Short Description
credit card processing...
Software Requirements Specification for
Credit Card Processing System Version 1.0
Prepared by Srija.s(9! Ro"ini eswari(#! Rodney Rodrigo(#$! %%% yr CS& ' aya &ngineering Co))ege
$ anuary 01 copyrig"t* 01+Credit Card Processing System+,uided by Prof -.'a)aji -ijayan/ept ofCS&&C.
Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system
Table of contents 1.introduction 1.1 Purpose………………………………………………………………………………….3 1.2 Document Conventions…………………………………………………………….3 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions………………………………………3 1.4 Product Scope ……………………………………………………………………….3 1.5 References ……………………………………………………………………………3
2 overall description 2.1 Product Perspective ………………………………………………………………4 2.2 Product functions …………………………………………………………………4 2.3 ser C!asses and C"aracteristics…………………………………………………...4 2.4 #perating $nvironment…………………………………………………………….4 2.5 ser Documentation ……………………………………………………………….4 2.% Assumptions and Dependencies…………………………………………………….4
3 External Interface requirements Requirements 3.1 ser Interface………………………………………………………………………..5
4 system Features 4.1 &rainer………………………………………………………………………………5
!t"er #onfunctional Requirements 5.1 Performance Re'uirements………………………………………………………( 5.2 Safet) Re'uirements……………………………………………………………..( 5.3 Securit) Re'uirement…………………………………………………………….( 5.4 Soft*are +ua!it) Attri,utes……………………………………………………....( 5.5 -usiness Ru!es…………………………………………………………………….( $ !t"er
requirements %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$
Revision &istory #ame
Reason for ("an)es *ersion
Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system
1.Introduction Credit card processing is interaction of t"e customer to t"e credit card processor for ,u)ing a ne* card of for t"e pa)ment of ,i!!s. &"e processor a!!o*s getting a ne* card and a!so to get t"e detai!s of t"e card and maes t"e cop) of t"e purc"ase made.
1.1 +urpose &"e credit card maes s"opping easier and t"e customer or purc"aser need not carr) cas" a!ong *it" "im/"er. It a!!o*s t"e customer to ,u) "is/"er re'uirements *it"out a need to eep trac of "is/"er cas" in "and especia!!) in case of emergencies.
1. /ocument con-entions &"is document is *ritten in t"e fo!!o*ing st)!e0 ont 0times ne* roman eadings0 1 sie Su,"eadings014 sie Descriptiuon 012 sie
1.$ %ntended udience and Reading suggestions &"is document is intended to ,e read ,) t"e deve!opers and t"e end users.&"is is a tec"nica! document and t"e terms can ,e easi!) understood ,) t"e users.
1. product scope &"e credit card processing is usua!!) done *it" a "e!p of t"e s*iper *"ic" scans a!! t"e detai!s of t"e card. After eac" purc"ase6 t"e detai!s are recorded and document is made ,) t"e credit card issuer. 1.5 References
"ttp0//* ,,,.creditcardprocessin).net-
2 overall description
Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system
2.1 product perspective &"is pro7ect is a se!f contained pro7ect for eas) transaction using credit card.
2.2 product functions &"e front end re'uires detai!s t"at are needed to ,u) a ne* card or se!ecting t"e options for pa)ing t"e ,i!! to t"e credit card. In t"e ,ac end6 t"e credit card issuer records and dea!s a!! t"e transactions made ,) t"e purc"aser and send t"e statement to "im/"er.
.$ user classes and c"aracteristics &"e credit card transaction is used ,) t"e c!ients to do t"e crediting features t"at are avai!a,!e in ,an and do t"e pa)ment ,ac. &"e account "as to ,e updated *it" t"e ,a!ance ever) time *"en t"e crediting and t"e pa),ac are done.
2.4 !peratin) system &"is too! *i!! function on 8inu9 ,ased operating s)stem :,untu6;u,untu6de,ian etc< Programing 8anguage0P)t"on Dat,ase 0Postgres'!
.'esi)n and Implementation (onstraints &"is *i!! ,e an open source pro7ect and t"us *i!! not ,e a,!e to operate and function on most propriet) operating s)stems due to t"e !ac of support s)stems provided ,) t"ese s)stems.In t"e current version reports can ,e generated on!) in Postgres'! d,ms and source data,ase are a!so restricted to fe* sources mentioned a,ove.urt"er more it *i!! a!so re'uire p)t"on !anguage compi!ers for furt"er en"ancing of features.
2.$ser 'ocumentaltion &"e user documentation can ,e found in t"is SRS 2./ 0ssumptions and 'ependencies
=e assume t"at t"e e9tra documentation ,e)ond t"is SRS *ouid not ,e nessessar) in order for t"e user to uti!ie t"is pro7ect.
3 &2terna) interface requirements $.13ser %nterfaces
Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system
&"is too! *i!! come a!ong *it" a,asic user interface too! *it" >I a!ong *it" simp!e and eas) to navigate icons t"us avoiding an) comp!e9it) *"ic" ma) not ,e understanda,!e for novice users.&"e interfacing *i!! contain arro* mars6te9t ,o9es and some different s"aped ,o9es reduce comp!e9it).
$. 4ardware %nterfaces Processor @emor)
inte! Pentium I? 1.3 25( @- RA@
ard Dis Drive 4 >-. Credit card processing s)stem re'uires a s*iper to ,e connected to t"e computer.
$.$ Software %nterfaces #perating S)stem 08inu9 -ased :u,untu6 De,ian< rame*or
Programming 8anguage Interfacing D-@S
0Bava Scripts6 CSS 0Postgres'!
4 ystem Features 4.1 Trainer 4.1.1 'escription and +riority The process of swiper is to scan the information in the magnetic tape and inputs the PIN number of the credit card to make a successful transaction .
4.1.2 timulus-Response equences When the card is swiped, a remote connection is made with the issuer and the amount is retrieved. .1.3
functional requirements
Req 1: The PIN number must be genuine Req 2: The credit card holder must pay his debts genuinely
!t"er #onfunctional Requirements
Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system
.1 +erformance Requirements The swiper should work effectively during the transaction for good maintenance of the system.
.2 afety requirements &"e card issuer must update t"e record of t"e card "o!ders to prevent fraudu!ent actions and ot"er errors t"at ma) occur during transactions
5.$ security Requirements The card holder must not give details to others about the PIN number of the credit card.
.4 oft,are quality 0ttributes &"e code *i!! ,e free to in its accurac)6reusa,i!it) to modif) t"e code6 f!e9i,i!it) in its usage and more over simp!e and informative.
5.5 'usines Ru)es &"ere are no suc" -usiness ru!es.&"e too! can ,e used ,) an) users.
$!t"er Requirements &"ere are no e9tra re'uirements.
Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system
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