Creature Features

February 12, 2017 | Author: Anonymous dbt3PIxoc9 | Category: N/A
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Sheepsquatch, also known as the "White Thing", is a woolly-haired cryptid reported across numerous counties in West Virginia, predominantly within the southwestern region of the state. The counties with the most sightings are Boone, Kanawha, Putnam and Mason, with a surge in sightings taking place in Boone County during the mid-1990s. It is described as being a quadruped about the size of a bear, with entirely white wool-like fur. It has a long and pointed head, similar to a dog but with long, saber-like teeth and a single-pint set of horns not dissimilar from those found on a young goat. Its forelimbs end in paw-like hands, similar to those of a raccoon but larger, while its tail is long and hairless like that of an opossum. It is reputed to smell like sulfur, which has been attributed through folklore to the beast being born within the TNT Area in Mason County like one of the Mothman theories, though this is not likely and instead may be a musk scent gland similar to those found in many species in the order Carnivora such as weasels and skunks.

Yara Ma Yha Who is a blood-sucking creature from aboriginal folklore that lurks in the treetops until a person would walk under it, then it would leap from the tree onto the person, suck almost all its blood then it would swallow them whole. After swallowing the poor soul, it would regurgitate the person up, take a drink of water and nap, then wake up to puke the person out over and over and as it does this, he/she will become shorter and redder each time until they themselves become a Yara Ma Yha Who. It resembles a little red man or woman, about 4 feet tall, with red hair and skin. It has an enlarged mouth with no teeth. It has suckers on the tips of its fingers that it uses to suck the blood out of its victims, which are usually people. It can unhinge its jaw like a snake. Its method of attack is clever and scores it unlucky humans. It drops down from trees, usually fig trees, onto the person, then grabs the human's arm and uses the suckers on its fingers to suck up the blood before running away. It later returns and eats the victim whole and vomits it out for an easy meal the next time. Eventually after the Yara Ma Yha who has stopped this revolting process, the victim will have turned into one of the creatures itself.

Drop bears are large, vicious and carnivorous relatives of the peaceful herbivorous koala. Their method of attack is brutal and will kill humans easily. They remain hidden in a tree, usually gum or eucalyptus, until they see their prey walk underneath, and they drop down and brutally attack the victim's head using its teeth and claws. Ways to avoid drop bear attacks are odd, but usually simple. They consist of putting forks into your hair, spreading toothpaste behind your ears, armpits, or on your neck, urinating on yourself, or only speaking in an Australian accent in English. Luckily, they usually only hunt and feast at night, making them harder to encounter. Most people say they are just a part of local lore meant to amuse visitors, but others say it could be a real creature. Young children attending camp will be warned of the creature and told to lay on their back near a tree and spit upwards. If the drop bear is up there and hopefully asleep, it will wake up and spit back.

The Boston Bahumagosh (pronounced bah-hoo-ma-gosh,) is a strange creature that has little known about it other than it was originally sighted in the Boston area an undetermined time ago. It is possible that this is a misrepresented bigfoot considering very little difference in appearance other than height and weight dispersal. The creature is bipedal and can resemble a Bigfoot/Sasquatch. The Bahumagosh is said to be up to 10 feet tall and weigh roughly 400 pounds giving it a distinctive appearance. The fur of the creature covers its whole body except for the facial region and can vary from light grey-ish color to dark brown. Because little is known about the creature it is hard to say whether it is dangerous to persons, however it is believed to eat small wildlife so it can be carnivorous. Bahumagosh have been sited in other states along the eastern seaboard yet no sightings have been confirmed outside of the US.

Tatzelwurm also called Alps Dragon is a cryptid reported in several areas in Europe, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and many other places in the European Alps for hundred of years. It has several regional names including Stollenwurm, Springwurm, Arassas, Praatzelwurm and Bergstutzen. Reports of this creature vary in description, some sighting claim the Tatzelwurm to be lizard-like while others more bizarrely claim the features of a cat. The common description of this creature is lizard/snake-like creature with stubby appearance, two front legs without hind legs, and completely covered with scales, in some cases featured cat face and poisonous fume.

Most of the many anecdotal tales describe the spiders digging a shallow tunnel under tree roots and camouflaging it with a large bed of leaves. Then they create an almost invisible web between their burrow and a nearby tree, booby-trapping the whole thing with a network of trip lines. Some hapless creature—soon to end up on the menu—will trip the line alerting the spider. The victim will be chased into the web. This predatory entrapment is similar to some species of trap-door spider. Presumably, the J'ba FoFi eggs are a pale yellow-white and shaped like peanuts. Native claim the hatchlings are bright yellow with a purple abdomen. Their coloration becomes darker and brown as they mature. Some of the natives indigenous to the regions in the Congo where the J'ba FoFi has been seen assert that the spider was once quite common, but has become very rare.

Bili Ape or Bondo Mystery Ape are giant chimpanzees that appear to live in remote east Africa, where much evidence points to their existence, including photos, footprints and ground nests. They may be a hybrid between a gorilla and a chimpanzee or a new species altogether. Bili apes have a very flat face, a wide muzzle and their brow-ridge runs straight across and overhangs. They seem to turn grey very early in life, but instead of turning grey-black like a gorilla, they turn grey all over. They have brow-ridges running straight across and overhanging; uniform gray fur independently of age and sex, which suggests that graying takes place early in life-opposed to all known gorilla species, where only males gray as they age (graying restricted to their backs). Bili Ape skulls have the prominent brow ridge and may have a sagittal crest similar to that of a robust great ape, or gorilla, but other morphological measurements are more like those of chimpanzees. However, chimpanzee skulls are 190 to 210 millimeters long, but four of five Bili Ape skulls measured more than 220 millimeters, well beyond the end of the normal chimpanzee range. It should be made clear that only one of the many skulls found at Bili had a sagittal crest, thus it cannot yet be considered typical for the population.

The Emela-ntouka in Lingala language also known as Aseka-moke, Njago-gunda, Ngamba-namae, Chipekwe or Irizima is an elephant-sized cryptid that lives in the Congo and possibly Cameroon. It has one horn and its name means "Elephant Killer". It is very ferocious and will kill anything that gets in its way. The Emela-ntouka is claimed to be around the size of an African Bush Elephant, brownish to gray in color, with a heavy tail, and with a body of similar shape and appearance to a rhinoceros, including one long horn on its snout. Keeping its massive bulky body above ground level supposedly requires four short, stump-like legs. It is described as having no frills or ridges along the neck. The animal is alleged to be semi-aquatic and feed on Malombo and other leafy plants. The Emela-ntouka is claimed to utter a vocalization, described as a snort, rumble or growl. The structure of its horn is debated among writers on the subject. The debate runs thus: if the "horn" is ivory, then it would be a tusk (tooth) and not a horn at all. Some rhinoceroses do have tusks, especially the Asiatic one-horned kinds; yet these are not known to inhabit Africa. If the horn is made of bone, then the creature is a reptile, as many fossil reptile groups, such as the ceratopsians, had horns made of bone. Finally, the horn could be made of keratin, as are the horns of African rhinos. However, without a specimen to examine, any attempt to classify the emela-ntouka by this method can only be speculative. Emela-ntouka seems to resemble a ceratopsian, a type of dinosaur with horns like Styracosaurus and the famous Triceratops according to Dr. Roy Mackal while searching the Congo for the Mokelembembe, collected accounts of these Emela-ntouka. Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman, however, believes it is an aquatic rhinoceros rather than a ceratopsian. Emela-ntouka is slightly larger than a elephant, which it reportedly hunts.

Mahamba is a cryptid rumoured to lurk in the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Lake Likouala around the swamp region. It is purported to be an enormous crocodile, reaching lengths of up to 50 feet (15 m). Some have speculated that it is a freshwater relic of the mosasaurs — huge, sea-dwelling lizards which were presumed extinct by the end of the Cretaceous period. The Bobangi aboriginals have proclaimed this animal to be unlike any other they have seen, and have only compared it to other creatures, such as a Nkoli (the Bobangi word for crocodile) or the legendary Nguma-monene for the sake of comparison. It is also been reported to attack and devour rafts and canoes. Some Theorize it could be a deinosuchus from the that survived multiple extinctions.

The Eloko (plural Biloko) is a dwarf that lives in the forests, and is the spirit of ancestors living there. They haunt the forest because they have some grudge to settle with the living and are generally quite vicious. They live in the darkest and densest part of the rainforest of central Zaire. They ferociously and jealously guard their treasures, that are the game and rare fruits of the rainforest. To survive in the darkest and densest part of the forest, you need to be an intrepid hunter, because successful hunters need to possess strong magic, without which they would never see game at all. The Biloko live on trees and dress themselves with leaves. They are hairless; instead of hair, they have grass growing on their bodies. They have piercing eyes, snouts with mouths that can admit a human, dead or alive. They also have long, sharp claws. They eat human flesh and possess little bells, which cast a spell on passersby that can only be repelled by wearing an amulet or fetish.

In Central Africa, there are legends of a creature called the mamba mutu. Legends say that the creature looks like a half Fly-mosquito human half lobster– very similar to what we know as a mermaid . That is where the similarity however ends, in that the mamba mutu is considered a very dangerous creature – it is said that it survives by sucking human blood (just as a vampire would) and eats brains. The creature is said to specifically inhabit Lake Tanganyika and the Lukuga River in the Congo. Moving out of legend and into fact, Lake Tanganyika is also home to some ferocious fish such as the tigerfish – a huge fish (the largest reaching as big as 5 feet) with daggerlike teeth. There is considerable debate as to whether or not the stories about the mama mutu are true. Disbelievers in the mamba mutu rationalize the stories by claiming that perhaps the legends are based on manatees or even some type of giant otter. 01:55:34 No.17267403 06:55:34 No.17267403▶ File: Titanabao.jpg (25 KB, 302x201)

25 KB JPG The green anaconda is the largest known living snake on Earth reaching lengths of up to 25 feet and weighs of up to 550 pounds, although for more than 100 years explorers and natives in the Amazon have reported see these snakes from 50-150 feet long with weights as extreme as 5 tons. It's name is derived from the words "titan" and "boa". The most famous account of a giant anaconda involved

British explorer, Percy Fawcett, who reportedly killed and measured a 62 foot anaconda. His claim received much ridicule although eventually cryptozoologist Bernard Heuvelmans came to his defense and said that Percy Fawcett's claim was honest and reliable. His account is as follows: "We were drifting easily along on the sluggish current not far below the confluence of Tigor and the Rio Negro when almost under the bow there appeared a triangular head and several feet of undulating body. It was a giant anaconda. I sprang for my rifle as the creature began to make its way up the bank, and hardly waiting to aim smashed a .44 soft-nosed bullet into its spine, ten feet below the wicked head. At once there was a flurry of foam, and several heavy thumps against the boat's keel, shaking us as though we had run on a snag..."

01:58:27 No.17267416 06:58:27 No.17267416▶ 17268315 17269665

File: Le_leyon.png (54 KB, 220x162)

54 KB PNG Le Loyon or The Loyon is a supposed humanoid cryptid that has said to haunt the woodlands near the Swiss town of Maules. Le Loyon is described as a tall humanoid creature dressed in a boiler suit, and cloak while it wears a gas mask that completely covers its head. According to eyewitnesses Le Loyon appears to be a human or humanoid dressed in a boiler suit, and covered in a strange cloak and wears a gas mask over its face. There has been one supposed photograph of the Le Loyon which depicts a strange humanoid figure. It has not yet been proven however whether or not the said photograph is a hoax.

02:00:45 No.17267426 07:00:45 No.17267426▶ File: NightCrawler.png (56 KB, 250x169)

56 KB PNG The Nightcrawler, also called the Fresno Alien, is a cryptid that has so far made two appearances, one in Fresno, California and the other in Yosemite National Park. On both sightings, it was only seen in video footage. It appears to be a relatively short creature (approx. 4 feet in height). It is an extremely thin, white humanoid with no discernible arms. It also appears to be wearing a white gown or cloak of some sort. It is thought to be like a grey

02:04:29 No.17267444 07:04:29 No.17267444▶ 17267450

File: Pope Lick Monster.jpg (19 KB, 308x372)

19 KB JPG The Pope Lick Monster is a legendary part-man, part-goat and sometimes part-sheep creature reported to live beneath a Norfolk Southern Railroad trestle over Floyd's Fork Creek, in the Fisherville area of Louisville, Kentucky. In most accounts, the Pope Lick Monster (named after the Pope Lick Creek below the Pope Lick Train Trestle) appears as a human-goat hybrid with a grotesquely deformed body of a man. It has powerful, fur-covered goat legs, an alabaster-skinned face with an aquiline nose and wide set eyes. Short, sharp horns protrude from the forehead, nestled in long greasy hair that matched the color of the fur on the legs. Numerous urban legends exist about the creature's origins and the methods it employs to claim its victims. According to some accounts, the creature uses either hypnosis or voice mimicry to lure trespassers to the tressle to meet their death before an oncoming train. Other stories claim the monster jumps down from the trestle onto the roofs of cars passing beneath it. Yet other legends tell that it attacks its victims with a blood-stained axe. It has also been said that the very sight of the creature is so unsettling that those who see it while walking across the high trestle are driven to leap off. Other legends explain the creature's origins, including that it is a human-goat hybrid, and that it was a circus who vowed revenge after being mistreated. In one version, the creature escaped after a train derailed on the trestle. Another version claims that the monster is really the twisted reincarnated form of a farmer who sacrificed goats in exchange for Satanic powers.

02:05:30 No.17267450 07:05:30 No.17267450▶ 17267444 The Pope Lick Monster, having no actual reported sightings, exists primarily in the realm of myth and legend. The infamous Pope Lick Train Trestle has become a favorite spot for kids, especially ones conducting lighthearted "bravery tests" with someone dared to climb the trestle. This has not always been fun-and-games, however. In the summer of 1987, a young boy fell to his death from the trestle after evading an oncoming train, and this fate was met again by a young boy 13 years later.

02:07:17 No.17267455 07:07:17 No.17267455▶ File: Blemmyae.jpg (11 KB, 150x141)


The Blemmyes (Latin Blemmyae) was a tribe which became fictionalized as a race of creatures believed to be acephalous (headless) monsters who had eyes and mouths on their chest. Pliny The Elder writes of them that Blemmyes traduntur capita abesse, ore et oculis pectore adfixis ("It is said that the Blemmyes have no heads, and that their mouth and eyes are put in their chests"). The Blemmyes were said to live in Africa, in Nubia, Kush, or Ethiopia, generally south of Egypt. Some authors derive the story of the Blemmyes from this, that their heads were hid between their shoulders, by hoisting those up to an extravagant height. Samuel Blochart derives the word Blemmyes from two Hebrew terms, one a negation, the other meaning "brain", implying that the Blemmyes were people without brains.

02:09:36 No.17267461 07:09:36 No.17267461▶ File: Abatwa.jpg (10 KB, 161x164)

10 KB JPG In Zulu mythology, Abatwa are said to be tiny humanoid creatures, that are said to be able to hide beneath a blade of grass and live in ant holes. They are said to live a nomadic lifestyle and continually on the hunt for game. Legend states that if one happens to come across an Abatwa, one will typically be asked a question like, "From where did you first see me?" One must reply by saying one saw them from a mountain, or some far away area. They are said to be extremely sensitive about their size, and if one answers by saying that one only saw them right then for the first time, the Abatwa will try to kill them with poison arrows. Stepping on an Abatwa by accident is also said to be a death sentence. Due to their shy nature, they will only tolerate being seen by the very young (said to be anyone under the age of 4), by magicians, and by pregnant women. If a pregnant woman in her seventh month of pregnancy sees a male Abatwa, it is said that she will give birth to a boy.

02:12:04 No.17267472 07:12:04 No.17267472▶ File: Golem.jpg (21 KB, 350x382)

21 KB JPG Golems are large humanoid creatures made from rock or clay. Golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless" and then "Golem" passed into Yiddish as Goylem to mean someone who is clumsy or slow and in modern Hebrew the word Golem literally means "cocoon", but can also mean "fool", "silly", or even "stupid". The name appears to derive from the word Gelem, which means "raw material".

According to Jewish stories a golem was a servant made of clay brought to life by a magic or special word. The creator must write a special word such as truth or one of the names of God was written on a piece of paper for the golem to follow and then place the paper in its forehead or in its mouth. It is said the golem functioned like a robot and could perform simple tasks. However, in some tales, the Golems became a violent monster that could not be controlled, even by its creator. To kill a golem the paper placed inside the golem must be removed. The controller uses a globe, mirror, or bowl of water to control it. Nowadays there are stories of golems of a range of materials including but not limited to stone, wood and metal.

02:14:39 No.17267484 07:14:39 No.17267484▶ 17267756

File: BugBear.png (94 KB, 220x313)

94 KB PNG The Bugbear is a dangerous Goblin-like or Bogey-like creature that was fond of eating children. As the name suggests, the Bugbear had the shape of a large bear. Stories of the Bugbear were used to scare children in English and Scottish tales. The name derives from the old Celtic word ‘bug’ which means an evil Goblin. During the medieval period people said that the Bugbear was a monstrous bear-monster that lurked in the woods and would capture and eat any children that wandered in there on their own. Now the word Bugbear is a general word used to denote a situation as annoying. A bugbear is a medium humanoid, rising to the the same height as a human, though preferring to hunt and stalk with a stoop that make it look considerably shorter and more bestial. Short, dark fur spreads all across its powerful, hulking frame. Its large ears hang loosely from its skull, and its eyes are unnaturally large - almost alien. It is not unusual for bugbears to reach nearly 7 feet in height and always weigh more than humans, some even reaching 400 pounds.

02:23:47 No.17267523 07:23:47 No.17267523▶ File: Fotsiaondre.jpg (11 KB, 220x329)

11 KB JPG The Fotsiaondre, meaning "White sheep" is a sheep-like humanoid from forests in Madagascar, with white woolly fur spotted with black or brown. Witnesses say it has bulging eyes, a long muzzle, floppy ears, and cloven hooves. Not much is known about it.

02:25:32 No.17267533 07:25:32 No.17267533▶ File: Kting_voar.gif (75 KB, 352x211)

75 KB GIF The Kting Voar, also known as the K'hting Vor, Linh Dương, or Snake-Eating Cow (Pseudonovibos spiralis) is cryptid reputed to exist in Cambodia and Vietnam. The kting voar is described as a cow-like animal with peculiar twisting horns about 45 centimetres (20 inches) long and spotted fur. The first evidence found of such a creature is a set of horns found by Wolfgang Peter in a Ho Ci Minh City Market in 1994; Peter and Feiler believe it could be new species. There is also an earlier report of British hunters in the first part of the 20th century observing several kting voar and shooting and killing to use as tiger bait. There is, according to scientists, a strong chance that it, at one time, did exist, and a smaller chance that it may exist today.

