Criminal Procedure : Case Digests for Search ad Seizure
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Digested Cases in Criminal Procedure regarding Search and Seizure...
petitioner, i$ t)e $a*e pro)i-ited drug t)at %a$ &ound in )i$ cu$tod and po$$e$$ion %)en )e %a$ appre)ended at t)e predeparture area o& t)e airport in t)e *orning o& Ca 24, 2003. In a pro$ecution &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$, t)e &ollo%ing &act$ *u$t -e proven %it) *oral certaint: =1> t)at t)e accu$ed i$ in po$$e$$ion o& t)e o-7ect identi&ied a$ pro)i-ited or regulated drug? =2> t)at $uc) po$$e$$ion i$ not aut)ori/ed - la%? and =3> t)at t)e accu$ed &reel and con$ciou$l po$$e$$ed t)e $aid drug. +)e pro$ecution )a$ $ati$&actoril e$ta-li$)ed t)at airport $ecurit o&&icer$ &ound in t)e per$on o& petitioner t)e *ari7uana &ruiting top$ contained in rolled paper $tic($ during t)e &inal $ecurit c)ec( at t)e airport$ predeparture area. In People v. 'ohnson, %)ic) al$o involved $ei/ure o& a dangerou$ drug &ro* a pa$$enger during a routine &ri$( at t)e airport, t)i$ ourt ruled t)at $uc) evidence o-tained in a %arrantle$$ $earc) %a$ acuired legiti*atel pur$uant to airport $ecurit procedure$, t)u$: er$on$ *a lo$e t)e protection o& t)e $earc) and $ei/ure clau$e - epo$ure o& t)eir per$on$ or propert to t)e pu-lic in a *anner re&lecting a lac( o& $u-7ective epectation o& privac, %)ic) epectation $ociet i$ prepared to recogni/e a$ rea$ona-le. Suc) recognition i$ i*plicit in airport $ecurit procedure$. it) increa$ed concern over airplane )i7ac(ing and terrori$* )a$ co*e increa$ed $ecurit at t)e nation$ airport$. a$$enger$ atte*pting to -oard an aircra&t routinel pa$$ t)roug) *etal detector$? t)eir carron -aggage a$ %ell a$ c)ec(ed luggage are routinel $u-7ected to ra $can$. S)ould t)e$e procedure$ $ugge$t t)e pre$ence o& $u$piciou$ o-7ect$, p)$ical $earc)e$ are conducted to deter*ine %)at t)e o-7ect$ are. +)ere i$ little ue$tion t)at $uc) $earc)e$ are rea$ona-le, given t)eir *ini*al intru$ivene$$, t)e gravit o& t)e $a&et intere$t$ involved, and t)e reduced privac epectation$ a$$ociated %it) airline travel. Indeed, traveler$ are o&ten noti&ied t)roug) airport pu-lic addre$$ $$te*$, $ign$, and notice$ in t)eir airline tic(et$ t)at t)e are $u-7ect to $earc) and, i& an pro)i-ited *aterial$ or $u-$tance$ are &ound, $uc) %ould -e $u-7ect to $ei/ure. +)e$e announce*ent$ place pa$$enger$ on notice t)at ordinar con$titutional protection$ again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ do not appl to routine airport procedure$. etitioner contention t)at &ri$(ing pa$$enger$ at t)e airport i$ a $tandard procedure -ut a$$ail$ t)e conduct o& Soriano and !1 +rotaartolo*e in $ingling )i* out - *a(ing )i* $tretc) out )i$ ar*$ and e*pt )i$ poc(et$. etitioner -elieve$ $uc) *eticulou$ $earc) %a$ unnece$$ar -ecau$e, a$ Soriano )i*$el& te$ti&ied, t)ere %a$ no -eep $ound %)en petitioner %al(ed pa$t t)roug) t)e *etal detector and )ence not)ing $u$piciou$ %a$ indicated - t)at initial $ecurit c)ec(. +)e court &ound no irregularit in t)e $earc) conducted on petitioner %)o %a$ a$(ed to e*pt t)e content$ o& )i$ poc(et$ upon t)e &ri$(er$ rea$ona-le -elie& t)at %)at )e &elt in )i$ )and %)ile &ri$(ing petitioner$ $)ort pant$ %a$ a pro)i-ited or illegal $u-$tance. Suc) $earc) %a$ *ade pur$uant to routine airport $ecurit procedure, %)ic) i$ allo%ed under Section 9 o& R.". o. 6235. Said provi$ion read$: S;. 9. ;ver tic(et i$$ued to a pa$$enger - t)e airline or air carrier concerned $)all contain a*ong ot)er$ t)e &ollo%ing condition printed t)ereon: K(older hereof and his hand)carried luggage*s+ are subject to search for, and seizure of, prohibited materials or substances. (older refusing to be searched shall not be allowed to board the aircraft, K %)ic) $)all con$titute a part o& t)e contract -et%een t)e pa$$enger and t)e air carrier. In eople v. Jo)n$on, t)e ourt$ ruling %a$ al$o applied in eople v. anton: )ere t)e accu$ed, a &e*ale pa$$enger %a$ &ri$(ed at t)e "I" a&ter pa$$ing t)roug) t)e *etal detector -oot) t)at e*itted a -eeping $ound. Since t)e &ri$(er noticed $o*et)ing -ulging at accu$ed$ a-do*en, t)ig)$ and genital area, %)ic) &elt li(e pac(age$ containing rice granule$, accu$ed %a$ $u-7ected to a t)oroug) p)$ical ea*ination in$ide t)e ladie$ roo*. +)ree $ealed pac(age$ %ere ta(en &ro* accu$ed$ -od %)ic) %)en $u-*itted &or la-orator ea*ination ielded po$itive re$ult$ &or *et)a*p)eta*ine )droc)loride or shabu. "ccu$ed %a$ &ort)%it) arre$ted and pro$ecuted &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& a regulated drug. "&&ir*ing accu$ed anton$ conviction &or t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& shabu, %e ruled t)at accu$ed appellant %a$ la%&ull arre$ted %it)out a %arrant a&ter -eing caug)t in flagrante delicto. e &urt)er )eld t)at t)e $cope o& a $earc) pur$uant to airport $ecurit procedure i$ not con&ined onl to $earc) &or %eapon$ under t)e K+err $earc)K1 doctrine. +)e *ore eten$ive $earc) conducted on accu$ed anton %a$ nece$$itated - t)e di$cover o& pac(age$ on )er -od, )er appre)en$ivene$$ and &al$e $tate*ent$ %)ic) arou$ed t)e $u$picion o& t)e &ri$(er t)at $)e %a$ )iding $o*et)ing illegal. +)u$: . It *u$t -e repeated t)at R.". o. 6235 aut)ori/e$ sear; for pro;4te# 6aterals or su4stanes . +o li*it t)e action o& t)e airport $ecurit per$onnel to $i*pl re&u$ing )er entr into t)e aircra&t and $ending )er )o*e =a$ $ugge$ted - appellant>, and t)ere- depriving t)e* o& Kt)e a-ilit and &acilit to act accordingl, including to &urt)er $earc) %it)out %arrant, in lig)t o& $uc) circu*$tance$, %ould -e to $anction i*potence and ine&&ectivit in la% en&orce*ent, to t)e detri*ent o& $ociet.K +)u$, t)e $trip $earc) in t)e ladie$ roo* %a$ 7u$ti&ied under t)e circu*$tance$. +)e $earc) o& t)e content$ o& petitioner$ $)ort pant$ poc(et$ -eing a valid $earc) pur$uant to routine airport $ecurit procedure, t)e illegal $u-$tance =*ari7uana> $ei/ed &ro* )i* %a$ t)ere&ore ad*i$$i-le in evidence. etitioner$ reluctance to $)o% t)e content$ o&
)i$ $)ort pant$ poc(et a&ter t)e &ri$(er$ )and &elt t)e rolled paper$ containing *ari7uana, and )i$ nervou$ de*eanor arou$ed t)e $u$picion o& t)e arre$ting o&&icer$ t)at )e %a$ indeed carring an ite* or *aterial $u-7ect to con&i$cation - t)e $aid aut)oritie$. +)e ourt &ind$ no *erit in petitioner$ argu*ent t)at t)e nonpre$entation o& S!2 !lande$ca and !2 o7illa a$ %itne$$e$ i$ &atal to t)e pro$ecution$ ca$e.
++.) L@: v$.%EO%LE OF /"E %"ILI%%INE0 &.R. No. 1-'' Fe4ruary $-, $1$ Fats! !2 ;**anuel D. "lte/a, t)en a$$igned at t)e Su-Station 1 o& t)e aga it olice Station a$ a tra&&ic en&orcer, )e $a% t)e accu$ed, %)o %a$ co*ing &ro* t)e direction o& angani-an #rive and going to #iver$ion Road,aga it, driving a *otorccle %it)out a )el*et. +)i$ pro*pted )i* to &lag do%n t)e accu$ed &or violating a *unicipal ordinance %)ic) reuire$ all *otorccle driver$ to %ear )el*et %)ile driving $aid *otor ve)icle. )ile )e and S!1 Ra&ord rillante %ere i$$uing a citation tic(et &or violation o& *unicipal ordinance, )e noticed t)at t)e accu$ed %a$ unea$ and (ept on getting $o*et)ing &ro* )i$ 7ac(et. e %a$ on t)e alert and $o, )e told t)e accu$ed to ta(e out t)e content$ o& t)e poc(et o& )i$ 7ac(et a$ t)e latter *a )ave a %eapon in$ide it. +)e accu$ed o-liged and $lo%l put out t)e content$ o& t)e poc(et o& )i$ 7ac(et %)ic) %a$ a nic(elli(e tin or *etal container a-out t%o =2> to t)ree =3> inc)e$ in $i/e, including t%o =2> cellp)one$, one =1> pair o& $ci$$or$ and one =1> S%i$$ (ni&e. @pon $eeing t)e $aid container, )e a$(ed t)e accu$ed to open it. +)e accu$ed opened t)e container, )e noticed a cartoon cover and $o*et)ing -eneat) it and upon )i$ in$truction, t)e accu$ed $pilled out t)e content$ o& t)e container on t)e ta-le %)ic) turned out to -e &our =4> pla$tic $ac)et$, t)e t%o =2> o& %)ic) %ere e*pt %)ile t)e ot)er t%o =2> contained $u$pected $)a-u
etitioner %a$ convicted &or violation o& +)e #angerou$ #rug$ la%. etitioner clai*$ t)at t)ere %a$ no la%&ul $earc) and $ei/ure, -ecau$e t)ere %a$ no la%&ul arre$t. e clai*$ t)at t)e &inding t)at t)ere %a$ a la%&ul arre$t %a$ erroneou$, $ince )e %a$ not even i$$ued a citation tic(et or c)arged %it) violation o& t)e cit ordinance. ;ven a$$u*ing t)ere %a$ a valid arre$t, )e clai*$ t)at )e )ad never con$ented to t)e $earc) conducted upon )i*. Issue!
)et)er or not t)ere %a$ no la%&ul $earc) and $ei/ure, -ecau$e t)ere %a$ no la%&ul arre$t.
o, t)ere %a$ no valid arre$t o& petitioner. )en )e %a$ &lagged do%n &or co**itting a tra&&ic violation, )e %a$ not, ip$o &acto "el#! and $olel &or t)i$ rea$on, arre$ted. "rre$t i$ t)e ta(ing o& a per$on into cu$tod in order t)at )e or $)e *a -e -ound to an$%er &or t)e co**i$$ion o& an o&&en$e It i$ e&&ected - an actual re$traint o& t)e per$on to -e arre$ted or - t)at per$on$ voluntar $u-*i$$ion to t)e cu$tod o& t)e one *a(ing t)e arre$t. eit)er t)e application o& actual &orce, *anual touc)ing o& t)e -od, or p)$ical re$traint, nor a &or*al declaration o& arre$t, i$ reuired. It i$ enoug) t)at t)ere -e an intention on t)e part o& one o& t)e partie$ to arre$t t)e ot)er, and t)at t)ere -e an intent on t)e part o& t)e ot)er to $u-*it, under t)e -elie& and i*pre$$ion t)at $u-*i$$ion i$ nece$$ar. @nder R.". 4136, or t)e Dand +ran$portation and +ra&&ic ode, t)e general procedure &or dealing %it) a tra&&ic violation i$ not t)e arre$t o& t)e o&&ender, -ut t)e con&i$cation o& t)e driver$ licen$e o& t)e latter. +)ere -eing no valid arre$t, t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) t)at re$ulted &ro* it %a$ li(e%i$e illegal.+)e &ollo%ing are t)e in$tance$ %)en a %arrantle$$ $earc) i$ allo%ed: =i> a %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t? =ii> $earc) o& evidence in Aplain vie%?B =iii> $earc) o& a *oving ve)icle? =iv> con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? =v>cu$to*$ $earc)? =vi> a A$top and &ri$(B $earc)? and =vii> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. one o& t)e a-ove*entioned in$tance$, e$peciall a $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t, are applica-le to t)i$ ca$e. It *u$t -e noted t)at t)e evidence $ei/ed, alt)oug) alleged to -e inadvertentl di$covered, %a$ not in Aplain vie%.B It %a$ actuall concealed in$ide a *etal container in$ide petitioner$ poc(et. learl, t)e evidence %a$ not i**ediatel apparent. eit)er %a$ t)ere a con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc). eit)er doe$ t)e $earc) uali& under t)e A$top and &ri$(B rule. )ile t)e rule nor*all applie$ %)en a police o&&icer o-$erve$ $u$piciou$ or unu$ual conduct, %)ic) *a lead )i* to -elieve t)at a cri*inal act *a -e a&oot, t)e $top and &ri$( i$ *erel a li*ited protective $earc) o& outer clot)ing &or %eapon$. +)e &oregoing con$idered, petitioner *u$t -e acuitted. )ile )e *a )ave &ailed to o-7ect to t)e illegalit o& )i$ arre$t at t)e earlie$t opportunit, a %aiver o& an illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t doe$ not, )o%ever, *ean a %aiver o& t)e inad*i$$i-ilit o& evidence $ei/ed during t)e illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t. +)e on$titution guarantee$ t)e rig)t o& t)e people to -e $ecure in t)eir per$on$, )ou$e$, paper$ and e&&ect$ again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$. "n evidence o-tained in violation o& $aid rig)t $)all -e inad*i$$i-le &or an purpo$e in an proceeding. )ile t)e po%er to $earc) and $ei/e *a at ti*e$ -e nece$$ar to t)e pu-lic %el&are, $till it *u$t -e eerci$ed and t)e la% i*ple*ented %it)out contravening t)e con$titutional rig)t$ o& citi/en$, &or t)e en&orce*ent o& no $tatute i$ o& $u&&icient i*portance to 7u$ti& indi&&erence to t)e -a$ic principle$ o& govern*ent. +)e $u-7ect ite*$ $ei/ed during t)e illegal arre$t are inad*i$$i-le. +)e drug$ are t)e ver corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. +)u$, t)eir inad*i$$i-ilit preclude$ conviction and call$ &or t)e acuittal o& t)e accu$ed
+(.) %EO%LE v. VILLAREAL &.R. No. $1+7+ 5ar; 1, $1+ Fats! !n #ece*-er 25, 2006 in t)e *orning, a$ !3 Renato de Deon %a$ driving )i$ *otorccle on )i$ %a )o*e along 5t) "venue, )e $a% appellant &ro* a di$tance o& a-out 8 to 10 *eter$, )olding and $crutini/ing in )i$ )and a pla$tic $ac)et o& $)a-u. !3 de Deon, a *e*-er o& t)e Station "ntiIllegal #rug$Special !peration @nit =S"I#S!@> in aloocan it, alig)ted &ro* )i$ *otorccle and approac)ed t)e appellant %)o* )e recogni/ed a$ $o*eone )e )ad previou$l arre$ted &or illegal drug po$$e$$ion. @pon $eeing
!3 de Deon, appellant tried to e$cape -ut %a$ uic(l appre)ended %it) t)e )elp o& a triccle driver. #e$pite appellant$ atte*pt$ to re$i$t arre$t, !3 de Deon %a$ a-le to -oard appellant onto )i$ *otorccle and con&i$cate t)e pla$tic $ac)et o& $)a-u in )i$ po$$e$$ion. !3 de Deon -roug)t appellant to t)e 9t) "venue olice Station to &i )i$ )andcu&&$, and t)en t)e proceeded to t)e S"I#S!@ o&&ice %)ere !3 de Deon *ar(ed t)e $ei/ed pla$tic $ac)et. Su-$euentl, !3 de Deon turned over t)e *ar(ed evidence a$ %ell a$ t)e per$on o& appellant to t)e inve$tigator, !2 Randul&o ipolito =!2 ipolito> %)o, in turn, eecuted an ac(no%ledg*ent receipt and prepared a letter reue$t &or t)e la-orator ea*ination o& t)e $ei/ed $u-$tance. !2 ipolito per$onall delivered t)e reue$t and t)e con&i$cated ite* to t)e )ilippine ational olice => ri*e Da-orator, %)ic) %ere received - olice Senior In$pector "l-ert "rturo =SI "rturo>, t)e &oren$ic c)e*i$t. @pon ualitative ea*ination it te$ted po$itive &or *et)la*p)eta*ine )droc)loride, a dangerou$ drug. on$euentl, appellant %a$ c)arged &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. )en arraigned, appellant entered a plea o& not guilt to t)e o&&en$e )e %a$ c)arged. Su-$euentl, )e %a$ -roug)t to t)e Sangandaan eaduarter$ %)ere t%o ot)er police o&&icer$, %)o$e na*e$ )e recalled %ere KCic)elleK and Kipolito,K too( )i* to t)e )eaduarter$ &iring range. +)ere, )e %a$ &orced to an$%er ue$tion$ a-out a $tolen cellp)one, &iring a gun rig)t -e$ide )i$ ear eac) ti*e )e &ailed to an$%er and eventuall *auling )i* %)en )e continued to den (no%ledge a-out t)e cellp)one."ppellant $u$tained )ead in7urie$ and -roug)t to t)e #io$dado Cacapagal o$pital &or treat*ent. +)e &ollo%ing da, )e under%ent inue$t proceeding$ -e&ore i$cal Guia-, %)o in&or*ed )i* t)at )e %a$ -eing c)arged %it) re$i$ting arre$t and KSection 11.K +)e &ir$t c)arge %a$ eventuall di$*i$$ed. +)e R+ convicted appellant,&inding t)at all t)e ele*ent$ o& t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$ )ave -een e$ta-li$)ed. inding no ill *otive on t)e part o& !3 de Deon to te$ti& &al$el again$t appellant, coupled %it) t)e &act t)at t)e &or*er )ad previou$l arre$ted t)e latter &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& drug$ under Repu-lic "ct o. 6425 =R" 6425>, t)e R+ gave &ull &ait) and credit to !3 de Deon$ te$ti*on. Coreover, t)e R+ &ound t)e plain vie% doctrine to -e applica-le, a$ t)e con&i$cated ite* %a$ in plain vie% o& !3 de Deon at t)e place and ti*e o& t)e arre$t. +)e " $u$tained appellant$ conviction, &inding Ka clear ca$e o& in &lagrante delicto %arrantle$$ arre$tK a$ provided under Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e Revi$ed Rule$ o& ri*inal rocedure. +)e " )eld t)at appellant Ke)i-ited an overt act or $trange conduct t)at %ould rea$ona-l arou$e $u$picion,K aggravated - t)e ei$tence o& )i$ pa$t cri*inal citation$ and )i$ atte*pt to &lee %)en !3 de Deon approac)ed )i*. iting 7uri$prudence, t)e appellate court li(e%i$e ruled t)at t)e pro$ecution )ad adeuatel $)o%n t)e continuou$ and un-ro(en c)ain o& cu$tod o& t)e $ei/ed ite*, &ro* t)e ti*e it %a$ con&i$cated &ro* appellant - !3 de Deon, *ar(ed at t)e police $tation, turned over to !2 ipolito and delivered to t)e cri*e la-orator, %)ere it %a$ received - SI "rturo, t)e &oren$ic c)e*i$t, up to t)e ti*e it %a$ pre$ented in court &or proper identi&ication.
Issue! "-$ent an ot)er circu*$tance upon %)ic) to anc)or a la%&ul arre$t, no ot)er overt act could -e properl attri-uted to appellant a$ to rou$e $u$picion in t)e *ind o& !3 de Deon t)at )e =appellant> )ad 7u$t co**itted, %a$ co**itting, or %a$ a-out to co**it a cri*e, &or t)e act$ per $e o& %al(ing along t)e $treet and ea*ining $o*et)ing in one$ )and$ cannot in an %a -e con$idered cri*inal act$. In &act, even i& appellant )ad -een e)i-iting unu$ual or $trange act$, or at t)e ver lea$t appeared $u$piciou$, t)e $a*e %ould not )ave -een $u&&icient in order &or !3 de Deon to e&&ect a la%&ul %arrantle$$ arre$t under paragrap) =a> o& Section 5, Rule 113.
eit)er )a$ it -een e$ta-li$)ed t)at t)e rigorou$ condition$ $et &ort) in paragrap) =-> o& Section 5, Rule 113 )ave -een co*plied %it), i.e., t)at an o&&en$e )ad in &act 7u$t -een co**itted and t)e arre$ting o&&icer )ad per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ indicating t)at t)e appellant )ad co**itted it. In &ine, appellant$ act$ o& %al(ing along t)e $treet and )olding $o*et)ing in )i$ )and$, even i& t)e appeared to -e du-iou$, coupled %it) )i$ previou$ cri*inal c)arge &or t)e $a*e o&&en$e, are not - t)e*$elve$ $u&&icient to incite $u$picion o& cri*inal activit or to create pro-a-le cau$e enoug) to 7u$ti& a %arrantle$$ arre$t under Section 5 a-oveuoted. urt)er*ore, appellant$ act o& darting a%a %)en !3 de Deon approac)ed )i* $)ould not -e con$trued again$t )i*. lig)t per $e i$ not $non*ou$ %it) guilt and *u$t not al%a$ -e attri-uted to one$ con$ciou$ne$$ o& guilt. on$euentl, t)ere -eing no la%&ul %arrantle$$ arre$t, t)e $)a-u purportedl $ei/ed &ro* appellant i$ rendered inad*i$$i-le in evidence &or -eing t)e prover-ial &ruit o& t)e poi$onou$ tree. "$ t)e con&i$cated $)a-u i$ t)e ver corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e c)arged, appellant *u$t -e acuitted and eonerated &ro* all cr i*inal lia-ilit. +3.) FELICIANO &ALVAN/E v. "ON. ORLANDO C. CA0I5IRO &.R. No. 17$ Aprl $$, $ Fats! In t)e a&ternoon o& Ca 14, 2001 at Sitio a)ian, apatungan, +rento, "gu$an del Sur, private re$pondent$ con&i$cated &ro* petitioner one colt pi$tol $uper .38 auto*atic %it) $erial no. 6H9H3, one $)ort *aga/ine, and nine $uper .38 live a**unition$. +)e con&i$cated *aterial$ %ere covered - an epired Ce*orandu* Receipt. on$euentl, t)e "$$i$tant rovincial ro$ecutor &iled again$t petitioner an In&or*ation or Illegal o$$e$$ion o& irear*$ and "**unition$ in Relation to o**i$$ion on ;lection$ =o*elec> Re$olution o. 3258, doc(eted a$ ri*inal a$e o. 504H, -e&ore t)e Regional +rial ourt =R+>, ro$peridad, "gu$an del Sur. ending re$olution o& ri*inal a$e o. 504H, petitioner &iled again$t private re$pondent$ an ad*ini$trative ca$e, doc(eted a$
"d*ini$trative a$e o. I"S!02000H &or Grave Ci$conduct, -e&ore t)e Internal "&&air$ Service =I"S>, Region EIII, #epart*ent o& Interior and Docal Govern*ent =#IDG>?and a cri*inal ca$e, doc(eted a$ !C020109 &or "r-itrar #etention, Illegal Searc) and Grave +)reat$, -e&ore t)e !*-ud$*an. etitioner alleged t)at upon arrival at t)e )ou$e o& retired police ercival la/a, toget)er %it) Doren/o Sanoria, #el&in Ra*ire/ and edro Ra*a$, e i**ediatel %ent do%n o& t)e 7eep -ut -e&ore )e could call Cr. la/a, &our police*en in uni&or* -loc(ed )i$ %a. i$ ot)er co*panion$ on t)e 7eep al$o %ent do%n and rai$ed t)eir ar*$ and $)o%ed t)eir %ai$tline %)en t)e $a*e police*en and a per$on in civilian attire )olding an ar*alite al$o pointed t)eir &irear*$ to t)e* to %)ic) Cr. ercival la/a %)o ca*e do%n &ro* )i$ )ou$e told t)e* not to )ara$$ *e a$ I a* al$o a &or*er police o&&icer -ut t)e did not )eed Cr. la/a$ $tate*ent$. )ile %e %ere rai$ing our ar*$ Qprivate re$pondent S!4 en7a*in onde, Jr. %ent near * o%ner tpe 7eep and conducted a $earc). +o %)ic) I a$(ed t)e* i& t)e )ave an $earc) %arrant. +)at a&ter a %)ile t)e $a% t)e $uper .38 pi$tol under t)e &loor *at o& t)e petitioner$ 7eep and a$(ed &or t)e CR o& t)e &irear* -ut due to &ear t)at t)eir long ar*$ %ere $till pointed to t)e*, e $earc)ed )i$ %allet and gave t)e a$(ed docu*ent. e &urt)er alleged t)at )e %a$ detained - olice )ie& Rocacor-a &or t%o da$ )aving -een relea$ed onl a&ter po$ing a -ail. on$euentl, petitioner &iled an "&&idavit o& #e$i$tance %it) -ot) t)e I"S and !*-ud$*an a-$olving private re$pondent$ "venido, #egran, Ru&ano and alolot, -ut *aintaining t)e private re$pondent onde alone -e pro$ecuted in -ot) ad*ini$trative and cri*inal ca$e$. +)e I"S t)en i$$ued a #eci$ion &inding all private re$pondent$ guilt o& grave *i$conduct even i& t)e %ere *erel -eing ent)u$ia$tic in t)e conduct o& t)e arre$t in line o& dut. +)e R+ di$*i$$ed t)e ca$e again$t t)e petitioner. !n t)e ot)er )and, t)e !*-ud$*an di$*i$$ed t)e c)arge$ again$t private re$pondent$ &or lac( o& pro-a-le cau$e. Issue!
