
April 23, 2018 | Author: ErwinFuna | Category: Evidence (Law), Burden Of Proof (Law), Insanity Defense, Witness, Lawsuit
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Short Description (Evidence)...



A. Importance of the stud of E!"dence "n La# Enforcement:

As an e$ement of our Criminal Justice Sstem% "t "s the dut of e!er $a# enforcement a&enc"es to  pro!"de the prosecut"on #"th the mater"a$s and "nformat"on 'E!"dence( necessar "n order to support con!"ct"on.

E!er person "s ent"t$ed to )e presumed "nnocent of a cr"me or #ron&% un$ess pro!en other#"se. Th"s "s a pr"ma fac"e presumpt"on #h"ch must )e o!ercome ) proof )eond reasona)$e dou)t.

*. Connect"n& the cha"n of e!ents throu&h E!"dence dur"n& Tr"a$:

Tr"a$ refers to +the e,am"nat"on )efore a competent tr")una$% accord"n& to the $a#s of the $and% of the facts "n "ssue "n a cause% for the purposes of determ"n"n& such "ssue- '.S. !. Ramundo% /0 Ph"$ 0/1(.

E!"dence he$ps "n the determ"nat"on de term"nat"on of 2uest"ons of 3acts ) he$p"n& the 4ud&e reconstruct the cha"n of  e!ents from the concept"on up to theconsummation of a cr"m"na$ des"&n.

C. 3actum Pro)andum and 3actum Pro)ans

3actum Pro)andum 5 The u$t"mate facts to )e pro!en. These are the propos"t"ons of $a#.



murder #as comm"tted thru treacher


ro))er #as made throu&h force upon th"n&s

3actum Pro)ans 5 The e!"dent"ar 3acts. These addresses 7uest"ons of fac t.



e,"t #ounds #ere "n front "nd"cat"n& "nd"cat"n& that !"ct"m #as shot at the )ac8 


destroed $oc8s "nd"cat"!e of force upon th"n&s

Thus% the outcome of e!er tr"a$ "s determ"ned ):


Propos"t"ons of $a#% and


2uest"ons of fact.

D. Proof and Evidence

Evidence  5 the means to arr"!e at a conc$us"on. nder the Re!"sed Ru$es of Court% e!"dence "s def"ned

as +the means% sanct"oned ) )  the ru$es% for ascerta"nment "n a 4ud"c"a$ proceed"n&% the truth% respect"n& a matter of fact-.

re7u"s"te de&ree of )e$"ef "n the Proof 5 the resu$t of "ntroduc"n& e!"dence. The esta)$"shment of a re7u"s"te m"nd of the 4ud&e as to the facts "n "ssue. It refers to the accumu$at"on of e!"dence suff"c"ent to  persuade the tr"a$ court.

Quantum of evidence  5 the tota$"t of e!"dence presented for cons"derat"on

Quantum of proof  5 refers to the de&ree of proof re7u"red "n order to arr"!e at a conc$us"on.

Burden of evidence  5 the dut of a part of &o"n& for#ard #"th e!"dence.

Burden of proof  5  5 the dut of o f the aff"rmat"!e to pro!e that #h"ch "t a$$e&es.

9ar"at"ons 9ar"at"ons on de&rees of proof )ased on tpe of act"on:


Criminal Action  5 proof )eond reasona)$e dou)t that de&ree of proof #h"ch produces

con!"ct"on "n an unpre4ud"ced m"nd;
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