to changes, such as hills. If the car starts to slow down, the cruise control can see this acceleration (slowing down and speeding up are both acceleration) before the speed can actually change much, and respond by increasing the throttle position.

Adaptive Cruise Control Two companies are developing a more advanced cruise control that can automatically adjust a car's speed to maintain a safe following distance. This new technology, called adaptive cruise control, uses forward-looking radar, installed behind the grill of a vehicle, to detect the speed and distance of the vehicle ahead of it. Adaptive cruise control is similar to conventional cruise control in that it maintains the vehicle's pre-set speed. However, unlike conventional cruise control, this new system can automatically adjust speed in order to maintain a proper distance between vehicles in the same lane. This is achieved through a radar headway sensor, digital signal processor and longitudinal controller. If the lead vehicle slows down, or if another object is detected, the system sends a signal to the engine or braking system to decelerate. Then, when the road is clear, the system will re-accelerate the vehicle back to the set speed. The 77-GHz Autocruise radar system made by TRW has a forward-looking range of up to 492 feet (150 meters), and operates at vehicle speeds ranging from 18.6 miles per hour (30 kph) to 111 mph (180 kph). Delphi's 76-GHz system can also detect objects as far away as 492 feet, and operates at speeds as low as 20 mph (32 kph). Adaptive cruise control is just a preview of the technology being developed by both companies. These systems are being enhanced to include collision warning capabilities that will warn drivers through visual and/or audio signals that a collision is imminent and that braking or evasive steering is needed. For more information on cruise control, check out the links on the next page. Cruise control systems have been with us for years. They work very effectively to control the speed of the vehicle, but when they fail they can be a bear to diagnose and fix.

Cruise control systems are comprised of electronic and mechanical subsystems. This is how they work. We all know that the things that control the speed of the car are the gas pedal and the brakes. And the brain that normally controls the speed of the car is the brain of the driver. The driver senses the speed by looking at the speedometer and then adjusting the pressure on the gas pedal or the brakes to compensate for variations in the desired speed. The cruise control system does the same thing with one exception. It only controls the gas pedal it doesn't even know there are brakes in the car!! The vehicle's speed sensor which is mounted on the output shaft of the transmission (the thing that drives the wheels) sends electrical pulses to the computer, pulses which are generated by a magnet spinning past a sensor coil. When the vehicle's speed increases the frequency of the pulses increases. For any given speed of the vehicle there is a corresponding pulse frequency. It is this pulse frequency which the cruise control tries to maintain as a constant. You think of it as the vehicle's speed. The brains of the control box of the cruise control has three functions. First, it stores the speed of the vehicle when you press the "set" button whild travelling at the desired speed. It keeps this value in its memory until you turn the ignition off. Second, it receives the pulses from the transmission sensor and compares the frequency of those pulses to the frequency value stored in its memory - the set point. Third, it sends pulses to a vacuum controlled diaphragm connected to the accelerator linkage. The pulses it sends regulates the amount of vacuum the diaphragm receives. The more pulses, the more vacuum and the more vacuum the more force on the accelerator linkage. The system continues to add vacuum force until the set point speed is reached. At that point the system modulates the amount of vacuum the diaphragm receives in an effort to maintain the number of pulses coming from the speed sensor as close to the stored value as possible. OK, so this "brain" works just fine in controlling the speed of the vehicle until something goes wrong. What can go wrong? First, the VSS, the thing that sends pulses to the brain might fail. Normally the speedometer also fails so that's pretty easy to diagnose. Next, the power to the brain can be interrupted. A blown fuse or a corroded connector can prevent the brain from working correctly or at all. Next, the brains can lose its ability to function. A faulty component can prevent the brain from doing its thing. The brain is a pretty sophisticated box that contains a lot of electronic components including a microprocessor. NOrmally when the brains fail you need to replace the box.. The vacuum diaphragm can develop a leak. If that happens then the cruise control might set and hold the speed for some time however if the leak is larger than the supply line and modulator can add vacuum to the system the system will slowly lose control and the vehicle will slow down. This can also happen if the vacuum line to the diaphragm is cracked or loose. Finally, the linkage that connects the diaphragm to the accelerator linkage can fail. Some aftermarket cruise control systems use a short length of what looks like fat key chain - bead chain. I have seen several units fail when the chain simply breaks. Diagnosis of a failed system can be a complex process. Most vehicle shop manuals have a multi-page diagnostic flow chart that the dealer mechanics use to solve failures. If there isn't an obvious problem like a broken wire, a blown fuse or a leaking vacuum line then the problem most likely lies in the brains of the unit or in the switch that sets the speed and contains the other functions of resume and accelerate. Most cruise control switches are on the directional signal stem, a multifunction switch assembly with fine wires that break due to the constant motion of the wires as you use the directionals in your daily travels. If you do an initial diagnosis and can't find the problem then go to the library in your town and get the shop manual. That is the only way you stand a chance of diagnosing and fixing the problem

