Criteria and Mechanics
Short Description
criteria and mechanics for different school activities, contests, programs...
MECHANICS 1. Part Partic iciipant pants s must ust wear ear app appropr ropriiate ate cook ooking ing att attire ire duri during ng the competition. 2. All All caring! caring! assem"ling! assem"ling! peeling! peeling! and cutting cutting shall shall "e done during the actual competition onl#. $. %nl# toothpicks and "ar"e&ue sticks are allowed to "e used. 'ire! glue! spra#! and arti(icial coloring are N%) allowed. *. Cooking e&uipment will N%) "e proided. ingredients+materials to "e used must "e pre,cooked.
-. )he use o( pre,assem"led skeletal "ase or (orm will "e allowed. Note that the skeletal "ase or (orm should also "e edi"le. . )he entire piece must also "e edi"le. /. An entr# must hae a title and "rie( description that should "e written in English English and must (it when placed on a 0 inde card si3ed4 white paper. paper. A (ie -4 point deduction (rom the aerage score shall "e incurred (or non, su"mission o( the title card. 5. All wastages should "e gathered as these will "e 6udged i( all materials are maimi3ed. . 7. )ime allotment is two 24 hours. 8oing "e#ond the allotted time will mean penalt# o( one 14 point per minute or a (raction thereo( which will "e su"tracted (rom the aerage score.
Shows artistic merit by producing an impressie output! New ideas in design and techni"ue to adance the art are isib#e! FULL UTILIZATION OF RAW INGREDIENTS
Uses at #east '() o* the ingredients+materia#s brought in! EXECUTION SKILLS AND ATTENTION TO DETAILS
Emp#oys proper procedure and position in caring- s#icing and assemb#ing items! This inc#udes the proper and s.i##*u# hand#ing o* too#s! DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY
/roduces an intricate yet neat artwor.!
$%&$ point s
$%,( point s $%,( point s
$%0$ point s
Ensures the sanitary and hygienic hand#ing o* ingredients! This inc#udes the management o* area and c#othes! T1TA2 /1SSI32E /1INTS
$%0$ point s $%0$$ /1IN TS
1. )he theme (or the poster making+painting contest shall "e : 9Timbang iwasto sa tamang nutrisyon at ehersisyo,” 2. Materials must "e "rought "# the participants during the contest da#. Materials allowed (or the poster making+painting contest: - ¼ size illustration board , oil paints+pastels , water color , cra#ons ,colored pencils $. All artworks must "e done on the spot and must "e completed within the allotted time o( two and a hal( hours. *. All entries will "e pre,num"ered. No other identi(#ing marks will "e allowed to appear in the artworks. -. All artworks will "e 6udged "ased on the (ollowing criteria: Creatiit# and Presentation , *;< %riginalit# = $;< >eleance to the theme = $;<
. 'inners will "e identi(ied at the end o( the actiit#. Awarding o( winners shall "e during Nutrition Month Culmination Program which shall "e on ?ul# $1! 2;1-.
1. )he design must emphasi3e the theme “ Timbang iwasto sa tamang nutrisyon at ehersisyo,” 2. @esign the shirt using an# techni&ue silkscreen printing! hand painting! mied media! tie,d#e! etc.4 $. Contestants must "ring their own materials. %nl# one 14 t, shirt (or each contestant is allowed. *. All artworks must "e done on the spot and must "e completed within the allotted time o( two and a hal( hours. -. )he artworks will "e 6udged "ased on the (ollowing criteria: %riginalit# *;< Creatiit#+Eecution 2-< >eleance to theme 2-< Bace"ook Popularit# the most likes4 1;< )otal 1;;< Cut = o(( time (or online oting shall "e on ?ul# $1 at 12:;; mn.
. 'inners will "e identi(ied during Nutrition Month Culmination Program which shall "e on ?ul# $1! 2;1-.
Mechanics 1. )he contest is (or all grade leels. Each grade leel shall hae two representaties 1 pupil and 1 parent4. 2. )he contestants will prepare a low cost! nutritious one dish meal intended (or elementar# pupils. )he contestants will shoulder the ingredients and "ring their own cooking utensils. $. Proper cooking attire must "e o"sered. *. )he contestants will list down their recipe in one "ond paper! indicating the no. o( sering and the amount the# hae epended. -. )he recipe will "e 6udged according to the (ollowing criteria Palata"ilit# ,,,, 2;< Nutritie Dalue ,,,, $;< %riginalit# ,,,, 2;< Presentation ,,,, 1;< Cost ,,,, 1;< A(ter Care ,,,, 1;< )%)A ,,,, 1;;< . 'inners o( the contest will "e announced a(ter 6udging. Awarding o( winners will "e on the culmination program at the end o( the month. /. @ecision o( the 6udges is (inal and irreoca"le.
1. )he contest is (or kindergarten and primar# grade leels. Each grade leel shall hae $ representaties which will "e regrouped to make * teams each team haing a mem"er per grade leel. 2. )he contestants will shoulder the ingredients and "ring their own cooking utensils. $. Proper cooking attire must "e o"sered. *. Participants will onl# "e gien an hour and a hal( to prepare the dish. -. Participants must prepare (ie serings o( their salad dish. Bour (or 6udging and one (or presentation. . Participating teams must create a name (or their salad dish and la"el their entr# with creatie description. /. )he competition has the (ollowing criteria (or 6udging: 2; points (or 'orkmanship! 2- points (or Presentation which includes creatie description (or presentation4! *; points (or )aste! 1- points (or Creatiit# )otal o( 1;; points. 5. )he top three salad dishes with the highest score will "e con(erred with the 1 st! 2nd! and $rd place Award! respectiel#.
Speci(ic rules and mechanics:
0! Each grade #ee# is entit#ed to two 4,5 contestants who wi## compose a team and 405 o6cia# a#ternate! ,! Each team wi## answer the same set o* "uestions in writing! 3e*ore a "uestion is read- the teams must raise their cha#.! Each team wi## be proided pieces o* cha#.- writing pad 4i##ustration board5 and eraser! &! 7uestions wi## be read twice in Eng#ish by the "ui8master or moderator! A*ter the second reading- the "ui8master sha## say 9G1: and on#y then the team be a##owed to write the answer! Automatica##y the ;e 4(5 seconds time #imit wi## begin with the word 9G1: by the "ui8master! I* a "uestion re"uires enumeration or needs computation- the time #imit wi## be e! The contest has three 4&5 rounds- EAS? Round- A@ERAGE Round- and DIICU2T Round! In Easy Round- ;*teen 40(5 "uestions wi## be as.ed! Each "uestion wi## worth one 405 point! The Aerage Round has 0$ "uestions with corresponding two 4,5 points *or eery correct answer! ina##y- in the Di6cu#t Round- ten 40$5 "uestions wi## be as.ed with three 4&5 points worth *or eery correct answer! '! A*ter a## the thirty%;e 4&(5 "uestions- a## scores wi## be summed up! The team with the highest scores wi## be dec#ared as the 0 st p#acer- then ,nd p#acer- &rd p#acer and =th p#acer! Shou#d there be a tie- e
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