02:27:33 No.17267546 07:27:33 No.17267546▶ File: Calygreyhound.jpg (18 KB, 350x247)

18 KB JPG The Calygreyhound is a mythical creature that appears in medieval heraldry. This creature appeared in the heraldry of the De Vere family who were the Earls of Oxford during the 15th and 16th centuries. This creature was often used to symbolize speed and swiftness. It has some similarities with Caretyne. It was described as having the head of a wildcat, the body of an antelope, the fore-claws of Drawi an eagle, the tail of lion, and the hind legs and hooves of an ox, and was often depicted with ram-like horns. Sometimes this creature would appear with a fish-like tail or a pair of eagle wings, similar to that of a Griffin. Unlike most heraldic monsters, it made no attempt to seem realistic. This creature was known for its great swiftness. It is generally accepted that the calygreyhound is simply a figment of the artist's imagination, but some parts of it are based on reality. When it is depicted, Calygreyhound

02:29:13 No.17267555 07:29:13 No.17267555▶ File: Dahu.jpg (18 KB, 180x265)

18 KB JPG The Dahu is a legendary creature well known in France, Switzerland, and the neighboring regions. Its popularity began to soar toward the end of the 19th century and become famous during 20th century, but today it is regarded as a hoax, a joke, a fictional creature to fool people. Dahu is described as a mountain goat-like animal with legs of different sides having differing lengths to walk upright on the steep slopes of its mountain environment. It can only walk around the mountain in one direction. Legend attributes various differing descriptions to the animal, including the laevogyrous dahu (which has shorter legs on the left side, and thus goes Dahu1 around the mountain counter-clockwise) and the dextrogyre dahu (which has shorter legs on the right side, and thus goes around the mountain clockwise). It is also said that male Dahus have legs shorter on the right side and that females have shorter legs on the left side, thus making them walk in opposite directions around the mountains enabling to find each other and mate. Also, the male dahu has testicles that drag down onto the ground leaving a scent trail for members of the opposite sex to trace. Males also use the scent trails to find their next molestation victim, for dahus are known for harassing each other to assert dominance.

02:29:55 No.17267560 07:29:55 No.17267560▶ bump cuz interesting

02:31:05 No.17267565 07:31:05 No.17267565▶ File: waterford sheepman.jpg (30 KB, 318x218)

30 KB JPG Waterford Sheepman is an abominable creature terrorized the small rural town of Waterford Pennsylvania in the early 1970s. It lurked in farm fields, stalking the unwitting animal in a desire to tear it apart and feed on its flesh and blood. Hundreds of people witnessed this creature, it's also referred as Goatman.

02:32:19 No.17267571 07:32:19 No.17267571▶ Wut

02:32:30 No.17267572 07:32:30 No.17267572▶ File: Maryland Goat.jpg (10 KB, 280x198)

10 KB JPG The Maryland Goatman (also known as the Goatman of Maryland, or just simply, the Goatman) is a legendary satyr which supposedly lives in Beltsville, Maryland. According to the legend of the Goatman, a scientist performed experiments on goats in the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and all went astray. He fused goat DNA into his system. The scientist transformed into the Goatman and started wielding an axe—which he used to damage cars. He currently walks the back roads of Beltsville. One boy was at his birthday party when the baseball rolled into the woods. The boy went to get the ball and after a few minutes he screamed. His mother came running and the boy said he saw the dark thing that stands in the corner of his room every night. A variation of the legend tells of Goatman as an old hermit who lives in the woods, seen walking alone at night along Fletchertown Road.

02:37:23 No.17267590 07:37:23 No.17267590▶ File: Goatman.png (75 KB, 400x316)

75 KB PNG Said to be seven feet tall and a "deranged cow", the Proctor Valley Monster provides numerous evidence for Goatman including a footprint. The legend of the Proctor Valley Monster grew, and it is described as a 7-foot hairy humanoid like a Bigfoot, or sometimes a cow-like animal with its body parts in the wrong place. The Proctor Valley Monster is assumed to be responsible for livestock mutilation that occurs every now and then. The Bonita Museum in Chula Vista has a casting of a strange footprint alleged to be that of the monster. Almost identical to all goatmen stories

02:38:47 No.17267599 07:38:47 No.17267599▶ File: hugag.png (77 KB, 300x280)

77 KB PNG The Hugag is a huge animal of the Lake States. Its range includes western Wisconsin, northern Minnesota, and a territory extending indefinitely northward in the Canadian wilds toward Hudson Bay. In size the hugag may be compared to the moose, and in form it somewhat resembles that animal. Very noticeable, however, are its jointless legs, which compel the animal to remain on its feet, and its long upper lip, which prevents it from grazing. If it tried that method of feeding it would simply tramp its upper lip into the dirt. Its head and neck are leathery and hairless. Its strangely corrugated ears flop downward, its four-toed feet, long bushy tail, shaggy coat and general make-up give the beast an unmistakably prehistoric appearance. The hugag has a perfect mania for traveling, and few hunters who have taken up its trail ever came up with the beast or back to camp. It is reported to keep going all day long, browsing on twigs, flopping its lip around trees, and stripping bark as occasion offers, and at night, since it cannot lie down, it leans against a tree, bracing its hind legs and marking time with its front ones. The most successful hugag hunters have adopted the practice of notching trees so that they are almost ready to fall, and when the hugag leans up against one both the tree and the animal come down. In its helpless condition it is then easily dispatched. The last one killed, so far as known, was on Turtle River, in northern Minnesota, where a young one, weighing 1,800 pounds, was found stuck in the mud. It was knocked in the head by Mike Flynn, of Cass Lake

02:44:01 No.17267616 07:44:01 No.17267616▶ File: Koolakamba.jpg (34 KB, 300x298)

34 KB JPG Koolakamba or Kooloo-Kamba or, more rarely, Kookalamba is purported to be a hybrid species of two different ape species—namely chimpanzees and gorillas. This alleged hybrid ape species has been reported in as early as the mid-19th century. Though, to date, no empirical evidence has been found to substantiate the existence of the creature and it has no entry in the NCBI taxonomical database. The Koolakamba was referenced in the mid-19th century in French work by Franquet (1852, as cited by Shea, 1984) and in some descriptive work of DuChaillu from 1860, 1861, 1867, and 1899; some of which was republished in 1969 (Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa). The Koolakamba is believed to be larger, flatter-faced, larger-skulled and more bipedal than a chimp. It may also be a mutation, in which case we are witnessing evolution in action. According to DuChaillu (DuChaillu 1861 and 1969), the physical characteristics described for Koolakamba include a short and broad pelvic structure, large supraorbital ridge, high zygomatic ridges, less prominent "muzzle", dentition in which the upper and lower incisors meet squarely forming a grinding surface, and a larger cranial capacity than that of the common chimpanzee. Much of what DuChaillu records is essentially ethnographic. He includes the indigenous names and lore relevant to the ape, and reveals his own cultural foibles in the writing. His works are classic period pieces with wonderfully descriptive text and presumably accurate illustrations, but limited quantitative (mostly anthropometric) data.

02:44:42 No.17267619 07:44:42 No.17267619▶

If one of these CRETINS came around to my town and started terrorizing people i'd just blow their head off You could probably get a good deal on the wool from OP post.

02:45:24 No.17267620 07:45:24 No.17267620▶ File: Octo-Squatch.jpg (21 KB, 254x300)

21 KB JPG Found in Spain, the Octo-Squatch is a truly monstrous creature. The monster was seen only once, late at night in the summer of 1961, by a truck driver and his riding partner. It was described as a “hairy octopus” that was approximately 3 to 4-feet tall and covered with a shaggy coat of “rust-colored hair.” It had “round glowing eyes” and four “tentacle-like arms". It did not move much during the sighting, but appeared to not like the light coming from the truck. The creature did not move far from its spot at the base of an embankment, and the trucker and his partner were to scared to xit their vehicle. Finally, realizing there was nothing more they could do, the trucker and his partner drove away.

02:49:35 No.17267634 07:49:35 No.17267634▶ 17267638

Mogollon Monster is a type of bigfoot originated from Mogollon Rim, Arizona. Reports of footprints, video, and hair samples have been documented, but no conclusive evidence has been found to date. Physical The Mogollon Monster is reported to be a bipedal humanoid, with over 7 feet tall, has inhuman strength, and large eyes that some claim to be "wild and red". Its body is said to be covered with long black or reddish brown hair, with the exclusion of the chest, face, hands and feet. Reports claim it has a strong and pungent odor described as that of "dead fish, a skunk with bad body odor, decaying peat moss and the musk of a snapping turtle". Behavior It said that the creature is omnivorous, nocturnal, and very violent. It is generally reported to walk with wide, inhuman strides; leave behind footprints measuring 22 inches in length. It was said to produce whistle sound or scream and explore campsites during night. It also consume deer and other wildlife by decapitating them.

02:50:44 No.17267638 07:50:44 No.17267638▶ 17267652

File: Mogollon-monster.jpg (19 KB, 300x179)

19 KB JPG 17267634

02:52:16 No.17267644 07:52:16 No.17267644▶ File: Huay_chivo.jpg (22 KB, 300x381)

22 KB JPG The Huay Chivo is a legendary Mayan beast. It is a half-man, half-beast creature, with burning red eyes, and is specific to the Yucatán Peninsula. It is often said to be an evil sorcerer who can transform himself into a supernatural animal, usually a goat, dog or deer, in order to prey upon livestock. In recent times it has become associated with the chupacabras. The Huay Chivo is specific to the southeastern Mexican states of Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo. Alleged Huay Chivo activity is sporadically reported in the regional press. Local maya near the town of Valladolid, in Yucatán, believe the Huay Chivo is an evil sorcerer that is capable of transforming into a goat to do mischief and eat livestock. The Huay Chivo is a local variation of the Mesoamerican Nahual. The name Huay Chivo combines Spanish and Yucatec Mayan terms. Huay or Uay comes from Waay in Yucatec Maya, meaning sorcerer, spirit or animal familiar, while Chivo is Spanish for goat, literally meaning sorcerer-Goat.

02:54:49 No.17267651 07:54:49 No.17267651▶ File: Adlet.jpg (14 KB, 238x191)

14 KB JPG The Adlet are blood-sucking creatures based in Inuit mythology. They are also known as Erqigdlit to the peoples of Greenland and Baffin Island. Werewolf-like in appearance, it is said they are the result of a union between an Inuit woman and a giant dog. The woman gave birth to ten fur-covered puppy-kids. Terrified, she set five of them adrift in the sea. According to the myth, these five managed to cross the Arctic and Atlantic and spawned the European races.

The other five became known as the Adlet They grew into five big abominations that developed a taste for human flesh, fighting, and presumably, causing trouble for their mom by trying to be too helpful. The Adlet and their offspring (also called Adlet) now wander the tundra in packs, seeking out Inuit villages to feed on.

02:55:10 No.17267652 07:55:10 No.17267652▶ 17267638 Man, that looks pretty solid for something paranormal...

02:58:43 No.17267673 07:58:43 No.17267673▶ 17269676

File: Zantegeba.jpg (8 KB, 180x272)

8 KB JPG A baboon of the Bambara people of Mali, Africa. His name means ‘One with Big Paws’ and frequently rapes women It is described as a demonic

02:59:48 No.17267683 07:59:48 No.17267683▶ File: Nuckelave.jpg (38 KB, 300x400)

38 KB JPG The Nuckelavee is a creature from Orcadian folklore. The name is a corruption of the Orcadian name "knoggelvi", which in turn seems to be a variant of the "Nokk" or "Nuggle", and is thus related to the Icelandic Nykur. The Nuckelavee is the most horrible of all the Scottish elves. He lives mainly in the sea, but was also held responsible for ruined crops, epidemics, and drought. His breath could wilt the crops and sicken the livestock. He resembles a centaur whose legs are part fin; he has an enormous gaping mouth and a single giant eye, which burns with a red flame. Some sources, such as Katharine Mary Briggs' Abbey Lubbers, Banshees, and Boggarts, describe him as having both a horse's head and a humanlike head and torso, the latter growing out of his back.

Nuckelavee by darksilvania-d4t0qaj Arguably the most gruesome detail of the Nuckelavee's appearance is the fact that he has no skin. Black blood courses through yellow veins, and the pale sinews and powerful muscles are visible as a pulsating mass. The Nuckelavee has an aversion to running water, and those who are chased by him have only to cross a stream to be rid of him. Another phobia that the Nuckelavee suffers from is the burning of seaweed to create kelp. Enraged, he starts on a wild rampage of plague, killing cattle and many other creatures, and bringing bad crops. At this time, the only person to stop him is The Mither o'the Sea, another ancient God-like being of Orkney mythology."

03:05:03 No.17267704 08:05:03 No.17267704▶ File: Dark_Watchers.jpg (5 KB, 220x165)

5 KB JPG The Dark Watchers of California are a group of mysterious dark human-like creatures who stand on the hills, ridges, and peaks of the Santa Lucia Mountains. They supposedly watch those who wander into the mountains and are not aggressive. They are most often spotted around twilight and are usually seen staring upwards toward the sky while standing atop the mountains. They seem to be some sort of spirits however their origins are currently unknown. They’ve been seen many times over the years, with stories about them dating back to Chumash Indian legends. They are mentioned in the short story "Flight" by John Steinbeck and the iconoclastic poet Robinson Jeffers wrote about “forms that look human…but certainly are not human” in his poem, “Such Counsels You Gave to Me.” Sometime in the mid-sixties, a Monterery Peninsula local and former high school principal went on a hiking trip in the Santa Lucias when he suddenly spotted a dark figure in a hat and a cape, standing on a rock and surveying the area. When the principal called out to the other hikers, the creature vanished. More sightings continue to be made to this day

03:06:05 No.17267711 08:06:05 No.17267711▶ File: Tennesse Wildman.jpg (25 KB, 220x293)

25 KB JPG The origins of the Tennessee Wildman goes way back to the 1800s in McNairy County, Tennessee. One of the stories is that a circus freak showman somehow captured the beast and put him on display in a cage to where everyone can see him for exploitation until it finally broke free. The description of the Tennessee Wildman is much similar in appearance to Sasquatch but only more human. Wildman1 He supposedly has either dark grey hair or dark ginger hair, is about 7 feet tall and is always

accompanied with piercing red eyes. It is known to spout out a disturbing war cry that can frighten anyone that hears it and has a horrible smell that's reminiscent to the Skunk Ape. It's very aggressive in behavior and could possibly be the archenemy of Sasquatch ironically, often fighting for territory reasons. Not surprisingly the Wildman possesses great strength, agility and speed. There have been many groups of men that have went out hunting for the creature but all the times, usually they don't find anything or something traumatizing happens. The monster is known to have a strange targeting obsession with dogs and women. Many women came out to say the Wildman had attempted to snatch them up and carry them away. It is suspected, however, that these attempts were always unsuccessful.

03:08:51 No.17267723 08:08:51 No.17267723▶ File: Quallupilluit.jpg (14 KB, 300x224)

14 KB JPG The Qallupilluk or Qallupilluit are marine creatures from Inuit mythology. They are often described as having scaly and bumpy skin, not unlike a scalpin. It is said that these are ugly creatures and that they reek of sulfur. The Qallupilluk is a child-snatcher. No one really knows why these creatures love to take children. Perhaps they take children because they are lonely and like the company, or maybe they like how children taste? Or, is there perhaps a even darker reason for the snatching? Many stories of the Qallupilluk tell of them wearing eider duck clothing with large pouches on their back to carry children in. The Qallupilluk hides in the ocean, waiting for children to play alone on the beach or near the breaking ice. Usually the Qallupilluk jump out of the water and grab children without any warning. Sometimes, however, you can hear them knocking under the ice. Some elders have said that if the ocean begins to become wavy in an area or steam begins to rise from the ocean, a Qallupilluk might be hiding underneath the water.

03:12:17 No.17267741 08:12:17 No.17267741▶ File: Koguhpuk.jpg (9 KB, 220x123)

9 KB JPG The Koguhpuk is a huge mammal from Inuit mythology. It lives underground to avoid rays from the sun, and only returns above ground during winter. Remnants of ancient mammoths are said to be the carcass of a Koguhpuk who was burnt by the sun.

03:12:45 No.17267743

08:12:45 No.17267743▶ File: 20z9u8x.jpg (14 KB, 464x450)

14 KB JPG This kind of thread should be become a permanent informative sticky.

03:15:32 No.17267754 08:15:32 No.17267754▶ 17267939

File: Ningen.png (84 KB, 250x188)

84 KB PNG Over the past few years, rumours have circulated in Japan about the existence of Gigantic Humanoid Life-Forms inhabiting the icy waters of the Antarctic. Reportedly observed on multiple occasions by crew members of government-operated "whale research" ships, these so-called "Ningen" (人間, Ningen - meaning 'human') are said to be completely white in colour with an estimated length of 20 to 30 meters. Eyewitnesses describe them as having a human-like shape, often with legs, arms, and even five-fingered hands. Sometimes they are described as having fins or a large mermaid-like tail instead of legs, or even tentacles. The only visible facial features are the eyes and mouth. According to one account, crew members on deck observed what they initially thought was a foreign submarine in the distance. When they approached, however, it became clear from the irregular shape of the thing that it was not man-made -- it was alive. The creature quickly disappeared underwater. Ningen sightings seem to occur most frequently at night, making them all the more difficult to photograph. In still images, the sea cryptids mostly just look like icebergs, though it is said that their smooth, human-like skin can be seen when the photographs are enlarged. In any case, no convincing photographs have been made public either because they do not exist or because, as some argue, the government does not want to invite undue scrutiny and tarnish the scientific reputation of the whale research program. Ningens are usually sighted in polar or very cold places. Recently a 60 year old man saw a Ningen in the Arctic. He said it was a giant white life form with giant black eyes...very big eyes! This story circulated on the internet, and made many people wonder what he saw. Could it be a real Ningen? This creature's existence is very possible, since Antarctica isn't fully discovered, along with the ocean. It could be a type of alien, as many UFOs were found in that area.

03:16:11 No.17267756 08:16:11 No.17267756▶

17267484 That's an owlbear, you garbage

03:17:49 No.17267764 08:17:49 No.17267764▶ File: Shadow People.jpg (15 KB, 300x400)

15 KB JPG Shadow people are reported worldwide and since the beginning of recorded history. Shadow people seem to be living shadows. They are usually seen out of the corner of peoples eyes. Some people see semi-transparent dark splotches. They vanish as soon as a person realizes what they saw. When people see shadow people a feeling of despair and fear overcome them. There have been some reports of being attacked or chased by these shadows. The shadows are usually larger than a normal shadow and doesn’t resemble the person’s silhouette. They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel. Others report that when looked at in the chest or eyes, they emit a large scream that sounds like screechy static, loud alien winds, and creaking wood.

03:20:25 No.17267777 08:20:25 No.17267777▶ 17268019

File: OwlMan.jpg (13 KB, 282x203)

13 KB JPG Owlman is the name given to a large owl-like creature similar to the mothman. It lives in Cornwall, England and has been sighted several times. The first sighting took place in 1976 in the village of Mawnan. The owlman is sometimes seen as the English equivalent of the mothman due to the similarities between the mothman and owlman.

