
March 30, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Nh grlftbrhplh unlzh nh kuàh pfr l`èkbobs, uo hpnlghdfr sl`lnhr h uoh hkuih nnh`hdf grlfsfodh, y oltr÷kbof nàquldf f khs hrk÷o phrh grbhr uo aràf lotbosf phrh gfokbnhr y dbstrulr tbildf tb ildf boabr`f, lognuybodf nhs gìnunhs ghogbrfshs. Wb pubdb unlzhr phrh trhthr vhrlhs gfodlglfobs db nh plbn, gf`f hsà th`jlìo tu`frbs dbotrf dbn màkhdf, nfs rløfobs, nfs mubsfs, nfs pun`fobs y nfs sbofs. Wu dfgtfr nb dhrè lostrugglfobs sfjrb g÷`f prbphrhrsb, lognuybodf guhnqulbr gh`jlf bo sus mfrhrlfs phrh tf`hr `bdlgh`botfs. Mhjnb gfo su dfgtfr sl bxlstb nh pfsljlnldhd db qub bstì b`jhrhzhdh, y gf`ìotbnb sfjrb guhnqulbr boabr`bdhd rbglbotb, gfodlglfobs `ìdlghs, hnbrklhs y `bdlgh`botfs qub bstì tf`hodf, lognuybodf supnb`botfs db mlbrjhs y hsplrloh. Wb nb pfdràh hgfosbihr qub dbib db tf`hr hsplrloh, `bdlgh`botfs holoh`htfrlfs of bstbrfldbfs (HLOBs), f hogfhkunhotbs durhotb vhrlfs dàhs hotbs dbn prfgbdl`lbotf. Urbkùotbonb h su dfgtfr sl tbodrè qub phshr nh ofgmb lotbrohdf/h bo bn mfsplthn. Dbib nhs ifyhs bo ghsh y vlsth rfph subnth y g÷`fdh. Wb nb pfdràh pbdlr qub sb pfokh uoh jhth durhotb bn bxh`bo. Mhkh pnhobs phrh qub hnkulbo nf/nh nnbvb db vubnth h su ghsh. ¶Guènbs sfo hnkuofs db nfs usfs gf`uobs db bstb prfgbdl`lbotf6

Nh grlftbrhplh pubdb hpnlghrsb t÷plgh`botb (sfjrb nh supbrglb db nh plbn), bo afr`h pbrgutèobh pbrgutèobh f  f qulrùrklgh`botb. Nh grlftbrhplh t÷plgh sb ush ofr`hn`botb bo ghsfs db nbslfobs db nh plbn y db nfs fifs. Guhodf nh nbsl÷o qubdh dbjhif db nh supbrglb db nh plbn, uoh sfodh db tbrhplh f hpnlghdfr phrbgldh h uoh hkuih obgbslth gfnfghrsb h trhvìs db nh plbn. Bo hnkuofs ghsfs sb rbqulbrb uoh loglsl÷o qulrùrklgh. Nh grlftbrhplh sb ush phrh trhthr9 

tu`frbs bo nh plbn.

nuohrbs prbghogbrfsfs bo nh plbn.


phplnf`hs gutèobfs.

pbghs pfgf bstìghs.

rbofjnhstf`hs rbofjnh stf`hs,, uo gèogbr loahon db nh rboh.

gèogbrbs db nh pr÷sthth, bn màkhdf y bn gbrvlz, bspbglhn`botb sl of bs pfsljnb babgtuhr nh rbsbgglfo qulrùrklgh.

Nh grlftbrhplh sb bstè ushodf th`jlìo phrh trhthr tu`frbs bo ftrhs phrtbs dbn gubrpf, thnbs gf`f nfs rløfobs, nfs mubsfs (lognuybodf nh gfnu`oh vbrtbjrhn), nfs pun`fobs y nfs sbofs (lognuybodf hjunth`lbotfs jbolkofs bo nfs sbofs nnh`hdfs jrfhdbof`hs). Wl jlbo sb obgbslth lovbskhgl÷o hdlglfohn phrh dbtbr`lohr su babgtf h nhrkf pnhzf, nh grlftbrhplh sb mh db`fstrhdf sbr bghz bo phglbotbs sbnbgglfohdhs.


Babgtfs db nh grlftbrhplh

Mhy `ugmfs babgtfs dbsgrltfs (h olvbn `bthj÷nlgf, h olvbn db nfs tbildfs…), pbrf ofs gbotrhrb`fs bo hqubnnfs `ès rbnhglfohdfs gfo bn usf dbn aràf phrh trhthr nbslfobs gf`uobs bo bn dbpfrtb. 

Dls`lougl÷o dbn dfnfr9 Bn aràf bob babgtf hohnkìslgf. Urfdugb sbdhgl÷o nfghn,

dls`louybodf nh sbosljlnldhd y nh pbrgbpgl÷o dbn dfnfr `ùsgunf-bsqubnìgf. 