)et)er or not t)e !*-ud$*an properl di$*i$$ed t)e cri*inal co*plaint$ &iled again$t t)e private re$pondent$.
u-lic re$pondent$ di$*i$$al o& t)e cri*inal co*plaint &or illegal $earc) %)ic) petitioner &iled %it) t)e !*-ud$*an again$t private re$pondent$ %a$ proper, alt)oug) t)e rea$on$ pu-lic re$pondent$ cited &or di$*i$$ing t)e co*plaint are rat)er o&& t)e *ar( -ecau$e t)e relied $olel on t)e &inding t)at t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) conducted - private re$pondent$ %a$ valid and t)at t)e "&&idavit o& #e$i$tance %)ic) petitioner eecuted ca$t dou-t on t)e veracit o& )i$ co*plaint. u-lic re$pondent$ co*pletel overloo(ed t)e &act t)at t)e cri*inal co*plaint %a$ not cogni/a-le - t)e !*-ud$*an a$ illegal $earc) i$ not a cri*inal o&&en$e. evert)ele$$, t)e re$ult ac)ieved i$ t)e $a*e: t)e di$*i$$al o& a groundle$$ cri*inal co*plaint &or illegal $earc) %)ic) i$ not an o&&en$e under t)e R. +)u$, t)e ourt need not re$olve t)e i$$ue o& %)et)er or not pu-lic re$pondent$ erred in t)eir &inding on t)e validit o& t)e $earc) &or t)at i$$ue i$ co*pletel )pot)etical under t)e circu*$tance. +)e on$titution ve$t$ in t)e !*-ud$*an t)e po%er to deter*ine %)et)er t)ere ei$t$ rea$ona-le ground to -elieve t)at a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e accu$ed i$ pro-a-l guilt t)ereo& and, t)erea&ter, to &ile t)e corre$ponding in&or*ation %it) t)e appropriate court$. +)e ourt re$pect$ t)e relative autono* o& t)e !*-ud$*an to inve$tigate and pro$ecute, and re&rain$ &ro* inter&ering %)en t)e latter eerci$e$ $uc) po%er$ eit)er directl or t)roug) t)e #eput !*-ud$*an, ecept %)en t)e $a*e i$ $)o%n to -e tainted %it) grave a-u$e o& di$cretion a*ounting to lac( or ece$$ o& 7uri$diction. It i$ noted t)at t)e cri*inal co*plaint %)ic) petitioner &iled %it) t)e !*-ud$*an c)arge$ private re$pondent$ %it) %arrantle$$ $earc), ar-itrar detention, and grave t)reat$. +)e co*plaint &or =arrantless sear; c)arge$ no cri*inal o&&en$e. +)e conduct o& a %arrantle$$ $earc) i$ not a cri*inal act &or it i$ not penali/ed under t)e Revi$ed enal ode =R> or an ot)er $pecial la%. )at t)e R puni$)e$ are onl t%o &or*$ o& $earc)e$: "rt. 129. $earch warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those legally obtained . In addition to t)e lia-ilit attac)ing to t)e o&&ender &or t)e co**i$$ion o& an ot)er o&&en$e, t)e penalt o& arresto mayor in it$ *ai*u* period to prision correccional in it$ *ini*u* period and a &ine not eceeding 1,000.00 pe$o$ $)all -e i*po$ed upon an pu-lic o&&icer or e*ploee %)o $)all procure a $earc) %arrant %it)out 7u$t cau$e, or, )aving legall procured t)e $a*e, $)all eceed )i$ aut)orit or u$e unnece$$ar $everit in eecuting t)e $a*e. "rt. 130. $earching domicile without witnesses. +)e penalt o& arresto mayor in it$ *ediu* and *ai*u* period$ $)all -e i*po$ed upon a pu-lic o&&icer or e*ploee %)o, in ca$e$ %)ere a $earc) i$ proper, $)all $earc) t)e do*icile, paper$ or ot)er -elonging$ o& an per$on, in t)e a-$ence o& t)e latter, an *e*-er o& )i$ &a*il, or in t)eir de&ault, %it)out t)e pre$ence o& t%o %itne$$e$ re$iding in t)e $a*e localit. etitioner did not allege an o& t)e ele*ent$ o& t)e &oregoing &elonie$ in )i$ "&&idavito*plaint? rat)er, )e accu$ed private re$pondent$ o& conducting a $earc) on )i$ ve)icle %it)out -eing ar*ed %it) a valid %arrant. +)i$ $ituation, %)ile la*enta-le, i$ not covered - "rticle$ 129 and 130 o& t)e R.
+7.) 0OCIAL *@0/ICE 0OCIE/9 0*0) v. DAN&ERO@0 DR@&0 >OARD %DEA
GR$. 15H8H0, 158633 and 161658 Nove64er +, $ Fats! In 2002, Repu-lic "ct o. 9165 or t)e Comprehensive angerous rugs %ct of -- %a$ i*ple*ented. Section 36 t)ereo& reuire$ *andator drug te$ting o& candidate$ &or pu-lic o&&ice, $tudent$ o& $econdar and tertiar $c)ool$, o&&icer$ and e*ploee$ o& pu-lic and private o&&ice$, and per$on$ c)arged -e&ore t)e pro$ecutor$ o&&ice %it) certain o&&en$e$.
In #ece*-er 2003, !C;D; i$$ued Re$olution o. 6486, pre$cri-ing t)e rule$ and regulation$ on t)e *andator drug te$ting o& candidate$ &or pu-lic o&&ice in connection %it) t)e Ca 10, 2004 $nc)roni/ed national and local election$. "uilino i*entel, Jr., a $enator and a candidate &or reelection in t)e Ca election$, &iled a etition &or ertiorari and ro)i-ition under Rule 65. In it, )e $ee($ =1> to nulli& Sec. 36=g> o& R" 9165 and !C;D; Re$olution o. 6486 dated #ece*-er 23, 2003 &or -eing uncon$titutional in t)at t)e i*po$e a uali&ication &or candidate$ &or $enator$ in addition to t)o$e alread provided &or in t)e 198H on$titution? and =2> to en7oin t)e !C;D; &ro* i*ple*enting Re$olution o. 6486. "ccording to i*entel, t)e on$titution onl pre$cri-e$ a *ai*u* o& &ive =5> uali&ication$ &or one to -e a candidate &or, elected to, and -e a *e*-er o& t)e Senate. e $a$ t)at -ot) t)e ongre$$ and !C;D;, - reuiring, via R" 9165 and Re$olution o. 6486, a $enatorial a$pirant, a*ong ot)er candidate$, to undergo a *andator drug te$t, create an additional uali&ication t)at all candidate$ &or $enator *u$t &ir$t -e certi&ied a$ drug &ree. e add$ t)at t)ere i$ no provi$ion in t)e on$titution aut)ori/ing t)e ongre$$ or !C;D; to epand t)e uali&ication reuire*ent$ o& candidate$ &or $enator. Cean%)ile, SJS contend$ t)at Section 36=c>=d>=&> and =g> are con$titutionall in&ir* a$ it con$titute$ undue delegation o& legi$lative po%er %)en t)e give un-ridled di$cretion to $c)ool$ and e*ploer$ to deter*ine t)e *anner o& drug te$ting. It al$o violate$ t)e eual protection clau$e a$ it can -e u$ed to )ara$$ a $tudent or e*ploee dee*ed unde$ira-le. +)e con$titutional rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ i$ al$o -reac)ed. In addition to t)e a-ove*entioned contention$, "tt. Canuel J. Da$erna, Jr., a$ a citi/en and tapaer$ *aintain$ t)at $aid provi$ion $)ould -e $truc( do%n a$ uncon$titutional &or in&ringing on t)e con$titutional rig)t to privac, t)e rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure, and t)e rig)t again$t $el&incri*ination, and &or -eing contrar to t)e due proce$$ and eual protection guarantee$. Issue! )et)er or not Sec 36 o& R" 9165 and Re$olution 6486 are con$titutional. =Section 36 =c> and =d> are con$titutional %)ile =&> and =g> are not > "el#!
o%ever, $ec. 36 W and =d> are valid. i*entel$ contention i$ valid. "ccordingl, Sec. 36 o& R" 9165 i$ uncon$titutional. It i$ -a$ic t)at i& a la% or an ad*ini$trative rule violate$ an nor* o& t)e on$titution, t)at i$$uance i$ null and void and )a$ no e&&ect. +)e on$titution i$ t)e -a$ic la% to %)ic) all la%$ *u$t con&or*? no act $)all -e valid i& it con&lict$ %it) t)e on$titution. In t)e di$c)arge o& t)eir de&ined &unction$, t)e t)ree depart*ent$ o& govern*ent )ave no c)oice -ut to ield o-edience to t)e co**and$ o& t)e on$titution. )atever li*it$ it i*po$e$ *u$t -e o-$erved. +)e provi$ion A/n0o person elected to any public office shall enter upon the duties of his office until he has undergone mandatory drug test B i$ not tena-le a$ it enlarge$ t)e uali&ication$. !C;D; cannot, in t)e gui$e o& en&orcing and ad*ini$tering election la%$ or pro*ulgating rule$ and regulation$ to i*ple*ent Sec. 36, validl i*po$e uali&ication$ on candidate$ &or $enator in addition to %)at t)e on$titution pre$cri-e$. I& ongre$$ cannot reuire a candidate &or $enator to *eet $uc) additional uali&ication, t)e !C;D;, to -e $ure, i$ al$o %it)out $uc) po%er. +)e rig)t o& a citi/en in t)e de*ocratic proce$$ o& election $)ould not -e de&eated - un%arranted i*po$ition$ o& reuire*ent not ot)er%i$e $peci&ied in t)e on$titution. +)e rig)t to privac )a$ -een accorded recognition in t)i$ 7uri$diction a$ a &acet o& t)e rig)t protected - t)e guarantee again$t unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure under Sec. 2, "rt. III o& t)e on$titution. ut %)ile t)e rig)t to privac )a$ long co*e into it$ o%n, t)i$ ca$e appear$ to -e t)e &ir$t ti*e t)at t)e validit o& a $tatedecreed $earc) or intru$ion t)roug) t)e *ediu* o& *andator rando* drug te$ting a*ong $tudent$ and e*ploee$ i$, in t)i$ 7uri$diction, *ade t)e &ocal point. +)u$, t)e i$$ue tendered in t)e$e proceeding$ i$ verita-l one o& &ir$t i*pre$$ion. +)e e$$ence o& privac i$ t)e rig)t to -e le&t alone. In contet, t)e rig)t to privac *ean$ t)e rig)t to -e &ree &ro* un%arranted eploitation o& one$ per$on or &ro* intru$ion into one$ private activitie$ in $uc) a %a a$ to cau$e )u*iliation to a per$on$ ordinar $en$i-ilitie$. "nd %)ile t)ere )a$ -een general agree*ent a$ to t)e -a$ic &unction o& t)e guarantee again$t un%arranted $earc), Atran$lation o& t)e a-$tract pro)i-ition again$t Xunrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ into %or(a-le -road guideline$ &or t)e deci$ion o& particular ca$e$ i$ a di&&icult ta$(,B to -orro% &ro* C. Camara v. 1unicipal Court . "ut)oritie$ are agreed t)oug) t)at t)e rig)t to privac ield$ to certain para*ount rig)t$ o& t)e pu-lic and de&er$ to t)e $tate$ eerci$e o& police po%er. "$ t)e %arrantle$$ clau$e o& Sec. 2, "rt III o& t)e on$titution i$ couc)ed and a$ )a$ -een )eld, Area$ona-lene$$B i$ t)e touc)$tone o& t)e validit o& a govern*ent $earc) or intru$ion. "nd %)et)er a $earc) at i$$ue )e%$ to t)e rea$ona-lene$$ $tandard i$ 7udged - t)e -alancing o& t)e govern*ent*andated intru$ion on t)e individual$ privac intere$t again$t t)e pro*otion o& $o*e co*pelling $tate intere$t. In t)e cri*inal contet, rea$ona-lene$$ reuire$ $)o%ing o& pro-a-le cau$e to -e per$onall deter*ined - a 7udge. Given t)at t)e drugte$ting polic &or e*ploee$ cu$to*$ $earc)e$ =4> %aiver or con$ent $earc)e$ =5> $top and &ri$( $ituation$ =+err Searc)> and =6> $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. )en petitioner %a$ arre$ted %it)out a %arrant, )e %a$ neit)er caug)t in &lagrante delicto co**itting a cri*e nor %a$ t)e arre$t e&&ected in )ot pur$uit. 'eril, it cannot t)ere&ore -e rea$ona-l argued t)at t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) conducted on petitioner %a$ incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. #ou-tle$$, t)e con$titutional i**unit again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ i$ a per$onal rig)t %)ic) *a -e %aived. +)e con$ent *u$t -e voluntar in order to validate an ot)er%i$e illegal detention and $earc), i.e., t)e con$ent i$ uneuivocal, $peci&ic, and intelligentl given, unconta*inated - an dure$$ or coercion. ence, con$ent to a $earc) i$ not to -e lig)tl in&erred, -ut *u$t -e $)o%n - clear and convincing evidence. +)e ue$tion %)et)er a con$ent to a $earc) %a$ in &act voluntar i$ a ue$tion o& &act to -e deter*ined &ro* t)e totalit o& all t)e circu*$tance$. Relevant to t)i$ deter*ination are t)e &ollo%ing c)aracteri$tic$ o& t)e per$on giving con$ent and t)e environ*ent in %)ic) con$ent i$ given: =1> t)e age o& t)e de&endant? =2> %)et)er )e %a$ in a pu-lic or $ecluded
location? =3> %)et)er )e o-7ected to t)e $earc) or pa$$ivel loo(ed on? =4> t)e education and intelligence o& t)e de&endant? =5> t)e pre$ence o& coercive police procedure$? =6> t)e de&endant$ -elie& t)at no incri*inating evidence %ill -e &ound? =H> t)e nature o& t)e police ue$tioning? =8> t)e environ*ent in %)ic) t)e ue$tioning too( place? and =9> t)e po$$i-l vulnera-le $u-7ective $tate o& t)e per$on con$enting. It i$ t)e State %)ic) )a$ t)e -urden o& proving, - clear and po$itive te$ti*on, t)at t)e nece$$ar con$ent %a$ o-tained and t)at it %a$ &reel and voluntaril given. In t)e ca$e at -ar, &ollo%ing t)e t)eor o& t)e pro$ecutionL it i$ apparent t)at petitioner %a$ alread under t)e coercive control o& t)e pu-lic o&&icial$ %)o )ad cu$tod o& )i* %)en t)e $earc) o& )i$ -ag %a$ de*anded. Coreover, t)e pro$ecution &ailed to prove an $peci&ic $tate*ent a$ to )o% t)e con$ent %a$ a$(ed and )o% it %a$ given, nor t)e $peci&ic %ord$ $po(en - petitioner indicating )i$ alleged Kcon$ent.K ;ven granting t)at petitioner ad*itted to opening )i$ -ag %)en !rdoNo a$(ed to $ee it$ content$, )i$ i*plied acuie$cence, i& at all, could not )ave -een *ore t)an *ere pa$$ive con&or*it given under coercive or inti*idating circu*$tance$ and )ence, i$ con$idered no con$ent at all %it)in t)e conte*plation o& t)e con$titutional guarantee. "$ a re$ult, petitioner$ lac( o& o-7ection to t)e $earc) and $ei/ure i$ not tanta*ount to a %aiver o& )i$ con$titutional rig)t or a voluntar $u-*i$$ion to t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure.
.) %EO%LE v. VINECARIO &.R. No. 1(11+' *anuary $, $( Fats! "cting upon an in&or*ation t)at a 7eepne at "to(, enguet %a$ loaded %it) enguet pine lu*-er, t)e olice o&&icer$ o& +u-la Station $%i&tl e$ta-li$)ed a c)ec(point in "cop, +u-la, enguet. "t around 4:00 p.*. o& t)e $a*e da, t)e operative$ $potted t)e 7eepne )eading to%ard Da +rinidad. +)e &lagged it do%n -ut it did not $top. ence, t)e c)a$ed t)e ve)icle up to S)ilan, Da +rinidad %)ere it &inall )alted. +)e driver and )i$ co*panion$ ad*itted t)e )ave no per*it to tran$port t)e lu*-er. +)e police i**ediatel arre$ted and inve$tigated petitioner$, Car$o In$iong #u*pit, "r*ando ala$i, and en "rino$. !nl petitioner$ %ere c)arged %it) violation o& Section 68 o& t)e Revi$ed ore$tr ode.
etitioner$, t)roug) coun$el, &iled a KCotion to Suppre$$ ;vidence o& t)e ro$ecutionK on t)e ground t)at t)e piece$ o& enguet pine lu*-er %ere illegall $ei/ed. ut it %a$ denied, $o a$ t)eir *otion &or recon$ideration. !n "ppeal, t)e " di$*i$$ed t)e petition and )eld t)at t)e $earc) conducted %it)out %arrant - t)e police o&&icer$ i$ valid? and t)at t)e con&i$cated piece$ o& lu*-er are ad*i$$i-le in evidence again$t t)e accu$ed. etitioner$ &iled a *otion &or recon$ideration o& t)e #eci$ion. o%ever, it %a$ denied, )ence t)i$ petition. Issue!
)et)er or not t)e $earc) and $ei/ure conducted - t)e o&&icer$ are valid.
ence, a$ a general rule, a $earc) and $ei/ure *u$t -e carried t)roug) %it) 7udicial %arrant, ot)er%i$e, $uc) $earc) and $ei/ure con$titute$ derogation o& a con$titutional rig)t. +)e a-ove rule, )o%ever, i$ not devoid o& eception$. In People v. $arap, t)e eception$ %)ere $earc) and $ei/ure *a -e conducted %it)out %arrant, are: =1> $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t? =2> $earc) o& a *oving *otor ve)icle? =3> $earc) in violation o& cu$to*$ la%$? =4> $ei/ure o& t)e evidence in plain vie%? =5> $earc) %)en t)e accu$ed )i*$el& %aive$ )i$ rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$? =6> $top and &ri$(? and =H> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. +)e onl reuire*ent in t)e$e eception$ i$ t)e pre$ence o& pro-a-le cau$e. ro-a-le cau$e i$ t)e ei$tence o& $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ %)ic) %ould lead a rea$ona-le, di$creet, and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place to -e $earc)ed. In People v. %ruta , it %a$ ruled t)at in %arrantle$$ $earc)e$, pro-a-le cau$e *u$t onl -e -a$ed on rea$ona-le ground o& $u$picion or -elie& t)at a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted or i$ a-out to -e co**itted. +)ere i$ no )ard and &a$t rule or &ied &or*ula in deter*ining pro-a-le cau$e &or it$ deter*ination varie$ according to t)e &act$ o& eac) ca$e. ere, t)e $earc) involved a *oving ve)icle, an in$tance %)ere a %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure *a -e conducted - peace o&&icer$. +)ere i$ al$o pro-a-le cau$e on t)e part o& t)e o&&icer$ &or t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t -ecau$e %)en t;ey fla22e# t;e en2uet pne lu64er. %ettoners oul# not pro#ue t;e re?ure# DENR per6t to ut an# transport t;e sa6e. In People v. &inecarao, t)e ourt ruled t)at %)ere a ve)icle $ped a%a a&ter noticing a c)ec(point and even a&ter )aving -een &lagged do%n - police o&&icer$, in an apparent atte*pt to di$$uade t)e police &ro* proceeding %it) t)eir in$pection, t)ere ei$t$ pro-a-le cau$e to 7u$ti& a rea$ona-le -elie& on t)e part o& t)e la% en&orcer$ t)at t)e per$on$ on -oard $aid ve)icle %ere o&&icer$ o& t)e la% or t)at t)e ve)icle contained o-7ect$ %)ic) %ere in$tru*ent$ o& $o*e o&&en$e.
-.) %EO%LE v. R@>IO
&.R. No. L+33
Oto4er $', 1-+$
Fats! +)e c)ie& $ecret $ervice agent and a $upervi$ing agent o& t)e ureau o& Internal Revenue received a report &ro* a relia-le $ource t)at t)ere are pro)i-ited &raudulent -oo($, invoice$ and record$, ei$t and -eing conducted in Ru-io$ )ou$e, and t)at )e =Ru-io> (eep$ in )i$ po$$e$$ion e&&ect$ and device$ to %it: raudulent -oo($ o& t)e Si*ple +rading orporation O o& $u-$idiar co*panie$ ara*ount +rading orporation O e% or( +rading orp. +)u$, a $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued. !n t)e $a*e da, internal revenue agent$ proceeded to t)e place indicated in t)e %arrant, $earc)ed t)e pre*i$e$, and too( t)ere&ro* -oo($, invoice$, and docu*ent$ -elonging to t)e Si*ple +rading orporation o& %)ic) Jo$e Ru-io %a$ t)e *anager. Ru-io &iled a *otion to declare null and void a $earc) %arrant i$$ued on #ece*-er 26, 1930, and to )ave returned to )i* t)e -oo($ o& account, invoice$, and record$ %)ic) %ere $ei/ed - virtue o& t)e %arrant. o%ever, t)e *otion %a$ denied. Issues! )et)er or not t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ illegalM
)et)er or not t)at t)e $ei/ure o& appellant$ -oo($ and paper$ %a$ *ade $olel &or t)e purpo$e o& u$ing t)e* a$ evidence again$t )i* in a cri*inal pro$ecution and %a$, t)ere&ore, unla%&ulM "el#!