03:25:48 No.17267789 08:25:48 No.17267789▶ File: Miracle Mike.jpg (31 KB, 300x300)

31 KB JPG Mike the Headless Chicken (April 1945 – March 1947), also known as Miracle Mike, was a former cryptid. Thought by many to be a hoax that lived for 18 months after his head had been cut off, the bird's owner took him to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and proved that it existed. On September 10, 1945, farmer Lloyd Olsen of Fruita, Colorado, United States, had his mother-in-law around for supper and was sent out to the yard by his wife to bring back a chicken. Olsen chose a five-and-a-half-month-old cockerel named Mike. The ax missed the jugular vein, leaving one ear and most of the brain stem intact. Despite Olsen's botched handiwork, Mike was still able to balance on a perch and walk clumsily; he even attempted to preen and crow, although he could do neither. When the bird did not die, a surprised Mr. Olsen decided to continue to care permanently for Mike, feeding him a mixture of milk and water via an eyedropper; he was also fed small grains of corn. When used to his new and unusual center of mass, Mike could easily get himself to the highest perches without falling. His crowing, though, was less impressive and consisted of a gurgling sound made in his throat. Mike also spent his time attempting to preen and peck for food with his neck. It goes without saying there was a Guinness World Record in all this. While returning from one of these road trips the Olsens stopped at a motel in the Arizona desert. In the middle of the night Mike began to choke. Unable to find the eyedropper used to clear Mike's open esophagus Miracle Mike passed on

03:27:49 No.17267796 08:27:49 No.17267796▶ File: Ropen.png (66 KB, 270x280)

66 KB PNG The Ropen, meaning "demon flyer",is a cryptid thought to be either a big bat, or more commonly, a pterosaur on New Guinea Island. It is said to produce a light, possibly to attract fish. The Ropen is a flying cryptid alleged to live in the vicinity of the Indonesian Papua province and the nation of Papua New Guinea. According to the book Searching for Ropens, it is "any featherless creature that flies in the Southwest Pacific, and has a tail-length more than 25% of its wingspan." On the Island, the word "ropen" refers to a large nocturnal creature that glows briefly as it flies. The ropen is the subject of folklore (like a man but also like a spirit) but it's believed by some natives to be a real animal. Descriptions vary, but it is often said to be batlike, and sometimes, pterosaur-like—although pterosaurs are generally accepted to have been extinct. The ropen is believed to be nocturnal and to exhibit bioluminescence. Purportedly it lives on a diet of fish, though there have been some reports of the creature feasting on human flesh, especially from grave robbery.It is reported to have a wingspan anywere from 12-100+ft

03:29:29 No.17267802 08:29:29 No.17267802▶ File: Griffin.png (118 KB, 398x221)

118 KB PNG The griffin, griffon, or gryphon (Greek: γρύφων, grýphōn, or γρύπων, grýpōn, early form γρύψ, grýps; Latin: gryphus) is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle's talons as its front feet. Because the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle the king of birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. The griffin was also thought of as king of all creatures. Griffins are known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions.[1] Adrienne Mayor, a classical folklorist, proposes that the griffin was an ancient misconception derived from the fossilized remains of the Protoceratops found in gold mines in the Altai mountains of Scythia, in present-day southeastern Kazakhstan, or in Mongolia.In antiquity it was a symbol of divine power and a guardian of the divine.

03:33:39 No.17267819 08:33:39 No.17267819▶ File: SnallyGaster.jpg (8 KB, 180x180)

8 KB JPG The Snallygaster is a mythical dragon-like beast said to inhabit the hills surrounding Washington and Frederick Counties, Maryland. The area was settled by German immigrants beginning in the 1730s. Early accounts describe the community being terrorized by a monster called a Schneller Geist, meaning "quick spirit" in German. The earliest incarnations mixed the half-bird features of a siren with the nightmarish features of demons and ghouls. The Snallygaster was described as half-reptile, half-bird with a metallic beak lined with razor-sharp teeth, occasionally with octopus-like tentacles. It swoops silently from the sky to pick up and carry off its victims. The earliest stories claim that this monster sucked the blood of its victims. Seven-pointed stars, which reputedly kept the Snallygaster at bay, can still be seen painted on local barns. It has been suggested the legend was resurrected in the 19th century to frighten freed slaves. Newspaper accounts throughout February and March 1909 describe encounters between local residents and a beast with "enormous wings, a long pointed bill, claws like steel hooks, and an eye in the center of its forehead." It was described as making screeches "like a locomotive whistle."

03:35:26 No.17267826 08:35:26 No.17267826▶ File: Partridge_creek Beast.jpg (4 KB, 300x172)

4 KB JPG The Partridge Creek Beast is said to be a living Ceratosaurus seen in the Partridge Creek area of Yukon Territory, Canada. This creature terrorized local moose and caribou herds with its powerful, muscular build and ferocious mouth, but did not significantly change the populations. This creature is said to be 50 feet long, be 40 tons in weight, solid black in color, be bipedal, have boar-like bristly hair, sharp teeth, and a single horn on its snout. It was said to roar loudly and have an appetite for caribou. It's footprints were 5 feet long and 2 feet and 6 inches wide with claws 1 foot long. Its tail impression was 10 feet long and 16 inches wide. It resembles Ceratosaurs and other theropods.

03:37:49 No.17267832 08:37:49 No.17267832▶ 17268190

File: Gee Gee Bird.jpg (14 KB, 220x285)

14 KB JPG The Gee-Gee Bird is a strange bird reported to live in North America. It was described by the soldiers of World War II who were positioned in Alaska. Although never seen, the bird could be heard making a strange noise as it flew by. It made the sound “Gee-gee-geezus-its-cold”, hence the name Gee-Gee Bird.

03:41:06 No.17267851 08:41:06 No.17267851▶ File: Dwayyo.jpg (211 KB, 1125x1738)

211 KB JPG The Dwayyo, Dewayo, which is "officially" known as Dwayosapientherapsida Australopithecus Rexus, is a cryptid sighted primarily in West Middletown, Maryland, but sightings have also been reported in Wolfsville, Maryland This mammalian is said to be hairy, have a bush tail, and is sometimes bipedal. At times it has

features similar to a wolf but with the arms, stance and stature of a human, it almost resembles a werewolf. It is the mortal enemy of the Snallygaster, a cryptid described as a flying, blood-sucking reptile sighted in the Maryland Blue Ridge Mountains. The Dewayo and the Snallygaster have reportedly had vicious encounters dating back to early settlement of the Middletown valley.

04:08:57 No.17267939 09:08:57 No.17267939▶ 17267754 Reminds me of this. [Embed]

04:33:54 No.17268019 09:33:54 No.17268019▶ 17267777 Nice quads

05:00:32 No.17268123 10:00:32 No.17268123▶ Shadow people scare the crap out of me.

05:20:56 No.17268190 10:20:56 No.17268190▶ 17267832 Probably a joke?

05:56:17 No.17268315 10:56:17 No.17268315▶ 17269665

File: 71E8M96rXAL._UX385_.jpg (29 KB, 385x385)

29 KB JPG 17267416 *cough*BULLSHIT*Cough*

10:26:46 No.17269073

15:26:46 No.17269073▶ File: Greek Dolphin Monster.jpg (6 KB, 263x148)

6 KB JPG The Greek Dolphin Monster, also called Grecian Dolphin, is a strange, mutated, dolphin-like animal sighted two times off the coast of Greece by tourists. The picture was posted on Twitter and caused big discussions, calling on some cryptozoologists. Many theories abounded, one saying a hoax, another a mutated dolphin from nuclear waste, another one said it was an alien. Some people suggested it to be some type of pike fish or long snout manatee/dugong. It highly resembles the Zeuglodons ancestor, Ambulocetus. It remains unknown what the thing is.

10:46:30 No.17269124 15:46:30 No.17269124▶ File: Black Eyed Children.jpg (8 KB, 220x165)

8 KB JPG Black-eyed children (or Black-eyed kids) is an urban legend of supposed paranormal creatures that resemble children between the ages of 6 and 16, with pale skin and black eyes, who are reportedly seen hitchhiking or panhandling, or are encountered on doorsteps of residential homes. Tales of black-eyed children have appeared in pop culture since the late 1990s

10:54:09 No.17269152 15:54:09 No.17269152▶ File: black knight.jpg (8 KB, 178x283)

8 KB JPG The fort is supposedly haunted by the Black Knight, who wears the armour and regalia of the Order of St. John, and resembles Grand Master de Vilhena. In the 1940s, the knight began to appear out of thin air near the ruins of the Chapel of St. Anthony of Padua, which had just been bombed in World War II. The apparition was reportedly seen by Maltese and English men within the fort. When the rubble from the ruined chapel began to be cleared, the workmen reported that the knight was supervising their work. When the crypt beneath the chapel was opened, it was found that it had been

vandalized, and the remains of knights which had been buried there were scattered around. After the crypt was restored and the bones were reburied, the Black Knight stopped appearing. In 1980, the crypt was vandalized for a second time, and the Black Knight reportedly began to appear again.

10:59:44 No.17269166 15:59:44 No.17269166▶ File: MothMan.png (1.02 MB, 631x837)

1.02 MB PNG Mothman is the name of a cryptid speculated to exist after several reports of unidentified creatures seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register dated November 16, 1966, titled "Couples See Man-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something". The being subsequently entered regional folklore. Mothman was introduced to a wider audience by Gray Barker in 1970, later popularized by John Keel in his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies, claiming that there were supernatural events related to the sightings, and a connection to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The 2002 film The Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere, was based on Keel's book.

11:03:30 No.17269176 16:03:30 No.17269176▶ File: Spring-Heeled-Jack.jpg (11 KB, 180x227)

11 KB JPG Spring-heeled Jack is an entity in English folklore of the Victorian era. The first claimed sighting of Spring-heeled Jack was in 1837. Later sightings were reported all over Great Britain and were especially prevalent in suburban London, the Midlands and Scotland. There are many theories about the nature and identity of Spring-heeled Jack. This urban legend was very popular in its time, due to the tales of his bizarre appearance and ability to make extraordinary leaps, to the point that he became the topic of several works of fiction. Spring-heeled Jack was described by people who claimed to have seen him as having a terrifying and frightful appearance, with diabolical physiognomy, clawed hands, and eyes that "resembled red balls of fire". One report claimed that, beneath a black cloak, he wore a helmet and a tight-fitting white garment like an oilskin. Many stories also mention a "Devil-like" aspect. Others said he was tall and thin, with the appearance of a gentleman. Several reports mention that he could breathe out blue and

white flames and that he wore sharp metallic claws at his fingertips. At least two people claimed that he was able to speak comprehensible English.

11:09:43 No.17269187 16:09:43 No.17269187▶ File: Krampus.jpg (29 KB, 220x349)

29 KB JPG In Austro-Bavarian Alpine folklore, Krampus is a horned, anthropomorphic figure who, during the Christmas season, punishes children who have misbehaved, in contrast with Saint Nicholas, who rewards the well-behaved with gifts. Regions in Austria feature similar figures and, more widely, Krampus is one of a number of Companions of Saint Nicholas in regions of Europe. The origin of the figure is unclear; some folklorists and anthropologists have postulated a pre-Christian origin for the figure (see Germanic paganism). In traditional parades and in such events as the Krampuslauf (English: Krampus run), young men dressed as Krampus participate; such events occur annually in most Alpine towns. Krampus is featured on holiday greeting cards called Krampuskarten. Although Krampus appears in many variations, most share some common physical characteristics. He is hairy, usually brown or black, and has the cloven hooves and horns of a goat. His long, pointed tongue lolls out.[2][10] Krampus carries chains, thought to symbolize the binding of the Devil by the Christian Church. He thrashes the chains for dramatic effect. The chains are sometimes accompanied with bells of various sizes. Of more pagan origins are the ruten, bundles of birch branches that Krampus carries and occasionally swats children with. The ruten have significance in pre-Christian pagan initiation rites. The birch branches are replaced with a whip in some representations. Sometimes Krampus appears with a sack or a basket strapped to his back; this is to cart off evil children for drowning, eating, or transport to Hell. Some of the older versions make mention of naughty children being put in the bag and being taken. This part of the legend refers to the times that the Moors raided the European coasts, and as far as Iceland, to abduct the local people into slavery. This quality can be found in other Companions of Saint Nicholas such as Zwarte Piet.

11:12:25 No.17269193 16:12:25 No.17269193▶ File: Jersey Devil.jpg (14 KB, 220x309)


The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey, United States. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many different variations. The common description is that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as emitting a "blood-curdling scream." The Lenape tribes called the area "Popuessing" meaning "place of the dragon". Swedish explorers later named it "Drake Kill" ("drake" being a word for dragon, and "kill" meaning channel or arm of the sea (river, stream, etc. in Dutch) A popular origin of the story is as follows: "It was said that Mother Leeds had 12 children and, after finding she was pregnant for the 13th time, stated that this one would be the Devil. In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night. Gathered around her were her friends. Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child's father was the Devil himself. The child was born normal, but then changed form. It changed from a normal baby to a creature with hooves, a goat's head, bat wings and a forked tail. It growled and screamed, then killed the midwife before flying up the chimney. It circled the villages and headed toward the pines. In 1740 a clergyman exorcised the demon for 100 years and it wasn't seen again until 1890."

11:18:12 No.17269209 16:18:12 No.17269209▶ File: LondonMonster.jpg (39 KB, 275x396)

39 KB JPG The London Monster was the name given to an alleged attacker of women in London between 1788 and 1790. The attacker had a signature behavior of piquerism, the pricking or stabbing of victims with a knife, pin or needle. First reports of the Monster appeared in 1788. According to the victims (most of them from wealthier families), a large man had followed them, shouted obscenities and stabbed them in the buttocks. Some reports claimed an attacker had knives fastened to his knees. Other accounts reported that he would invite prospective victims to smell a fake nosegay and then stab them in the face with the spike hiding within the flowers. In all cases the alleged assailant would escape before help arrived. Some women were found with their clothes cut and others had substantial wounds. In two years the number of reported victims amounted to more than 50. The press soon named the maniac The Monster. However, descriptions of the attacker varied greatly. When people realised that the Monster attacked mainly beautiful women, some women began to claim that they had been attacked to gain attention and sympathy. Some of them even faked wounds. Some men, in turn, were afraid to approach a lady in the dark lest they scare her. Some of the reports of the would-be-attacks were likely to be fabrications or results of a lady being afraid of an innocent man who had somehow attracted suspicion. Some men even founded a No Monster Club and began to wear club pins on their lapels to show that they were not the Monster.

11:28:23 No.17269240

16:28:23 No.17269240▶ File: Mad Gasser.jpg (63 KB, 640x786)

63 KB JPG The Mad Gasser of Mattoon (also known as the "Anesthetic Prowler", Friz, the "Phantom Anesthetist", the "Mad Gasser of Roanoke", or simply the "Mad Gasser") was the name given to the person or people believed to be responsible for a series of apparent gas attacks that occurred in Botetourt County, Virginia, during the early 1930s, and in Mattoon, Illinois, during the mid-1940s. Whether the attacks were anything more than a case of mass hysteria, if the individual reports were connected, and the ultimate explanation for the events all remain debated Most contemporary descriptions of the Mad Gasser are based on the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kearney of 1408 Marshall Avenue, the victims of the first Mattoon case to be reported by the media. They described the gasser as being a tall, thin man dressed in dark clothing and wearing a tight-fitting cap. Another report, made some weeks later, described the gasser as being a female dressed as a man.The Gasser had also been described as carrying a flit gun, an agricultural tool for spraying pesticide, which he purportedly used to expel the gas

11:35:12 No.17269256 16:35:12 No.17269256▶ 17269261

Robert, otherwise known as Robert the Doll, Robert the haunted doll, or Robert the Enchanted Doll, is a doll that was once owned by Key West painter and author Robert Eugene Otto. The doll, which is supposedly cursed, has become a fixture of ghost tours in the Key West area. Aesthetically, Robert resembles an early 20th-century American sailor. Contrary to popular belief, the doll's hair is not made of human hair, but rather, it consists of a synthetic material resembling wool yarn The doll is located at the East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida and annually rotated to the Old Post Office and Customhouse in October. The doll has been shown at Taps CON,a paranormal convention held in Clearwater, Florida in May 2008.

11:35:16 No.17269257 16:35:16 No.17269257▶ Fucking samsquanch I hate those bastards

11:37:21 No.17269261 16:37:21 No.17269261▶ File: Robert the Doll.jpg (21 KB, 220x287)

21 KB JPG 17269256

11:45:45 No.17269286 16:45:45 No.17269286▶ File: ZoZo.jpg (169 KB, 800x500)

169 KB JPG In every reported encounter with the entity known as Zozo, there is a single common thread: darkness. To communicate with Zozo via a Ouija board is said to invite an unrelenting demonic force into your life. But what is Zozo, and why has it terrorized thousands of people around the world? This, I’m afraid, is not an easy question to answer. The first reported appearance of this entity occurred in 1816, when a young girl in Picardy, France fell victim to a severe demonic possession (this according to the Dictionnaire Infernal, published in 1818 by Jacques Collin de Plancy). She became the vessel for a number of demons, one of which was our mysterious Zozo. Later, when Ouija boards entered popular culture in the 20th Century, stories of Zozo began to rise, with numerous tales told of the Ouija spirit, the one who devours souls and changes lives. Zozo is a complicated entity, or so it would seem. In most stories, it’s initially friendly, sometimes using a different name. Occasionally, it will appear in the middle of a conversation with another spirit and interrupt the communication. The planchette performs strange figure eights or “inverted Zs,” and answers become repetitive. But it does not take long for an encounter with Zozo to turn frighteningly negative. It’s difficult to tell which stories about Zozo are authentic and which are nothing more than urban legends. Some tell of murders and suicides, while others involve possession, physical ailments, abuse, curses, and other phenomena commonly associated with demonic forces. Some have even claimed that Zozo attached to them or their family, like a parasitic demon. The following are a handful of excerpts from stories about Zozo that appear throughout the Internet. Perhaps they’ll give you a better idea of what it’s like to summon it into your life.

11:55:49 No.17269303 16:55:49 No.17269303▶ File: Bunny Man.jpg (121 KB, 600x400)

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The Bunny Man is an urban legend that probably originated from two incidents in Fairfax County, Virginia, in 1970, but has been spread throughout the Washington, D.C. area. The legend has many variations; most involve a man wearing a rabbit costume who attacks people with a chainsaw. Many variations occur around Colchester Overpass, a Southern Railway overpass spanning Colchester Road near Clifton.Colchester Overpass is commonly referred to as "Bunny Man Bridge". Versions of the legend vary the Bunny Man's name, motives, weapons, victims, description of the bunny costume or lack thereof, and possible death. In some accounts, the Bunny Man's ghost or aging spectre is said to come out of his place of death each year on Halloween to commemorate his passing. In some accounts, victims' bodies are mutilated.

12:13:41 No.17269346 17:13:41 No.17269346▶ File: Bloodless Howler.jpg (10 KB, 400x225)

10 KB JPG Of all the folklore creatures that West Virginia is said to boast, the Bloodless Howler is one of the most bizarre. There have allegedly been sightings of this beast since 1929. It is said to have the head of a big cat and the body of a dog and to regard Harrison County as a congenial habitat. Legend says it weighs 400 pounds. You will shoot at it in vain, because it is bullet proof. Its victims have no blood around them, which is how it obtained its name. The combination of feline and canine characteristics would seem to rule it out as far as zoology goes, but my guess is that, if the beast indeed exists, it has features which resemble, but are necessarily, such characteristics. The bullet proof attribute may simply mean that hunters have shot at it, thought they had hit it and hadn't. However, we must not forget that we are dealing with West Virginia here, a state that some have argued is a "window area" where mysterious things can enter our world from other dimensions, so we should be chary about ruling things out.

12:14:42 No.17269348 17:14:42 No.17269348▶ File: Gargoyles.jpg (18 KB, 400x250)

18 KB JPG In contemporary fiction, Gargoyles are typically depicted as a (generally) winged humanoid race with demonic features (generally horns, a tail, talons, and may or may not have a beak). Gargoyles can generally use their wings(if they have any) to fly or glide and are often depicted as having a rocky hide, or being capable of turning into stone in one way or another, a reference to their structural roots. If they don't have wings, (like the one in the photo to the left), they will scale the building's outer walls and either walk the streets at night or they will go inside the building. Gargoyles are known to protect buildings from evil spirits. In some variations gargoyles are used as the evil beings that eat humans but as said before they

usually are used to protect places from evil. Its been said that gargoyles can only communicate when either the wind or the rain passes between their mouths. Stangely enough its also been known that gargoyles have the strange ability of water manipulation. In architecture, a gargoyle is a stone carved masterpiece. With a spout design to convey water from a roof and away from the side of the building to prevent water from running down masonry walls and eroding the mortar between. Architects often used multiple gargoyles on buildings to divide the flow of rainwater off the roof to minimize the potential damage from a rainstorm.