Cruise control Cruise control (sometimes known as speed control or autocruise) is a system that automatically controls the speed of a motor vehicle. The system takes over the throttle of the car to maintain a steady speed as set by the driver.

Cruise control mounted on a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Steering Wheel

History Speed control with a centrifugal governor was used in automobiles as early as the 1910s, notably by Peerless. Peerless advertised that their system would "maintain speed whether up hill or down". The technology was invented by James Watt and Matthew Boulton in 1788 to control steam engines. The governor adjusts the throttle position as the speed of the engine changes with different loads. Modern cruise control (also known as a speedostat) was invented in 1945 by the blind inventor and mechanical engineer Ralph Teetor. His idea was born out of the frustration of riding in a car driven by his lawyer, who kept speeding up and slowing down as he talked. The first car with Teetor's system was the Chrysler Imperial(called "Auto-pilot")[1] in 1958. This system calculated ground speed based on driveshaft rotations and used a solenoid to vary throttle position as needed. A 1955 U.S. Patent for a "Constant Speed Regulator" was filed in 1950 by M-Sgt Frank J. Riley.[2] He installed his invention, which he conceived while driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, on his own car in 1948.[3] Despite this patent, the inventor, Riley, and the subsequent patent holders were not able to collect royalties for any of the inventions using cruise control.

Theory of operation Cruise control is a system that automatically controls the speed of an automobile. The driver sets the speed and the system takes over the throttle of the car to maintain the speed. The system thereby improves driver comfort in steady traffic conditions. In congested traffic conditions, where speeds vary widely, these systems are no longer effective. Most cruise control systems do not allow the use of cruise control below a certain speed. The use of cruise control would be significantly increased if the vehicle speed could automatically adapt to the traffic flow. This feature can be handy for long drives along sparsely populated roads, and usually results in better fuel efficiency. It is also known in some places as “poor man’s radar detector”, as by cruise control, a driver who otherwise tends to unconsciously increase speed over the course of a highway journey may avoid a speeding ticket. In modern designs, the cruise control may need to be turned on before use — in some designs it is always "on" but not always enabled (not very common), others have a separate "on/off" switch, while still others just have an "on" switch that must be pressed after the vehicle has been started. Most designs have

buttons for "set", "resume", "accelerate", and "coast" functions. Some also have a "cancel" button. Alternatively, depressing the brake or clutch pedal will disable the system so the driver can change the speed without resistance from the system. The system is operated with controls easily within the driver's reach, usually with two or more buttons on the steering wheel spokes or on the edge of the hub like those on Honda vehicles, on the turn signal stalk like in many older General Motors vehicles or on a dedicated stalk like those found in, particularly, Toyota and Lexus. Earlier designs used a dial to set speed choice. The driver must bring the vehicle up to speed manually and use a button to set the cruise control to the current speed. The cruise control takes its speed signal from a rotating driveshaft,speedometer cable, wheel speed sensor from the engine's RPM, or from internal speed pulses produced electronically by the vehicle. Most systems do not allow the use of the cruise control below a certain speed (normally around 25 mph). The vehicle will maintain the desired speed by pulling the throttle cable with a solenoid, a vacuum driven servomechanism, or by using the electronic systems built into the vehicle (fully electronic) if it uses a 'drive-by-wire' system. All cruise control systems must be capable of being turned off both explicitly and automatically when the driver depresses the brake, and often also the clutch. Cruise control often includes a memory feature to resume the set speed after braking, and a coast feature to reduce the set speed without braking. When the cruise control is engaged, the throttle can still be used to accelerate the car, but once the pedal is released the car will then slow down until it reaches the previously set speed. On the latest vehicles fitted with electronic throttle control, cruise control can be easily integrated into the vehicle's engine management system. Modern "adaptive" systems (see below) include the ability to automatically reduce speed when the distance to a car in front, or the speed limit, decreases. This is an advantage for those driving in unfamiliar areas. The cruise control systems of some vehicles incorporate a "speed limiter" function, which will not allow the vehicle to accelerate beyond a pre-set maximum; this can usually be overridden by fully depressing the accelerator pedal. (Most systems will prevent the vehicle accelerating beyond the chosen speed, but will not apply the brakes in the event of overspeeding downhill.)