+)e reuire*ent$ o& t)e la% %ere $u-$tantiall, and even literall, co*plied %it) in t)i$ ca$e. "ppellant$ contention t)at t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued %it)out t)e co*plainant$ or an %itne$$e$ )aving -een ea*ined, i$ untena-le. +)e depo$ition$ $pea( &or t)e*$elve$. It i$ al$o contended t)at t)e application and t)e %arrant did not particularl de$cri-e t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. +)e veri&ied $tate*ent$ o& t)e t%o internal revenue agent$ and t)e %arrant i$$ued - t)e ourt o& ir$t In$tance o& Canila all de$cri-e t)e propert $oug)t to -e $ei/ed a$ K&raudulent -oo($, invoice$ and record$K. )ile it i$ true t)at t)e propert to -e $ei/ed under a %arrant *u$t -e particularl de$cri-ed t)erein and no ot)er propert can -e ta(en t)ereunder, et t)e de$cription i$ reuired to -e $peci&ic onl in $o &ar a$ t)e circu*$tance$ %ill ordinaril allo%. It )a$ -een )eld t)at, %)ere, - t)e nature o& t)e good$ to -e $ei/ed, t)eir de$cription *u$t -e rat)er general, it i$ not reuired t)at a tec)nical de$cription -e given, a$ t)i$ %ould *ean t)at no %arrant could i$$ue. "ppellant )a$ not $)o%n t)at t)e internal revenue agent$ eceeded t)eir po%er$ under t)e %arrant - $ei/ing propert ot)er t)an t)at de$cri-ed in t)e %arrant ue$tion. +)e li$t o& -oo($, invoice$, and record$ $ei/ed - $aid o&&icer$ i$ t)e -e$t evidence to $)o% t)at t)e $trictl o-eed t)e co**and o& t)eir %arrant - $ei/ing t)o$e t)ing$, and onl t)o$e de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant. In t)e ca$e at -ar, )o%ever, it )a$ -een $)o%n t)at t)e internal revenue agent$ $trictl o-eed t)e co**and o& t)eir %arrant - $ei/ing no ot)er propert t)an t)at de$cri-ed t)erein. o. In t)e &ir$t place, it i$ to -e o-$erved t)at t)e pu-lic )a$ an intere$t in t)e proper regulation o& appellant$ -oo($. ="ct o. 3292, $ection 4.> In t)e $econd place, t)e -oo($ -elonged to a corporation o& %)ic) t)e appellant %a$ $i*pl t)e *anager. "nd in t)e t)ird place, t)e $earc) %arrant onl i$$ued on a $)o%ing o& pro-a-le cau$e L to adopt t)e language ali(e o& $ection 96 o& t)e ode o& ri*inal rocedure and t)e $earc) %arrant L t)at K&raudulent -oo($, invoice$, and record$K %ere Kno% -eing u$ed in t)e co**i$$ion o& a &elon.K inall, %)ile t)e a$$ertion i$ o&trepeated t)at t)e -oo($, invoice$, and record$ %ere ta(en $olel &or t)e purpo$e o& -eing u$ed a$ evidence again$t Ru-io, %e &ind no $upport &or t)i$ contention in t)e record. In t)e trial court, t)e a$$i$tant cit &i$cal $aid: K"$ %e )ave $tated a-ove, t)e $earc) and $ei/ure in t)i$ ca$e %ere *ade under t)e provi$ion$ o& t)e internalrevenue la%$ and t)e aut)orit o& a $earc) %arrant, and not &or t)e purpo$e o& o-taining evidence, -ut %it) a vie% to $ei/e t)e in$tru*ent$ u$ed in t)e violation o& $aid la%$ co**itted - t)e de&endant.K !n appeal, t)e pro$ecution per$i$tentl *aintain$ it$ po$ition t)at t)e $ei/ure %a$ *ade %it) t)e o-7ect o& preventing t)e u$e o& t)e -oo($ o& account, docu*ent$, and paper$ in t)e co**i$$ion o& & urt)er o&&en$e$ or &raud or again$t t)e Govern*ent. ot a $cintilla o& evidence i$ to -e &ound in t)e record to prove t)at t)e Govern*ent )a$ u$ed t)e -oo($ o& account, docu*ent$, and paper$ a$ evidence again$t t)e appellant, or t)at t)e Govern*ent ever )ad t)e intention o& $o doing. "ll %e (no% i$, t)at an in&or*ation %a$ &iled again$t Ru-io, c)arging )i* %it) a violation o& t)e u$to* $ Da%, and t)at )e co*pro*i$ed anot)er ca$e %it) t)e ureau o& Internal Revenue on t)e pa*ent o& t)e $u* o& 100,000. !n t)i$ $)o%ing, %e per&orce cannot deduce t)at t)e -oo($ o& account, docu*ent$, and paper$ %ere %anted $olel &or u$e a$ evidence o& a cri*e.
1.) %EO%LE v. /@A:ON 3+$ 0CRA 13$ 0epte64er $, $' Fats! "ntipolo it olice Station received t)roug) telep)one, a con&idential in&or*ation t)at a Ge*ini car -earing plate nu*-er 4116 %ould deliver an un$peci&ied a*ount o& shabu in Carville Su-divi$ion, "ntipolo it. "cting on $aid tip, "ntipolo it )ie& o& olice Ca7or Rene Fuintana di$patc)ed a tea* o& police*en to t)e area to conduct a $urveillance. )en t)e tea* arrived in Carville Su-divi$ion, t)e $a% t)e $aid Ge*ini car and i**ediatel &lagged it do%n. +)e driver o& t)e car pulled to a $top and opened a %indo% o& $aid ve)icle giving t)e police*en t)e opportunit to identi& t)e*$elve$ a$ *e*-er$ o& t)e "ntipolo it olice Station. It %a$ t)en t)at !1 Canuel adlan =!1 adlan> $a% a gun tuc(ed on appellant$ %ai$t. !1 adlan inuired a-out t)e gun and appellant allegedl replied it did not -elong to )i* nor could )e produce an pertinent docu*ent relating to $aid &irear*. +)i$ pro*pted !3 ueno to order appellant to get do%n &ro* t)e car. "$ $oon a$ appellant $tepped do%n &ro* t)e ve)icle, !3 ueno $a% &ive pla$tic $ac)et$ on t)e driver$ $eat, t)e content$ o& %)ic) appellant allegedl ad*itted to -e shabu. "ppellant %a$ t)erea&ter i**ediatel -roug)t to t)e police $tation.
;pectedl, appellant pre$ented a va$tl di&&erent account o& t)e event$ t)at led to )i$ indict*ent, )o%ever, t)e trial court &ound t)e evidence pre$ented - t)e pro$ecution $u&&icient to $upport a guilt verdict. "ppellant clai*$ t)at a$ t)e con&idential in&or*ant )ad -een cooperating %it) t)e police &or t)ree %ee($ prior to )i$ arre$t, t)e aut)oritie$ %ere alread in&or*ed o& )i$ identit and )i$ alleged illegal activitie$. +)e $)ould )ave conducted a prior $urveillance and t)en $oug)t a $earc) %arrant &ro* t)e court. "-$ent $aid %arrant, t)e shabu $ei/ed &ro* )i* $)ould -e ecluded &ro* evidence. In $u$taining t)e trial court, t)e ourt o& "ppeal$ &ound !3 ueno$ te$ti*on to -e Kclear and uneuivocalK and $)ould t)ere&ore prevail over appellant$ de&en$e o& denial. +)e ourt o& "ppeal$ li(e%i$e -ru$)ed a$ide appellant$ contention t)at )e %a$ a victi* o& &ra*eup a$ t)i$ de&en$e )a$ -een vie%ed %it) di$&avor and )a$ -eco*e a $tandard line o& de&en$e in *o$t pro$ecution$ ari$ing &ro* violation$ o& t)e #angerou$ #rug$ "ct. Issue!
)et)er or not t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure %a$ validM
+)e con$titutional provi$ion$ again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ ad*it o& certain eception$, a$ &ollo%$: =1> %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t recogni/ed under Section 12, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt and - prevailing 7uri$prudence? =2> $ei/ure o& evidence in plain vie%? =3> $earc) o& a *oving ve)icle? =4> con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? =5> cu$to*$ $earc)? =6> $top and &ri$(? and =H> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. evert)ele$$, t)e eception &ro* $ecuring a $earc) %arrant %)en it co*e$ to *oving ve)icle$ doe$ not give t)e police aut)oritie$ un-ridled di$cretion to conduct a %arrantle$$ $earc) o& an auto*o-ile. In recognition o& t)e po$$i-le a-u$e, 7uri$prudence dictate$ t)at at all ti*e$, it i$ reuired t)at pro-a-le cau$e ei$t in order to 7u$ti& t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o& a ve)icle. )en a ve)icle i$ &lagged do%n and $u-7ected to an eten$ive $earc), $uc) a %arrantle$$ $earc) )a$ -een )eld to -e valid a$ long a$ t)e o&&icer$ conducting t)e $earc) )ave rea$ona-le or pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve prior to t)e $earc) t)at t)e %ould &ind t)e in$tru*entalit or evidence pertaining to a cri*e, in t)e ve)icle to -e $earc)ed. In t)i$ ca$e, t)e police )ad pro-a-le cau$e to e&&ect t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o& t)e Ge*ini car driven - appellant. " con&idential in&or*er tipped t)e* o&& t)at $aid car %a$ going to deliver shabu at Carville Su-divi$ion. ur$uing $aid lead, t)e "ntipolo it police $ent a tea* to Carville Su-divi$ion to *onitor $aid ve)icle. +)e in&or*ation provided - t)e in&or*er turned out to -e correct a$, indeed, t)e Ge*ini car %a$ $potted in t)e place %)ere it %a$ $aid to -e -ringing shabu. )en t)e $topped t)e car, t)e $a% a gun tuc(ed in appellant$ %ai$t. "ppellant did not )ave an docu*ent to $upport )i$ po$$e$$ion o& $aid &irear* %)ic) all t)e *ore $trengt)ened t)e police$ $u$picion. "&ter )e %a$ told to $tep out o& t)e car, t)e &ound on t)e driver$ $eat pla$tic $ac)et$ containing %)ite po%der $u-$tance. +)e$e circu*$tance$, ta(en toget)er, are $u&&icient to e$ta-li$) pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o& t)e Ge*ini car and t)e eventual ad*i$$ion into evidence o& t)e pla$tic pac(et$ again$t appellant. In an ca$e, appellant &ailed to ti*el o-7ect to t)e ad*i$$i-ilit o& t)e evidence again$t )i* on t)e ground t)at t)e $a*e %a$ o-tained t)roug) a %arrantle$$ $earc). 11.) 0/E%"EN 09 v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 1$1' Au2ust 13, $11 Fats: o& t)e #u*aguete it olice Station received a telep)one call &ro* a concerned citi/en t)at an illegal drug trade %a$ going on at Pone 3, aranga Dooc, #u*aguete it. )ile %al(ing at t)e pat)%a going to t)e interior portion o& Pone 3, aranga Dooc, at a di$tance o& a-out t%o =2> *eter$ a%a, t)e $a% a *an, later identi&ied a$ t)e Qpetitioner in t)i$ ca$e, ea*ining a tran$parent pla$tic $ac)et containing $)a-u po%der - &lic(ing t)e $a*e. +)e approac)ed t)e Qpetitioner, introduced t)e*$elve$ a$ police*en and announced )i$ arre$t &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug. R+, a&ter &inding t)at t)e pro$ecution )a$ e$ta-li$)ed all t)e ele*ent$ o& t)e o&&en$e c)arged, rendered a #eci$ion convicted petitioner o& violation o& Section 11, "rticle II o& R" o. 9165. @pon appeal, t)e " rendered a #eci$ion a&&ir*ing in toto t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+. Issue! et)er or not t)e )onora-le court o& appeal$ erred in )olding t)at t)e rig)t o& t)e petitioner again$t unla%&ul $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ %a$ not violated. "el#!
Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt provide$: Sec 5. %rrest without warrant, when lawful " peace o&&icer or a private per$on *a , %it)out a %arrant, arre$t a per$on: =a> )en, in )i$ pre$ence, t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting or i$ atte*pting to co**it an o&&en$e? =-> )en an o&&en$e )a$ 7u$t -een co**itted and )e )a$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve -a$ed on per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ or circu*$tance$ t)at t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted it? and =c> )en t)e per$on to -e arre$ted i$ a pri$oner %)o )a$ e$caped &ro* a penal e$ta-li$)*ent or place %)ere )e i$ $erving &inal 7udg*ent or i$ te*poraril con&ined %)ile )i$ ca$e i$ pending, or )a$ e$caped %)ile -eing tran$&erred &ro* one con&ine*ent to anot)er.
orolarill, t)e 198H on$titution $tate$ t)at a $earc) and con$euent $ei/ure *u$t -e carried out %it) a 7udicial %arrant? ot)er%i$e, it -eco*e$ unrea$ona-le and an evidence o-tained t)ere&ro* $)all -e inad*i$$i-le &or an purpo$e in an proceeding. Said pro$cription, )o%ever, ad*it$ o& eception$, na*el: 1. arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t? 2. Searc) o& evidence in Kplain vie%?K 3. Searc) o& a *oving ve)icle? 4. on$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? 5. u$to*$ $earc)? 6. Stop and ri$(? and H. ;igent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$ )at con$titute$ a rea$ona-le or unrea$ona-le %arrantle$$ $earc) or $ei/ure i$ purel a 7udicial ue$tion, deter*ina-le &ro* t)e uniuene$$ o& t)e circu*$tance$ involved, including t)e purpo$e o& t)e $earc) or $ei/ure, t)e pre$ence or a-$ence o& pro-a-le cau$e, t)e *anner in %)ic) t)e $earc) and $ei/ure %a$ *ade, t)e place or t)ing $earc)ed, and t)e c)aracter o& t)e article$ procured. In $earc)e$ incident to a la%&ul arre$t, t)e arre$t *u$t precede t)e $earc)? generall, t)e proce$$ cannot -e rever$ed. evert)ele$$, a $earc) $u-$tantiall conte*poraneou$ %it) an arre$t can precede t)e arre$t i& t)e police )ave pro-a-le cau$e to *a(e t)e arre$t at t)e out$et o& t)e $earc). "lt)oug) pro-a-le cau$e elude$ eact and concrete de&inition, it ordinaril $igni&ie$ a rea$ona-le ground o& $u$picion $upported - circu*$tance$ $u&&icientl $trong in t)e*$elve$ to %arrant a cautiou$ *an to -elieve t)at t)e per$on accu$ed i$ guilt o& t)e o&&en$e %it) %)ic) )e i$ c)arged. In t)e ca$e at -ar, t)e e$ta-li$)ed &act$ reveal t)at on June 11, 2005, !3 aelogo, an Intelligence !perative o& t)e #u*aguete it olice Station, received in&or*ation &ro* a concerned citi/en t)at an illegal drug trade %a$ going on at Pone 3, aranga Dooc, #u*aguete it. +oget)er %it) !3 auera, !3 aelogo i**ediatel acted on t)e in&or*ation and %ent to t)e place. )ile traver$ing t)e pat)%a going to t)e interior portion o& Pone 3, aranga Dooc, t)e $a% petitioner, at a di$tance o& t%o =2> *eter$, ea*ining and &lic(ing a tran$parent pla$tic $ac)et containing $)a-u po%der. +)e t%o t)en approac)ed petitioner, introduced t)e*$elve$ a$ police o&&icer$, and announced t)e )e i$ -eing arre$ted &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. )ile -eing in&or*ed o& )i$ con$titutional rig)t$ during t)e arre$t, petitioner tried to e$cape - -oarding )i$ *otorccle. )ile %re$tling %it) !3 aelogo, petitioner dropped t)e $ac)et o& $)a-u on t)e ground, %)ic) %a$ pic(ed up - !3 auera. +)e police o&&icer$ eventuall %ere a-le to $u-due and )andcu&& petitioner. @pon $earc)ing )i$ per$on, t)e al$o &ound in )i$ po$$e$$ion a di$po$a-le lig)ter. +)e $ei/ed $ac)et %a$ *ar(ed on location. +)e t)en -roug)t petitioner, toget)er %it) t)e ite*$ $ei/ed, to t)e police $tation and conducted a proper inventor t)ereo&. +)e )eat$ealed tran$parent $ac)et containing %)ite cr$talline $u-$tance %a$ $u-*itted to t)e ri*e Da-orator &or drug ea*ination, %)ic) later ielded po$itive re$ult$ &or t)e pre$ence o& *et)a*p)eta*ine )droc)loride, a dangerou$ drug under R" o. 9165.
1$.) %EO%LE v. 5AN@EL CR@: &.R. No. 1'(' *une 13, $11 Fats! +)e pro$ecution %itne$$ te$ti&ied t)at a a *ale in&or*ant ca*e in %it) an in&or*ation t)at a certain alia$ Caning %a$ engaged in $elling illegal drug$ at Sitio de "$i$, aranga San Cartin de orre$, araNaue it. "ccordingl, a -u-u$t operation again$t alia$ Caning %a$ planned and a tea* %a$ &or*ed. "t around 5:00 p.*., t)e -u-u$t tea*, toget)er %it) t)e *ale in&or*ant, proceeded to t)e target area on -oard t%o ve)icle$. "t t)i$ 7uncture t)at alia$ Caning %a$ arre$ted and %a$ -roug)t to t)e o&&ice o& #"I#S!+, Sout)ern olice #i$trict, ort oni&acio, +aguig, Cetro Canila, &or inve$tigation and proper docu*entation. In t)e cour$e t)ereo&, alia$ Caning %a$ later on identi&ied to -e Canuel ru/ ru/, t)e )erein appellant.
+)e trial court, convinced on t)e *erit$ o& t)e pro$ecution$ ca$e, convicted t)e accu$ed %it) t)e cri*e o& illegal $ale onl. +)e a a&&ir*ed in toto t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+, and ratiocinated t)at accu$ed %a$ caug)t co**itting t)e o&&en$e %)ile )e %a$ in t)e act o& pa$$ing t)e $)a-uto !2 QGallano in ec)ange &or 2,000.00, t)u$, t)e %ere 7u$ti&ied in arre$ting )i* and $ei/ing t)e *aterial$ %it)out %arrant. Issue!
)et)er or not t)e arre$t and $ei/ure %a$ la%&ul.
In eople v. Se*-rano citing eople v. "gula, t)i$ ourt )eld t)at a -u-u$t operation i$ a &or* o& entrap*ent %)ic) in recent ear$ )a$ -een accepted a$ a valid and e&&ective *ode o& appre)ending drug pu$)er$. I& carried out %it) due regard &or con$titutional and legal $a&eguard$, a -u-u$t operation, a$ in t)i$ ca$e, de$erve$ 7udicial $anction. Coreover, in a -u-u$t operation, t)e violator i$ caug)t in &lagrante delicto and t)e police o&&icer$ conducting t)e $a*e are not onl aut)ori/ed -ut al$o dut-ound to appre)end t)e violator and con$euentl $earc) )i* &or ant)ing t)at *a )ave -een part o& or u$ed in t)e co**i$$ion o& t)e cri*e. In t)e ca$e at -enc), a&ter t)e police operative$ o& #"I#S!+, Sout)ern olice #i$trict, ort oni&acio, +aguig, Cetro Canila, received in&or*ation &ro* t)eir *ale in&or*ant regarding appellant$ cri*inal activit, an entrap*ent plan %a$ t)en $et up. +)e $a*e
%a$ *ade $peci&icall to te$t t)e veracit o& t)e in&or*ant$ tip and to $u-$euentl arre$t t)e *ale&actor i& t)e report i$ &ound to -e true. +)e pro$ecution$ evidence po$itivel $)o%ed t)at appellant agreed to $ell $)a-u to t)e po$eur-uer, %)o %a$ introduced to )i* - t)e *ale in&or*ant. e %a$, in &act, caug)t red)anded pling )i$ illegal trade. +)u$, t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t o& t)e appellant %a$ legal and %it)in t)e con&ine$ o& la%. In t)e $a*e -reat), it cannot -e dou-ted t)at t)e $ac)et o& $)a-u $ei/ed &ro* )i* during t)e legiti*ate -u-u$t operation i$ ad*i$$i-le and %a$ properl ad*itted in evidence again$t )i*. "ppellant$ a$$ertion t)at )e %a$ 7u$t &ra*ed up a$ t)e $)a-u $ei/ed &ro* )i* %a$ planted evidence $o )e can -e pro$ecuted &or t)e illegal $ale t)ereo& &ind$ no $upport in evidence.
1+.) A>RA"A5 5ICLA/, *R. v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 1'7'' Fats! aloocan it olice StationS#;@ received an a in&or*ation a-out an illicit and do%nrig)t drugtrading activitie$ -eing underta(en along al*era Spring II, agu*-ong, aloocan it involving "-e Ciclat, il alia$ Ko(-o(K and one Cic or Jo7o. I**ediatel, a $urveillance tea* %a$ &or*ed.
+)ru a $*all opening in t)e curtaincovered %indo%, !3 "ntonio peeped in$ide and )e $a% K"-eK arranging $everal piece$ o& $*all pla$tic $ac)et$ containing $)a-u. Slo%l, $aid operative inc)ed )i$ %a in - gentl pu$)ing t)e door a$ %ell a$ t)e pl%ood covering t)e $a*e. @pon gaining entrance, !3 "ntonio &ort)%it) introduced )i*$el& a$ a police o&&icer %)ile K"-e,K on t)e ot)er )and, a&ter -eing in&or*ed o& $uc) aut)orit, voluntaril )anded over to t)e &or*er t)e &our =4> piece$ o& $*all pla$tic $ac)et$ t)e latter %a$ earlier $orting out. !3 "ntonio i**ediatel placed t)e $u$pect under arre$t and -roug)t )i* and t)e &our =4> piece$ o& pla$tic $ac)et$ o& $)a-u to t)eir )eaduarter$. +)e $u$pect %a$ identi&ied a$ "-ra)a* Ciclat er-o a.(.a K";,K 19 ear$ old. +)u$, an in&or*ation %a$ &iled again$t t)e accu$ed, and upon arraign*ent, )e pleaded not guilt. +)e R+ convicted t)e accu$ed %it) t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& drug$ %)ic) t)e " a&&ir*ed in toto upon appeal. ence, t)i$ petition %)ere petitioner argue$ t)at -eing $een in t)e act o& arranging $everal pla$tic $ac)et$ in$ide t)eir )ou$e - one o& t)e arre$ting o&&icer$ %)o %a$ peeping t)roug) a %indo% i$ not $u&&icient rea$on &or t)e police aut)oritie$ to enter )i$ )ou$e %it)out a valid $earc) %arrant andor %arrant o& arre$t. e al$o po$it$ t)at peeping t)roug) a curtaincovered %indo% cannot -e conte*plated a$ %it)in t)e *eaning o& t)e plain vie% doctrine, rendering t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t unla%&ul. Issue! )et)er or not peeping t)roug) a curtain i$ %it)in t)e *eaning o& plain vie% doctrine a$ to 7u$ti& t)e arre$t o& t)e accu$ed and t)e $ei/ing o& t)e $ac)et$. "el#!
'eril, no le$$ t)an t)e 198H on$titution *andate$ t)at a $earc) and con$euent $ei/ure *u$t -e carried out %it) a 7udicial %arrant? ot)er%i$e, it -eco*e$ unrea$ona-le, and an evidence o-tained t)ere&ro* $)all -e inad*i$$i-le &or an purpo$e in an proceeding. +)e rig)t again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure, )o%ever, i$ $u-7ect to legal and 7udicial eception$, na*el: 1.> arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t? 2.> Searc) o& evidence in Kplain vie%K? 3.> Searc) o& a *oving ve)icle? 4.> on$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? 5.> u$to*$ $earc)? 6.> Stop and ri$(? and H.> ;igent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. It i$ to -e noted t)at petitioner %a$ caug)t in t)e act o& arranging t)e )eat$ealed pla$tic $ac)et$ in plain $ig)t o& !3 "ntonio and )e voluntaril $urrendered t)e* to )i* upon learning t)at )e i$ a police o&&icer. +)e $ei/ure *ade - !3 "ntonio o& t)e &our pla$tic $ac)et$ &ro* t)e petitioner %a$ not onl incidental to a la%&ul arre$t, -ut it al$o &all$ %it)in t)e purvie% o& t)e Kplain vie%K doctrine. !-7ect$ &alling in plain vie% o& an o&&icer %)o )a$ a rig)t to -e in a po$ition to )ave t)at vie% are $u-7ect to $ei/ure even %it)out a $earc) %arrant and *a -e introduced in evidence. +)e Kplain vie%K doctrine applie$ %)en t)e &ollo%ing reui$ite$ concur: =a> t)e la% en&orce*ent o&&icer in $earc) o& t)e evidence )a$ a prior 7u$ti&ication &or an intru$ion or i$ in a po$ition &ro* %)ic) )e can vie% a particular area? =-> t)e di$cover o& evidence in plain vie% i$ inadvertent? =c> it i$ i**ediatel apparent to t)e o&&icer t)at t)e ite* )e o-$erve$ *a -e evidence o& a cri*e, contra-and or ot)er%i$e $u-7ect to $ei/ure. +)e la% en&orce*ent o&&icer *u$t la%&ull *a(e an initial intru$ion or properl -e in a po$ition &ro* %)ic) )e can particularl vie% t)e area. In t)e cour$e o& $uc) la%&ul intru$ion, )e ca*e inadvertentl acro$$ a piece o& evidence incri*inating t)e accu$ed. +)e o-7ect *u$t -e open to ee and )and and it$ di$cover inadvertent. It i$ clear, t)ere&ore, t)at an o-7ect i$ in plain vie% i& t)e o-7ect it$el& i$ plainl epo$ed to $ig)t. Since petitioner$ arre$t i$ a*ong t)e eception$ to t)e rule reuiring a %arrant -e&ore e&&ecting an arre$t and t)e evidence $ei/ed &ro* t)e petitioner %a$ t)e re$ult o& a %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t, %)ic) incidentall %a$ in plain vie% o& t)e arre$ting o&&icer, t)e re$ult$ o& t)e en$uing $earc) and $ei/ure %ere ad*i$$i-le in evidence to prove petitioner$ guilt o& t)e o&&en$e c)arged.