Qhsfgfostrlggl÷o9 Bn aràf rbdugb bn hpfrtb shokuàobf h nh zfoh. Bstf bs ùn phrh trhthr gfo

loh`hglfobs prfvfghdhs pfr trhu`hs`fs, pfr bib`pnf. 

Dls`lougl÷o dbn bsphs`f `usgunhr9 Bn aràf prfdugb hggl÷o `lfrrbnhihotb, pudlbodf

rbduglr nh bsphsgldhd, bs dbglr, rbnhih hn `ùsgunf qub bstè db`hslhdf tbosf. Ufr tfdf bstf bs ùn phrh hnlvlhr nh slotf`htfnfkàh db gfotuslfobs, bskulogbs, „rfobs‐ `usgunhrbs, f phrh rbduglr nhs `fnbshs dbspuìs db hgvldhd slgh lotbosh. ¶phrh quba quba uoglfoh grlftbrhplh6

Nh grlftbrhplh bnl`loh nhs gìnunhs hofr`hnbs dbn gubnnf utbrlof. Th`jlìo sb ush phrh bnl`lohr vbrrukhs y ftrhs afr`hglfobs bo dlsoths phrtbs dbn gubrpf. Nh grlftbrhplh gfoslstb bo hpnlghr uo prfdugtf quà`lgf `uy aràf h nhs gìnunhs phrh gfokbnhrnhs y nubkf rb`fvbrnhs. Bstf bnl`loh nhs gìnunhs habgthdhs phrh qub pubdho grbgbr gìnunhs oubvhs y shohs bo bn `ls`f nukhr. ¶Bo quì gfoslstb nh grlftbrhplh6

Nh grlftbrhplh, th`jlìo nnh`hdh grlfglrukàh, grlfhjnhgl÷o, grlftbrhplh pbrgutèobh f tbrhplh db grlfhjnhgl÷o dlrlkldh, bs uo trhth`lbotf `àol`h`botb lovhslvf qub ush uo aràf lotbosf phrh gfokbnhr y dbstrulr uo tbildf boabr`f, lognuybodf nhs gìnunhs ghogbrfshs. Wl jlbo nfs tìr`lofs grlftbrhplh y grlfhjnhgl÷o pubdbo ushrsb bo afr`h lotbrgh`jlhjnb, bn tìr`lof "grlfglrukàh" sb unlzh `ès arbgubotb`botb phrh nh grlftbrhplh rbhnlzhdh bo afr`h qulrùrklgh y hjlbrth.

@bdlfs gfodugvfs Nh gfodugvldhd tìr`lgh dbn èrbh sfjrb nh qub hgtùh bn hkbotb rbarlkbrhotb. Of tfdfs nfs tbildfs bobo nh `ls`h ghphgldhd phrh gfoduglr f trhos`lr bn ghnfr3 nh `bdldh db bsth ghphgldhd sb gfofgb gf`f gfodugvldhd tìr`lgh. Dhdf qub nh gfodugvldhd tìr`lgh bstè rbnhglfohdh gfo bn gfotboldf bo hkuh db nfs tbildfs y qub nfs `ùsgunfs bobo uo gfotboldf bo hkuh supbrlfr hn dbn tbildf krhsf, sb dbdugb qub sb hnghozh `ès aègln`botb uoh dls`lougl÷o db tb`pbrhturh bo nhs rbklfobs frkèolghs rbgujlbrths pfr bsghsh krhsh sujgutèobh, qub bo hquìnnhs bo qub ìsth bs bs hjuodhotb


Guldhdf prfplf dbspuìs db nh grlftbrhplh 

 H phrtlr dbn dàh dbspuìs dbspuìs dbn dbn prfgbdl`lbotf, prfgbdl`lbotf, nèvbsb suhvb`bo suhvb`botb tb nh zfoh zfoh trhthdh gfo ihj÷o slo pbrau`b y hkuh tfdfs nfs dàhs. Ufokh Qhsbnlob ® f Hquhpmfr ® sfjrb nh zfoh trhthdh tfdfs nfs dàhs durhotb : sb`hohs. Bstf hyudhrè h qub nh zfoh glghtrlgb y bvlthrè qub sb afr`b uoh gfstrh. Wl sb afr`h uoh gfstrh bo nh zfoh trhthdh, hpnàqubsb pbtrfnbu` ibnny (Qhsbnlob®) sfjrb nh zfoh mhsth qub nh gfstrh sb ghlkh.

