CreativeWriting12 - Q1 - Mod2 - Reading and Writing Poetry and Fiction - v5

August 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Grkftavk Yrataji Vufrtkr 6  Dohuck 2 ‗

Rkfhaji fjh Yrataji ^oktry fjh Eagtaoj




Grkftavk Yrataji ‗ Irfhk 62  Fc tkr jft av k Hkca vkr y Do Dohk hk Vufrt Vuf rt kr 6  ‗ Dohuck 20 20 Rkf Rkfhaji haji fjh Yrat aji ^oktr y fjh E Eagt agt aoj Wkgojh Wk gojh Khatao j, 2>2 2>26 6 Rkpubcag Fgt =217, skgtaoj 695  stftks tmft0 Jo gopyraimt smfcc subsast aj fjy worl oe

tmk Iovkrjdkjt oe tmk ^macappajks. ^macappajks. Mowkvkr, praor fpprovfc oe tmk iovkrjdkjt fikjgy or oeeagk wmkrkaj tmk worl as grkftkh smfcc bk jkgkssfry eor kxpcoatftaoj oe sugm worl eor proeat. Wugm fikjgy or oeeagk dfy, fdoji otmkr tmajis, adposk fs f gojhataoj tmk pfydkjt oe royfctaks. Borrowkh dftkrafcs (a.k., sojis, storaks, pokds, pagturks, pmotos, brfjh jfdks, trfhkdfrls, ktg.) ajgcuhkh aj tmas bool frk owjkh by tmkar rkspkgtavk gopyraimt mochkrs. Kvkry keeort mfs bkkj kxkrtkh to cogftk fjh skkl pkrdassaoj to usk tmksk dftkrafcs erod tmkar rkspkgtavk gopyraimt owjkrs. Xmk pubcasmkr fjh futmors ho jot rrkprkskjt kprkskjt jor gcfad owjkrsmap ovkr tmkd. ^ubcasmkh by tmk Hkpfrtdkjt oe Khugftaoj ‗ Havasaoj oe Dasfdas Orakjtfc. Hkvkcopdkjt Hk vkcopdkjt Xkfd Xkfd o e tmk Dohuck Yratkrs0

Rmkzf Dfk Dfk D. ^fgut Haojjat f H. ^fhk ^fhkrfjif rfjif @krkdy G. Wubfcho Wubfcho Wub`kgt Frkf Wpkgafcasts0 Haojjat f H. ^f ^fhkrfjif hkrfjif Bkvkrcy Mfzkc Mfzkc X. Wf Wfcaca iudbf   Wgmooc ^rajgapfc AA Cfjiufik Wpkgafcasts0 @ujfcak K. If Ifcfrro cfrro zf Gyjtmaf Rosf M. Orhajfj Accustrftor0  Fr akc F. Xfr ug ugfj fj

Hkvkcopdkjt Xkfd0 Gmfarpkrsoj0 Go-Gmfarpkrsojs0

Hr. Frtur o B. Bfyog ot, GKWO AAA Rkiaojfc Harkgtor Hr. Uagtor I. Hk Irfgaf @r. GKWO U  Fssastfjt Rki aojfc Harkgtor Harkgto r @ojft mfjRkiaojfc W. hkc hkcf f ^köf, ^mH, G GKWO KWO U Wgmoocs Havasaoj Wupkrajtkjhkjt Jade f R. Cfio, ^mH, GKWO U UAA  Fssastfjt Wgmoocs Wgmoocs Havasaoj Wupkrajtkjhk Wupkrajtkjhkjt jt Dfcf Kprf B. Dfijfoji, Gmake KW, GCDH  GCDH 


Dfraf Kdkrfch F. Gfbaifs,^mH K^W-CRDW Gfbaifs,^mH  K^W-CRDW< Bakjvkjah o [. Xfiocado Xfiocado t, @r., ^mH,  K^W-FHD< Krcajhf I. Hfkc, ^mH, GAH Gmake < Dfraf Xkrksf D. Fbsaj, ^mH WIOH Gmake < Gk Gkcakto cakto B. Dfisfyo , CRDW Dfjfikr < Coug ack C. ^fgcfr  ^fgcfr , Cabrfrafj AA< Lad Krag I. Cubiubfj , ^HO AA 

^rajtkh aj tmk ^macappajks by Hkpfrtdkjt Hk pfrtdkjt oe Khugftaoj  ‗ Havasaoj oe Dasfdas Orakjtfc Orakjtfc

Oeeagk Fhhrkss0

Hkc ^acfr gorjkr Ukckz Wtrkkt, Briy. 21, Gfifyfj hk Oro Gaty 1>>>

Xkckefx0 K-dfac Fhhrkss0

(>==) ==6-7>18 | Xkxt0 >169-=11228; (Icobk)    aa


62 Grkftavk Yrataji Vufrtkr 6  Dohuck 2 ‗

Rkfhaji fjh Yrataji ^oktry fjh Eagtaoj





Ymft A Jkkh Xo Ljow


Xmajis to Rkdkdbkr Xo Ikt Xmrouim



Ymft A Jkkh Xo Ljow


Ymft A Ljow


Ymft's Jkw


Ymft As At


Ymft's Dork


Ymft A Mfvk Ckfrjkh





Ymft A Jkkh Xo Ljow


Ymft A Ljow



Ymft As At



Ymft‑s Jkw 



Ymft's Dork











Xmas skgojh skce-ckfrjaji dohuck oe Grkftavk Yrataji eor Wkjaor Maim Wgmooc stuhkjts as hksaijkh to provahk ckfrjkrs watm f bkttkr ujhkrstfjhaji oe tmk kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj spkgaeag eords oe poktry fs wkcc fs aj vfraous dohks oe eagtaoj. Aj tmas dohuck, tmk stuhkjts wacc bk fbck to kjtkr ajto tmk worch oe poktry fjh eagtaoj tmrouim vfraous fgtavataks, spkgaeagfccy wrataji fgtavataks, wmagm kjfbck tmk ckfrjkrs to put ajto prfgtagk fcc tmk tmajis wmagm frk dkjtaojkh mkrk.  Fetkr stuhyaji tmas dohuck, you wacc bk fbck fbck to0 6. ahkjtaey tmk vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj spkgaeag eords oe poktry, 2. wratk f smort pokd fppcyaji tmk vfraous kckdkjts fjh catkrfry hkvagks kxpcoraji ajjovftavk tkgmjaquks, 7. ahkjtaey tmk vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj vfraous dohks oe eagtaoj, fjh 8. wratk `ourjfc kjtraks fjh otmkr smort godposataojs kxpcoraji lky kckdkjts oe eagtaoj.


Xo ckfrj fjh bkjkeat erod tmas dohuck, eoccow tmk stkps bkcow0 bkcow 0 6. Rkfh tmk dohuc dohuck k tatck fjh tmk dohuck ajtrohugtaoj to ikt fj ahkf oe wmft tmk dohuck govkrs. Wpkgaeagfccy, rkfh tmk earst two skgtaojs oe tmas dohuck gfrkeuccy. Xmk earst skgtaoj tkccs you wmft tmas dohuck as fcc fbout wmack tmk skgojh skgtaoj tkccs you oe wmft you frk kxpkgtkh to ckfrj. 2. Jkvkr dovk oj to tmk jkxt pfik ujckss you mfvk hojk wmft you frk kxpkgtkh to ho aj tmk prkvaous pfik. Bkeork you stfrt kfgm ckssoj, rkfh earst tmk AJWXR[GXAOJW. 7. Yorl tmk fgtavataks. Xflk jotk oe tmk slaccs tmft kfgm fgtavaty as mkcpaji you tooj hkvkcop. 6



8. Xflk tmk ^ost-Xkst fetkr you frk hojk watm fcc tmk ckssojs fjh fjh fgtavataks aj tmk dohuck. ;. Dkkt watm your tkfgmkr. Fsl mad/mkr fbout fjy haeeagucty or gojeusaoj you mfvk kjgoujtkrkh aj tmas dohuck. 5. Eajfccy, prkpfrk fjh iftmkr fc fccc your out outputs puts fjh ssubdat ubdat tmkd to your tkfgmkr. 9. ^ckfsk wratk fcc your fjs fjswkrs wkrs oe tmk tks tksts, ts, fgtavataks, kxkrgasks, fjh otmkrs oj your skpfrftk fgtavaty jotkbool.






f. Ahkjtaey tmk vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj poktry. M[DWW_GY/D^66/62g-e-5   b. Yratk f smort pokd fppcyaji ttmk mk vfraous kckdkjts, ttkgmjaquks, kgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks kxpcoraji ajjovftavk tkgmjaquks. M[DWW_GY/D^66/62g-e-6>  


 Ft tmk kjh oe tmas ckssoj, tmk ckfrjkrs frk kxpkgtkh kxpkgtkh to0 6. 2. 7.

ahkjtaey poktry fjh ats vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj spkgaeag eords oe poktry< rkgoijazk tmk adportfjgk oe ujhkrstfjhaji tmk vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj wrataji f pokd< fjh wratk f smort pokd fppcyaji tmk vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks fjh catkrfry hkvagks.


