Criminal Procedure : Case Digests for Search ad Seizure

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Digested Cases in Criminal Procedure regarding Search and Seizure...


petitioner, i$ t)e $a*e pro)i-ited drug t)at %a$ &ound in )i$ cu$tod and po$$e$$ion %)en )e %a$ appre)ended at t)e predeparture area o& t)e airport in t)e *orning o& Ca 24, 2003. In a pro$ecution &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$, t)e &ollo%ing &act$ *u$t -e proven %it) *oral certaint: =1> t)at t)e accu$ed i$ in po$$e$$ion o& t)e o-7ect identi&ied a$ pro)i-ited or regulated drug? =2> t)at $uc) po$$e$$ion i$ not aut)ori/ed - la%? and =3> t)at t)e accu$ed &reel and con$ciou$l po$$e$$ed t)e $aid drug. +)e pro$ecution )a$ $ati$&actoril e$ta-li$)ed t)at airport $ecurit o&&icer$ &ound in t)e per$on o& petitioner t)e *ari7uana &ruiting top$ contained in rolled paper $tic($ during t)e &inal $ecurit c)ec( at t)e airport$ predeparture area. In People v. 'ohnson, %)ic) al$o involved $ei/ure o& a dangerou$ drug &ro* a pa$$enger during a routine &ri$( at t)e airport, t)i$ ourt ruled t)at $uc) evidence o-tained in a %arrantle$$ $earc) %a$ acuired legiti*atel pur$uant to airport $ecurit procedure$, t)u$: er$on$ *a lo$e t)e protection o& t)e $earc) and $ei/ure clau$e - epo$ure o& t)eir per$on$ or propert to t)e pu-lic in a *anner re&lecting a lac( o& $u-7ective epectation o& privac, %)ic) epectation $ociet i$ prepared to recogni/e a$ rea$ona-le. Suc) recognition i$ i*plicit in airport $ecurit procedure$. it) increa$ed concern over  airplane )i7ac(ing and terrori$* )a$ co*e increa$ed $ecurit at t)e nation$ airport$. a$$enger$ atte*pting to -oard an aircra&t routinel pa$$ t)roug) *etal detector$? t)eir carron -aggage a$ %ell a$ c)ec(ed luggage are routinel $u-7ected to ra $can$. S)ould t)e$e procedure$ $ugge$t t)e pre$ence o& $u$piciou$ o-7ect$, p)$ical $earc)e$ are conducted to deter*ine %)at t)e o-7ect$ are. +)ere i$ little ue$tion t)at $uc) $earc)e$ are rea$ona-le, given t)eir *ini*al intru$ivene$$, t)e gravit o& t)e $a&et intere$t$ involved, and t)e reduced privac epectation$ a$$ociated %it) airline travel. Indeed, traveler$ are o&ten noti&ied t)roug) airport pu-lic addre$$ $$te*$, $ign$, and notice$ in t)eir airline tic(et$ t)at t)e are $u-7ect to $earc) and, i& an pro)i-ited *aterial$ or $u-$tance$ are &ound, $uc) %ould -e $u-7ect to $ei/ure. +)e$e announce*ent$ place pa$$enger$ on notice t)at ordinar con$titutional protection$ again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ do not appl to routine airport procedure$. etitioner contention t)at &ri$(ing pa$$enger$ at t)e airport i$ a $tandard procedure -ut a$$ail$ t)e conduct o& Soriano and !1 +rotaartolo*e in $ingling )i* out - *a(ing )i* $tretc) out )i$ ar*$ and e*pt )i$ poc(et$. etitioner -elieve$ $uc) *eticulou$ $earc) %a$ unnece$$ar -ecau$e, a$ Soriano )i*$el& te$ti&ied, t)ere %a$ no -eep $ound %)en petitioner %al(ed pa$t t)roug) t)e *etal detector and )ence not)ing $u$piciou$ %a$ indicated - t)at initial $ecurit c)ec(. +)e court &ound no irregularit in t)e $earc) conducted on petitioner %)o %a$ a$(ed to e*pt t)e content$ o& )i$ poc(et$ upon t)e &ri$(er$ rea$ona-le -elie& t)at %)at )e &elt in )i$ )and %)ile &ri$(ing petitioner$ $)ort pant$ %a$ a pro)i-ited or illegal $u-$tance. Suc) $earc) %a$ *ade pur$uant to routine airport $ecurit procedure, %)ic) i$ allo%ed under Section 9 o& R.". o. 6235. Said provi$ion read$: S;. 9. ;ver tic(et i$$ued to a pa$$enger - t)e airline or air carrier concerned $)all contain a*ong ot)er$ t)e &ollo%ing condition printed t)ereon: K(older hereof and his hand)carried luggage*s+ are subject to search for, and seizure of, prohibited  materials or substances. (older refusing to be searched shall not be allowed to board the aircraft, K %)ic) $)all con$titute a part o& t)e contract -et%een t)e pa$$enger and t)e air carrier. In eople v. Jo)n$on, t)e ourt$ ruling %a$ al$o applied in eople v. anton: )ere t)e accu$ed, a &e*ale pa$$enger %a$ &ri$(ed at t)e "I" a&ter pa$$ing t)roug) t)e *etal detector -oot) t)at e*itted a -eeping $ound. Since t)e &ri$(er noticed $o*et)ing -ulging at accu$ed$ a-do*en, t)ig)$ and genital area, %)ic) &elt li(e pac(age$ containing rice granule$, accu$ed %a$ $u-7ected to a t)oroug) p)$ical ea*ination in$ide t)e ladie$ roo*. +)ree $ealed pac(age$ %ere ta(en &ro* accu$ed$ -od %)ic) %)en $u-*itted &or la-orator ea*ination ielded po$itive re$ult$ &or *et)a*p)eta*ine )droc)loride or shabu.  "ccu$ed %a$ &ort)%it) arre$ted and pro$ecuted &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& a regulated drug.  "&&ir*ing accu$ed anton$ conviction &or t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& shabu, %e ruled t)at accu$ed appellant %a$ la%&ull arre$ted %it)out a %arrant a&ter -eing caug)t in flagrante delicto. e &urt)er )eld t)at t)e $cope o& a $earc) pur$uant to airport $ecurit procedure i$ not con&ined onl to $earc) &or %eapon$ under t)e K+err $earc)K1  doctrine. +)e *ore eten$ive $earc) conducted on accu$ed anton %a$ nece$$itated - t)e di$cover o& pac(age$ on )er -od, )er  appre)en$ivene$$ and &al$e $tate*ent$ %)ic) arou$ed t)e $u$picion o& t)e &ri$(er t)at $)e %a$ )iding $o*et)ing illegal. +)u$:   . It *u$t -e repeated t)at R.". o. 6235 aut)ori/e$ sear; for pro;4te# 6aterals or su4stanes . +o li*it t)e action o& t)e airport $ecurit per$onnel to $i*pl re&u$ing )er entr into t)e aircra&t and $ending )er )o*e =a$ $ugge$ted - appellant>, and t)ere- depriving t)e* o& Kt)e a-ilit and &acilit to act accordingl, including to &urt)er $earc) %it)out %arrant, in lig)t o& $uc) circu*$tance$, %ould -e to $anction i*potence and ine&&ectivit in la% en&orce*ent, to t)e detri*ent o& $ociet.K +)u$, t)e $trip $earc) in t)e ladie$ roo* %a$ 7u$ti&ied under t)e circu*$tance$. +)e $earc) o& t)e content$ o& petitioner$ $)ort pant$ poc(et$ -eing a valid $earc) pur$uant to routine airport $ecurit procedure, t)e illegal $u-$tance =*ari7uana> $ei/ed &ro* )i* %a$ t)ere&ore ad*i$$i-le in evidence. etitioner$ reluctance to $)o% t)e content$ o&

)i$ $)ort pant$ poc(et a&ter t)e &ri$(er$ )and &elt t)e rolled paper$ containing *ari7uana, and )i$ nervou$ de*eanor arou$ed t)e $u$picion o& t)e arre$ting o&&icer$ t)at )e %a$ indeed carring an ite* or *aterial $u-7ect to con&i$cation - t)e $aid aut)oritie$. +)e ourt &ind$ no *erit in petitioner$ argu*ent t)at t)e nonpre$entation o& S!2 !lande$ca and !2 o7illa a$ %itne$$e$ i$ &atal to t)e pro$ecution$ ca$e.

++.) L@: v$.%EO%LE OF /"E %"ILI%%INE0 &.R. No. 1-'' Fe4ruary $-, $1$ Fats! !2 ;**anuel D. "lte/a, t)en a$$igned at t)e Su-Station 1 o& t)e aga it olice Station a$ a tra&&ic en&orcer, )e $a% t)e accu$ed, %)o %a$ co*ing &ro* t)e direction o& angani-an #rive and going to #iver$ion Road,aga it, driving a *otorccle %it)out a )el*et. +)i$ pro*pted )i* to &lag do%n t)e accu$ed &or violating a *unicipal ordinance %)ic) reuire$ all *otorccle driver$ to %ear  )el*et %)ile driving $aid *otor ve)icle. )ile )e and S!1 Ra&ord rillante %ere i$$uing a citation tic(et &or violation o& *unicipal ordinance, )e noticed t)at t)e accu$ed %a$ unea$ and (ept on getting $o*et)ing &ro* )i$ 7ac(et. e %a$ on t)e alert and $o, )e told t)e accu$ed to ta(e out t)e content$ o& t)e poc(et o& )i$ 7ac(et a$ t)e latter *a )ave a %eapon in$ide it. +)e accu$ed o-liged and $lo%l put out t)e content$ o& t)e poc(et o& )i$ 7ac(et %)ic) %a$ a nic(elli(e tin or *etal container a-out t%o =2> to t)ree =3> inc)e$ in $i/e, including t%o =2> cellp)one$, one =1> pair o& $ci$$or$ and one =1> S%i$$ (ni&e. @pon $eeing t)e $aid container, )e a$(ed t)e accu$ed to open it. +)e accu$ed opened t)e container, )e noticed a cartoon cover and $o*et)ing -eneat) it and upon )i$ in$truction, t)e accu$ed $pilled out t)e content$ o& t)e container on t)e ta-le %)ic) turned out to -e &our =4> pla$tic $ac)et$, t)e t%o =2> o& %)ic) %ere e*pt %)ile t)e ot)er t%o =2> contained $u$pected $)a-u

etitioner %a$ convicted &or violation o& +)e #angerou$ #rug$ la%. etitioner clai*$ t)at t)ere %a$ no la%&ul $earc) and $ei/ure, -ecau$e t)ere %a$ no la%&ul arre$t. e clai*$ t)at t)e &inding t)at t)ere %a$ a la%&ul arre$t %a$ erroneou$, $ince )e %a$ not even i$$ued a citation tic(et or c)arged %it) violation o& t)e cit ordinance. ;ven a$$u*ing t)ere %a$ a valid arre$t, )e clai*$ t)at )e )ad never con$ented to t)e $earc) conducted upon )i*. Issue!

)et)er or not t)ere %a$ no la%&ul $earc) and $ei/ure, -ecau$e t)ere %a$ no la%&ul arre$t.

o, t)ere %a$ no valid arre$t o& petitioner. )en )e %a$ &lagged do%n &or co**itting a tra&&ic violation, )e %a$ not, ip$o &acto "el#! and $olel &or t)i$ rea$on, arre$ted. "rre$t i$ t)e ta(ing o& a per$on into cu$tod in order t)at )e or $)e *a -e -ound to an$%er &or t)e co**i$$ion o& an o&&en$e It i$ e&&ected - an actual re$traint o& t)e per$on to -e arre$ted or - t)at per$on$ voluntar $u-*i$$ion to t)e cu$tod o& t)e one *a(ing t)e arre$t. eit)er t)e application o& actual &orce, *anual touc)ing o& t)e -od, or p)$ical re$traint, nor a &or*al declaration o&  arre$t, i$ reuired. It i$ enoug) t)at t)ere -e an intention on t)e part o& one o& t)e partie$ to arre$t t)e ot)er, and t)at t)ere -e an intent on t)e part o& t)e ot)er to $u-*it, under t)e -elie& and i*pre$$ion t)at $u-*i$$ion i$ nece$$ar. @nder R.". 4136, or t)e Dand +ran$portation and +ra&&ic ode, t)e general procedure &or dealing %it) a tra&&ic violation i$ not t)e arre$t o& t)e o&&ender, -ut t)e con&i$cation o& t)e driver$ licen$e o& t)e latter. +)ere -eing no valid arre$t, t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) t)at re$ulted &ro* it %a$ li(e%i$e illegal.+)e &ollo%ing are t)e in$tance$ %)en a %arrantle$$ $earc) i$ allo%ed: =i> a %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t? =ii> $earc) o& evidence in Aplain vie%?B =iii> $earc) o& a *oving ve)icle? =iv> con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? =v>cu$to*$ $earc)? =vi> a A$top and &ri$(B $earc)? and =vii> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. one o& t)e a-ove*entioned in$tance$, e$peciall a $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t, are applica-le to t)i$ ca$e. It *u$t -e noted t)at t)e evidence $ei/ed, alt)oug) alleged to -e inadvertentl di$covered, %a$ not in Aplain vie%.B It %a$ actuall concealed in$ide a *etal container in$ide petitioner$ poc(et. learl, t)e evidence %a$ not i**ediatel apparent. eit)er %a$ t)ere a con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc). eit)er doe$ t)e $earc) uali& under t)e A$top and &ri$(B rule. )ile t)e rule nor*all applie$ %)en a police o&&icer  o-$erve$ $u$piciou$ or unu$ual conduct, %)ic) *a lead )i* to -elieve t)at a cri*inal act *a -e a&oot, t)e $top and &ri$( i$ *erel a li*ited protective $earc) o& outer clot)ing &or %eapon$. +)e &oregoing con$idered, petitioner *u$t -e acuitted. )ile )e *a )ave &ailed to o-7ect to t)e illegalit o& )i$ arre$t at t)e earlie$t opportunit, a %aiver o& an illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t doe$ not, )o%ever, *ean a %aiver o& t)e inad*i$$i-ilit o& evidence $ei/ed during t)e illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t. +)e on$titution guarantee$ t)e rig)t o& t)e people to -e $ecure in t)eir per$on$, )ou$e$, paper$ and e&&ect$ again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$. "n evidence o-tained in violation o& $aid rig)t $)all -e inad*i$$i-le &or an purpo$e in an proceeding. )ile t)e po%er to $earc) and $ei/e *a at ti*e$ -e nece$$ar to t)e pu-lic %el&are, $till it *u$t -e eerci$ed and t)e la% i*ple*ented %it)out contravening t)e con$titutional rig)t$ o& citi/en$, &or t)e en&orce*ent o& no $tatute i$ o&  $u&&icient i*portance to 7u$ti& indi&&erence to t)e -a$ic principle$ o& govern*ent. +)e $u-7ect ite*$ $ei/ed during t)e illegal arre$t are inad*i$$i-le. +)e drug$ are t)e ver corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. +)u$, t)eir inad*i$$i-ilit preclude$ conviction and call$ &or t)e acuittal o& t)e accu$ed

+(.) %EO%LE v. VILLAREAL &.R. No. $1+7+ 5ar; 1, $1+ Fats! !n #ece*-er 25, 2006 in t)e *orning, a$ !3 Renato de Deon %a$ driving )i$ *otorccle on )i$ %a )o*e along 5t)  "venue, )e $a% appellant &ro* a di$tance o& a-out 8 to 10 *eter$, )olding and $crutini/ing in )i$ )and a pla$tic $ac)et o& $)a-u. !3 de Deon, a *e*-er o& t)e Station "ntiIllegal #rug$Special !peration @nit =S"I#S!@> in aloocan it, alig)ted &ro* )i$ *otorccle and approac)ed t)e appellant %)o* )e recogni/ed a$ $o*eone )e )ad previou$l arre$ted &or illegal drug po$$e$$ion. @pon $eeing

!3 de Deon, appellant tried to e$cape -ut %a$ uic(l appre)ended %it) t)e )elp o& a triccle driver. #e$pite appellant$ atte*pt$ to re$i$t arre$t, !3 de Deon %a$ a-le to -oard appellant onto )i$ *otorccle and con&i$cate t)e pla$tic $ac)et o& $)a-u in )i$ po$$e$$ion. !3 de Deon -roug)t appellant to t)e 9t) "venue olice Station to &i )i$ )andcu&&$, and t)en t)e proceeded to t)e S"I#S!@ o&&ice %)ere !3 de Deon *ar(ed t)e $ei/ed pla$tic $ac)et. Su-$euentl, !3 de Deon turned over t)e *ar(ed evidence a$ %ell a$ t)e per$on o& appellant to t)e inve$tigator, !2 Randul&o ipolito =!2 ipolito> %)o, in turn, eecuted an ac(no%ledg*ent receipt and prepared a letter reue$t &or t)e la-orator ea*ination o& t)e $ei/ed $u-$tance. !2 ipolito per$onall delivered t)e reue$t and t)e con&i$cated ite* to t)e )ilippine ational olice => ri*e Da-orator, %)ic) %ere received - olice Senior  In$pector "l-ert "rturo =SI "rturo>, t)e &oren$ic c)e*i$t. @pon ualitative ea*ination it te$ted po$itive &or *et)la*p)eta*ine )droc)loride, a dangerou$ drug. on$euentl, appellant %a$ c)arged &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. )en arraigned, appellant entered a plea o&  not guilt to t)e o&&en$e )e %a$ c)arged. Su-$euentl, )e %a$ -roug)t to t)e Sangandaan eaduarter$ %)ere t%o ot)er police o&&icer$, %)o$e na*e$ )e recalled %ere KCic)elleK and Kipolito,K too( )i* to t)e )eaduarter$ &iring range. +)ere, )e %a$ &orced to an$%er ue$tion$ a-out a $tolen cellp)one, &iring a gun rig)t -e$ide )i$ ear eac) ti*e )e &ailed to an$%er and eventuall *auling )i* %)en )e continued to den (no%ledge a-out t)e cellp)one."ppellant $u$tained )ead in7urie$ and -roug)t to t)e #io$dado Cacapagal o$pital &or treat*ent. +)e &ollo%ing da, )e under%ent inue$t proceeding$ -e&ore i$cal Guia-, %)o in&or*ed )i* t)at )e %a$ -eing c)arged %it) re$i$ting arre$t and KSection 11.K +)e &ir$t c)arge %a$ eventuall di$*i$$ed. +)e R+ convicted appellant,&inding t)at all t)e ele*ent$ o& t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$ )ave -een e$ta-li$)ed. inding no ill *otive on t)e part o& !3 de Deon to te$ti& &al$el again$t appellant, coupled %it) t)e &act t)at t)e &or*er  )ad previou$l arre$ted t)e latter &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& drug$ under Repu-lic "ct o. 6425 =R" 6425>, t)e R+ gave &ull &ait) and credit to !3 de Deon$ te$ti*on. Coreover, t)e R+ &ound t)e plain vie% doctrine to -e applica-le, a$ t)e con&i$cated ite* %a$ in plain vie% o& !3 de Deon at t)e place and ti*e o& t)e arre$t. +)e " $u$tained appellant$ conviction, &inding Ka clear ca$e o& in &lagrante delicto %arrantle$$ arre$tK a$ provided under Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e Revi$ed Rule$ o& ri*inal rocedure. +)e " )eld t)at appellant Ke)i-ited an overt act or $trange conduct t)at %ould rea$ona-l arou$e $u$picion,K aggravated - t)e ei$tence o& )i$ pa$t cri*inal citation$ and )i$ atte*pt to &lee %)en !3 de Deon approac)ed )i*. iting 7uri$prudence, t)e appellate court li(e%i$e ruled t)at t)e pro$ecution )ad adeuatel $)o%n t)e continuou$ and un-ro(en c)ain o& cu$tod o& t)e $ei/ed ite*, &ro* t)e ti*e it %a$ con&i$cated &ro* appellant - !3 de Deon, *ar(ed at t)e police $tation, turned over to !2 ipolito and delivered to t)e cri*e la-orator, %)ere it %a$ received - SI "rturo, t)e &oren$ic c)e*i$t, up to t)e ti*e it %a$ pre$ented in court &or proper identi&ication.

Issue!  "-$ent an ot)er circu*$tance upon %)ic) to anc)or a la%&ul arre$t, no ot)er overt act could -e properl attri-uted to appellant a$ to rou$e $u$picion in t)e *ind o& !3 de Deon t)at )e =appellant> )ad 7u$t co**itted, %a$ co**itting, or %a$ a-out to co**it a cri*e, &or t)e act$ per $e o& %al(ing along t)e $treet and ea*ining $o*et)ing in one$ )and$ cannot in an %a -e con$idered cri*inal act$. In &act, even i& appellant )ad -een e)i-iting unu$ual or $trange act$, or at t)e ver lea$t appeared $u$piciou$, t)e $a*e %ould not )ave -een $u&&icient in order &or !3 de Deon to e&&ect a la%&ul %arrantle$$ arre$t under paragrap) =a> o& Section 5, Rule 113.

eit)er )a$ it -een e$ta-li$)ed t)at t)e rigorou$ condition$ $et &ort) in paragrap) =-> o& Section 5, Rule 113 )ave -een co*plied %it), i.e., t)at an o&&en$e )ad in &act 7u$t -een co**itted and t)e arre$ting o&&icer )ad per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ indicating t)at t)e appellant )ad co**itted it. In &ine, appellant$ act$ o& %al(ing along t)e $treet and )olding $o*et)ing in )i$ )and$, even i& t)e appeared to -e du-iou$, coupled %it) )i$ previou$ cri*inal c)arge &or t)e $a*e o&&en$e, are not - t)e*$elve$ $u&&icient to incite $u$picion o& cri*inal activit or to create pro-a-le cau$e enoug) to 7u$ti& a %arrantle$$ arre$t under Section 5 a-oveuoted. urt)er*ore, appellant$ act o& darting a%a %)en !3 de Deon approac)ed )i* $)ould not -e con$trued again$t )i*. lig)t per $e i$ not $non*ou$ %it) guilt and *u$t not al%a$ -e attri-uted to one$ con$ciou$ne$$ o& guilt. on$euentl, t)ere -eing no la%&ul %arrantle$$ arre$t, t)e $)a-u purportedl $ei/ed &ro* appellant i$ rendered inad*i$$i-le in evidence &or -eing t)e prover-ial &ruit o& t)e poi$onou$ tree. "$ t)e con&i$cated $)a-u i$ t)e ver corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e c)arged, appellant *u$t -e acuitted and eonerated &ro* all cr i*inal lia-ilit. +3.) FELICIANO &ALVAN/E v. "ON. ORLANDO C. CA0I5IRO &.R. No. 17$ Aprl $$, $ Fats! In t)e a&ternoon o& Ca 14, 2001 at Sitio a)ian, apatungan, +rento, "gu$an del Sur, private re$pondent$ con&i$cated &ro* petitioner one colt pi$tol $uper .38 auto*atic %it) $erial no. 6H9H3, one $)ort *aga/ine, and nine $uper .38 live a**unition$. +)e con&i$cated *aterial$ %ere covered - an epired Ce*orandu* Receipt. on$euentl, t)e "$$i$tant rovincial ro$ecutor &iled again$t petitioner an In&or*ation or Illegal o$$e$$ion o& irear*$ and "**unition$ in Relation to o**i$$ion on ;lection$ =o*elec> Re$olution o. 3258, doc(eted a$ ri*inal a$e o. 504H, -e&ore t)e Regional +rial ourt =R+>, ro$peridad, "gu$an del Sur. ending re$olution o& ri*inal a$e o. 504H, petitioner &iled again$t private re$pondent$ an ad*ini$trative ca$e, doc(eted a$

 "d*ini$trative a$e o. I"S!02000H &or Grave Ci$conduct, -e&ore t)e Internal "&&air$ Service =I"S>, Region EIII, #epart*ent o&  Interior and Docal Govern*ent =#IDG>?and a cri*inal ca$e, doc(eted a$ !C020109 &or "r-itrar #etention, Illegal Searc) and Grave +)reat$, -e&ore t)e !*-ud$*an. etitioner alleged t)at upon arrival at t)e )ou$e o& retired police ercival la/a, toget)er %it) Doren/o Sanoria, #el&in Ra*ire/ and edro Ra*a$, e i**ediatel %ent do%n o& t)e 7eep -ut -e&ore )e could call Cr. la/a, &our police*en in uni&or* -loc(ed )i$ %a. i$ ot)er co*panion$ on t)e 7eep al$o %ent do%n and rai$ed t)eir ar*$ and $)o%ed t)eir %ai$tline %)en t)e $a*e police*en and a per$on in civilian attire )olding an ar*alite al$o pointed t)eir &irear*$ to t)e* to %)ic) Cr. ercival la/a %)o ca*e do%n &ro* )i$ )ou$e told t)e* not to )ara$$ *e a$ I a* al$o a &or*er police o&&icer -ut t)e did not )eed Cr. la/a$ $tate*ent$. )ile %e %ere rai$ing our ar*$ Qprivate re$pondent S!4 en7a*in onde, Jr. %ent near * o%ner tpe 7eep and conducted a $earc). +o %)ic) I a$(ed t)e* i& t)e )ave an $earc) %arrant. +)at a&ter a %)ile t)e $a% t)e $uper .38 pi$tol under t)e &loor *at o&  t)e petitioner$ 7eep and a$(ed &or t)e CR o& t)e &irear* -ut due to &ear t)at t)eir long ar*$ %ere $till pointed to t)e*, e $earc)ed )i$ %allet and gave t)e a$(ed docu*ent. e &urt)er alleged t)at )e %a$ detained - olice )ie& Rocacor-a &or t%o da$ )aving -een relea$ed onl a&ter po$ing a -ail. on$euentl, petitioner &iled an "&&idavit o& #e$i$tance %it) -ot) t)e I"S and !*-ud$*an a-$olving private re$pondent$  "venido, #egran, Ru&ano and alolot, -ut *aintaining t)e private re$pondent onde alone -e pro$ecuted in -ot) ad*ini$trative and cri*inal ca$e$. +)e I"S t)en i$$ued a #eci$ion &inding all private re$pondent$ guilt o& grave *i$conduct even i& t)e %ere *erel -eing ent)u$ia$tic in t)e conduct o& t)e arre$t in line o& dut. +)e R+ di$*i$$ed t)e ca$e again$t t)e petitioner. !n t)e ot)er )and, t)e !*-ud$*an di$*i$$ed t)e c)arge$ again$t private re$pondent$ &or lac( o& pro-a-le cau$e. Issue!