&.R. No. 1'(''(
Au2ust +1, $11
Fats! +)e arre$ting o&&icer$ o& t)e Intelligence and Inve$tigation o& t)e Regional Co-ile Group o& t)e ational apital Region olice !&&ice a con&idential in&or*ant called up relative to a narcotic$ drug deal to co**ence at t)e vicinit o& t)e par(ing area o& S)angrila la/a otel, Candaluong it. +)e o&&icer$ %ent t)ere and po$itioned t)e*$elve$ &or t)e operation. Ree$ a.(.a. CacCac, on -oard a %)ite +oota orolla, and delo$ Ree$, a.(.a. Kotong,K on -oard a red +oota orolla, arrived %it) accu$edre$pondent Ree$ $u-$euentl proceeding in$ide )i$tletop ar and Re$taurant, and delo$ Ree$ calling de laro t)roug) )i$ cellular p)one? t)at accu$edre$pondent delo$ Ree$ and de laro t)en proceeded to t)e latter$ par(ed Ca/da car %)ere re$pondent Dantion+o* %a$ %aiting? &ro* t)e par(ed car, a -o in tran$parent pla$tic -ag %a$ ta(en, %)ic) de laro )andedover to delo$ Ree$, t)e latter in turn )anded t)e -o in a pla$tic -ag to Ree$.
+)e ourt o& "ppeal$, on appeal, re&u$ed to con$ider t)e $u-$euent acuittal o& ;**anuel de laro - t)e R+. In$tead, t)e appellate court up)eld t)e earlier ruling o& t)e R+ giving a-$olute credence to t)e te$ti*onie$ o& t)e pro$ecution %itne$$e$ and convicted accu$edappellant$ o& t)e cri*e c)arged. #e lo$ Ree$ and Ree$ alleged t)at t)e arre$t$ %ere eecuted %it)out an %arrant or an o& t)e eceptional circu*$tance$ to 7u$ti& a %arrantle$$ arre$t. +)e $u$pect$, including accu$edappellant$, %ere arre$ted %it)out %arrant$ -a$ed on a *ere tip &ro* a con&idential in&or*ant and not -ecau$e o& an apparent cri*inal activit. " tip doe$ not con$titute pro-a-le cau$e &or a %arrantle$$ arre$t or $earc) and $ei/ure incidental t)ereto. +)u$, t)e $)a-u allegedl $ei/ed &ro* accu$edappellant$ i$ inad*i$$i-le in evidence. urt)er, accu$edappellant Rolando delo$ Ree$ te$ti&ied t)at )e %a$ illegall arre$ted %it)out %arrant at uena$ Car(et, ainta, Ri/al, not at S)angriDa la/a in Candaluong it? and t)at )e and Carlon #avid %ere coerced to incri*inate t)e*$elve$ &or po$$e$$ion o& $)a-u. Issue!
Searc) and $ei/ure *a -e *ade %it)out a %arrant and t)e evidence o-tained t)ere&ro* *a -e ad*i$$i-le in t)e &ollo%ing in$tance$: =1> $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t? =2> $earc) o& a *oving *otor ve)icle? =3> $earc) in violation o& cu$to*$ la%$? =4> $ei/ure o& evidence in plain vie%? =5> %)en t)e accu$ed )i*$el& %aive$ )i$ rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$? and =6> $top and &ri$( $ituation$. +)e &ir$t eception =$earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t> include$ a valid %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure pur$uant to an euall valid %arrantle$$ arre$t %)ic) *u$t precede t)e $earc). In t)i$ in$tance, t)e la% reuire$ t)at t)ere -e &ir$t a la%&ul arre$t -e&ore a $earc) can -e *ade L t)e proce$$ cannot -e rever$ed. "$ a rule, an arre$t i$ con$idered legiti*ate i& e&&ected %it) a valid %arrant o& arre$t. +)e Rule$ o& ourt, )o%ever, recogni/e$ per*i$$i-le %arrantle$$ arre$t$. +)u$, a peace o&&icer or a private per$on *a, %it)out %arrant, arre$t a per$on: =a> %)en, in )i$ pre$ence, t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting, or i$ atte*pting to co**it an o&&en$e =arre$t in &lagrante delicto>? =-> %)en an o&&en$e )a$ 7u$t -een co**itted and )e )a$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve -a$ed on per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ or circu*$tance$ t)at t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted it =arre$t e&&ected in )ot pur$uit>? and =c> %)en t)e per$on to -e arre$ted i$ a pri$oner %)o )a$ e$caped &ro* a penal e$ta-li$)*ent or a place %)ere )e i$ $erving &inal 7udg*ent or i$ te*poraril con&ined %)ile )i$ ca$e i$ pending, or )a$ e$caped %)ile -eing tran$&erred &ro* one con&ine*ent to anot)er =arre$t o& e$caped pri$oner$>. +)e police o&&icer$ arre$ted accu$edappellant$ and $earc)ed t)e latter$ per$on$ %it)out a %arrant a&ter $eeing Rolando delo$ Ree$ and ;**anuel de laro *o*entaril conver$ing in t)e re$taurant, and %itne$$ing t)e %)ite pla$tic -ag %it) a -o or carton in$ide -eing pa$$ed &ro* Dantion+o* to ;**anuel de laro, to accu$edappellant Rolando delo$ Ree$, and &inall, to accu$edappellant Ree$. +)e$e circu*$tance$, )o%ever, )ardl con$titute overt act$ Kindicative o& a &eloniou$ enterpri$e.K S!1 Dectura, !3 Santiago, and !3 u*ul )ad no prior (no%ledge o& t)e $u$pect$ identitie$, and t)e co*pletel relied on t)eir con&idential in&or*ant to actuall identi& t)e $u$pect$. one o& t)e police o&&icer$ actuall $a% %)at %a$ in$ide t)at -o. +)ere i$ al$o no evidence t)at t)e con&idential in&or*ant )i*$el& (ne% t)at t)e -o contained $)a-u. o e&&ort at all %a$ ta(en to con&ir* t)at t)e arre$ted $u$pect$ actuall (ne% t)at t)e -o or carton in$ide t)e %)ite pla$tic -ag, $ei/ed &ro* t)eir po$$e$$ion, contained $)a-u. +)e police o&&icer$ %ere una-le to e$ta-li$) a cogent &act or circu*$tance t)at %ould )ave rea$ona-l invited t)eir attention, a$ o&&icer$ o& t)e la%, to $u$pect t)at accu$edappellant$, ;**anuel de laro, and Dantion+o* K)a$ 7u$t co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting, or i$ atte*pting to co**itK a cri*e, particularl, an illegal drug deal. 15.> ;!D; v. R!ID" +R;S+IP" G.R. o. 193833 ove*-er 16, 2011 act$: +)e t)ree accu$ed %ere all c)arged %it) (idnapping &or ran$o* &or )aving a-ducted Da%rence u and Ir*a avarro and de*anding a ran$o* o& 1 C. "&ter )aving paid 180 000, t)e accu$ed %arned t)e victi*$ to not report t)e incident or el$e t)eir &a*il %ould -e in danger. Ir*a decided not to tell )er *ot)er a-out t)e incident a$ $)e %a$ ver a&raid. Da%rence )o%ever *ade a report to t)e Ca(ati police $tation. u-o ineda in t)e *ean%)ile (ept on calling t)e*, de*anding &or t)eir A-alanceB o& one *illion pe$o$ =)p 1,000,000.00>. Ir*a$ parent$ learned o& t)e incident and lo$t no ti*e in contacting aut)oritie$ &ro* t)e I#G. "$ u-o ineda continued to call t)e* &or t)e alleged -alance, an entrap*ent operation %a$ planned on t)at date. +)e entrap*ent %a$ $ucce$$&ul and
ineda %a$ arre$ted. t)e trial court &ound +re$ti/a, Canriue, and ineda guilt -eond rea$ona-le dou-t a$ principal$ - direct participation o& t)e cri*e o& idnapping &or Ran$o*. Issue! ! t)ere i$ a valid %arrantle$$ arre$t "el#! Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e 2000 Rule$ o& ri*inal rocedure enu*erate$ t)e in$tance$ %)en %arrantle$$ arre$t$ are la%&ul. Sec. 5. "rre$t %it)out %arrant? %)en la%&ul. ‒ " peace o&&icer or a private per$on *a, %it)out a %arrant, arre$t a per$on: =a> )en, in )i$ pre$ence, t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting, or i$ atte*pting to co**it an o&&en$e? =-> )en an o&&en$e )a$ 7u$t -een co**itted and )e )a$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve -a$ed on per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ or circu*$tance$ t)at t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted it? and =c> )en t)e per$on to -e arre$ted i$ a pri$oner %)o )a$ e$caped &ro* a penal e$ta-li$)*ent or place %)ere )e i$ $erving &inal 7udg*ent or i$ te*poraril con&ined %)ile )i$ ca$e i$ pending, or )a$ e$caped %)ile -eing tran$&erred &ro* one con&ine*ent to anot)er. In ca$e$ &alling under paragrap)$ =a> and =-> a-ove, t)e per$on arre$ted %it)out a %arrant $)all -e &ort)%it) delivered to t)e neare$t police $tation or 7ail and $)all -e proceeded again$t in accordance %it) $ection H o& Rule 112. It i$ clear t)at +re$ti/a$ %arrantle$$ arre$t doe$ not &all under an o& t)e circu*$tance$ *entioned in Section 5, Rule 113. o%ever, +re$ti/a &ailed to *a(e a valid o-7ection to )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t. "n o-7ection to t)e procedure &ollo%ed in t)e * atter o& t)e acui$ition - a court o& 7uri$diction over t)e per$on o& t)e accu$ed *u$t -e opportunel rai$ed -e&ore )e enter$ )i$ plea? ot)er%i$e, t)e o-7ection i$ dee*ed %aived.45 +re$ti/a, -eing a police*an )i*$el&, could )ave i**ediatel o-7ected to )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t. o%ever, )e *erel a$(ed &or t)e ground$ &or )i$ arre$t. e did not even &ile c)arge$ again$t t)e arre$ting o&&icer$. +)ere %a$ al$o a lengt) a*ount o& ti*e -et%een +re$ti/a$ arre$t on 16 ove*-er 2002 and t)e &iling o& t)e !*ni-u$ Cotion o-7ecting to +re$ti/a$ %arrantle$$ arre$t on 11 Ca 2004. "lt)oug) it *a -e argued t)at t)e o-7ection %a$ rai$ed prior to t)e entr o& +re$ti/a$ plea o& not guilt in t)e (idnapping &or ran$o* c)arge, it *u$t -e noted t)at t)e circu*$tance$ o& t)e pre$ent ca$e *a(e u$ rule ot)er%i$e. +re$ti/a %a$ c)arged %it) t%o cri*e$ at t)e ti*e o& )i$ arre$t: (idnapping %it) ran$o* under ri*inal a$e o. 023393 and illegal po$$e$$ion o& &irear*$ under ri*inal a$e o. 023394. +re$ti/a did not ue$tion t)e legalit o& )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t nor t)e acui$ition o& 7uri$diction o& t)e trial court over )i$ per$on, and &ull participated in t)e )earing o& t)e illegal po$$e$$ion o& &irear*$ ca$e. +)u$, +re$ti/a i$ dee*ed to )ave %aived an o-7ection to )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t. @nder t)e circu*$tance$, +re$ti/a$ !*ni-u$ Cotion in t)e (idnapping &or ran$o* ca$e i$ a *ere a&tert)oug)t and cannot -e con$idered a$ a ti*el o-7ection.
17.) I0ON v. &ALVE:, *R.
act$: " ontract o& ;*plo*ent %a$ entered into - and -et%een petitioner and re$pondent$ %)ere- t)e &or*er agreed to %or( a$ oo( " &or t)e latter on -oard C.'. Stadt iel &or a period o& 12 *ont)$ at a -a$ic *ont)l $alar o& @ST550.00. Said contract %a$ approved - t)e )ilippine !ver$ea$ ;* plo*ent "d*ini$tration =!;">. "&ter )i$ pree*plo*ent *edical ea*ination, petitioner -oarded t)e ve$$el in ove*-er 1999. #uring t)e cour$e o& )i$ e*plo*ent, )o%ever, petitioner eperienced c)e$t pain$ and leg cra*p$. +)u$, %)en t)e ve$$el reac)ed Cia*i, lorida, )e %a$ $ent to Sun$)ine Cedical enter &or a *edical c)ec(up, electrocardiogra* =;G> and c)e$t ra. +)e te$t$ revealed a-nor*al &inding$ %it) t)e corre$ponding reco**endation t)at petitioner con$ult a cardiologi$t.Q8 etitioner %a$ t)erea&ter *edicall repatriated on June 24, 2000. @pon repatriation, petitioner %a$ re&erred to re$pondent$ p)$ician at ;l Roi #iagno$tic enter &or a *edical ea*ination and %a$ diagno$ed to -e $u&&ering &ro* enlarge*ent o& t)e )eart and )perten$ion. or t%o *ont)$, )e under%ent a $erie$ o& treat*ent at re$pondent$ epen$e. !n "ugu$t 25, 2000, petitioner %a$ declared &it to return to %or( $ince t)e diagno$i$ o& t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician alread $)o%ed controlled )perten$ion %it) t)e conco*itant advice, )o%ever, o& continuou$ *edication &or li&e. etitioner t)erea&ter eecuted on Septe*-er 8, 2000, a relea$e and uitclai* in &avor o& re$pondent$ %)erein )e ac(no%ledged receipt o& @ST1,136.6H corre$ponding to )i$ $ic(ne$$ allo%ance, t)ere- relea$ing )i$ e*ploer &ro* &uture clai*$ and action$. etitioner &iled a co*plaint again$t re$pondent$ -e&ore t)e "r-itration ranc) o& t)e DR to clai* &ull di$a-ilit -ene&it$. etitioner clai*ed t)at )i$ illne$$ continued to %or$en de$pite t)e &it to %or( a$$e$$*ent o& t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician, rendering )i* un&it &or $ea $ervice and entitling )i* to total and per*anent di$a-ilit co*pen$ation. Re$pondent$, on t)e ot)er )and, argued t)at petitioner i$ not entitled to an di$a-ilit co*pen$ation a$ )e %a$ declared &it to return to %or( a$ a $ea*an on "ugu$t 25, 2000 a&ter undergoing t%o *ont)$ o& *edical treat*ent at re$pondent$ epen$e. Re$pondent$ &urt)er clai*ed to )ave $ettled it$ o-ligation to petitioner %)en t)e latter received t)e a*ount o& T1,136.6H a$ &ull $ettle*ent o& )i$ clai*$ including $ic(ne$$ allo%ance, a$ evidenced - a relea$e and uitclai* dul eecuted and $igned - )i*. +)e Da-or "r-iter di$*i$$ed t)e co*plaint o& petitioner con$idering t)at t)e certi&ication$ )e pre$ented do not out%eig) t)e co*pan de$ignated p)$ician$ &it to %or( a$$e$$*ent. "ccording to t)e Da-or "r-iter, t)e certi&ication$ o& di$a-ilit i$$ued - petitioner$ p)$ician$ %ere *ade long a&ter )e %a$ declared &it to %or( and %ere -a$ed onl on petitioner$ $ingle con$ultation %it) eac) o& t)e*. In contra$t, re$pondent$ duti&ull co*plied %it) t)eir o-ligation$ under t)e e*plo*ent contract - providing petitioner %it) *edical a$$i$tance at t)e &oreign port, repatriating )i* at t)eir epen$e, providing )i* %it) *edical ea*ination and treat*ent, paing )i$ $ic(ne$$ allo%ance, and a$$e$$ing )i* to -e &it to return to %or(. +)e clai*$ &or da*age$ and attorne$ &ee$ %ere al$o denied. +)e DR di$regarded t)e certi&ication o& &itne$$ to %or( i$$ued - t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician $ince it &ound petitioner$ $u-$euent con$ultation$ %it) #r$. 'icaldo and a7a a$ proo& o& t)e $everit o& petitioner$ illne$$. +)e DR %ent on to declare t)at petitioner$ poor )ealt) condition, %)ic) reuired clo$e *onitoring and continuou$ *edication, re$ulted to t)e i*pair*ent o& )i$ earning capacit t)ere- entitling )i* to di$a-ilit -ene&it$. +)e " i$$ued a +R! en7oining t)e DR &ro* en&orcing t)e &ollo%ing i$$uance$: a> DR #eci$ion dated e-ruar 26, 2004? -> DR #eci$ion dated "ugu$t 24, 2004? c> DR Re$olution dated e-ruar 28, 2005? and d> rit o& ;ecution i$$ued - t)e Da-or "r-iter on Ca 31, 2005 in DR R ! 0111231600. +)erea&ter, on Septe* -er 28, 2005, a rit o& reli*inar In7unction %a$ i$$ued upon re$pondent$ po$ting o& a -ond in t)e a*ount o& 500,000.00. +)e " t)en rendered it$ #eci$ionQ22 on e-ruar 1H, 2006. It &ound *erit in t)e petition and ruled t)at t)e DR gravel a-u$ed it$
di$cretion in reling on t)e certi&ication i$$ued - #r. a7a in$tead o& t)e &it to %or( declaration o& t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician %)o, under t)e !;"S;, i$ t)e one ta$(ed to a$$e$$ petitioner$ *edical condition &or purpo$e$ o& clai*ing di$a-ilit co*pen$ation. e$ide$, t)e *edical certi&icate o& #r. a7a cannot -e con$idered a$ an accurate a$$e$$*ent o& t)e illne$$ contracted - petitioner during t)e cour$e o& )i$ e*plo*ent %it) re$pondent$. It %a$ -a$ed *erel on t)e $tate*ent$ given to #r. a7a - petitioner and $a*e did not even provide &or an 7u$ti&ication &or t)e rating given. "l$o, t)e certi&ication %a$ *ade 10 *ont)$ &ro* t)e date petitioner %a$ declared &it to %or( and al*o$t one ear &ro* t)e date o& )i$ repatriation. "nd t)e *o$t nota-le o& all, petitioner con$ulted #r. a7a onl once. it) regard to t)e relea$e and uitclai*, t)e " up)eld t)e $a*e con$idering t)at it %a$ voluntaril eecuted - petitioner and t)at t)e con$ideration &or it$ i$$uance %a$ not uncon$ciona-le and unrea$ona-le. It ruled t)at re$pondent$ %ere alread relea$ed &ro* lia-ilit %)en petitioner %a$ declared &it to return to %or( and a&ter t)e paid )i* $ic(ne$$ allo%ance &or %)ic) )e even eecuted a uitclai*. Issue! ! t)e ruling o& t)e " i$ correct "el#! e )old t)at t)e " i$ correct in ruling t)u$. +)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician )a$ cleared petitioner &or e*plo*ent re$u*ption a&ter t%o *ont)$ o& continuou$ treat*ent and a&ter *edication )a$ $ucce$$&ull controlled )i$ )perten$ion. "$ aptl )eld - t)e ", t)e eten$ive *edical attention given - t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician to petitioner ena-led t)e &or*er to acuire a detailed (no%ledge and &a*iliarit o& petitioner$ *edical condition. +)i$ ena-led t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician to arrive at a *ore accurate progno$i$ o& petitioner$ di$a-ilit a$ co*pared to ot)er p)$ician$ not priv to petitioner$ ca$e &ro* t)e -eginning. It )a$ -een )eld t)at t)e doctor %)o )ave )ad a per$onal (no%ledge o& t)e actual *edical condition, )aving clo$el, *eticulou$l and regularl *onitored and actuall treated t)e $ea*an$ illne$$, i$ *ore uali&ied to a$$e$$ t)e $ea*an$ di$a-ilit. !n t)e ot)er )and, t)e *edical report$ o& #r. 'icaldo and #r. a7a %ere i$$ued a&ter petitioner con$ulted eac) o& t)e* onl once. learl, $aid p)$ician$ did not )ave t)e c)ance to clo$el *onitor petitioner$ illne$$. Coreover, #r. 'icaldo$ evaluation o& petitioner$ illne$$ %a$ un$upported - an proo& or -a$i$. )ile )e diagno$ed petitioner to -e $u&&ering &ro* Aperten$ive ardiova$cular #i$ea$e, oncentric De&t 'entricular pertrop), Dateral all I$c)e*icB and $ugge$ted an AI*pedi*ent Grade ' =5896U>,B no 7u$ti&ication &or $uc) a$$e$$* ent %a$ provided &or in t)e *edical certi&icate )e i$$ued. Si*ilarl, #r. a7a$ *edical report contained no $upporting proo& -ut %a$ rat)er -a$ed on t)e &inding$ o& pa$t ea*ination$ done - t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician, a$ %ell a$ on t)e $tate*ent$ $upplied to )er - t)e petitioner. In oa$tal Sa&et Carine Service$ Inc. v. ;$guerra,Q35 t)i$ ourt -ru$)ed a$ide t)e *edical certi&ication$ upon %)ic) t)e $ea*an t)erein anc)ored )i$ clai* &or di$a-ilit -ene&it$ &or -eing un$upported - diagno$tic te$t$ and procedure$ a$ %ould e&&ectivel di$pute t)e re$ult$ o& t)e *edical ea*ination earlier *ade upon )i* in a &oreign clinic re&erred - )i$ e*ploer. Di(e%i$e $igni&icant i$ t)e &act t)at it too( petitioner *ore t)an a ear -e&ore di$puting t)e declaration o& &itne$$ to %or( - t)e co*pan de$ignated p)$ician. etitioner &iled a clai* &or di$a-ilit -ene&it on t)e -a$i$ o& #r. 'icaldo and #r. a7a$ *edical certi&ication$ %)ic) %ere i$$ued a&ter &ive and 10 *ont)$, re$pectivel, &ro* t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician$ declaration o& &it to %or(. @n&ortunatel, apart &ro* t)e rea$on$ alread $tated, t)e$e certi&ication$ could not -e given an credence a$ petitioner$ )ealt) condition could )ave c)anged during t)e interi* period due to di&&erent &actor$ $uc) a$ petitioner$ poor co*pliance %it) )i$ *edication$ a$ in &act *entioned - #r. a7a in t)e *edical certi&icate $)e i$$ued. "$ $uc), t)e $aid *edical certi&ication$ cannot e&&ectivel controvert t)e &it to %or( a$$e$$*ent earlier *ade.
1'.) DEL CA0/ILLO v. %EO%LE OF /"E %"ILI%%INE0 &.R. No. 131$ *anuary +, $1$ Fats! ur$uant to an in&or*ation received t)at petitioner %a$ engaged in $elling $)a-u, police o&&icer$ )eaded - S!3 ienvenido Ca$naon conducted $urveillance and te$t-u operation at t)e )ou$e o& petitioner, t)erea&ter $ecured a $earc) %arrant &ro* t)e R+ and t)e $a*e police operative$ %ent to Gil +udtud St., Ca-olo, e-u it to $erve t)e $earc) %arrant to petitioner.