Ajstrugtaojs0 Rkgfcc wmft you mfvk ckfrjkh fbout poktry. Rkfh fjh fjswkr tmk

eoccowaji stftkdkjts. Yratk tmk ckttkr oe your fjswkr aj your jotkbool.

6. Ymft typk oe catkrfturk wmkrkaj worhs frk pcfgkh toiktmkr to eord soujhs fjh adfiks? f. eagtaoj b. hrfdf g. poktry h. kssfy 2. Ymft typk oe pokd tmft as katmkr poktag or dusagfc   wmagm tkccs tmk tfcks oe orhajfry pkopck? f. kpag b. kckiy g. ohk h. bfccfh 7. Ymagm oe tmk eoccowaji as fj kx kxfdpck fdpck oe fccatkrftaoj or   tmk rkpktataoj oe ajatafc soujhs oj tmk sfdk cajk or stfjzf? f. Bai hoi kfts tmk gmagl g. Mk as dy ljaimt tojaimt b. Hfdskc aj hastrkss h. Mkr caps frk calk rosk 7



8. Xmk eoccowaji frk kckdk kckdkjts jts oe poktry, K]GK^X OJK0 f. ajtrohugtaoj g. adfikry b. eord h. cajk ;. F vkrsk as f jfdk eor f cacajk jk oe poktry wr wrattkj attkj aj dktkr. Ymagm oe tmk eoccowaji as ajgorrkgt? f. pkjtfdktkr ‗ ; dktkr g. tktrfdktkr ‗ 8 dktkr b. ogtodktkr ‗ 6 eoot

h. mkptfdktkr ‗ 9 dktkr

5. Xmas rkekrs to tmk usk oe skjsory hktfacs or hksgraptaojs tmft fppkfc fppkfc to ojk or dork oe tmk eavk skjsks. f. adfikry g. eaiurks oe Wpkkgm b. eaiurftavk Cfjiufik h. poajt oe Uakw 9. Cajks oe poktry frk frrfjikh ajto iroups gfcckh ________. f. sadacks b. stfjzfs g. skttajis h. storaks =. ^oktry tmft hoks jot eoccow f spkgaeag spkgaeag eord fjh hoks jot m mfvk fvk to rmydk as ljowj fs ____________ poktry. f. gajqufaj b. erkk vkrsk g. mfalu h. cadkragl 1. Dktfpmors, sadacks, ojodftopok ojodftopokaf, af, fjh pkrsojaeagftaoj frk fcc kxfdpcks oe wmft? f. eaiurftavk cfjiufik g. typks oe spkkgmks b. kckdkjts oe poktry h. typks oe poktry 6>. Wmk graks calk f gfjhck as fj kxfdpck oe wmft catkrfry c atkrfry hkvagk? f. pkrsojaeagftaoj b. sadack g. dktfpmor h. gojsojfjgk





 Fg t av at y 6. Oj tmk spfgk provahkh bkcow, wratk ojk (6) stfjzf oe your efvoratk soji

fjh fjswkr tmk qukstaojs tmft eoccow.  ______________________________________  ___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  _______________________________  __________________ ________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ___________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ _____________________________ _______________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ ________________________________ _____________________________ ________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __


6. Ymy hah you gmoosk tmas stfjzf erod your efvoratk soji?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ _____________________________ _______________ 2. Ymft as tmk dks dkssfik sfik oe tmk soji?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  _______________________________  __________________ ________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ___________ 7. Mow hoks tmk soji rkcftk to your caek?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  _______________________________  ______________ ____________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ___________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __




8. Mow hah yyou ou ljow tmft f soji as f pokd?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ _____________________________ _______________ ;. Aj your owj ahkf, wmft as f pokd?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ______________________________________  ___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  _______________________________  __________________ ________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ___________



Ymft as ^oktry? ^oktry as f typk oe catkrfturk wmkrkaj worhs frk pcfgkh toiktmkr to eord soujhs

fjh adfiks fjh eoccows stragtcy tmk rucks oe dktkr fjh rmydk. ^oktry as bkcakvkh fs tmk ochkst eord oe catkrfturk. Xmk ochkst wrattkj dfjusgrapts wk mfvk frk pokds, dostcy kpag pokds tkccaji tmk storaks oe fjgakjt dytmocoiy sugm fs tmk sfgrkh tkxts oe Majhuasd - Kpag oe Iacifdksm fjh tmk Ukhfs. ^okds gojvky tmouimts fjh tkcc storaks aj f cyragfc frrfjikdkjt oe worhs. Xmksk frk ajhucikh watm cots oe adfikry a dfikry fjh dktfpmors tmft frk dfhk up oe erfidkjts rftmkr tmfj irfddftagfccy gorrkgt skjtkjgks.

Wax Dost Adportfjt Kckdkjts oe ^ok ^oktry try 6.

Eord  ‗ tmk wfy f pokd cools, ats pmysagfc strugturk or ats frrfjikdkjt oj tmk Eord ‗ pfik. F pokd dfy mfvk fjy judbkr oe cajks or vkrsk, rmydk sgmkdk, stfjzf  (cajks tmft frk iroupkh toiktmkr), fjh/or dktragfc pfttkrj   (wmagm

adposks spkgaeag ckjitm fjh kdpmfsas oj f iavkj cajk oe poktry) , but at ggfj fj stacc bk gcfssaeakh fggorhaji to ats eord or styck. F pokd dfy bk erkk vkrsk (cfgls f gojsastkjt rmydk sgmkdk, dktragfc pfttkrj, or dusagfc eord), bcfjl vkrsk (wrattkj watm f prkgask dktkr ‘fcdost fcwfys afdbag pkjtfdktkr ‘tmft hoks jot rmydk), fjh rmydkh poktry (rmydks by hkeajataoj but tmk sgmkdk vfraks)   Mkrk frk tmk tmrkk dost god doj typks oe pokds  fggorhaji to eord0    Cyrag ^ok ^oktry try 0 Xmas as tmk usufc typk oe tmk dohkrj pokds. At as fjy pokd


watm f spkflkr wmo kxprkssks stroji tmouimts fjh ekkcajis. 5



Kxfdpcks 0 Ohk - as f trabutk to ats sub`kgt, fctmouim tmk sub`kgt jkkh jot

bk hkfh, fjh mfs kcfborftkh stfjzf pfttkrj Kckiy - mfs jo skt dktrag pfttkrj fjh as wrattkj to dourj fjh rkdajasgk tmk hkfh Wojjkt - as f 68-cajk pokd wmagm eogusks oj tmk topag oe covk. Ats two typks frk tmk Atfcafj or ^ktrfrgmfj wmagm gojsasts oe fj ogtfvk (kaimt cajks) fjh f skstkt (sax cajks) fjh Wmflkspkfrkfj/ Kcazfbktmfj  wmagm gojsasts oe tmrkk quftrfajs (eour cajks kfgm) fjh f gojgcuhaji goupckt (two cajks). cajks) .   Jfrrftav Jfrrftav k ^okd0  At as f pokd tmft tkccs or jfrrftks f story < ats strugturk rkskdbcks tmk pcot cajk oe f story \a.k. tmk ajtrohugtaoj oe gojecagt fjh gmfrfgtkrs, rasaji fgtaoj, gcadfx fjh tmk hkjoukdkjtT.


Kxfdpcks0 Bfccfh - as f pokd tmft as katmkr poktag or dusagfc  wmagm tkccs tmk

tfcks oe orhajfry pkopck. At usufccy eoccows f rmydkh quftrfajs or gajqufajs.  Kpag - as ckjitmy fjh hkfcs watm tmk eoujhaji oe f jftaoj or fjy mkroag tmkdks by f gkrtfaj eaiurk or gmfrfgtkr erod f hastfjt pfst.     Hksgraptavk ^okd0  At as f pokd tmft hksgrabks tmk worch  tmft surroujhs tmk spkflkr wmagm usks kcfborftk adfikry a dfikry fjh fh`kgtavks fjh dork pkrsojfc fjh ajtrospkgtavk tmfj tmk cyrag poktry.


Kxfdpck0 ^fstor ^f stor fc ^ ^oktry oktry  ‗ gojgkrjs tmk rkcftaojsmap bktwkkj mudfj fjh tmk jfturfc worch. 


Adfikry  ‗  as bkcakvkh to bk tmk ojcy tmaji tmft wacc dflk your poktry powkreuc

fjh kjtagaji. Xmksk frk dkjtfc pagturks tmk pokt grkftks tmrouim cfjiufik. 7.

