CROWN 2 Pager Flyer

February 8, 2019 | Author: Henry | Category: Offshore Wind Power, Corrosion, Wind Power, Anode, Paint
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CROWN project flyer...


C+WCost 4eduction for "ffshore +ind 5ow

()mmar* There is growing interest in the use of thermally sprayed aluminium (TSA) to manage the corrosion of offshore wind turbine foundations as an alternative to the current system of paint and sacrificial anodes, with the objective of reducing the life cycle costs (both CAP! and "P!) of the corrosion management system# $orty years of offshore oil % gas e&perience bac'ed by industrial research indicates that TSA can provide  years of protection in the splash, tidal and submerged *ones of steel structures with longer inspection intervals and little or no maintenance (T+ -P./0/1)# Some corrosion2related concerns still remain, including mudline corrosion behaviour and internal monopile corrosion# Conventionally, paint and sacrificial anodes are applied after fabrication# The Conventionally, need for secondary steelwor' associated with anodes and the lengthy cure times re3uired for multi2layer marine paints add significant cost and slow the serial production of foundations# liminating paint and anodes as the corrosion protection system and replacing it with a single, TSA coating offers the potential to speed production and lower costs# 4emoving the re3uirement for anode cage connection may also reduce foundation installation time and cost# The C4"+5 project (funded by nnovate 67) brings together 'ey members of the offshore wind foundation supply chain (including major developers8utilities, foundation fabricators, coating suppliers and research institutes) to address outstanding corrosion and manufacturing challenges in introducing TSA to the offshore wind sector# This will include a detailed life2cycle cost model to 3uantify any cost savings that might be realised#

TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom. Tel: !! "#$122% &''###

C+W- Cost 4eduction for "ffshore +ind 5ow

Termall* /0ra*ed al)mini)m "T(A$ TSA primarily provides corrosion protection by forming a barrier between the steel and the seawater electrolyte# 9owever, TSA also provides local sacrificial protection to the steel and prevents corrosion, even if the coating is damaged# The sacrificial effect results in a local change in p9 at the e&posed steel surface that favours the precipitation of insoluble, calcareous material (such as CaC": and ;g("9)1)# This precipitation acts to reduce the area of e&posed cathode, reducing the current demand on the anodic coating# TSA coatings have been shown to provide reliable, predictable coating corrosion rates @amage tolerance, interaction with cathodic protection, internal monopile corrosion n situ> "ffshore trials at two locations# •

3an)4at)re "ptimisation of jac'et manufacturing se3uence "ptimisation of monopile manufacturing se3uence @evelopment of yellow topcoat compatible TSA


• • •

In/tallation Assessment of coating damage due to piling operations nitial mudline corrosion assessment • •

3odelling 5umerical design modelling incorporating TSA ?ife2cycle cost modelling

5enr* Begg mail> henry#beggtwi#co#u' Tel> .11: B// D a7e 5ar7e* mail> dave#harveytwi#co#u'

• •

Tel> .11: B// 1

TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom. Tel: !! "#$122% &''###

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