Short Description
Creo (Pro/ENGINEER) Training At
BIT Baroda Institute of Te Technolog chnology y Sayajiganj, Vadodara
Whether you are a global manufacturer or a small tooling shop, CAD/CAM/CAE solutions are essential assets for product development excellence. Creo provides a use userr fri friend endly ly,, com comple plete te pro produc ductt dev develo elopme pment nt sol soluti ution on pac pacag age e so you can design/build your product by maintaining !uality and profitability ob"ectives.
Overview of Creo Creo, from #$C, is a complete suite of concept design, %D, &D, simulation ' analysis engineering soft(are. What is uni!ue about Creo is that it has taen into account ho( product design and development d evelopment is done in modern days, using diverse tools, (ith the participation of people of a variety of sills, from different geographical locations. $he ey promises of Creo tools include) faster time*to*maret, product !uality, design efficiency+ minimum errors, less scrap and re(or.
Progra! Content of Creo Training Creo/#arametric concepts sing the Creo/#arametric interface Creating setcher geometry Creating extrudes, revolves and ribs -electing and editing Creating datum feature tiliing internal setches and embedded datums Creating s(eeps and blends Creating holes and shells Creating rounds, chamfers and drafts ariable section s(eeps, helical s(eeps and s(ept blends Creating patterns 0roup, copy and mirror tools Measuring and inspecting models Advanced reference management 1elations and parameters 2ayers, family tables ' D3 Assembling (ith constraints Exploding assemblies Creating surface features Editing surface features in Creo/#arametric Creating dra(ing vie(s Creating dra(ing details sing advanced assembly constraints Creating and using component interface Creating and using flexible components sing assembly features and shrin*(rap 1eplacing components in an assembly nderstanding simplified reps Creating cross*sections, display styles and combined vie(s -ubstituting components by reps and model Creating and using assembly structure 4ntroduction of sheet metal design #rimary (alls, secondary ad unattached (alls nbend, bend bac and cuts 5otches and punches -heet metal forms 6ending ' unbending sheet metal geometry Converting solid parts -heet metal dra(ings (ith flat states and bend order table
Progra! "enefit#
($) To Parti%i&ant# 7ou (ill no( ho( to setch, model, validate design and visualie product design. 7ou (ill no( ho( to do free form, %D, and evolutionary concept designs+ do detailed designing and maing late*stage design changes+ and you (ill also no( ho( to diagram electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems. 7ou (ill no( ho( to do direct drafting, direct modeling as (ell as parametric &D modeling. 7ou (ill no( ho( to validate a design (ith engineering simulation and chec (hether the product design can meet the functional re!uirements. CAE analysts and designers can test a product for tolerance, behavior, mechanism dynamics, mechanical motion, performance dimensions, electric clearances, and creepage.
(') To Organiation# $his program (ill help organiation achieve their business goal by improving employees and energiing their company to reach highest level of product development.
*y #*o+d yo+ earn#roduct designers and engineers are re!uired to have complete no(ledge of developing a product design virtually. Creo comes (ith all the tools that are re!uired for completing a product design. Creo8s (ide range of products facilitate both engineers and casual users capture and contribute ideas graphically, and tae their fleeting concepts into physical products (ithin the same environment, though idea can be contributed using over %99 document types such as Microsoft Word to MCAD to ECAD dra(ings. While CAD users can mae use of parametric design soft(are from Creo, they can easily collaborate (ith infre!uent or non*CAD users as the soft(are lets them do &D direct modeling. Creo maes conversion of %D to &D, and usage of &D geometry for simulation and analysis possible.
New "at%* Starting .ate .+ration :9 ;rs. Avaiae "at%* Ti!ing# Day batches? •
=)&9 AM to :)&9 #M >Evening batch? Origina 0ee# 1s.4ncluding
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