@pon arrival, $o*e-od $)outed Araid,B %)ic) pro*pted t)e* to i**ediatel di$e*-ar( &ro* t)e 7eep t)e %ere riding and %ent directl to petitioner$ )ou$e and cordoned it. )en t)e %ent up$tair$, t)e *et petitioner$ %i&e and in&or*ed )er t)at t)e %ill i*ple*ent t)e $earc) %arrant. ut -e&ore t)e can $earc) t)e area, S!3 Ca$naon clai*ed t)at )e $a% petitioner run to%ard$ a $*all $tructure, a nipa )ut, in &ront o& )i$ )ou$e. Ca$naon c)a$ed )i* -ut to no avail, -ecau$e )e and )i$ *en %ere not &a*iliar %it) t)e entrance$ and eit$ o& t)e place. In t)e pre$ence o& t)e -aranga tanod, Gon/alado, and t)e elder $i$ter o& petitioner na*ed #oll del a$tillo, $earc)ed t)e )ou$e o& petitioner including t)e nipa )ut %)ere t)e petitioner allegedl ran &or cover. i$ *en %)o $earc)ed t)e re$idence o& t)e petitioner &ound not)ing, -ut one o& t)e -aranga tanod$ %a$ a-le to con&i$cate &ro* t)e nipa )ut $everal article$, including &our pla$tic pac($ containing %)ite cr$talline $u-$tance. on$euentl, t)e article$ t)at %ere con&i$cated %ere $ent to t)e ri*e Da-orator &or ea*ination. +)e content$ o& t)e &our )eat $ealed tran$parent pla$tic pac($ %ere $u-7ected to la-orator ea*ination, t)e re$ult o& %)ic) proved po$itive &or t)e pre$ence o& $)a-u. +)u$, an In&or*ation %a$ &iled -e&ore t)e R+ again$t petitioner. #uring arraign*ent, petitioner, %it) t)e a$$i$tance o& )i$ coun$el, pleaded not guilt. +)e accu$ed denied t)e allegation$ and according to )i*, t)e $*all $tructure, 20 *eter$ a%a &ro* )i$ )ou$e %)ere t)e &ound t)e con&i$cated ite*$, %a$ o%ned - )i$ older -rot)er and %a$ u$ed a$ a $torage place - )i$ &at)er. evert)ele$$, t)e R+ &ound petitioner guilt -eond rea$ona-le o& t)e c)arge again$t )i* in t)e In&or*ation. etitioner appealed )i$ ca$e %it) t)e ", -ut t)e latter a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+. etitioner in$i$t$ t)at t)ere %a$ no pro-a-le cau$e to i$$ue t)e $earc) %arrant, con$idering t)at S!1 Renaldo Catillano, t)e police o&&icer %)o applied &or it, )ad no per$onal (no%ledge o& t)e alleged illegal $ale o& drug$ during a te$t-u operation conducted prior to t)e application o& t)e $a*e $earc) %arrant. Coreover , petitioner a$$ert$ t)at t)e nipa )ut located a-out 20 *eter$ a%a &ro*
)i$ )ou$e i$ no longer %it)in t)e Aper*i$$i-le areaB t)at *a -e $earc)ed - t)e police o&&icer$ due to t)e di$tance and t)at t)e $earc) %arrant did not include t)e $a*e nipa )ut a$ one o& t)e place$ to -e $earc)ed. Issue!
)et)er or not t)ere i$ a pro-a-le cau$e to 7u$ti& t)e %arrant o& arre$tM )et)er or not t)e $earc) conducted in t)e nipa )ou$e %a$ validM
+)e reui$ite$ &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant are: =1> pro-a-le cau$e i$ pre$ent? =2> $uc) pro-a-le cau$e *u$t -e deter*ined per$onall - t)e 7udge? =3> t)e 7udge *u$t ea*ine, in %riting and under oat) or a&&ir*ation, t)e co*plainant and t)e %itne$$e$ )e or $)e *a produce? =4> t)e applicant and t)e %itne$$e$ te$ti& on t)e &act$ per$onall (no%n to t)e*? and =5> t)e %arrant $peci&icall de$cri-e$ t)e place to -e $earc)ed and t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. ro-a-le cau$e &or a $earc) %arrant i$ de&ined a$ $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ %)ic) %ould lead a rea$ona-l di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place $oug)t t o -e $earc)ed. " &inding o& pro-a-le cau$e need$ onl to re$t on evidence $)o%ing t)at, *ore li(el t)an not, a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at it %a$ co**itted - t)e accu$ed. ro-a-le cau$e de*and$ *ore t)an -are $u$picion? it reuire$ le$$ t)an evidence %)ic) %ould 7u$ti& conviction. +)e 7udge, in deter*ining pro-a-le cau$e, i$ to con$ider t)e totalit o& t)e circu*$tance$ *ade (no%n to )i* and not - a &ied and rigid &or*ula, and *u$t e*plo a &lei-le, totalit o& t)e circu*$tance$ $tandard. +)e ei$tence depend$ to a large degree upon t)e &inding or opinion o& t)e 7udge conducting t)e ea*ination. +)i$ ourt, t)ere&ore, i$ in no po$ition to di$tur- t)e &actual &inding$ o& t)e 7udge %)ic) led to t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant. " *agi$trate$ deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant i$ paid great de&erence - a revie%ing court, a$ long a$ t)ere %a$ $u-$tantial -a$i$ &or t)at deter*ination. Su-$tantial -a$i$ *ean$ t)at t)e ue$tion$ o& t)e ea*ining 7udge -roug)t out $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ a$ %ould lead a rea$ona-l di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted, and t)e o-7ect$ in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e $oug)t to -e $ei/ed are in t)e place $oug)t to -e $earc)ed. " revie% o& t)e record$ $)o%$ t)at in t)e pre$ent ca$e, a $u-$tantial -a$i$ ei$t$. o. It *u$t -e re*e*-ered t)at t)e %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ or t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed in order &or it to -e valid. " de$ignation or de$cription t)at point$ out t)e place to -e $earc)ed to t)e eclu$ion o& all ot)er$, and on inuir unerringl lead$ t)e peace o&&icer$ to it, $ati$&ie$ t)e con$titutional reuire*ent o& de&initene$$. In t)e pre$ent ca$e, Searc) arrant o. 5H09119H24 $peci&icall de$ignate$ or de$cri-e$ t)e re$idence o& t)e petitioner a$ t)e place to -e $earc)ed. Incidentall, t)e ite*$ %ere $ei/ed - a -aranga tanod in a nipa )ut, 20 *eter$ a%a &ro* t)e re$idence o& t)e petitioner. +)e con&i$cated ite*$, )aving -een &ound in a place ot)er t)an t)e one de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant, can -e con$idered a$ &ruit$ o& an invalid %arrantle$$ $earc), t)e pre$entation o& %)ic) a$ an evidence i$ a violation o& petitioner$ con$titutional guarant again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure. +)e !SG argue$ t)at, a$$u*ing t)at t)e ite*$ $ei/ed %ere &ound in anot)er place not de$ignated in t)e $earc) %arrant, t)e $a*e ite*$ $)ould $till -e ad*i$$i-le a$ evidence -ecau$e t)e one %)o di$covered t)e* %a$ a -aranga tanod %)o i$ a private individual, t)e con$titutional guarant again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure -eing applica-le onl again$t govern*ent aut)oritie$. +)e contention i$ devoid o& *erit. +)e pro$ecution *u$t prove t)at t)e petitioner )ad (no%ledge o& t)e ei$tence and pre$ence o& t)e drug$ in t)e place under )i$ control and do*inion and t)e c)aracter o& t)e drug$. it) t)e pro$ecution$ &ailure to prove t)at t)e nipa )ut %a$ under petitioner$ control and do*inion, t)ere ca$t$ a rea$ona-le dou-t a$ to )i$ guilt.
1.) 0EC v. 5ENDO:A et, al. Fats! "cting on t)e $earc) %arrant, I and Securitie$ ;c)ange o**i$$ion =S;> agent$ $earc)ed t)e o&&ice$ *entioned and $ei/ed t)e de$cri-ed docu*ent$ and article$ &ro* t)e*. S)ortl a&ter, t)e S; &iled a cri*inal co*plaint %it) t)e #epart*ent o& Ju$tice =#!J> again$t re$pondent$ Ri//a Cendo/a, et., al. &or violation o& Repu-lic "ct 8H99, al$o (no%n a$ t)e Securitie$ Regulation ode =SR>, and -> co**it e$ta&a under "rticle 315 o& t)e Revi$ed enal ode.Q1 +)e court granted t)e application.
+)e Cuntinlupa petition $oug)t to prevent t)e S; and t)e I &ro* u$ing t)e $ei/ed article$ in pro$ecuting Cendo/a, et al. and t)e #!J &ro* proceeding %it) t)e preli*inar inve$tigation o& t)eir ca$e, u$ing t)e $a*e. +)e &eared t)at t)e $ei/ed article$ *a )ave alread -een ta*pered %it), altered, or aug*ented - t)o$e re$pon$i-le &or $ei/ing t)e*. ;$$entiall, Cendo/a, et al.$ action i$ one &or t)e $uppre$$ion o& evidence %)o$e $ei/ure )ad -eco*e illegal &or &ailure to turn t)e* over to t)e i$$uing court. +)e t)ree agencie$ *oved &or recon$ideration o& t)e Cuntinlupa R+$ order$ granting t)e intervention and t)e preli*inar in7unction. +)e al$o *oved &or t)e di$*i$$al o& action. ourt i$$ued an o*ni-u$ order, dening t)eir *otion$ &or recon$ideration and to di$*i$$. +)i$ pro*pted t)e t)ree agencie$ to &ile a petition &or certiorari and pro)i-ition %it) t)e ", $ee(ing to annul t)e Cuntinlupa R+$ order$. #uring t)e pendenc o& t)e ca$e -e&ore t)e ", t)e Ca(ati R+ rendered a deci$ion nulli&ing t)e $earc) %arrant it i$$ued and declaring t)e docu*ent$ and article$ $ei/ed under it inad*i$$i-le in evidence. +)e Ca(ati R+ al$o directed t)e S; and t)e I to return t)e $ei/ed ite*$ to re$pondent$ a$trana and "-ad. +)e " did not *ention t)e Ca(ati R+ order and did not di$*i$$ t)e petition -e&ore it on ground o& *ootne$$. It denied t)e t)ree agencie$ petition, and a&&ir*ed t)e order$ o& t)e Cuntinlupa R+. +)e " ruled, a*ong ot)er t)ing$, t)at Cendo/a, et al.$ action -e&ore t)e Cuntinlupa R+ %a$ proper and di$tinct &ro* t)at %)ic) re$pondent$ a$trana and "-ad &iled %it) t)e Ca(ati R+. +)e t)ree agencie$ *oved &or recon$ideration -ut t)e " denied t)e $a*e. @ndaunted, t)e &iled t)e pre$ent petition &or revie% on certiorari.
)et)er or not t)e " erred in )olding t)at t)e Cuntinlupa R+ )a$ 7uri$diction to entertain Cendo/a, et al.$ in7unction action
+)e rule$ do not reuire Cendo/a, et al. to -e partie$ to t)e $earc) %arrant proceeding &or t)e* to -e a-le to &ile a *otion to "el#! $uppre$$. It i$ not correct to $a t)at onl t)e partie$ to t)e application &or $earc) %arrant can ue$tion it$ i$$uance or $ee( $uppre$$ion o& evidence $ei/ed under it. +)e proceeding &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant doe$ not parta(e o& an action %)ere a part co*plain$ o& a violation o& )i$ rig)t - anot)er. +)e ourt clearl eplained in @nited Da-oratorie$, Inc. v. I$ip,Q20 t)e nature o& a $earc) %arrant proceeding. +)e " )eld t)at t)e proceeding$ -e&ore t)e Ca(ati R+ and t)e Cuntinlupa R+ are $eparate and di$tinct. +)e o-7ect o& t)e *otion to ua$) $earc) %arrant, )ere &iled - re$pondent$ a$trana and "-ad %it) t)e Ca(ati R+, t)e i$$uing court, %a$ to te$t t)e validit o& it$ i$$uance, given t)at t)e %arrant %a$ *ade to cover $everal o&&en$e$ rat)er t)an 7u$t one a$ t)e rule$ provide. !n t)e ot)er )and, t)e o-7ect o& t)e Cuntinlupa in7unction ca$e i$ to prevent t)e t)ree agencie$ &ro* u$ing t)e $ei/ed article$ in an cri*inal proceeding again$t Cendo/a, et al. con$idering t)e S; and t)e I$ &ailure to i**ediatel turn over t)e $ei/ed article$ to t)e court t)at i$$ued t)e %arrant a$ t)e rule$ reuire. ut Section 14 o& Rule 126 i$ clear. Fue$tion$ concerning -ot) 1> t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant and 2> t)e $uppre$$ion o& evidence $ei/ed under it are *atter$ t)at can -e rai$ed onl %it) t)e i$$uing court i&, a$ in t)e pre$ent ca$e, no cri*inal action )a$ in t)e *eanti*e -een &iled in court. +)e $ection 14 provide$: Cotion to ua$) a $earc) %arrant or to $uppre$$ evidence? %)ere to &ile. L " *otion to ua$) a $earc) %arrant andor to $uppre$$ evidence o-tained t)ere- *a -e &iled in and acted upon onl - t)e court %)ere t)e action )a$ -een in$tituted. I& no cri*inal action )a$ -een in$tituted, t)e *otion *a -e &iled in and re$olved - t)e court t)at i$$ued t)e $earc) %arrant. o%ever, i& $uc) court &ailed to re$olve t)e *otion and a cri*inal ca$e i$ $u-$euentl &iled in anot)er court, t)e *otion $)all -e re$olved - t)e latter court. =;*p)a$i$ $upplied> "lt)oug) pa$$ed o&& a$ a petition &or in7unction, t)e action t)at Cendo/a, et al. &iled %it) t)e Cuntinlupa R+, t)e o-7ect o& %)ic) i$ to pro)i-it t)e t)ree agencie$ &ro* u$ing t)e ite*$ $ei/ed under t)e $earc) %arrant, i$ actuall an action to $uppre$$ t)eir u$e a$ evidence. on$euentl, Cendo/a, et al. $)ould )ave &iled it %it) t)e Ca(ati R+ t)at i$$ued $uc) %arrant. It *ig)t -e pointed out o& cour$e t)at $ince Cendo/a, et al. %ere not partie$ to t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant, t)e )ad no $tanding to ue$tion t)e $a*e or $ee( t)e $uppre$$ion o& evidence ta(en under it. on$euentl, $ince t)e )ad rea$on$ &or ue$tioning govern*ent u$e o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$ again$t t)e*, t)e )ad t)e rig)t to -ring t)e in7unction action -e&ore t)e Cuntinlupa R+ %)ere t)e re$ided. Searc) %arrant proceeding i$, in no $en$e, a cri*inal action or t)e co**ence*ent o& a pro$ecution. +)e proceeding i$ not one again$t an per$on, -ut i$ $olel &or t)e di$cover and to get po$$e$$ion o& per$onal propert. It i$ a $pecial and peculiar re*ed, dra$tic in nature, and *ade nece$$ar -ecau$e o& pu-lic nece$$it. It re$e*-le$ in $o*e re$pect %it) %)at i$ co**onl (no%n a$ Jo)n #oe proceeding$. )ile an application &or a $earc) %arrant i$ entitled li(e a cri*inal action, it doe$ not *a(e it $uc) an action. " $earc) %arrant i$ a legal proce$$ %)ic) )a$ -een li(ened to a %rit o& di$cover e*ploed - t)e State to procure relevant evidence o& cri*e. It i$ in t)e nature o& a cri*inal proce$$, re$tricted to ca$e$ o& pu-lic pro$ecution$. " $earc) %arrant i$ a police %eapon, i$$ued under t)e police po%er. " $earc) %arrant *u$t i$$ue in t)e na*e o& t)e State, na*el, t)e eople o& t)e )ilippine$. " $earc) %arrant )a$ no relation to a civil proce$$. It i$ not a proce$$ &or ad7udicating civil rig)t$ or *aintaining *ere private rig)t$. It concern$ t)e pu-lic at large a$ di$tingui$)ed &ro* t)e ordinar civil action involving t)e rig)t$ o& private per$on$. It *a onl -e applied &or in t)e &urt)erance o& pu-lic pro$ecution. learl, alt)oug) t)e $earc) %arrant in t)i$ ca$e did not target t)e re$idence or o&&ice$ o& Cendo/a, et al., t)e %ere entitled to &ile %it) t)e Ca(ati R+ a *otion to $uppre$$ t)e u$e o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$ a$ evidence again$t t)e* &or &ailure o& t)e S; and t)e I to i**ediatel turn t)e$e over to t)e i$$uing court. +)e i$$uing court i$ t)e rig)t &oru* &or $uc) *otion given t)at no cri*inal action )ad a$ et -een &iled again$t Cendo/a, et al. in $o*e ot)er court. arent)eticall, it appear$ &ro* it$ inve$tigation report t)at t)e S; (ept t)e $ei/ed docu*ent$ and article$ &or *ont)$ rat)er t)an i**ediatel turn t)e* over to t)e Ca(ati R+. Ju$ti&ing it$ action, t)e S; $aid t)at it $till needed to $tud t)e $ei/ed ite*$. ;videntl, it %anted to u$e t)e* to -uild up a ca$e again$t t)e re$pondent$, un*ind&ul o& it$ dut to &ir$t turn t)e* over to t)e court. learl, S;$ ar-itrar action co*pro*i$ed t)e integrit o& t)e $ei/ed docu*ent$ and article$.
1-.) A64re vs %eople of t;e %;lppnes &.R. No. 1-13+$ Au2ust 13, $1$ Fats! +)e aloocan olice Station "ntiIllegal #rugSpecial !peration @nit conducted a -u-u$t operation pur$uant to a tip &ro* a police in&or*ant t)at a certain "-dula) Sultan =Sultan> and )i$ %i&e Ina "derp ="derp> %ere engaged in t)e $elling o& dangerou$ drug$ at a re$idential co*pound in aloocan it. +)e -u-u$t operation re$ulted in t)e arre$t o& "derp and a certain Coctar +agoranao =+agoranao>, )o%ever, t)e Sultan %a$ a-le to ran a%a &ro* t)e $cene o& t)e entrap*ent operation, to %)ic) !3 Coran, !2 Ca$i and !1 Cateo, pur$ued )i*. In t)e cour$e o& t)e c)a$e, Sultan led t)e $aid police o&&icer$ to )i$ )ou$e. In$ide t)e )ou$e, t)e police operative$ &ound "*-re, a$tro and Cendo/a )aving a pot $e$$ion, %)ere "*-re %a$ caug)t $ni&&ing %)at %a$ $u$pected to -e $)a-u in a rolled up alu*inu* &oil. "*-re ve)e*entl denied t)e c)arge$ again$t )er.
+)e R+ rendered it$ deci$ion declaring t)at t)e pro$ecution %a$ a-le to e$ta-li$) %it) certitude t)e guilt o& "*-re &or illegal u$e o& *et)la*p)eta*ine )droc)loride or violation o& Section 15, "rticle II o& R.". o. 9165. +)e R+, )o%ever, acuitted )er o& t)e cri*e o& violation o& Section 12, "rticle II o& R.". o. 9165 &or &ailure o& t)e pro$ecution to prove %it) particularit t)e drug parap)ernalia &ound in )er po$$e$$ion. "*-re appealed t)e 7udg*ent o& conviction -e&ore t)e " pro&e$$ing )er innocence o& t)e cri*e. +)e " denied t)e appeal. Issues! )et)er t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t o& "*-re and t)e $earc) o& )er per$on %ere validM
Section 2, "rticle III o& t)e on$titution *andate$ t)at a $earc) and $ei/ure *u$t -e carried out t)roug) or on t)e $trengt) o& a "el#! 7udicial %arrant predicated upon t)e ei$tence o& pro-a-le cau$e, a-$ent %)ic) $uc) $earc) and $ei/ure -eco*e$ Kunrea$ona-leK %it)in t)e *eaning o& $aid con$titutional provi$ion. ;vidence o-tained and con&i$cated on t)e occa$ion o& $uc) an unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure i$ tainted and $)ould -e ecluded &or -eing t)e prover-ial &ruit o& a poi$onou$ tree. In t)e language o& t)e &unda*ental la%, it $)all -e inad*i$$i-le in evidence &or an purpo$e in an proceeding. +)i$ eclu$ionar rule i$ not, )o%ever, an a-$olute and rigid pro$cription. !ne o& t)e recogni/ed eception e$ta-li$)ed - 7uri$prudence i$ $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t. In t)i$ eception, t)e la% reuire$ t)at a la%&ul arre$t *u$t precede t)e $earc) o& a per$on and )i$ -elonging$. "$ a rule, an arre$t i$ con$idered legiti*ate i& e&&ected %it) a valid %arrant o& arre$t. In t)e ca$e at -enc), t)ere i$ no gain$aing t)at "*-re %a$ caug)t - t)e police o&&icer$ in t)e act o& u$ing $)a-u and, t)u$, can -e la%&ull arre$ted %it)out a %arrant. !1 Cateo po$itivel identi&ied "*-re $ni&&ing $u$pected $)a-u &ro* an alu*inu* &oil -eing )eld - a$tro. "*-re, )o%ever, *ade *uc) o& t)e &act t)at t)ere %a$ no prior valid intru$ion in t)e re$idence o& Sultan. +)e argu*ent i$ $peciou$.
$.) "%0 0oft=are an# Co66unaton Corporaton vs %LD/ 7' 0CRA ($7 Fats: "!+ applied &or t)e i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant &or 'iolation o& "rticle 308 o& t)e Revi$ed enal ode &or +)e&t o& +elep)one Service$ and &or 'iolation o& .#. 401 &or unaut)ori/ed in$tallation o& telep)one co**unication euip*ent &ollo%ing t)e co*plaint o& t )e D#+ t)at t)e %ere a-le to *onitor t)e u$e o& t)e re$pondent$ in t)eir pre*i$e$ o& Ca-u)a card and euip*ent capa-le o& receiving and tran$*itting call$ &ro* t)e @S" to t)e )ilippine$ %it)out t)e$e call$ pa$$ing t)roug) t)e &acilitie$ o& D#+. o*plainant$ %itne$$e$ conducted a te$t call u$ing Ca-u)a ard and di$covered in t)e cour$e o& t)eir te$t call$ t)at D#+ telep)one line$nu*-er$ %ere identi&ied a$ t)e calling part. +)e te$ti&ied t)at t)e te$t call$ pa$$ing t)roug) t)e Ca-u)a ard %ere -eing re&lected a$ local call$ onl and not over$ea$ call$ t)u$ *a(ing t)e international long di$tance call$ appear a$ local call$, to t)e da*age and pre7udice o& D#+ %)ic) i$ deprived o& revenue$ a$ a re$ult t)ereo&. +)e di$covered t)at t)e line$ %ere $u-$cri-ed - )ilip ap %)o$e addre$$ i$ S So&t%are o**unication orporation. +)e trial court i$$ued t)e $earc) %arrant and it %a$ i*ple*ented. Su-$euentl, corre$ponding in&or*ation &iled again$t S and ap.
ap &iled a Cotion to Fua$) andor Suppre$$ Illegall Sei/ed ;vidence. S orporation &iled a Cotion to Fua$) Searc) arrant and Return. ot) pleading$ $oug)t to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant$ at i$$ue on t)e ground$ t)at t)e $a*e did not re&er to a $peci&ic o&&en$e, t)at t)ere %a$ no pro-a-le cau$e, and t)at t)e $earc) %arrant$ %ere general %arrant$ and %ere %rongl i*ple*ented. e&ore D#+ could $u-*it it$ *e*orandu*, R+ granted to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant and return t)e t)ing$ $ei/ed. ence D#+ &iled $eparate notice o& appeal and certiorari. D#+ argued t)at t%o $earc) %arrant$ %ere i*properl ua$)ed. " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& R+. " concluded t)at no te$t call$ u$ing t)e $a*e Ca-u)a card %ere actuall *ade - D#+$ %itne$$e$ %)en it applied &or a $earc) %arrant again$t S , ot)er%i$e, t)e Ca-u)a card $)ould )ave )ad le$$ t)an T10.00 value le&t in it -e&ore it %a$ u$ed in t)e te$t call$ conducted at t)e +Region 'II o&&ice and in open court. Issues! )et)er t)e t%o $earc) %arrant$ %ere i*properl ua$)edM )et)er t)e $u-7ect %arrant$ are in t)e nature o& general %arrant$M )et)er t)e relea$e o& t)e ite*$ $ei/ed - virtue$ o& t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$ %a$ properM "el#:
e$. +)i$ ourt cannot $u-$cri-e to "$ )a$t conclu$ion -ecau$e t)e deter*ination o& %)et)er or not te$t call$ %ere indeed *ade - D#+ on Ca-u)a card cannot -e a$certained $olel - c)ec(ing t)e value re&lected on t)e a&ore*entioned Ca-u)a card. In &act, reliance on t)i$ *et)od o& veri&ication i$ &raug)t %it) ue$tion$ t)at $tri(e deep into t)e capa-ilit o& t)e $aid Ca-u)a card to auto*aticall and accuratel re&lect t)e &act t)at it )ad indeed -een u$ed - D#+$ %itne$$e$ to *a(e te$t call$. D#+ never repre$ented t)at t)e Ca-u)a card )ad an accurate recording $$te* t)at %ould auto*aticall deduct t)e value o& a call &ro* t)e value o& t)e card at t)e ti*e t)e call %a$ *ade. ertainl, D#+ %a$ not in a po$ition to *a(e $uc) an a$$ertion a$ it did not )ave a )and in t)e production and progra**ing o& $aid Ca-u)a card.