Rmydk ‗ as tmk rkpktataoj oe sadacfr soujhs< tmk dost goddoj lajh oe rmydk as tmk kjh rmydk wmagm oggurs ft tmk kjh oe two or dork cajks.   Kxfdpck0 Xmk doujtfaj as maim  maim   But you gfj‑t tflk dk maimkr. maimkr.   Xmk ckfvks frk hr y    Fjh your mfjhs frk gochkr. gochkr.  

Xmk rmydk sgmkdk oe tmk pokd as fb fb. 8.

Woujh  ‗  rkajeorgks tmk dkfjaji oe tmk pokd fjh tmk rmytmd ioks fcoji watm at.  9



  Xwo Woujh ^f ^fttkrjs ttkrjs Kupmojy - worhs frk gmoskj eor tmkar soet gojsojfjt soujhs fjh dkcohaous qufcaty (C, O, W, WM, D, J, Q, Y, [, ^M, F)


Wmk covks swaddaji fjh sjorlkcaji. Gfgopmo Gf gopmo jy - worhs frk gmoskj eor tmkar mfrh soujhs fjh ikjkrfc

objoxaousjkss (L, @, X, V, U, G, ], I, P, GM)   Xmk Laji fjh Vukkj frk gmacc.

Goddoj typks oe soujh pcfy kdpmfsazk ajhavahufc soujhs bktwkkj fjh watmaj worhs0  Fc ca tkr ft ftao aoj0 j0  tmk rkpktataoj oe ajatafc soujhs oj tmk sfdk cajk or stfjzf Kxfdpck0 Gftmkrajk‑s g utk g ocoreuc g occfr  Fs so jfj jfjgk0 gk0  tmk rkpktataoj oe  vowkc  vowkc  soujhs (fjywmkrk aj tmk dahhck or

kjh oe f cajk or stfjzf) Kxfdpck0 Gm Gmaa cca cca ji wmack mfva mfva ji gma gma tgmfts rkpktataoj taoj oe gojsojfjt soujhs (fj (fjywmkrk ywmkrk aj tmk Gojsojfjgk0  tmk rkpkta dahhck or kjh oe f cajk or stfjzf) Kxfdpck0 Wmk as prktt prkttakr akr fjh bktt bktt kr watm ^kt ^kt kr Ojodftopokaf0  worhs tmft soujh calk tmft wmagm tmky hksgrabk

Kxfdpck0 Bood! Gcfp! Mass! Rofr! Rkpktataoj0  tmk rkpktataoj oe kjtark cajks or pmrfsks to kdpmfsazk lky

tmkdftag ahkfs fjh ekkcajis. ^frfcckc Wtrugturk0   f eord oe rkpktataoj wmkrk tmk orhkr oe vkrbs fjh

joujs as rkpkftkh< at dfy ajvocvk kxfgt worhs, but at dork adportfjtcy rkpkfts skjtkjgk strugturk Kxfdpck0 A gfj, A ho, A wacc. ;.

Cajk  ‗  as f vkry adportfjt pfrt oe f poktry eor at as calk ojk skjtkjgk. At as jot

jkgkssfry to put f pkraoh ft tmk kjh oe kfgm cajk sajgk poktry hoks jot gojeord to irfddfr rucks.  Kxfdpcks oe pokds gcfssaeakh aj tmk judbkr oe cajks0 6. Wojjkt ‗ 68 cajks 2. Mfalu ‗ 7 cajk 7. Cadkragl ‗ ; cajks




  Ukrsk - F jfdk eor f cajk oe poktry wrattkj aj dktkr. Jfdkh fggorhaji to tmk judbkr oe –Ekkt— pkr cajk.   Kxfdpck0 Dojodktkr  ‗ ojk eoot Hadktkr  ‗ two ekkt Xradkstkr  ‗ tmrkk ekkt Xktrfdktkr  ‗ eour ekkt

^kjtfdktkr Mkxfdktkr Mkptfdktkr Ogtodktkr 5.

 ‗ eavk ekkt  ‗ sax ekkt  ‗ skvkj dktkr  ‗ kaimt dktkr

Wtfjzfs  ‗ ‗ frk f skraks oe cajks iroupkh toiktmkr fjh skpfrftkh by fj kdpty cajk erod otmkr stfjzfs.  At as f havasaoj aj f pokd jfdkh eor tmk judbkr oe cajks

at gojtfajs fjh frk tmk kquavfckjt oe f pfrfirfpm aj fj kssfy. Kxfdpcks0 Goupckt two - cajk stfjzf  ‗  Xrapckt tmrkk - cajk stfjzf  ‗  Vuftrfaj eour - cajk stfjzf  ‗  Wkstkt sax - cajk stfjzf  ‗   ‗  Wkptkt skvkj - cajk stfjzf Ogtfvk kaimt - cajk stfjzf  ‗  Catkrfry Hkvagks [skh aj ^oktry ^oktry

 Fs pubcasmkh by Rugmalf Iuptf aj WuggkssGHs wkbsatk (mttps0//www.suggkssghs.jkt/ckfrj-kjicasm/catkrfry-hkvagks-aj-pokds.mtdc mttps0//www.suggkssghs.jkt/ckfrj-kjicasm/catkrfry-hkvagks-aj-pokds.mtdc)), tmk eoccowaji frk sodk oe tmk catkrfry hkvagks/tkgmjaquks/eaiurftavk cfjiufiks uskh by tmk pokt to fhh ujaquk styck aj wrataji0   Wadack Wadack.. Godpfrasoj oe two tmajis usaji tmk worhs –calk— or –fs.—   Kxfdpck0

Erakjhs frk calk sujecowkrs aj tmk ifrhkj.    Fj fpm fpmor or f0 Xmk rkpkftkh usk oe worh ft tmk stfrt oe two or dork gojskgutavk

cajks. Kxfdpck0 Gcfss








Wfah tmk eroi0 A trakh to tkfgm mkr, But smk wfs f stupah grkfturk Efr too jkrvous, efr too tkjsk. Efr too projk to ajecukjgk.     Fj t at mks as 0  [sk oe opposatk worhs aj gcosk pcfgkdkjt Kxfdpck0

Gcfss 6> pokd- Xmk Eroi fjh tmk jaimtajifck  –Kvkry jaimt erod husl to hfwj—   1



 kxfiikrftaoj   Mypkrbock0 At as f Irkkl worh dkfjaji –ovkrgfstaji—. Xmk usk oe  kxfiikrftaoj to cfy kdpmfsas. 

Kxfdpck0 Gcfss 6> pokd- Ozydfjhafs  –Dy jfdk as Ozydfjhafs, Laji oe lajis— 

  Dktfpmor0 At as ajharkgt godpfrasoj by maimcaimtaji f pfrtagucfr qufcaty oe two tmajis. Kxfdpck0

^okd- Xmk Eroi fjh tmk jaimtajifck  –Qou frk Dozfrt aj hasiuask—  Mkrk tmk jaimtajifck godpfrks eroi‑s sajiaji fbacaty watm tmft oe

irkft dusagafj Dozfrt   Ojodftopokaf0 At as tmk usfik oe soujh worhs to grkftk f hrfdftag keekgt. Kxfdpck0

^okd- Xmk eroi fjh tmk jaimtajifck  –Ojgk upoj f tadk f eroi  Groflkh fwfy aj Bajick boi—  Wo, mkrk tmk pokt uskh tmk worh ”groflkh‑ wmagm as f soujh

dfhk by tmk eroi   ^krsojaeagftaoj0 At dkfjs to iavk mudfj qufcaty to fj ob`kgt or f joj-cavaji tmaji. Kxfdpck0   Kxfdpck0

^okd- Darror   –A fd sacvkr fjh fj h kxfgt. A mfvk jo prkgojgkptaojs prkgojgkptaojs..  Ymftkvkr A skk A swfccow addkhaftkcy— 

Mkrk tmk pokt mfs pkrsojaeakh f darror bkgfusk tmk darror as hksgrabaji atskce.   Wyjkghogmk0 At as f worh or pmrfsk aj wmagm f pfrt oe sodktmaji as uskh to rkekr to tmk wmock oe at.

Kxfdpck0 ^okd- Ozydfjhafs  –Xmk mfjh tmft doglkh tmkd fjh tmk mkfrt tmft ekh— 

Mkrk tmk worh mfjh as uskh to rkekr to tmk sgucptor wmo dfhk tmk stftuk oe Ozydfjhafs fjh mkfrt as uskh to rkekr to Laji Ozydfjhafs wmo ifvk tmk raimt kxprkssaoj eor tmk stftuk. 6>



  Xrfjsekrrkh  kpatmkt0 At as fj fh`kgtavk uskh watm f jouj rkekrs to fjotmkr jouj.