)et)er or not t)e !*-ud$*an properl di$*i$$ed t)e cri*inal co*plaint$ &iled again$t t)e private re$pondent$.



 u-lic re$pondent$ di$*i$$al o& t)e cri*inal co*plaint &or illegal $earc) %)ic) petitioner &iled %it) t)e !*-ud$*an again$t private re$pondent$ %a$ proper, alt)oug) t)e rea$on$ pu-lic re$pondent$ cited &or di$*i$$ing t)e co*plaint are rat)er o&& t)e *ar( -ecau$e t)e relied $olel on t)e &inding t)at t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) conducted - private re$pondent$ %a$ valid and t)at t)e "&&idavit o& #e$i$tance %)ic) petitioner eecuted ca$t dou-t on t)e veracit o& )i$ co*plaint. u-lic re$pondent$ co*pletel overloo(ed t)e &act t)at t)e cri*inal co*plaint %a$ not cogni/a-le - t)e !*-ud$*an a$ illegal $earc) i$ not a cri*inal o&&en$e. evert)ele$$, t)e re$ult ac)ieved i$ t)e $a*e: t)e di$*i$$al o& a groundle$$ cri*inal co*plaint &or illegal $earc) %)ic) i$ not an o&&en$e under t)e R. +)u$, t)e ourt need not re$olve t)e i$$ue o& %)et)er or not pu-lic re$pondent$ erred in t)eir &inding on t)e validit o& t)e $earc) &or t)at i$$ue i$ co*pletel )pot)etical under t)e circu*$tance. +)e on$titution ve$t$ in t)e !*-ud$*an t)e po%er to deter*ine %)et)er t)ere ei$t$ rea$ona-le ground to -elieve t)at a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e accu$ed i$ pro-a-l guilt t)ereo& and, t)erea&ter, to &ile t)e corre$ponding in&or*ation %it) t)e appropriate court$. +)e ourt re$pect$ t)e relative autono* o& t)e !*-ud$*an to inve$tigate and pro$ecute, and re&rain$ &ro* inter&ering %)en t)e latter eerci$e$ $uc) po%er$ eit)er directl or t)roug) t)e #eput !*-ud$*an, ecept %)en t)e $a*e i$ $)o%n to -e tainted %it) grave a-u$e o& di$cretion a*ounting to lac( or ece$$ o& 7uri$diction. It i$ noted t)at t)e cri*inal co*plaint %)ic) petitioner &iled %it) t)e !*-ud$*an c)arge$ private re$pondent$ %it) %arrantle$$ $earc), ar-itrar detention, and grave t)reat$. +)e co*plaint &or =arrantless sear; c)arge$ no cri*inal o&&en$e. +)e conduct o& a %arrantle$$ $earc) i$ not a cri*inal act &or it i$ not penali/ed under t)e Revi$ed enal ode =R> or an ot)er $pecial la%. )at t)e R puni$)e$ are onl t%o &or*$ o&  $earc)e$:  "rt. 129. $earch warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those legally obtained .  In addition to t)e lia-ilit attac)ing to t)e o&&ender &or t)e co**i$$ion o& an ot)er o&&en$e, t)e penalt o& arresto mayor   in it$ *ai*u* period to  prision correccional   in it$ *ini*u* period and a &ine not eceeding 1,000.00 pe$o$ $)all -e i*po$ed upon an pu-lic o&&icer  or e*ploee %)o $)all procure a $earc) %arrant %it)out 7u$t cau$e, or, )aving legall procured t)e $a*e, $)all eceed )i$ aut)orit or u$e unnece$$ar $everit in eecuting t)e $a*e.  "rt. 130. $earching domicile without witnesses.  +)e penalt o&   arresto mayor   in it$ *ediu* and *ai*u* period$ $)all -e i*po$ed upon a pu-lic o&&icer or e*ploee %)o, in ca$e$ %)ere a $earc) i$ proper, $)all $earc) t)e do*icile, paper$ or ot)er  -elonging$ o& an per$on, in t)e a-$ence o& t)e latter, an *e*-er o& )i$ &a*il, or in t)eir de&ault, %it)out t)e pre$ence o& t%o %itne$$e$ re$iding in t)e $a*e localit. etitioner did not allege an o& t)e ele*ent$ o& t)e &oregoing &elonie$ in )i$ "&&idavito*plaint? rat)er, )e accu$ed private re$pondent$ o& conducting a $earc) on )i$ ve)icle %it)out -eing ar*ed %it) a valid %arrant. +)i$ $ituation, %)ile la*enta-le, i$ not covered -  "rticle$ 129 and 130 o& t)e R.

+7.) 0OCIAL *@0/ICE 0OCIE/9 0*0) v. DAN&ERO@0 DR@&0 >OARD  %DEA

GR$. 15H8H0, 158633 and 161658 Nove64er +, $ Fats! In 2002, Repu-lic "ct o. 9165 or t)e Comprehensive angerous rugs %ct of -- %a$ i*ple*ented. Section 36 t)ereo&  reuire$ *andator drug te$ting o& candidate$ &or pu-lic o&&ice, $tudent$ o& $econdar and tertiar $c)ool$, o&&icer$ and e*ploee$ o&  pu-lic and private o&&ice$, and per$on$ c)arged -e&ore t)e pro$ecutor$ o&&ice %it) certain o&&en$e$.

In #ece*-er 2003, !C;D; i$$ued Re$olution o. 6486, pre$cri-ing t)e rule$ and regulation$ on t)e *andator drug te$ting o& candidate$ &or pu-lic o&&ice in connection %it) t)e Ca 10, 2004 $nc)roni/ed national and local election$. "uilino i*entel, Jr., a $enator and a candidate &or reelection in t)e Ca election$, &iled a etition &or ertiorari and ro)i-ition under Rule 65. In it, )e $ee($ =1> to nulli& Sec. 36=g> o& R" 9165 and !C;D; Re$olution o. 6486 dated #ece*-er 23, 2003 &or -eing uncon$titutional in t)at t)e i*po$e a uali&ication &or candidate$ &or $enator$ in addition to t)o$e alread provided &or in t)e 198H on$titution? and =2> to en7oin t)e !C;D; &ro* i*ple*enting Re$olution o. 6486.  "ccording to i*entel, t)e on$titution onl pre$cri-e$ a *ai*u* o& &ive =5> uali&ication$ &or one to -e a candidate &or, elected to, and -e a *e*-er o& t)e Senate. e $a$ t)at -ot) t)e ongre$$ and !C;D;, - reuiring, via R" 9165 and Re$olution o. 6486, a $enatorial a$pirant, a*ong ot)er candidate$, to undergo a *andator drug te$t, create an additional uali&ication t)at all candidate$ &or $enator *u$t &ir$t -e certi&ied a$ drug &ree. e add$ t)at t)ere i$ no provi$ion in t)e on$titution aut)ori/ing t)e ongre$$ or !C;D; to epand t)e uali&ication reuire*ent$ o& candidate$ &or $enator. Cean%)ile, SJS contend$ t)at Section 36=c>=d>=&> and =g> are con$titutionall in&ir* a$ it con$titute$ undue delegation o&  legi$lative po%er %)en t)e give un-ridled di$cretion to $c)ool$ and e*ploer$ to deter*ine t)e *anner o& drug te$ting. It al$o violate$ t)e eual protection clau$e a$ it can -e u$ed to )ara$$ a $tudent or e*ploee dee*ed unde$ira-le. +)e con$titutional rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ i$ al$o -reac)ed. In addition to t)e a-ove*entioned contention$, "tt. Canuel J. Da$erna, Jr., a$ a citi/en and tapaer$ *aintain$ t)at $aid provi$ion $)ould -e $truc( do%n a$ uncon$titutional &or in&ringing on t)e con$titutional rig)t to privac, t)e rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure, and t)e rig)t again$t $el&incri*ination, and &or -eing contrar to t)e due proce$$ and eual protection guarantee$. Issue! )et)er or not Sec 36 o& R" 9165 and Re$olution 6486 are con$titutional. =Section 36 =c> and =d> are con$titutional %)ile =&> and =g> are not > "el#!


o%ever, $ec. 36 W and =d> are valid. i*entel$ contention i$ valid. "ccordingl, Sec. 36 o& R" 9165 i$ uncon$titutional. It i$ -a$ic t)at i& a la% or an ad*ini$trative rule violate$ an nor* o& t)e on$titution, t)at i$$uance i$ null and void and )a$ no e&&ect. +)e on$titution i$ t)e -a$ic la% to %)ic) all la%$ *u$t con&or*? no act $)all -e valid i& it con&lict$ %it) t)e on$titution. In t)e di$c)arge o&  t)eir de&ined &unction$, t)e t)ree depart*ent$ o& govern*ent )ave no c)oice -ut to ield o-edience to t)e co**and$ o& t)e on$titution. )atever li*it$ it i*po$e$ *u$t -e o-$erved. +)e provi$ion A/n0o person elected to any public office shall enter upon the duties of his office until he has undergone mandatory drug test B i$ not tena-le a$ it enlarge$ t)e uali&ication$. !C;D; cannot, in t)e gui$e o& en&orcing and ad*ini$tering election la%$ or pro*ulgating rule$ and regulation$ to i*ple*ent Sec. 36, validl i*po$e uali&ication$ on candidate$ &or $enator in addition to %)at t)e on$titution pre$cri-e$. I& ongre$$ cannot reuire a candidate &or $enator to *eet $uc) additional uali&ication, t)e !C;D;, to -e $ure, i$ al$o %it)out $uc) po%er. +)e rig)t o& a citi/en in t)e de*ocratic proce$$ o& election $)ould not -e de&eated - un%arranted i*po$ition$ o& reuire*ent not ot)er%i$e $peci&ied in t)e on$titution. +)e rig)t to privac )a$ -een accorded recognition in t)i$ 7uri$diction a$ a &acet o& t)e rig)t protected - t)e guarantee again$t unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure under Sec. 2, "rt. III o& t)e on$titution. ut %)ile t)e rig)t to privac )a$ long co*e into it$ o%n, t)i$ ca$e appear$ to -e t)e &ir$t ti*e t)at t)e validit o& a $tatedecreed $earc) or intru$ion t)roug) t)e *ediu* o& *andator rando* drug te$ting a*ong $tudent$ and e*ploee$ i$, in t)i$ 7uri$diction, *ade t)e &ocal point. +)u$, t)e i$$ue tendered in t)e$e proceeding$ i$ verita-l one o& &ir$t i*pre$$ion. +)e e$$ence o& privac i$ t)e rig)t to -e le&t alone. In contet, t)e rig)t to privac *ean$ t)e rig)t to -e &ree &ro* un%arranted eploitation o& one$ per$on or &ro* intru$ion into one$ private activitie$ in $uc) a %a a$ to cau$e )u*iliation to a per$on$ ordinar $en$i-ilitie$. "nd %)ile t)ere )a$ -een general agree*ent a$ to t)e -a$ic &unction o& t)e guarantee again$t un%arranted $earc), Atran$lation o& t)e a-$tract pro)i-ition again$t Xunrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ into %or(a-le -road guideline$ &or t)e deci$ion o&  particular ca$e$ i$ a di&&icult ta$(,B to -orro% &ro* C. Camara v. 1unicipal Court . "ut)oritie$ are agreed t)oug) t)at t)e rig)t to privac ield$ to certain para*ount rig)t$ o& t)e pu-lic and de&er$ to t)e $tate$ eerci$e o& police po%er.  "$ t)e %arrantle$$ clau$e o& Sec. 2, "rt III o& t)e on$titution i$ couc)ed and a$ )a$ -een )eld, Area$ona-lene$$B i$ t)e touc)$tone o& t)e validit o& a govern*ent $earc) or intru$ion. "nd %)et)er a $earc) at i$$ue )e%$ to t)e rea$ona-lene$$ $tandard i$  7udged - t)e -alancing o& t)e govern*ent*andated intru$ion on t)e individual$ privac intere$t again$t t)e pro*otion o& $o*e co*pelling $tate intere$t. In t)e cri*inal contet, rea$ona-lene$$ reuire$ $)o%ing o& pro-a-le cau$e to -e per$onall deter*ined - a  7udge. Given t)at t)e drugte$ting polic &or e*ploee$ cu$to*$ $earc)e$ =4> %aiver or con$ent $earc)e$ =5> $top and &ri$( $ituation$ =+err Searc)> and =6> $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. )en petitioner %a$ arre$ted %it)out a %arrant, )e %a$ neit)er caug)t in &lagrante delicto co**itting a cri*e nor %a$ t)e arre$t e&&ected in )ot pur$uit. 'eril, it cannot t)ere&ore -e rea$ona-l argued t)at t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) conducted on petitioner %a$ incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. #ou-tle$$, t)e con$titutional i**unit again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ i$ a per$onal rig)t %)ic) *a -e %aived. +)e con$ent *u$t -e voluntar in order to validate an ot)er%i$e illegal detention and $earc), i.e., t)e con$ent i$ uneuivocal, $peci&ic, and intelligentl given, unconta*inated - an dure$$ or coercion. ence, con$ent to a $earc) i$ not to -e lig)tl in&erred, -ut *u$t -e $)o%n - clear and convincing evidence. +)e ue$tion %)et)er a con$ent to a $earc) %a$ in &act voluntar i$ a ue$tion o& &act to -e deter*ined &ro* t)e totalit o& all t)e circu*$tance$. Relevant to t)i$ deter*ination are t)e &ollo%ing c)aracteri$tic$ o& t)e per$on giving con$ent and t)e environ*ent in %)ic) con$ent i$ given: =1> t)e age o& t)e de&endant? =2> %)et)er )e %a$ in a pu-lic or $ecluded

location? =3> %)et)er )e o-7ected to t)e $earc) or pa$$ivel loo(ed on? =4> t)e education and intelligence o& t)e de&endant? =5> t)e pre$ence o& coercive police procedure$? =6> t)e de&endant$ -elie& t)at no incri*inating evidence %ill -e &ound? =H> t)e nature o& t)e police ue$tioning? =8> t)e environ*ent in %)ic) t)e ue$tioning too( place? and =9> t)e po$$i-l vulnera-le $u-7ective $tate o& t)e per$on con$enting. It i$ t)e State %)ic) )a$ t)e -urden o& proving, - clear and po$itive te$ti*on, t)at t)e nece$$ar con$ent %a$ o-tained and t)at it %a$ &reel and voluntaril given. In t)e ca$e at -ar, &ollo%ing t)e t)eor o& t)e pro$ecutionL it i$ apparent t)at petitioner %a$ alread under t)e coercive control o& t)e pu-lic o&&icial$ %)o )ad cu$tod o& )i* %)en t)e $earc) o& )i$ -ag %a$ de*anded. Coreover, t)e pro$ecution &ailed to prove an $peci&ic $tate*ent a$ to )o% t)e con$ent %a$ a$(ed and )o% it %a$ given, nor t)e $peci&ic %ord$ $po(en - petitioner indicating )i$ alleged Kcon$ent.K ;ven granting t)at petitioner ad*itted to opening )i$ -ag %)en !rdoNo a$(ed to $ee it$ content$, )i$ i*plied acuie$cence, i& at all, could not )ave -een *ore t)an *ere pa$$ive con&or*it given under coercive or inti*idating circu*$tance$ and )ence, i$ con$idered no con$ent at all %it)in t)e conte*plation o& t)e con$titutional guarantee. "$ a re$ult, petitioner$ lac( o& o-7ection to t)e $earc) and $ei/ure i$ not tanta*ount to a %aiver o& )i$ con$titutional rig)t or a voluntar $u-*i$$ion to t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure.

.) %EO%LE v. VINECARIO &.R. No. 1(11+' *anuary $, $( Fats! "cting upon an in&or*ation t)at a 7eepne at "to(, enguet %a$ loaded %it) enguet pine lu*-er, t)e olice o&&icer$ o&  +u-la Station $%i&tl e$ta-li$)ed a c)ec(point in "cop, +u-la, enguet. "t around 4:00 p.*. o& t)e $a*e da, t)e  operative$ $potted t)e 7eepne )eading to%ard Da +rinidad. +)e &lagged it do%n -ut it did not $top. ence, t)e c)a$ed t)e ve)icle up to S)ilan, Da +rinidad %)ere it &inall )alted. +)e driver and )i$ co*panion$ ad*itted t)e )ave no per*it to tran$port t)e lu*-er. +)e police i**ediatel arre$ted and inve$tigated petitioner$, Car$o In$iong #u*pit, "r*ando ala$i, and en "rino$. !nl petitioner$ %ere c)arged %it) violation o& Section 68 o& t)e Revi$ed ore$tr ode.

etitioner$, t)roug) coun$el, &iled a KCotion to Suppre$$ ;vidence o& t)e ro$ecutionK on t)e ground t)at t)e piece$ o&  enguet pine lu*-er %ere illegall $ei/ed. ut it %a$ denied, $o a$ t)eir *otion &or recon$ideration. !n "ppeal, t)e " di$*i$$ed t)e petition and )eld t)at t)e $earc) conducted %it)out %arrant - t)e police o&&icer$ i$ valid? and t)at t)e con&i$cated piece$ o& lu*-er are ad*i$$i-le in evidence again$t t)e accu$ed. etitioner$ &iled a *otion &or recon$ideration o& t)e #eci$ion. o%ever, it %a$ denied, )ence t)i$ petition. Issue!

)et)er or not t)e $earc) and $ei/ure conducted - t)e o&&icer$ are valid.



ence, a$ a general rule, a $earc) and $ei/ure *u$t -e carried t)roug) %it) 7udicial %arrant, ot)er%i$e, $uc) $earc) and $ei/ure con$titute$ derogation o& a con$titutional rig)t. +)e a-ove rule, )o%ever, i$ not devoid o& eception$. In People v. $arap, t)e eception$ %)ere $earc) and $ei/ure *a -e conducted %it)out %arrant, are: =1> $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t? =2> $earc) o& a *oving *otor ve)icle? =3> $earc) in violation o&  cu$to*$ la%$? =4> $ei/ure o& t)e evidence in plain vie%? =5> $earc) %)en t)e accu$ed )i*$el& %aive$ )i$ rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$? =6> $top and &ri$(? and =H> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. +)e onl reuire*ent in t)e$e eception$ i$ t)e pre$ence o& pro-a-le cau$e. ro-a-le cau$e i$ t)e ei$tence o& $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ %)ic) %ould lead a rea$ona-le, di$creet, and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place to -e $earc)ed. In People v. %ruta , it %a$ ruled t)at in %arrantle$$ $earc)e$, pro-a-le cau$e *u$t onl -e -a$ed on rea$ona-le ground o& $u$picion or -elie& t)at a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted or i$ a-out to -e co**itted. +)ere i$ no )ard and &a$t rule or  &ied &or*ula in deter*ining pro-a-le cau$e &or it$ deter*ination varie$ according to t)e &act$ o& eac) ca$e. ere, t)e $earc) involved a *oving ve)icle, an in$tance %)ere a %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure *a -e conducted - peace o&&icer$. +)ere i$ al$o pro-a-le cau$e on t)e part o& t)e o&&icer$ &or t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t -ecau$e %)en t;ey fla22e# t;e en2uet pne lu64er. %ettoners oul# not pro#ue t;e re?ure# DENR per6t to ut an# transport t;e sa6e. In People v. &inecarao, t)e ourt ruled t)at %)ere a ve)icle $ped a%a a&ter noticing a c)ec(point and even a&ter )aving -een &lagged do%n - police o&&icer$, in an apparent atte*pt to di$$uade t)e police &ro* proceeding %it) t)eir in$pection, t)ere ei$t$ pro-a-le cau$e to 7u$ti& a rea$ona-le -elie& on t)e part o& t)e la% en&orcer$ t)at t)e per$on$ on -oard $aid ve)icle %ere o&&icer$ o& t)e la% or t)at t)e ve)icle contained o-7ect$ %)ic) %ere in$tru*ent$ o& $o*e o&&en$e.

-.) %EO%LE v. R@>IO

&.R. No. L+33

Oto4er $', 1-+$

Fats! +)e c)ie& $ecret $ervice agent and a $upervi$ing agent o& t)e ureau o& Internal Revenue received a report &ro* a relia-le $ource t)at t)ere are pro)i-ited &raudulent -oo($, invoice$ and record$, ei$t and -eing conducted in Ru-io$ )ou$e, and t)at )e =Ru-io> (eep$ in )i$ po$$e$$ion e&&ect$ and device$ to %it: raudulent -oo($ o& t)e Si*ple +rading orporation O o& $u-$idiar co*panie$ ara*ount +rading orporation O e% or( +rading orp. +)u$, a $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued. !n t)e $a*e da, internal revenue agent$ proceeded to t)e place indicated in t)e %arrant, $earc)ed t)e pre*i$e$, and too( t)ere&ro* -oo($, invoice$, and docu*ent$ -elonging to t)e Si*ple +rading orporation o& %)ic) Jo$e Ru-io %a$ t)e *anager. Ru-io &iled a *otion to declare null and void a $earc) %arrant i$$ued on #ece*-er 26, 1930, and to )ave returned to )i* t)e -oo($ o& account, invoice$, and record$ %)ic) %ere $ei/ed - virtue o& t)e %arrant. o%ever, t)e *otion %a$ denied. Issues! )et)er or not t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ illegalM

)et)er or not t)at t)e $ei/ure o& appellant$ -oo($ and paper$ %a$ *ade $olel &or t)e purpo$e o& u$ing t)e* a$ evidence again$t )i* in a cri*inal pro$ecution and %a$, t)ere&ore, unla%&ulM "el#!