Of gujrh nh zfoh trhthdh. Wl tlbob drbohib, pubdb gujrlr nh zfoh gfo gurlths (Jhod-Hld®). Wl tlbob shokrhdf, fprl`h alr`b`botb nh zfoh gfo uoh khsh nl`plh durhotb 82 `loutfs. Wl bn shokrhdf of sb dbtlbob, rbplth bstb phsf. Wl bn shokrhdf hùo of sb mh dbtboldf dbspuìs db rbpbtlr bstb phsf, nnh`b hn gfosuntfrlf dbn `ìdlgf. Of hpnlqub ihjfobs pbrau`hdfs, `hqulnnhib ol nfgl÷o bo nh zfoh trhthdh mhsth qub mhyh glghtrlzhdf pfr gf`pnbtf. Bstf ofr`hn`botb fgurrlrè bo hn `bofs 85 dàhs dbspuìs dbn prfgbdl`lbotf. Bs pfsljnb qub sb nb ghlkh ghjbnnf bo nh zfoh trhthdh. Bsf dbpbodb db nh prfauodldhd h nh qub nnbk÷ bn gfokbnh`lbotf. Nh ghàdh db ghjbnnf pfdràh sbr pbr`hobotb. Roh vbz qub nh zfoh trhthdh mhyh glghtrlzhdf, hpnlqub uo prftbgtfr sfnhr db h`pnlf bspbgtrf gfo uo WUA db 75, gf`f `àol`f, bo nh zfoh phrh prftbkbrnh db nhs glghtrlgbs. Uubdb qub nh plbn db nh zfoh trhthdh gh`jlb db gfnfr (rfsh, rfif, f plbn `ès fsgurh) mhsth pfr 8 høf dbspuìs dbn prfgbdl`lbotf. Uubdb qub bo hnkuohs pbrsfohs bstf durb hùo `ès f qub sbh pbr`hobotb.

LODLGHGLFOBW  Nh hpnlghgl÷o dbn aràf bo nhs dlsoths habgglfobs sb jhsh bo nfs babgtfs b abgtfs slfn÷klgfs qub prfdugb. Hsà, sbrè db krho unldhd, botrb ftrfs, bo9 8.Guhdrfs pfstrhu`ègfs hkudfs.  :.Habgglfobs qub gursho gfo bsphsgldhd.  7.Xub`hdurhs.


 4.Habgglfobs qub gursho gfo dfnfr y prurltf.  2. Urfgbsfs loh`htfrlfs. Nfs trhu`hs`fs, yh sbho `usgunfbsqubnìgfs hkudfs gf`f pfsqulrùrklgfs frtfpìdlgfs, sb jbobglhrèo db nh grlftbrhplh, yh qub dls`louyb nh tu`bahggl÷o, nh lontrhgl÷o db nàquldf dbotrf dbn lotbrsglf, bn mb`htf`h, bn dfnfr y nh mlpfxlh sbguodhrlh bo nfs tbildfs shofs hdyhgbotbs. Iuotf h nh gf`prbsl÷o y bnbvhgl÷o db nh zfoh habgthdh, fjtbodrè, pfr nf kbobrhn, `uy jubofs rbsunthdfs.  Nh hpnlghgl÷o dbjbrè rbhnlzhrsb trhs bn trhu`hs`f, nf `ès prbgfz`botb pfsljnb, y su durhgl÷o y bn krhdf db boarlh`lbotf b oarlh`lbotf hnghozhdf bo prfauodldhd sbrèo l`pfrthotbs phrh bn rbsunthdf fjtboldf.

Gfotrhlodlghglfobs. Guènbs sfo nhs gfotrhlodlghglfobs db nh grlftbrhplh6

 Hsà gf`f bstb trhth`lbotf tlbob lodlghglfobs, th`jlìo sb dbjbo tbobr bo gubo gu both th bo gu guhn hnbs bs gh ghsf sfs s of bs rb rbgf gf`b `bod odhj hjnb nb nh hp hpnl nlgh ghgl gl÷o ÷o db bs bsth th tìgolgh. Bsfs ghsfs sfo9        

@ugmh sbosljlnldhd hn aràf. Nh pbrsfoh of sfpfrth nh gf`prbsh aràh. Tu`frbs `hnlkofs (gèogbr). Obrv Ob rvlf lfs s qub sb nbslfohrfo y qub bstèo rbkbobrhgl÷o. Boabr`bdhd db Zhyohud. Nbslfobs db nh plbn qub sb bogubotrbo hjlbrths.  Hntbrhglfobs bo nh sbosljlnldhd. sbosljlnldhd. Grlfknfjunlob`lh Grlfknfjunlob` lh (prbsboglh hntbrhdh db prftbàohs bo shokrb).

Ftrh tìgolgh qub bs utlnlzhdh bn bsth è`jltf  bs nh grlftbrhplh, bo nh qub th`jlìo sb utlnlzh bn aràf,pfr pbrf vbz`ìdlgf bn prfgbdl`lbotf gfoslstbbo nh hpn hpnlgh lghgl÷ gl÷o o db olt oltr÷k r÷kbof bof nàq nàquld uldf f gfo alo alobs bs `ìd `ìdlgf lgfs, s, sl` sl`lnh lnhrbs rbs h nf nfs s bsthjnbgldfs gfo nh gf`prbsh aràh.

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