CRISIL Aptitude Test : Sample Questions

June 23, 2018 | Author: atish7 | Category: Technology, Science, Human, Crime & Justice, Justice
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CRISIL Aptitude Test : Sample Questions   DIRECTIONS for questions 1 to 5: Choose the correct alternative.


A cubical box is divided into four identical chambers that can hold one ball each. In how many ways can one fill the box with 3 blue balls, 3 red balls and 3 green balls? 1] 6 2.

2] 12

4] 24

The dist distanc ancee betwee between n Mumbai Mumbai-Ce -Centr ntral al and and Surat Surat is 300 300 km. km. Two trai trains ns simul simultan taneou eously sly leave leave from Mumbai-Central and Surat. After they meet the train travelling towards Surat reaches there after 9 hours, while train travelling towards Mumbai Central reaches there after 4 hours. Find the speed of each train in kmph. 1] 25 2 5, 40


3] 18

2] 20 , 3 0


3] 5 5 , 5 0

4] 1 0, 15



10 Q




In the given figure, there are two concentric circles with radii 10 cm and 20 cm. Also, AB and AC are tangents to the circle with radius 10 cm at P and Q respectively, PQ = 19 cm and BC is a tangent to the circle with radius 20 cm. Find the area of  (Take

3 = 1.732 and

1] 8 8 5 . 5 c m2 4.

39 = 6.25).

2] 3 06 06 .5 .5 ccm m2

3] 3 53 53 .5 .5 c m2

4] 9 94 94 .5 .5 ccm m2

3] 93

4] 23

Fin d the la las t t wo wo di di gi git s of (3 (333)333 . 1] 63


2] 13


ABC in cm 2.


A sales sales execu executive tive’s ’s month monthly ly salar salary y has two two compo componen nents: ts: a perce percenta ntage ge comm commiss ission ion on the the achie achieved ved sales and a fixed amount. For the first 3 years, the percentage commissions were 30%, 20%, and 10% respectively and his fixed salary was Rs.1000, Rs.2000 and Rs.3000 respectively. It was seen that the total yearly salary he received for the first 3 years was exactly the same for each year. Now, what can be said about his annual sales? 1] 2] 3] 4]

His His His His

annuall annua annua an nuall annual annual annual annual

sale sa less sales sales sales sales sales sales

hass been ha been grow growing ing.. hass been ha been fal fallin ling. g. cannot have cannot have gone up in the the second second year year and then then gone down down in the third. third. went up in the secon went second d year and and again again come down down in the third third year. year.

  DIRECTIONS for questions 6 and 7: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

As pointed out by Willard Gaylin in his essay, “Harvesting the Dead”, the technology we have developed has essentially changed the definition of death. Now although a person could be declared dead, he could have willed his usefulness beyond his mortality. Medical Technology has reached a point where organs can be transplanted from one individual to another. Many see red in such an act as desecration of a human body. However, by donating his or her organs to give a new lease of life to someone else, the person found a meaning not only in his lifetime but also in his death. Medicine has often been cited as a means to over-population. Sure, it helps us live a little longer but it also provides us with birth control techniques such as contraceptives and sterility operations to help prevent it. Issues such as euthanasia and abortion have always been topics of debate in the field of medicine. Even before the present day techniques were developed, people already had in place procedures that essentially had similar goals to what is now termed as euthanasia. Science has just provided us with simpler ways that are not tough on the patients themselves. This in my opinion is not the justification but the fact. Further, human beings control the use of any technology. It is a question of ethics of the person resorting to such means. If there is enough reason and rationale behind it, then it can be judged as an act of mercy. On the other hand, an abuse of this technology is nothing but murder. Even if it results in a few cases of abuse of this science, we cannot possibly discount science or technology as bad or evil. It is its misuse that is bad. There has been a lot of discussion and hype surrounding the recently unveiled Human Genome Project. As one of the researchers puts it, it has opened a library of life which might take at least a century to explore. According to the mission of the Genome Project as given on its main website, it is to identify the thousands of genes found in humans, determine their scientific sequences, interpret the data to find solutions to some of the unsolved questions on human life. Though finding facts about our bodies is its main emphasis, it would also look into the possible ethical and legal consequences of unveiling such data to humankind. 6.

The cr crux of of th the pa passage is is th that : 1] it seems almost almost impossible impossible now to imagine imagine living living in a world without science science and and technology. technology. 2] with such a huge huge knowledge knowledge base at our our command, command, there there is no telling where where science science and and technology might lead us next. 3] the benefits benefits far outweigh any costs costs connected connected with technolo technology gy and science. science. 4] the use and and abuse abuse of technolo technology gy are hard hard to disenta disentangle. ngle.




Which Whi ch of of the fol follow lowing ing does does not not agree agree with the auth author’ or’ss point point of vie view w as per per the the passa passage? ge? 1] 2] 3] 4]

Science and Science and technolog technology y are the drivers drivers of the futur future. e. Medicines Medi cines may may be misused, misused, but that is the fault of the user, user, not of medical medical science science itself. itself. Organ Orga n transplanta transplantation tion is a desec desecration ration of the human human body. body. Improvements in medical medical technology have had had both positive and negative effects effects on population growth.