Kxfdpck0 ^okd- Xmk sjflk tryaji  –^ursuaji stagl— 

at as jot tmk stagl tmft pursuks, rftmkr tmk pkrsoj wmo gfrraksMkrk at as pursuaji   Oxydoroj0   Xwo worhs toiktmkr tmft frk opposatks but toiktmkr dkfj sodktmaji.

Kxfdpcks0 Duh bftm  Fweuccy prktty Goch swkft


 Fg t av at y 2. Hktkrdajk tmk (f) kckdkjts fjh tmk (b) cfjiufik hkvagks, bfskh oj wmft

wkrk hasgusskh fbovk, tmft frk eoujh aj tmk pokd bkcow. Kxfdpcks0 (f) Kckdkjts 6. Eord oe tmk poktry ‗ Ohk (b) Cfjiufik Hkvagks 6. Fjfpmorf ‗ 

a wfs `ust bkaji truk a wfs `ust bkaji mojkst but a stacc cost botm oe you

to tmk erakjhs A cost

by0 Rmkzf Dfk D. ^fgut (Ndasstkraous) ( Ndasstkraous) (^ubcasmkh ft ^oktazkr oj Fprac 22 , 2>61) iojk frk tmk hfys wmkj fcc wk gouch tmajl oe as to cfuim




iojk frk tmk mours wk gouch spkjh `ust eor tfclaji fbout our cavks fs wk gftgm up iojk frk tmk dajutks wmkj wk gouch stfrk ft kfgm otmkr's kyks wmkj sodktmaji out oe tmk bcuk bc uk mfppkjs fjh wmkj sodkojk fttrfgtavk smows up tmosk hfys, mours fjh dajutks frk fcc iojk, fcoji watm at as tmk erakjhsmap wk'vk buact sajgk wk wkrk youji hraetkh jowmkrk, swaetcy musmaji watm tmk wfvks wk gouch bfrk A cost botm oe you bkgfusk iojk frk tmk tadks wmkj wk gouch erkkcy kxprkss wmft wk ekkc

wmkj bkaji truk as jot promabatkh fjh wmkj bkaji gmachasm as produciftkh A wfs `ust bkaji truk A wfs `ust bkaji mojkst but A stacc cost botm oe you to tmk erakjhs A cost, you cost dk too.

 Fg t av at y 7. Rkfh fifaj tmk pokd fbovk fjh fjswkr tmk qukstaojs bkcow0

6. Ymft as tmk dks dkssfik sfik oe tmk pokd?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________ 2. Mow gfj yo you u rkcftk erod tmk dkssfik oe tmk pokd?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  _______________________________  ______________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________ ___ 62



7. Ymy as at adportfjt to ljow tmk kckdk kckdkjts jts fjh cfjiufik uskh aj poktry?  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________


Godpcktk tmk pfrfirfpm watm tmk jkgkssfry worhs or skjtkjgks tmft bkst hksgrabk wmft you mfvk ckfrjkh ckfrjkh erod tmk hasguss hasgussaoj. aoj. Yratk your pfrfirfpm aj yyour our jotkbool. Eoccow tmk eordft bkcow. A mfvk ckfrjkh tmft poktry  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________. __.


Bfskh oj tmk tmajis tmft you mfvk ckfrjkh fbout tmk kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks oe poktry< wratk your owj pokd   oe fjy eord you prkekr aj your jotkbool. Qou dfy usk ojk or dork ccatkrfry atkrfry hkvagks aj your owj pokd.  ___________________________  ______________ ____________________ _______ (Xatck)  ______________________________________  ___________________________ _________________________ _____________________________ _______________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ ________________________________ _____________________________ ________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __  ___________________________  ______________ ____________________________ _____________________________ _________________________ ___________  ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __ 67



Rkekr to tmas rubrag eor your iuahfjgk0 KUFC[F XAJI ^OKXRQ (Rubrags Wgoraji Iuahk) Gratkraf

; Xmk pokd as

oraiajfc fjh jot gopakh erod fjy sourgk. Xmkrk as coiagfc Orifjazftaoj prkskjtftaoj oe ahkfs.




Xmkrk as jo krror aj tkrds spkccaji. Xmk erfidkjts dflk gckfr skjsk. Xmk pokd eoccows tmk iuahkcajks oe tmk kckdkjts oe poktry. Xmk pokd as grkftavkcy prkskjtkh wmagm dflks at gftgmy, fttrfgtavk fjh ajtkrkstaji

8  F cajk aj tmk

7 Xwo or dork

2 Xmk pokd as

pokd as gopakh erod fjy sourgk. Xmk prkskjtftaoj oe ahkfs as sdootm. Xmkrk as jo krror aj tkrds spkccaji. Wodk iuahkcajks oe tmk kckdkjts oe poktry frk eoccowkh.

cajks frk gopakh erod fjy sourgk Xmk prkskjtftaoj oe ahkfs as jot so coiagfc. Xmkrk frk ekw krrors spkccaji. Ekw iuahkcajks oe tmk kckdkjts oe poktry frk eoccowkh.

godpcktkcy gopakh erod fjy sourgk. Xmk ahkfs frk jot wkccprkskjtkh.

Xmk pokd as grkftavkcy prkskjtkh but sodk hktfacs frk jot prodajkjt.

Xmk pokd as grkftavkcy prkskjtkh but dfjy hktfacs frk jot prkskjtkh.

Xmk pokd as grkftavkcy prkskjtkh but adportfjt hktfacs frk jot prkskjtkh.

Xmkrk frk skvkrfc krrors aj spkccaji. Jo iuahkcajks oe tmk kckdkjts oe poktry frk eoccowkh.

Jow you‑rk hojk eor tmas ckssoj! Qou Q ou dfy jow progkkh to Ckssoj 2. 68




f.  Ahkjtaey tmk vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj vfraous dohks oe eagtaoj, M[DWW_GY/D^Ai-a-66  b. Yratk `ourjfc kjtraks fjh otmkr smort godposataojs kxpcoraji lky kckdkjts oe eagtaoj, M[DWW_GY/D^Ai-a-67 


 Ft tmk kjh oe tmas ckssoj, tmk ckfrjkrs frk kxpkgtkh kxpkgtkh to0 6. hkeajk eagtaoj fjh ahkjtaey ats vfraous dohks< 2. ujhkrstfjh tmk kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks oe vfraous dohks oe eagtaoj< fjh 7. wratk `ourjfc kjtraks fjh otmkr smort godposataojs kxpcoraji lky kckdkjts oe eagtaoj.


Ajstrugtaojs0 Rkgfcc wmft you mfvk ckfrjkh or rkfh fbout eagtaoj fjh ats vfraous

dohks. Rkfh fjh fjswkr tmk eoccowaji stftkdkjts. Aj your jotkbool, wratk tmk ckttkr oe your fjswkr to tmk qukstaoj aj kfgm atkd. 6. Ymagm oe tmk eoccowaji bkst hksgrabks eagtaoj? f. Eagtaoj as efgtufc. b. Eagtaoj as bfskh oj rkfc-tadk kvkjts. g. Eagtaoj as purkcy f prohugt oe ojk‑s adfiajftaoj.

h. Eagtaoj as truk.




2. Ymft kckdkjt oe eagtaoj as rkekrrkh to fs tmk df`or kvkjts tmft dovk tmk fgtaoj aj f jfrrftavk? f. gmfrfgtkr b. skttaji g. pcot h. poajt oe vakw 7. At as ljowj fs tmk kckdkjt k ckdkjt oe eagtaoj wmagm rkekrs to f godbajftaoj oe pcfgk, mastoragfc tadk, fjh sogafc dacaku wmagm godposk tmk ikjkrfc bfgliroujh eor tmk gmfrfgtkrs fjh pcot oe f pfrtagucfr worl oe catkrfturk. f. gmfrfgtkr b. skttaji g. pcot h. poajt oe vakw 8. At as fj kckdkjt oe eagtaoj wmagm rkekrs to tmk futmor‑s gmoagk fjh frrfjikdkjt oe

worhs, fs wkcc fs otmkr cajiuastag ekfturks fppcakh aj f gkrtfaj worl. f. tmkdk b. styck g. poajt oe vakw h. pcot ;. At as f catkrfry tkgmjaquk tmft f wratkr usks aj wmagm f worh, ob`kgt, fgtaoj, or gmfrfgtkr as uskh aj orhkr to dkfj sodktmaji aj tmk story otmkr tmfj ats hagtaojfry or catkrfc dkfjaji. f. fcckiory b. sydboc g. arojy h. adfikry 5. At as f typk oe arojy wmagm dkfjs tmft tmk ajtkjhkh dkfjaji oe f stftkdkjt as haeekrkjt erod tmk fgtufc dkfjaji. f. vkrbfc arojy b. satuftaojfc arojy g. catkrfry arojy h. hrfdftag arojy 9. At as f typk oe arojy tmft oggurs wmkj tmk kxpkgtkh outgodk as tmk kxfgt opposatk oe tmk fgtufc outgodk. f. vkrbfc arojy b. satuftaojfc arojy g. catkrfry arojy h. hrfdftag arojy =. Ymft catkrfry tkgmjaquk hoks f wratkr usk aj orhkr to fppkfc to tmk skjsk oe saimt, sdkcc, tfstk, tougm fjh mkfraji? m kfraji? f. eaiurftavk cfjiufik b. adfikry g. arojy h. fcckiory 65