+)e reuire*ent$ o& t)e la% %ere $u-$tantiall, and even literall, co*plied %it) in t)i$ ca$e. "ppellant$ contention t)at t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued %it)out t)e co*plainant$ or an %itne$$e$ )aving -een ea*ined, i$ untena-le. +)e depo$ition$ $pea( &or  t)e*$elve$. It i$ al$o contended t)at t)e application and t)e %arrant did not particularl de$cri-e t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. +)e veri&ied $tate*ent$ o& t)e t%o internal revenue agent$ and t)e %arrant i$$ued - t)e ourt o& ir$t In$tance o& Canila all de$cri-e t)e propert $oug)t to -e $ei/ed a$ K&raudulent -oo($, invoice$ and record$K. )ile it i$ true t)at t)e propert to -e $ei/ed under a %arrant *u$t -e particularl de$cri-ed t)erein and no ot)er propert can -e ta(en t)ereunder, et t)e de$cription i$ reuired to -e $peci&ic onl in $o &ar  a$ t)e circu*$tance$ %ill ordinaril allo%. It )a$ -een )eld t)at, %)ere, - t)e nature o& t)e good$ to -e $ei/ed, t)eir de$cription *u$t -e rat)er general, it i$ not reuired t)at a tec)nical de$cription -e given, a$ t)i$ %ould *ean t)at no %arrant could i$$ue. "ppellant )a$ not $)o%n t)at t)e internal revenue agent$ eceeded t)eir po%er$ under t)e %arrant - $ei/ing propert ot)er t)an t)at de$cri-ed in t)e %arrant ue$tion. +)e li$t o& -oo($, invoice$, and record$ $ei/ed - $aid o&&icer$ i$ t)e -e$t evidence to $)o% t)at t)e $trictl o-eed t)e co**and o& t)eir %arrant - $ei/ing t)o$e t)ing$, and onl t)o$e de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant. In t)e ca$e at -ar, )o%ever, it )a$ -een $)o%n t)at t)e internal revenue agent$ $trictl o-eed t)e co**and o& t)eir %arrant - $ei/ing no ot)er propert t)an t)at de$cri-ed t)erein. o. In t)e &ir$t place, it i$ to -e o-$erved t)at t)e pu-lic )a$ an intere$t in t)e proper regulation o& appellant$ -oo($. ="ct o. 3292, $ection 4.> In t)e $econd place, t)e -oo($ -elonged to a corporation o& %)ic) t)e appellant %a$ $i*pl t)e *anager. "nd in t)e t)ird place, t)e $earc) %arrant onl i$$ued on a $)o%ing o& pro-a-le cau$e L to adopt t)e language ali(e o& $ection 96 o& t)e ode o&  ri*inal rocedure and t)e $earc) %arrant L t)at K&raudulent -oo($, invoice$, and record$K %ere Kno% -eing u$ed in t)e co**i$$ion o& a &elon.K inall, %)ile t)e a$$ertion i$ o&trepeated t)at t)e -oo($, invoice$, and record$ %ere ta(en $olel &or t)e purpo$e o& -eing u$ed a$ evidence again$t Ru-io, %e &ind no $upport &or t)i$ contention in t)e record. In t)e trial court, t)e a$$i$tant cit &i$cal $aid: K"$ %e )ave $tated a-ove, t)e $earc) and $ei/ure in t)i$ ca$e %ere *ade under t)e provi$ion$ o& t)e internalrevenue la%$ and t)e aut)orit o& a $earc) %arrant, and not &or t)e purpo$e o& o-taining evidence, -ut %it) a vie% to $ei/e t)e in$tru*ent$ u$ed in t)e violation o& $aid la%$ co**itted - t)e de&endant.K !n appeal, t)e pro$ecution per$i$tentl *aintain$ it$ po$ition t)at t)e $ei/ure %a$ *ade %it) t)e o-7ect o& preventing t)e u$e o& t)e -oo($ o& account, docu*ent$, and paper$ in t)e co**i$$ion o& & urt)er o&&en$e$ or  &raud or again$t t)e Govern*ent. ot a $cintilla o& evidence i$ to -e &ound in t)e record to prove t)at t)e Govern*ent )a$ u$ed t)e -oo($ o& account, docu*ent$, and paper$ a$ evidence again$t t)e appellant, or t)at t)e Govern*ent ever )ad t)e intention o& $o doing.  "ll %e (no% i$, t)at an in&or*ation %a$ &iled again$t Ru-io, c)arging )i* %it) a violation o& t)e u$to* $ Da%, and t)at )e co*pro*i$ed anot)er ca$e %it) t)e ureau o& Internal Revenue on t)e pa*ent o& t)e $u* o& 100,000. !n t)i$ $)o%ing, %e per&orce cannot deduce t)at t)e -oo($ o& account, docu*ent$, and paper$ %ere %anted $olel &or u$e a$ evidence o& a cri*e.

1.) %EO%LE v. /@A:ON 3+$ 0CRA 13$ 0epte64er $, $' Fats! "ntipolo it olice Station received t)roug) telep)one, a con&idential in&or*ation t)at a Ge*ini car -earing plate nu*-er   4116 %ould deliver an un$peci&ied a*ount o& shabu in Carville Su-divi$ion, "ntipolo it. "cting on $aid tip, "ntipolo it )ie& o&  olice Ca7or Rene Fuintana di$patc)ed a tea* o& police*en to t)e area to conduct a $urveillance. )en t)e tea* arrived in Carville Su-divi$ion, t)e $a% t)e $aid Ge*ini car and i**ediatel &lagged it do%n. +)e driver o& t)e car pulled to a $top and opened a %indo% o& $aid ve)icle giving t)e police*en t)e opportunit to identi& t)e*$elve$ a$ *e*-er$ o& t)e "ntipolo it olice Station. It %a$ t)en t)at !1 Canuel adlan =!1 adlan> $a% a gun tuc(ed on appellant$ %ai$t. !1 adlan inuired a-out t)e gun and appellant allegedl replied it did not -elong to )i* nor could )e produce an pertinent docu*ent relating to $aid &irear*. +)i$ pro*pted !3 ueno to order appellant to get do%n &ro* t)e car. "$ $oon a$ appellant $tepped do%n &ro* t)e ve)icle, !3 ueno $a% &ive pla$tic $ac)et$ on t)e driver$ $eat, t)e content$ o& %)ic) appellant allegedl ad*itted to -e shabu. "ppellant %a$ t)erea&ter i**ediatel -roug)t to t)e police $tation.

;pectedl, appellant pre$ented a va$tl di&&erent account o& t)e event$ t)at led to )i$ indict*ent, )o%ever, t)e trial court &ound t)e evidence pre$ented - t)e pro$ecution $u&&icient to $upport a guilt verdict. "ppellant clai*$ t)at a$ t)e con&idential in&or*ant )ad -een cooperating %it) t)e police &or t)ree %ee($ prior to )i$ arre$t, t)e aut)oritie$ %ere alread in&or*ed o& )i$ identit and )i$ alleged illegal activitie$. +)e $)ould )ave conducted a prior $urveillance and t)en $oug)t a $earc) %arrant &ro* t)e court. "-$ent $aid %arrant, t)e shabu $ei/ed &ro* )i* $)ould -e ecluded &ro* evidence. In $u$taining t)e trial court, t)e ourt o& "ppeal$ &ound !3 ueno$ te$ti*on to -e Kclear and uneuivocalK and $)ould t)ere&ore prevail over appellant$ de&en$e o& denial. +)e ourt o& "ppeal$ li(e%i$e -ru$)ed a$ide appellant$ contention t)at )e %a$ a victi* o& &ra*eup a$ t)i$ de&en$e )a$ -een vie%ed %it) di$&avor and )a$ -eco*e a $tandard line o& de&en$e in *o$t pro$ecution$ ari$ing &ro* violation$ o& t)e #angerou$ #rug$ "ct. Issue!

)et)er or not t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure %a$ validM



+)e con$titutional provi$ion$ again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ ad*it o& certain eception$, a$ &ollo%$: =1> %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t recogni/ed under Section 12, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt and - prevailing  7uri$prudence? =2> $ei/ure o& evidence in plain vie%? =3> $earc) o& a *oving ve)icle? =4> con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? =5> cu$to*$ $earc)? =6> $top and &ri$(? and =H> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. evert)ele$$, t)e eception &ro* $ecuring a $earc) %arrant %)en it co*e$ to *oving ve)icle$ doe$ not give t)e police aut)oritie$ un-ridled di$cretion to conduct a %arrantle$$ $earc) o& an auto*o-ile. In recognition o& t)e po$$i-le a-u$e, 7uri$prudence dictate$ t)at at all ti*e$, it i$ reuired t)at pro-a-le cau$e ei$t in order to 7u$ti& t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o& a ve)icle. )en a ve)icle i$ &lagged do%n and $u-7ected to an eten$ive $earc), $uc) a %arrantle$$ $earc) )a$ -een )eld to -e valid a$ long a$ t)e o&&icer$ conducting t)e $earc) )ave rea$ona-le or pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve prior to t)e $earc) t)at t)e %ould &ind t)e in$tru*entalit or evidence pertaining to a cri*e, in t)e ve)icle to -e $earc)ed. In t)i$ ca$e, t)e police )ad pro-a-le cau$e to e&&ect t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o& t)e Ge*ini car driven - appellant. " con&idential in&or*er tipped t)e* o&& t)at $aid car %a$ going to deliver shabu at Carville Su-divi$ion. ur$uing $aid lead, t)e "ntipolo it police $ent a tea* to Carville Su-divi$ion to *onitor $aid ve)icle. +)e in&or*ation provided - t)e in&or*er turned out to -e correct a$, indeed, t)e Ge*ini car %a$ $potted in t)e place %)ere it %a$ $aid to -e -ringing shabu. )en t)e $topped t)e car, t)e $a% a gun tuc(ed in appellant$ %ai$t. "ppellant did not )ave an docu*ent to $upport )i$ po$$e$$ion o& $aid &irear* %)ic) all t)e *ore $trengt)ened t)e police$ $u$picion. "&ter )e %a$ told to $tep out o& t)e car, t)e &ound on t)e driver$ $eat pla$tic $ac)et$ containing %)ite po%der $u-$tance. +)e$e circu*$tance$, ta(en toget)er, are $u&&icient to e$ta-li$) pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o&  t)e Ge*ini car and t)e eventual ad*i$$ion into evidence o& t)e pla$tic pac(et$ again$t appellant. In an ca$e, appellant &ailed to ti*el o-7ect to t)e ad*i$$i-ilit o& t)e evidence again$t )i* on t)e ground t)at t)e $a*e %a$ o-tained t)roug) a %arrantle$$ $earc). 11.) 0/E%"EN 09 v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 1$1' Au2ust 13, $11 Fats:  o& t)e #u*aguete it olice Station received a telep)one call &ro* a concerned citi/en t)at an illegal drug trade %a$ going on at Pone 3, aranga Dooc, #u*aguete it. )ile %al(ing at t)e pat)%a going to t)e interior portion o& Pone 3, aranga Dooc, at a di$tance o& a-out t%o =2> *eter$ a%a, t)e $a% a *an, later identi&ied a$ t)e Qpetitioner in t)i$ ca$e, ea*ining a tran$parent pla$tic $ac)et containing $)a-u po%der - &lic(ing t)e $a*e. +)e approac)ed t)e Qpetitioner, introduced t)e*$elve$ a$ police*en and announced )i$ arre$t &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug. R+, a&ter &inding t)at t)e pro$ecution )a$ e$ta-li$)ed all t)e ele*ent$ o& t)e o&&en$e c)arged, rendered a #eci$ion convicted petitioner o& violation o& Section 11, "rticle II o& R" o. 9165. @pon appeal, t)e " rendered a #eci$ion a&&ir*ing in toto t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+. Issue! et)er or not t)e )onora-le court o& appeal$ erred in )olding t)at t)e rig)t o& t)e petitioner again$t unla%&ul $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ %a$ not violated. "el#!


Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt provide$: Sec 5.  %rrest without warrant, when lawful   " peace o&&icer or a private per$on *a , %it)out a %arrant, arre$t a per$on: =a> )en, in )i$ pre$ence, t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting or i$ atte*pting to co**it an o&&en$e? =-> )en an o&&en$e )a$ 7u$t -een co**itted and )e )a$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve -a$ed on per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ or circu*$tance$ t)at t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted it? and =c> )en t)e per$on to -e arre$ted i$ a pri$oner %)o )a$ e$caped &ro* a penal e$ta-li$)*ent or place %)ere )e i$ $erving &inal 7udg*ent or i$ te*poraril con&ined %)ile )i$ ca$e i$ pending, or )a$ e$caped %)ile -eing tran$&erred &ro* one con&ine*ent to anot)er.

 orolarill, t)e 198H on$titution $tate$ t)at a $earc) and con$euent $ei/ure *u$t -e carried out %it) a 7udicial %arrant? ot)er%i$e, it -eco*e$ unrea$ona-le and an evidence o-tained t)ere&ro* $)all -e inad*i$$i-le &or an purpo$e in an proceeding.  Said pro$cription, )o%ever, ad*it$ o& eception$, na*el: 1. arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t? 2. Searc) o& evidence in Kplain vie%?K 3. Searc) o& a *oving ve)icle? 4. on$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? 5. u$to*$ $earc)? 6. Stop and ri$(? and H. ;igent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$ )at con$titute$ a rea$ona-le or unrea$ona-le %arrantle$$ $earc) or $ei/ure i$ purel a 7udicial ue$tion, deter*ina-le &ro* t)e uniuene$$ o& t)e circu*$tance$ involved, including t)e purpo$e o& t)e $earc) or $ei/ure, t)e pre$ence or a-$ence o& pro-a-le cau$e, t)e *anner in %)ic) t)e $earc) and $ei/ure %a$ *ade, t)e place or t)ing $earc)ed, and t)e c)aracter o& t)e article$ procured. In $earc)e$ incident to a la%&ul arre$t, t)e arre$t *u$t precede t)e $earc)? generall, t)e proce$$ cannot -e rever$ed. evert)ele$$, a $earc) $u-$tantiall conte*poraneou$ %it) an arre$t can precede t)e arre$t i& t)e police )ave pro-a-le cau$e to *a(e t)e arre$t at t)e out$et o& t)e $earc). "lt)oug) pro-a-le cau$e elude$ eact and concrete de&inition, it ordinaril $igni&ie$ a rea$ona-le ground o& $u$picion $upported - circu*$tance$ $u&&icientl $trong in t)e*$elve$ to %arrant a cautiou$ *an to -elieve t)at t)e per$on accu$ed i$ guilt o& t)e o&&en$e %it) %)ic) )e i$ c)arged. In t)e ca$e at -ar, t)e e$ta-li$)ed &act$ reveal t)at on June 11, 2005, !3 aelogo, an Intelligence !perative o& t)e #u*aguete it olice Station, received in&or*ation &ro* a concerned citi/en t)at an illegal drug trade %a$ going on at Pone 3, aranga Dooc, #u*aguete it. +oget)er %it) !3 auera, !3 aelogo i**ediatel acted on t)e in&or*ation and %ent to t)e place. )ile traver$ing t)e pat)%a going to t)e interior portion o& Pone 3, aranga Dooc, t)e $a% petitioner, at a di$tance o& t%o =2> *eter$, ea*ining and &lic(ing a tran$parent pla$tic $ac)et containing $)a-u po%der. +)e t%o t)en approac)ed petitioner, introduced t)e*$elve$ a$ police o&&icer$, and announced t)e )e i$ -eing arre$ted &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. )ile -eing in&or*ed o& )i$ con$titutional rig)t$ during t)e arre$t, petitioner tried to e$cape - -oarding )i$ *otorccle. )ile %re$tling %it) !3 aelogo, petitioner dropped t)e $ac)et o& $)a-u on t)e ground, %)ic) %a$ pic(ed up - !3 auera. +)e police o&&icer$ eventuall %ere a-le to $u-due and )andcu&& petitioner. @pon $earc)ing )i$ per$on, t)e al$o &ound in )i$ po$$e$$ion a di$po$a-le lig)ter. +)e $ei/ed $ac)et %a$ *ar(ed on location. +)e t)en -roug)t petitioner, toget)er %it) t)e ite*$ $ei/ed, to t)e police $tation and conducted a proper inventor t)ereo&. +)e )eat$ealed tran$parent $ac)et containing %)ite cr$talline $u-$tance %a$ $u-*itted to t)e  ri*e Da-orator &or drug ea*ination, %)ic) later ielded po$itive re$ult$ &or t)e pre$ence o& *et)a*p)eta*ine )droc)loride, a dangerou$ drug under R" o. 9165.

1$.) %EO%LE v. 5AN@EL CR@: &.R. No. 1'(' *une 13, $11 Fats! +)e pro$ecution %itne$$ te$ti&ied t)at a a *ale in&or*ant ca*e in %it) an in&or*ation t)at a certain alia$ Caning %a$ engaged in $elling illegal drug$ at Sitio de "$i$, aranga San Cartin de orre$, araNaue it. "ccordingl, a -u-u$t operation again$t alia$ Caning %a$ planned and a tea* %a$ &or*ed. "t around 5:00 p.*., t)e -u-u$t tea*, toget)er %it) t)e *ale in&or*ant, proceeded to t)e target area on -oard t%o ve)icle$. "t t)i$ 7uncture t)at alia$ Caning %a$ arre$ted and %a$ -roug)t to t)e o&&ice o& #"I#S!+, Sout)ern olice #i$trict, ort oni&acio, +aguig, Cetro Canila, &or inve$tigation and proper docu*entation. In t)e cour$e t)ereo&, alia$ Caning %a$ later on identi&ied to -e Canuel ru/  ru/, t)e )erein appellant.

+)e trial court, convinced on t)e *erit$ o& t)e pro$ecution$ ca$e, convicted t)e accu$ed %it) t)e cri*e o& illegal $ale onl. +)e a a&&ir*ed in toto t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+, and ratiocinated t)at accu$ed %a$ caug)t co**itting t)e o&&en$e %)ile )e %a$ in t)e act o&  pa$$ing t)e $)a-uto !2 QGallano in ec)ange &or 2,000.00, t)u$, t)e %ere 7u$ti&ied in arre$ting )i* and $ei/ing t)e *aterial$ %it)out %arrant. Issue!

)et)er or not t)e arre$t and $ei/ure %a$ la%&ul.



In eople v. Se*-rano citing eople v. "gula, t)i$ ourt )eld t)at a -u-u$t operation i$ a &or* o& entrap*ent %)ic) in recent ear$ )a$ -een accepted a$ a valid and e&&ective *ode o& appre)ending drug pu$)er$. I& carried out %it) due regard &or  con$titutional and legal $a&eguard$, a -u-u$t operation, a$ in t)i$ ca$e, de$erve$ 7udicial $anction. Coreover, in a -u-u$t operation, t)e violator i$ caug)t in &lagrante delicto and t)e police o&&icer$ conducting t)e $a*e are not onl aut)ori/ed -ut al$o dut-ound to appre)end t)e violator and con$euentl $earc) )i* &or ant)ing t)at *a )ave -een part o& or u$ed in t)e co**i$$ion o& t)e cri*e. In t)e ca$e at -enc), a&ter t)e police operative$ o& #"I#S!+, Sout)ern olice #i$trict, ort oni&acio, +aguig, Cetro Canila, received in&or*ation &ro* t)eir *ale in&or*ant regarding appellant$ cri*inal activit, an entrap*ent plan %a$ t)en $et up. +)e $a*e

%a$ *ade $peci&icall to te$t t)e veracit o& t)e in&or*ant$ tip and to $u-$euentl arre$t t)e *ale&actor i& t)e report i$ &ound to -e true. +)e pro$ecution$ evidence po$itivel $)o%ed t)at appellant agreed to $ell $)a-u to t)e po$eur-uer, %)o %a$ introduced to )i* - t)e *ale in&or*ant. e %a$, in &act, caug)t red)anded pling )i$ illegal trade. +)u$, t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t o& t)e appellant %a$ legal and %it)in t)e con&ine$ o& la%. In t)e $a*e -reat), it cannot -e dou-ted t)at t)e $ac)et o& $)a-u $ei/ed &ro* )i* during t)e legiti*ate -u-u$t operation i$ ad*i$$i-le and %a$ properl ad*itted in evidence again$t )i*.  "ppellant$ a$$ertion t)at )e %a$ 7u$t &ra*ed up a$ t)e $)a-u $ei/ed &ro* )i* %a$ planted evidence $o )e can -e pro$ecuted &or t)e illegal $ale t)ereo& &ind$ no $upport in evidence.

1+.) A>RA"A5 5ICLA/, *R. v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 1'7'' Fats! aloocan it olice StationS#;@ received an a in&or*ation a-out an illicit and do%nrig)t drugtrading activitie$ -eing underta(en along al*era Spring II, agu*-ong, aloocan it involving "-e Ciclat, il alia$ Ko(-o(K and one Cic or Jo7o. I**ediatel, a $urveillance tea* %a$ &or*ed.

+)ru a $*all opening in t)e curtaincovered %indo%, !3 "ntonio peeped in$ide and )e $a% K"-eK arranging $everal piece$ o&  $*all pla$tic $ac)et$ containing $)a-u. Slo%l, $aid operative inc)ed )i$ %a in - gentl pu$)ing t)e door a$ %ell a$ t)e pl%ood covering t)e $a*e. @pon gaining entrance, !3 "ntonio &ort)%it) introduced )i*$el& a$ a police o&&icer %)ile K"-e,K on t)e ot)er )and, a&ter -eing in&or*ed o& $uc) aut)orit, voluntaril )anded over to t)e &or*er t)e &our =4> piece$ o& $*all pla$tic $ac)et$ t)e latter %a$ earlier $orting out. !3 "ntonio i**ediatel placed t)e $u$pect under arre$t and -roug)t )i* and t)e &our =4> piece$ o& pla$tic $ac)et$ o& $)a-u to t)eir )eaduarter$. +)e $u$pect %a$ identi&ied a$ "-ra)a* Ciclat  er-o a.(.a K";,K 19 ear$ old. +)u$, an in&or*ation %a$ &iled again$t t)e accu$ed, and upon arraign*ent, )e pleaded not guilt. +)e R+ convicted t)e accu$ed %it) t)e cri*e o& illegal po$$e$$ion o& drug$ %)ic) t)e " a&&ir*ed in toto upon appeal. ence, t)i$ petition %)ere petitioner argue$ t)at -eing $een in t)e act o& arranging $everal pla$tic $ac)et$ in$ide t)eir )ou$e - one o&  t)e arre$ting o&&icer$ %)o %a$ peeping t)roug) a %indo% i$ not $u&&icient rea$on &or t)e police aut)oritie$ to enter )i$ )ou$e %it)out a valid $earc) %arrant andor %arrant o& arre$t. e al$o po$it$ t)at peeping t)roug) a curtaincovered %indo% cannot -e conte*plated a$ %it)in t)e *eaning o& t)e plain vie% doctrine, rendering t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t unla%&ul. Issue! )et)er or not peeping t)roug) a curtain i$ %it)in t)e *eaning o& plain vie% doctrine a$ to 7u$ti& t)e arre$t o& t)e accu$ed and t)e $ei/ing o& t)e $ac)et$. "el#!


'eril, no le$$ t)an t)e 198H on$titution *andate$ t)at a $earc) and con$euent $ei/ure *u$t -e carried out %it) a 7udicial %arrant? ot)er%i$e, it -eco*e$ unrea$ona-le, and an evidence o-tained t)ere&ro* $)all -e inad*i$$i-le &or an purpo$e in an proceeding. +)e rig)t again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure, )o%ever, i$ $u-7ect to legal and 7udicial eception$, na*el: 1.> arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t? 2.> Searc) o& evidence in Kplain vie%K? 3.> Searc) o& a *oving ve)icle? 4.> on$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? 5.> u$to*$ $earc)? 6.> Stop and ri$(? and H.> ;igent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$. It i$ to -e noted t)at petitioner %a$ caug)t in t)e act o& arranging t)e )eat$ealed pla$tic $ac)et$ in plain $ig)t o& !3 "ntonio and )e voluntaril $urrendered t)e* to )i* upon learning t)at )e i$ a police o&&icer. +)e $ei/ure *ade - !3 "ntonio o& t)e &our  pla$tic $ac)et$ &ro* t)e petitioner %a$ not onl incidental to a la%&ul arre$t, -ut it al$o &all$ %it)in t)e purvie% o& t)e Kplain vie%K doctrine. !-7ect$ &alling in plain vie% o& an o&&icer %)o )a$ a rig)t to -e in a po$ition to )ave t)at vie% are $u-7ect to $ei/ure even %it)out a $earc) %arrant and *a -e introduced in evidence. +)e Kplain vie%K doctrine applie$ %)en t)e &ollo%ing reui$ite$ concur: =a> t)e la% en&orce*ent o&&icer in $earc) o& t)e evidence )a$ a prior 7u$ti&ication &or an intru$ion or i$ in a po$ition &ro* %)ic) )e can vie% a particular area? =-> t)e di$cover o& evidence in plain vie% i$ inadvertent? =c> it i$ i**ediatel apparent to t)e o&&icer t)at t)e ite* )e o-$erve$ *a -e evidence o& a cri*e, contra-and or ot)er%i$e $u-7ect to $ei/ure. +)e la% en&orce*ent o&&icer *u$t la%&ull *a(e an initial intru$ion or properl -e in a po$ition &ro* %)ic) )e can particularl vie% t)e area. In t)e cour$e o& $uc) la%&ul intru$ion, )e ca*e inadvertentl acro$$ a piece o& evidence incri*inating t)e accu$ed. +)e o-7ect *u$t -e open to ee and )and and it$ di$cover inadvertent. It i$ clear, t)ere&ore, t)at an o-7ect i$ in plain vie% i& t)e o-7ect it$el& i$ plainl epo$ed to $ig)t. Since petitioner$ arre$t i$ a*ong t)e eception$ to t)e rule reuiring a %arrant -e&ore e&&ecting an arre$t and t)e evidence $ei/ed &ro* t)e petitioner %a$ t)e re$ult o& a %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t, %)ic) incidentall %a$ in plain vie% o& t)e arre$ting o&&icer, t)e re$ult$ o& t)e en$uing $earc) and $ei/ure %ere ad*i$$i-le in evidence to prove petitioner$ guilt o& t)e o&&en$e c)arged.