 DIRECTIONS for question 8: In the following sentence, parts of the sentence are left blank. Below   the sentence, four different ways of completing the sentence are indicated. Choose the set of words   that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.


Newspaper Newspa perss ______ _________ ___ agai against nst him him with with glar glaring ing head headline lines, s, and and the oppo oppositi sition on denou denounce nced d the atrocity in ________ wrath. 1] i n v ei g h e d … s t en t o r i a n 3] cl a mo u re d … de t ac h ed

2 ] c ri t i ci s e d … bi t t er 4 ] r ev i ew ed … un d e rs t a n d ab l e

 DIRECTIONS for question 9: In the following sentence, a part of the sentence or the entire sentence is highlighted. Beneath the sente nce, four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are indicated. Choose the best alternative from among the four.


Their patie Their patience nce had had been been teste tested d by those those juve juvenile niless since since three three years years,, but thin things gs had had been been better better for some time now. 1] juven juveniles iles since since three years, years, but but things had had been better better for some some time time now. 2] juven juveniles iles for three three years, years, but things things had been been better better for some some time. time. 3] juven juveniles iles since since three years years now, now, but things had had been differe different nt for some time. time. 4] juven juveniles iles for three three years years now, but but things had been been different different since since some time. time.

  DIRECTIONS for question 10: Choose the word that is similar or nearly similar in meaning to   the word in capital letters.


D E C RE P I T 1] di s ad v ant a geo u s

2 ] fr ai l

3 ] u n i mp or t an t

4] defi cien t

  DIRECTIONS for question 11: Choose the correct alternative.


Vikram asked Vikram asked Mayank Mayank to count count the number number of mangoes mangoes on a mango mango tree tree near near their their college college.. Mayank said, “The number obtained by reversing the digits in the number of mangoes that are one third of half the total number of mangoes on the tree is 10 more than two third of  half the mangoes on the tree. Also the number of mangoes is not less than the square of the lowest two digit number and not more than double of the highest two digit number”. Find the sum of digits in the number of mangoes on the tree. 1] 17


2] 14

3] 12


4] Non e of t hese

CRISIL  DIRECTIONS for question 12: Four alternative summarie s are given below the text. Choose the option   that best captures the essence of the text.


We are are enquiring enquiring into the the nature nature of absol absolute ute justice justice and into into the chara character cter of the perf perfectly ectly just, and into injustice and the perfectly unjust, that we might have an ideal. We were to look at these in order that we might judge of our own happiness and unhappiness according to the standard which they exhibited and the degree in which we resembled them, but not with any view of showing that they could exist in fact. 1] 2] 3] 4]

The enquiry enquiry into into justice justice is to understand understand its its presence presence The ideal ideal of justice justice can only only be arrive arrived d at on due due We may judge judge our own own lives as per the the ideals ideals we All enquiries enquiries to arrive at standard standardss are not to show

in the the world. world. enquiry. enquiry. glean from from debates debates on jus justice. tice. actualities but to show potentia actualities potentialities lities..

 DIRECTIONS for question 13: Read the short passage given below and answer the question that follows.


Contract farmi Contract farming ng provides provides a way out, espec especially ially now, now, with with small small size size land land holdings. holdings. Corpor Corporates ates could provide inputs and marketing. The problem is that laws have to be drafted to protect the farmers and the corporates against bad harvests and land grabbing respectively. Though a system of cooperatives – distinct from cooperative farming – could be introduced for inputs and marketing. But laws relating to this are defective. Which of the following is most likely to be the reason that the author considers small size land holdings to be favourable for contract farming? 1] Farmers Farmers of small small size land holdings holdings are are unlikely unlikely to be the actual actual owners owners of the land. land. 2] Smal Smalll size land holdings holdings can be managed managed effectiv effectively ely by corporates corporates who who can lease it to farm workers. 3] Inputs and and marketing marketing facilities facilities are are easier to extend extend to small small size land holdings. holdings. 4] It is easier easier to insure insure small small size land land holdings holdings against against bad bad harvests. harvests.

 DIRECTIONS for questions 14 and 15: Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

There are seven chapters in a mathematics book – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. The instructor has to follow certain rules while teaching them. i. E can canno nott be be tau taugh ghtt bef befor oree B an and d C. C. ii. D sho shoul uld d be be tau taugh ghtt bef befor oree C an and d G. G. iii. B cann cannot ot be be taug taught ht bef befor oree G. iv.. F cann iv cannot ot be be taug taught ht bef before ore C, D, D, and and G. v. A should should be taugh taughtt before before B is taught taught and and the two should should not be be tau taught ght conse consecutive cutively. ly. 14.

If only only four four chapter chapterss are to be taught taught,, which which of the followin following g is neces necessarily sarily true? 1 ] A h as t o b e t au g h t . 3 ] B h a s t o b e t au g h t .


2 ] D h as t o b e t au g h t . 4 ] C h a s t o b e t au g h t .

If only only four four chapter chapterss are are taught, taught, which which of the follow following ing has has to be necessa necessarily rily false? 1] The instruc instructor tor can can get away away without without teachin teaching g F. 2] The inst instruc ructor tor can can avoid avoid teach teaching ing E. E. 3] The instr instruct uctor or can can avoid avoid teachi teaching ng C. 4] The inst instruc ructor tor can can avoid avoid teach teaching ing G. G.



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