12:15:43 No.17269351 17:15:43 No.17269351▶ File: Michigan Dogman.jpg (15 KB, 332x249)

15 KB JPG The Michigan Dogman is a cryptozoological creature first reported in 1887 in Wexford County, Michigan. Sightings have been reported in several locations throughout Michigan, primarily in the northwestern quadrant of the Lower Peninsula. In 1987, the legend of the Michigan Dogman gained popularity when a disc jockey at WTCM-FM recorded a song about the creature and its reported sightings. In 1987, disc jockey Steve Cook at WTCM-FM in Traverse City, Michigan recorded a song titled "The Legend", which he initially played as an April Fool's Day joke. He based the songs on actual reports of the creature. Cook recorded the song with a keyboard backing and credited it to Bob Farley. After he played the song, Cook received calls from listeners who said that they had encountered a similar creature. In the next weeks after Cook first played the song, it was the most-requested song on the station. He also sold cassettes of the songs for four dollars, and donated proceeds from the single to an animal shelter. Over the years, Cook has received more than 100 reports of the creature's existence. In March 2010, the creature was featured in an episode of MonsterQuest. Cook later added verses to the song in 1997 after hearing a report of an animal break-in by an unknown canine at a cabin in Luther, Michigan. He re-recorded it again in 2007, with a mandolin backing. The first known sighting of the Michigan Dogman occurred in 1887 in Wexford County, when two lumberjacks saw a creature whom they described as having a man's body and a dog's head. In 1938 in Paris, Michigan, Robert Fortney was attacked by five wild dogs and said that one of the five walked on two legs.Reports of similar creatures also came from Allegan County in the 1950s, and in Manistee and Cross Village in 1967.

12:31:05 No.17269373 17:31:05 No.17269373▶ File: Lobo-Toro.jpg (22 KB, 400x227)


The Chupeitoro or Lobo-Toro (some write it Lofo-Toro or Quenpeitoro) myth of the Mapuche is a patent example of the assimilation of wild cattle into the native’s lore. The Mapuche used the Spanish words “lobo” and “toro” (wolf and bull respectively), to name it. It was bull-sized and had long hair very similar to that of the feral (wild) cows found at Lake Argentino (we mentioned them in our last post on Wild Cattle)- it roared and howled like a wolf yet it was herbivore. It could be found all over Patagonia. Perhaps the large European dogs or a now extinct local Patagonian wolf may have inspired the wolf part of this weird hybrid (see our post on Patagonian wolves). Regarding its bovine part, the myth may have included wild European cattle or taken a much older tradition, the one that refers to a mysterious horned being in southern Patagonia, on which I have posted separately.

12:32:06 No.17269375 17:32:06 No.17269375▶ File: Jinmenken.jpg (7 KB, 180x173)

7 KB JPG Jinmenken are dogs with human faces that supposedly appear at night in Japanese urban areas and run along highways at extremely high speeds. The jinmenken can also talk, but reports say that they will either be rude or will ask to be left alone. Unlike most Japanese urban legends, the human-faced dog is not widely known to kill those unlucky enough to meet it, though they are said to be escaped scientific experiments or the spirits of road crash victims.There is also speculation that witnesses who say they have met a jinmenken have actually come across Japanese macaques, which accounts for the quadrupedal movement, dog-like fur, human face and the human-like noises the jinmenken can supposedly make.

12:33:07 No.17269377 17:33:07 No.17269377▶ File: Tokandia.jpg (15 KB, 267x168)

15 KB JPG Madagascar's Tokandia is a massive, koala-shaped lemur. While modern reports are few and far between, natives of Madagascar acknowledge this creature as real. The Tokandia is said to move on the ground via a series of bounds or leaps, but also jumps into trees, where it spends time too. Moreover, the face of the Tokandia is claimed by the locals not to be man-like, but its cries are

allegedly very like those of humans. Dr Heuvelmans and other cryptozoologists have identified the Tokandia with Megaladapis, a form of prehistoric, giant lemur.

12:36:15 No.17269385 17:36:15 No.17269385▶ File: StiltWalker.jpg (6 KB, 180x186)

6 KB JPG The Silt Walker is a long legged,horse/dog like being.With long black shaggy fur.It's mouth is shaped to a triangle kind of point.

12:38:45 No.17269390 17:38:45 No.17269390▶ File: Atmospheric Beast.jpg (5 KB, 281x180)

5 KB JPG Atmospheric Beasts are hypothetical non-winged organisms which could live in the atmosphere of planets. These could fly (or float) without wings as they weigh less than air. The term is also used to describe some cryptids, for example the Crawfordsville monster. Carl Sagan proposed, albeit offhandedly, that this kind of creature could live in the atmosphere of a gas giant, such as Jupiter. Illustrations of atmospheric beasts have appeared in books, exhibiting speculation as to the exotic forms extraterrestrial life might take. Descriptions of this sort often portray these beings as living balloons, filled with lighter than air gases. In the context of a Jupiter-like planet with an atmosphere of 75% hydrogen and 25% helium by mass, such an organism would have to use a nearly pure hydrogen or "hot hydrogen" balloon, since there is no other lighter gas.

12:47:55 No.17269415 17:47:55 No.17269415▶ File: Hide.jpg (9 KB, 308x226)


Several seemingly unknown species of extra-large jellyfishes have been reported over the years, but these have usually been fairly typical in shape, if not in size. However, there is one very macabre mystery beast on record that may well be a scientifically-unknown representative of one of their more specialized, deepwater forms. This is the singularly eerie creature spied in 1953 by an Australian diver while testing a new type of deep-sea diving suit in the South Pacific. As revealed by Eric Frank Russell in his book Great World Mysteries (1957), the diver had been following a shark, and was resting on the edge of a chasm leading down to much deeper depths, still watching the shark, when an immense, dull-brown, shapeless mass rose up out of the chasm, pulsating sluggishly, and flat in general outline with ragged edges. Despite appearing devoid of eyes or other instantly-recognizable sensory organs, this malign presence evidently discerned the shark's presence somehow, because it floated upwards until its upper surface made direct contact. The shark instantly gave a convulsive shudder, and was then drawn without resistance into the hideous monster's body.

12:48:57 No.17269420 17:48:57 No.17269420▶ File: Kon Tiki Creatures.jpg (12 KB, 400x222)

12 KB JPG Thor Heyerdahl, the captain of the raft Kon Tiki, claimed to have seen strange phosphorescent creatures while on his trans-pacific voyage. There are countless denizens of the sea which phosphoresce (create light), and it is never specified what these creatures could have looked like. Any help is much appreciated.

12:49:58 No.17269425 17:49:58 No.17269425▶ File: Oil Pit Squid.jpg (5 KB, 270x187)

5 KB JPG The Oil Pit Squid is a mystery cephalopod, reported from Anderson, Indiana. Squidlike. Length, 6–8 inches. Diameter, 1 inch. Grayish-red color. Tentacles. Oil-emulsion pits containing antifreeze, stripper, oil, and chemicals used in manufacturing plastic automobile bumpers. On November 15, 1996, workers cleaning out a sludge pit at the GMC Delphi Interior and Lighting plant in Anderson, Indiana, found many squid-like animals swimming in the toxic liquid. One of the animals was caught and preserved in a jar, though it disappeared in December before officials could send it away for testing. No further specimens were found when the pit was inspected and cleaned on March 7 and 12, 1997.

12:51:16 No.17269430 17:51:16 No.17269430▶ File: Intulo.jpg (29 KB, 299x299)

29 KB JPG There are no extensive or detailed descriptions of Intulo, the legendary lizard-man of both Xhosha and Zulu folklore. Most contemporary visual accounts speak only of a lizard-like creature with human characteristics, a single vague sentence that leaves more questions in regard to this being's physical attributes than it answers. Nevertheless, this does not deter speculation among eager modern monster hunters who seem convinced that this infamous figure of the myths of the Nguni (a S.Eastern arm of the greater Bantu family and common ancestors of both the Xhosha and Zulu) mythology, is actually an unusual primate of some kind that displays certain strongly pronounced bizarre reptilian physical characteristics, making him a distant relative of the elusive gator-men that are said by some to dwell in the swamps of the U.S.

13:34:28 No.17269566 18:34:28 No.17269566▶ File: Beast of Bray Road.jpg (12 KB, 368x273)

12 KB JPG The Beast of Bray Road is a creature that many people claim to have seen in Racine, Walworth and Jefferson counties in Wisconsin. The first reported sightings of the creature happened on Bray Road near Elkhorn, Wisconsin. These sightings are what lent the beast its name. However, sightings do not only occur on Bray Road. Although the Beast of Bray Road has not been seen to transform from a human into a wolf in most of the sightings, it has been labeled a werewolf in newspaper articles. The creature is described as around 6 ft. tall with grayish and brown fur. Its face is said to resemble that of a wolf and its ears are pointed. It reportedly has three long claws on each “hand.” It also is said to have shiny yellow eyes. Its body has been likened to that of a lean, muscular man. It also tends to sit back on its haunches or kneel like a man. The Beast of Bray Road can reportedly run and walk on all four of its legs or just its hind legs. It has been seen eating its prey or its scavenged carrion in its “hands” with its palms facing upward. It has never attacked anyone, but some witnesses claim that it has acted aggressively toward them. This aggressive behavior includes running at people and jumping on their vehicles. The creature’s diet is not known for sure, but it has been seen eating the carcasses of small road kill. Sightings of the Beast of Bray Road may go back as far as the 1930s. However, it wasn’t sighted frequently or reported thoroughly until 1989 through 1992. Most of the sightings have occurred when one or more people stumbled upon or drove past the animal while it was eating or possibly hunting/scavenging. Sightings

of the animal have tapered off since the 90s, but the creature can supposedly still be seen in the woods of the area.

One of the weirdest creatures ever encountered in Britain was nicknamed Wolfie by the Lawson children who first saw it, but it was like no wolf – or anything else, for that matter – ever reported. The Lawson family lived in Abbey House, Cambridge, from 1904 to 1910, during which time Wolfie was spied on many occasions by the children, and even once at close range by their father as it sped down a corridor. According to their descriptions, Wolfie superficially resembled a very large, brown-furred, short-eared hare but with some notable additional attributes – always running on its hindlegs, sporting a pair of flipper-like front paws, and equipped with a long bird-like beak. Wolfie was mostly seen on the ground floor and at twilight, or in the drawing room when lit by lamplight, but even when not observed its presence was readily evinced by the distinctive pattering sound of its footsteps. Wolfie was also encountered by Charmian, the daughter of the Sharp family, who moved into Abbey House in 1920, and in 1947 a mysterious “tiny doggie” was reported in the kitchen by the young son of Celia Schofield, a friend of the then tenant. Although Wolfie did not seem to be malign in any way, its zoologically impossible form, if described accurately, indicates that this inexplicable entity must surely have been paranormal rather than corporeal in nature, or maybe an alien.

14:23:49 No.17269734 19:23:49 No.17269734▶ 17269665 Le Loyon decided to "commit suicide." This mysterious character who people came across in a regular basis in the forest De Maules, wearing a gas mask on his face and a military cloak has abandoned his old/used garments in the forest. His old/used garments were found accompagnied by what he calls the "The death certificate and will of the Ghost De Maules." This letter is published in the communal bulletin of Sâles, released last week. Le Loyon accuses "Le Matin" of murdering a "harmless being" by revealing his existence. He writes: "The risk of a hunt for the Beast" became too great (I would change great to 'overwhelming' to express what he wanted to say).. This "obituary" provides commentaries by the trustee of Sâles, Jean-Marc Piguet. Since the media coverage of the strange character, Jean-Marc Piguet wrote that the "feeling of insecurity grew." Could it be that "Le Matin" and not Loyon himself who engenders a feeling of insecurity? "Since the beginning I've regretted that we've spoken about this Loyon who never caused harm to anybody" Replied the trustee. "I have concluded that the media has had two effects (I would say that the Media had accomplished two things if we're to translate what the tustee wanted to say): Deprive a person of his harmless outlet and make others (the locals?) feel unsecure" This is an idea that others do not share (agree with). "This is rather good news!" A resident says. "It was anything but pleasant to cross path with him, especially with children." The garments and the letter of Loyon were found in September, confirms the Fribourg cantonal police. A copy of his letter was then sent to the trustee. "I decided to publish information to the population, but the communal bulletin appears only twice a year, so we had to wait until December" he notes. Le Loyon was just a dude in a weird outfit who never caused anyone harm basically. He ended up tossing the whole thing aside and stopped doing what he loved

Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)23:15:39 No.17270588▶

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During the 21st century, a new source of True Giants research has blossomed in an overlooked location, the Solomon Islands. Researchers have discovered a treasure trove of traditions and tales from the indigenous peoples there. Marius Boirayon, Research Director, Solomon Anthropological Expedition Trust Board Incorporated, is one of the researchers who has been doing investigations in The Solomon Islands on the accounts of True Giants. Australian Boirayon who lived and worked in the Solomons as a helicopter pilot and engineer, ended up marrying a Solomon Islander. He grew to know and appreciate the culture, the folklore, and the day-to-day interaction between the natural history of the area and the people living there. Before long, he began hearing about the stories of the giants and decided to write of what he was learning. In his book, Solomon Island Mysteries (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2010), Boirayon first chronicles the information he was gathering from the natives, of whom his wife is one, from the Solomons. He came to know that there were giants on islands, one that was large, over 10 foot tall, with evidence that supports that the giants do grow much taller than that. These Guadalcanal Giants, as he calls them, have very long black, brown or reddish hair, protruding double eyebrows, bulging red eyeballs, flat noses, and wide gapping mouth facial features. Awareness of them is shown by the newspapers, as well. Harry Trumbore’s illustration (above) is of one of the Malaysian True Giants, locally called Orang Dalam (from The Field Guide of Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, 2006). They are said to be upwards of 20 feet tall, and similar to the ones seen in the Solomon Islands. The Solomon Islanders are lacking the understanding that their Giant race would be a big scientific discovery to the rest of the World. Whether by design or not, it is appropriate that the Solomon Island’s National logo is ‘The Place That Time Forgot, Boirayon points out. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)18:50:52 No.17270687 Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)23:50:52 No.17270687▶


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The Northern Giant is reported to be a gargantuan-sized bear that roams the outskirts of Fairbanks, Alaska. Alaska Monsters creature could possibly be a ancestor, or an actual, short-faced bear, but it could also just be a giant-sized grizzly, or a Kodiak brown bear, which are one of the biggest species of bear in the world that are only found in Alaska. The bear-type creature is reported to be around 14 to 15 feet to the shoulder, has golden-colored fur, and extremely large paws that could do lethal damage to any animal, even a large moose. This is yet another creature that appears on Alaska Monsters. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)18:57:27 No.17270704 Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)23:57:27 No.17270704▶

File: Leshy.jpg (47 KB, 400x338)


The Leshy or Lesovik (plural leshiye) is a male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology who protects wild animals and forests. There are also leshachikha/leszachka (wives of the leshak) and leshonky (children of the leszy). He is roughly analogous to the Woodwose of Western Europe and the Basajaun of the Basque Country. A leshy usually appears as a tall man, but he is able to change his size from that of a blade of grass to a very tall tree. He has hair and a beard made from grass and vines, is usually missing a right ear and is sometimes depicted with a tail, hooves, and horns. He has pale white skin that contrasts with his bright green eyes. A leshy has a close bond with the gray wolf, and is often seen in the company of bears as well. He is the forest lord and carries a club to express that he is the master of the wood. He has blue blood, which makes his cheeks the color blue. Legend describes him as having a red scarf and his left shoe on his right foot. He also has no shadow. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)18:58:57 No.17270707 Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)23:58:57 No.17270707▶

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The Migas is a mythological and sighted squid-like creature of Central Africa with a head similar to a gorgon and tentacles where the tail fin would be on its fish-like body, similar to that of a mermaid. It is similar to the kraken of Norse mythology. The Migas, according to many accounts, is believed to possess human-like features such as legs. However, the creature does not commonly leave the water, and finds its food source by sucking blood and brains out of infant human beings by hiding among rocks and striking out at passing canoes for an easy meal. >> Varnes !tKDVOZQjIo 01/25/16(Mon)19:03:28 No.17270729 Varnes !tKDVOZQjIo 01/26/16(Tue)00:03:28 No.17270729▶

>>17269346 I keep running into these fuckers while hunting in the Cape Breton Highlands. Anyone else? Shotgun shells aren't doing anything and thank god i have a high blind. >> Varnes !tKDVOZQjIo 01/25/16(Mon)19:04:36 No.17270735 Varnes !tKDVOZQjIo 01/26/16(Tue)00:04:36 No.17270735▶

>>17270687 And that is totally Bergmanns Bear. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)19:06:05 No.17270743 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:06:05 No.17270743▶


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Frank Shaw's Gargoyle is bizarre monster sighted in 1986, a NASA employee had a horrifying encounter with a winged, jet-black, malevolent monstrosity… an encounter that would haunt him for the rest of his life. On a blustery evening sometime in 1986, Frank Shaw — a NASA archivist at Houston’s Johnson Space Center — claimed to have had a terrifying run in with a creature that seemed to hail from beyond mythology. While information regarding this case is admittedly sparse, Shaw’s daughter, Desiree, would eventually reveal the details of this mysterious run in to author Nick Redfern in 2004. Desiree testified that she first realized that something was dreadfully wrong when her father returned home late one night after working at the space center. While neither Desiree, nor her mother, were particularly alarmed by Shaw’s tardiness — as he often was required to work into the wee hours — they were both dismayed by his alarmingly apprehensive demeanor. The pair attempted to comfort Shaw, who was eventually able to compose himself enough to regale them with a terrifying tale of his brush with the unknown. According to Shaw, he was walking to his car at the end of his shift when he happened to glance up and see a ghastly black, gargoyle-like figure perched ominously on the edge of one of the Space Center’s buildings. As if that weren't bizarre enough, he claimed that he saw two massive, bat-like wing sticking out of either side of the fabric — or, perhaps, wrinkled flesh — of what he perceived to be a cape. This description seems to bear at least a passing resemblance not only to the notorious Mothman, but also to the Owlman of Cornwall, both of which are said to be winged, humanoid creatures, which illicit an irrational fear in those who witness them. There is a chance that it may also be associated with the aped-faced cryptid known colloquially as the Big Bird, >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)19:07:07 No.17270748 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:07:07 No.17270748▶

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Old Spider Legs is a mysterious creature sighted in America during the 19th century by a lumberjack. As he was traveling through the forest he heard a quick and numerous galloping noise, he then got a

clear sight of a horse that had eight legs positioned like a spider’s legs. He got on his horse and chased after the beast but he could not keep up and lost sight of it. Many have heard it since, but none have seen it again. It might have possibly been a regular wild horse that had a twin that did not develop fully, got its extra appendages, which, in this case, were positioned like a spiders, and it learned to use these to its advantage of running faster. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)20:04:29 No.17270982 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)01:04:29 No.17270982▶

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Kap Dwa is an ancient, mummified two headed Patagonian giant that originally originated in the jungles of Argentina, South America.The creature's legend begins in 1673, where the giant of over 12 feet with two heads, was captured by Spanish sailors and set captive on their ship. The Spaniards lashed him to the mainmast, but he broke free (being a giant) and during the ensuing battle suffered a fatal injury; they skewered him through the chest with a pike. Kapdwa What happened to him next isn’t exactly clear, but his naturally mummified remains were eventually brought to England in the 19th century. He then entered the Fortean times 102 7 Edwardian Horror Circuit and over the years was passed from showman to showman, eventually ending up at Weston’s Birnbeck Pier in 1914. After spending the next 45 years on display in North Somerset, England, old Kap Dwa was purchased by one “Lord” Thomas Howard in 1959, and following a few more hand-offs he ultimately ended up in Baltimore, MD, of all places. He now rests in the bizarre collection of oddities that is Bob’s Side Show at The Antique Man Ltd in Baltimore, owned by Robert Gerber and his wife. The mummified remains of Kap-Dwa is believed to be a fabricated hoax, although it is still a mystery >>