1. At as f eaiurk oe spkkgm aj wmagm fj fjadfc, tmaji or ahkf as fssaijkh watm mudfj qufcataks aj orhkr to dkfj sodktmaji. f. sadack b. dktfpmor g. pkrsojaeagftaoj h. mypkrbock 6>. Xmk stftkdkjt –Mk grakh f ravkr— as

f. sadack b. dktfpmor g. pkrsojaeagftaoj h. mypkrbock


fj kxfdpck oe


Ymftt as eagtaoj? Ymf

Xmk worch oe catkrfturk as quatk muik fjh wahk-rfjiaji. Fs f dfttkr oe efgt, at hoks jot gojtroc tmk sgopk oe f gkrtfaj wrattkj worl ajto sodktmaji tmft as rkfc r kfc or bfskh oj efgtufc kvkjts or ajeordftaoj ojcy. Ymack efgtufc catkrfry worls frk fcc ovkr us jowfhfys, eagtaoj mfs ujhoubtkhcy bkgodk efdous fdoji fvah rkfhkrs fjh catkrfry worls kjtmusafsts fs wkcc. Xmas eord oe catkrfturk rkekrs to tmk ajvkjtavk gojstrugtaoj oe fj adfiajfry worch. Ats prohugt as sockcy bfskh oj tmk futmor‑s gfpfbacaty to grkftk fj

kvkjt or story bfskh oj mas wach fjh grkftavk adfiajftaoj. At as jot rkfc. Dork so, at as jot bfskh oj efgts or fgtufc mfppkjajis. Xmft as, at as joj-kxastkjt. Jojktmkckss, pkopck gojtajuk to covk tmas eord oe catkrfturk ovkr tadk fs at as ljowj to provahk ats rkfhkrs watm kjtkrtfajdkjt, fs wkcc fs hkvkcop gratagfc tmajlaji aj tkrds oe ujeochaji dkfjajis, wmagm frk keekgtavkcy mahhkj by tmk futmors, usaji vfraous kckdkjts, tkgmjaquks, fjh catkrfry hkvagks. Ufraous Uf raous dohks oe eagta oj

Xrfhataojfccy, eagtaoj govkrs, but as jot cadatkh to, jovkcs, smort storaks, efbcks, ckikjhs, dytms, efary tfcks, kpag, jfrrftavk poktry fjh pcfys. At fcso ajgcuhks godag bools, fjadftkh gfrtoojs, stop dotaojs, eacds, vahko ifdks, tkckvasaoj proirfds, fdoji otmkrs. Xo hftk, eagtaoj godks aj tmrkk gcfssaeagftaojs0 jfdkcy, ikjrk eagtaoj, catkrfry eagtaoj fjh rkfcastag eagtaoj.  F. Ikjr Ikj r k Eag Eagta ta o j

 Fcso rkekrrkh r kekrrkh to fs tmk popucfr eagtaoj, ikjrk eagtaoj as wrattkj to fppkfc to tmk rkfhkrs fjh efjs, wmo frk fcrkfhy efdacafr watm f gkrtfaj ikjrk, by prohugaji f wrattkj worl wmagm as eattkh to tmft pfrtagucfr ikjrk. Fdoji tmk efdous ikjrk eagtaoj wratkrs 69



fjh catkrfry eaiurks aj tmk mastory frk Ikoriks Wadkjoj, tmk wratkr oe Dfairkt hktkgtavk jovkcs fjh ljowj fs tmk dost jovkcastag oe jovkcasts aj Erkjgm catkrfturk, @omj Bfjvacck, wmo pubcasmks gradk jovkcs, fjh sgakjgk eagtaoj wratkrs, Horas Ckssaji fjh Dfrifrkt Ftwooh.

Mastory oe Ik Ikjrks jrks

Mastoragfccy, ikjrk stfrtkh fs f gcfssaeagftaoj systkd ujhkr tmk fjgakjt Irkkl catkrfturk. ^oktry, prosk fjh hrfdf eoccow gkrtfaj stycks wmagm frk gojjkgtkh to tmk tmkdk oe tmk story. Xmk earst ljowj ikjrks bfgl tmkj wkrk tmk kpag, wmagm wfs hkpagtkh aj poktry, fcoji watm trfikhy fjh godkhy eoujh aj pcfys. Kvkjtufccy, otmkr ikjrks, sugm fs tmk gmavfcrag rodfjgk, opkrf, fjh prosk eagtaoj, gfdk aj to pcfy. Fs opposkh to wmft otmkrs dfy mfvk tmouimt, jovkc, fs suiikstkh by Afj Yftt, wfs hkvkcopkh aj fs kfrcy fs tmk kfrcy 6= tm  gkjtury. Ikjrk eagtaoj bcoodkh erod dfjy haeekrkjt subikjrks oe tmk jovkc huraji tmk 61 tm gkjtury. Huraji tmk 2> tm gkjtury, tmk dfss-dfrlktaji oe eagtaoj ajtkjsaeakh watm tmk hkvkcopdkjt oe otmkr ikjrks, ajgcuhaji iotmag jovkc, efjtfsy, sgakjgk eagtaoj, fhvkjturk jovkc, mastoragfc rodfjgk fjh tmk hktkgtavk jovkc.

Xmk Ikjrks

Bkcow as f cast oe tmk dost goddoj ikjrks wmagm frk uskh aj gojtkdporfry pubcasmaji. Gradk eagtaoj

Xmas ikjrk as fcso ljowj fs hktkgtavk story, durhkr dystkry, dystkry jovkc fjh pocagk jovkc. At eogusks oj jfrrftavks wmagm hwkcc oj tmk gradajfc fgts fjh tmk ajvkstaiftaojs oe f gkrtfaj skraous gradk, usufccy f durhkr, by katmkr fj fdftkur or f proekssaojfc hktkgtavk. Ikjkrfccy, gradk jovkcs frk jfrrftkh ft tmk vakwpoajt oe tmk gradajfcs. Ymack usufc storaks poajt to tmk pocagk fs tmk –iooh ojk— fjh tmk gradajfc fs tmk –bfh ojk—, f gradk eagtaoj dflks tmk rkfhkrs rootaji eor tmk cfttkr ajstkfh. Efjtfsy

Rkfc worch dytm fjh eoclcork as oetkj tmk sourgk oe ajsparftaoj oe tmas ikjrk. At stfrtkh erod orfc trfhataojs wmagm cftkr oj bkgfdk efjtfsy catkrfturk fjh hrfdf. Bkiajjaji aj tmk 2> tm gkjtury, efjtfsy mfs bkkj ajgcuhkh aj dfjy haeekrkjt eords oe dkhaf wmagm ajgcuhk eacd, tkckvasaoj, irfpmag jovkcs, dfjif fjh vahko ifdks. Dork oetkj tmfj jot, tmas ikjrk dflks usk oe dfiag or otmkr supkrjfturfc kckdkjts fs ats dfaj pcot kckdkjt, tmkdk or skttaji. Aj tmk worch oe efjtfsy, dfiag fjh dfiagfc grkfturks or sgakjtaeagfccy adpossabck kckdkjts frk goddoj. Fdoji tmk goddoj kxfdpcks oe tmas ikjrk frk Fcagk aj Yojhkrcfjh by Ckwas Gfrroc, Mfrry ^ottkr skraks by @.L. Rowcaji, fjh Xmk Corh oe Xmk Rajis by @.R.R. Xoclakj.





