
May 7, 2018 | Author: Mahesh Wara | Category: Credit Card, User Interface, Technology, Computing, Software
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credit card processing...


Software Requirements Specification for 

Credit Card Processing System Version 1.0

Prepared by  Srija.s(9! Ro"ini eswari(#! Rodney Rodrigo(#$! %%% yr CS& ' aya &ngineering Co))ege

$ anuary 01 copyrig"t* 01+Credit Card Processing System+,uided by Prof -.'a)aji -ijayan/ept ofCS&&C.

Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system


Table of contents 1.introduction 1.1 Purpose………………………………………………………………………………….3 1.2 Document Conventions…………………………………………………………….3 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions………………………………………3 1.4 Product Scope ……………………………………………………………………….3 1.5 References ……………………………………………………………………………3

2 overall description 2.1 Product Perspective ………………………………………………………………4 2.2 Product functions …………………………………………………………………4 2.3 ser C!asses and C"aracteristics…………………………………………………...4 2.4 #perating $nvironment…………………………………………………………….4 2.5 ser Documentation ……………………………………………………………….4 2.% Assumptions and Dependencies…………………………………………………….4

3 External Interface requirements Requirements 3.1 ser Interface………………………………………………………………………..5

4 system Features 4.1 &rainer………………………………………………………………………………5

 !t"er #onfunctional Requirements 5.1 Performance Re'uirements………………………………………………………( 5.2 Safet) Re'uirements……………………………………………………………..( 5.3 Securit) Re'uirement…………………………………………………………….( 5.4 Soft*are +ua!it) Attri,utes……………………………………………………....( 5.5 -usiness Ru!es…………………………………………………………………….( $ !t"er

requirements %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$

Revision &istory #ame


Reason for ("an)es   *ersion

Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system


1.Introduction Credit card processing is interaction of t"e customer to t"e credit card processor for  ,u)ing a ne* card of for t"e pa)ment of ,i!!s. &"e processor a!!o*s getting a ne* card and a!so to get t"e detai!s of t"e card and maes t"e cop) of t"e purc"ase made.

1.1 +urpose &"e credit card maes s"opping easier and t"e customer or purc"aser need not carr) cas" a!ong *it" "im/"er. It a!!o*s t"e customer to ,u) "is/"er re'uirements *it"out a need to eep trac of "is/"er cas" in "and especia!!) in case of emergencies.

1. /ocument con-entions &"is document is *ritten in t"e fo!!o*ing st)!e0 ont 0times ne* roman eadings0 1 sie Su,"eadings014 sie Descriptiuon 012 sie

1.$ %ntended udience and Reading suggestions &"is document is intended to ,e read ,) t"e deve!opers and t"e end users.&"is is a tec"nica! document and t"e terms can ,e easi!) understood ,) t"e users.

1. product scope &"e credit card processing is usua!!) done *it" a "e!p of t"e s*iper *"ic" scans a!! t"e detai!s of t"e card. After eac" purc"ase6 t"e detai!s are recorded and document is made ,) t"e credit card issuer. 1.5 References

"ttp0//*i ,,,.creditcardprocessin).net-

2 overall description

Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system


2.1 product perspective &"is pro7ect is a se!f contained pro7ect for eas) transaction using credit card.

2.2 product functions &"e front end re'uires detai!s t"at are needed to ,u) a ne* card or se!ecting t"e options for pa)ing t"e ,i!! to t"e credit card. In t"e ,ac end6 t"e credit card issuer records and dea!s a!! t"e transactions made ,) t"e purc"aser and send t"e statement to "im/"er.

.$ user classes and c"aracteristics &"e credit card transaction is used ,) t"e c!ients to do t"e crediting features t"at are avai!a,!e in  ,an and do t"e pa)ment ,ac. &"e account "as to ,e updated *it" t"e ,a!ance ever) time *"en t"e crediting and t"e pa),ac are done.

2.4 !peratin) system &"is too! *i!! function on 8inu9 ,ased operating s)stem :,untu6;u,untu6de,ian etc< Programing 8anguage0P)t"on Dat,ase 0Postgres'!

.'esi)n and Implementation (onstraints &"is *i!! ,e an open source pro7ect and t"us *i!! not ,e a,!e to operate and function on most  propriet) operating s)stems due to t"e !ac of support s)stems provided ,) t"ese s)stems.In t"e current version reports can ,e generated on!) in Postgres'! d,ms and source data,ase are a!so restricted to fe* sources mentioned a,ove.urt"er more it *i!! a!so re'uire p)t"on !anguage compi!ers for furt"er en"ancing of features.

2.$ser 'ocumentaltion &"e user documentation can ,e found in t"is SRS 2./ 0ssumptions and 'ependencies

=e assume t"at t"e e9tra documentation ,e)ond t"is SRS *ouid not ,e nessessar) in order for t"e user to uti!ie t"is pro7ect.

3 &2terna) interface requirements $.13ser %nterfaces

Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system


&"is too! *i!! come a!ong *it" a,asic user interface too! *it" >I a!ong *it" simp!e and eas) to navigate icons t"us avoiding an) comp!e9it) *"ic" ma) not ,e understanda,!e for novice users.&"e interfacing *i!! contain arro* mars6te9t ,o9es and some different s"aped ,o9es reduce comp!e9it).

$. 4ardware %nterfaces Processor @emor)

inte! Pentium I? 1.3 25( @- RA@

ard Dis Drive 4 >-. Credit card processing s)stem re'uires a s*iper to ,e connected to t"e computer.

$.$ Software %nterfaces #perating S)stem 08inu9 -ased :u,untu6 De,ian< rame*or


Programming 8anguage Interfacing D-@S


0Bava Scripts6 CSS 0Postgres'!

4 ystem Features 4.1 Trainer  4.1.1 'escription and +riority The process of swiper is to scan the information in the magnetic tape and inputs the PIN number of the credit card to make a successful transaction .

 4.1.2 timulus-Response equences When the card is swiped, a remote connection is made with the issuer and the amount is retrieved. .1.3

functional requirements

Req 1: The PIN number must be genuine Req 2: The credit card holder must pay his debts genuinely

 !t"er #onfunctional Requirements

Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system


.1 +erformance Requirements The swiper should work effectively during the transaction for good maintenance of the system.

.2 afety requirements &"e card issuer must update t"e record of t"e card "o!ders to prevent fraudu!ent actions and ot"er errors t"at ma) occur during transactions

5.$ security Requirements The card holder must not give details to others about the PIN number of the credit card.

.4 oft,are quality 0ttributes &"e code *i!! ,e free to in its accurac)6reusa,i!it) to modif) t"e code6 f!e9i,i!it) in its usage and more over simp!e and informative.

5.5 'usines Ru)es &"ere are no suc" -usiness ru!es.&"e too! can ,e used ,) an) users.

$!t"er Requirements &"ere are no e9tra re'uirements.

Software Requirements Specification for credit card processing system


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