Electronic Cruise Control Daniel Aaron Wisner invented Automotive Electronic Cruise Control in 1968 as an engineer for RCA's Industrial and Automation Systems Division in Plymouth, Michigan. His invention described in two patents filed that year (#3570622 & #3511329), with the second modifying his original design by debuting digital memory, was the first electronic gadgetry to play a role in controlling a car and ushered in the computercontrolled era in the automobile industry. Two decades lapsed before an integrated circuit for his design was developed by Motorola Inc. as the MC14460 Auto Speed Control Processor in CMOS. As a result, cruise control was eventually adopted by automobile manufacturers as standard equipment and nearly every car built and many trucks are fitted with a configuration of the circuitry and hardware nearly identical to his prototype. The advantage of electronic speed control over its mechanical predecessor, which was featured on luxury models but never gained wide acceptance, was that it could be easily integrated with electronic accident avoidance and engine management systems.

Advantages and disadvantages Some of those advantages include: Its usefulness for long drives (reducing driver fatigue, improving comfort by allowing positioning changes more safely) across highways and sparsely populated roads. This usually results in better fuel efficiency. •

Some drivers use it to avoid unconsciously violating speed limits. A driver who otherwise tends to unconsciously increase speed over the course of a highway journey may avoid a speeding ticket. Such drivers should note, however, that a cruise control may go over its setting on a downhill which is steep enough to accelerate with an idling engine. Note however, that in many jurisdictions, officers cannot write a ticket for a violation of a speed limit due to a steep hill.[citation needed] However, cruise control can also lead to accidents due to several factors, such as: •

The lack of need to maintain constant pedal pressure, which can help lead to accidents caused by highway hypnosis or incapacitated drivers; future systems may include a dead man's switch to avoid this.[citation needed] • When used during inclement weather or while driving on wet or snow- and/or ice-covered roads, the vehicle could go into a skid (although this may be somewhat mitigated by cars equipped with Electronic Stability Control). Stepping on the brake — such as to disengage the cruise control — often results in the driver losing control of the vehicle. Driving over "rolling" terrain, with gentle up and down portions, can usually be done more economically (using less fuel) by a skilled driver viewing the approaching terrain, by maintaining a relatively constant throttle position and allowing the vehicle to accelerate on the downgrades and decelerate on upgrades, while reducing power when cresting a rise and adding a bit before an upgrade is reached. Cruise control will tend to overthrottle on the upgrades and retard on the downgrades, wasting the energy storage capabilities available from the inertia of the vehicle. The inefficiencies from cruise control can be even greater relative to skilled driving in hybrid vehicles.[citation needed] •

Many countries[which?] establish that it is illegal to drive within city limits with the cruise control feature activated.[citation needed]

Adaptive cruise control Some modern vehicles have adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems, which is a general term meaning improved cruise control. These improvements can be automatic braking or dynamic set-speed type controls. Automatic Braking Type: The automatic braking type use either a radar or laser setup to allow the vehicle to keep pace with the car it is following, slow when closing in on the vehicle in front and accelerating again to the preset speed when traffic allows. Some systems also feature forward collision warning systems, which warns the driver if a vehicle in front—given the speed of both vehicles—gets too close (within the preset headway or braking distance). Dynamic Set Speed Type: The dynamic set speed uses the GPS position of speed limit signs, from a database. Some are modifiable by the driver. At least one, Wikispeedia, incorporates crowdsourcing, so driver input is shared, improving the database for all users.