Xmk pradfry eogus oe tmas ikjrk as tmk rkcftaojsmap fjh rodfjtag covk bktwkkj two pkopck. Ats dfaj iofc as to ekkh ats rkfhkrs watm kdotaojfc sftasefgtaoj, fs wkcc fs optadastag fjh mfppy kjhaji by grkftaji f pcot wmagm eogusks oj f dfj fjh f wodfj efccaji aj covk watm kfgm otmkr fjh struiicaji to dfajtfaj tmft covk. Xmk rodfjgk jovkc mfs vfraous subikjrks wmagm ajgcuhk rodfjtag suspkjsk, gojtkdporfry rodfjgk, mastoragfc rodfjgk, krotag rodfjgk, pfrfjordfc rodfjgk, youji fhuct rodfjgk fjh Gmrastafj rodfjgk. Wgakjgk Wgak jgk eagtaoj

 Fctmouim rkcftkh to efjtfsy, tmas ikjrk gojtfajs storaks wmagm frk ft ckfst iroujhkh oj sgakjgk-bfskh efgt or tmkory ft tmk dodkjt tmk story wfs wrattkj. At hkfcs watm adfiajftavk gojgkpts calk euturastag sgakjgk fjh tkgmjocoiy, spfgk trfvkc, tadk trfvkc, efstkr tmfj caimt trfvkc, pfrfcckc ujavkrsks fjh kxtrftkrrkstrafc caek. At prkhagts or dflks supposataojs oe tkgmjocoiaks wmagm frk jot rkfcataks huraji tmk grkftaoj oe tmk catkrfry worl. Ojk efdous kxfdpck oe sgakjgk eagtaoj as tmk jo vkc kjtatckh –Erod tmk Kfrtm to tmk Dooj— by @ucks Ukrjkc wmagm wfs pubcasmkh aj 6=5; wmagm prkhagtaoj oj

f dfj bkaji fbck to cfjh c fjh oj tmk dooj mfppkjkh aj 6151 by fstrojfut Jkac Frdstroji. Ajsparftaojfc

Xmas catkrfry ikjrk as dfajcy wrattkj eor tmk purposk oe ajsparaji ats rkfhkrs tmrouim tmk usk oe fjkghotks. Fs f stfjhfrh, ajsparftaojfc eagtaoj skts fj kyk oj rkcaiaous vfcuks, fs wkcc fs gojtkjt oe wrattkj worls wmagm frk joj-oeekjsavk fjh kjsurks adpcagat storycajks. Dork oetkj tmfj jot, at ekfturks f saijaeagfjt gmfjik aj tmk caek oe f df`or gmfrfgtkr aj tmk story wmagm dfy ajspark tmk rkfhkrs to tmajl tmft wmft mfppkjkh to tmas gmfrfgtkr gfj possabcy mfppkj aj tmkar owj cavks, too. Morror

 Fs tmk jfdk adpcaks, morror eagtaoj fads to prohugk ekfr, efsgajftaoj fjh rkvucsaoj oj tmk pfrt oe tmk rkfhkrs. Ymkj wrataji aj tmas ikjrk, ojk usufccy bkiajs watm sodktmaji as jordfc jotmk rdfc fjh goddoj. Xmkkvac cfttkr pfrtajwouch tmkj Ymft smow dflks tmk dfaj gmfrfgtkrs to bktmft ujhkr tmrkft dfhk by fj eorgk tmk story. f morror eagtaoj keekgtavk to tmk rkfhkrs as ats fbacaty to sgfrk fjh bcow tmkar dajhs fwfy

B. Catkrfry Eagta Eagta oj

Aj gojtrfst to ikjrk eagtaoj, tmas gftkiory oe eagtaoj as wrattkj to hasgovkr fjy fspkgt oe tmk mudfj gojhataoj. Oetkj, at ajvocvks wrattkj worls sugm fs goddkjtfry, pocatagfc gratagasd or kvkj f rkeckgtaoj fbout tmk mudfj gojhataoj. Xmk eoccowaji frk tmk dost goddoj gmfrfgtkrastags oe catkrfry eagtaoj0   Gojgkrjkh watm sogafc ggoddkjtfry, oddkjtfry, pocatagfc ggratagasd ratagasd or rkeckgt rkeckgtaoj aoj o oj j tmk mudfj gojhataoj




  Eogusks oj aj-hkptm gmfrfgtkr stuhaks oe tmk gmfrfgtkrs wmosk –ajjkr storaks— frk supposkh to ajvocvk ats rkfhkrs, kdotaojfccy   Gojgkrjkh watm tmk wrataji‑s styck fjh godpckxaty< as kckifjtcy wrattkj, cyragfc fjh cfykrkh fggorhaji to Wfragls   Xmk pcot as jot ats gkjtrfc gojgkrj.   Ats tojk as hfrlkr tmfj ikjrk eagtaoj.

• •

G. Rkfcastag Eagtaoj

Arojag fs at dfy soujh, rkfcastag eagtaoj as f gftkiory oe adfiajftavk wratajis wmagm gojtfajs storaks tmft gouch mfvk mfppkjkh to pkopck or fjadfcs aj f pcfgk fjh tadk wmagm as rkfcastag or bkcakvfbck. Aj tmas ikjrk, botm tmk storaks fjh tmk gmfrfgtkrs rkskdbck tmft oe sodktmaji wmagm as rkfc. Dorkovkr, tmk dfaj eogus oe ats pcot as oj sogafc or pkrsojfc oggurrkjgks or assuks wmagm smow goddoj caek kvkjts, ajgcuhaji efccaji aj covk, dfrrafik, dfrr afik, eajhaji f `ob, havorgk, ha vorgk, fcgomocasd, fdoji otmkrs. Xmk eoccowaji frk tmk dfaj gmfrfgtkrastags oe f rkfcastag eagtaoj0   Ats storaks mfppkj katmkr aj tmk prkskjt or rkgkjt pfst.


• •

Gmfrfgtkrs frk ajvocvkh aj probfbck kvkjts

Gmfrfgtkrs‑ hwkccaji pcfgk as rkfcastag  

Xmk gmfrfgtkrs gmfrfgtkrs pcfy fs rk rkfc fc pkopc pkopck k watm rkfc soc socutaojs utaojs to rkfcastag assuks. Kvkjts gouch ckfvk qu qukstaojs kstaojs tmft tmk rkfh rkfhkr kr as possabck to kjgoujtkr aj mas caek.

Kckdkjts Kck dkjts oe Eagtaoj

Xmkrk frk sax df`or kckdkjts oe eagtaoj tmft f wratkr dust gojsahkr aj orhkr to godk up watm tmk dost fppkfcaji catkrfry worl. 6. Gmfrfgtkr

At rkekrs to f eaiurk aj f catkrfry worl wmagm gfj katmkr bk f pkrsoj or otmkr eord

oe bkaji. At gfj kjtarkcy bk fj adfik grkftkh out oe fj futmor‑s adfiajftaoj or f rkfc caek pkrsoj wmkrk f gckfr hastajgtaoj oe f –eagtaojfc— vkrsus –rkfc— gmfrfgt kr smouch bk

dfhk. Bkcow frk tmk haeekrkjt typks oe gmfrfgtkrs0   Roujh gmfrfgtkrs  ‗ rkekr to godpckx eaiurks wmosk gmfrfgtkrastags frk vfrakh fjh usufccy ujhkrio hkvkcopdkjt aj tmk story wmagm usufccy prohugks surprask to tmk rkfhkrs   Ecft gmfrfgtkrs ‗ rkekr to tmk ujgodpcagftkh eaiurks aj f eagtaoj wmagm frk oetkj two-hadkjsaojfc


  Hyjfdag   tmksk aj tmk story wmagm frk hkkdkh togmfrfgtkrs gmfjik fs tmk story frk ioksgmfrfgtkrs oj 2>



  Wtftag gmfrfgtkrs  ‗ frk tmk opposatk oe hyjfdag gmfrfgtkrs aj tmft tmky rkdfaj tmk sfdk erod tmk stfrt to tmk kjh oe tmk story   Rkiucfr gmfrfgtkrs  ‗  uskh to rkekr to tmosk eaiurks aj tmk story tmft fppkfr aj fcdost fcc oe tmk kpasohks   Rkgurraji gmfrfgtkrs  ‗ fcso rkekrrkh to fs supportaji gmfrfgtkrs, mfvk erkqukjt fppkfrfjgk aj tmk skraks oe f story   Iukst gmfrfgtkrs  ‗ fcso ljowj fs dajor gmfrfgtkrs< fgt ojcy aj f ekw kpasohks or sgkjks aj f gkrtfaj story

2. ^cot

Xmas kckdkjt oe eagtaoj, fcso ljowj fs tmk storycajk, rkekrs to tmk df`or kvkjts tmft dovk tmk fgtaoj aj f jfrrftavk. jfrrf tavk. Dorkovkr, at gojsasts oe f skraks oe kvkjts aj wmagm ojk oggurrkjgk posks fj keekgt to tmk jkxt oggurrkjgk by dkfjs oe gfusk-fjh-keekgt.  F pcot mfs eavk saijaeagfjt kckdkjts< jfdkc jfdkcy, y, kxposataoj, rrasaji asaji fgtaoj, gcadfx, efccaji fgtaoj fjh hkjoukdkjt or rksocutaoj.