The Beast of Dean, also given the colloquial name Moose-Pig, is reportedly a cryptid said to resemble a wild boar (Sus scrofa) but with abnormally large in size sight in Gloucestershire, in the south-west of the United Kingdom. The royal Forest of Dean became a a hot-spot for sightings beginning in 1802, with reports from locals of an exceptionally large wild boar, with occasional reports of felled trees, crushed hedges and fences, and a supposed 'un-earthly roar'. Eventually local hunters, from the village of Parkend, Gloucestershire managed to capture and kill the creature. The hunters, upon examination, all agreed their prey was no boar they had encountered before nor even any familiar indigenous species. After this revelation in March 1807, sightings stopped entirely for almost two centuries. Over this period locals frequently heard a low guttural noise in the woods between Parkend and the nearby village of Bream, Gloucestershire. Dean Bearhog Speculation had been made between locals to whether there was another Beast roaming the woodland of the Forest of Dean. This would not be apparent until 1998 in which a report had been made by two locals (James Nash, Marshall Davies), that had been passing through the woodland between Parkend and Bream. They had claimed the woods seemed eerily quiet, suddenly a low sound could be heard, slowly raising in intensity. Then a sound of rustling leaves was heard and the two saw a large sized shape come towards them in the darkness, at this time the men could not comprehend the size of the animal. They then ran frantically from the beast towards the village of Parkend as it pursued them through the woodland, the men then emerged onto a well-lit road near the centre of the village. As they came to a halt they heard an 'un-earthly' roar come from the woods behind them, the men where both mortified as they could not comprehend what had just happened. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)22:45:26 No.17271733 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)03:45:26 No.17271733▶

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The Black Demon (Spanish: El Demonio Negro) is said to be an enormous black shark off the coast of Mexico's Baja California peninsula. In recent times, local fishermen report seeing a black monstrosity they call "The Black Demon". The Black Demon is said to be 20-60 feet long and weighing anywhere between 50-100,000 lbs! It is said to resemble a great white, but with very dark coloration, and a truly monstrous tail. Some say it could be the Megalodon, or a new species of shark, maybe even an over sized Great White. Many expeditions were launched to locate this monstrous creature, even on MonsterQuest in the chapter Mega-Jaws, but they didn't discover anything. Sadly, sightings are rare, and, the creature is elusive. Because of this, not much is known. It is possible since albinism is found in sharks, that melanism could be too. >>

Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)22:46:32 No.17271739 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)03:46:32 No.17271739▶

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The Bunyip (translated in Aboriginal Australian to mean devil or evil spirit), also known as the Kianpraty, is a creature of Aboriginal mythology. It lives in the swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds and waterholes of Australia. Bunyip in the Wemba-Wemba language means "devil" or "evil spirit. the Bunyip has many descriptions. Some say it has a dog-like face, dark fur, a horse-like tail, flippers, a walrus-like tusks, and a duck-like bill. Others think the creature has an appearance similar to a snake with a man and a beard. Some even think that the bunyip is actually the prehistoric marsupial, Diprotodon australis, that managed to escape extinction. This creature is described to gobble up children and livestock in several Aboriginal bedtime stories if they come to close to the water's edge. One legend says that a man named Bunyip broke the Rainbow Serpent's greatest law by eating his totem animal. Banished by the good spirit, Biami, the man became an evil spirit that lured tribesmen and their livestock into the water so he could eat all of them. The Bunyip is also said to prey upon the women and children of aboriginal tribes during the night. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)22:48:05 No.17271747 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)03:48:05 No.17271747▶

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Trunko is the nickname for an animal reportedly sighted in Margate, South Africa, on October 25, 1924, according to an article entitled "Fish Like A Polar Bear" published in the December 27, 1924, edition of London's Daily Mail. The animal was reputedly first seen off the coast battling two killer whales, which fought the unusual creature for three hours. It used its tail to attack the whales and

reportedly lifted itself out of the water by about 20 feet. The creature reputedly washed up on Margate Beach but despite being there for 10 days, no scientist ever investigated the carcass while it was beached, so no reliable description has been published, and until September 2010 it was assumed Trunko carcass that no photographs of it had ever been published. Some people who have never been identified were reported to have described the animal as possessing snowy-white fur, an elephantine trunk, a lobster-like tail, and a carcass devoid of blood. While it was beached, the animal was measured by beach-goers and turned out to be 47 ft (14 m) in length, 10 ft (3 m) wide, and 5 ft (1.5 m) high, with the trunk's length being 5 ft (1.5 m), the trunk's diameter 14 in (36 cm), the tail 10 ft (3 m), and the fur being 8 in (20 cm) long. The trunk was said to be attached directly to the animal's torso, as no head was visible on the carcass. For this feature, the animal was dubbed "Trunko" by British cryptozoologist Karl Shuker in his 1996 book The Unexplained. In the March 27, 1925, edition of the Charleroi Mail, in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, an article entitled "Whales Slain By Hairy Monster" reported that whales there were killed by a strange creature which was washed up on a beach exhausted and fell unconscious, but made its way back into the ocean and swam away after 10 days, never to be seen again. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)23:28:43 No.17271910 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)04:28:43 No.17271910▶

File: giant mr krabs.jpg (8 KB, 115x162)


Giant Freshwater Crustaceans are giant crustaceans inhabiting the area in and around Wallowa Lake that appear heavily in the tales of early settlers of Oregon. Although no true lobsters live on the Pacific coast (only spiny lobsters, or langoustes), there are many large crabs. But these freshwater crabs would even exceed the largest known crabs, genus Godzillius, in size. It is possible that these things did exist, but according to the records the crustaceans just plain disappeared. No one knows whether they merely died, or if they migrated somewhere else. Perhaps someone should investigate any remote areas of the Pacific North West in hopes of finding them, as giant crab should be easier to find than a giant ape. It is wondered if this species may be related to the Sandwalker. >> Anonymous 01/25/16(Mon)23:30:17 No.17271921

Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)04:30:17 No.17271921▶

File: Sandwalker.jpg (17 KB, 300x195)


Sandwalker is a legendary beast from Arab mythology. It's a giant, nocturnal crab about the size of a horse, with a bird-like beak, and a scorpion's tail. It is known to bury itself in the sand during day to avoid detection, and only come out at night. It rarely eats humans, but it is said to steal camels and horses from caravans and eat them. If the creature walks, it leaves giant crab-like tracks behind. It is wondered if this cryptid is related to the Wallowa Lake Freshwater Crustaceans, or the recent Giant crab sighting dubbed, Crabzilla. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:08:04 No.17272101 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)05:08:04 No.17272101▶

File: titanaboa.jpg (11 KB, 236x233)


>>17271317 This the picture you're thinking of? Titanaboa was a real snake, they've found fossilized skeletons. Doesn't make the concept of them being alive now any less terrifying, of course. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:32:01 No.17272241

Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)05:32:01 No.17272241▶

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A Lili is a mythical creature featured in the ancient bestiaries of China. The Lili was described as a pig that had forked feet of three claws much like that of a bird, which made the sound of a dog and was reported to live in the mountains. It was believed that seeing a Lili is a dark omen that meant an earthquake was soon to occur. A Lili could be an undiscovered species of wild pig that left the mountain as a safety precaution so that it may not be harmed. It is believed many species of animal possess the ability to predict natural disasters and this may be a the same case. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)01:24:00 No.17272470 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)06:24:00 No.17272470▶

File: Beast of Bears.jpg (6 KB, 220x154)


The Beast of Bears is a cryptid found in Southern Texas, Florida, Virginia, and possibly Arkansas. The creature resembles a large bear with many scars and missing patches of fur. It is commonly seen near swamps as well as various areas in deep woods. The creature is described as having a strong pungent smell of alcohol and rotten eggs. The Beast of Bears resembles a large bear with many scars and missing patches of fur. It has also been theorised that because it lives near swamps, that it has gills. It also has large red eyes like those of the Mothman. The first sighting of the Beast of Bears was October 12, 1973, at a camping spot near the town of Alice, Texas. Since then, over 31 sightings have been made of the creature, the most recent of which was on the 1st of May, 2012 in a back yard out side of Crestview, Florida. The first sighting of the Beast of Bears was made by nature photographer Philip Hyde in 1973, at a camping spot near the town of Alice, Texas.

There are inuit stories about giant bears who drag people under the water, drown them and eat them. Though these have never been proven, people have been known to go missing around all these areas, some of the causes have been listed as bear attack >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)01:25:42 No.17272479 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)06:25:42 No.17272479▶

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Qupqugiaq, also known as Kogogiak and the Qoqogaq, is an oceanic cryptid said to be a ten-legged polar bear. It is carnivorous and terrorizes Inuit villages, just like a normal polar bear (Ursus Maritimus). However, its extra pair of legs make it faster and more dangerous. Qupqugiaq is a very famous cryptid, sort of like the Mothman in the north pole. Many inns and hotels are named after it. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)01:45:15 No.17272572 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)06:45:15 No.17272572▶

i like inuit histories and the others ones >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)02:14:55 No.17272715 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)07:14:55 No.17272715▶

File: Bia-Xiong.jpg (6 KB, 180x180)


From Red China prior to 1960, only rumors circulated of the Shennongjia white bear called “bai-xiong” (白熊) by locals. Four were captured and displayed in Chinese zoos. The creature apparently roams the mountain forests of southeastern Hubei Province and is thought to be a brown bear (U. arctos). Interestingly, the Shennongjia's discription is quite similar to British Columbia's white-colored subspecies of black bear, known as the Kermode (Ursus americanus kermodei). Kermodes also roam in densely forested mountains. Dense forested mountains share the possibility to harbor these mystery bears. Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)08:53:40 No.17273078▶ File: chupacabra.gif (57 KB, 496x163)


The chupacabra is a creature said to inhabit parts of the Latin America, associated particularly with Puerto Rico, where it was first reported, Mexico, Chile, Brazil and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities. Other reports have also noted the Chupacabra in regions throughout North America, from Miami to Maine. Perhaps this creature has been confused with other possible cryptids and summed up into just one term. The name translates in Portuguese and Spanish litteraly as "goat-sucker". This name comes from the creature's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Sightings began in Puerto Rico in the early 1990s, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile. Though some argue that the chupacabras may be real creatures, mainstream scientists and experts generally contend that the chupacabra is a legendary creature, or a type of urban legend. visit - Chupacabra gallery The legend of El Chupacabra began in 1947, when Puerto Rican newspapers El Vocero and El Nuevo Dia began reporting that local farmers livestock where being killed, such as birds, horses, and as its name implies, goats. While at first it was suspected that the killings were done randomly by some members of a Satanic cult, eventually these killings spread around the island, hundreds of farms reported loss of animal life. These strange killings had one pattern in common, each of the animals found dead had two punctured holes around its neck. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)16:49:00 No.17275128 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)21:49:00 No.17275128▶

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Nordic aliens are said by self-described contactees and some UFOlogists to be a group of humanoid extraterrestrials who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians purported to come from the Pleiades. Nordics are typically described as six to seven feet tall (about two meters) with long blonde hair and blue eyes, and are commonly reported as being male. Their skin is said to range from fair colored to tanned,they are reported to be in excellent physical shape, and they are sometimes described as wearing skintight clothing.[2] One report notes that they seem to be unaffected by strong odors, as if they have no sense of smell.[4] During the 1950s, many contactees, especially those in Europe, reported beings fitting this description. Such claims became relatively less common in subsequent decades, as the grey alien supplanted the Nordic in most accounts of extraterrestrial encounters, but Nordic aliens are still occasionally reported Nordic aliens have been described as benevolent or even "magical" beings who want to observe and communicate with humans. Contactees have said that the Nordics are concerned about the Earth's environment or prospects for world peace, and may transmit messages telepathically. American social worker John Carpenter said that the typical Nordic, as described by those he interviewed, "is paternal, watchful, smiling, affectionate, youthful, [and] all-knowing." Stephanie Kelley-Romano says that the Nordics "are often associated with spiritual growth and love and act as protectors for the experiencers." A few claimants say that the Nordics have warned them about the grey aliens, but other claimants say that they have seen Nordics inside the same craft as greys. In such reports, the Nordics are often interpreted as leaders, with the greys as their subordinates. Jenny Randles writes that although she believes Nordics have "certainly" been involved in abductions she feels the abduction is "less essential to the encounter than it is with the [greys]. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)17:44:09 No.17275324 Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:44:09 No.17275324▶

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Grey aliens, also referred to as "Alien Greys", "Greys", "Grays", "Roswell Greys", and "Zeta Reticulans", are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is promoted in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their unique skin color. Forty-three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens.[1] Such claims vary in every respect including their nature (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), origins, moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances (even varying in their eponymous skin color) [citation needed]. A composite description derived from overlap in claims would have Greys as smallbodied sexless beings with smooth grey-colored skin, enlarged head and large black eyes. The origin of the idea of the Grey is commonly associated with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction claim which took place in 1961, although skeptics see precursors in science fiction and earlier paranormal claims. The Grey aliens are also famous from earlier depictions of the Roswell UFO incident from 1947. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)19:33:08 No.17275901 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)00:33:08 No.17275901▶

File: Dover Demon.jpg (18 KB, 250x246)


The Dover Demon is a small humanoid reported from Dover, Massachusetts. It was the subject of an intensive scare during the 1970s, when multiple witnesses came forward with their sightings. The Dover Demon is described as looking sort of like the "gray" variety of alien, except that it has skin of a rosy orange instead of sickly gray. The Dover Demon has a large head on a small, stick-like body. It can be bipedal, but it often travels on all fours or switches back and forth between the two modes of locomotion. It has eyes that glow, sometimes orange, sometimes green. It does not seem to wear any clothing, unless the clothing fits tightly and is the same color as its body. Unlike the grays, the Dover Demon does not seem to be associated For cryptid wiki 9 Artist's concept of the creature. with UFOs. It just wanders around on its own. Dover encounter Possibly where Baxter and the demon met. Cryptozoologists seldom show interest in the Dover Demon. First of all, mainstream cryptozoologists are rarely willing to seriously investigate humanoids other than hairy humanoids. Also, it seems that sightings only happened during a short time period, with most claiming that sightings have now ceased, so the Dover Demon does not seem to be a pressing matter. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)19:42:10 No.17275942

Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)00:42:10 No.17275942▶

>>17275947 >>17276334

File: Rat man of Southend.png (74 KB, 200x267)


The Ratman of Southend is a local legend originating in the town of Southend-on-Sea, Essex. Centering around an underpass, the legend has two main variants, the commonality between them being the presence of a rat-like creature who appears in the pedestrian walkways at night. The most commonly told story of the Ratman involves an old man who used the underpass to escape from the rain and the cold at nights. The story goes that he was old and barely able to walk. One night a group of teenagers beat him half to death and stole his blanket, the only real source of warmth he had. Dying from his injuries and the biting cold of the night, he succumbed to hypothermia - his stiffening corpse nibbled and gnawed on by the numerous vermin who inhabit the area. Soon after, locals reported odd noises. Namely, high-pitched squealing and the sound of nails dragging along the walls. Whether evidence of a real ghost or an overactive imagination, the fact remains that this story and subsequent noises led to locals dubbing the creature the Ratman of Southend. The other main version of the story is far more fanciful and seems to have emerged in schools, a tale passed between children to frighten and unnerve their classmates. The Ratman is no longer a ghost, but a real creature. The story runs that the mayor of the town was a known adulterer and was eventually cursed for his infidelity - in the form of a grotesque child. A baby with the elongated snout and worm-like tail of a rat. The child grew and developed tastes for flesh. The Mayor had the underpass constructed to conceal his monstrous child. The Ratman escapes at night via hidden doors, scaring off any visitors who disturb his rest. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)19:56:15 No.17276000 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)00:56:15 No.17276000▶

File: Horned_demon_cat.jpg (17 KB, 209x275)


One evening in October 1943 during a World War II bombing session in London, ARP (Air Raid Precautions) volunteer Howard Leland took shelter in a small derelict house where he stayed for a while until he suddenly felt a presence like he was being watched. He shined his flashlight at the top of the stairs when he suddenly saw a huge tabby-striped cat with sharp claws, horns on it's head, and blazing red eyes crouching down from the top of the staircase he was resting on watching him. Leland stood paralyzed with fear but before he could do anything the cat jumped down the staircase and disappeared before it hit the ground leaving nothing behind but it's spine-chilling yowling cry that seemed to echo on for a while even after it had vanished. The howling stopped when he was rescued by two of his comrades from the ARP. At first he didn't think they'd believe his story because they weren't there but he eventually told them and was surprised to find he wasn't the only one who'd seen the demon cat. There had apparently been many sightings within the last few years of an immense horned cat with demonic eyes, crouching down and watching people from the top of the stairs in that house. The three men later investigated the house but never found anything one of the house's former inhabitants had been an ardent practitioner of the black arts, who used to routinely slaughtered large amounts of cats for sacrifice upon an unholy altar. He eventually went insane hanging himself at the top of the staircase. Soon after is when the Horned Demon Cat was first spotted. Pendragon ultimately concluded that the Horned Demon Cat was an elemental, who was conjured into being by the restless spirits of the slain cats, and who may persist there indefinitely. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)19:59:02 No.17276012 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)00:59:02 No.17276012▶

File: Fiskerton phantom.jpg (9 KB, 180x225)


The Fiskerton Phantom is an ABC-like creature sighted in Fiskerton, Lincolnshire in the United Kingdom. It was first reported August 27, 1997 by four girls, between the ages 9 and 14 who were staying at a caravan park next to a pub at Short Ferry, a small hamlet next to Fiskerton. They described seeing a

four-foot tall jet-black ursine-like creature eating a pheasant. The girls, scared, fled immediately to seek help in the pub. When they returned, they saw large paw prints. A motorist reported the beast again that evening, near where the girls saw the critter. On 2011, it was reported again various times. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)20:06:21 No.17276051 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)01:06:21 No.17276051▶

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Teke Teke or Tek Tek (テケテケ) is a Japanese Yokai who was once a girl named Kashima Reiko, who committed suicide after being assaulted in a bathroom. This caused her to lose her lower half. Her spirit now haunts bathroom stalls and will ask the occupant where her legs are. The answer is supposed to be the Meishin Railway. She will sometimes ask follow up questions like who told you which you're supposed to answer with Kashima Reiko and what her name is which is a trick question you're supposed to answer with Mask Death Demon a derivative of her name. If you answer incorrectly to any of those questions she'll cut you in half just like her using her scythe which she drags behind her making a "teke teke" sound. In some variations of the myth when you're killed by her you become a Teke Teke too. The name Teke Teke comes from a different story about a little boy who saw a girl looking out of the windowsill of his school as he was walking home and asked why she was there since he went to an all-boys school. She then leaped out of the window revealing that her entire lower body was missing. She then proceeded to cut his lower body off too. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)20:46:01 No.17276189 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)01:46:01 No.17276189▶

File: Grootslangs.jpg (25 KB, 338x277)