Autonomous cruise control system Autonomous cruise control is an optional cruise control system for road vehicles. It makes no use of satellite or roadsideinfrastructures nor of any cooperative support from other vehicles. Hence control is imposed based on sensor information from on-board sensors only. The extension to cooperative cruise control requires either fixed infrastructure as with satellites, roadside beacons or mobile infrastructures as reflectors or transmitters on the back of other vehicles ahead.

Such systems go under many different trade names according to the manufacturer. These systems use either a radar or lasersensor setup allowing the vehicle to slow when approaching another vehicle ahead and accelerate again to the preset speed when traffic allows - example video. ACC technology is widely regarded as a key component of any future generations ofintelligent cars. The impact is equally on driver safety as on economising capacity of roads.

Schematic of Intelligent Cruise Control. The red car automatically follows the blue car.

Types Laser-based systems and radar-based systems compete in quality and price. Laser-based ACC systems do not detect and track vehicles in adverse weather conditions nor do they reliably track extremely dirty (non-reflective) vehicles. Laser-based sensors must be exposed, the sensor (a fairly large black box) is typically found in the lower grille offset to one side of the vehicle. Radar-based sensors can be hidden behind plastic fascias; however, the fascias may look different from a vehicle without the feature. For example, Mercedes packages the radar behind the upper grille in the center, and behind a solid plastic panel that has painted slats to simulate the look of the rest of the grille. Single radar systems are the most common. Systems involving multiple sensors use either two similar hardware sensors like the 2010 Audi A8[1] or the 2010 Volkswagen Touareg,[2] or one central long range radar coupled with two short radar sensors placed on the corners of the vehicle like the BMW 5 and 6 series.[3] [edit]Assisting


Radar-based ACC often feature a Precrash system, which warns the driver and/or provides brake support if there is a high risk of a collision. Also in certain cars it is incorporated with a lane maintaining system which provides power steering assist to reduce steering input burden in corners when the cruise control system is activated. [edit]Multi-sensor


GPS-aided ACC: the GPS navigation system provides guidance input to the ACC. On the motorway, the car in the front is slowing down, but with turn signal on and it is actually heading for a highway off-ramp. A conventional ACC would sense the car in front was decelerating and it would simply apply brakes accordingly. But with GPS-guided ACC takes into account the approaching highway exit and it simultaneously receives images from a camera attached e.g. behind the front pane to the rearview mirror. The camera may detect the turn signal from the car ahead. So instead of braking, this new system continues uninterrupted, because it knows that the car in front will exit the lane.[4]



Research with some entities showed that longitudinal oscillations are the main threat to reduce the road capacity to zero even without crashing[5][6]. The next generation will include information served from a vehicle ahead in the same lane. Such dependant approach however requires standardization across manufacturers and model generations. There is no vision when such agreement could come into practice. All designs without such cooperative support will operate with comparably lower dynamic, but promise better reliability and independent operation. The cooperative approach is the better advances concept to improve road capacity. Therefore reach of detection must exceed the capabilities of on-board laser or radar. A wireless communication between vehicles in a queue may not serve for braking, but surely for adjusting speed to avoid longitudinal oscillations.

The Jeep "Adaptive Cruise Control" radar sensor located in the center of the lower grill

Available systems Mitsubishi was the first automaker to offer a laser-based ACC system in 1995 on the Japanese Mitsubishi Diamante. Marketed as "Preview Distance Control", this early system did not apply the brakes and only controlled speed through throttle control and downshifting.[7][8][not in citation given] In August 1997, Toyota began to offer a "radar cruise control" system on the Celsior.[9][10] Toyota further refined their system by adding "brake control" in 2000 and "low-speed tracking mode" in 2004. The lowspeed speed tracking mode was a second mode that would warn the driver if the car ahead stopped and provide braking; it could stop the car but then deactivated.[11] In 2006, Toyota introduced its "all-speed tracking function" for the Lexus LS 460. This system maintains continuous control from speeds of 0 km/h to 100 km/h and is designed to work under repeated starting and stopping situations such as highway traffic congestion.[12] The Lexus division was the first to bring adaptive cruise control to the US market in 2000 with the LS 430's Dynamic Laser Cruise Control system.[13] Mercedes introduced Distronic in late 1998 on the S-class.[14] For 2006, Mercedes-Benz refined the Distronic system to completely halt the car if necessary (now called 'Distronic Plus' and offered on their EClass and S-Class range of luxury sedans), a feature now also offered by Bosch as 'ACC plus' and available in the Audi Q7, the Audi Q5, 2009 Audi A6 and the new 2010 Audi A8. The Audi A4 is available with an older version of the ACC that does not stop the car completely. In an episode of Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson[citation needed] demonstrated the effectiveness of the cruise control system in the S-class by coming to a complete halt from motorway speeds to a round-about and getting out, without touching the pedals.