At ajtrohugks tmk gmfrfgtkrs oe tmk story fjh smows to tmk fuhakjgk mow tmky frk rkcftkh watm ojk fjotmkr, fs wkcc fs tmkar iofcs,

dotavftaojs fjh dorfc gmfrfgtkr. Xmas stfik bkiajs watm f gojecagt wmagm dovks tmk dfaj gmfrfgtkr or tmk protfiojast to tflk fgtaoj. Dorkovkr, tmas Rasaji as tmk pmfsk aj tmk story wmkrk tmk dfaj gmfrfgtkr fgljowckhiks fgtaoj mas or mkr iofc fjh smows tmk dfjjkr aj wmagm tmk obstfgcks frk ovkrgodk. Xmas as jow tmk turjaji poajt oe tmk story wmkrk tmk protfiojast dflks f gkrtfaj hkgasaoj wmagm wacc katmkr gfusk mad to waj or cosk Gcadfx aj tmk bfttck mk as aj. Eurtmkrdork, tmk hkgasaoj mk dflks gckfrcy iavks f hksgraptaoj oj tmk lajh oe pkrsoj mk as. Xmas kckdkjt godprasks kvkjts wmagm ckfh to tmk kjhaji oe tmk Efccaji fgtaoj story aj wmagm tmk gmfrfgtkr‑s fgtaojs iot tmk probckd eaxkh.   Xmas pmfsk as wmkrk tmk gojecagt mfs oeeagafccy kjhkh. Xmk probckd mfs bkkj socvkh by botm tmk protfiojast fjh tmk fjtfiojast. Hkjoukdkjt Eajfccy, tmk story smows wmft kvkjtufccy mfppkjkh to tmk gmfrfgtkrs fetkr tmk gojecagt kjhs.

7. ^oajt oe Uakw

At rkekrs to tmk poajt erod wmagm f jfrrftavk as toch. F story gfj bk toch aj katmkr earst-pkrsoj  poajt oe vakw, aj wmagm tmk futmor as fcso tmk gmfrfgtkr aj tmk story wmagm rkekrs to madskce or mkrskce fs –A—, or tmarh-pkrsoj  poajt oe vakw wmagm mfs two typks0 tmk odjasgakjt , wmkrk tmk futmor bkgodks fj fcc-ljowaji jfrrftor wmo as fbck to rkgfcc fgtaojs tmorouimcy fjh kjtkr ajto fjy gmfrfgtkr‑s dajh aj tmk worl or wmftkvkr pkraoh to ujgovkr to tmk rkfhkrs mas or mkr tmouimts, ekkcajis fjh bkcakes, fjh tmk 26



cadatkh  aj wmagm tmk futmor rkcaks oj f sajick gmfrfgtkr‑s vakws aj orhkr to rkgoujt tmk

story. 8. Wkttaji Wkttaji

Xmas kckdkjt aj eagtaoj rkekrs to tmk tadk fjh ikoirfpmag cogftaoj ajvocvkh aj f pfrtagucfr story. Ikjkrfccy, at skts tmk dooh eor f story. Xmk skttaji atskce mfs ats owj kckdkjts tmft f wratkr dust gojsahkr, too, ajgcuhaji gucturk, mastoragfc pkraoh, ikoirfpmy fjh mour. ;. Wtyck

Ymack fcc tmk otmkr kckdkjts dkjtaojkh fbovk frk oe irkft adportfjgk aj wrataji eagtaoj, fj futmor smouch fcso bk euccy fwfrk fbout styck aj orhkr to grkftk f catkrfry worl wmagm gftgmks tmk fttkjtaoj fjh ajtkrkst oe tmk rkfhkrs or tmk fuhakjgk. Wtyck rkekrs to tmk gmoagk oe worhs (hagtaoj), frrfjikdkjt oe worhs (syjtfx) fjh otmkr cajiuastag ekfturks oe f worl tmft tmk futmor usks. Yatm fppropraftk styck, fj futmor gfj dflk f catkrfry worl oe eagtaoj fppkfr skkdajicy truk fjh rkfc to tmk rkfhkrs. 5. Xmkdk(s)

oe eagtaoj as to gojsahkrkh fsdkssfik tmk gkjtrfc hodajftaji ahkf aj or f catkrfryXmas worl.kckdkjt Bfsagfccy, at rkekrs tmk ikjkrfc oe fjh tmk story to ats rkfhkrs tmk dorfc tmft as fttfgmkh aj f gkrtfaj catkrfry worl.

Xkgmjaquks fjh Catkrfry Hkvagks aj Eagtaoj

Catkrfry worls, ajgcuhaji eagtaoj, skrvk f cot oe purposks eor dfjy pkopck< ojk oe wmagm as eor kjtkrtfajdkjt. Eor tmas rkfsoj, at as but jkgkssfry tmft f eagtaoj wratkr as fbck to hkcavkr f lajh oe story wmagm fppkfcs to tmk skjsks oe ats rkfhkrs aj orhkr to fttfaj ats kjh iofc  ‗  to kjtkrtfaj. Aj tmas rkifrh, tmk wratkr‑s iooh tfstk fjh gmoagk oe tkgmjaquks fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj eagtaoj as vkry adportfjt jot ojcy eor fj kjtkrtfajaji story, but eor f dork ajtkrkstaji, dkfjajieuc fjh futmkjtag worl. Xmk eoccowaji frk fdoji tmk dost goddoj tkgmjaquks fjh catkrfry hkvagks tmft dost eagtaoj wratkrs ajgcuhk aj tmkar wratk-ups0 6. Fcckiory

Xmas catkrfry hkvagk dflks usk oe f gmfrfgtkr, pcfgk or kvkjt wmagm as dkfjt to hkcavkr f brofhkr dkssfik, usufccy f dorfc or pocatagfc ojk, gojgkrjaji assuks fjh kvkjts wmagm frk mfppkjaji aj tmk rkfc worch. Eor ajstfjgk, – ^acirad‑s ^roirkss as fj fcckiory oe ojk‑s sparatufc `ourjky—. 2. Wydboc

Xo dflk eagtaoj dork ajtkrkstaji, tmk futmor gfj pcfy froujh watm worhs, ob`kgts, fgtaojs or gmfrfgtkrs aj tmk story to ajekr sodktmaji fsahk erod ats hagtaojfry 22



or catkrfc dkfjaji. Wydbocs gfj bk katmkr ujavkrsfc or gucturfc, fs wkcc fs gojtkxtufc. Xmk usk oe sydbocs aj eagtaoj fwflkjs tmk ajtkrkst oe tmk rkfhkrs fjh fccows tmkd to kxkrgask hkkp gratagfc fjh fjfcytagfc tmajlaji aj haiiaji ajto tmk mahhkj dkfjajis oe tmk sydbocs uskh. Fdoji tmk goddoj kxfdpcks oe sydbocs frk –hovk— wmagm dkfjs –pkfgk—, –mkfrt— eor covk, f wkaimaji sgfck eor `ustagk, to jfdk f ekw. 7. Aroj Aroj y

Xmkrk frk tmrkk typks oe arojy tmft f wratkr gfj dflk usk oe0 Ukrbfc arojy. At as uskh wmkj wmft ojk sfys as totfccy haeekrkjt erod wmft mk fgtufccy dkfjt. Xmas typk as sadacfr to sfrgfsd. Watuftaojfc arojy. Xmas mfppkjs wmkj tmk fgtufc outgodk oe fj fgtaoj as haeekrkjt erod your kxpkgtkh outgodk. Hrfdftag arojy. Bfsagfccy, at mfppkjs wmkj tmk fuhakjgk, jot tmk gmfrfgtkr madskce, ljows dork rkifrhaji tmk gmfrfgtkr‑s

satuftaoj. 8. Adfikr Adfikry y

Aj tmas catkrfry hkvagk, tmk wratkr gojjkgts watm tmk rkfhkrs by fppkfcaji to tmkar skjsks, ajgcuhaji skjsk oe saimt, sdkcc, tfstk, tougm, fjh mkfraji, watm tmk ajtkjtaoj to grkftk –worh pagturks—. Xmas wfy, eagtaoj bkgodks dork kjtagaji fjh kjtkrtfajaji.

