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Creo (Pro/ENGINEER) Training At

BIT Baroda Institute of Te Technolog chnology y Sayajiganj, Vadodara

Whether you are a global manufacturer or a small tooling shop, CAD/CAM/CAE solutions are essential assets for product development excellence. Creo provides a use userr fri friend endly ly,, com comple plete te pro produc ductt dev develo elopme pment nt sol soluti ution on pac pacag age e so you can design/build your product by maintaining !uality and profitability ob"ectives.

Overview of Creo Creo, from #$C, is a complete suite of concept design, %D, &D, simulation '  analysis engineering soft(are. What is uni!ue about Creo is that it has taen into account ho( product design and development d evelopment is done in modern days, using diverse tools, (ith the participation of people of a variety of sills, from different geographical locations. $he ey promises of Creo tools include) faster time*to*maret, product !uality, design efficiency+ minimum errors, less scrap and re(or.

Progra! Content of Creo Training Creo/#arametric concepts sing the Creo/#arametric interface Creating setcher geometry Creating extrudes, revolves and ribs -electing and editing Creating datum feature tiliing internal setches and embedded datums Creating s(eeps and blends Creating holes and shells Creating rounds, chamfers and drafts ariable section s(eeps, helical s(eeps and s(ept blends Creating patterns 0roup, copy and mirror tools Measuring and inspecting models Advanced reference management 1elations and parameters 2ayers, family tables ' D3 Assembling (ith constraints Exploding assemblies Creating surface features Editing surface features in Creo/#arametric Creating dra(ing vie(s Creating dra(ing details sing advanced assembly constraints Creating and using component interface Creating and using flexible components sing assembly features and shrin*(rap 1eplacing components in an assembly nderstanding simplified reps Creating cross*sections, display styles and combined vie(s -ubstituting components by reps and model Creating and using assembly structure 4ntroduction of sheet metal design #rimary (alls, secondary ad unattached (alls nbend, bend bac and cuts 5otches and punches -heet metal forms 6ending ' unbending sheet metal geometry Converting solid parts -heet metal dra(ings (ith flat states and bend order table

Progra! "enefit#

($) To Parti%i&ant# 7ou (ill no( ho( to setch, model, validate design and visualie product design. 7ou (ill no( ho( to do free form, %D, and evolutionary concept designs+ do detailed designing and maing late*stage design changes+ and you (ill also no( ho( to diagram electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems. 7ou (ill no( ho( to do direct drafting, direct modeling as (ell as parametric &D modeling. 7ou (ill no( ho( to validate a design (ith engineering simulation and chec (hether the product design can meet the functional re!uirements. CAE analysts and designers can test a product for tolerance, behavior, mechanism dynamics, mechanical motion, performance dimensions, electric clearances, and creepage.

(') To Organiation# $his program (ill help organiation achieve their business goal by improving employees and energiing their company to reach highest level of product development.

*y #*o+d yo+ earn#roduct designers and engineers are re!uired to have complete no(ledge of  developing a product design virtually. Creo comes (ith all the tools that are re!uired for completing a product design. Creo8s (ide range of products facilitate both engineers and casual users capture and contribute ideas graphically, and tae their fleeting concepts into physical products (ithin the same environment, though idea can be contributed using over %99 document types such as Microsoft Word to MCAD to ECAD dra(ings. While CAD users can mae use of parametric design soft(are from Creo, they can easily collaborate (ith infre!uent or non*CAD users as the soft(are lets them do &D direct modeling. Creo maes conversion of %D to &D, and usage of &D geometry for simulation and analysis possible.

New "at%* Starting .ate .+ration :9 ;rs. Avaiae "at%* Ti!ing# Day batches? •

 =)&9 AM to :)&9 #M >Evening batch? Origina 0ee# 1s.4ncluding
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