&.R. No. 1'(''(

Au2ust +1, $11

Fats! +)e arre$ting o&&icer$ o& t)e Intelligence and Inve$tigation o& t)e Regional Co-ile Group o& t)e ational apital Region olice !&&ice a con&idential in&or*ant called up relative to a narcotic$ drug deal to co**ence at t)e vicinit o& t)e par(ing area o& S)angrila la/a otel, Candaluong it. +)e o&&icer$ %ent t)ere and po$itioned t)e*$elve$ &or t)e operation. Ree$ a.(.a. CacCac, on -oard a %)ite +oota orolla, and delo$ Ree$, a.(.a. Kotong,K on -oard a red +oota orolla, arrived %it) accu$edre$pondent Ree$ $u-$euentl proceeding in$ide )i$tletop ar and Re$taurant, and delo$ Ree$ calling de laro t)roug) )i$ cellular p)one? t)at accu$edre$pondent delo$ Ree$ and de laro t)en proceeded to t)e latter$ par(ed Ca/da car %)ere re$pondent Dantion+o* %a$ %aiting? &ro* t)e par(ed car, a -o in tran$parent pla$tic -ag %a$ ta(en, %)ic) de laro )andedover to delo$ Ree$, t)e latter in turn )anded t)e -o in a pla$tic -ag to Ree$.

+)e ourt o& "ppeal$, on appeal, re&u$ed to con$ider t)e $u-$euent acuittal o& ;**anuel de laro - t)e R+. In$tead, t)e appellate court up)eld t)e earlier ruling o& t)e R+ giving a-$olute credence to t)e te$ti*onie$ o& t)e pro$ecution %itne$$e$ and convicted accu$edappellant$ o& t)e cri*e c)arged. #e lo$ Ree$ and Ree$ alleged t)at t)e arre$t$ %ere eecuted %it)out an %arrant or an o& t)e eceptional circu*$tance$ to 7u$ti& a %arrantle$$ arre$t. +)e $u$pect$, including accu$edappellant$, %ere arre$ted %it)out %arrant$ -a$ed on a *ere tip &ro* a con&idential in&or*ant and not -ecau$e o& an apparent cri*inal activit. " tip doe$ not con$titute pro-a-le cau$e &or a %arrantle$$ arre$t or $earc) and $ei/ure incidental t)ereto. +)u$, t)e $)a-u allegedl $ei/ed &ro* accu$edappellant$ i$ inad*i$$i-le in evidence. urt)er, accu$edappellant Rolando delo$ Ree$ te$ti&ied t)at )e %a$ illegall arre$ted %it)out %arrant at uena$ Car(et, ainta, Ri/al, not at S)angriDa la/a in Candaluong it? and t)at )e and Carlon #avid %ere coerced to incri*inate t)e*$elve$ &or po$$e$$ion o&  $)a-u. Issue!

















Searc) and $ei/ure *a -e *ade %it)out a %arrant and t)e evidence o-tained t)ere&ro* *a -e ad*i$$i-le in t)e &ollo%ing in$tance$: =1> $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t? =2> $earc) o& a *oving *otor ve)icle? =3> $earc) in violation o& cu$to*$ la%$? =4> $ei/ure o& evidence in plain vie%? =5> %)en t)e accu$ed )i*$el& %aive$ )i$ rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$? and =6> $top and &ri$( $ituation$. +)e &ir$t eception =$earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t> include$ a valid %arrantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure pur$uant to an euall valid %arrantle$$ arre$t %)ic) *u$t precede t)e $earc). In t)i$ in$tance, t)e la% reuire$ t)at t)ere -e &ir$t a la%&ul arre$t -e&ore a $earc) can -e *ade L t)e proce$$ cannot -e rever$ed. "$ a rule, an arre$t i$ con$idered legiti*ate i& e&&ected %it) a valid %arrant o&  arre$t. +)e Rule$ o& ourt, )o%ever, recogni/e$ per*i$$i-le %arrantle$$ arre$t$. +)u$, a peace o&&icer or a private per$on *a, %it)out %arrant, arre$t a per$on: =a> %)en, in )i$ pre$ence, t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting, or i$ atte*pting to co**it an o&&en$e =arre$t in &lagrante delicto>? =-> %)en an o&&en$e )a$ 7u$t -een co**itted and )e )a$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve -a$ed on per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ or circu*$tance$ t)at t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted it =arre$t e&&ected in )ot pur$uit>? and =c> %)en t)e per$on to -e arre$ted i$ a pri$oner %)o )a$ e$caped &ro* a penal e$ta-li$)*ent or a place %)ere )e i$ $erving &inal  7udg*ent or i$ te*poraril con&ined %)ile )i$ ca$e i$ pending, or )a$ e$caped %)ile -eing tran$&erred &ro* one con&ine*ent to anot)er  =arre$t o& e$caped pri$oner$>. +)e police o&&icer$ arre$ted accu$edappellant$ and $earc)ed t)e latter$ per$on$ %it)out a %arrant a&ter $eeing Rolando delo$ Ree$ and ;**anuel de laro *o*entaril conver$ing in t)e re$taurant, and %itne$$ing t)e %)ite pla$tic -ag %it) a -o or  carton in$ide -eing pa$$ed &ro* Dantion+o* to ;**anuel de laro, to accu$edappellant Rolando delo$ Ree$, and &inall, to accu$edappellant Ree$. +)e$e circu*$tance$, )o%ever, )ardl con$titute overt act$ Kindicative o& a &eloniou$ enterpri$e.K S!1 Dectura, !3 Santiago, and !3 u*ul )ad no prior (no%ledge o& t)e $u$pect$ identitie$, and t)e co*pletel relied on t)eir  con&idential in&or*ant to actuall identi& t)e $u$pect$. one o& t)e police o&&icer$ actuall $a% %)at %a$ in$ide t)at -o. +)ere i$ al$o no evidence t)at t)e con&idential in&or*ant )i*$el& (ne% t)at t)e -o contained $)a-u. o e&&ort at all %a$ ta(en to con&ir* t)at t)e arre$ted $u$pect$ actuall (ne% t)at t)e -o or carton in$ide t)e %)ite pla$tic -ag, $ei/ed &ro* t)eir po$$e$$ion, contained $)a-u. +)e police o&&icer$ %ere una-le to e$ta-li$) a cogent &act or circu*$tance t)at %ould )ave rea$ona-l invited t)eir attention, a$ o&&icer$ o&  t)e la%, to $u$pect t)at accu$edappellant$, ;**anuel de laro, and Dantion+o* K)a$ 7u$t co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting, or i$ atte*pting to co**itK a cri*e, particularl, an illegal drug deal. 15.> ;!D; v. R!ID" +R;S+IP" G.R. o. 193833 ove*-er 16, 2011 act$: +)e t)ree accu$ed %ere all c)arged %it) (idnapping &or ran$o* &or )aving a-ducted Da%rence u and Ir*a avarro and de*anding a ran$o* o& 1 C. "&ter )aving paid 180 000, t)e accu$ed %arned t)e victi*$ to not report t)e incident or el$e t)eir &a*il %ould -e in danger. Ir*a decided not to tell )er *ot)er a-out t)e incident a$ $)e %a$ ver a&raid. Da%rence )o%ever *ade a report to t)e Ca(ati police $tation. u-o ineda in t)e *ean%)ile (ept on calling t)e*, de*anding &or t)eir A-alanceB o& one *illion pe$o$ =)p 1,000,000.00>. Ir*a$ parent$ learned o& t)e incident and lo$t no ti*e in contacting aut)oritie$ &ro* t)e I#G. "$ u-o ineda continued to call t)e* &or t)e alleged -alance, an entrap*ent operation %a$ planned on t)at date. +)e entrap*ent %a$ $ucce$$&ul and

ineda %a$ arre$ted. t)e trial court &ound +re$ti/a, Canriue, and ineda guilt -eond rea$ona-le dou-t a$ principal$ - direct participation o& t)e cri*e o& idnapping &or Ran$o*. Issue! ! t)ere i$ a valid %arrantle$$ arre$t "el#! Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e 2000 Rule$ o& ri*inal rocedure enu*erate$ t)e in$tance$ %)en %arrantle$$ arre$t$ are la%&ul. Sec. 5. "rre$t %it)out %arrant? %)en la%&ul. ‒ " peace o&&icer or a private per$on *a, %it)out a %arrant, arre$t a per$on: =a> )en, in )i$ pre$ence, t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted, i$ actuall co**itting, or i$ atte*pting to co**it an o&&en$e? =-> )en an o&&en$e )a$ 7u$t -een co**itted and )e )a$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve -a$ed on per$onal (no%ledge o& &act$ or  circu*$tance$ t)at t)e per$on to -e arre$ted )a$ co**itted it? and =c> )en t)e per$on to -e arre$ted i$ a pri$oner %)o )a$ e$caped &ro* a penal e$ta-li$)*ent or place %)ere )e i$ $erving &inal  7udg*ent or i$ te*poraril con&ined %)ile )i$ ca$e i$ pending, or )a$ e$caped %)ile -eing tran$&erred &ro* one con&ine*ent to anot)er. In ca$e$ &alling under paragrap)$ =a> and =-> a-ove, t)e per$on arre$ted %it)out a %arrant $)all -e &ort)%it) delivered to t)e neare$t police $tation or 7ail and $)all -e proceeded again$t in accordance %it) $ection H o& Rule 112. It i$ clear t)at +re$ti/a$ %arrantle$$ arre$t doe$ not &all under an o& t)e circu*$tance$ *entioned in Section 5, Rule 113. o%ever, +re$ti/a &ailed to *a(e a valid o-7ection to )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t.  "n o-7ection to t)e procedure &ollo%ed in t)e * atter o& t)e acui$ition - a court o& 7uri$diction over t)e per$on o& t)e accu$ed *u$t -e opportunel rai$ed -e&ore )e enter$ )i$ plea? ot)er%i$e, t)e o-7ection i$ dee*ed %aived.45 +re$ti/a, -eing a police*an )i*$el&, could )ave i**ediatel o-7ected to )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t. o%ever, )e *erel a$(ed &or t)e ground$ &or )i$ arre$t. e did not even &ile c)arge$ again$t t)e arre$ting o&&icer$. +)ere %a$ al$o a lengt) a*ount o& ti*e -et%een +re$ti/a$ arre$t on 16 ove*-er 2002 and t)e &iling o& t)e !*ni-u$ Cotion o-7ecting to +re$ti/a$ %arrantle$$ arre$t on 11 Ca 2004. "lt)oug) it *a -e argued t)at t)e o-7ection %a$ rai$ed prior to t)e entr o& +re$ti/a$ plea o& not guilt in t)e (idnapping &or ran$o* c)arge, it *u$t -e noted t)at t)e circu*$tance$ o& t)e pre$ent ca$e *a(e u$ rule ot)er%i$e. +re$ti/a %a$ c)arged %it) t%o cri*e$ at t)e ti*e o& )i$ arre$t: (idnapping %it) ran$o* under ri*inal a$e o. 023393 and illegal po$$e$$ion o& &irear*$ under ri*inal a$e o. 023394. +re$ti/a did not ue$tion t)e legalit o& )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t nor t)e acui$ition o& 7uri$diction o& t)e trial court over )i$ per$on, and &ull participated in t)e )earing o&  t)e illegal po$$e$$ion o& &irear*$ ca$e. +)u$, +re$ti/a i$ dee*ed to )ave %aived an o-7ection to )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t. @nder t)e circu*$tance$, +re$ti/a$ !*ni-u$ Cotion in t)e (idnapping &or ran$o* ca$e i$ a *ere a&tert)oug)t and cannot -e con$idered a$ a ti*el o-7ection.

17.) I0ON v. &ALVE:, *R.

act$: " ontract o& ;*plo*ent %a$ entered into - and -et%een petitioner and re$pondent$ %)ere- t)e &or*er agreed to %or( a$ oo( " &or t)e latter on -oard C.'. Stadt iel &or a period o& 12 *ont)$ at a -a$ic *ont)l $alar o& @ST550.00. Said contract %a$ approved - t)e )ilippine !ver$ea$ ;* plo*ent "d*ini$tration =!;">.  "&ter )i$ pree*plo*ent *edical ea*ination, petitioner -oarded t)e ve$$el in ove*-er 1999. #uring t)e cour$e o& )i$ e*plo*ent, )o%ever, petitioner eperienced c)e$t pain$ and leg cra*p$. +)u$, %)en t)e ve$$el reac)ed Cia*i, lorida, )e %a$ $ent to Sun$)ine Cedical enter &or a *edical c)ec(up, electrocardiogra* =;G> and c)e$t ra. +)e te$t$ revealed a-nor*al &inding$ %it) t)e corre$ponding reco**endation t)at petitioner con$ult a cardiologi$t.Q8 etitioner %a$ t)erea&ter *edicall repatriated on June 24, 2000. @pon repatriation, petitioner %a$ re&erred to re$pondent$ p)$ician at ;l Roi #iagno$tic enter &or a *edical ea*ination and %a$ diagno$ed to -e $u&&ering &ro* enlarge*ent o& t)e )eart and )perten$ion. or t%o *ont)$, )e under%ent a $erie$ o& treat*ent at re$pondent$ epen$e. !n "ugu$t 25, 2000, petitioner %a$ declared &it to return to %or( $ince t)e diagno$i$ o& t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician alread $)o%ed controlled )perten$ion %it) t)e conco*itant advice, )o%ever, o& continuou$ *edication &or li&e. etitioner  t)erea&ter eecuted on Septe*-er 8, 2000, a relea$e and uitclai* in &avor o& re$pondent$ %)erein )e ac(no%ledged receipt o&  @ST1,136.6H corre$ponding to )i$ $ic(ne$$ allo%ance, t)ere- relea$ing )i$ e*ploer &ro* &uture clai*$ and action$. etitioner &iled a co*plaint again$t re$pondent$ -e&ore t)e "r-itration ranc) o& t)e DR to clai* &ull di$a-ilit -ene&it$. etitioner clai*ed t)at )i$ illne$$ continued to %or$en de$pite t)e &it to %or( a$$e$$*ent o& t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician, rendering )i* un&it &or $ea $ervice and entitling )i* to total and per*anent di$a-ilit co*pen$ation. Re$pondent$, on t)e ot)er )and, argued t)at petitioner i$ not entitled to an di$a-ilit co*pen$ation a$ )e %a$ declared &it to return to %or( a$ a $ea*an on "ugu$t 25, 2000 a&ter undergoing t%o *ont)$ o& *edical treat*ent at re$pondent$ epen$e. Re$pondent$ &urt)er clai*ed to )ave $ettled it$ o-ligation to petitioner %)en t)e latter received t)e a*ount o& T1,136.6H a$ &ull $ettle*ent o& )i$ clai*$ including $ic(ne$$ allo%ance, a$ evidenced - a relea$e and uitclai* dul eecuted and $igned - )i*. +)e Da-or "r-iter di$*i$$ed t)e co*plaint o& petitioner con$idering t)at t)e certi&ication$ )e pre$ented do not out%eig) t)e co*pan de$ignated p)$ician$ &it to %or( a$$e$$*ent. "ccording to t)e Da-or "r-iter, t)e certi&ication$ o& di$a-ilit i$$ued - petitioner$ p)$ician$ %ere *ade long a&ter )e %a$ declared &it to %or( and %ere -a$ed onl on petitioner$ $ingle con$ultation %it) eac) o& t)e*. In contra$t, re$pondent$ duti&ull co*plied %it) t)eir o-ligation$ under t)e e*plo*ent contract - providing petitioner %it) *edical a$$i$tance at t)e &oreign port, repatriating )i* at t)eir epen$e, providing )i* %it) *edical ea*ination and treat*ent, paing )i$ $ic(ne$$ allo%ance, and a$$e$$ing )i* to -e &it to return to %or(. +)e clai*$ &or da*age$ and attorne$ &ee$ %ere al$o denied. +)e DR di$regarded t)e certi&ication o& &itne$$ to %or( i$$ued - t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician $ince it &ound petitioner$ $u-$euent con$ultation$ %it) #r$. 'icaldo and a7a a$ proo& o& t)e $everit o& petitioner$ illne$$. +)e DR %ent on to declare t)at petitioner$ poor )ealt) condition, %)ic) reuired clo$e *onitoring and continuou$ *edication, re$ulted to t)e i*pair*ent o& )i$ earning capacit t)ere- entitling )i* to di$a-ilit -ene&it$. +)e " i$$ued a +R! en7oining t)e DR &ro* en&orcing t)e &ollo%ing i$$uance$: a> DR #eci$ion dated e-ruar 26, 2004? -> DR #eci$ion dated "ugu$t 24, 2004? c> DR Re$olution dated e-ruar 28, 2005? and d> rit o& ;ecution i$$ued - t)e Da-or   "r-iter on Ca 31, 2005 in DR R ! 0111231600. +)erea&ter, on Septe* -er 28, 2005, a rit o& reli*inar In7unction %a$ i$$ued upon re$pondent$ po$ting o& a -ond in t)e a*ount o& 500,000.00.  +)e " t)en rendered it$ #eci$ionQ22 on e-ruar 1H, 2006. It &ound *erit in t)e petition and ruled t)at t)e DR gravel a-u$ed it$

di$cretion in reling on t)e certi&ication i$$ued - #r. a7a in$tead o& t)e &it to %or( declaration o& t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician %)o, under t)e !;"S;, i$ t)e one ta$(ed to a$$e$$ petitioner$ *edical condition &or purpo$e$ o& clai*ing di$a-ilit co*pen$ation. e$ide$, t)e *edical certi&icate o& #r. a7a cannot -e con$idered a$ an accurate a$$e$$*ent o& t)e illne$$ contracted - petitioner  during t)e cour$e o& )i$ e*plo*ent %it) re$pondent$. It %a$ -a$ed *erel on t)e $tate*ent$ given to #r. a7a - petitioner and $a*e did not even provide &or an 7u$ti&ication &or t)e rating given. "l$o, t)e certi&ication %a$ *ade 10 *ont)$ &ro* t)e date petitioner  %a$ declared &it to %or( and al*o$t one ear &ro* t)e date o& )i$ repatriation. "nd t)e *o$t nota-le o& all, petitioner con$ulted #r. a7a onl once. it) regard to t)e relea$e and uitclai*, t)e " up)eld t)e $a*e con$idering t)at it %a$ voluntaril eecuted - petitioner  and t)at t)e con$ideration &or it$ i$$uance %a$ not uncon$ciona-le and unrea$ona-le. It ruled t)at re$pondent$ %ere alread relea$ed &ro* lia-ilit %)en petitioner %a$ declared &it to return to %or( and a&ter t)e paid )i* $ic(ne$$ allo%ance &or %)ic) )e even eecuted a uitclai*. Issue! ! t)e ruling o& t)e " i$ correct "el#!  e )old t)at t)e " i$ correct in ruling t)u$. +)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician )a$ cleared petitioner &or e*plo*ent re$u*ption a&ter t%o *ont)$ o& continuou$ treat*ent and a&ter *edication )a$ $ucce$$&ull controlled )i$ )perten$ion. "$ aptl )eld - t)e ", t)e eten$ive *edical attention given - t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician to petitioner ena-led t)e &or*er to acuire a detailed (no%ledge and &a*iliarit o& petitioner$ *edical condition. +)i$ ena-led t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician to arrive at a *ore accurate progno$i$ o& petitioner$ di$a-ilit a$ co*pared to ot)er p)$ician$ not priv to petitioner$ ca$e &ro* t)e -eginning. It )a$ -een )eld t)at t)e doctor %)o )ave )ad a per$onal (no%ledge o& t)e actual *edical condition, )aving clo$el, *eticulou$l and regularl *onitored and actuall treated t)e $ea*an$ illne$$, i$ *ore uali&ied to a$$e$$ t)e $ea*an$ di$a-ilit. !n t)e ot)er )and, t)e *edical report$ o& #r. 'icaldo and #r. a7a %ere i$$ued a&ter petitioner con$ulted eac) o& t)e* onl once. learl, $aid p)$ician$ did not )ave t)e c)ance to clo$el *onitor petitioner$ illne$$. Coreover, #r. 'icaldo$ evaluation o& petitioner$ illne$$ %a$ un$upported - an proo& or -a$i$. )ile )e diagno$ed petitioner to -e $u&&ering &ro* Aperten$ive ardiova$cular  #i$ea$e, oncentric De&t 'entricular pertrop), Dateral all I$c)e*icB and $ugge$ted an AI*pedi*ent Grade ' =5896U>,B no  7u$ti&ication &or $uc) a$$e$$* ent %a$ provided &or in t)e *edical certi&icate )e i$$ued. Si*ilarl, #r. a7a$ *edical report contained no $upporting proo& -ut %a$ rat)er -a$ed on t)e &inding$ o& pa$t ea*ination$ done - t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician, a$ %ell a$ on t)e $tate*ent$ $upplied to )er - t)e petitioner. In oa$tal Sa&et Carine Service$ Inc. v. ;$guerra,Q35 t)i$ ourt -ru$)ed a$ide t)e *edical certi&ication$ upon %)ic) t)e $ea*an t)erein anc)ored )i$ clai* &or di$a-ilit -ene&it$ &or -eing un$upported - diagno$tic te$t$ and procedure$ a$ %ould e&&ectivel di$pute t)e re$ult$ o& t)e *edical ea*ination earlier *ade upon )i* in a &oreign clinic re&erred - )i$ e*ploer. Di(e%i$e $igni&icant i$ t)e &act t)at it too( petitioner *ore t)an a ear -e&ore di$puting t)e declaration o& &itne$$ to %or( - t)e co*pan de$ignated p)$ician. etitioner &iled a clai* &or di$a-ilit -ene&it on t)e -a$i$ o& #r. 'icaldo and #r. a7a$ *edical certi&ication$ %)ic) %ere i$$ued a&ter &ive and 10 *ont)$, re$pectivel, &ro* t)e co*pande$ignated p)$ician$ declaration o& &it to %or(. @n&ortunatel, apart &ro* t)e rea$on$ alread $tated, t)e$e certi&ication$ could not -e given an credence a$ petitioner$ )ealt) condition could )ave c)anged during t)e interi* period due to di&&erent &actor$ $uc) a$ petitioner$ poor co*pliance %it) )i$ *edication$ a$ in &act *entioned - #r. a7a in t)e *edical certi&icate $)e i$$ued. "$ $uc), t)e $aid *edical certi&ication$ cannot e&&ectivel controvert t)e &it to %or( a$$e$$*ent earlier *ade.

1'.) DEL CA0/ILLO v. %EO%LE OF /"E %"ILI%%INE0 &.R. No. 131$ *anuary +, $1$ Fats! ur$uant to an in&or*ation received t)at petitioner %a$ engaged in $elling $)a-u, police o&&icer$ )eaded - S!3 ienvenido Ca$naon conducted $urveillance and te$t-u operation at t)e )ou$e o& petitioner, t)erea&ter $ecured a $earc) %arrant &ro* t)e R+ and t)e $a*e police operative$ %ent to Gil +udtud St., Ca-olo, e-u it to $erve t)e $earc) %arrant to petitioner.