Jaguar began offering a system in 1999; BMW's Active Cruise Control system went on sale in 2000[citation needed] on the 7-series and later in 2007, added a system called Stop-and-Go system to the 5-series. [15] Volkswagen and Audi introduced their own systems in 2002[citation needed] through the radar manufacturer Autocruise. In the United States, Acura first introduced Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) integrated with a Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS) in the late calendar year 2005 in the model year 2006 Acura RL as an optional feature.[16] ACC and CMBS also became available as optional features in the model year the 2010 Acura MDX[17][not in citation given] Mid Model Change (MMC) and the newly introduced model year 2010 Acura ZDX.[18] [edit]Vehicles

models supporting adaptive cruise control

Full cruise control (able to bring the car to a complete stop): BMW 7 Series, 5 series, 6 series Active Cruise Control with "Stop & Go" option, 2007+ models. (radar) • Mercedes-Benz Models equipped with "Distronic Plus" ACC with "Presafe Brake" option. (radar) • Volkswagen Passat, Touareg, 2011+ models. (radar) • Volvo S60 equipped with "Technology Package" (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Queue Assist and Distance Alert), 2011+ models. (radar) • Audi A8, Audi A7 and Audi A6 equipped with "Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop and Go function", 2011+ models (radar) 2010 Porsche Panamera, 2011 Porsche Cayenne •

Partial cruise control (cuts off below a set minimum speed, requiring driver intervention): 2005 Acura RL, MDX, ZDX Audi A4 (see a demonstration on YouTube), A5, Q5, A6, A8 (uses also data from navigation and front camera sensors),[19] Q7 • BMW 7 Series, 5 series, 6 series, 3 series (only as an option together with big engines, Stop & Go Variant available on 5, 6 and 7 models) (Active Cruise Control) • 2004 Cadillac XLR, 2005 STS, 2006 DTS (shuts off below 25 mph) • 2007 Chrysler 300C (laser, for a limited time, now uses a Bosch radar-based system) • 2011 Dodge Charger (radar, by Bosch) • 2011 Dodge Durango (radar, by Bosch) • 2006 Ford Mondeo, S-Max, Galaxy, 2010 Taurus, 2011 Edge (radar) [20] • 2003 Honda Inspire, Legend, 2007 Honda CR-V series III - Adaptive Cruise Control and Collision Mitigating Braking System • Hyundai Genesis (Smart Cruise Control, delayed) • Infiniti M, Q45, QX56, G35, FX35/45/50 and G37 (shuts off below 3 mph) • 1999 Jaguar XK-R, S-Type, XJ, XF • 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee (radar, by Bosch) • 2000 Lexus LS430/460 (laser and radar), RX (laser and radar), GS, IS, ES 350, and LX 570 (shuts off below 30 mph) • 2009 Lincoln MKS, 2010 MKT, 2011 MKX • 1998 Nissan Cima, Nissan Primera T-Spec Models (Intelligent Cruise Control) • 1998 Mercedes-Benz S-Class, E-Class, CLS-Class, SL-Class, CL-Class, M-Class, GL-Class, CLKClass, 2012 C-Class • Range Rover Sport • Subaru Legacy & Outback Japan-spec called SI-Cruise • 1997 Toyota Celsior, 2009 Sienna (XLE Limited Edition), Avalon, Sequoia (Platinum Edition), Avensis, 2009 Corolla (Japan),[21] 2010 Prius • •

• •

Volkswagen Passat, Phaeton all generations, Touareg Volvo S60, Volvo S80, V70, XC70, XC60, V60

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