The Grootslang or Grote Slang (Afrikaans and Dutch for "big snake") is a legendary cryptid that is reputed to dwell in a deep cave in the Richtersveld, South Africa. According to legend, the Grootslang is a primordial creature as old as the world itself. Tales state that gods, new to the crafting of things, made a terrible mistake in the Grootslang's creation, and gave it tremendous strength, cunning, and intellect. Realizing their mistake, the gods split the Grootslang into separate creatures and thus created the first elephants and the first snakes. But one of the original Grootslangs escaped, and from this first sire all other Grootslangs were born. It is claimed to devour elephants by luring them into its cave. The cave is known as the "Wonder Hole" or the "Bottomless Pit". Supposedly, it connects to the sea which is 40 miles away. According to local legend, the cave is filled with diamonds. It is also said to live in warm rivers and lakes. In Benin, it is said to be a huge elephant-like creature with a serpent's tail. Sometimes, it is depicted as a snake with orange gems for eyes. Also according to the tale, Grootslangs covet gems, particularly diamonds, and despite the creatures' lust for cruelty, victims can often bargain for their freedom by offering a Grootslang enough precious gems. While searching for treasure in the richtersveld of South Africa in 1917, English businessman Peter Grayson disappeared after members of his party were attacked and injured by lions, prompting legends that the Grootslang had killed him. It has also been featured in the TV show "Secret Saturdays". >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)20:48:04 No.17276193 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)01:48:04 No.17276193▶

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The Wendigo (also known as the Windigo, Windago, Witiko, Wee-tee-go, Wihtikow, Waindigo and several other variants) is a cannibalistic spirit resembling a zombie. In some forms, the Wendigo is the size of a human, while in others, it can be fifteen-feet-tall. The earliest description of the Wendigo was that of similar appearance to a corpse, with a skeleton-like, thin body with gray skin, sunken eyes, bloody lips, yellow fangs and a long, slimy tongue. Later myths say that the Wendigo is a lipless ape with giant fangs that devours human flesh. It can turn a person into a Wendigo, which was one of the worst curses to the Algonquian-speaking Native Americans of Canada. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)20:53:48 No.17276209 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)01:53:48 No.17276209▶

File: Devils lake Monster.jpg (9 KB, 180x180)


The Devil's Lake Monster or M’de Wakan in the Sioux language meaning "Mystery" or "Bad Spirit" is an unknown aquatic creature that is said to reside in the depths of Devil's Lake located north of Lincoln City, Oregon. Some say that this octopus-like beast was responsible for an untold number of deaths, but the Nakota Indians tell a tale about a struggling creature which is uncannily similar to the allegedly extinct Plesiosaur. One of the earliest legends involving the creature of Devil’s Lake revolves around a Native American Indian chief who assembled an expedition of young warriors to go on a late night hunting trip on the fauna fertile lands across the lake. The full moon reflected off the night blackened waters as the young men and their leader slipped the canoe the water and began their late night trek. Suddenly, a flurry of tentacles ripped through the surf, capsizing the canoe and pulling the thrashing, terrified men beneath the brackish water. Although no one survived this ill-fated expedition, their screams alerted fellow tribesmen, who rushed onto the beach and were able to bear witness to this horrific event in grisly detail due to the moon’s lingering glow. The surviving warriors of the tribe, in order to pay homage to their fallen brethren — as well as appease what they believed to be the demon of the lake — held a festival every year, during which gifts and animal sacrifices were thrown into water. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)20:55:27 No.17276211 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)01:55:27 No.17276211▶

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The Saci (also known as, “Saci-pererê”, “Saci-trique” and “Saci-saçurá”) is a spirit a part of Brazilian Folklore, said to be able to manifest and control the winds as will. He is a powerful trickster spirit that takes pleasure in doping those unfortunate enough to cross his path. He’s a very easy spirit to spot, due to his appearance. The Saci is described as a dark skinned, young man with a red hat atop his head, a pipe in his mouth, holes in his palms and a single, big foot of which he hops around on. The hat is a magical device, allowing the Saci to disappear, reappear and become invisible at will (though, his hat, even while invisible, seems to remain visible). It is also said to carry a foul odor, and those that would touch or pick it up will never be able to remove the stench from their person. The

tradeoff is that he may grant a wish for the person upon taking hold of the hat. As stated above, the Saci is a trickster spirit, and with this is mind, is also known to be a shape-shifter. The Saci is said to take the form of a Matita Pereira, a breed of bird that’s said to sing melancholic songs. Aside from the above, other trickery the Saci is capable of ranges from dulling the needles of seamstresses, placing various curses unto objects and people, disturbing animal-life within the community, and causing milk to sour and eggs to become incapable of breaking. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)21:12:07 No.17276264 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)02:12:07 No.17276264▶

File: Hms-daedalus-sea-serpent.jpg (35 KB, 400x288)


It's hard to dispute a sea serpent sighting when the captain of a naval ship and several members of his crew all claim to have witnessed it. That's just what happened in August 1848, when the HMS Daedalus, a member of the Royal Navy's fleet, was sailing to St. Helena in the South Atlantic. The ship's captain, Captain McQuhae, as Hmsdaedalus well as several members of his crew, claimed a sea beast approximately 60 feet in length passed by their vessel with 4 feet of its head raised out of the water. It passed so close to the ship that the captain suggested that had it been an acquaintance of his, he would have recognized him. Chomp HMS Daedaluss It remained in sight of the crew for 20 minutes and one member of the HMS Daedalus noted it looked more reptilian than serpentine. The sighting became rather famous and remains the only instance of an encounter with this particular water monster. It was reported in the Times of London and today remains a mystery. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)21:13:13 No.17276270 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)02:13:13 No.17276270▶

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The each-uisge (literary mean water horse) is a mythological Scottish water spirit, called the eachuisce (anglicized as aughisky) or Ech-Ushkya in Ireland. It is similar to the kelpie, but far more vicious. The each-uisge, a supernatural water horse found in the Highlands of Scotland, is supposedly the most dangerous water-dwelling creature in the British Isles. Often mistaken for the Kelpie (which inhabits streams and rivers), the each-uisge lives in the sea, sea lochs, and fresh water lochs. The each-uisge is a shape-shifter, disguising itself as a fine horse, pony, or handsome man. If, while in horse form, a man mounts it, he is only safe as long as the each-uisge is ridden in the interior of land. However, the merest glimpse or smell of water means the end of the rider: the each-uisge's skin becomes adhesive and the creature immediately goes to the deepest part of the loch with its victim. After the victim has drowned, the each-uisge tears him apart and devours the entire body except for the liver, which floats to the surface. In its human form it is said to appear as a handsome man, and can be recognized as a mythological creature only by the water weeds in its hair; because of this, people in the Highlands were often wary of lone animals and strangers by the waters edge, near where the each-uisge was reputed to live. Along with its human victims, cattle and sheep were also often prey to the each-uisge, and it could be lured out of the water by the smell of roasted meat. One story from McKay's More West Highland Tales runs thus >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:38:45 No.17276592 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:38:45 No.17276592▶


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This unidentifiable monstrosity is said, by some, to be a vile, phantasmagorical killer from beyond the grave… though there is some evidence to suggest that it may be a bizarre, mutant cephalopod, which lurks in the filthy labyrinth of the London sewer system waiting to rise up and kill again. Considered by most paranormal experts to fit more accurately into the realm of haunting, the Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square has left behind tantalizing shreds of evidence – and, unfortunately, more than one corpse – which suggests that the “ghost,” which inhabits the 4th floor (although some claim it’s the 2nd) of number 50 Berkeley Square, in what has been referred to as “the most haunted house in London,” may not really be a case of spiritual infestation at all, but rather a semi-aquatic, predatory, cryptid phenomenon. Although no one is exactly sure when the first encounter with this beast occurred, the first known account of the “Thing” date as far back as the early 1840’s, when 20-year-old, Sir Robert Warboys, came across strange rumors surrounding the notorious Berkeley Square address while imbibing at a tavern in London’s Holborn district one evening. Evidently Warboys was a man not prone to superstitious claptrap as he derisively dismissed the legend as “unadulterated poppycock.” Warboys’ barroom compatriots wholeheartedly disagreed with his assessment and, in what one can only assume was an effort to knock him down a peg or two, challenged the young noble to spend the night in the haunted 2nd floor room. Warboys, with what was no doubt the heady rush of alcohol fueled confidence, raised his pitcher of ale skyward and announced to his cohorts: “I wholeheartedly accept your preposterous harebrained challenge!” >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:41:22 No.17276605 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:41:22 No.17276605▶


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>>17276592 Sir Robert then proceeded to the allegedly haunted dwelling, where he insisted the landlord allow him to spend the night in the “ghost-filled” quarters. After some debate, the landlord reluctantly agreed to Warboys request, but only with the caveat that the young man be armed with a pistol and that at the first sign of anything even remotely “out of the ordinary,” he would yank the cord that was attached to a bell in the landlord’s room below. Warboys apparently scoffed at the notion, but agreed to the terms. As the clock chimed midnight, Warboys settled down at a table to await the “Thing’s” arrival. The landlord, with, what one must assume was a great lack of enthusiasm, left his temporary tenant alone in the dreaded room, save for his pistol and a single candle, but it wouldn’t be long before the two would meet again.

Less than an hour following the landlord’s departure, at precisely Forty-five minutes past the hour, the proprietor was startled from an unfit slumber by the violent clanging of the bell adjacent to his bed. Before he even had time to clear his thoughts and react, a gunshot echoed from above his room. With a burst of adrenaline, the landlord leapt from his bed, and climbed the stairs at a rapid pace. When he arrived at the door to the notorious room, he pushed it open to reveal a sight which he would never forget… The room was apparently unchanged except for the notable fact that Sir Robert had left his perch at the table and was now wedged in the corner of the room, the still smoking pistol caught in his whiteknuckled grip of his fear contorted corpse. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:43:32 No.17276614 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:43:32 No.17276614▶


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>>17276605 In the very short time the landlord spent in the room he noted that Warboys’ his lips were peeled back from his clenched teeth in a grimace of horror and eyes seemed to be literally bulging from his skull. The landlord followed Sir Robert’s gaze to a lone bullet hole in the opposite wall and speculated that Warboys had fired at the infamous “Thing,” but, for reasons he could not surmise, the bullet had had no effect on the beast. There can be no doubt that 50 Berkeley Square can boast a horrific array of ostensibly paranormal encounters (ranging from strange sounds reported by neighbors to the confirmed deaths of guests and domestic servants,) but there is one confrontation which has become the benchmark of this legend. Just three years following the horrific death of Sir Robert Warboys, 50 Berkeley Square became the sight of yet another gruesome demise. Although the details of this narrative have varied in minor degrees from one retelling to another, the core of the account has always remained the same: In 1943, two sailors from Portsmouth, Robert Martin and Edward Blunden, after having squandered their lodging funds on an evening of drunken ribaldry, noticed a “To Let” on the then abandoned Berkeley Square abode and managed to break into a basement window of the dwelling in search of a night’s rest. Discovering that the lower level of the house was uncomfortably damp (not to mention rat infested,) the sailors migrated upwards, finally settling down in the now notorious room. >>

Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:45:03 No.17276619 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:45:03 No.17276619▶


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>>17276614 Blunden, presumably the more sober of the two, expressed the anxiety he felt upon entering the room. He claimed that he felt a “presence,” but these fears were promptly dismissed by his shipmate, who used his rifle to prop open a window to allow for a breeze and built a fire in the long unused hearth with bits of broken furniture and rotting floorboards. It wasn’t long before the two men were huddled on the relative warmth of floor, fast asleep. Sometime after midnight Blunden awoke to see the door to the room creaking open. Little by little a sliver of dim, grayish light crept across the wooden floor. Too terrified to move, Blunden managed to wake his accomplice. The two men sat up as they heard a strange, moist, scraping sound slowly approach them. Later, Martin claimed that it sounded as if something were dragging itself across the floor. Suddenly, the terrified men leapt to their feet and came face to face with the abhorrent visage of what could only describe as a hideous monstrosity. The creature undulated between the sailors and what was their only hope for escape; the open door. Then, just as the trembling Blunden began to reach toward the rifle, which was still wedged in the window frame, the creature suddenly lunged forward, wrapping itself around the young sailor’s throat. Seizing the opportunity, the panic stricken Martin ran from the house, screaming for help. Soon enough he stumbled upon a patrolling police officer. Although skeptical of the young sailor’s frenzied tale (and no doubt attributing it to the almost overwhelming stench of alcohol which permeated his uniform) the officer dutifully followed Martin back to Berkeley Square. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:46:53 No.17276629 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:46:53 No.17276629▶


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>>17276619 According to the account, Martin and the officer ran up the stairs, but found no sign of Blunden in the room. Martin reclaimed his rifle as the two men continued to search the house. Their efforts seemed to prove fruitless however, until the men entered the basement and were greeted to a ghastly image that would haunt them for the remainder of their lives… Lying at the base of the stairs in Berkeley Square’s moist, rock walled cellar was Blunden’s dismembered corpse. His body lay in a mangled heap, with his head wrenched viciously to the side. The officer reported that the young man’s eyes (much like those of Sir Robert Warboys) were wide with unimaginable horror. This appalling tale, like so many legends of this ilk, has also been recounted with a decidedly more phantasmal twist. The most notable variation in this retelling is the description of the “Thing” as a shadowy man-like figure with a deformed face and body that burst in on the sailors and proceeded to strangle Blunden with “cold, misty looking hands.” Yet another discrepancy has Blunden perishing not in the basement, but being hurled from the window and impaled on a spike on the wrought iron fence that surrounded Berkeley Square. It’s these incongruities that have led many investigators to file this case under the “paranormal” banner, assuming that it is just another ghost story, but there is intriguing (though admittedly scant) evidence to suggested that this may be a genuine, albeit exceedingly bizarre, corporeal entity. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:49:45 No.17276641 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:49:45 No.17276641▶


>>17276629 While these shocking encounters leave more questions as to the “Thing’s” identity than answers, there are other alleged eyewitness accounts, which can help us to paint a more complete picture of this creature. Some have described as an amorphous being, formless and slimy, which emits a “gruesome sloppy noise” when it moves; while others insist it is a dark, shapeless, spectral form, which was described as a “collection of shadows,” that attacks its victims with clawed feet and razor sharp, bird-like talons. Though accounts conflict regarding the actual shape and size of the beast, at least one eyewitness has included tentacles in his description of the creature, likening the fiend to a small, viciously deformed octopus, which pulls itself across the floor, leaving a viscous trail in its wake.

This description has led some researchers to speculate that the Thing may actually be some kind of mutated FRESHWATER OCTOPI or an unknown, amphibious, marine animal that managed to migrate from the Thames into London’s vast subterranean sewer system, where it was able to infiltrate the Berkeley Square home via the plumbing. It can also be speculated that this beast was looking to feed on the ample rat population that dwelt in the house, when it accidentally stumbled across the more “substantial” prey of the drunken sailors. In the 1920s, eminent psychic investigator Harry Price revealed a plethora of data regarding earlier encounters with the “Thing.” While pouring over scads of newspaper articles, he came across a story from 1790 that claimed 50 Berkeley Square once housed the headquarters for a crew of counterfeiters. Price speculated (rather dubiously) that the counterfeiters — in a plot lifted right from Scooby-Doo — had concocted the spooky tale to frighten off curious onlookers and provide a “spectral” cover for the noisy processes that accompanied their illicit nocturnal activities. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:51:18 No.17276651 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:51:18 No.17276651▶


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>>17276641 Price also managed to turn up another 1840 account of bizarre noises (including bells, loud footsteps and heavy dragging sounds) emanating from the house that were so rambunctious a cadre of courageous neighbors felt obliged to search the abode, to no avail. He also came across an 1870 article published in the magazine “Notes and Queries,” by W. E. Howlett, which stated: “The mystery of Berkeley Square still remains a mystery. The story of the haunted house in Mayfair can be recapitulated in a few words; the house contains at least one room of which the atmosphere is supernaturally fatal to body and mind. A girl saw, heard and felt such horror in it that she went mad, and never recovered sanity enough to tell how or why.” “A gentleman, a disbeliever in ghosts, dared to sleep in number 50 and was found a corpse in the middle of the floor after frantically ringing for help in vain. Rumour suggests other cases of the same kind, all ending in death, madness, or both as a result of sleeping, or trying to sleep in that room. The very party walls of the house, when touched, are found saturated with electric horror. It is uninhabited save by an elderly man and his wife who act as caretakers; but even these have no access to the room. This is kept locked, the key being in the hands of a mysterious and seemingly nameless person who comes to the house once every six months, locks up the elderly couple in the basement, and then unlocks the room and occupies himself in it for hours.”

Price also noted that while 50 Berkeley Square was located on a piece real-estate wedged in one of London’s most enviable districts, it had remained vacant for inexplicably long stretches of time. His personal conclusion of the whole affair was that “a particularly nasty poltergeist had been active at number 50 in the 1840s, but doubted that the ‘thing’ was still at large”. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)22:58:22 No.17276677 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:58:22 No.17276677▶

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>>17276651 Since 1853, the ground floor of the house on Berkeley Square has played host to an antique bookshop known as Maggs Brothers. Although there have been no reported sightings of the creature in the 20th century, it has been noted that employees of the bookshop are not allowed to go up to the top floor. They say a police notice hangs on the wall inside the house that was put up in the 1950s. It states that the top floor of the house is not to be used, even for storage… No one is exactly sure why. Although in a case like this it is difficult to separate truth from legend, one likely reason that there have been no recent encounters with this beast is the fact that (if this creature indeed has oceanic roots) it has, in all likelihood, returned to the fathomless depths of the sea, or — more chillingly — it and its offspring may still be lurking in the labyrinth of centuries old tunnels, which weave their way beneath Great Briton’s capitol city, feeding on rats, waiting to crawl back up from the sewer to claim more human victims. A few notes of interest to point out, the shortest serving prime minister of England, George Canning, resided in the house, and supposedly had experienced some strange happenings. His term was cut short due to his health failing at the age of 57, for reasons unknown. Also, despite the fact that the Necronomicon isn't a real book, 50 Berkeley Square is now home to a shop that specializes in antique books. Lastly, BP, the oil company, had bought the property...not certain as to why an oil company would be interested in such property, except perhaps to dig around in the basement, maybe to see what was living down under the house in the sewers? Perhaps they were being contracted by an outside source for use of their drilling equipment? >>

Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)23:12:22 No.17276715 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:12:22 No.17276715▶

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The Hellhound of Suffolk Let’s say you’re being chased by a demon. Your first instinct is to run to a church because evil beings can’t step foot on holy ground, right? Well, that rule doesn’t apply to hellhounds. These black canines have been spotted across the world, and while some think they’re Satan’s attack dogs, others say they’re the devil incarnate. And despite their hellish nature, churches offer no sanctuary. The most infamous hellhound attack took place on Sunday, August 4, 1577 in Suffolk, England. As the citizens of Bungay prayed inside St. Mary’s Church, a thunderstorm rocked the countryside. Hail pelted the church, and lightning flashed outside its walls, when suddenly a giant dog appeared. The canine leaped into the congregation and began ripping out throats. Just the heat emanating from the beast vaporized anyone who got too close. Some even say it used its front paws to strangle worshipers. By the time it was done, the hellhound had killed three churchgoers, but the night was still young! The black dog ran towards Blythburgh Church where it continued its carnage, claiming more souls before disappearing into the night. So did a hellhound really attack Bungay and Blythburgh? Records show there was a thunderstorm on August 4, 1577, and that St. Mary’s steeple was struck by lightning. Further, the Churchwarden’s records indicate that two men died in the belfry that night. So was it a natural occurrence? Perhaps. But an old verse claims, “All down the church in the midst of fire, the hellish monster flew. And, passing onward to the quire, he many people slew.” And if you visit Blythburgh, you can still see where the hellhound supposedly scorched the church door. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)23:16:33 No.17276734 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:16:33 No.17276734▶