@pon arrival, $o*e-od $)outed Araid,B %)ic) pro*pted t)e* to i**ediatel di$e*-ar( &ro* t)e 7eep t)e %ere riding and %ent directl to petitioner$ )ou$e and cordoned it. )en t)e %ent up$tair$, t)e *et petitioner$ %i&e and in&or*ed )er t)at t)e %ill i*ple*ent t)e $earc) %arrant. ut -e&ore t)e can $earc) t)e area, S!3 Ca$naon clai*ed t)at )e $a% petitioner run to%ard$ a $*all $tructure, a nipa )ut, in &ront o& )i$ )ou$e. Ca$naon c)a$ed )i* -ut to no avail, -ecau$e )e and )i$ *en %ere not &a*iliar %it) t)e entrance$ and eit$ o& t)e place. In t)e pre$ence o& t)e -aranga tanod, Gon/alado, and t)e elder $i$ter o& petitioner na*ed #oll del a$tillo, $earc)ed t)e )ou$e o& petitioner including t)e nipa )ut %)ere t)e petitioner allegedl ran &or cover. i$ *en %)o $earc)ed t)e re$idence o& t)e petitioner &ound not)ing, -ut one o& t)e -aranga tanod$ %a$ a-le to con&i$cate &ro* t)e nipa )ut $everal article$, including &our pla$tic pac($ containing %)ite cr$talline $u-$tance. on$euentl, t)e article$ t)at %ere con&i$cated %ere $ent to t)e  ri*e Da-orator &or ea*ination. +)e content$ o& t)e &our )eat $ealed tran$parent pla$tic pac($ %ere $u-7ected to la-orator ea*ination, t)e re$ult o&  %)ic) proved po$itive &or t)e pre$ence o& $)a-u. +)u$, an In&or*ation %a$ &iled -e&ore t)e R+ again$t petitioner. #uring arraign*ent, petitioner, %it) t)e a$$i$tance o& )i$ coun$el, pleaded not guilt. +)e accu$ed denied t)e allegation$ and according to )i*, t)e $*all $tructure, 20 *eter$ a%a &ro* )i$ )ou$e %)ere t)e &ound t)e con&i$cated ite*$, %a$ o%ned - )i$ older -rot)er and %a$ u$ed a$ a $torage place - )i$ &at)er. evert)ele$$, t)e R+ &ound petitioner guilt -eond rea$ona-le o& t)e c)arge again$t )i* in t)e In&or*ation. etitioner appealed )i$ ca$e %it) t)e ", -ut t)e latter a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+. etitioner in$i$t$ t)at t)ere %a$ no pro-a-le cau$e to i$$ue t)e $earc) %arrant, con$idering t)at S!1 Renaldo Catillano, t)e police o&&icer %)o applied &or it, )ad no per$onal (no%ledge o& t)e alleged illegal $ale o& drug$ during a te$t-u operation conducted prior to t)e application o& t)e $a*e $earc) %arrant. Coreover , petitioner a$$ert$ t)at t)e nipa )ut located a-out 20 *eter$ a%a &ro*

)i$ )ou$e i$ no longer %it)in t)e Aper*i$$i-le areaB t)at *a -e $earc)ed - t)e police o&&icer$ due to t)e di$tance and t)at t)e $earc) %arrant did not include t)e $a*e nipa )ut a$ one o& t)e place$ to -e $earc)ed. Issue!

)et)er or not t)ere i$ a pro-a-le cau$e to 7u$ti& t)e %arrant o& arre$tM )et)er or not t)e $earc) conducted in t)e nipa )ou$e %a$ validM



+)e reui$ite$ &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant are: =1> pro-a-le cau$e i$ pre$ent? =2> $uc) pro-a-le cau$e *u$t -e deter*ined per$onall - t)e 7udge? =3> t)e 7udge *u$t ea*ine, in %riting and under oat) or a&&ir*ation, t)e co*plainant and t)e %itne$$e$ )e or $)e *a produce? =4> t)e applicant and t)e %itne$$e$ te$ti& on t)e &act$ per$onall (no%n to t)e*? and =5> t)e %arrant $peci&icall de$cri-e$ t)e place to -e $earc)ed and t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. ro-a-le cau$e &or a $earc) %arrant i$ de&ined a$ $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ %)ic) %ould lead a rea$ona-l di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place $oug)t t o -e $earc)ed. " &inding o& pro-a-le cau$e need$ onl to re$t on evidence $)o%ing t)at, *ore li(el t)an not, a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at it %a$ co**itted - t)e accu$ed. ro-a-le cau$e de*and$ *ore t)an -are $u$picion? it reuire$ le$$ t)an evidence %)ic) %ould 7u$ti& conviction. +)e 7udge, in deter*ining pro-a-le cau$e, i$ to con$ider t)e totalit o& t)e circu*$tance$ *ade (no%n to )i* and not - a &ied and rigid &or*ula, and *u$t e*plo a &lei-le, totalit o& t)e circu*$tance$ $tandard. +)e ei$tence depend$ to a large degree upon t)e &inding or opinion o& t)e  7udge conducting t)e ea*ination. +)i$ ourt, t)ere&ore, i$ in no po$ition to di$tur- t)e &actual &inding$ o& t)e 7udge %)ic) led to t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant. " *agi$trate$ deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant i$ paid great de&erence - a revie%ing court, a$ long a$ t)ere %a$ $u-$tantial -a$i$ &or t)at deter*ination. Su-$tantial -a$i$ *ean$ t)at t)e ue$tion$ o& t)e ea*ining 7udge -roug)t out $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ a$ %ould lead a rea$ona-l di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted, and t)e o-7ect$ in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e $oug)t to -e $ei/ed are in t)e place $oug)t to -e $earc)ed. " revie% o& t)e record$ $)o%$ t)at in t)e pre$ent ca$e, a $u-$tantial -a$i$ ei$t$. o. It *u$t -e re*e*-ered t)at t)e %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ or t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed in order &or it to -e valid. " de$ignation or de$cription t)at point$ out t)e place to -e $earc)ed to t)e eclu$ion o& all ot)er$, and on inuir unerringl lead$ t)e peace o&&icer$ to it, $ati$&ie$ t)e con$titutional reuire*ent o& de&initene$$. In t)e pre$ent ca$e, Searc) arrant o. 5H09119H24 $peci&icall de$ignate$ or de$cri-e$ t)e re$idence o& t)e petitioner a$ t)e place to -e $earc)ed. Incidentall, t)e ite*$ %ere $ei/ed - a -aranga tanod in a nipa )ut, 20 *eter$ a%a &ro* t)e re$idence o& t)e petitioner. +)e con&i$cated ite*$, )aving -een &ound in a place ot)er t)an t)e one de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant, can -e con$idered a$ &ruit$ o& an invalid %arrantle$$ $earc), t)e pre$entation o& %)ic) a$ an evidence i$ a violation o& petitioner$ con$titutional guarant again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure. +)e !SG argue$ t)at, a$$u*ing t)at t)e ite*$ $ei/ed %ere &ound in anot)er place not de$ignated in t)e $earc) %arrant, t)e $a*e ite*$ $)ould $till -e ad*i$$i-le a$ evidence -ecau$e t)e one %)o di$covered t)e* %a$ a -aranga tanod %)o i$ a private individual, t)e con$titutional guarant again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure -eing applica-le onl again$t govern*ent aut)oritie$. +)e contention i$ devoid o& *erit. +)e pro$ecution *u$t prove t)at t)e petitioner )ad (no%ledge o& t)e ei$tence and pre$ence o& t)e drug$ in t)e place under  )i$ control and do*inion and t)e c)aracter o& t)e drug$. it) t)e pro$ecution$ &ailure to prove t)at t)e nipa )ut %a$ under petitioner$ control and do*inion, t)ere ca$t$ a rea$ona-le dou-t a$ to )i$ guilt.

1.) 0EC v. 5ENDO:A et, al. Fats!  "cting on t)e $earc) %arrant, I and Securitie$ ;c)ange o**i$$ion =S;> agent$ $earc)ed t)e o&&ice$ *entioned and $ei/ed t)e de$cri-ed docu*ent$ and article$ &ro* t)e*. S)ortl a&ter, t)e S; &iled a cri*inal co*plaint %it) t)e #epart*ent o& Ju$tice =#!J> again$t re$pondent$ Ri//a Cendo/a, et., al. &or violation o& Repu-lic "ct 8H99, al$o (no%n a$ t)e Securitie$ Regulation ode =SR>, and -> co**it e$ta&a under "rticle 315 o& t)e Revi$ed enal ode.Q1 +)e court granted t)e application.

+)e Cuntinlupa petition $oug)t to prevent t)e S; and t)e I &ro* u$ing t)e $ei/ed article$ in pro$ecuting Cendo/a, et al. and t)e #!J &ro* proceeding %it) t)e preli*inar inve$tigation o& t)eir ca$e, u$ing t)e $a*e. +)e &eared t)at t)e $ei/ed article$ *a )ave alread -een ta*pered %it), altered, or aug*ented - t)o$e re$pon$i-le &or $ei/ing t)e*. ;$$entiall, Cendo/a, et al.$ action i$ one &or t)e $uppre$$ion o& evidence %)o$e $ei/ure )ad -eco*e illegal &or &ailure to turn t)e* over to t)e i$$uing court. +)e t)ree agencie$ *oved &or recon$ideration o& t)e Cuntinlupa R+$ order$ granting t)e intervention and t)e preli*inar in7unction. +)e al$o *oved &or t)e di$*i$$al o& action. ourt i$$ued an o*ni-u$ order, dening t)eir *otion$ &or recon$ideration and to di$*i$$. +)i$ pro*pted t)e t)ree agencie$ to &ile a petition &or certiorari and pro)i-ition %it) t)e ", $ee(ing to annul t)e Cuntinlupa R+$ order$. #uring t)e pendenc o& t)e ca$e -e&ore t)e ", t)e Ca(ati R+ rendered a deci$ion nulli&ing t)e $earc) %arrant it i$$ued and declaring t)e docu*ent$ and article$ $ei/ed under it inad*i$$i-le in evidence. +)e Ca(ati R+ al$o directed t)e S; and t)e I to return t)e $ei/ed ite*$ to re$pondent$ a$trana and "-ad. +)e " did not *ention t)e Ca(ati R+ order and did not di$*i$$ t)e petition -e&ore it on ground o& *ootne$$. It denied t)e t)ree agencie$ petition, and a&&ir*ed t)e order$ o& t)e Cuntinlupa R+. +)e " ruled, a*ong ot)er t)ing$, t)at Cendo/a, et al.$ action -e&ore t)e Cuntinlupa R+ %a$ proper and di$tinct &ro* t)at %)ic) re$pondent$ a$trana and "-ad &iled %it) t)e Ca(ati R+. +)e t)ree agencie$ *oved &or recon$ideration -ut t)e " denied t)e $a*e. @ndaunted, t)e &iled t)e pre$ent petition &or revie% on certiorari.


)et)er or not t)e " erred in )olding t)at t)e Cuntinlupa R+ )a$ 7uri$diction to entertain Cendo/a, et al.$ in7unction action

+)e rule$ do not reuire Cendo/a, et al. to -e partie$ to t)e $earc) %arrant proceeding &or t)e* to -e a-le to &ile a *otion to "el#! $uppre$$. It i$ not correct to $a t)at onl t)e partie$ to t)e application &or $earc) %arrant can ue$tion it$ i$$uance or $ee( $uppre$$ion o& evidence $ei/ed under it. +)e proceeding &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant doe$ not parta(e o& an action %)ere a part co*plain$ o& a violation o& )i$ rig)t - anot)er. +)e ourt clearl eplained in @nited Da-oratorie$, Inc. v. I$ip,Q20 t)e nature o& a $earc) %arrant proceeding. +)e " )eld t)at t)e proceeding$ -e&ore t)e Ca(ati R+ and t)e Cuntinlupa R+ are $eparate and di$tinct. +)e o-7ect o& t)e *otion to ua$) $earc) %arrant, )ere &iled - re$pondent$ a$trana and "-ad %it) t)e Ca(ati R+, t)e i$$uing court, %a$ to te$t t)e validit o& it$ i$$uance, given t)at t)e %arrant %a$ *ade to cover $everal o&&en$e$ rat)er t)an 7u$t one a$ t)e rule$ provide. !n t)e ot)er )and, t)e o-7ect o& t)e Cuntinlupa in7unction ca$e i$ to prevent t)e t)ree agencie$ &ro* u$ing t)e $ei/ed article$ in an cri*inal proceeding again$t Cendo/a, et al. con$idering t)e S; and t)e I$ &ailure to i**ediatel turn over t)e $ei/ed article$ to t)e court t)at i$$ued t)e %arrant a$ t)e rule$ reuire. ut Section 14 o& Rule 126 i$ clear. Fue$tion$ concerning -ot) 1> t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant and 2> t)e $uppre$$ion o&  evidence $ei/ed under it are *atter$ t)at can -e rai$ed onl %it) t)e i$$uing court i&, a$ in t)e pre$ent ca$e, no cri*inal action )a$ in t)e *eanti*e -een &iled in court. +)e $ection 14 provide$:  Cotion to ua$) a $earc) %arrant or to $uppre$$ evidence? %)ere to &ile. L " *otion to ua$) a $earc) %arrant andor to $uppre$$ evidence o-tained t)ere- *a -e &iled in and acted upon onl - t)e court %)ere t)e action )a$ -een in$tituted. I& no cri*inal action )a$ -een in$tituted, t)e *otion *a -e &iled in and re$olved - t)e court t)at i$$ued t)e $earc) %arrant. o%ever, i& $uc) court &ailed to re$olve t)e *otion and a cri*inal ca$e i$ $u-$euentl &iled in anot)er court, t)e *otion $)all -e re$olved - t)e latter court. =;*p)a$i$ $upplied>  "lt)oug) pa$$ed o&& a$ a petition &or in7unction, t)e action t)at Cendo/a, et al. &iled %it) t)e Cuntinlupa R+, t)e o-7ect o& %)ic) i$ to pro)i-it t)e t)ree agencie$ &ro* u$ing t)e ite*$ $ei/ed under t)e $earc) %arrant, i$ actuall an action to $uppre$$ t)eir u$e a$ evidence. on$euentl, Cendo/a, et al. $)ould )ave &iled it %it) t)e Ca(ati R+ t)at i$$ued $uc) %arrant. It *ig)t -e pointed out o& cour$e t)at $ince Cendo/a, et al. %ere not partie$ to t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant, t)e )ad no $tanding to ue$tion t)e $a*e or $ee( t)e $uppre$$ion o& evidence ta(en under it. on$euentl, $ince t)e )ad rea$on$ &or  ue$tioning govern*ent u$e o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$ again$t t)e*, t)e )ad t)e rig)t to -ring t)e in7unction action -e&ore t)e Cuntinlupa R+ %)ere t)e re$ided. Searc) %arrant proceeding i$, in no $en$e, a cri*inal action or t)e co**ence*ent o& a pro$ecution. +)e proceeding i$ not one again$t an per$on, -ut i$ $olel &or t)e di$cover and to get po$$e$$ion o& per$onal propert. It i$ a $pecial and peculiar re*ed, dra$tic in nature, and *ade nece$$ar -ecau$e o& pu-lic nece$$it. It re$e*-le$ in $o*e re$pect %it) %)at i$ co**onl (no%n a$ Jo)n #oe proceeding$. )ile an application &or a $earc) %arrant i$ entitled li(e a cri*inal action, it doe$ not *a(e it $uc) an action.  " $earc) %arrant i$ a legal proce$$ %)ic) )a$ -een li(ened to a %rit o& di$cover e*ploed - t)e State to procure relevant evidence o& cri*e. It i$ in t)e nature o& a cri*inal proce$$, re$tricted to ca$e$ o& pu-lic pro$ecution$. " $earc) %arrant i$ a police %eapon, i$$ued under t)e police po%er. " $earc) %arrant *u$t i$$ue in t)e na*e o& t)e State, na*el, t)e eople o& t)e )ilippine$.  " $earc) %arrant )a$ no relation to a civil proce$$. It i$ not a proce$$ &or ad7udicating civil rig)t$ or *aintaining *ere private rig)t$. It concern$ t)e pu-lic at large a$ di$tingui$)ed &ro* t)e ordinar civil action involving t)e rig)t$ o& private per$on$. It *a onl -e applied &or in t)e &urt)erance o& pu-lic pro$ecution. learl, alt)oug) t)e $earc) %arrant in t)i$ ca$e did not target t)e re$idence or o&&ice$ o& Cendo/a, et al., t)e %ere entitled to &ile %it) t)e Ca(ati R+ a *otion to $uppre$$ t)e u$e o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$ a$ evidence again$t t)e* &or &ailure o& t)e S; and t)e I to i**ediatel turn t)e$e over to t)e i$$uing court. +)e i$$uing court i$ t)e rig)t &oru* &or $uc) *otion given t)at no cri*inal action )ad a$ et -een &iled again$t Cendo/a, et al. in $o*e ot)er court. arent)eticall, it appear$ &ro* it$ inve$tigation report t)at t)e S; (ept t)e $ei/ed docu*ent$ and article$ &or *ont)$ rat)er t)an i**ediatel turn t)e* over to t)e Ca(ati R+. Ju$ti&ing it$ action, t)e S; $aid t)at it $till needed to $tud t)e $ei/ed ite*$. ;videntl, it %anted to u$e t)e* to -uild up a ca$e again$t t)e re$pondent$, un*ind&ul o& it$ dut to &ir$t turn t)e* over to t)e court. learl, S;$ ar-itrar action co*pro*i$ed t)e integrit o& t)e $ei/ed docu*ent$ and article$.

1-.) A64re vs %eople of t;e %;lppnes &.R. No. 1-13+$ Au2ust 13, $1$ Fats! +)e aloocan olice Station "ntiIllegal #rugSpecial !peration @nit conducted a -u-u$t operation pur$uant to a tip &ro* a police in&or*ant t)at a certain "-dula) Sultan =Sultan> and )i$ %i&e Ina "derp ="derp> %ere engaged in t)e $elling o& dangerou$ drug$ at a re$idential co*pound in aloocan it. +)e -u-u$t operation re$ulted in t)e arre$t o& "derp and a certain Coctar +agoranao =+agoranao>, )o%ever, t)e Sultan %a$ a-le to ran a%a &ro* t)e $cene o& t)e entrap*ent operation, to %)ic) !3 Coran, !2 Ca$i and !1 Cateo, pur$ued )i*. In t)e cour$e o& t)e c)a$e, Sultan led t)e $aid police o&&icer$ to )i$ )ou$e. In$ide t)e )ou$e, t)e police operative$ &ound "*-re, a$tro and Cendo/a )aving a pot $e$$ion, %)ere "*-re %a$ caug)t $ni&&ing %)at %a$ $u$pected to -e $)a-u in a rolled up alu*inu* &oil. "*-re ve)e*entl denied t)e c)arge$ again$t )er.

+)e R+ rendered it$ deci$ion declaring t)at t)e pro$ecution %a$ a-le to e$ta-li$) %it) certitude t)e guilt o& "*-re &or illegal u$e o& *et)la*p)eta*ine )droc)loride or violation o& Section 15, "rticle II o& R.". o. 9165. +)e R+, )o%ever, acuitted )er o& t)e cri*e o& violation o& Section 12, "rticle II o& R.". o. 9165 &or &ailure o& t)e pro$ecution to prove %it) particularit t)e drug parap)ernalia &ound in )er po$$e$$ion. "*-re appealed t)e 7udg*ent o& conviction -e&ore t)e " pro&e$$ing )er innocence o& t)e cri*e. +)e " denied t)e appeal. Issues! )et)er t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t o& "*-re and t)e $earc) o& )er per$on %ere validM

Section 2, "rticle III o& t)e on$titution *andate$ t)at a $earc) and $ei/ure *u$t -e carried out t)roug) or on t)e $trengt) o& a "el#!  7udicial %arrant predicated upon t)e ei$tence o& pro-a-le cau$e, a-$ent %)ic) $uc) $earc) and $ei/ure -eco*e$ Kunrea$ona-leK %it)in t)e *eaning o& $aid con$titutional provi$ion. ;vidence o-tained and con&i$cated on t)e occa$ion o& $uc) an unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure i$ tainted and $)ould -e ecluded &or -eing t)e prover-ial &ruit o& a poi$onou$ tree. In t)e language o& t)e &unda*ental la%, it $)all -e inad*i$$i-le in evidence &or an purpo$e in an proceeding. +)i$ eclu$ionar rule i$ not, )o%ever, an a-$olute and rigid pro$cription. !ne o& t)e recogni/ed eception e$ta-li$)ed -  7uri$prudence i$ $earc) incident to a la%&ul arre$t. In t)i$ eception, t)e la% reuire$ t)at a la%&ul arre$t *u$t precede t)e $earc) o& a per$on and )i$ -elonging$. "$ a rule, an arre$t i$ con$idered legiti*ate i& e&&ected %it) a valid %arrant o& arre$t. In t)e ca$e at -enc), t)ere i$ no gain$aing t)at "*-re %a$ caug)t - t)e police o&&icer$ in t)e act o& u$ing $)a-u and, t)u$, can -e la%&ull arre$ted %it)out a %arrant. !1 Cateo po$itivel identi&ied "*-re $ni&&ing $u$pected $)a-u &ro* an alu*inu* &oil -eing )eld - a$tro. "*-re, )o%ever, *ade *uc) o& t)e &act t)at t)ere %a$ no prior valid intru$ion in t)e re$idence o& Sultan. +)e argu*ent i$ $peciou$.

$.) "%0 0oft=are an# Co66unaton Corporaton vs %LD/ 7' 0CRA ($7 Fats: "!+ applied &or t)e i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant &or 'iolation o& "rticle 308 o& t)e Revi$ed enal ode &or +)e&t o& +elep)one Service$ and &or 'iolation o& .#. 401 &or unaut)ori/ed in$tallation o& telep)one co**unication euip*ent &ollo%ing t)e co*plaint o& t )e D#+ t)at t)e %ere a-le to *onitor t)e u$e o& t)e re$pondent$ in t)eir pre*i$e$ o& Ca-u)a card and euip*ent capa-le o& receiving and tran$*itting call$ &ro* t)e @S" to t)e )ilippine$ %it)out t)e$e call$ pa$$ing t)roug) t)e &acilitie$ o& D#+. o*plainant$ %itne$$e$ conducted a te$t call u$ing Ca-u)a ard and di$covered in t)e cour$e o& t)eir te$t call$ t)at D#+ telep)one line$nu*-er$ %ere identi&ied a$ t)e calling part. +)e te$ti&ied t)at t)e te$t call$ pa$$ing t)roug) t)e Ca-u)a ard %ere -eing re&lected a$ local call$ onl and not over$ea$ call$ t)u$ *a(ing t)e international long di$tance call$ appear a$ local call$, to t)e da*age and pre7udice o&  D#+ %)ic) i$ deprived o& revenue$ a$ a re$ult t)ereo&. +)e di$covered t)at t)e line$ %ere $u-$cri-ed - )ilip ap %)o$e addre$$ i$ S So&t%are o**unication orporation. +)e trial court i$$ued t)e $earc) %arrant and it %a$ i*ple*ented. Su-$euentl, corre$ponding in&or*ation &iled again$t S and ap.

ap &iled a Cotion to Fua$) andor Suppre$$ Illegall Sei/ed ;vidence. S orporation &iled a Cotion to Fua$) Searc) arrant and Return. ot) pleading$ $oug)t to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant$ at i$$ue on t)e ground$ t)at t)e $a*e did not re&er to a $peci&ic o&&en$e, t)at t)ere %a$ no pro-a-le cau$e, and t)at t)e $earc) %arrant$ %ere general %arrant$ and %ere %rongl i*ple*ented. e&ore D#+ could $u-*it it$ *e*orandu*, R+ granted to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant and return t)e t)ing$ $ei/ed. ence D#+ &iled $eparate notice o& appeal and certiorari. D#+ argued t)at t%o $earc) %arrant$ %ere i*properl ua$)ed. " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& R+. " concluded t)at no te$t call$ u$ing t)e $a*e Ca-u)a card %ere actuall *ade - D#+$ %itne$$e$ %)en it applied &or a $earc) %arrant again$t S , ot)er%i$e, t)e Ca-u)a card $)ould )ave )ad le$$ t)an T10.00 value le&t in it -e&ore it %a$ u$ed in t)e te$t call$ conducted at t)e +Region 'II o&&ice and in open court. Issues! )et)er t)e t%o $earc) %arrant$ %ere i*properl ua$)edM )et)er t)e $u-7ect %arrant$ are in t)e nature o& general %arrant$M )et)er t)e relea$e o& t)e ite*$ $ei/ed - virtue$ o& t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$ %a$ properM "el#:

e$. +)i$ ourt cannot $u-$cri-e to "$ )a$t conclu$ion -ecau$e t)e deter*ination o& %)et)er or not te$t call$ %ere indeed *ade - D#+ on Ca-u)a card cannot -e a$certained $olel - c)ec(ing t)e value re&lected on t)e a&ore*entioned Ca-u)a card. In &act, reliance on t)i$ *et)od o& veri&ication i$ &raug)t %it) ue$tion$ t)at $tri(e deep into t)e capa-ilit o& t)e $aid Ca-u)a card to auto*aticall and accuratel re&lect t)e &act t)at it )ad indeed -een u$ed - D#+$ %itne$$e$ to *a(e te$t call$. D#+ never  repre$ented t)at t)e Ca-u)a card )ad an accurate recording $$te* t)at %ould auto*aticall deduct t)e value o& a call &ro* t)e value o& t)e card at t)e ti*e t)e call %a$ *ade. ertainl, D#+ %a$ not in a po$ition to *a(e $uc) an a$$ertion a$ it did not )ave a )and in t)e production and progra**ing o& $aid Ca-u)a card.