+)e court )eld t)at t)e validit o& t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant re$t$ upon t)e &ollo%ing &actor$: =1> it *u$t -e i$$ued upon pro-a-le cau$e? =2> t)e pro-a-le cau$e *u$t -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge )i*$el& and not - t)e applicant or an ot)er per$on? =3> in t)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e, t)e 7udge *u$t ea*ine, under oat) or a&&ir*ation, t)e co*plainant and $uc) %itne$$e$ a$ t)e latter *a produce? and =4> t)e %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ and t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. ro-a-le cau$e, a$ a condition &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant, i$ $uc) rea$on$ $upported - &act$ and circu*$tance$ a$ %ill %arrant a cautiou$ *an to -elieve t)at )i$ action and t)e *ean$ ta(en in pro$ecuting it are legall 7u$t and proper. It reuire$ &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-l prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)at o&&en$e are in t)e place to -e $earc)ed. In Cicro$o&t orporation v. Caicorp, Inc., t)i$ ourt )eld t)at t)e uantu* o& evidence reuired to prove pro-a-le cau$e i$ not t)e $a*e uantu* o& evidence needed to e$ta-li$) proo& -eond rea$ona-le dou-t %)ic) i$ reuired in a cri*inal ca$e t)at *a -e $u-$euentl &iled. e ruled in t)i$ ca$e t)at: A+)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e doe$ not call &or t)e application o& rule$ and $tandard$ o& proo& t)at a 7udg*ent o& conviction reuire$ a&ter trial on t)e *erit$. "$ i*plied - t)e %ord$ t)e*$elve$, Apro-a-le cau$eB i$ concerned %it) pro-a-ilit, not a-$olute or even *oral certaint. +)e pro$ecution need not pre$ent at t)i$ $tage proo& -eond rea$ona-le dou-t. +)e $tandard$ o& 7udg*ent are t)o$e o& a rea$ona-l prudent *an, not t)e eacting cali-ration$ o& a 7udge a&ter a &ull-lo%n trial.B o. +)e court &ind$ t)at t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$ are not general %arrant$ -ecau$e t)e ite*$ to -e $ei/ed %ere $u&&icientl identi&ied p)$icall and %ere al$o $peci&icall identi&ied - $tating t)eir relation to t)e o&&en$e$ c)arged %)ic) are +)e&t and 'iolation o& re$idential #ecree o. 401 t)roug) t)e conduct o& illegal ISR activitie$. " $earc) %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ or t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed in order &or it to -e valid, ot)er%i$e, it i$ con$idered a$ a general %arrant %)ic) i$ pro$cri-ed - -ot) 7uri$prudence and t)e 198H on$titution. In @ )etin v. 'illareal, %e eplained t)e purpo$e o& t)e a&ore*entioned reuire*ent &or a valid $earc) %arrant, to %it: AQ" $earc) %arrant $)ould particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. +)e evident purpo$e and intent o& t)i$ reuire*ent i$ to li*it t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed to t)o$e, and onl t)o$e, particularl de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant < %)at article$ t)e $)all $ei/e, to t)e end t)at Aunrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$B *a not -e *ade, t)at a-u$e$ *a not -e co**itted. B o. "$ properl pointed out - D#+, !rder o& t)e re$pondent 7udge i$ not Ai**ediatel eecutorB. It i$ a &inal order %)ic) di$po$e$ o& t)e action or proceeding and %)ic) *a -e t)e $u-7ect o& an appeal. ro* t)e &oregoing, it i$ clear t)at eecution *a i$$ue onl upon *otion - a part and onl upon t)e epiration o& t)e period to appeal, i& no appeal )a$ -een per&ected. !t)er%i$e, i& an appeal )a$ -een dul per&ected, t)e partie$ %ould )ave to %ait &or t)e &inal re$olution o& t)e appeal -e&ore it *a eecute t)e 7udg*ent or &inal order < ecept &or in$tance$ %)ere an eecution pending appeal i$ granted - t)e proper court o& la%.
$1.) %EO%LE v. >ELOC@RA &.R. No. 1'+('( Au2ust $-, $1$ Fats! )ie& In$p. #ivina, received a call &ro* a *ale per$on %)o re&u$ed to identi& )i*$el&. +)e caller tipped )i* o&& a-out a ro--er to -e $taged along Dope/ Street, +ondo, Canila. +)erea&ter )e %a$ i**ediatel order to &or* a tea*. +)e po$itioned t)e*$elve$ to a&ore$aid $treet and $potted an o%nertpe 7eep -earing a $puriou$ govern*ent plate. +)e tea* pur$ued t)e driver, %)ic) i$ elocura, $ignaled )i* to $top -ut %a$ ignored and $ped o&& t)e car. Dater, t)e tea* %a$ a-le to -loc(ed ecolo$ pat) and t)e approac) elocura. #uvina and )i$ tea* ueried elocura a-out t)e plate no., con&i$cated )i$ pi$tol t)at %a$ tuc(ed in )i$ %ai$t and arre$ted )i*. S!2 Santo$ $earc)ed t)e 7eep and recovered a red pla$tic -ag containing a *ari7uana %rapped in ne%$paper.
!n t)e ot)er )and, elocura denied o%ning or po$$e$$ing t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana, $aing t)at )e onl $ee$ t)e *ari7uana &or t)e &ir$t ti*e in t)e court. !n redirect ea*ination, elocura replied t)at )e did not $ee t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana %)et)er at t)e ti*e o& )i$ arre$t, or at t)e police precinct, or during t)e inue$t proceeding$. !n recro$$, )e clari&ied t)at %)ile t)e driver$ $eat %ere &ied to t)e 7eep, t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana could nevert)ele$$ -e placed under t)e driver$ $eat onl i& pre$$ed )ard enoug), -ut in t)at ca$e t)e %rapping$ %ould get torn -ecau$e t)e %iring$ o& t)e car underneat) t)e $eat %ere epo$ed. e recalled t)at t)e %rapping$ o& t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana %ere intact. R+ convicted elocura %)ic) t)e " a&&ir*ed in t)e appeal. Issue:
)et)er t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) on elocura$ 7eep %a$ valid.
+)e con$titutional pro$cription again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ ad*it$ o& t)e &ollo%ing eception$, na*el: =a> "el#: %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t recogni/ed under Section 13, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt?19 =-> $ei/ure o& evidence under plain vie%? =c> $earc) o& a *oving ve)icle? =d> con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? =e> cu$to*$ $earc)? =&> $topand&ri$( $ituation$ =+err $earc)>? and =g> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$.20 In t)e$e eceptional $ituation$, t)e nece$$it &or a $earc) %arrant i$ di$pen$ed %it). elocura %a$ caug)t in &lagrante delicto violating Section 31 o& Repu-lic "ct o. 4139 =+)e Dand +ran$portation and +ra&&ic ode>. In &lagrante delicto *ean$ in t)e ver act o& co**itting t)e cri*e. +o -e caug)t in &lagrante delicto nece$$aril i*plie$ t)e
po$itive identi&ication o& t)e culprit - an ee%itne$$ or ee%itne$$e$. Suc) identi&ication i$ a direct evidence o& culpa-ilit, -ecau$e it Kprove$ t)e &act in di$pute %it)out t)e aid o& an in&erence or pre$u*ption.K ;ven - )i$ o%n ad*i$$ion, )e %a$ actuall co**itting a cri*e in t)e pre$ence or %it)in t)e vie% o& t)e arre$ting police*en. Suc) *anner - %)ic) elocura %a$ appre)ended &ell under t)e &ir$t categor in Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt. +)e arre$t %a$ valid, t)ere&ore, and t)e arre$ting police*en t)ere- -eca*e cloa(ed %it) t)e aut)orit to validl $earc) )i$ per$on and e&&ect$ &or %eapon$ or an ot)er article )e *ig)t u$e in t)e co**i$$ion o& t)e cri*e or %a$ t)e &ruit o& t)e cri*e or *ig)t -e u$ed a$ evidence in t)e trial o& t)e ca$e, and to $ei/e &ro* )i* and t)e area %it)in )i$ reac) or under )i$ control, li(e t)e 7eep, $uc) %eapon or ot)er article. +)e evident purpo$e o& t)e incidental $earc) %a$ to protect t)e arre$ting police*en &ro* -eing )ar*ed - )i* %it) t)e u$e o& a concealed %eapon. "ccordingl, t)e %arrantle$$ c)aracter o& t)e arre$t could not - it$el& -e t)e -a$i$ o& )i$ acuittal. In convicting elocura a$ c)arged, t)e R+ relied on t)e te$ti*onie$ o& )ie& In$p. #ivina and S!1 Ro7a$ to e$ta-li$) t)e &act o& po$$e$$ion o& t)e *ari7uana -ric($. "n evaluation o& t)e totalit o& t)e evidence on record indicate$, )o%ever, t)at t)e corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e c)arged %a$ not e$ta-li$)ed -eond rea$ona-le dou-t. $$.) CEN/@R9 C"INE0E 5EDICINE CO. v. %EO%LE AND LIN& NA LA@ &.R. No. 13$7 Nove64er 11, $1+ Fats! Re$pondent Ding a Dau, doing -u$ine$$ under t)e na*e and $tle orld%ide )ar*ac, i$ t)e $ole di$tri-utor and regi$tered trade*ar( o%ner o& +! G;D +.G. O #;'I; ! " D;" papaa %)itening $oap &or a period o& ten ear$. er repre$entative, ing, reue$ted t)e a$$i$tance &or an inve$tigation on $everal drug$tore$ %)ic) are $elling counter&eit %)itening papaa $oap$ -earing t)e general appearance o& t)eir product$. +)e I agent$ conducted an inve$tigation and te$t -u$. +)e agent$ %a$ a-le to con&ir* t)at t)e re$pondent$ clai*$ to -e true. "n i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant$ again$t t)e drug$tore$ involved &or violation$ o& trade*ar( in&rige*ent and un&air co*petition.
etitioner$ contend t)at t)e $ei/ure o& product$ &ro* t)eir $tore$ are not $u-7ect o& t)e $earc) %arrant and $ei/ure$. +)o$e ite*$ ta(en &ro* t)e $tore$ are not product$ o& an (ind o& an cri*e, u$ed, or intended to -e u$ed in an cri*e. +)e petitioner$ clai* t)at t)e are legiti*ate di$tri-utor$ o& t)e product$ in ue$tion, t)u$ t)e are aut)ori/ed to $ell t)o$e product$. +)e R+ ruled in &avor o& petitioner$ to ua$) t)e $aid $earc) %arrant and ordered t)e $a*e to return t)e $ei/ed product$ %it)in $everal da$. o%ever, t)e " rever$ed t)e deci$ion on ground$ t)at t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued -ecau$e o& anticipation o& co**itting an o&&en$e. etitioner$ argue t)at t)e R+ erred in t)e i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant -ecau$e t)e clai*$ o& anticipator civil action %a$ never rai$ed in t)e court. Issue!
)et)er t)e " erred in rever$ing t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+ to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant
It -ear$ $tre$$ing t)at t)e -a$i$ &or t)e application$ &or i$$uance$ o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ on ground$ o& trade*ar( in&ringe*ent and un&air co*petition i$ t)e trade*ar( +! G;D +.G. O #;'I; ! " D;". rivate co*plainantappellant %a$ i$$ued a erti&icate o& Regi$tration o. 42000009881 o& $aid trade*ar( on "ugu$t 24, 2003 - t)e Intellectual ropert !&&ice, and i$ t)u$ con$idered t)e la%&ul )older o& t)e $aid trade*ar(. eing t)e regi$trant and t)e )older o& t)e $a*e, private co*plainantappellant )ad t)e aut)orit to en&orce and protect )er intellectual propert rig)t$ over it. +)i$ pro*pted )er to reue$t &or a$$i$tance &ro* t)e agent$ o& t)e I, %)o t)erea&ter conducted a $erie$ o& inve$tigation, te$t -u$ and in$pection regarding t)e alleged trade*ar( in&ringe*ent - )erein re$pondent$appellee$. Su-$euentl, ing a Dau, private co*plainantappellant$ repre$entative, i$$ued a certi&ication %it) t)e &inding t)at t)e ea*ined good$ %ere counter&eit. +)i$ pro*pted t)e I agent$ to appl &or t)e i$$uance$ o& $earc) %arrant$ again$t t)e re$pondent$appellee$. Said application$ &or t)e $earc) %arrant$ %ere granted a&ter - Judge Daguille$ a&ter ea*ining under oat) t)e applicant "gent uring o& t)e I and )i$ %itne$$e$ ing a Dau and Junad R. I$*ael. a$ed on t)e &oregoing, it i$ clear t)at t)e reui$ite$ &or t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ )ad -een co*plied %it) and t)at t)ere i$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )ad -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e %ere in t)e place$ to -e $earc)ed. +)e o&&en$e pertain$ to t)e alleged violation$ co**itted - re$pondent$appellee$ upon t)e intellectual propert rig)t$ o& )erein private co*plainantappellant, a$ )older o& t)e trade*ar( +! G;D +.G. O #;'I; ! " D;" under erti&icate o& Regi$tration o. 42000009881, i$$ued on "ugu$t 24, 2003 - t)e Intellectual ropert !&&ice +)e rule$ provided &or - t)e Intellectual ropert ode i$ not applica-le in t)e ca$e at -ar -ecau$e t)e %arrant$ %ere not applied -a$e on $uc) &act$ -ut rat)er on t)e anticipation o& t)e co**i$$ion o& t)e o&&en$e under t)e Intellectual ropert ode, in t)e I agent$ a&&idavit it $tated t)at Kt)e ite*$ to -e $ei/ed %ill -e u$ed a$ relevant evidence in cri*inal action$ t)at are li(el to -e in$tituted.K Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt $)ould appl rat)er t)an t)o$e provided &or - t)e Intellectual ropert ode.
$+.) 5AR/INE: v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 1-7-( Fe4ruary 1+, $1+ Fats! !2 Ro-erto Soue =!2 Soue>, !2 "le7andro epe=!2 epe> and !3;dil-erto Peta =!3 Peta>, %)o %ereall a$$igned tot)e Station "ntiIllegal #rug$ =S"I#> Section o& t)e Calate olice Station 9 =olice Station 9>, conducted a routine &oot patrol along aling(it Street, Calate, Canila. In t)e proce$$, t)e )eard a *an $)outing Kutangina*oV Di*angdaanna-aitoMK. or purportedl violating Canila it !rdinance %)ic) puni$)e$ -reac)e$ o& t)e peace, Ra*on =etitioner> %a$ appre)ended - t)e aut)oritie$. Dater,
a$ t)e petitioner %a$ appre)ended, )e %a$ a$(ed to e*pt )i$ poc(et$. In t)e cour$e t)ereo&, t)e police o&&icer$ %ere a-le to recover 0.1H3g o& $)a-u and %a$ con&i$cated. on$euentl, Ra*on %a$ c)arged %it) po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. +)e R+ convicted Ra*on o& t)e cri*e o& po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$, &inding all ele*ent$ to )ave -een e$ta-li$)ed t)roug) te$ti*onie$ o& t)e pro$ecution %itne$$e$. +)e court up)eld t)e legalit o& t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t - rea$on o& di$tur-ance o& peace in violation o& t)e Canila it !rdinance during t)e ti*e o& )i$ appre)en$ion. +)e " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+ &inding no error t)erein. Issue! )et)er t)e " erred in a&&ir*ing t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+, %a$ t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t valid and doe$ it &ollo% t)at t)e $earc) conducted %a$ ad*i$$i-le a$ evidence. "el#!
;n$)rined in t)e &unda*ental la% i$ a per$on$ rig)t again$t un%arranted intru$ion$ o& t)e gover*ent a$ provided &or - t)e 198H on$titution, "rticle III, Section 2. evert)ele$$, t)ere are eclu$ionar rule$ provided - t)e rule$ o& court t)at validate$ %arrantle$$ arre$t$, in t)e ca$e at -ar it i$ $earc)e$ incidental to a la%&ul arre$t, Rule 113, Section 5 =a>, &lagrante delicto. +)e $ituation o& t)e petitioner )o%ever, t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t %a$ di$credited and negate t)e pro-a-le cau$e %)en t)e police o&&icer$ appre)ended t)e accu$ed, it cannot -e $aid t)at t)e act o& $)outing in a t)ic(lpopulated place, %it) *an people conver$ing %it) eac) ot)er on t)e $treet, %ould con$titute an o& t)e act$ puni$)a-le under Section 844 o& t)e Canila it !rdinance. ut)er $tre$$ed, t)ere %a$ no co*plain )eard o& %it) Ra*on$ $)outing. In it$ totalit, t)e court o-$erved t)at t)e &act$ and circu*$tance$ could )ave not -uild a %ell&ound -elie& t)at an -reac) in peace %a$ *ade, t)u$ no pro-a-le cau$e ei$ted to 7u$ti& t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t. on$euentl, a$ t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t %a$ invalid, $uc) $earc) and $ei/ure i$ al$o dee*ed illegal. +)e $)a-u purportedl $ei/ed &ro* t)e accu$ed i$ inad*i$$i-le evidence. $(.) %EO%LE v. CADIDIA &.R. No. 1-1$7+ Oto4er 17, $1+ Fats! !n Jul 31, 2002 at around 6:30 in t)e *orning, +ravilla, per$onnel o& t)e )ilippine ational olice, %)ile per&or*ing )er dutie$ a$ a &e*ale &ri$(er a$$igned at t)e Canila #o*e$tic "irport in a$a it, &ri$(ed t)e accu$ed =adidia> upon )er entr at t)e departure area and noticed $o*et)ing unu$ual and t)ic( in t)e -uttoc($ area o& t)e accu$ed. @pon inuir, adidia an$%ered it %a$ onl )er $anitar nap(in %)ic) cau$ed t)e unu$ual t)ic(ne$$. ot convinced %it) t)e eplanation $)e and )er coe*ploee -roug)t t)e accu$ed to t)e co*&ort roo* to c)ec(. )en t)e aut)oritie$ a$(ed to re*ove )er under%ear, t)e di$covered t%o $ac)et$ o& $)a-u. +)e accu$ed denied t)e o%ner$)ip o& t)e $aid $ac)et$ o& drug$, and $aid $)e %a$ onl a$(ed to -ring t)e $a*e.
+)e R+ &ound t)e accu$ed guilt -eond rea$ona-le dou-t o& violation o& Section 5 o& R.". 9165. +)e " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+ and ruled t)at t)e alleged *inor incon$i$tencie$ do not di*ini$) t)e credi-ilit o& t)e %itne$$e$ and t)e ca$e. Issue! )et)er t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t *ade - airport $ecurit i$ valid, doe$ incon$i$tencie$ %it) procedure c)ange t)e proo& again$t t)e accu$ed
+)e court )eld t)at $uc) *inor incon$i$tencie$ devoid *erit, t)e integrit and evidentiar value o& t)e $peci*en a$ )andled - "el#! t)e c)ain o& cu$tod, $uc) non co*pliance %it) t)e$e reuire*ent$ do not void or invalidate t)e $ei/ure. +)e $tate*ent$ o& t)e %itne$$e$ *a )ave *inor incon$i$tencie$ -ut $uc) $tate*ent$ can -e )ar*oni/ed a$ a continuou$ and un-ro(en recollection o& event$. !n &inal note, t)e court )eld t)at airport &ri$(ing i$ an aut)ori/ed &or* o& $earc) and $ei/ure. er$on$ *a lo$e t)e protection o& t)e $earc) and $ei/ure - epo$ure or t)eir per$on$ or propert to t)e pu-lic in a *anner re&lecting a lac( or $u-7ective epectation o& privac, %)ic) epectation $ociet i$ prepared to recogni/e a$ rea$ona-le. Suc) recognition i$ i*plicit in airport $ecurit procedure$. it) increa$ing concern over airplane )i7ac(ing and terrori$* )a$ co*e increa$ed $ecurit at t)e airport$. +)e airport$ even noti& t)e pa$$enger$ t)at ordinar con$titutional protection again$t %arantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure$ do not appl to routine airport procedure$.
$3.) 8ORLD 8IDE 8E> COR%ORA/ION v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 17117 *anuary 1+, $1( Fats! " $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued to $earc) t)e pre*i$e$ o& )erein petitioner, orld ide e- orporation a$ %ell a$ t)e pre*i$e$ o& lanet Internet. +)e application &or t)e $earc) %arrant$ alleged t)at petitioner$ %ere conducting illegal toll -pa$$ operation$ t)at a*ounted to t)e&t and violation o& .#. o. 401, to da*age and pre7udice t)e )ilippine Dong #i$tance +elep)one o*pan =D#+> Several euip*ent$ in variou$ categorie$ %ere ta(en &ro* -ot) petitioner and lanet Internet. +)e accu$ed &iled a *otion to ua$) in t)e R+ and %a$ granted. lanet Internet %a$ a-le to eplain on )o% t)e %ere a-le to -pa$$ t)e c)arge$ o& D#+ and $uc) eplanation $ati$&ied D#+, t)e$e contention$ %ere not re&uted - D#+. D#+ appealed to t)e " and t)e court declared t)e $earc) %arrant$ valid and e&&ective. +oll -pa$$ operation i$ a *et)od eplained %)ere in $uc) connection %ould $)o% t)at International call$ %ould -e identi&ied a$ local call$ onl.
Issues! a$ t)ere pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant, )et)er or not t)e $earc) %arrant particularl de$cri-ing t)e ite*$ to -e $earc) and $ei/ed a$ t)e &ruit o& t)e t)e&t co**itted - t)e petitioner$ "el#!
ro-a-le cau$e i$ deter*ined -a$ed on evidence $)o%ing t)at *ore li(e t)an not, a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at it %a$ co**itted - t)e o&&ender. In t)e ca$e at -ar, pro-a-le cau$e ei$ted %)ic) 7u$ti&ied t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ in ue$tion. +)e $earc) %arrant$ i$$ued *u$t -e de$cri-ed in particularit. +ec)nical preci$ion o& de$cription i$ not reuired. It i$ onl nece$$ar t)at t)ere -e rea$ona-le particularit and certaint a$ to t)e identit o& t)e propert to -e $earc)ed &or and $ei/ed. +)e application &or $earc) %arrant doe$ not reuire t)e con&or*it o& t)e pu-lic pro$ecutor a$ a reui$ite. Searc) %arrant$ are applied &or and it i$ not o-tained - &iling a co*plaint or an in&or*ation. Rule 110, Section 5 $)ould not appl. +)e&t %a$ co**itted - t)e petitioner$ - turning international call$ into local call$, to eplain &urt)er it %a$ t)e u$e o& t)e co**unication &acilitie$ o& D#+ %it)out con$ent t)at con$titute t)e cri*e o& t)e&t, %)ic) i$ t)e unla%&ul ta(ing o& t)e telep)one $ervice and -u$ine$$.
$7.) %EO%LE v. >ERAN &.R. No. $+$
*anuary 13, $1(
Fats! " con&idential in&or*ant %ent to t)e #i$trict "ntiIllegal #rug =#"I#> o&&ice in t)e e$tern olice #i$trict to report t)at a certain Jo$elito eran, alia$ KJo$e,K a pedica- driver, %a$ $elling pro)i-ited drug$. " -u-u$t tea* %a$ &or*ed and operation$ too( place to appre)end t)e $u$pect. +)e plan too( place, and t)e ec)ange %a$ *ade &or 100 and 0.30g o& $)a-u, a&ter ea*ination o& t)e po$eur-uer, )e $ignaled )i$ tea* to go a&ter t)e $u$pect. +)e po$eur-uer t)en too( po$$e$$ion o& t)e $aid $)a-u, -ut &orgot to la-el it nor %a$ t)ere an per$on in )i$ tea* t)at could atte$t t)at )e too( po$$e$$ion in tran$it to t)e police $tation.