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The Story of Edward Brian McCleary Purchase a copy of the May 1965 issue of Fate Magazine, and you’ll find a chilling story titled “My Escape From a Sea Monster” by Edward Brian McCleary. McCleary was just 19 when he and his four teenage friends (Warren Salley, Eric Ruyle, Larry Bill, and Brad Rice) said they were attacked by a prehistoric beast. On March 24, 1962, the five friends decided to check out the USS Massachusetts. The navy had sunk the decommissioned ship off the coast of Pensacola, Florida, and the boys thought it would be the perfect place to scuba dive. Adventurous teenagers, creepy location, evil monster—you see where this is going. As the boys sailed towards the battleship in a rubber raft, they hit a fierce storm. After being tossed around by strong winds, they found themselves lost in the fog. While they didn’t run across undead pirates, they did find something worse. As the sun sank, the boys heard something splashing nearby. It was then they smelled the stench of rot . . . and heard something hissing. McCleary claims he then saw something like a 3 meter (10 ft) pole, or a very long neck, coming straight at them. Panicking, the teens ditched their raft and swam for the battleship, but as they paddled, McCleary saw the monster pull Eric Ruyle under the water. Then he heard Warren Salley shout, “It’s got Brad!” A few moments later, Salley screamed in pain, and Larry Bill vanished into the fog. McCleary swam to shore, where was discovered by a rescue crew. Three years later, he sold his story to the magazine and sketched an image of the beast that supposedly killed his friends. The illustration bears a striking resemblance to a plesiosaurus. But is there any truth to McCleary’s tale? According to the website “Cryptomundo,” Brad Rice really did wash ashore dead, but the fate of the others remains unclear. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)23:18:19 No.17276739 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:18:19 No.17276739▶


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The Bauman Incident The uber-spooky tale of Bauman the mountain man was transcribed by none other than Teddy Roosevelt himself. The story comes from Roosevelt’s 1892 book The Wilderness Hunter, and

Bauman’s tale is as creepy as they come. Bauman and his partner were beaver trappers who’d set up camp and built a lean-to near Montana’s Wisdom River. Leaving their bags behind, they went to set traps, returning as night fell. But when they came back, they found something had torn down their shelter and emptied their packs. Bauman assumed it had been a bear, but his partner was uneasy. Using a torch, he carefully inspected the tracks. “Bauman,” his partner said, “that bear has been walking on two legs.” That night, as the two slept in a newly built lean-to, Bauman awoke to see a giant standing in the opening. He panicked and shot the intruder, which then took off into the forest. For the rest of the night, the two men sat by the fire, cradling their guns, watching the trees. The creature returned the next day, wrecking their campsite again while they were trapping. And that night, the men heard the beast howling in the woods. When the sun rose, Bauman and his friend decided it was time to pack up and go. But first, they had to collect their traps, and they made the alltime classic mistake. They split up. Bauman went to the river while his partner stayed to pack their gear. >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)23:19:58 No.17276743 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:19:58 No.17276743▶

>>17276739 When Bauman returned to camp, he noticed their fire had gone out. All their belongings were packed, but where was his partner? Bauman called for him, but there was no answer. And then he saw the body. His partner was sprawled on the ground, his neck broken, his throat covered with puncture wounds, and there were giant footprints everywhere. Terrified, Bauman took off running through the forest, leaving behind everything except his gun. So what was the creature? Bauman believed it was a goblin. Modern cryptozoologists think it was Bigfoot. But Roosevelt was undecided. Perhaps it was just an animal . . . but then again, perhaps not. As he put it, “No man can say.” >> >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)23:49:40 No.17276841 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:49:40 No.17276841▶

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Indrid Cold, commonly known as The Grinning Man, is a purported humanoid entity. His name comes from his tendency to smile at those who encounter him. The Grinning Man is reported to be human-like in appearance, though is commonly associated with UFO activity and is sometimes believed to be an alien. It is also believed possible that he is connected with the Men In Black. In his first sighting, he was described as being over six feet tall and wearing a reflective, green suit with a black belt. He had a dark complexion and small, beady eyes set far apart. He was described as not having any nose, ears, or hair. In his second known encounter, his suit was said to be blue instead of green, but still retained its reflective property. According to reports made by Woodrow Derenberger, Indrid Cold came from a planet named Lanulo in the Genemedes galaxy, and that there were two other "grinning men" by the names of Demo Hassan and Karl Ardo >> Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)23:51:19 No.17276847 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:51:19 No.17276847▶

The Flatwoods Monster (also known as the Braxton County Monster or Frametown Monster) is a cryptid sighted in Flatwoods, West Virginia and Frametown, West Virginia, respectively. It is believed to be of extraterrestrial nature. The entity was initially reported as being about 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. It appeared to be some sort of robotic suit or spacecraft rather than an organic being. It had a 'cowl' in the shape of an ace of spades behind a red round head. Set in the head were two eyes, described as 'portholes', glowing green-orange and the size of half-dollars.The 'body' was a metallic armored structure lined with thick vertical pipes. Discrepencies exist in the actual color of the armour, some claiming it to be black while others saying green. The existence of arms is a similar matter. Most state the monster was armless, while others claim it posessed small, "toy-like" arms. The Frametown Monster, believed to be the same creature from Flatwoods, bore similar pipe-lined metallic armour from the waist down. From the wasit up, however, the being was a reptilian humanoid. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)01:29:32 No.17277219 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)06:29:32 No.17277219▶

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The Popobawa is an evil spirit that allegedly thrives on the island of Pemba, near Tanzania in Africa. It has caused mass panic over the years. The Popobawa is said to be a bat-like creature with one eye. It is medium sized and has leathery skin. In Swahili the Popobawa's name means "bat wing". Popobawa is a shapeshifter and described as taking different forms, not just that of a bat as its name implies. It can take either human or animal form, and metamorphose from one into the other. Popobawa typically visits homesteads at night, but can also be seen in the daytime. It is sometimes associated with the presence of a sulfurous odor, but this is not always the case. Popobawa attacks men, women and children, and may attack all of the members of a household, before passing on to another house in the neighbourhood. Its nocturnal attacks can comprise simple physical assault and/or poltergeist-like phenomena; but most feared is sexual assault and the sodomising of adult men and women. Victims are often urged to tell others that they have been assaulted, and are threatened with repeated visits by the Popobawa if they do not. During Popobawa panics many people try to guard against attack by spending the night awake outside of their houses, often huddled around an open fire with other family members and neighbours. Panics occur most often in Zanzibar, throughout the island of Pemba and in the north and west of Unguja (Zanzibar) island, including Zanzibar town. Episodes have also been reported in Dar es Salaam and other towns on the mainland coast of Tanzania. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)02:19:11 No.17277358 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)07:19:11 No.17277358▶

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Batsquatch is a flying cryptid that was allegedly sighted near Mount St. Helens in the 1980s. It resembles a flying primate, similar to the Ahool and the Orang Bati of Southeast Asia, and its name is a portmanteau derived from the words "bat" and "Sasquatch." A witness allegedly took several pictures of the creature. However, these pictures have not been yet analyzed, and thus cannot prove the creature's existence.

This creature was said to have yellow eyes, a wolf-like muzzle, blue or fur, sharp teeth, bird-like feet and leathery bat-like wings that span up to fifty feet. In addition, Batsquatch is said to be 9 feet tall and has the ability to affect car engines. This is possibly a misunderstood sighting of Mothman considering it also affected man-made things, like Mothman can. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)02:20:36 No.17277363 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)07:20:36 No.17277363▶

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The Thunderbird is a cryptozoological creature associated with large bird-like animals that live anywhere in Northern Canada and Alaska down to Central America. Similar animals often appear in Native American mythology; some tales tell of enormous eagles strong enough to carry whales back to their nests. Since pioneers began moving west across the North American plains, sightings of large birds have been reported. Similar stories appear from civilizations around the world. Native tribes all across North America, especially along the Pacific coast and in the Great Lakes area, have stories depicting enormous birds of prey. Some stories told that these birds were so large and powerful that when they flapped their wings, thunder was created. Lightning flashed out of their eyes, and water fell off their backs, creating rain. The tribes used thunderbirds to explain some of the things that happened naturally, such as storms and other forms of weather. The legend of Passamaquoddies, for example, describes the quest of two Indians in search of the source of thunder high in the mountains. Other stories said that there was a thunderbird who battled an enormous killer whale. When the two beasts fought, they destroyed much of the land, knocking down trees and causing much destruction. Although dangerous and powerful beings, thunderbirds were also seen as benevolent nature spirits, and they sometimes assisted the tribes in their search for food during periods of famine. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)02:22:30 No.17277370 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)07:22:30 No.17277370▶

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The Lautoka dwarves were strange, hairy humanoid creatures sighted in Lautoka, Fiji. Students from Lautoka Methodist School reported seeing about eight mysterious little figures, believed to be dwarfs, in reeds near the school. The figures, about 2ft in height and covered with black hair, hastily moved away into nearby bushes when the children began to approach them. The students' excitement brought more students and teachers from the Methodist school and the nearby Lautoka Fijian School. Scores of neighbours rushed to the scene as the news spread. The "dwarfs" seemed to have jumped into a pit near the bush, but upon investigation none of them could be found there, the headteacher of the Methodist school, Mr Sadanand Narayan, said. Since the sighting on Wednesday afternoon, dozens of people have been gathering near the pit in the expectation of the dwarfs reappearing. Some, with the fear that the "little men" might be harmful, sit there for hours armed with torches and sticks. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)02:27:56 No.17277384 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)07:27:56 No.17277384▶

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>>17267723 Interesting you say that -- in my native culture there is the Dzunu ḵḵwa -- quite literally the same creature perhaps as the Inuit. It is a child-snatcher or child-eater. The aboriginal myth goes like this. Children who stay out past sunset will risk being stolen by the Dzunuḵḵwa (pronounced Zoo-nah-kwah phonetically), she'll take them in her basket into the woods and they'll never be seen again. It is said she'll lurk at the edge of the woods until the sun sets, which

when it does happen she'll sprint to children and snatch up, then force them into her basket she carries on her back. She's been seen to be a dirty, old, lanky witch-like creature with raggedy hair with old man's beard (you know that green stuff in trees?) in it. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:28:11 No.17277601 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:28:11 No.17277601▶


The Yahoo, or Yayho, is West Virginia's most infamous Bigfoot. As its name implies, the Yahoo makes a terrifyingly loud squall, which, you guessed it, is a loud, "yahoo". This can be heard on the TV show Mountain Monsters on the episodes "Yahoo of Nicholas County" and "Bigfoot of Clay County". There have also been stories about Daniel Boone encountering and hunting a possible group of Yahoos. The Yahoo is reported to be around 8 feet tall with jet-black fur and makes a loud scream. Some people say there is more than one Yahoo roaming the Appalachian area. A person has also claimed to have caught a trail cam photo of a supposed female Yahoo carrying a baby on her back, which can be seen on the Mountain Monsters episode "Bigfoot of Clay County." >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:32:24 No.17277612 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:32:24 No.17277612▶

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>>17277601 >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:33:26 No.17277616 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:33:26 No.17277616▶

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Momo is the name of a local legend, similar to the Bigfoot, which is reported to live in Missouri. The name Momo is short for Missouri Monster and it is reported to have a large, pumpkin-shaped head, with a furry body, and hair covering the eyes. First reported in July 1971, near Louisiana, Missouri by Joan Mills and Mary Ryan, Momo has been spotted up and down the Mississippi River. It is supposedly a large, 7 ft (~2.1 m) tall, hairy, black, manlike creature that eats dogs and emits a terrible odor. Some suggest it was a rogue black bear. Following sightings in 1972 beginning at 3:30 p.m. July 11, first reported by Terry, Wally, and Doris Harrison, and lasting for about 2 weeks, tracks were found and submitted to Lawrence Curtis, director of the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden. He deemed the tracks to be a hoax. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:37:04 No.17277624 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:37:04 No.17277624▶

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The Mokèlé-mbèmbé, which means "the one who stops the flow of rivers" in the Lingala language, is a dinosaur-like cryptid that lives in the Congo. It is said to look like a sauropod, or long-neck, dinosaur, such as Apatosaurus. The Mokèlé-mbèmbé was the focus of the children's book Cryptid Hunters by Roland Smith. There have been many sightings in the Congo and Cameroon. Its meat is apparently poisonous, as a group of villagers once killed one and everybody who ate the meat died shortly after. Besides the sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster and Mothman, this is one of the most well-known cryptids. Mokele-mbembe has been described as an animal with a long neck and tail which are characteristics of a sauropod dinosaur. Its body size is somewhere between the size of a hippopotamus and an elephant. Its length has been reported to be between 5 to 10 meters (16 to 32 feet). The length of the neck is between 1.6 to 3.3 meters (5 to 10 feet). The length of the tail is between 1.6 to 3.3 meters (5 to 10 feet). The reports out of Cameroon have reported Mokele-mbembe to be up to 75 feet in length. There have also been reports of a frill on the back of the head. The frill is like the comb found on a cock (male chicken). There have also been reports of it having a horn on its head.

>> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:39:02 No.17277631 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:39:02 No.17277631▶

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The Grassman (also known as the Ohio Grassman or Kenmore Grassman) is a tall, bipedal hominid that stalks the woods of Ohio, hence the name Ohio Grassman. It is reportedly very similar to Bigfoot. It seems to be much more aggressive than any other Sasquatch species. The Grassman gets its name from the small, hut-like living structures it builds out of tall grass-like hai >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:41:58 No.17277637 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:41:58 No.17277637▶

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The Yeren is China's Bigfoot, variously referred to as the Yiren, Yeh Ren, Chinese Wildman or ManMonkey. The Yeren is a mysterious primate living in the mountains of China, with most of the sightings coming from the remote Hubei province. It has reddish brown hair (though very rare, sighting of white Yeren have been seen--this may indicate either albinism or elderly members of the species) and a large jaw. It is six to eight feet tall (in a few extreme cases they were reported to up to 12 feet tall), and is generally friendly but reserved around humans. According to Xinhua, over 400 people have reported seeing the Yeren. The Chinese government has searched China to find the Yeren. Many footprints and hair traces have been found. However much like the Yeti or Sasquatch, the species has never been confirmed by scientists and remains in the realm of legend and cryptozoology. Despite its size, it is said to be less robust and stocky than its

other relatives like Sasquatch. None of the witnesses typically report the creatures to be covered in reddish colored hair. Some white specimens have also been sighted. Their height is estimated to range from six to eight feet, although some colossal examples allegedly in excess of twelve feet tall have been reported. The Yeren has a head shape more similar to humans than other apes (unlike the Sasquatch) with a sunken face, protruding lips covering large, horse-like teeth and a bulbous nose with upturned nostrils. Overall, it is smaller than the American Bigfoot. Like Bigfoot, the Yeren is peaceful and will generally quietly walk away when encountering people in the Zhejiang province. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:48:03 No.17277648 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:48:03 No.17277648▶

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An Aswang is a cryptid in Filipino folklore. The aswang is an inherently evil werewolf and vampire-like creature and is the subject of a wide variety of myths and stories. Spanish colonists noted that the Aswang was the most feared among the mythical creatures of the Philippines, even in the 16th century. The myth of the aswang is well known throughout the Philippines, except in the Ilocos region, which is the only region that does not have an equivalent myth. It is especially popular in the Western Visayan regions such as Capiz, Iloilo, Negros, Bohol, Masbate, Aklan, Antique. Other regional names for the aswang include "tik-tik", "wak-wak" and "soc-soc", which is the noise it makes when chasing prey Aswang or "asuwang" is derived from the Sanskrit word Asura which means 'demon'. Sometimes this creature is called the "bal-bal" or Ghoul (maninilong in Catanauan, Quezon), which replaces the cadaver with banana trunks after consumption. Aswang stories and definitions vary greatly from region to region and person to person, and no particular set of characteristics can be ascribed to the term. However, the term is mostly used interchangeably with manananggal and are also usually depicted as female. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:50:34 No.17277655 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:50:34 No.17277655▶

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The Manananggal (sometimes confused with the Aswang) is a sighted creature of the Philippines, an evil, man-eating and blood-sucking monster. It is described as hideous, scary, often depicted as female, and capable of severing its upper torso and sprouting huge bat-like wings to fly into the night in search of its victims. The word manananggal comes from the Tagalog word tanggal (cognate of Malay tanggal), which means "to remove" or "to separate", which literally translates as "remover" or "separator". In this case, "one who separates itself". The name also originates from an expression used for a severed torso. It is said that they mostly prey on sleeping, pregnant women, using an elongated proboscis-like tongue to suck the hearts of fetuses, or the blood of someone who is sleeping. The severed lower torso is left standing, and it is said to be the more vulnerable of the two halves. Sprinkling salt or smearing crushed garlic or ash on top of the standing torso is fatal to the creature. The upper torso then would not be able to rejoin itself and will die by sunrise. It is known to hide in volcanic caves by day. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:54:13 No.17277664 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:54:13 No.17277664▶

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The Ahool (Pterapus boomus) or the Athol is a winged cryptid. Some portrayed the creature as a giant bat, while others claim it is flying primate. It was first reported by Dr. Ernest Bartels in 1925. It is said to live in the deepest parts of the jungles of Java, and can be found across most of Indonesia. Subspecies can be found on the nearby island of New Guinea in the form of the Ropen, a cousin to the Ahool, it has a long snout, large wings and a long thin crest made raised hair. It has a chimp's /bat's face, large dark eyes, Red skinned wings, large claws on its forearms, and is covered in grey fur. It is said to have a wingspan of 12 feet, or 3 meters. That is twice the size of the largest bat known to man, the flying fox. Although it mainly eats fish, it will occasionally attack humans. One scientist theorized that the creature may be related to another cryptid, the Kongamato. But its description describes more of a bat-like creature than a reptile-like one. So it may be more related to Orang Bati.

Height: 4'6 feet Wingspan: 12 feet >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)03:59:39 No.17277677 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)08:59:39 No.17277677▶

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The Javanese Wolf ( Megacyon merriami ) was a prehistoric canine that lived in the Pleistocene lower / medium (about 800-300 thousand years ago), whose remains have been found on the island of Java. The remains of this canid are rather incomplete and do not allow a reliable reconstruction of the general. The remains, however, indicate that Megacyon is similar to large canids that existed and exist today, such as the licaone and Xenocyon. Megacyon owned large and strong teeth. Mandibular branches indicate that the size of Megacyon possibly exceed the size a of wild dog. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:03:39 No.17277687 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)09:03:39 No.17277687▶


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The Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is an extinct relative of the elephant that lived in North America and Europe during the Pleistocene Epoch until about 1700 B.C. These were smaller than average mammoths due to shorter food supplies. Woolly Mammoths were about nine to eleven feet tall at the shoulder. They had great curving tusks that they used for sweeping snow off the ground to get to the grasses and mosses on the ground that they eat, and possibly for fighting, similar to modern elephants. Like musk oxen, Woolly Mammoths were adapted for the cold due to their long, shaggy hair covering their bodies.