+)e court )eld t)at t)e validit o& t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant re$t$ upon t)e &ollo%ing &actor$: =1> it *u$t -e i$$ued upon pro-a-le cau$e? =2> t)e pro-a-le cau$e *u$t -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge )i*$el& and not - t)e applicant or an ot)er per$on? =3> in t)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e, t)e 7udge *u$t ea*ine, under oat) or a&&ir*ation, t)e co*plainant and $uc) %itne$$e$ a$ t)e latter *a produce? and =4> t)e %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ and t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. ro-a-le cau$e, a$ a condition &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant, i$ $uc) rea$on$ $upported - &act$ and circu*$tance$ a$ %ill %arrant a cautiou$ *an to -elieve t)at )i$ action and t)e *ean$ ta(en in pro$ecuting it are legall 7u$t and proper. It reuire$ &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-l prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)at o&&en$e are in t)e place to -e $earc)ed. In Cicro$o&t orporation v. Caicorp, Inc., t)i$ ourt )eld t)at t)e uantu* o& evidence reuired to prove pro-a-le cau$e i$ not t)e $a*e uantu* o& evidence needed to e$ta-li$) proo& -eond rea$ona-le dou-t %)ic) i$ reuired in a cri*inal ca$e t)at *a -e $u-$euentl &iled. e ruled in t)i$ ca$e t)at: A+)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e doe$ not call &or t)e application o& rule$ and $tandard$ o& proo& t)at a 7udg*ent o& conviction reuire$ a&ter trial on t)e *erit$. "$ i*plied - t)e %ord$ t)e*$elve$, Apro-a-le cau$eB i$ concerned %it) pro-a-ilit, not a-$olute or  even *oral certaint. +)e pro$ecution need not pre$ent at t)i$ $tage proo& -eond rea$ona-le dou-t. +)e $tandard$ o& 7udg*ent are t)o$e o& a rea$ona-l prudent *an, not t)e eacting cali-ration$ o& a 7udge a&ter a &ull-lo%n trial.B o. +)e court &ind$ t)at t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$ are not general %arrant$ -ecau$e t)e ite*$ to -e $ei/ed %ere $u&&icientl identi&ied p)$icall and %ere al$o $peci&icall identi&ied - $tating t)eir relation to t)e o&&en$e$ c)arged %)ic) are +)e&t and 'iolation o&  re$idential #ecree o. 401 t)roug) t)e conduct o& illegal ISR activitie$.  " $earc) %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ or t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed in order &or it to -e valid, ot)er%i$e, it i$ con$idered a$ a general %arrant %)ic) i$ pro$cri-ed - -ot) 7uri$prudence and t)e 198H on$titution. In @ )etin v. 'illareal, %e eplained t)e purpo$e o& t)e a&ore*entioned reuire*ent &or a valid $earc) %arrant, to %it: AQ" $earc) %arrant $)ould particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. +)e evident purpo$e and intent o&  t)i$ reuire*ent i$ to li*it t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed to t)o$e, and onl t)o$e, particularl de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant <    %)at article$ t)e $)all $ei/e, to t)e end t)at Aunrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$B *a not -e *ade,  t)at a-u$e$ *a not -e co**itted.   B o.  "$ properl pointed out - D#+, !rder o& t)e re$pondent 7udge i$ not Ai**ediatel eecutorB. It i$ a &inal order %)ic) di$po$e$ o& t)e action or proceeding and %)ic) *a -e t)e $u-7ect o& an appeal. ro* t)e &oregoing, it i$ clear t)at eecution *a i$$ue onl upon *otion - a part and onl upon t)e epiration o& t)e period to appeal, i& no appeal )a$ -een per&ected. !t)er%i$e, i&  an appeal )a$ -een dul per&ected, t)e partie$ %ould )ave to %ait &or t)e &inal re$olution o& t)e appeal -e&ore it *a eecute t)e  7udg*ent or &inal order < ecept &or in$tance$ %)ere an eecution pending appeal i$ granted - t)e proper court o& la%.

$1.) %EO%LE v. >ELOC@RA &.R. No. 1'+('( Au2ust $-, $1$ Fats! )ie& In$p. #ivina, received a call &ro* a *ale per$on %)o re&u$ed to identi& )i*$el&. +)e caller tipped )i* o&& a-out a ro--er to -e $taged along Dope/ Street, +ondo, Canila. +)erea&ter )e %a$ i**ediatel order to &or* a tea*. +)e po$itioned t)e*$elve$ to a&ore$aid $treet and $potted an o%nertpe 7eep -earing a $puriou$ govern*ent plate. +)e tea* pur$ued t)e driver, %)ic) i$ elocura, $ignaled )i* to $top -ut %a$ ignored and $ped o&& t)e car. Dater, t)e tea* %a$ a-le to -loc(ed ecolo$ pat) and t)e approac) elocura. #uvina and )i$ tea* ueried elocura a-out t)e plate no., con&i$cated )i$ pi$tol t)at %a$ tuc(ed in )i$ %ai$t and arre$ted )i*. S!2 Santo$ $earc)ed t)e 7eep and recovered a red pla$tic -ag containing a *ari7uana %rapped in ne%$paper.

!n t)e ot)er )and, elocura denied o%ning or po$$e$$ing t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana, $aing t)at )e onl $ee$ t)e *ari7uana &or  t)e &ir$t ti*e in t)e court. !n redirect ea*ination, elocura replied t)at )e did not $ee t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana %)et)er at t)e ti*e o&  )i$ arre$t, or at t)e police precinct, or during t)e inue$t proceeding$. !n recro$$, )e clari&ied t)at %)ile t)e driver$ $eat %ere &ied to t)e 7eep, t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana could nevert)ele$$ -e placed under t)e driver$ $eat onl i& pre$$ed )ard enoug), -ut in t)at ca$e t)e %rapping$ %ould get torn -ecau$e t)e %iring$ o& t)e car underneat) t)e $eat %ere epo$ed. e recalled t)at t)e %rapping$ o& t)e -ric($ o& *ari7uana %ere intact. R+ convicted elocura %)ic) t)e " a&&ir*ed in t)e appeal. Issue:

)et)er t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) on elocura$ 7eep %a$ valid.

+)e con$titutional pro$cription again$t %arrantle$$ $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ ad*it$ o& t)e &ollo%ing eception$, na*el: =a> "el#: %arrantle$$ $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t recogni/ed under Section 13, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt?19 =-> $ei/ure o& evidence under plain vie%? =c> $earc) o& a *oving ve)icle? =d> con$ented %arrantle$$ $earc)? =e> cu$to*$ $earc)? =&> $topand&ri$( $ituation$ =+err $earc)>? and =g> eigent and e*ergenc circu*$tance$.20 In t)e$e eceptional $ituation$, t)e nece$$it &or a $earc) %arrant i$ di$pen$ed %it). elocura %a$ caug)t in &lagrante delicto violating Section 31 o& Repu-lic "ct o. 4139 =+)e Dand +ran$portation and +ra&&ic ode>. In &lagrante delicto *ean$ in t)e ver act o& co**itting t)e cri*e. +o -e caug)t in &lagrante delicto nece$$aril i*plie$ t)e

po$itive identi&ication o& t)e culprit - an ee%itne$$ or ee%itne$$e$. Suc) identi&ication i$ a direct evidence o& culpa-ilit, -ecau$e it Kprove$ t)e &act in di$pute %it)out t)e aid o& an in&erence or pre$u*ption.K ;ven - )i$ o%n ad*i$$ion, )e %a$ actuall co**itting a cri*e in t)e pre$ence or %it)in t)e vie% o& t)e arre$ting police*en. Suc) *anner - %)ic) elocura %a$ appre)ended &ell under t)e &ir$t categor in Section 5, Rule 113 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt. +)e arre$t %a$ valid, t)ere&ore, and t)e arre$ting police*en t)ere- -eca*e cloa(ed %it) t)e aut)orit to validl $earc) )i$ per$on and e&&ect$ &or %eapon$ or an ot)er article )e *ig)t u$e in t)e co**i$$ion o&  t)e cri*e or %a$ t)e &ruit o& t)e cri*e or *ig)t -e u$ed a$ evidence in t)e trial o& t)e ca$e, and to $ei/e &ro* )i* and t)e area %it)in )i$ reac) or under )i$ control, li(e t)e 7eep, $uc) %eapon or ot)er article. +)e evident purpo$e o& t)e incidental $earc) %a$ to protect t)e arre$ting police*en &ro* -eing )ar*ed - )i* %it) t)e u$e o& a concealed %eapon. "ccordingl, t)e %arrantle$$ c)aracter o& t)e arre$t could not - it$el& -e t)e -a$i$ o& )i$ acuittal. In convicting elocura a$ c)arged, t)e R+ relied on t)e te$ti*onie$ o& )ie& In$p. #ivina and S!1 Ro7a$ to e$ta-li$) t)e &act o& po$$e$$ion o& t)e *ari7uana -ric($. "n evaluation o& t)e totalit o& t)e evidence on record indicate$, )o%ever, t)at t)e corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e c)arged %a$ not e$ta-li$)ed -eond rea$ona-le dou-t. $$.) CEN/@R9 C"INE0E 5EDICINE CO. v. %EO%LE AND LIN& NA LA@ &.R. No. 13$7 Nove64er 11, $1+ Fats! Re$pondent Ding a Dau, doing -u$ine$$ under t)e na*e and $tle orld%ide )ar*ac, i$ t)e $ole di$tri-utor and regi$tered trade*ar( o%ner o& +! G;D +.G. O #;'I; ! " D;" papaa %)itening $oap &or a period o& ten ear$. er repre$entative, ing, reue$ted t)e a$$i$tance &or an inve$tigation on $everal drug$tore$ %)ic) are $elling counter&eit %)itening papaa $oap$ -earing t)e general appearance o& t)eir product$. +)e I agent$ conducted an inve$tigation and te$t -u$. +)e agent$ %a$ a-le to con&ir* t)at t)e re$pondent$ clai*$ to -e true. "n i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant$ again$t t)e drug$tore$ involved &or violation$ o& trade*ar( in&rige*ent and un&air co*petition.

etitioner$ contend t)at t)e $ei/ure o& product$ &ro* t)eir $tore$ are not $u-7ect o& t)e $earc) %arrant and $ei/ure$. +)o$e ite*$ ta(en &ro* t)e $tore$ are not product$ o& an (ind o& an cri*e, u$ed, or intended to -e u$ed in an cri*e. +)e petitioner$ clai* t)at t)e are legiti*ate di$tri-utor$ o& t)e product$ in ue$tion, t)u$ t)e are aut)ori/ed to $ell t)o$e product$. +)e R+ ruled in &avor o& petitioner$ to ua$) t)e $aid $earc) %arrant and ordered t)e $a*e to return t)e $ei/ed product$ %it)in $everal da$. o%ever, t)e " rever$ed t)e deci$ion on ground$ t)at t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued -ecau$e o& anticipation o&  co**itting an o&&en$e. etitioner$ argue t)at t)e R+ erred in t)e i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant -ecau$e t)e clai*$ o& anticipator civil action %a$ never rai$ed in t)e court. Issue!

)et)er t)e " erred in rever$ing t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+ to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant



It -ear$ $tre$$ing t)at t)e -a$i$ &or t)e application$ &or i$$uance$ o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ on ground$ o& trade*ar( in&ringe*ent and un&air co*petition i$ t)e trade*ar( +! G;D +.G. O #;'I; ! " D;". rivate co*plainantappellant %a$ i$$ued a erti&icate o&  Regi$tration o. 42000009881 o& $aid trade*ar( on "ugu$t 24, 2003 - t)e Intellectual ropert !&&ice, and i$ t)u$ con$idered t)e la%&ul )older o& t)e $aid trade*ar(. eing t)e regi$trant and t)e )older o& t)e $a*e, private co*plainantappellant )ad t)e aut)orit to en&orce and protect )er intellectual propert rig)t$ over it. +)i$ pro*pted )er to reue$t &or a$$i$tance &ro* t)e agent$ o& t)e I, %)o t)erea&ter conducted a $erie$ o& inve$tigation, te$t -u$ and in$pection regarding t)e alleged trade*ar( in&ringe*ent - )erein re$pondent$appellee$. Su-$euentl, ing a Dau, private co*plainantappellant$ repre$entative, i$$ued a certi&ication %it) t)e &inding t)at t)e ea*ined good$ %ere counter&eit. +)i$ pro*pted t)e I agent$ to appl &or t)e i$$uance$ o& $earc) %arrant$ again$t t)e re$pondent$appellee$. Said application$ &or t)e $earc) %arrant$ %ere granted a&ter - Judge Daguille$ a&ter ea*ining under oat) t)e applicant "gent uring o& t)e I and )i$ %itne$$e$ ing a Dau and Junad R. I$*ael. a$ed on t)e &oregoing, it i$ clear t)at t)e reui$ite$ &or t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ )ad -een co*plied %it) and t)at t)ere i$ pro-a-le cau$e to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )ad -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e %ere in t)e place$ to -e $earc)ed. +)e o&&en$e pertain$ to t)e alleged violation$ co**itted - re$pondent$appellee$ upon t)e intellectual propert rig)t$ o& )erein private co*plainantappellant, a$ )older o& t)e trade*ar( +! G;D +.G. O #;'I; ! " D;" under erti&icate o&  Regi$tration o. 42000009881, i$$ued on "ugu$t 24, 2003 - t)e Intellectual ropert !&&ice +)e rule$ provided &or - t)e Intellectual ropert ode i$ not applica-le in t)e ca$e at -ar -ecau$e t)e %arrant$ %ere not applied -a$e on $uc) &act$ -ut rat)er on t)e anticipation o& t)e co**i$$ion o& t)e o&&en$e under t)e Intellectual ropert ode, in t)e I agent$ a&&idavit it $tated t)at Kt)e ite*$ to -e $ei/ed %ill -e u$ed a$ relevant evidence in cri*inal action$ t)at are li(el to -e in$tituted.K Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt $)ould appl rat)er t)an t)o$e provided &or - t)e Intellectual ropert ode.

$+.) 5AR/INE: v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 1-7-( Fe4ruary 1+, $1+ Fats! !2 Ro-erto Soue =!2 Soue>, !2 "le7andro epe=!2 epe> and !3;dil-erto Peta =!3 Peta>, %)o %ereall a$$igned tot)e Station "ntiIllegal #rug$ =S"I#> Section o& t)e Calate olice Station 9 =olice Station 9>, conducted a routine &oot patrol along aling(it Street, Calate, Canila. In t)e proce$$, t)e )eard a *an $)outing Kutangina*oV Di*angdaanna-aitoMK. or purportedl violating Canila it !rdinance %)ic) puni$)e$ -reac)e$ o& t)e peace, Ra*on =etitioner> %a$ appre)ended - t)e aut)oritie$. Dater,

a$ t)e petitioner %a$ appre)ended, )e %a$ a$(ed to e*pt )i$ poc(et$. In t)e cour$e t)ereo&, t)e police o&&icer$ %ere a-le to recover  0.1H3g o& $)a-u and %a$ con&i$cated. on$euentl, Ra*on %a$ c)arged %it) po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$. +)e R+ convicted Ra*on o& t)e cri*e o& po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$, &inding all ele*ent$ to )ave -een e$ta-li$)ed t)roug) te$ti*onie$ o& t)e pro$ecution %itne$$e$. +)e court up)eld t)e legalit o& t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t - rea$on o& di$tur-ance o& peace in violation o& t)e Canila it !rdinance during t)e ti*e o& )i$ appre)en$ion. +)e " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+ &inding no error t)erein. Issue! )et)er t)e " erred in a&&ir*ing t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+, %a$ t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t valid and doe$ it &ollo% t)at t)e $earc) conducted %a$ ad*i$$i-le a$ evidence. "el#!


;n$)rined in t)e &unda*ental la% i$ a per$on$ rig)t again$t un%arranted intru$ion$ o& t)e gover*ent a$ provided &or - t)e 198H on$titution, "rticle III, Section 2. evert)ele$$, t)ere are eclu$ionar rule$ provided - t)e rule$ o& court t)at validate$ %arrantle$$ arre$t$, in t)e ca$e at -ar it i$ $earc)e$ incidental to a la%&ul arre$t, Rule 113, Section 5 =a>, &lagrante delicto. +)e $ituation o& t)e petitioner )o%ever, t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t %a$ di$credited and negate t)e pro-a-le cau$e %)en t)e police o&&icer$ appre)ended t)e accu$ed, it cannot -e $aid t)at t)e act o& $)outing in a t)ic(lpopulated place, %it) *an people conver$ing %it) eac) ot)er on t)e $treet, %ould con$titute an o& t)e act$ puni$)a-le under Section 844 o& t)e Canila it !rdinance. ut)er  $tre$$ed, t)ere %a$ no co*plain )eard o& %it) Ra*on$ $)outing. In it$ totalit, t)e court o-$erved t)at t)e &act$ and circu*$tance$ could )ave not -uild a %ell&ound -elie& t)at an -reac) in peace %a$ *ade, t)u$ no pro-a-le cau$e ei$ted to 7u$ti& t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t. on$euentl, a$ t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t %a$ invalid, $uc) $earc) and $ei/ure i$ al$o dee*ed illegal. +)e $)a-u purportedl $ei/ed &ro* t)e accu$ed i$ inad*i$$i-le evidence. $(.) %EO%LE v. CADIDIA &.R. No. 1-1$7+ Oto4er 17, $1+ Fats! !n Jul 31, 2002 at around 6:30 in t)e *orning, +ravilla, per$onnel o& t)e )ilippine ational olice, %)ile per&or*ing )er  dutie$ a$ a &e*ale &ri$(er a$$igned at t)e Canila #o*e$tic "irport in a$a it, &ri$(ed t)e accu$ed =adidia> upon )er entr at t)e departure area and noticed $o*et)ing unu$ual and t)ic( in t)e -uttoc($ area o& t)e accu$ed. @pon inuir, adidia an$%ered it %a$ onl )er $anitar nap(in %)ic) cau$ed t)e unu$ual t)ic(ne$$. ot convinced %it) t)e eplanation $)e and )er coe*ploee -roug)t t)e accu$ed to t)e co*&ort roo* to c)ec(. )en t)e aut)oritie$ a$(ed to re*ove )er under%ear, t)e di$covered t%o $ac)et$ o& $)a-u. +)e accu$ed denied t)e o%ner$)ip o& t)e $aid $ac)et$ o& drug$, and $aid $)e %a$ onl a$(ed to -ring t)e $a*e.

+)e R+ &ound t)e accu$ed guilt -eond rea$ona-le dou-t o& violation o& Section 5 o& R.". 9165. +)e " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+ and ruled t)at t)e alleged *inor incon$i$tencie$ do not di*ini$) t)e credi-ilit o& t)e %itne$$e$ and t)e ca$e. Issue! )et)er t)e %arrantle$$ arre$t *ade - airport $ecurit i$ valid, doe$ incon$i$tencie$ %it) procedure c)ange t)e proo& again$t t)e accu$ed

+)e court )eld t)at $uc) *inor incon$i$tencie$ devoid *erit, t)e integrit and evidentiar value o& t)e $peci*en a$ )andled - "el#! t)e c)ain o& cu$tod, $uc) non co*pliance %it) t)e$e reuire*ent$ do not void or invalidate t)e $ei/ure. +)e $tate*ent$ o& t)e %itne$$e$ *a )ave *inor incon$i$tencie$ -ut $uc) $tate*ent$ can -e )ar*oni/ed a$ a continuou$ and un-ro(en recollection o&  event$. !n &inal note, t)e court )eld t)at airport &ri$(ing i$ an aut)ori/ed &or* o& $earc) and $ei/ure. er$on$ *a lo$e t)e protection o& t)e $earc) and $ei/ure - epo$ure or t)eir per$on$ or propert to t)e pu-lic in a *anner re&lecting a lac( or $u-7ective epectation o& privac, %)ic) epectation $ociet i$ prepared to recogni/e a$ rea$ona-le. Suc) recognition i$ i*plicit in airport $ecurit procedure$. it) increa$ing concern over airplane )i7ac(ing and terrori$* )a$ co*e increa$ed $ecurit at t)e airport$. +)e airport$ even noti& t)e pa$$enger$ t)at ordinar con$titutional protection again$t %arantle$$ $earc) and $ei/ure$ do not appl to routine airport procedure$.

$3.) 8ORLD 8IDE 8E> COR%ORA/ION v. %EO%LE &.R. No. 17117 *anuary 1+, $1( Fats!  " $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued to $earc) t)e pre*i$e$ o& )erein petitioner, orld ide e- orporation a$ %ell a$ t)e pre*i$e$ o& lanet Internet. +)e application &or t)e $earc) %arrant$ alleged t)at petitioner$ %ere conducting illegal toll -pa$$ operation$ t)at a*ounted to t)e&t and violation o& .#. o. 401, to da*age and pre7udice t)e )ilippine Dong #i$tance +elep)one o*pan =D#+> Several euip*ent$ in variou$ categorie$ %ere ta(en &ro* -ot) petitioner and lanet Internet. +)e accu$ed &iled a *otion to ua$) in t)e R+ and %a$ granted. lanet Internet %a$ a-le to eplain on )o% t)e %ere a-le to -pa$$ t)e c)arge$ o& D#+ and $uc) eplanation $ati$&ied D#+, t)e$e contention$ %ere not re&uted - D#+. D#+ appealed to t)e " and t)e court declared t)e $earc) %arrant$ valid and e&&ective. +oll -pa$$ operation i$ a *et)od eplained %)ere in $uc) connection %ould $)o% t)at International call$ %ould -e identi&ied a$ local call$ onl.

Issues! a$ t)ere pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant, )et)er or not t)e $earc) %arrant particularl de$cri-ing t)e ite*$ to -e $earc) and $ei/ed a$ t)e &ruit o& t)e t)e&t co**itted - t)e petitioner$ "el#!


ro-a-le cau$e i$ deter*ined -a$ed on evidence $)o%ing t)at *ore li(e t)an not, a cri*e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at it %a$ co**itted - t)e o&&ender. In t)e ca$e at -ar, pro-a-le cau$e ei$ted %)ic) 7u$ti&ied t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ in ue$tion. +)e $earc) %arrant$ i$$ued *u$t -e de$cri-ed in particularit. +ec)nical preci$ion o& de$cription i$ not reuired. It i$ onl nece$$ar t)at t)ere -e rea$ona-le particularit and certaint a$ to t)e identit o& t)e propert to -e $earc)ed &or and $ei/ed. +)e application &or $earc) %arrant doe$ not reuire t)e con&or*it o& t)e pu-lic pro$ecutor a$ a reui$ite. Searc) %arrant$ are applied &or and it i$ not o-tained - &iling a co*plaint or an in&or*ation. Rule 110, Section 5 $)ould not appl. +)e&t %a$ co**itted - t)e petitioner$ - turning international call$ into local call$, to eplain &urt)er it %a$ t)e u$e o& t)e co**unication &acilitie$ o& D#+ %it)out con$ent t)at con$titute t)e cri*e o& t)e&t, %)ic) i$ t)e unla%&ul ta(ing o& t)e telep)one $ervice and -u$ine$$.

$7.) %EO%LE v. >ERAN &.R. No. $+$

*anuary 13, $1(

Fats!  " con&idential in&or*ant %ent to t)e #i$trict "ntiIllegal #rug =#"I#> o&&ice in t)e e$tern olice #i$trict to report t)at a certain Jo$elito eran, alia$ KJo$e,K a pedica- driver, %a$ $elling pro)i-ited drug$. " -u-u$t tea* %a$ &or*ed and operation$ too( place to appre)end t)e $u$pect. +)e plan too( place, and t)e ec)ange %a$ *ade &or 100 and 0.30g o& $)a-u, a&ter ea*ination o& t)e po$eur-uer, )e $ignaled )i$ tea* to go a&ter t)e $u$pect. +)e po$eur-uer t)en too( po$$e$$ion o& t)e $aid $)a-u, -ut &orgot to la-el it nor %a$ t)ere an per$on in )i$ tea* t)at could atte$t t)at )e too( po$$e$$ion in tran$it to t)e police $tation.

+)e R+ rendered it$ 7udge*ent &inding t)e accu$ed eran guilt &or t)e cri*e c)arged. +)e " a&&ir*ed t)e deci$ion o& t)e R+. In a&&ir*ing in toto t)e R+ t)e " ruled t)at eran %a$ caug)t in &lagrante delicto a$ a re$ult o& a valid and legiti*ate -u-u$t operation, an entrap*ent to appre)end la% -rea(er$ %)ile in t)e act o& eecuting t)eir cri*inal plan. Issue!