+)e R+ rendered it$ 7udge*ent &inding t)e accu$ed eran guilt &or t)e cri*e c)arged. +)e " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+. In a&&ir*ing in toto t)e R+ t)e " ruled t)at eran %a$ caug)t in &lagrante delicto a$ a re$ult o& a valid and legiti*ate -u-u$t operation, an entrap*ent to appre)end la% -rea(er$ %)ile in t)e act o& eecuting t)eir cri*inal plan. Issue!
)et)er t)e evidence i$ ad*i$$i-le due to di$crepancie$ in t)e *andator procedure
+)e cruicial i$$ue in t)e ca$e i$ to e$ta-li$) t)e corpu$ delicti t)e integrit and evidentiar value o& t)e $ei/ed drug )ave -een pre$erved in an un-ro(en c)ain o& cu$tod. +)e court )eld t)at no un-ro(en c)ain o& cu$tod, and t)at t)e court ruled t)at t)e pro$ecution &ailed to e$ta-li$) t)e ver corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e c)arged. ailure o& t)e operative$ to o-$erve t)e *andator procedure o& la-elling t)e $ei/ed $)a-u in t)e pre$ence o& t)e accu$ed ca$ted a $)ado% on t)e evidence it$el&, t)ere&ore t)e accu$ed *u$t -e $et &ree -ecau$e t)e ver -od o& t)e cri*e and t)e evidence pointing to $uc) o&&en$e i$ no longer ad*i$$i-le to t)e $aid ca$e. In $ei/ure$ covered - $earc) %arrant$, t)e p)$ical inventor and p)otograp) *u$t -e conducted in t)e place %)ere t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ $erved. !n t)e ot)er )and, in ca$e o& %arrantle$$ $ei/ure$ $uc) a$ a -u-u$t operation, t)e p)$ical inventor and p)otograp) $)all -e conducted at t)e neare$t police $tation or o&&ice o& t)e appre)ending o&&icertea*, %)ic)ever i$ practica-le? )o%ever, not)ing prevent$ t)e appre)ending o&&icertea* &ro* i**ediatel conducting t)e p)$ical inventor and p)otograp) o& t)e ite*$ at t)e place %)ere t)e %ere $ei/ed, a$ it i$ *ore in (eeping %it) t)e la%$ intent o& pre$erving t)eir integrit and evidentiar value. In eople v. #ela Ro$a it %a$ ruled t)at t)e pro$ecution *u$t e$ta-li$) - record$ or te$ti*on t)e continuou$ %)erea-out$ o& t)e e)i-it, &ro* t)e ti*e it ca*e into t)e po$$e$$ion o& t)e police o&&icer$ until it %a$ te$ted in t)e la-orator to deter*ine it$ co*po$ition, and all t)e %a to t)e ti*e it i$ o&&ered in evidence. In t)e in$tant ca$e, &ro* t)e te$ti*on o& !3 Sia it i$ clear t)at t)e appre)ending operative$ did not, i**ediatel a&ter $ei/ure and con&i$cation o& t)e illegal ite*, p)$icall inventor and p)otograp) t)e $a*e in t)e pre$ence o& t)e accu$ed, )i$ repre$entative or coun$el, a repre$entative &ro* t)e *edia and t)e #epart*ent o& Ju$tice, and an elected pu-lic o&&icial, not%it)$tanding t)at t)e %ere $uppo$ed to )ave -een conducting a planned $ting operation. Indeed, it i$ not gratuitou$ to $tate t)at t)e too( no e&&ort$ %)at$oever to o-$erve even a *odicu* o& t)e a-ove procedure$. or$e, t)e pro$ecution did not -ot)er to eplain %) t)e &ailed to o-$erve t)e*, alt)oug) t)e (ne% t)e$e procedure$ %ere intended to pre$erve t)e integrit and evidentiar value o& t)e ite* $ei/ed. Coreover, none o& t)e ot)er %itne$$e$ o& t)e pro$ecution could corro-orate t)e culpator narrative o& !3 Sia at an o& it$ *aterial point$ to create t)e $ucce$$ive lin($ in t)e cu$tod o& t)e $ei/ed drug. !& t)e $i *an -u-u$t tea*, onl !3 Sia and !3 rancia te$ti&ied in court, and !3 rancia )i*$el& t%ice $tated t)at )e did not %itne$$ t)e actual -u-u$t $ale a$ it %a$ ta(ingplace )at Section 21 o& R.". o. 9165 and it$ i*ple*enting rule do not epre$$l $peci& i$ t)e *atter o& *ar(ing o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$ in %arrantle$$ $ei/ure$ to en$ure t)at t)e evidence $ei/ed upon appre)en$ion i$ t)e $a*e evidence $u-7ected to inventor and
p)otograp) %)en t)e$e activitie$ are underta(en at t)e police $tation rat)er t)an at t)e place o& arre$t. on$i$tenc %it) t)e Kc)ain o& cu$todK rule reuire$ t)at t)e *ar(ing o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$Lto trul en$ure t)at t)e are t)e $a*e ite*$ t)at enter t)e c)ain and are eventuall t)e one$ o&&ered in evidence $)ould -e done =1> in t)e pre$ence o& t)e appre)ended violator =2> i**ediatel upon con&i$cation. +)i$ $tep initiate$ t)e proce$$ o& protecting innocent per$on$ &ro* du-iou$ and concocted $earc)e$, and o& protecting a$ %ell t)e appre)ending o&&icer$ &ro* )ara$$*ent $uit$ -a$ed on planting o& evidence under Section 29 and on allegation$ o& ro--er or t)e&t.45 =itation$ o*itted and e*p)a$e$ in t)e original> It need$ no ela-oration t)at t)e i**ediate *ar(ing o& t)e ite* $ei/ed in a -u-u$t operation in t)e pre$ence o& t)e accu$ed i$ indi$pen$a-le to e$ta-li$) it$ identit in court. !3 Sia ad*itted t)at )e *ar(ed t)e $ac)et o& $)a-u onl at t)e #"I## precinct, $everal (ilo*eter$ &ro* t)e -u-u$t $cene, a$ %ell a$ i*pliedl ad*itted t)at eran %a$ not t)en pre$ent. Indeed, none o& t)e -u -u$t tea* atte$ted t)at t)e $a% )i* ta(e cu$tod o& t)e con&i$cated $)a-u and later *ar( t)e $ac)et at t)e #"I## o&&ice.
$'.) OCA5%O v. A>ANDO &.R. No. 1'7+, Fe4ruary 11, $1( Fats! !n "ugu$t 26, 2006, a *a$$ grave %a$ di$covered - ele*ent$ o& t)e 43rd In&antr rigade o& t)e )ilippine "r*. +)e *a$$ grave$ contained $(eletal re*ain$ o& individual$ -elieved to -e victi*e$ o& K!peration 'enereal #i$ea$eK launc)ed - *e*-er$ o& t)e "# to purge t)eir ran($ o& $u$pected *ilitar in&or*ant$. "n anal$i$ o& t)e re*ain$ and t)e grave ca*e up %it) na*e$ o& po$$i-le victi*$ a&ter co*pari$on and ea*ination -a$ed on te$ti*onie$ o& relative$ and %itne$$e$. o*plainta&&idavit$ %ere &ro* relative$ o& t)e alleged victi*e$ o& t)e operation. "ll o& t)e relative$ $%ore t)at t)eir relative$ )ad -een a-ducted or la$t $een %it) *e*-er$ o& t)e "# and %ere never $een again. "n in&or*ation %a$ t)en &iled -e&ore t)e R+, later t)e 7udge i$$ued an order &inding pro-a-le cau$e in t)e co**i$$ion - all *entioned accu$ed o& t)e cri*e c)arged, )e ordered t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o& arre$t again$t t)e*. etitioner )erein argued t)at a ca$e &or re-ellion again$t )i* and ot)er$ %a$ t)en pending -e&ore t)e R+, putting &or%ard t)e political de&en$e doctrine, t)at co**on cri*e$, $uc) a$ *urder in t)i$ ca$e, are alread a-$or-ed - t)e cri*e o& re-ellion. Issue!
)et)er petitioner$ %ere denied due proce$$ during preli*inar inve$tigation and in t)e i$$uance o& t)e %arrant$ o& arre$t. )et)er or not t)e %arrant %a$ legalM
o, petitioner$ %ere accorded due proce$$ during preli*inar inve$tigation and in t)e i$$uance o& t)e %arrant$ o& arre$t.
+)e e$$ence o& due proce$$ i$ rea$ona-le opportunit to -e )eard and $u-*it evidence in $upport o& one$ de&en$e.K )at i$ pro$cri-ed i$ lac( o& opportunit to -e )eard. +)u$, one %)o )a$ -een a&&orded a c)ance to pre$ent one$ o%n $ide o& t)e $tor cannot clai* denial o& due proce$$. +)e re$pondent$ %ere i$$ued and $erved %it) Su-poena at t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$ &or t)e* to $u-*it t)eir countera&&idavit$ and t)at o& t)eir %itne$$e$. Ca7orit o& t)e re$pondent$ did not $u-*it t)eir countera&&idavit$ -ecau$e t)e could no longer -e &ound in t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$, per return o& t)e $u-poena$. !n t)e ot)er )and, Saturnino !ca*po Satur, ide$ Di*, Caureen ale7aro and Ru-en Canatad $u-*itted t)eir ounter"&&idavit$. o%ever, 'icente Dadlad and Ja$*in Jeru$ale* &ailed to $u-*it t)e reuired ounter "&&idavit$ in $pite entr o& appearance - t)eir re$pective coun$el$. Section 3=d>, Rule 112 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt, allo%$ ro$ecutor 'ivero to re$olve t)e co*plaint -a$ed on t)e evidence -e&ore )i* i& a re$pondent could not -e $u-poenaed. "$ long a$ e&&ort$ to reac) a re$pondent %ere *ade, and )e %a$ given an opportunit to pre$ent countervailing evidence, t)e preli*inar inve$tigation re*ain$ valid. In t)i$ ca$e, t)e Re$olution $tated t)at e&&ort$ %ere underta(en to $erve $u-poena$ on t)e na*ed re$pondent$ at t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$e$. +)i$ i$ $u&&icient &or due proce$$. It %a$ onl -ecau$e a *a7orit o& t)e* could no longer -e &ound at t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$e$ t)at t)e %ere not $erved copie$ o& t)e co*plaint and t)e attac)ed docu*ent$ or evidence. e$. etitioner$ ;c)ani$ and alo$i$ clai* t)at, )ad Judge "-ando pain$ta(ingl ea*ined t)e record$ $u-*itted - ro$ecutor 'ivero, t)e 7udge %ould )ave inevita-l di$*i$$ed t)e c)arge again$t t)e*. +)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o& arre$t again$t petitioner$ i$ addre$$ed to t)e $ound di$cretion o& Judge "-ando a$ t)e trial 7udge a$ long a$ t)ere i$ no grave a-u$e o& di$cretion. "lt)oug) t)e on$titution provide$ t)at pro-a-le cau$e $)all -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge a&ter an ea*ination under oat) or an a&&ir*ation o& t)e co*plainant and t)e %itne$$e$, %e )ave ruled t)at a )earing i$ not nece$$ar &or t)e deter*ination t)ereo&. In &act, t)e 7udge$ per$onal ea*ination o& t)e co*plainant and t)e %itne$$e$ i$ not *andator and indi$pen$a-le &or deter*ining t)e aptne$$ o& i$$uing a %arrant o& arre$t. ecau$e t)ere i$ anot)er %a t)e ea*ination o& t)e pro$ecutor$ report. $.) DI0INI, *R. v. 0ECRE/AR9 OF *@0/ICE &.R. No. $+++3 Fe4ruary 11, $1( Fats!
+)e$e con$olidated petition$ $ee( to declare $everal provi$ion$ o& Repu-lic "ct =R.".> 101H5, t)e -ercri*e revention "ct
o& 2012, uncon$titutional and void. +)e -ercri*e prevention act %a$ enacted in 2012 petitioner$ clai* t)at t)e *ean$ adopted - t)e c-ercri*e la% &or regulating unde$ira-le c-er$pace activitie$ violate certain o& t)eir con$titutional rig)t$. +)e govern*ent o& cour$e a$$ert$ t)at t)e la% *erel $ee($ to rea$ona-l put order into c-er$pace activitie$, puni$) %rongdoing$, and prevent )urt&ul attac($ on t)e $$te*. ending )earing and ad7udication o& t)e i$$ue$ pre$ented in t)e$e ca$e$, on e-ruar 5, 2013 t)e ourt etended t)e original 120da te*porar re$training order =+R!> t)at it earlier i$$ued on !cto-er 9, 2012, en7oining re$pondent govern*ent agencie$ &ro* i*ple*enting t)e c-ercri*e la% until &urt)er order$. +)e petitioner$ a$(ed &or certain provi$ion$ =%it) regard to our $u-7ect cri*inal procedure> -e uncon$titutional: Issue!
)et)er or not t)e pertinent $uc) provi$ion$ violate cri*inal procedurecon$titutional la% on $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$.
ot all t)e alleged provi$ion$ violate t)e *andate o& t)e con$titution %it) regard to cri*inal procedure$.
0eton 1$ and net%or( &raud$ -eing perpetrated again$t it.
!n ove*-er 6, 2003 and ove*-er 19, 2003, Cr. Da%rence arci$o o& t)e D#+$ Fualit ontrol #ivi$ion, toget)er %it) t)e operative$ o& t)e )ilippine ational olice =>, conducted an ocular in$pection at 1H #o*inic Savio St., Savio o*pound and at o. 38 Indone$ia St., etter Diving Su-divi$ion < -ot) in aranga #on o$co, aranaue it < and di$covered t)at D#+ telep)one line$ %ere connected to $everal piece$ o& euip*ent %)ic) pro*pted olice Superintendent Gil-ert ru/ to &ile a con$olidated application &or $earc) %arrant -e&ore Judge ranci$co Cendiola &or t)e cri*e$ o& t)e&t and violation o& # 401. "ccording to D#+, t)e re$pondent$ are engaged in t)e &or* o& net%or( &raud (no%n a$ International Si*ple Re$ale =ISR> %)ic) a*ount$ to t)e&t under t)e R. Judge Cendiola &ound pro-a-le cau$e &or i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant$ applied &or and &our $earc) %arrant$ %ere i$$ued &or
violation$ o& "rt. 308, in relation to "rt. 309 o& R and o& # 401 a$ a*ended. $earc)ed t)e pre*i$e indicated in t)e %arrant$ and *ade a return %it) a co*plete inventor o& t)e ite*$ $ei/ed D#+ and &iled %it) t)e #!J a 7oint co*plaint a&&idavit &or t)e&t and violation o& # 401 again$t t)e re$pondent$. Re$pondent$ &iled %it) t)e R+ a *otion to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant on t)e &ollo%ing ground$: &ir$t, t)e R+ )ad no aut)orit to i$$ue $earc) %arrant$ %)ic) %ere en&orced in araNaue it? $econd, t)e enu*eration o& t)e ite*$ to -e $earc)ed and $ei/ed lac(ed particularit? and t)ird, t)ere %a$ no pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e cri*e o& t)e&t. D#+ oppo$ed t)e re$pondent$ *otion. R+ denied t)e re$pondent$ *otion to ua$). Re$pondent &iled a petition &or certiorari %it) t)e ". Issue!
)et)er t)e i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant %a$ valid
+)e accu$ed i$ indeed guilt o& t)e&t, %)ile D#+ doe$ not o%n t)e call$ per$e, t)e &acilitie$ o& D#+ co*pan i$ u$ed %it)out "el#! it$ per*i$$ion, t)ere&ore it i$ an unla%&ul ta(ing o& telep)one $ervice$ and -u$ine$$ o& D#+. +)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant i$ valid, pro-a-le cau$e i$ deter*ined a$ $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-le di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted t)at lead$ t)e connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place $oug)t to -e $earc)ed. In t)e pre$ent ca$e, D#+ correctl pointed out t)e $u&&icienc to e$ta-li$) pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e cri*e o& t)e&t. !ne o& t)e con$titutional reuire*ent$ &or t)e validit o& a $earc) %arrant i$ t)at it *u$t -e i$$ued -a$ed on pro-a-le cau$e %)ic), under t)e Rule$, *u$t -e in connection %it) one $peci&ic o&&en$e. In $earc) %arrant proceeding$, pro-a-le cau$e i$ de&ined a$ $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-l di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place $oug)t to -e $earc)ed. +)e reuire*ent o& particularit provided - t)e con$titution doe$ not reuire tec)nical accurac in de$cription o& t)e propert to -e $ei/ed. Speci&icit i$ $ati$&ied i& t)e per$onal propertie$ de$cription i$ a$ &ar a$ t)e circu*$tance$ %ill ordinaril allo% it to -e $o de$cri-ed.
+.) 0es4reno v A2lu2u4 H20 SR" 5H
cri*inal co*plaint %a$ &or al$i&ication, Grave +)reat$ and @$urpation o& "ut)orit. Fats! +)e +)e t)ree =3> ca$e$ %ere a$$igned to re$pondent 7udge$ -ranc) and $u-$euentl con$olidated &or di$po$ition. In a on$olidated Re$olution, onl t)e c)arge o& @$urpation %a$ $et &or arraign*ent, t)e re$t o& t)e c)arge$ )aving -een di$*i$$ed. +)erea&ter, o*plainant *ade a *ani&e$tation t)at t)e co*plaint al$o c)arged t)e de&endant$ %it) violation o& R" o. 10 acco*panied - a praer &or t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o& arre$t$ again$t t)e de&endant$. Re$pondent 7udge &ound no pro-a-le cau$e and di$*i$$ed t)e c)arge &or violation o& R.". 10.S)e al$o denied co*plainant$ praer &or t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o& arre$t again$t t)e accu$ed and ordered t)e record$ &or%arded to t)e rovincial ro$ecutor$ !&&ice =!> &or revie%. +)e ! a&&ir*ed re$pondent$ order and re*anded t)e ca$e to t)e court &or &urt)er proceeding$ on t)e $ole c)arge o& @$urpation o& "ut)orit. #uring t)e )earing o& t)e ca$e on e-ruar14, 2004, +a-a/on, arunungan and uNe/ did not appear. "tt. Se$-reNo, )o%ever, did not *ove &or t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o& arre$t again$t t)e*. eit)er did )e o-7ect to t)e cancellation o& t)e $c)eduled )earing. Issues: #id Re$pondent err in not conducting a preli*inar inve$tigation &or t)e c)arge o& @$urpation o& "ut)oritM #id Re$pondent err in not i$$uing %arrant$ o& arre$t &or &ailure o& t)e accu$ed to appear during trialM "el#:
" preli*inar inve$tigation i$ reuired -e&ore t)e &iling o& a co*plaint or in&or*ation &or an o&&en$e %)ere t)e penalt pre$cri-ed - la% i$ at lea$t &our =4> ear$, t%o =2> *ont)$ and one =1> da %it)out regard to t)e &ine. +)u$, a preli*inar inve$tigation i$ not reuired nor %a$ one conducted &or t)e c)arge o& violation o& "rt. 1HH o& t)e Revi$ed enal ode %)ic) i$ puni$)a-le - pri$ion correccional in it$ *ini*u* and *ediu* period$ or &ro* $i =6> *ont)$ and one =1> da to &our =4> ear$ and t%o =2> *ont)$. +)ere i$ not)ing in t)e Rule$ o& ri*inal rocedure %)ic) reuire$ a 7udge to i$$ue a %arrant o& arre$t &or t)e nonappearance o& t)e accu$ed during t)e trial. ence, it$ i$$uance re$t$ on t)e $ound di$cretion o& t)e pre$iding 7udge. Core $o in t)i$ ca$e, t)e private pro$ecutor did not *ove &or t)e i$$uance o& $uc) %arrant. +1.) A@REO &. >A9ACA *@D&E /RANB@ILINO v. RA5O0, A.5. No. 5/*'17'7 *anuary $-, $-
o*plainant aaca %a$ t)e accu$ed in a cri*inal ca$e &or ar$on t)roug) rec(le$$ i*prudence pre$ided - re$pondent Fat! 7udge. "&ter trial, re$pondent Judge pro*ulgated )i$ #eci$ion dated "pril 2, 2004. o*plainant appealed t)e ca$e to t)e Regional +rial ourt =R+>, ranc) 3H o& a*-ang, ueva 'i/caa %)ic) ca*e out %it) it$ deci$ion a&&ir*ing %it) *odi&ication t)e deci$ion o& t)e C+. #e$pite t)e deletion o& t)e penalt o& i*pri$on*ent in t)e R+ deci$ion, re$pondent Judge i$$ued a arrant o& "rre$t and o**it*ent on inal Sentence %)ic) led to co*plainant$ incarceration at t)e Solano #i$trict Jail &ro* "ugu$t 8 to 28, 2006.
DE LEON, Azalea Ikelyn R. 1.) Valeroso v. Court of Appeals GR. no. 164815 Sept. 3, 2009
"ntonio #i$uanco to i$$ue a %arrant o& arre$t again$t Senior In$pector 'alero$o &or Fats! Judge Ignacio Salvador ordered S!2 "ntonio (idnapping %it) ran$o*. +)e tea* conducted $urveillance. )en t)e petitioner %a$ a-out to a-oard into a triccle, )e %a$ arre$ted and &ire a**unition %a$ $ei/ed &ro* )i*. Said &ire ar*$ %ere &ound out t)at it %a$ na*ed under a di&&erent per$on. +)e acco$ted 'alero$o. o%ever, t)e latter in )i$ de&en$e, contended t)at %)en t)e o&&icer$ ca*e to )i$ c)ildren$ oarding )ou$e in Sagana o*e$, )e %a$ &orced to t)e &aucet %)ile t)e *en ran$ac(ed t)e roo* until one $)outed t)at t)e &ound $o*et)ing. e &urt)er $tated t)at it %a$ not done %it) a %arrant. ontrar to t)e pro$ecution$ te$ti*on, )e %a$ $aid to -e arre$ted near t)e I entral entral olice in uliat. uliat. e %a$ &ound guilt - t)e trial court &or t)e cri*e o& illegal illegal po$$e$$ion po$$e$$ion o& &irear*$. &irear*$. !n appeal, appeal, )i$ $entence $entence %a$ lo%ered.. Issue!
)et)er or not t)ere i$ a -reac) o& 'alero$o$ 'alero$o$ on$titutional rig)t$.
"el#! e$.
+)e court &avor$ t)e ver$ion o& t)e #e&en$e. 'alero$o$ appeal i$ anc)ored on t)e on$titutional rig)t alleged to -e violated t)u$ *a(ing t)e evidence again$t )i* inad*i$$i-le. +)e rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ i$ $ecured - Section 2, "rticle III o& t)e on$titution -ut %it) certain eception$ eception$ o& valid %arrantle$$ %arrantle$$ arre$t. o%ever, o%ever, in t)i$ ca$e, $uc) cannot -e 7u$ti&ied. 7u$ti&ied. or one, t)e %arrantle$$ %arrantle$$ $earc) could not -e 7u$ti&ied a$ an incident to a la%&ul arre$t . Searc)e$ and $ei/ure$ incident to la %&ul arre$t$ are governed - Section 13, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt. )en an arre$t i$ *ade, it i$ rea$ona-le &or t)e arre$ting o&&icer to to rearc) and re*ove &ro* t)e arre$tee t)at *a -e u$ed - )i* to e&&ect e$cape to t)e danger o& t)e o&&icer doing t)e arre$t and t)e conceal*ent and de$truction t)ereo&. It i$ al$o t)e dut o& t)e arre$ting o&&icer to $earc) t)e area under )i$ i**ediate control over an %eapon and al$o in )i$ plain vie%. In t)i$ ca$e, it cannot -e $aid t)at t)e area t)at t)e o&&icer$ $earc)ed i$ in t)eir i**ediate control a$ t)e %eapon %a$ &ound in a loc(ed ca-inet %)ic) needed &orce to -e revealed. "l$o, it i$ not in plain vie% %)ic) could not e&&ectivel *erit a valid %arrantle$$ arre$t.
