Crocheted Nesting Baskets

December 31, 2018 | Author: HeathenSeaWitch | Category: Crochet, Gauge (Knitting), Knitting, Woven Fabrics, Textile Arts
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Short Description

How to make nesting baskets by crocheting with fabric strips...


3 times 5 a nested set of three pentagonal no-sew boxes Designed by shilo


Size Note Sizes are approximate and will be affected by the gauge and choice of yarn.

Finished Size First box: 5.5 cm height, 7 cm diameter Second box: 6.5 cm height,  cm diameter !hird box: " cm height, #$.5 cm diameter

Materials  %arn:  %arn: #$$& cotton, #' ()* +type: sport, - seins +5$g each /olor used: white

/rochet hoo: -.$$ mm 0 1 0 ##  %arn0tapestry  %arn0tapestry needle needle to wea2e in ends

Gauge Single crochet stitches 3 in +#$ cm 4'5 +'3 sts 3 in +#$ cm 4 '3 +'3 rows r ows

COPYRIGHT: This pattern is for personal use only.  You MAY NOT in any form reprodue or distri!ute this pattern in part or in "hole throu#h any $enue% eletroni% mehanial or other"ise "ithout






pu!lisher. If you ha$e any 'uestions re#ardin# this pattern

Stitch legend








shilo(po& ch  chain yo  yarn o2er sc  single crochet yu  yarn under sl st  slip stitch   bac loop st0sts  stit stitc ch0stitc itches F  front lo loop rnd  round sp 1 space CRNst(s) – corner stitch(es), stitch(es), for explanation loo at the end of the paper

designed by shilo


Instructions for the 3 times 5 o! set (or in rounds. !o start each box, create a magic ring using a 3"## mm + 1 0## crochet hoo.

Box 1 (the smallest one):   $ase% Rnd &: ch ' +counts as a sc, ch ', 8sc, ch '9 3 times. Rnd ': sc +in second ch of first '1ch of rnd #, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc9, 8sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc99 3 times. Rnd 3: ' sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc9, 8- sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc99 3 times, # sc. Rnd : - sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc9, 85 sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc99 3 times, ' sc. Rnd 5: 3 sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc9, 87 sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc99 3 times, - sc. Rnd : 5 sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc9, 8 sc, in '1ch sp: 8sc, ch', sc99 3 times, 3 sc. Rnd *: 6 sc, in '1ch sp: ' sc, 8## sc, in '1ch sp: ' sc9 3 times, 5 sc.

Facets% Rnd + +whole rnd scs are wored in $, only: 6 sc, # /;sts, 8## sc, # /;sts9 3 times, 5 sc. Rnd -: 6 sc, # /;sts, 8## sc, # /;sts9 3 times, 5 sc. Rnd &#: 6 sc, # /;sts, 8## sc, # /;sts9 3 times, 5 sc. epeat Rnd +. -. &# - times more.
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