Because of how frozen mammoths have been unearthed in Alaska and Canada, access to DNA is more than possible. Some believe that this could lead to the mammoth being brought back to life by either impregnating an elephant, or cloning it. By impregnating an elephant, either the elephant's genetic material is removed or replaced with a mammoth embryo, or impregnate an elephant with mammoth sperm, and thus make a hybrid. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:06:39 No.17277699 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)09:06:39 No.17277699▶


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The Zuiyo-maru carcass (ニューネッシー Nyū Neshii, lit. "New Nessie") was a creature caught by the Japanese fishing trawler Zuiyō Maru (瑞洋丸) off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. The carcass's peculiar appearance led to speculation that it might be the remains of a sea serpent or prehistoric plesiosaur. BASKINGDEAD Although several scientists insisted it was "not a fish, whale, or any other mammal", analysis later indicated it was most likely the carcass of a basking shark by comparing the number of sets of amino acids in the muscle tissue.Decomposing basking shark carcasses lose most of the lower head area and the dorsal and caudal fins first, making them resemble a plesiosaur. The foul-smelling, decomposing corpse reportedly weighed 1,800 kg and was about 13 m long. According to the crew, the creature had a one and a half meter long neck, four large, reddish fins and a tail about two meters long. It lacked a dorsal fin. No internal organs remained, but flesh and fat was somewhat intact. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:07:24 No.17277700 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)09:07:24 No.17277700▶

Shit, how does I archive >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:08:59 No.17277705

Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)09:08:59 No.17277705▶

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These amphibious anomalies have shocked and terrified both business men, farmers and police officers and remain one of the most intriguing cryptozoological mysterious in the United States. One of the most intriguing cases we here at American Monsters have encountered during our many long hours of cryptozoological research is that of the Loveland Frogmen, or Loveland Lizards. The story of these unique creatures begins in May of 1955, on a lonely stretch of road that runs along the Miami River in Clermont County, just on the outskirts of a small town known as Loveland, Ohio. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:11:12 No.17277710 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)09:11:12 No.17277710▶

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Not much is known about the elusive New Jersey Gator Man, we do know that during the summer of 1973, the residents of New Jersey’s Newton-Lafayette area were plagued by what eyewitnesses described as a large, humanoid alligator. A local journalist who covered the story compared the creature to an enduring Native American legend about a giant, man sized fish that could never be caught. Perhaps what makes the New Jersey Gator Man stand out the most amongst the other Lizard Men is the fact that its existence was publicly acknowledged by a state employee. Young men from the tribe kaningara make "crocodile armor" in their body by a ritual where they get scars that look like a crocodile's armor. However, this is probably just a coincidence. The statement came in 1977, when New York City Conservation Naturalist, Alfred Hulstruck reported that the state’s Southern tier was the apparent home of “a scaled, man like creature which appears at

dusk from the red algae infested waters to forage among the fern and moss covered uplands. Although this is the only “official” comment in regards to the New Jersey Gator Man, the simple fact that a city official publicly acknowledged the creature existence says something for its credibility. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)04:14:13 No.17277715 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)09:14:13 No.17277715▶

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Two-Toed Tom is a legendary alligator in the Southern United States who terrorized swamp residents along the Alabama-Florida border. His name came from the fact that all but two toes had been lost in a steel trap. Two-Toed Tom attacked people and animals, and despite the use of guns and dynamite, locals could never kill him. Tracks of a massive alligator with only two toes were seen as recently as the 1980s. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)12:15:08 No.17278952 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)17:15:08 No.17278952▶

>>17277699 Doesn't it look like a decomposed whale head to you? >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)13:30:12 No.17279237 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)18:30:12 No.17279237▶

>>17277687 Why did you post a Grizzly Bear with caught salmon in it's mouth with a description of woolly mammoths? >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)14:01:14 No.17279341

Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)19:01:14 No.17279341▶

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The fur-bearing trout (or furry trout) is a fictional creature purportedly found in North America and Iceland. According to tales, the trout has created a thick coat of fur to maintain its body heat. Tales of furry fish date to the 17th-century and later the "shaggy trout" of Iceland. The earliest known American publication dates from a 1929 Montana Wildlife magazine article by J.H. Hicken. A taxidermy furry trout produced by Ross C. Jobe is a specimen at the Royal Museum of Scotland; it is a trout with white rabbit fur "ingeniously" attached. There are no real examples of any fur-bearing trout species, but two examples of hair-like growths on fish are known. The "cotton mold", Saprolegnia, can infect fish, which can result in the appearance of fish covered in the white "fur". A real fish, Mirapinna esau, also known as the "Hairy Fish", has hairlike outgrowths and wings. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)14:29:08 No.17279425 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)19:29:08 No.17279425▶

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The hodag is a folkloric animal of the American state of Wisconsin. Its history is focused mainly around the city of Rhinelander in northern Wisconsin, where it was said to have been discovered. It is also mentioned in several Paul Bunyan stories. In 1893, newspapers reported the discovery of a hodag in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. It had "the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end". The reports were instigated by well-known Wisconsin land surveyor, timber cruiser and prankster Eugene Shepard, who rounded up a group of local people to capture the animal. The group reported that they needed to use dynamite to kill the beast. A photograph of the remains of the charred beast was released to the media. It was "the fiercest, strangest, most frightening monster ever to set razor sharp claws on the earth. It became extinct after its main food source, all white bulldogs, became scarce in the area.

Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)18:04:30 No.17279996 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)23:04:30 No.17279996▶


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Melon Heads is the name given to legendary beings and urban legends in parts of Michigan, Ohio, and Connecticut generally described as small humanoids with bulbous heads, theorized in the 1970's, who occasionally emerge from hiding places to attack people. Different variations of the legend attribute different origins. The melon heads of Michigan are said to reside around Felt Mansion, although they have also been reportedly seen in southern forested areas of Ottawa County.[1] According to one story, they were originally children with hydrocephalus who lived at the Junction Insane Asylum near Felt Mansion.[1] The story explains that, after enduring physical and emotional abuse, they became feral mutants and were released into the forests surrounding the asylum. The Allegan County Historical Society asserts that the asylum never existed, although it was at one point a prison;[2] however, the story has been part of the local folklore for several decades. Laketown Township Manager Al Meshkin told the Holland Sentinel that he had heard the tales as a teenager, noting that his friends referred to the beings as "wobbleheads". Some versions of the legend say that the children once lived in the mansion itself, but later retreated to a system of underground caverns. Other versions of this legend say that the children devised a plan to escape and kill the doctor that abused them. It is said that the children had no place to hide the body, so they cut it up in small pieces which they hid around the Mansion. Rumors exist that teenagers who had broken into the mansion saw ghosts of the children and claimed to see shadows of the doctor's murder through the light coming from an open door. The legend has spread throughout the region, even becoming the subject of a 2011 film simply titled The Melonheads, which is based around the West Michigan legend >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)18:06:10 No.17280004 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)23:06:10 No.17280004▶


>>17279996 The melon head stories of Ohio are primarily associated with the Cleveland suburb of Kirtland. According to local lore, the melon heads were originally orphans under the watch of a mysterious figure known as Dr. Crow (sometimes spelled Crowe, Trubaino, Krohe or Kroh or known as Dr.

Melonhead[5]). Crow is said to have performed unusual experiments on the children, who developed large, hairless heads and malformed bodies.[6] Some accounts claim that the children were already suffering from hydrocephalus, and that Crow injected even more fluid into their brains.[5] Eventually, the legend continues, the children killed Crow, burned the orphanage, and retreated to the surrounding forests and supposedly feed on babies. Legend holds that the melon heads may be sighted along Wisner Road in Kirtland, and Chardon Township.[6][7] The melon head legend has been popularized on the Internet, particularly on the websites Creepy Cleveland and DeadOhio where users offer their own versions of the story.[8] A movie, "Legend of the Melonheads" was released in 2011 which is based on the Ohio legend and various other legends in the Kirtland area.[9] In 2015, a novel titled "Attack of the Melonheads", written by Bob Gray, Solon Tsangaras and Gary Lee Vincent, was published by Burning Bulb Publishing and based on Bob Gray's screenplay by the same name >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)18:07:12 No.17280010 Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)23:07:12 No.17280010▶

>>17280004 Several variations of the Melon Head legend can be found throughout Southwest Connecticut, especially in eastern Fairfield County and western New Haven County, Connecticut. In eastern Fairfield County many tales can be found in Trumbull, Shelton, Stratford, Monroe, Easton and Weston. In western New Haven County tales can be found in towns like Seymour, Oxford, Milford, and Southbury. There are two primary Connecticut variations.[11] According to the first variation of the myth, Fairfield County was the location of an asylum for the criminally insane that burned down in the fall of 1960, resulting in the death of all of the staff and most of the patients with 10-20 inmates unaccounted for, supposedly having survived and escaped to the woods. The legend states that the melon heads' appearance is the result of them having resorted to cannibalism in order to survive the harsh winters of the region, and due to inbreeding, which in turn caused them to develop hydrocephalus. Some of the possible inspiration of these legends may be attributed by the now defunct Fairfield Hills State Mental Hospital in Newtown as well as the Garner Correctional Institution, also located in Newtown, CT as well as the Federal Correctional Institution located in near by Danbury. Also this area of Fairfield County has been historically a rural area filled with farms and forests. The proximity of several criminal and psychiatric institutions located in rural areas of the county may have contributed elements to the legend of the Melon heads'. According to the second variation, the melon heads are descendants of a Colonial era family from Shelton-Trumbull who were banished after accusations of witchcraft were made against them causing them to retreat to the woods. As with the first legend, this variation attributes the appearance of the melon heads to inbreeding.[12] Melon Heads allegedly prey upon humans who wander into their territory >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)21:10:37 No.17280776 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)02:10:37 No.17280776▶

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The Axehandle Hound (sometimes spelled as axhandle hound, ax-handle hound, or similar), is an American fearsome critter of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Overall, it resembles a dog with a roughly axe-like shape. It has a head shaped like an axe blade hence the name, complemented by a handleshaped body atop short stubby legs. It subsists on a diet consisting entirely on the handles of axes which have been left unattended.[1] A nocturnal[2] creature, the axehandle hound travels from camp to camp searching for its next meal.[3] In Minnesota, there is a canoe-access campground named AxHandle Hound after the folklore creature. It can be found on the Little Fork River near Voyageurs National Park and very near the town of Linden Grove. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)21:46:14 No.17280935 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)02:46:14 No.17280935▶

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The skunk ape, also known as the swamp cabbage man, swamp ape, stink ape, Florida Bigfoot, myakka ape, swampsquatch, and myakka skunk ape, is a hominid cryptid said to inhabit the U.S. states of Florida,[1] North Carolina, and Arkansas, although reports from Florida are more common. It is named for its appearance and for the unpleasant odor that is said to accompany it. According to the United States National Park Service, the skunk ape does not exist.[2] Reports of the skunk ape were particularly common in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1974, sightings of a large, foul-smelling, hairy, ape-like creature, which ran upright on two legs were reported in suburban neighborhoods of Dade County, Florida. Skeptical investigator Joe Nickell has written that some of the reports may represent sightings of the black bear (Ursus americanus) and it is likely that other sightings are hoaxes or misidentification of wildlife In 2000, two photographs said to be of the skunk ape were taken by an anonymous woman and mailed to the Sheriff's Department of Sarasota County, Florida. The photographs were accompanied by a letter from the woman in which she claimed to have photographed an ape in her backyard.[4] The woman wrote that on three different nights, an ape had entered her backyard to take apples left on her back porch. She was convinced the ape was an escaped orangutan.

The pictures have become known to Bigfoot enthusiasts as the "skunk ape photos".[5] Loren Coleman is the primary researcher on the photographs, having helped track down the two photographs to an "Eckerd photo lab at the intersection of Fruitville and Tuttle Roads" in Sarasota, Florida.[6] According to Chester Moore, Jr., the photographs were taken in Sarasota County near the Myakka River. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)22:13:23 No.17281074 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)03:13:23 No.17281074▶


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Man-eating tree can refer to any of various legendary or cryptid carnivorous plants large enough to kill and consume a person or other large animal.[1] The carnivorous plant with the largest known traps is probably Nepenthes rajah, which produces pitchers up to 38 cm (15 in) tall with a volume up to 3.5 litres (0.77 imp gal; 0.92 US gal).[2] This species may rarely trap small mammals The earliest well-known report of a man-eating tree originated as a literary fabrication written by Edmund Spencer for the New York World.[4] Spencer's article first appeared in the daily edition of the New York World on 26 April 1874, and appeared again in the weekly edition of the newspaper two days later.[5] In the article, a letter was published by a purported German explorer named "Karl Liche" (also spelled as Carl Liche in later accounts), who provided a report of encountering a sacrifice performed by the "Mkodo tribe" of Madagascar:[6] This story was picked up by many other newspapers of the day, including the South Australian Register of 27 October 1874,[7] where it gained even greater notoriety. Describing the tree, the account related: The slender delicate palpi, with the fury of starved serpents, quivered a moment over her head, then as if instinct with demoniac intelligence fastened upon her in sudden coils round and round her neck and arms; then while her awful screams and yet more awful laughter rose wildly to be instantly strangled down again into a gurgling moan, the tendrils one after another, like great green serpents, with brutal energy and infernal rapidity, rose, retracted themselves, and wrapped her about in fold after fold, ever tightening with cruel swiftness and savage tenacity of anacondas fastening upon their prey >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)22:19:21 No.17281093 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)03:19:21 No.17281093▶

>>17281074 Phil Robinson, writing in Under the Punkah (1881), related the tales of his "uncle's" travels throughout the world. He described a "man-eating tree" that was to be found in "Nubia". In the tale, Robinson's uncle describes the tree: This awful plant, that rears its splendid death-shade in the central solitude of a Nubian fern forest, sickens by its unwholesome humours all vegetation from its immediate vicinity, and feeds upon the wild beasts that, in the terror of the chase, or the heat of noon, seek the thick shelter of its boughs ; upon the birds that, flitting across the open space, come within the charmed circle of its power, or innocently refresh themselves from the cups of its great waxen flowers ; upon even man himself when, an infrequent prey, the savage seeks its asylum in the storm, or turns from the harsh footwounding sword-grass of the glade, to pluck the wondrous fruit that hang plumb down among the wondrous foliage. And such fruit ! Glorious golden ovals, great honey drops, swelling by their own weight into pear-shaped translucencies. The foliage glistens with a strange dew, that all day long drips on to the ground below, nurturing a rank growth of grasses, which shoot up in places so high that their spikes of fierce blood-fed green show far up among the deep-tinted foliage of the terrible tree, and, like a jealous body-guard, keep concealed the fearful secret of the charnel-house within, and draw round the black roots of the murderous plant a decent screen of living green.[11] The story continues in describing how the tree captured and ate one of the uncle's native companions, and how the uncle proceeded to shoot at the tree. When his ammunition was finally exhausted, the uncle continued his work using a knife to destroy the tree, as the tree fought back with its blood-sucking leaves, and entangling limbs. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)23:54:23 No.17281471 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)04:54:23 No.17281471▶

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The cryptid named Old Yellow Top is a 7 feet (2.1 m) Sasquatch-like creature that was sighted several times around the town of Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. Descriptions of the creature by eyewitnesses closely resemble that of a Sasquatch; however, it has a blonde patch of hair on its head and a lightcoloured mane, hence its name. Alleged sightings have taken place over a 64 year period, with the first reported sighting in September 1906, the same year in which the silver boom-town of Cobalt was founded. Another sighting occurred again in July 1923 when two prospectors, experienced woodsmen named J. A. MacAuley and Lorne Wilson, were taking test samples of their mining claims northeast of Wettlaufer Mine near Cobalt. They then they saw what initially looked to be a bear feasting in a blueberry patch. With courage that bordered on recklessness, Mr. Wilson threw a stone at the animal.

The creature stood up, growled, and ran into the night. Wilson said that the head was kind of yellow and the rest of it was black like a bear, but he never seen such a bear. >> Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)23:56:24 No.17281479 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)04:56:24 No.17281479▶

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Yowie, also known as Yayhoo, Youree, or Yahoo is a fanged humanoid marsupial, more likely a great ape, featured in Aboriginal mythology along with Australian Raptors and Burrunjor. The Yowie is considered to be the Australian Bigfoot, and contain many primate like features, possibly indicating that it is an undiscovered species of great ape (gigantopithecus) or prehistoric human. The Yowie is described as being one of the most aggressive Sasquatch species, and has been reported tearing heads off of kangaroos and dogs. It has been seen attacking humans as well. However, that is rare. The Yowie is described to be around 4 to 9 feet tall, with a large red mouth and talon-like claws according to Aborginal legends. It is also noted that the Yowie contained two large fang-like canines which distinguish the Yowie from other Bigfoot species. It usually has brown or reddish fur. >> Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)00:21:58 No.17281574 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)05:21:58 No.17281574▶

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There have been reports of "Devil monkeys" which are large baboon like primates that are now being spotted in the wooded areas of Flagstaff, Arizona. The eye witness said that she noticed her dog was acting very agitated when they we're on they're hike through Mt. Elden forest trail, when she noticed a small group of primitive looking creatures scurrying through the rocks. She described them as 4-5 feet tall, very quick and agile. These so called creatures are called "Devil Monkeys" in other places of the United States. There have also been other sightings in other states such as New Mexico, Utah and Colorado. Unique breeds of monkey have been described as being about 3 to 4 feet tall, although some eyewitnesses have sworn that these furry fiends can reach a height that is in excess of 7 feet. It seems clear, however, that those who have had an encounter with this larger version of the beast are actually describing a run-in with a prototypical hairy humanoid and not the smaller, more primate-like Devil Monkey. Unlike the legendarily gorilla-like Bigfoot or Yeti , these creatures — which have been seen throughout the American South and Mid-West and as far North as Alaska — have been described as a shaggy, canine-faced baboon-like creatures with powerful, almost kangaroo-like legs, a trait they share with the South America’s notorious “goat sucker” the chupacabra. Other distinguishing traits that Devil Monkeys are said to bear include 3-toed, razor-clawed feet, tiny pointed ears and a long, often bushy, tail. The first reported encounter with


Creatures Thread 2 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)08:10:28 No.17282444▶


The Arica Monster is said to be a large surviving member of the dromaeosaurids that inhabits the vast Atacama desert of Chile, South America. It has descriptions of that of a dromaeosaur and a kangaroo. Various motorists driving the main road linking Iquique and Arica have reported a 6-foot tall sharptoothed bipedal dinosaur crossing the road in front of them. It has been said that it has three-toed footprints, characteristic of that of a primitive dinosaur, kangaroo, or even emu. In Destination Truth, it is described as a dinosaur-like bird >> Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)03:17:58 No.17282477 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)08:17:58 No.17282477▶


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The Behemoth is a giant land monster in Jewish literature, and also is mentioned in the Bible. It is often depicted with the Leviathan and some say it resembles a large hippo, elephant or other land beast. Some theorists claim that it could have even been a dinosaur such as a sauropod. The behemoth is mentioned in the Book of Job in the Old Testament. ''Behold now Behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.'' - Job 40 15-24 (KJV) . Some people suggest that the writings about the Behemoth support the modern existence of such a creature. >> Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)03:21:16 No.17282491 Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)08:21:16 No.17282491▶


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Gambo" (also called Kunthum Belein in the native tongue) is the name given to a carcass of an unidentified large marine animal that was reportedly washed up on Bungalow Beach (near Gambia River delta) in The Gambia.

The Georgia Raptor is a Troodon-like creature said to have been sighted in Georgia, U.S. On July 25, 2008, an 18-year-old man and his grandfather were hunting deer at night in Georgia when they saw an animal which they described as closely resembling a raptor (from the popular Jurassic Park movies). It has been suggested that it might have actually been a Troodon

The Hudson River Monster or Kipsy is the name given to a reputed river monster living in the Hudson River. There is currently no scientific evidence for the cryptid's existence, although an unusually large Manatee was spotted in the river at various locations between Manhattan and Poughkeepsie in 2006.

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