$.) %eople v. Nunez &.R. No. 1''1( *une +, $Fats! +)e olice detective$ conducted a $earc) at Raul une/ re$idence -a$ed on report$ o& drug po$$e$$ion.. +)e %ere acco*panied - t)e arangga +anod to a$$i$t in t)e $erving o& $earc) %arrant. +)e $)o%ed t)e %arrant to une/. +)e &ound 31 pac(et$ o& S)a-u. +)e group al$o con&i$cated a co*ponent, ca*era, electric planer, grinder, drill, 7ig$a%, electric te$ter, and a$$orted carpentr tool$ on $u$picion t)at t)e %ere acuired in ec)ange &or shabu. une/ %a$ convicted o& violating R" 6425 &or po$$e$$ing t)e regulated drug$. Issue: )et)er or not t)e $earc) conducted i$ irregular. "el#: e$.
+urning to t)e o-7ect$ %)ic) *a -e con&i$cated during t)e $earc), Section 3, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt i$ pertinent: S;. 3. Personal property to be seized. < " $earc) %arrant *a -e i$$ued &or t)e $earc) and $ei/ure o& per$onal propert: =a> Su-7ect o& t)e o&&en$e? =-> Stolen or e*-e//led and ot)er proceed$, or &ruit$ o& t)e o&&en$e? or =c> @$ed or intended to -e u$ed a$ t)e *ean$ o& co**itting an o&&en$e. "$ a rule, onl t)e per$onal propertie$ de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant *a -e $ei/ed - t)e aut)oritie$. In t)e ca$e at -ar, Searc) arrant arrant o. 42 $peci&icall $peci&icall aut)ori/ed aut)ori/ed t)e ta(ing o& $)a-u and parap)ernali parap)ernalia=$> a=$> onl. t)e principle o& ejusdem generis, %)ere a $tatute de$cri-e$ t)ing$ o& a particular cla$$ or (ind acco*panied - %ord$ o& a generic c)aracter, t)e generic %ord %ill u$uall -e li*ited to t)ing$ o& a $i*ilar $i*ilar nature %it) t)o$e particularl particularl enu*erated, enu*erated, unle$$ t)ere -e $o*et)ing in t)e contet contet o& t)e $tate*ent %)ic) %ould repel $uc) in&erence. +)u$, %e are )ere con$trained con$trained to point out an irregularit irregularit in t)e $earc) conducted. conducted. ertainl, ertainl, t)e lad$ %allet, ca$), grinder, grinder, ca*era, co*ponent, $pea(er$, electric planer, 7ig$a%, electric te$ter, $a%$, )a**er, drill, and -olo %ere not enco*pa$$ed - t)e %ord parap)ernalia a$ t)e -ear no relation to t)e u$e or *anu&acture o& drug$. In $ei/ing t)e $aid ite*$ t)en, t)e police o&&icer$ eerci$ed t)eir o%n di$cretion and deter*ined &or t)e*$elve$ %)ic) ite*$ in appellant$ re$idence t)e -elieved %ere Aproceed$ o& t)e cri*eB or A*ean$ o& co**itting t)e o&&en$e.B +)i$ i$, in our vie%, a-$olutel i*per*i$$i-le.
+)e purpo$e o& t)e con$titutional con$titutional reuire*ent reuire*ent t)at t)e article$ to -e $ei/ed -e particularl particularl de$cri-ed in t)e %arrant i$ to li*it t)e t)ing$ to -e ta(en to t)o$e, and onl t)o$e particularl particularl de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant to leave the officers of the law with no discretion regarding what articles they should seize +.)/an v. 0y /on2 &ue &R. No. 1'(3' Fe4. $$, $1 Fats! "n in&or*ation on t)e cri*e o& Ro--er %a$ &iled again$t S +iong Gue and ot)er$ &or t)e ta(ing o& a large a*ount o& ca$), po$t dated c)ec($ and ot)er euip*ent$ in t)e o&&ice o& Guan ia( ard%are in inondo Canila -elonging to S Si o and Son$ repre$ented - Ro*er S. +an. Searc) %arrant$ %ere applied &or $tating t)erein t)e per$onal (no%ledge o& t)e police o&&icer o& t)e ite*$ lo$t. Judge Dan/ana$ I$$ued t)e Searc) %arrant$. +)e %arrant$ %arrant$ %ere later $erved. @nder Searc) arrant, arrant, t)ree -oe$ containing t%elve enne$$ enne$$ E!$ and one -o containing containing $even enne$$ E!$, %ere $ei/ed. o%ever, o%ever, t)e en&orce*ent en&orce*ent o& Searc) arrant arrant ielded negative re$ult$. Re$pondent$ &iled a Cotion to Fua$) %)ic) petitioner oppo$ed. +)e re$pondent$ received a &avora-le deci$ion. ence, t)i$ petition. Issue! )et)er or not t)ere %a$ pro-a-le cau$e %arranting t)e i$$uance - R+ o& t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$. "el#! e$. " $earc) %arrant i$ an order in %riting i$$ued in t)e na*e o& t)e eople o& t)e )ilippine$, $igned - a 7udge and directed to a peace o&&icer, co**anding co**anding )i* to $earc) &or per$onal propert de$cri-ed t)erein and to -ring it -e&ore t)e court. +)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant i$ governed - Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt.
+)ere&ore, t)e validit o& t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant re$t$ upon t)e &ollo%ing &actor$: =1> it *u$t -e i$$ued upon pro-a-le cau$e? =2> t)e pro-a-le cau$e *u$t -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge )i*$el& and not - t)e applicant or an ot)er per$on? =3> in t)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e, t)e 7udge *u$t ea*ine, under oat) or a&&ir*ation, t)e co*plainant and $uc) %itne$$e$ a$ t)e latter *a produce? and =4> t)e %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ or t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. Juri$prudence dictate$ t)at pro-a-le cau$e, a$ a condition &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant, i$ $uc) rea$on$ $upported - &act$ and circu*$tance$ a$ %ill %arrant a cautiou$ *an to -elieve t)at )i$ action and t)e *ean$ ta(en in pro$ecuting it are legall 7u$t and proper. ro-a-le cau$e reuire$ &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-l prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)at o&&en$e are in t)e place to -e $earc)ed. It doe$ not call &or an application o& rule$ and $tandard$ o& proo& t)at a 7udg*ent o& conviction reuire$ a&ter trial on t)e *erit$. "ppling t)e$e $et $tandard$, t)i$ ourt &ind$ t)at t)ere %a$ no grave a-u$e o& di$cretion on t)e part o& t)e R+ 7udge in i$$uing t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$.
(.) 5ar6la v. %eople &R. no. 13(7' Ot. 17, $Fats! Special Inve$tigator =SI> Daga$ca o& t)e I "nti!rgani/ed ri*e #ivi$ion &iled t%o =2> application$ &or $earc) %arrant %it) t)e R+ o& Canila $ee(ing per*i$$ion to $earc): =1> petitioner$ )ou$e located on R# Ree$ St., rg. Sta. +rinidad, "ngele$ it and =2> t)e pre*i$e$ on C aria "uino St., uro( ', rg. Sta. ru/, orac, a*panga, -ot) & or 'iolation o& Section 16, "rticle III o& Repu-lic "ct =R.".> o. 6425, a$ a*ended. +)e $aid application$ uni&or*l alleged t)at SI Daga$ca$ reue$t &or t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ %a$ &ounded on )i$ per$onal (no%ledge a$ %ell a$ t)at o& %itne$$ Roland #. ernande/ =ernande/>, o-tained a&ter a $erie$ o& $urveillance operation$ and a te$t -u *ade at petitioner$ )ou$e. +)e purpo$e o& t)e application &or $earc) %arrant$ %a$ to $ei/e S)a-u, Cari7uana %eig)ing $cale, pla$tic $ac)et$, tooter$, -urner, rolling paper$, and parap)ernalia.
Juadge Guarina &ound pro-a-le cau$e to i$$ue t)e $earc) %arrant. +)e o&&icer$ conducted a $earc) and &ound $eparate dried &lo%ering top$ in di&&erent container$. +)e petitioner$ &iled a Cotion to Fua$) t)e Searc) arrant &or it %a$ allegedl &iled out$ide t)e territorial 7uri$diction and 7udicial region o& t)e court %)ere t)e cri*e i$ co**itted Issue! )et)er or not t)e re$pondent court acted %it) grave a-u$e o& di$cretion a*ounting to lac( or in ece$$ o& 7uri$diction in i$$uing t)e a$$ailed !rder$ dening petitioner$ Cotion to Fua$) Searc) arrant and to Suppre$$ ;vidence Illegall Sei/ed and t)eir Cotion &or Recon$ideration, re$pectivel. "el#: o.
+)e general general rule i$ t)at a part i$ *andated *andated to &ollo% t)e )ierarc) )ierarc) o& court$. o%ever, o%ever, in eceptional eceptional ca$e$, t)e ourt, &or co*pelling rea$on$ or i& %arranted - t)e nature o& t)e i$$ue$ rai$ed, *a ta(e cogni/ance o& petition$ &iled directl -e&ore it. it. In t)i$ ca$e, t)e ourt opt$ to ta(e cogni/ance o& t)e petition, a$ it involve$ t)e application o& t)e rule$ pro*ulgated - t)i$ ourt in t)e eerci$e o& it$ rule*a(ing po%er under t)e on$titution. Rule 126 o& t)e ri*inal ri*inal rcedure$ rcedure$ on Searc) and Sei/ure Sei/ure $tate$ t)at: A Sec. 2. Court where application for search warrant shall be filed . < "n application &or $earc) %arrant $)all -e &iled %it) t)e &ollo%ing: =a> "n court %it)in %)o$e territorial 7uri$diction a cri*e %a$ co**itted, =->or co*pelling rea$on$ $tated in t)e application, an court %it)in t)e 7udicial region %)ere t)e cri*e %a$
co**itted i& t)e place o& t)e co**i$$ion o& t)e cri*e i$ (no%n, or an court %it)in t)e 7udicial region %)ere t)e %arrant $)all -e en&orced.B o%ever, i& t)e cri*inal action )a$ alread -een &iled, t)e application $)all onl -e *ade in t)e court %)ere t)e cri*inal action i$ pending. ot)ing in ".C. o. 991009S pro)i-it$ t)e )ead$ o& t)e , I, "!+ and R;"++ &ro* delegating t)eir *ini$terial dut o& endor$ing t)e application &or $earc) %arrant %arrant to t)eir a$$i$tant )ead$. @nder Section 31, )apter 6, oo( I' o& t)e "d*ini$trative ode o& 198H, an a$$i$tant )ead or ot)er $u-ordinate in ever -ureau *a per&or* $uc) dutie$ a$ *a -e $peci&ied - t)eir $uperior $uperior or )ead, a$ long a$ it i$ not incon$i$ten incon$i$tentt %it) la%. e cannot &ind an irregularit irregularit or a-u$e o& di$cretion di$cretion on t)e part o& Judge !*ar +. 'iola &or dening petitioner$ Cotion t o Fua$) Searc) arrant.
3) ANDRE8 "ARVE9 v. 5IRRIA5 DEFEN0OR 0AN/IA&O &.R. &.R. No. No. $3( $3(( (
*une *une $, $, 1- 1-
"driaa 'an #en ;l$)out =#utc)> %ere appre)ended &ro* t)eir re$pective Fats! "ndre% arve, Jo)n S)er*an, -ot) "*erican$, and "driaa re$idence$ at ag$an7an, Daguna - agent$ o& t)e o**i$$ion on I**igration and #eportation =I#> - virtue o& Ci$$ion !rder$ i$$ued - o**i$$ioner Ciria* #e&en$or Santiago o& t)e I#. +)e %ere a*ong t)e 22 $u$pected alien pedop)ile$ %)o %ere appre)ended a&ter 3 *ont)$ o& clo$e $urveillance - I# agent$ in ag$an7an, Daguna. 2 da$ a&ter appre)en$ion, or on 29 e-ruar 1988, 1H o& t)e 22 arre$ted alien$ opted &or $el&deportation and )ave le&t t)e countr.
!ne %a$ relea$ed &or lac( o& evidence? anot)er %a$ c)arged not &or -eing a pedop)ile -ut &or %or(ing %it)out a valid %or(ing vi$a. +)u$, o& t)e original 22, onl arve, et. al. )ave c)o$en to &ace deportation. Sei/ed during t)eir appre)en$ion %ere roll$ o& p)oto negative$ and p)oto$ o& t)e $u$pected c)ild pro$titute$ $)o%n in $alaciou$ po$e$ a$ %ell a$ -o$ and girl$ engaged in t)e $e act. +)ere %ere al$o po$ter$ and ot)er literature adverti$ing t)e c)ild pro$titute$. +)e are pre$entl detained at t)e I# #etention enter. !n 4 Carc) 1988, deportation proceeding$ %ere in$tituted again$t arve, et. al. &or -eing unde$ira-le alien$ under Section 69 o& t)e Revi$ed "d*ini$trative ode =#eportation a$e 8813>. !n 22 Carc) 1988, arve, et. al. &iled a etition &or ail %)ic), )o%ever, t)e o**i$$ioner denied con$idering t)e certi&ication - t)e I# p)$ician t)at t)e accu$ed %ere )ealt). +o avoid conge$tion, t)e o**i$$ioner ordered arve, et. al.$ tran$&er to t)e I# detention cell at ort oni&acio, -ut t)e tran$&er %a$ de&erred pending trial due to t)e di&&icult o& tran$porting t)en to and &ro* t)e I# %)ere trial %a$ ongoing. !n 4 "pril 1988, arve &iled a Cani&e$tationCotion $tating t)at )e )ad K&inall agreed to a $el&deportationK and praing t)at )e -e Kprovi$ionall Kprovi$ionall relea$ed &or at lea$t 15 da$ and placed placed under t)e cu$tod o& "tt. "$ina$ "$ina$ -e&ore )e voluntaril voluntaril depart$ t)e countr.K !n H "pril 1988, t)e oard o& Special Inuir L III allo%ed provi$ional relea$e o& 5 da$ onl under certain condition$. o%ever, it appear$ t)at on t)e $a*e date t)at t)e Cani&e$tationCotion %a$ &iled, arve and )i$ copetitioner$ )ad alread &iled t)e pre$ent petition &or a %rit o& )a-ea$ corpu$. Issue!
+)e rig)t$ granted in Section 2 are availa-le to all per$on$ including alien$, %)et)er accu$ed o& a cri*e or not.
+)e rule t)at $earc) and $ei/ure$ *u$t -e $upported - a valid %arrant o& arre$t i$ not an a-$olute rule. +)ere are at lea$t t)ree eception$ to t)i$ rule. 1.> Searc) i$ incidental to t)e arre$t. 2.> Searc) in a *oving ve)icle. 3.> Sei/ure o& evidence in plain vie%. +)u$, &ro* t)e &oregoing, t)e $earc) i$
7) 0/ONE"ILL v. DIONO &.R. No. L1-33
*une 1-, 1-7'
Fats! Stone)ill et, a.l %ere alleged to )ave co**itted act$ in Aviolation o& entral an( Da%$, +ari&& and u$to*$ Da%$, Internal Revenue =ode> and Revi$ed enal ode.B t)e $trengt) o& t)i$ allegation a $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued again$t t)eir per$on$ and t)eir corporation. +)e %arrant provide$ aut)orit to $earc) t)e per$on$ a-ovena*ed andor t)e pre*i$e$ o& t)eir o&&ice$, %are)ou$e$ andor re$idence$, and to $ei/e and ta(e po$$e$$ion o& t)e &ollo%ing per$onal propert to %it: “Books of accounts, financial records, vouchers, correspondence, receipts, ledgers, journals, portfolios, credit journals, typewriters, and other documents andor papers showing all business transactions including disbursements receipts, balance sheets and profit and loss statements and Bobbins.!
+)e docu*ent$, paper$, and t)ing$ $ei/ed under t)e alleged aut)orit o& t)e %arrant$ in ue$tion *a -e $plit into =2> *a7or group$, na*el: =a> t)o$e &ound and $ei/ed in t)e o&&ice$ o& t)e a&ore*entioned corporation$ and? =-> t)o$e &ound $ei/ed in t)e re$idence$ o& petitioner$ )erein.
Stone)ill averred t)at t)e %arrant i$ illegal &or t)e do not de$cri-e %it) particularit t)e docu*ent$, -oo($ and t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed? ca$) *one, not *entioned in t)e %arrant$, %ere actuall $ei/ed? t)e %arrant$ %ere i$$ued to &i$) evidence again$t t)e a&ore*entioned petitioner$ in deportation ca$e$ &iled again$t t)e*? t)e $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ %ere *ade in an illegal *anner? and t)e docu*ent$, paper$ and ca$) *one $ei/ed %ere not delivered to t)e court$ t)at i$$ued t)e %arrant$, to -e di$po$ed o& in accordance %it) la%.
+)e pro$ecution argue$ t)at t)e de&ect$ o& $aid %arrant$, i& an, %ere cured - petitioner$ con$ent? and =3> t)at, in an event, t)e e&&ect$ $ei/ed are ad*i$$i-le in evidence again$t t)e*. In $)ort, t)e cri*inal cannot -e $et &ree 7u$t -ecau$e t)e govern*ent -lunder$.
)et)er or not t)e $earc) %arrant$ in ue$tion, and t)e $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ *ade under t)e aut)orit t)ereo&, are validM
+)e ourt ruled in &avor o& Stone)ill et al. +)e con$titution protect$ t)e people$ rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure. +%o point$ *u$t -e $tre$$ed in connection %it) t)i$ con$titutional *andate, na*el: =1> t)at no %arrant $)all i$$ue -ut upon probable cau$e, to -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge in t)e *anner $et &ort) in $aid provi$ion? and =2> t)at t)e %arrant $)all particularly de$cri-e t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed.
one o& t)e$e reuire*ent$ )a$ -een co*plied %it) in t)e conte$ted %arrant$. Indeed, t)e $a*e %ere i$$ued upon application$ $tating t)at t)e natural and 7uridical per$on t)erein na*ed )ad co**itted a Kviolation o& entral an Da%$, +ari&& and u$to*$ Da%$, Internal Revenue =ode> and Revi$ed enal ode.K In ot)er %ord$, no specific o&&en$e )ad -een alleged in $aid application$. +)e aver*ent$ t)ereo& %it) re$pect to t)e o&&en$e co**itted %ere abstract . "$ a con$euence, it %a$ impossible &or t)e 7udge$ %)o i$$ued t)e %arrant$ to )ave &ound t)e ei$tence o& pro-a-le cau$e, &or t)e $a*e pre$uppo$e$ t)e introduction o& co*petent proo& t)at t)e part again$t %)o* it i$ $oug)t )a$ per&or*ed particular act$, or co**itted specific o*i$$ion$, violating a given provi$ion o& our cri*inal la%$. "$ a *atter o& &act, t)e application$ involved in t)i$ ca$e do not allege an $peci&ic act$ per&or*ed
- )erein petitioner$. It %ould -e t)e legal )ere$, o& t)e )ig)e$t order, to convict an-od o& a Kviolation o& entral an( Da%$, +ari&& and u$to*$ Da%$, Internal Revenue =ode> and Revi$ed enal ode,K L a$ alleged in t)e a&ore*entioned application$ L %it)out re&erence to an deter*inate provi$ion o& $aid la%$ or
+o up)old t)e validit o& t)e %arrant$ in ue$tion %ould -e to %ipe out co*pletel one o& t)e *o$t &unda*ental rig)t$ guaranteed in our on$titution, &or it %ould place t)e $anctit o& t)e do*icile and t)e privac o& co**unication and corre$pondence at t)e *erc o& t)e %)i*$ caprice or pa$$ion o& peace o&&icer$. +)i$ i$ preci$el t)e evil $oug)t to -e re*edied - t)e con$titutional provi$ion a-ove uoted L to outla% t)e $ocalled general %arrant$.
') AR0ENIO VER&ARA VALDE: v. %EO%LE OF /"E %"ILI%%INE0 &.R. No 1'1
Nove64er $+, $'
Fats! auti$ta te$ti&ied t)at at around 8:00 to 8:30 p.*. o& 1H Carc) 2003, )e %a$ conducting t)e routine patrol along t)e ational ig)%a in aranga San enito orte, "ringa, Da @nion toget)er %it) "rata$ and !rdoNo %)en t)e noticed petitioner, lugging a -ag, alig)t &ro* a *ini-u$. +)e tanods o-$erved t)at petitioner, %)o appeared $u$piciou$ to t)e*, $ee*ed to -e loo(ing &or $o*et)ing. +)e t)u$ approac)ed )i* -ut t)e latter purportedl atte*pted to run a%a. +)e c)a$ed )i*, put )i* under arre$t and t)erea&ter -roug)t )i* to t)e )ou$e o& aranga aptain %)ere )e, a$ averred - auti$ta, %a$ ordered - Cercado to open )i$ -ag. etitioner$ -ag allegedl contained a pair o& deni* pant$, eig)teen piece$ o& eggplant and dried *ari7uana leave$ %rapped in ne%$paper and cellop)ane. It %a$ t)en t)at petitioner %a$ ta(en to t)e police $tation &or &urt)er inve$tigation.
R+ convicted t)e accu$ed &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$, a&ter dried *ari7uana leave$ %ere &ound in )i$ po$$e$$ion - t)ree -aranga tanod$ %)o *ade a $earc) on )i*. etitioner denied o%ner$)ip and purported t)at )e )ad 7u$t alig)ted &ro* t)e -u$ %)en one o& t)e -aranga tanod$ approac)ed )i* and reue$ted to $ee t)e content$ o& )i$ -ag$. +)e accu$ed %a$ t)en -roug)t - t)e t)ree tanod$ to t)e )ou$e o& rg. aptain Cercado, %)o again ordered to )ave t)e -ag opened. #uring %)ic), t)e dried *ari7uana leave$ %ere &ound. etitioner pra$ &or )i$ acuittal ue$tioning, alt)oug) &or t)e &ir$t ti*e on appeal, t)at )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t %a$ e&&ected unla%&ull and t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) t)at &ollo%ed %a$ li(e%i$e contrar to la%. Issue!
)et)er or not t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o& t)e -ag - t)e -rg. +anod$ %a$ li(e%i$e contrar to la%M
" $topand&ri$( $ituation, &ollo%ing "erry v. #hio , *u$t precede a %arrantle$$ arre$t, -e li*ited to t)e per$on$ outer clot)ing, and $)ould -e grounded upon a genuine rea$on, in lig)t o& t)e police o&&icer$ eperience and $urrounding condition$, to %arrant t)e -elie& t)at t)e per$on detained )a$ %eapon$ concealed a-out )i*. Coreover, in eople v. aclaan, t)e ourt )eld t)at, a %aiver o& an illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t doe$ not al$o *ean a %aiver o& t)e inad*i$$i-ilit o& evidence $ei/ed during an illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t. +)e &ollo%ing $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ are dee*ed per*i$$i-le - 7uri$prudence: =1> $earc) o& *oving ve)icle$ =2> $ei/ure in plain vie% =3> cu$to*$ $earc)e$ =4> %aiver or con$ent $earc)e$ =5> $top and &ri$( $ituation$ =+err Searc)> and =6> $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. )en petitioner %a$ arre$ted %it)out a %arrant, )e %a$ neit)er caug)t in &lagrante delicto co**itting a cri*e nor %a$ t)e arre$t e&&ected in )ot pur$uit. 'eril, it cannot t)ere&ore -e rea$ona-l argued t)at t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) conducted on petitioner %a$ incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. #ou-tle$$, t)e con$titutional i**unit again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ i$ a per$onal rig)t %)ic) *a -e %aived. +)e con$ent *u$t -e voluntar in order to validate an ot)er%i$e illegal detention and $earc), i.e., t)e con$ent i$ uneuivocal, $peci&ic, and intelligentl given, unconta*inated - an dure$$ or coercion. ence, con$ent to a $earc) i$ not to -e lig)tl in&erred, -ut *u$t -e $)o%n - clear and convincing evidence. +)e ue$tion %)et)er a con$ent to a $earc) %a$ in &act voluntar i$ a ue$tion o& &act to -e deter*ined &ro* t)e totalit o& all t)e circu*$tance$. Relevant to t)i$ deter*ination are t)e &ollo%ing c)aracteri$tic$ o& t)e per$on giving con$ent and t)e environ*ent in %)ic) con$ent i$ given: =1> t)e age o& t)e de&endant? =2> %)et)er )e %a$ in a pu-lic or $ecluded
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