)et)er t)e evidence i$ ad*i$$i-le due to di$crepancie$ in t)e *andator procedure



+)e cruicial i$$ue in t)e ca$e i$ to e$ta-li$) t)e corpu$ delicti t)e integrit and evidentiar value o& t)e $ei/ed drug )ave -een pre$erved in an un-ro(en c)ain o& cu$tod. +)e court )eld t)at no un-ro(en c)ain o& cu$tod, and t)at t)e court ruled t)at t)e pro$ecution &ailed to e$ta-li$) t)e ver corpu$ delicti o& t)e cri*e c)arged. ailure o& t)e operative$ to o-$erve t)e *andator procedure o& la-elling t)e $ei/ed $)a-u in t)e pre$ence o& t)e accu$ed ca$ted a $)ado% on t)e evidence it$el&, t)ere&ore t)e accu$ed *u$t -e $et &ree -ecau$e t)e ver -od o& t)e cri*e and t)e evidence pointing to $uc) o&&en$e i$ no longer ad*i$$i-le to t)e $aid ca$e. In $ei/ure$ covered - $earc) %arrant$, t)e p)$ical inventor and p)otograp) *u$t -e conducted in t)e place %)ere t)e $earc) %arrant %a$ $erved. !n t)e ot)er )and, in ca$e o& %arrantle$$ $ei/ure$ $uc) a$ a -u-u$t operation, t)e p)$ical inventor and p)otograp) $)all -e conducted at t)e neare$t police $tation or o&&ice o& t)e appre)ending o&&icertea*, %)ic)ever i$ practica-le? )o%ever, not)ing prevent$ t)e appre)ending o&&icertea* &ro* i**ediatel conducting t)e p)$ical inventor and p)otograp) o& t)e ite*$ at t)e place %)ere t)e %ere $ei/ed, a$ it i$ *ore in (eeping %it) t)e la%$ intent o& pre$erving t)eir integrit and evidentiar value. In eople v. #ela Ro$a it %a$ ruled t)at t)e pro$ecution *u$t e$ta-li$) - record$ or te$ti*on t)e continuou$ %)erea-out$ o&  t)e e)i-it, &ro* t)e ti*e it ca*e into t)e po$$e$$ion o& t)e police o&&icer$ until it %a$ te$ted in t)e la-orator to deter*ine it$ co*po$ition, and all t)e %a to t)e ti*e it i$ o&&ered in evidence. In t)e in$tant ca$e, &ro* t)e te$ti*on o& !3 Sia it i$ clear t)at t)e appre)ending operative$ did not, i**ediatel a&ter $ei/ure and con&i$cation o& t)e illegal ite*, p)$icall inventor and p)otograp) t)e $a*e in t)e pre$ence o& t)e accu$ed, )i$ repre$entative or coun$el, a repre$entative &ro* t)e *edia and t)e #epart*ent o& Ju$tice, and an elected pu-lic o&&icial, not%it)$tanding t)at t)e %ere $uppo$ed to )ave -een conducting a planned $ting operation. Indeed, it i$ not gratuitou$ to $tate t)at t)e too( no e&&ort$ %)at$oever to o-$erve even a *odicu* o& t)e a-ove procedure$. or$e, t)e pro$ecution did not -ot)er to eplain %) t)e &ailed to o-$erve t)e*, alt)oug) t)e (ne% t)e$e procedure$ %ere intended to pre$erve t)e integrit and evidentiar value o& t)e ite* $ei/ed. Coreover, none o& t)e ot)er %itne$$e$ o& t)e pro$ecution could corro-orate t)e culpator narrative o& !3 Sia at an o& it$ *aterial point$ to create t)e $ucce$$ive lin($ in t)e cu$tod o& t)e $ei/ed drug. !& t)e $i *an -u-u$t tea*, onl !3 Sia and !3 rancia te$ti&ied in court, and !3 rancia )i*$el& t%ice $tated t)at )e did not %itne$$ t)e actual -u-u$t $ale a$ it %a$ ta(ingplace )at Section 21 o& R.". o. 9165 and it$ i*ple*enting rule do not epre$$l $peci& i$ t)e *atter o& *ar(ing o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$ in %arrantle$$ $ei/ure$ to en$ure t)at t)e evidence $ei/ed upon appre)en$ion i$ t)e $a*e evidence $u-7ected to inventor and

p)otograp) %)en t)e$e activitie$ are underta(en at t)e police $tation rat)er t)an at t)e place o& arre$t. on$i$tenc %it) t)e Kc)ain o&  cu$todK rule reuire$ t)at t)e *ar(ing o& t)e $ei/ed ite*$Lto trul en$ure t)at t)e are t)e $a*e ite*$ t)at enter t)e c)ain and are eventuall t)e one$ o&&ered in evidence $)ould -e done =1> in t)e pre$ence o& t)e appre)ended violator =2> i**ediatel upon con&i$cation. +)i$ $tep initiate$ t)e proce$$ o& protecting innocent per$on$ &ro* du-iou$ and concocted $earc)e$, and o& protecting a$ %ell t)e appre)ending o&&icer$ &ro* )ara$$*ent $uit$ -a$ed on planting o& evidence under Section 29 and on allegation$ o& ro--er or  t)e&t.45 =itation$ o*itted and e*p)a$e$ in t)e original> It need$ no ela-oration t)at t)e i**ediate *ar(ing o& t)e ite* $ei/ed in a -u-u$t operation in t)e pre$ence o& t)e accu$ed i$ indi$pen$a-le to e$ta-li$) it$ identit in court. !3 Sia ad*itted t)at )e *ar(ed t)e $ac)et o& $)a-u onl at t)e #"I## precinct, $everal (ilo*eter$ &ro* t)e -u-u$t $cene, a$ %ell a$ i*pliedl ad*itted t)at eran %a$ not t)en pre$ent. Indeed, none o& t)e -u -u$t tea* atte$ted t)at t)e $a% )i* ta(e cu$tod o& t)e con&i$cated $)a-u and later *ar( t)e $ac)et at t)e #"I## o&&ice.

$'.) OCA5%O v. A>ANDO &.R. No. 1'7+, Fe4ruary 11, $1( Fats! !n "ugu$t 26, 2006, a *a$$ grave %a$ di$covered - ele*ent$ o& t)e 43rd In&antr rigade o& t)e )ilippine "r*. +)e *a$$ grave$ contained $(eletal re*ain$ o& individual$ -elieved to -e victi*e$ o& K!peration 'enereal #i$ea$eK launc)ed - *e*-er$ o& t)e "# to purge t)eir ran($ o& $u$pected *ilitar in&or*ant$. "n anal$i$ o& t)e re*ain$ and t)e grave ca*e up %it) na*e$ o&  po$$i-le victi*$ a&ter co*pari$on and ea*ination -a$ed on te$ti*onie$ o& relative$ and %itne$$e$. o*plainta&&idavit$ %ere &ro* relative$ o& t)e alleged victi*e$ o& t)e operation. "ll o& t)e relative$ $%ore t)at t)eir relative$ )ad -een a-ducted or la$t $een %it) *e*-er$ o& t)e "# and %ere never $een again. "n in&or*ation %a$ t)en &iled -e&ore t)e R+, later t)e 7udge i$$ued an order &inding pro-a-le cau$e in t)e co**i$$ion - all *entioned accu$ed o& t)e cri*e c)arged, )e ordered t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o&  arre$t again$t t)e*. etitioner )erein argued t)at a ca$e &or re-ellion again$t )i* and ot)er$ %a$ t)en pending -e&ore t)e R+, putting &or%ard t)e political de&en$e doctrine, t)at co**on cri*e$, $uc) a$ *urder in t)i$ ca$e, are alread a-$or-ed - t)e cri*e o& re-ellion. Issue!

)et)er petitioner$ %ere denied due proce$$ during preli*inar inve$tigation and in t)e i$$uance o& t)e %arrant$ o& arre$t. )et)er or not t)e %arrant %a$ legalM


o, petitioner$ %ere accorded due proce$$ during preli*inar inve$tigation and in t)e i$$uance o& t)e %arrant$ o& arre$t.

+)e e$$ence o& due proce$$ i$ rea$ona-le opportunit to -e )eard and $u-*it evidence in $upport o& one$ de&en$e.K )at i$ pro$cri-ed i$ lac( o& opportunit to -e )eard. +)u$, one %)o )a$ -een a&&orded a c)ance to pre$ent one$ o%n $ide o& t)e $tor cannot clai* denial o& due proce$$. +)e re$pondent$ %ere i$$ued and $erved %it) Su-poena at t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$ &or t)e* to $u-*it t)eir countera&&idavit$ and t)at o& t)eir %itne$$e$. Ca7orit o& t)e re$pondent$ did not $u-*it t)eir countera&&idavit$ -ecau$e t)e could no longer -e &ound in t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$, per return o& t)e $u-poena$. !n t)e ot)er )and, Saturnino !ca*po Satur, ide$ Di*, Caureen ale7aro and Ru-en Canatad $u-*itted t)eir ounter"&&idavit$. o%ever, 'icente Dadlad and Ja$*in Jeru$ale* &ailed to $u-*it t)e reuired ounter "&&idavit$ in $pite entr o& appearance - t)eir re$pective coun$el$. Section 3=d>, Rule 112 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt, allo%$ ro$ecutor 'ivero to re$olve t)e co*plaint -a$ed on t)e evidence -e&ore )i* i& a re$pondent could not -e $u-poenaed. "$ long a$ e&&ort$ to reac) a re$pondent %ere *ade, and )e %a$ given an opportunit to pre$ent countervailing evidence, t)e preli*inar inve$tigation re*ain$ valid. In t)i$ ca$e, t)e Re$olution $tated t)at e&&ort$ %ere underta(en to $erve $u-poena$ on t)e na*ed re$pondent$ at t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$e$. +)i$ i$ $u&&icient &or due proce$$. It %a$ onl -ecau$e a *a7orit o& t)e* could no longer -e &ound at t)eir la$t (no%n addre$$e$ t)at t)e %ere not $erved copie$ o& t)e co*plaint and t)e attac)ed docu*ent$ or evidence. e$. etitioner$ ;c)ani$ and alo$i$ clai* t)at, )ad Judge "-ando pain$ta(ingl ea*ined t)e record$ $u-*itted - ro$ecutor  'ivero, t)e 7udge %ould )ave inevita-l di$*i$$ed t)e c)arge again$t t)e*. +)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e i$$uance o&  %arrant$ o& arre$t again$t petitioner$ i$ addre$$ed to t)e $ound di$cretion o& Judge "-ando a$ t)e trial 7udge a$ long a$ t)ere i$ no grave a-u$e o& di$cretion. "lt)oug) t)e on$titution provide$ t)at pro-a-le cau$e $)all -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge a&ter an ea*ination under oat) or an a&&ir*ation o& t)e co*plainant and t)e %itne$$e$, %e )ave ruled t)at a )earing i$ not nece$$ar &or t)e deter*ination t)ereo&. In &act, t)e 7udge$ per$onal ea*ination o& t)e co*plainant and t)e %itne$$e$ i$ not *andator and indi$pen$a-le &or deter*ining t)e aptne$$ o& i$$uing a %arrant o& arre$t. ecau$e t)ere i$ anot)er %a t)e ea*ination o& t)e pro$ecutor$ report. $.) DI0INI, *R. v. 0ECRE/AR9 OF *@0/ICE &.R. No. $+++3 Fe4ruary 11, $1( Fats!

+)e$e con$olidated petition$ $ee( to declare $everal provi$ion$ o& Repu-lic "ct =R.".> 101H5, t)e -ercri*e revention "ct

o& 2012, uncon$titutional and void. +)e -ercri*e prevention act %a$ enacted in 2012 petitioner$ clai* t)at t)e *ean$ adopted - t)e c-ercri*e la% &or regulating unde$ira-le c-er$pace activitie$ violate certain o& t)eir con$titutional rig)t$. +)e govern*ent o& cour$e a$$ert$ t)at t)e la% *erel $ee($ to rea$ona-l put order into c-er$pace activitie$, puni$) %rongdoing$, and prevent )urt&ul attac($ on t)e $$te*. ending )earing and ad7udication o& t)e i$$ue$ pre$ented in t)e$e ca$e$, on e-ruar 5, 2013 t)e ourt etended t)e original 120da te*porar re$training order =+R!> t)at it earlier i$$ued on !cto-er 9, 2012, en7oining re$pondent govern*ent agencie$ &ro* i*ple*enting t)e c-ercri*e la% until &urt)er order$. +)e petitioner$ a$(ed &or certain provi$ion$ =%it) regard to our $u-7ect cri*inal procedure> -e uncon$titutional: Issue!

)et)er or not t)e pertinent $uc) provi$ion$ violate cri*inal procedurecon$titutional la% on $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$.


ot all t)e alleged provi$ion$ violate t)e *andate o& t)e con$titution %it) regard to cri*inal procedure$.

0eton 1$  and net%or( &raud$ -eing perpetrated again$t it.

!n ove*-er 6, 2003 and ove*-er 19, 2003, Cr. Da%rence arci$o o& t)e D#+$ Fualit ontrol #ivi$ion, toget)er %it) t)e operative$ o& t)e )ilippine ational olice =>, conducted an ocular in$pection at 1H #o*inic Savio St., Savio o*pound and at o. 38 Indone$ia St., etter Diving Su-divi$ion < -ot) in aranga #on o$co, aranaue it < and di$covered t)at D#+ telep)one line$ %ere connected to $everal piece$ o& euip*ent %)ic) pro*pted olice Superintendent Gil-ert ru/ to &ile a con$olidated application &or $earc) %arrant -e&ore Judge ranci$co Cendiola &or t)e cri*e$ o& t)e&t and violation o& # 401. "ccording to D#+, t)e re$pondent$ are engaged in t)e &or* o& net%or( &raud (no%n a$ International Si*ple Re$ale =ISR> %)ic) a*ount$ to t)e&t under t)e R. Judge Cendiola &ound pro-a-le cau$e &or i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant$ applied &or and &our $earc) %arrant$ %ere i$$ued &or 

violation$ o& "rt. 308, in relation to "rt. 309 o& R and o& # 401 a$ a*ended.  $earc)ed t)e pre*i$e indicated in t)e %arrant$ and *ade a return %it) a co*plete inventor o& t)e ite*$ $ei/ed D#+ and  &iled %it) t)e #!J a 7oint co*plaint a&&idavit &or t)e&t and violation o& # 401 again$t t)e re$pondent$. Re$pondent$ &iled %it) t)e R+ a *otion to ua$) t)e $earc) %arrant on t)e &ollo%ing ground$: &ir$t, t)e R+ )ad no aut)orit to i$$ue $earc) %arrant$ %)ic) %ere en&orced in araNaue it? $econd, t)e enu*eration o& t)e ite*$ to -e $earc)ed and $ei/ed lac(ed particularit? and t)ird, t)ere %a$ no pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e cri*e o& t)e&t. D#+ oppo$ed t)e re$pondent$ *otion. R+ denied t)e re$pondent$ *otion to ua$). Re$pondent &iled a petition &or certiorari %it) t)e ". Issue!

)et)er t)e i$$uance o& $earc) %arrant %a$ valid

+)e accu$ed i$ indeed guilt o& t)e&t, %)ile D#+ doe$ not o%n t)e call$ per$e, t)e &acilitie$ o& D#+ co*pan i$ u$ed %it)out "el#! it$ per*i$$ion, t)ere&ore it i$ an unla%&ul ta(ing o& telep)one $ervice$ and -u$ine$$ o& D#+. +)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant i$ valid, pro-a-le cau$e i$ deter*ined a$ $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-le di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted t)at lead$ t)e connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place $oug)t to -e $earc)ed. In t)e pre$ent ca$e, D#+ correctl pointed out t)e $u&&icienc to e$ta-li$) pro-a-le cau$e &or t)e cri*e o& t)e&t. !ne o& t)e con$titutional reuire*ent$ &or t)e validit o& a $earc) %arrant i$ t)at it *u$t -e i$$ued -a$ed on pro-a-le cau$e %)ic), under t)e Rule$, *u$t -e in connection %it) one $peci&ic o&&en$e. In $earc) %arrant proceeding$, pro-a-le cau$e i$ de&ined a$ $uc) &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-l di$creet and prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)e o&&en$e are in t)e place $oug)t to -e $earc)ed. +)e reuire*ent o& particularit provided - t)e con$titution doe$ not reuire tec)nical accurac in de$cription o& t)e propert to -e $ei/ed. Speci&icit i$ $ati$&ied i& t)e per$onal propertie$ de$cription i$ a$ &ar a$ t)e circu*$tance$ %ill ordinaril allo% it to -e $o de$cri-ed.

+.) 0es4reno v A2lu2u4 H20 SR" 5H

cri*inal co*plaint %a$ &or al$i&ication, Grave +)reat$ and @$urpation o& "ut)orit. Fats! +)e +)e t)ree =3> ca$e$ %ere a$$igned to re$pondent 7udge$ -ranc) and $u-$euentl con$olidated &or di$po$ition. In a on$olidated Re$olution, onl t)e c)arge o& @$urpation %a$ $et &or arraign*ent, t)e re$t o& t)e c)arge$ )aving -een di$*i$$ed. +)erea&ter, o*plainant *ade a *ani&e$tation t)at t)e co*plaint al$o c)arged t)e de&endant$ %it) violation o& R" o. 10 acco*panied - a praer &or t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o& arre$t$ again$t t)e de&endant$. Re$pondent 7udge &ound no pro-a-le cau$e and di$*i$$ed t)e c)arge &or violation o& R.". 10.S)e al$o denied co*plainant$ praer &or t)e i$$uance o& %arrant$ o& arre$t again$t t)e accu$ed and ordered t)e record$ &or%arded to t)e rovincial ro$ecutor$ !&&ice =!> &or revie%. +)e ! a&&ir*ed re$pondent$ order and re*anded t)e ca$e to t)e court &or &urt)er proceeding$ on t)e $ole c)arge o& @$urpation o& "ut)orit. #uring t)e )earing o& t)e ca$e on e-ruar14, 2004, +a-a/on, arunungan and uNe/ did not appear. "tt. Se$-reNo, )o%ever, did not *ove &or t)e i$$uance o&  %arrant$ o& arre$t again$t t)e*. eit)er did )e o-7ect to t)e cancellation o& t)e $c)eduled )earing. Issues: #id Re$pondent err in not conducting a preli*inar inve$tigation &or t)e c)arge o& @$urpation o& "ut)oritM #id Re$pondent err in not i$$uing %arrant$ o& arre$t &or &ailure o& t)e accu$ed to appear during trialM "el#:


 " preli*inar inve$tigation i$ reuired -e&ore t)e &iling o& a co*plaint or in&or*ation &or an o&&en$e %)ere t)e penalt pre$cri-ed - la% i$ at lea$t &our =4> ear$, t%o =2> *ont)$ and one =1> da %it)out regard to t)e &ine. +)u$, a preli*inar inve$tigation i$ not reuired nor %a$ one conducted &or t)e c)arge o& violation o& "rt. 1HH o& t)e Revi$ed enal ode %)ic) i$ puni$)a-le - pri$ion correccional in it$ *ini*u* and *ediu* period$ or &ro* $i =6> *ont)$ and one =1> da to &our =4> ear$ and t%o =2> *ont)$. +)ere i$ not)ing in t)e Rule$ o& ri*inal rocedure %)ic) reuire$ a 7udge to i$$ue a %arrant o& arre$t &or t)e nonappearance o&  t)e accu$ed during t)e trial. ence, it$ i$$uance re$t$ on t)e $ound di$cretion o& t)e pre$iding 7udge. Core $o in t)i$ ca$e, t)e private pro$ecutor did not *ove &or t)e i$$uance o& $uc) %arrant. +1.) A@REO &. >A9ACA  *@D&E /RANB@ILINO v. RA5O0, A.5. No. 5/*'17'7 *anuary $-, $-

o*plainant aaca %a$ t)e accu$ed in a cri*inal ca$e &or ar$on t)roug) rec(le$$ i*prudence pre$ided - re$pondent Fat!  7udge. "&ter trial, re$pondent Judge pro*ulgated )i$ #eci$ion dated "pril 2, 2004. o*plainant appealed t)e ca$e to t)e Regional +rial ourt =R+>, ranc) 3H o& a*-ang, ueva 'i/caa %)ic) ca*e out %it) it$ deci$ion a&&ir*ing %it) *odi&ication t)e deci$ion o& t)e C+. #e$pite t)e deletion o& t)e penalt o& i*pri$on*ent in t)e R+ deci$ion, re$pondent Judge i$$ued a arrant o& "rre$t and o**it*ent on inal Sentence %)ic) led to co*plainant$ incarceration at t)e Solano #i$trict Jail &ro* "ugu$t 8 to 28, 2006.

DE LEON, Azalea Ikelyn R. 1.) Valeroso v. Court of Appeals GR. no. 164815 Sept. 3, 2009

"ntonio #i$uanco to i$$ue a %arrant o& arre$t again$t Senior In$pector 'alero$o &or  Fats! Judge Ignacio Salvador ordered S!2 "ntonio (idnapping %it) ran$o*. +)e tea* conducted $urveillance. )en t)e petitioner %a$ a-out to a-oard into a triccle, )e %a$ arre$ted and &ire a**unition %a$ $ei/ed &ro* )i*. Said &ire ar*$ %ere &ound out t)at it %a$ na*ed under a di&&erent per$on. +)e acco$ted 'alero$o. o%ever, t)e latter in )i$ de&en$e, contended t)at %)en t)e o&&icer$ ca*e to )i$ c)ildren$ oarding )ou$e in Sagana o*e$, )e %a$ &orced to t)e &aucet %)ile t)e *en ran$ac(ed t)e roo* until one $)outed t)at t)e &ound $o*et)ing. e &urt)er $tated t)at it %a$ not done %it) a %arrant. ontrar to t)e pro$ecution$ te$ti*on, )e %a$ $aid to -e arre$ted near t)e I entral entral olice in uliat. uliat. e %a$ &ound guilt - t)e trial court &or t)e cri*e o& illegal illegal po$$e$$ion po$$e$$ion o& &irear*$. &irear*$. !n appeal, appeal, )i$ $entence $entence %a$ lo%ered.. Issue!

 )et)er or not t)ere i$ a -reac) o& 'alero$o$ 'alero$o$ on$titutional rig)t$.

"el#!  e$.

+)e court &avor$ t)e ver$ion o& t)e #e&en$e. 'alero$o$ appeal i$ anc)ored on t)e on$titutional rig)t alleged to -e violated t)u$ *a(ing t)e evidence again$t )i* inad*i$$i-le. +)e rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ i$ $ecured - Section 2, "rticle III o& t)e on$titution -ut %it) certain eception$ eception$ o& valid %arrantle$$ %arrantle$$ arre$t. o%ever, o%ever, in t)i$ ca$e, $uc) cannot -e 7u$ti&ied. 7u$ti&ied. or one, t)e %arrantle$$ %arrantle$$ $earc) could not -e  7u$ti&ied a$ an incident to a la%&ul arre$t . Searc)e$ and $ei/ure$ incident to la %&ul arre$t$ are governed - Section 13, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt. )en an arre$t i$ *ade, it i$ rea$ona-le &or t)e arre$ting o&&icer to to rearc) and re*ove &ro* t)e arre$tee t)at *a -e u$ed - )i* to e&&ect e$cape to t)e danger o& t)e o&&icer doing t)e arre$t and t)e conceal*ent and de$truction t)ereo&. It i$ al$o t)e dut o& t)e arre$ting o&&icer to $earc) t)e area under )i$ i**ediate control over an %eapon and al$o in )i$ plain vie%. In t)i$ ca$e, it cannot -e $aid t)at t)e area t)at t)e o&&icer$ $earc)ed i$ in t)eir i**ediate control a$ t)e %eapon %a$ &ound in a loc(ed ca-inet %)ic) needed &orce to -e revealed. "l$o, it i$ not in plain vie% %)ic) could not e&&ectivel *erit a valid %arrantle$$ arre$t.

$.) %eople v. Nunez &.R. No. 1''1( *une +, $Fats!  +)e olice detective$ conducted a $earc) at Raul une/ re$idence -a$ed on report$ o& drug po$$e$$ion.. +)e %ere acco*panied - t)e arangga +anod to a$$i$t in t)e $erving o& $earc) %arrant. +)e $)o%ed t)e %arrant to une/. +)e &ound 31 pac(et$ o& S)a-u. +)e group al$o con&i$cated a co*ponent, ca*era, electric planer, grinder, drill, 7ig$a%, electric te$ter, and a$$orted carpentr tool$ on $u$picion t)at t)e %ere acuired in ec)ange &or shabu. une/ %a$ convicted o& violating R" 6425 &or po$$e$$ing t)e regulated drug$. Issue: )et)er or not t)e $earc) conducted i$ irregular. "el#: e$.