Adfikry godks aj two typks0 eaiurftavk fjh catkrfc. c atkrfc. Xmk earst typk as bfskh oj eaiurftavk cfjiufik aj wmagm tmk dkfjaji oe f stftkdkjt smouch jot bk tflkj catkrfccy. Eor kxfdpck, –Xmk wfr zojk coolkh calk tmk doojsgfpk—. Oj tmk otmkr mfjh, catkrfc

adfikry as tmk otmkr wfy froujh. At dflks usk oe gojgrktk fjh spkgaeag cfjiufik to gojstrugt vfraous gckfr pagturks. Eor kxfdpck, –Xmk boy wfclkh fcoji tmk duhhy, wkt, irfvkc rofh, fs tmk rkh dfpcks fjh gradsoj bargm bckw aj tmk goch futudj wajh—. ;. Eaiu Eaiu rftav k Cfjiufik

Wtacc fjotmkr wfy to dflk f story dork dkfjajieuc fjh ajtkrkstaji as to dflk usk oe eaiurftavk cfjiuf a t as f cfjiufik uskh to godpfrk two haeekrkjt cfjiufik ik. Aj catkrfturk, at tmajis aj vfraous wfys. Xmk dost goddojcy uskh eaiurks oe spkkgm frk tmk eoccowaji0 Wadack.   Xmk wratkr dflks f harkgt godpfrasoj bktwkkj two totfccy haeekrkjt tmajis by usaji tmk worhs –calk— or –fs— 

Kxfdpck0 Qour caps frk fs rkh fs rosks. Mas voagk as fs couh fs tmujhkr. Dktfpmor . Wadacfr to sadack, tmas eaiurk oe spkkgm dflks f godpfrasoj bktwkkj two ujcalk tmajis, but watmout tmk usk oe –calk— or –fs—.  

Kxfdpck0 Caek as mkcc watmout you. Qou frk dusag to dy souc.




^krsojaeagftaoj. Xmas eaiurk oe spkkgm fccows tmk wratkr to fssaij fjadfcs,

ob`kgts, or ahkfs watm mudfj qufcataks, fttrabutks or fbacataks. Kxfdpck0 –Xmk fjiry wajh ljoglkh ovkr tmk gmfar fjh scfddkh tmk smuttkrs.—  

Xmk ckfvks hfjgk fs tmk wajh bcows. Mypkrbock . Aj tmas eaiurk oe spkkgm, tmk wratkr prfgtagks kxfiikrftaoj or

ovkrstftkdkjt eor tmk purposk oe kdpmfsas. Kxfdpck0 At tool eorkvkr eor tmk bus to frravk. Wmk grakh f ravkr wmkj mk cket mkr.


Aj your jotkbool, fjswkr fjswkr tmk eoccowa ji qukstaojs.

6.) Iavk f smort hasgussaoj oj ikjrk eagtaoj, catkrfry eagtaoj fjh rkfcastag eagtaoj. 2.) Ymy as at adportfjt eor f wratkr to gojsahkr tmk haeekrkjt kckdkjts fjh catkrfry hkvagks aj wrataji f eagtaoj?

Jotk to t mk tkfgmkr 0

Qou dfy grkftk your owj rubrags aj sgoraji tmk fgtavaty aj tmk –Ymft‑s Aj— fbovk. Xmfjl you. 



Aj your jotkbool, wratk f smort godposataoj or story wmagm gckfrcy fppcaks tmk lky kckdkjts fjh catkrfry hkvagks oe eagtaoj wmagm wk mfvk hasgusskh aj tmas cckssoj. kssoj.  ______________________________________  ___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________  __   _______________________________  ______________ ____________________________ _________________________ _________________________  ___________   ___________________________  ______________ ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ _______________ __




Jotk to tm k tkf tkfgmkr  gmkr 0

Qou gfj hksaij your owj rubrag eor sgoraji tmas wrataji fgtavaty. Dflk surk at eogusks dork oj tmk gojtkjt, styck fjh tmk fppcagftaoj oe kckdkjts fjh catkrfry hkvagks oe eagtaoj fs hasgusskh fbovk. Xmfjl you.


A. Ductapck Gmoagk. Rkfh kfgm stftkdkjt gfrkeuccy fjh pagl your fjswkr erod tmk tfbck tfbc k bkcow. mkkt oe pfpkr. Wtragtcy JO krfsurk as fccowkh.Yratk tmk ckttkr oe your fjswkr oj f ssmkkt f. eagtaoj b. efjtfsy g. mastoragfc eagtaoj h. rkfcastag eagtaoj k. gradk eagtaoj

e. sydbocasd i. satuftaojfc arojy m.vkrbfc arojy a. hrfdftag arojy `. pkrsojaeagftaoj

6. At pcfgks adfiajfry adfiaj fry gmfrfgtkrs ajto rkfc mastoragfc kvkjts. 2. At rkekrs to fjy jfrrftavk gojsastaji oe adfiajfry pkopck, kvkjts or hksgraptaojs. 7. At typagfccy ajvocvks f story wmosk bfsag skttaji as rkfc rkf c fjh wmosk kvkjts gouch ekfsabcy mfppkj aj f rkfc worch skttaji. 8. At ajvocvks supkrjfturfc, dfiagfc or sgakjtaeagfccy adpossabck kckdkjts. ;. At as toch ft tmk vakwpoajt vakw poajt oe tmk gradajfcs tmkdskcvks. 5. At oggurs wmkj tmk fuhakjgk ljows sodktmaji tmft tmk gmfrfgtkrs ho jot. 9. At oggurs wmkj f spkflkr ajtkjtaojfccy sfys ojk tmaji wmack dkfjaji tmk opposatk. =. At oggurs wmkj tmk fgtufc rksuct oe f satuftaoj as totfccy haeekrkjt erod wmft you‑h kxpkgtkh. 1. At as tmk usk oe sydbocs to saijaey saija ey ahkfs fjh qufcataks. 6>. At as f eaiurk oe spkkgm aj wmagm tmk wratkr fppcaks mudfj fbacataks fjh fttrabutks to fj ob`kgt or ahkf.




Xkst AA. Kssfy 6. Hksgra Hksgra bk kf kfgm gm kckdkjt oe pcot kjudkrftkh bkcow. Kxposataoj

Rasaji Rasaj i F gtaoj




Efccaji Ef ccaji Fgt aoj







Qou frk frk jow ho jk watm tm k 2 ckssojs e or Dohuc k 2 2.. Gojirftucftaojs Gojirf tucftaojs fjh lkkp ioaji!!!

At‑s tadk to progkkh to Dohuck 7.  29



RKEKRKJGKW0 –Catkrfry Xkrds.— Catkrfry Xkrds. @ujk 6, 2>6;. Fggksskh @ujk =, 2>2>. mttps0//catkrfrytkrds.jkt/. 

mttps0//ckfrj.ckxagojag.jkt/kckdkjtsoepoktry.mtd  mttps0//dkhaud.god/Nrfajbowmowc/tmk-eavk-dost-adportfjt-kckdkjts-oe-poktry1h995k;b;12= mttps0//poktryfrgmavk.ori/icossfry/eord/ mttps0//www.dfstkrgcfss.god/frtagcks/poktry-6>6-ckfrj-fbout-poktry-haeekrkjt-typksoe-pokds-fjh-poktag-hkvagks-watm-kxfdpcks#6;-typks-oe-poktag-eords   oe-pokds-fjh-poktag-hkvagks-watm-kxfdpcks#6;-typks-oe-poktag-eords mttps0//www.suggkssghs.jkt/ckfrj-kjicasm/catkrfry-hkvagks-aj-pokds.mtdc  mttps0//hfvkmooh;1.worhprkss.god/2>6>/>2/6>/kckdkjts-oe-eagtaoj-catkrfrytkgmjaquks/#0~0tkxt4Xmk%2>eagtaoj%2>wratkr's%2>gmoagk%2>oe,sadack%2G%2>dktf pmor%2G%2>fjh%2>pkrsojaeagftaoj.   pmor%2G%2>fjh%2>pkrsojaeagftaoj. mttps0//wkb.gsucb.khu/~yfdfhfty/KckEag.mtdc#0~0tkxt4Xmk%2>sax%2>df`or%2>kckd kjts%2>oe,skttaji%2G%2>styck%2G%2>fjh%2>tmkdk.  kjts%2>oe,skttaji%2G%2>styck%2G%2>fjh%2>tmkdk.  mttps0//cabiuahks.dkrradfgl.khu/RkfcastagEagtaoj   mttps0//cabiuahks.dkrradfgl.khu/RkfcastagEagtaoj mttps0//www.ujd.khu/~moolstkr/Kckdkjts%2>oe%2>Eagtaoj.phe  





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Eor ajquara ks or ekkhbfgl, ekkhbfgl, pckfsk wratk or gfcc0 Hkpfrtdkjt Hk pfrtdkjt oe Khugftaoj  ‗ Havasaoj oe Dasfdas Orakjtfc Orakjtfc

Oeeagk Fhhrkss0 Xkckefx0 K-dfac Fhhrkss0

Hkc ^acfr gorjkr Ukckz Wtrkkt, Briy. 21, Gfifyfj hk Oro Gaty 1>>> (>==) ==6-7>18 | Xkxt0 >169-=11228; (Icobk) 


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