+urning to t)e o-7ect$ %)ic) *a -e con&i$cated during t)e $earc), Section 3, Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt i$ pertinent: S;. 3. Personal property to be seized. < " $earc) %arrant *a -e i$$ued &or t)e $earc) and $ei/ure o& per$onal propert: =a> Su-7ect o& t)e o&&en$e? =-> Stolen or e*-e//led and ot)er proceed$, or &ruit$ o& t)e o&&en$e? or =c> @$ed or intended to -e u$ed a$ t)e *ean$ o&  co**itting an o&&en$e.  "$ a rule, onl t)e per$onal propertie$ de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant *a -e $ei/ed - t)e aut)oritie$. In t)e ca$e at -ar, Searc) arrant arrant o. 42 $peci&icall $peci&icall aut)ori/ed aut)ori/ed t)e ta(ing o& $)a-u and parap)ernali parap)ernalia=$> a=$> onl.  t)e principle o& ejusdem generis, %)ere a $tatute de$cri-e$ t)ing$ o& a particular cla$$ or (ind acco*panied - %ord$ o& a generic c)aracter, t)e generic %ord %ill u$uall -e li*ited to t)ing$ o& a $i*ilar $i*ilar nature %it) t)o$e particularl particularl enu*erated, enu*erated, unle$$ t)ere -e $o*et)ing in t)e contet contet o& t)e $tate*ent %)ic) %ould repel $uc) in&erence. +)u$, %e are )ere con$trained con$trained to point out an irregularit irregularit in t)e $earc) conducted. conducted. ertainl, ertainl, t)e lad$ %allet, ca$), grinder, grinder, ca*era, co*ponent, $pea(er$, electric planer, 7ig$a%, electric te$ter, $a%$, )a**er, drill, and -olo %ere not enco*pa$$ed - t)e %ord parap)ernalia a$ t)e -ear no relation to t)e u$e or *anu&acture o& drug$. In $ei/ing t)e $aid ite*$ t)en, t)e police o&&icer$ eerci$ed t)eir  o%n di$cretion and deter*ined &or t)e*$elve$ %)ic) ite*$ in appellant$ re$idence t)e -elieved %ere Aproceed$ o& t)e cri*eB or A*ean$ o& co**itting t)e o&&en$e.B +)i$ i$, in our vie%, a-$olutel i*per*i$$i-le.

+)e purpo$e o& t)e con$titutional con$titutional reuire*ent reuire*ent t)at t)e article$ to -e $ei/ed -e particularl particularl de$cri-ed in t)e %arrant i$ to li*it t)e t)ing$ to -e ta(en to t)o$e, and onl t)o$e particularl particularl de$cri-ed in t)e $earc) %arrant  to leave the officers of the law with no discretion regarding what articles they should seize +.)/an v. 0y /on2 &ue &R. No. 1'(3' Fe4. $$, $1 Fats! "n in&or*ation on t)e cri*e o& Ro--er %a$ &iled again$t S +iong Gue and ot)er$ &or t)e ta(ing o& a large a*ount o& ca$), po$t dated c)ec($ and ot)er euip*ent$ in t)e o&&ice o& Guan ia( ard%are in inondo Canila -elonging to S Si o and Son$ repre$ented - Ro*er S. +an. Searc) %arrant$ %ere applied &or $tating t)erein t)e per$onal (no%ledge o& t)e police o&&icer o& t)e ite*$ lo$t. Judge Dan/ana$ I$$ued t)e Searc) %arrant$. +)e %arrant$ %arrant$ %ere later $erved. @nder Searc) arrant, arrant, t)ree -oe$ containing t%elve enne$$ enne$$ E!$ and one -o containing containing $even enne$$ E!$, %ere $ei/ed. o%ever, o%ever, t)e en&orce*ent en&orce*ent o& Searc) arrant arrant ielded negative re$ult$. Re$pondent$ &iled a Cotion to Fua$) %)ic) petitioner oppo$ed. +)e re$pondent$ received a &avora-le deci$ion. ence, t)i$ petition. Issue! )et)er or not t)ere %a$ pro-a-le cau$e %arranting t)e i$$uance - R+ o& t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$. "el#! e$. " $earc) %arrant i$ an order in %riting i$$ued in t)e na*e o& t)e eople o& t)e )ilippine$, $igned - a 7udge and directed to a peace o&&icer, co**anding co**anding )i* to $earc) &or per$onal propert de$cri-ed t)erein and to -ring it -e&ore t)e court. +)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant i$ governed - Rule 126 o& t)e Rule$ o& ourt.

+)ere&ore, t)e validit o& t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant re$t$ upon t)e &ollo%ing &actor$: =1> it *u$t -e i$$ued upon pro-a-le cau$e? =2> t)e pro-a-le cau$e *u$t -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge )i*$el& and not - t)e applicant or an ot)er per$on? =3> in t)e deter*ination o& pro-a-le cau$e, t)e 7udge *u$t ea*ine, under oat) or a&&ir*ation, t)e co*plainant and $uc) %itne$$e$ a$ t)e latter  *a produce? and =4> t)e %arrant i$$ued *u$t particularl de$cri-e t)e place to -e $earc)ed and per$on$ or t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed. Juri$prudence dictate$ t)at pro-a-le cau$e, a$ a condition &or t)e i$$uance o& a $earc) %arrant, i$ $uc) rea$on$ $upported - &act$ and circu*$tance$ a$ %ill %arrant a cautiou$ *an to -elieve t)at )i$ action and t)e *ean$ ta(en in pro$ecuting it are legall 7u$t and proper. ro-a-le cau$e reuire$ &act$ and circu*$tance$ t)at %ould lead a rea$ona-l prudent *an to -elieve t)at an o&&en$e )a$ -een co**itted and t)at t)e o-7ect$ $oug)t in connection %it) t)at o&&en$e are in t)e place to -e $earc)ed. It doe$ not call &or an application o& rule$ and $tandard$ o& proo& t)at a 7udg*ent o& conviction reuire$ a&ter trial on t)e *erit$.  "ppling t)e$e $et $tandard$, t)i$ ourt &ind$ t)at t)ere %a$ no grave a-u$e o& di$cretion on t)e part o& t)e R+ 7udge in i$$uing t)e $u-7ect $earc) %arrant$.

(.) 5ar6la v. %eople &R. no. 13(7' Ot. 17, $Fats! Special Inve$tigator =SI> Daga$ca o& t)e I "nti!rgani/ed ri*e #ivi$ion &iled t%o =2> application$ &or $earc) %arrant %it) t)e R+ o& Canila $ee(ing per*i$$ion to $earc): =1> petitioner$ )ou$e located on R# Ree$ St., rg. Sta. +rinidad, "ngele$ it and =2> t)e pre*i$e$ on C aria "uino St., uro( ', rg. Sta. ru/, orac, a*panga, -ot) & or 'iolation o& Section 16, "rticle III o& Repu-lic  "ct =R.".> o. 6425, a$ a*ended. +)e $aid application$ uni&or*l alleged t)at SI Daga$ca$ reue$t &or t)e i$$uance o& t)e $earc) %arrant$ %a$ &ounded on )i$ per$onal (no%ledge a$ %ell a$ t)at o& %itne$$ Roland #. ernande/ =ernande/>, o-tained a&ter a $erie$ o& $urveillance operation$ and a te$t -u *ade at petitioner$ )ou$e. +)e purpo$e o& t)e application &or $earc) %arrant$ %a$ to $ei/e S)a-u, Cari7uana %eig)ing $cale, pla$tic $ac)et$, tooter$, -urner, rolling paper$, and parap)ernalia.

 Juadge Guarina &ound pro-a-le cau$e to i$$ue t)e $earc) %arrant. +)e o&&icer$ conducted a $earc) and &ound $eparate dried &lo%ering top$ in di&&erent container$. +)e petitioner$ &iled a Cotion to Fua$) t)e Searc) arrant &or it %a$ allegedl &iled out$ide t)e territorial 7uri$diction and 7udicial region o& t)e court %)ere t)e cri*e i$ co**itted Issue! )et)er or not t)e re$pondent court acted %it) grave a-u$e o& di$cretion a*ounting to lac( or in ece$$ o& 7uri$diction in i$$uing t)e a$$ailed !rder$ dening petitioner$ Cotion to Fua$) Searc) arrant and to Suppre$$ ;vidence Illegall Sei/ed and t)eir Cotion &or Recon$ideration, re$pectivel. "el#: o.

+)e general general rule i$ t)at a part i$ *andated *andated to &ollo% t)e )ierarc) )ierarc) o& court$. o%ever, o%ever, in eceptional eceptional ca$e$, t)e ourt, &or  co*pelling rea$on$ or i& %arranted - t)e nature o& t)e i$$ue$ rai$ed, *a ta(e cogni/ance o& petition$ &iled directl -e&ore it. it. In t)i$ ca$e, t)e ourt opt$ to ta(e cogni/ance o& t)e petition, a$ it involve$ t)e application o& t)e rule$ pro*ulgated - t)i$ ourt in t)e eerci$e o& it$ rule*a(ing po%er under t)e on$titution. Rule 126 o& t)e ri*inal ri*inal rcedure$ rcedure$ on Searc) and Sei/ure Sei/ure $tate$ t)at: A Sec. 2. Court where application for search warrant  shall be filed . < "n application &or $earc) %arrant $)all -e &iled %it) t)e &ollo%ing: =a> "n court %it)in %)o$e territorial 7uri$diction a cri*e %a$ co**itted, =->or co*pelling rea$on$ $tated in t)e application, an court %it)in t)e 7udicial region %)ere t)e cri*e %a$

co**itted i& t)e place o& t)e co**i$$ion o& t)e cri*e i$ (no%n, or an court %it)in t)e 7udicial region %)ere t)e %arrant $)all -e en&orced.B o%ever, i& t)e cri*inal action )a$ alread -een &iled, t)e application $)all onl -e *ade in t)e court %)ere t)e cri*inal action i$ pending. ot)ing in ".C. o. 991009S pro)i-it$ t)e )ead$ o& t)e , I, "!+ and R;"++ &ro* delegating t)eir  *ini$terial dut o& endor$ing t)e application &or $earc) %arrant %arrant to t)eir a$$i$tant )ead$. @nder Section 31, )apter 6, oo( I' o& t)e  "d*ini$trative ode o& 198H, an a$$i$tant )ead or ot)er $u-ordinate in ever -ureau *a per&or* $uc) dutie$ a$ *a -e $peci&ied - t)eir $uperior $uperior or )ead, a$ long a$ it i$ not incon$i$ten incon$i$tentt %it) la%. e cannot &ind an irregularit irregularit or a-u$e o& di$cretion di$cretion on t)e part o&  Judge !*ar +. 'iola &or dening petitioner$ Cotion t o Fua$) Searc) arrant.

3) ANDRE8 "ARVE9 v. 5IRRIA5 DEFEN0OR 0AN/IA&O &.R. &.R. No. No. $3( $3(( (

*une *une $, $, 1- 1-

"driaa 'an #en ;l$)out =#utc)> %ere appre)ended &ro* t)eir re$pective Fats!  "ndre% arve, Jo)n S)er*an, -ot) "*erican$, and "driaa re$idence$ at ag$an7an, Daguna - agent$ o& t)e o**i$$ion on I**igration and #eportation =I#> - virtue o& Ci$$ion !rder$ i$$ued - o**i$$ioner Ciria* #e&en$or Santiago o& t)e I#. +)e %ere a*ong t)e 22 $u$pected alien pedop)ile$ %)o %ere appre)ended a&ter 3 *ont)$ o& clo$e $urveillance - I# agent$ in ag$an7an, Daguna. 2 da$ a&ter appre)en$ion, or on 29 e-ruar 1988, 1H o& t)e 22 arre$ted alien$ opted &or $el&deportation and )ave le&t t)e countr.

!ne %a$ relea$ed &or lac( o& evidence? anot)er %a$ c)arged not &or -eing a pedop)ile -ut &or %or(ing %it)out a valid %or(ing vi$a. +)u$, o& t)e original 22, onl arve, et. al. )ave c)o$en to &ace deportation. Sei/ed during t)eir appre)en$ion %ere roll$ o& p)oto negative$ and p)oto$ o& t)e $u$pected c)ild pro$titute$ $)o%n in $alaciou$ po$e$ a$ %ell a$ -o$ and girl$ engaged in t)e $e act. +)ere %ere al$o po$ter$ and ot)er literature adverti$ing t)e c)ild pro$titute$. +)e are pre$entl detained at t)e I# #etention enter. !n 4 Carc) 1988, deportation proceeding$ %ere in$tituted again$t arve, et. al. &or -eing unde$ira-le alien$ under Section 69 o& t)e Revi$ed "d*ini$trative ode =#eportation a$e 8813>. !n 22 Carc) 1988, arve, et. al. &iled a etition &or ail %)ic), )o%ever, t)e o**i$$ioner denied con$idering t)e certi&ication - t)e I# p)$ician t)at t)e accu$ed %ere )ealt). +o avoid conge$tion, t)e o**i$$ioner ordered arve, et. al.$ tran$&er to t)e I# detention cell at ort oni&acio, -ut t)e tran$&er %a$ de&erred pending trial due to t)e di&&icult o& tran$porting t)en to and &ro* t)e I# %)ere trial %a$ ongoing. !n 4 "pril 1988, arve &iled a Cani&e$tationCotion $tating t)at )e )ad K&inall agreed to a $el&deportationK and praing t)at )e -e Kprovi$ionall Kprovi$ionall  relea$ed &or at lea$t 15 da$ and placed placed under t)e cu$tod o& "tt. "$ina$ "$ina$ -e&ore )e voluntaril voluntaril depart$ t)e countr.K !n H "pril 1988, t)e oard o& Special Inuir L III allo%ed provi$ional relea$e o& 5 da$ onl under certain condition$. o%ever, it appear$ t)at on t)e $a*e date t)at t)e Cani&e$tationCotion %a$ &iled, arve and )i$ copetitioner$ )ad alread &iled t)e pre$ent petition &or a %rit o& )a-ea$ corpu$. Issue!













+)e rig)t$ granted in Section 2 are availa-le to all per$on$ including alien$, %)et)er accu$ed o& a cri*e or not.


+)e rule t)at $earc) and $ei/ure$ *u$t -e $upported - a valid %arrant o& arre$t i$ not an a-$olute rule. +)ere are at lea$t t)ree eception$ to t)i$ rule. 1.> Searc) i$ incidental to t)e arre$t. 2.> Searc) in a *oving ve)icle. 3.> Sei/ure o& evidence in plain vie%. +)u$, &ro* t)e &oregoing, t)e $earc) i$


7) 0/ONE"ILL v. DIONO &.R. No. L1-33

*une 1-, 1-7'





Fats! Stone)ill et, a.l %ere alleged to )ave co**itted act$ in Aviolation o& entral an( Da%$, +ari&& and u$to*$ Da%$, Internal Revenue =ode> and Revi$ed enal ode.B  t)e $trengt) o& t)i$ allegation a $earc) %arrant %a$ i$$ued again$t t)eir per$on$ and t)eir corporation. +)e %arrant provide$ aut)orit to $earc) t)e per$on$ a-ovena*ed andor t)e pre*i$e$ o& t)eir o&&ice$, %are)ou$e$ andor re$idence$, and to $ei/e and ta(e po$$e$$ion o& t)e &ollo%ing per$onal propert to %it: “Books of accounts, financial records, vouchers, correspondence, receipts, ledgers, journals, portfolios, credit journals, typewriters, and  other documents andor papers showing all business transactions including disbursements receipts, balance sheets and profit and loss statements and Bobbins.! 

+)e docu*ent$, paper$, and t)ing$ $ei/ed under t)e alleged aut)orit o& t)e %arrant$ in ue$tion *a -e $plit into =2> *a7or  group$, na*el: =a> t)o$e &ound and $ei/ed in t)e o&&ice$ o& t)e a&ore*entioned corporation$ and? =-> t)o$e &ound $ei/ed in t)e re$idence$ o& petitioner$ )erein.

Stone)ill averred t)at t)e %arrant i$ illegal &or t)e do not de$cri-e %it) particularit t)e docu*ent$, -oo($ and t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed? ca$) *one, not *entioned in t)e %arrant$, %ere actuall $ei/ed? t)e %arrant$ %ere i$$ued to &i$) evidence again$t t)e a&ore*entioned petitioner$ in deportation ca$e$ &iled again$t t)e*? t)e $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ %ere *ade in an illegal *anner? and t)e docu*ent$, paper$ and ca$) *one $ei/ed %ere not delivered to t)e court$ t)at i$$ued t)e %arrant$, to -e di$po$ed o& in accordance %it) la%.

+)e pro$ecution argue$ t)at t)e de&ect$ o& $aid %arrant$, i& an, %ere cured - petitioner$ con$ent? and =3> t)at, in an event, t)e e&&ect$ $ei/ed are ad*i$$i-le in evidence again$t t)e*. In $)ort, t)e cri*inal cannot -e $et &ree 7u$t -ecau$e t)e govern*ent -lunder$.


)et)er or not t)e $earc) %arrant$ in ue$tion, and t)e $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ *ade under t)e aut)orit t)ereo&, are validM



+)e ourt ruled in &avor o& Stone)ill et al. +)e con$titution protect$ t)e people$ rig)t again$t unrea$ona-le $earc) and $ei/ure. +%o point$ *u$t -e $tre$$ed in connection %it) t)i$ con$titutional *andate, na*el: =1> t)at no %arrant $)all i$$ue -ut upon  probable cau$e, to -e deter*ined - t)e 7udge in t)e *anner $et &ort) in $aid provi$ion? and =2> t)at t)e %arrant $)all particularly de$cri-e t)e t)ing$ to -e $ei/ed.

one o& t)e$e reuire*ent$ )a$ -een co*plied %it) in t)e conte$ted %arrant$. Indeed, t)e $a*e %ere i$$ued upon application$ $tating t)at t)e natural and 7uridical per$on t)erein na*ed )ad co**itted a Kviolation o& entral an Da%$, +ari&& and u$to*$ Da%$, Internal Revenue =ode> and Revi$ed enal ode.K In ot)er %ord$, no specific o&&en$e )ad -een alleged in $aid application$. +)e aver*ent$ t)ereo& %it) re$pect to t)e o&&en$e co**itted %ere abstract . "$ a con$euence, it %a$ impossible &or t)e  7udge$ %)o i$$ued t)e %arrant$ to )ave &ound t)e ei$tence o& pro-a-le cau$e, &or t)e $a*e pre$uppo$e$ t)e introduction o&  co*petent proo& t)at t)e part again$t %)o* it i$ $oug)t )a$ per&or*ed  particular act$, or co**itted specific o*i$$ion$, violating a given provi$ion o& our cri*inal la%$. "$ a *atter o& &act, t)e application$ involved in t)i$ ca$e do not allege an $peci&ic act$ per&or*ed

- )erein petitioner$. It %ould -e t)e legal )ere$, o& t)e )ig)e$t order, to convict an-od o& a Kviolation o& entral an( Da%$, +ari&&  and u$to*$ Da%$, Internal Revenue =ode> and Revi$ed enal ode,K L a$ alleged in t)e a&ore*entioned application$ L %it)out re&erence to an deter*inate provi$ion o& $aid la%$ or 

+o up)old t)e validit o& t)e %arrant$ in ue$tion %ould -e to %ipe out co*pletel one o& t)e *o$t &unda*ental rig)t$ guaranteed in our on$titution, &or it %ould place t)e $anctit o& t)e do*icile and t)e privac o& co**unication and corre$pondence at t)e *erc o& t)e %)i*$ caprice or pa$$ion o& peace o&&icer$. +)i$ i$ preci$el t)e evil $oug)t to -e re*edied - t)e con$titutional provi$ion a-ove uoted L to outla% t)e $ocalled general %arrant$.

') AR0ENIO VER&ARA VALDE: v. %EO%LE OF /"E %"ILI%%INE0 &.R. No 1'1

Nove64er $+, $'

Fats! auti$ta te$ti&ied t)at at around 8:00 to 8:30 p.*. o& 1H Carc) 2003, )e %a$ conducting t)e routine patrol along t)e ational ig)%a in aranga San enito orte, "ringa, Da @nion toget)er %it) "rata$ and !rdoNo %)en t)e noticed petitioner, lugging a -ag, alig)t &ro* a *ini-u$. +)e tanods o-$erved t)at petitioner, %)o appeared $u$piciou$ to t)e*, $ee*ed to -e loo(ing &or $o*et)ing. +)e t)u$ approac)ed )i* -ut t)e latter purportedl atte*pted to run a%a. +)e c)a$ed )i*, put )i* under arre$t and t)erea&ter  -roug)t )i* to t)e )ou$e o& aranga aptain %)ere )e, a$ averred - auti$ta, %a$ ordered - Cercado to open )i$ -ag. etitioner$ -ag allegedl contained a pair o& deni* pant$, eig)teen piece$ o& eggplant and dried *ari7uana leave$ %rapped in ne%$paper and cellop)ane. It %a$ t)en t)at petitioner %a$ ta(en to t)e police $tation &or &urt)er inve$tigation.

R+ convicted t)e accu$ed &or illegal po$$e$$ion o& dangerou$ drug$, a&ter dried *ari7uana leave$ %ere &ound in )i$ po$$e$$ion - t)ree -aranga tanod$ %)o *ade a $earc) on )i*. etitioner denied o%ner$)ip and purported t)at )e )ad 7u$t alig)ted &ro* t)e -u$ %)en one o& t)e -aranga tanod$ approac)ed )i* and reue$ted to $ee t)e content$ o& )i$ -ag$. +)e accu$ed %a$ t)en -roug)t - t)e t)ree tanod$ to t)e )ou$e o& rg. aptain Cercado, %)o again ordered to )ave t)e -ag opened. #uring %)ic), t)e dried *ari7uana leave$ %ere &ound. etitioner pra$ &or )i$ acuittal ue$tioning, alt)oug) &or t)e &ir$t ti*e on appeal, t)at )i$ %arrantle$$ arre$t %a$ e&&ected unla%&ull and t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) t)at &ollo%ed %a$ li(e%i$e contrar to la%. Issue!

)et)er or not t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) o& t)e -ag - t)e -rg. +anod$ %a$ li(e%i$e contrar to la%M



 " $topand&ri$( $ituation, &ollo%ing "erry v. #hio , *u$t precede a %arrantle$$ arre$t, -e li*ited to t)e per$on$ outer clot)ing, and $)ould -e grounded upon a genuine rea$on, in lig)t o& t)e police o&&icer$ eperience and $urrounding condition$, to %arrant t)e -elie& t)at t)e per$on detained )a$ %eapon$ concealed a-out )i*. Coreover, in eople v. aclaan, t)e ourt )eld t)at, a %aiver o& an illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t doe$ not al$o *ean a %aiver o&  t)e inad*i$$i-ilit o& evidence $ei/ed during an illegal %arrantle$$ arre$t. +)e &ollo%ing $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ are dee*ed per*i$$i-le - 7uri$prudence: =1> $earc) o& *oving ve)icle$ =2> $ei/ure in plain vie% =3> cu$to*$ $earc)e$ =4> %aiver or con$ent $earc)e$ =5> $top and &ri$( $ituation$ =+err Searc)> and =6> $earc) incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. )en petitioner %a$ arre$ted %it)out a %arrant, )e %a$ neit)er caug)t in &lagrante delicto co**itting a cri*e nor %a$ t)e arre$t e&&ected in )ot pur$uit. 'eril, it cannot t)ere&ore -e rea$ona-l argued t)at t)e %arrantle$$ $earc) conducted on petitioner %a$ incidental to a la%&ul arre$t. #ou-tle$$, t)e con$titutional i**unit again$t unrea$ona-le $earc)e$ and $ei/ure$ i$ a per$onal rig)t %)ic) *a -e %aived. +)e con$ent *u$t -e voluntar in order to validate an ot)er%i$e illegal detention and $earc), i.e., t)e con$ent i$ uneuivocal, $peci&ic, and intelligentl given, unconta*inated - an dure$$ or coercion. ence, con$ent to a $earc) i$ not to -e lig)tl in&erred, -ut *u$t -e $)o%n - clear and convincing evidence. +)e ue$tion %)et)er a con$ent to a $earc) %a$ in &act voluntar i$ a ue$tion o& &act to -e deter*ined &ro* t)e totalit o& all t)e circu*$tance$. Relevant to t)i$ deter*ination are t)e &ollo%ing c)aracteri$tic$ o& t)e per$on giving con$ent and t)e environ*ent in %)ic) con$ent i$ given: =1> t)e age o& t)e de&endant? =2> %)et)er )e %a$ in a pu-lic or $ecluded

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