Creating SAP Pricing Conditions Using BAPI

March 22, 2018 | Author: Saranya Shanmugam | Category: Computer Programming, Computing, Technology, Areas Of Computer Science, Software Engineering
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Creating SAP Pricing Conditions Using BAPI...


Creating SAP Pricing conditions using BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS  

Category: SD Published on Thursday, 17 September 2009 18:16 Written by Kevin Wilson Hits: 11194 This code snippet inserts a condition record for Pricing condition type Z123 with key sales order and line number. CONSTANTS: lc_kschl_z123 TYPE kscha VALUE 'Z123'. DATA: lv_datum lv_count lv_unit

TYPE sydatum,

TYPE kopos, TYPE kpein,

is_bapicondct TYPE bapicondct, is_bapicondhd TYPE bapicondhd, is_bapicondit TYPE bapicondit, it_bapicondct TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapicondct, it_bapicondhd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapicondhd, it_bapicondit TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapicondit, it_bapicondqs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapicondqs, it_bapicondvs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapicondvs, it_bapiret2



TYPE bapiret2,

it_bapiknumhs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiknumhs, it_mem_initial TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cnd_mem_initial. lv_datum = sy-datum. lv_count = 1. LOOP AT gt_vbap INTO wa_vbap.

* BAPI Structure for Condition Tables is_bapicondct-operation = '009'. is_bapicondct-table_no = '700'. is_bapicondct-applicatio = 'V'. is_bapicondct-cond_usage = 'A'. is_bapicondct-cond_type = lc_kschl_z123. "Set the varkey from A700 table key fields CONCATENATE wa_vbap-vbeln wa_vbap-posnr INTO is_bapicondct-varkey. is_bapicondct-valid_to = '12/31/2009'. is_bapicondct-valid_from = lv_datum. is_bapicondct-cond_no

= '$000000001'.

**** BAPI Structure of KONH with English Field Names is_bapicondhd-operation = '009'. is_bapicondhd-cond_no

= '$000000001'.

is_bapicondhd-created_by = sy-uname. is_bapicondhd-creat_date = sy-datum. is_bapicondhd-cond_usage = 'A'. is_bapicondhd-table_no = '700'. is_bapicondhd-applicatio = 'V'. is_bapicondhd-cond_type = lc_kschl_z123. is_bapicondhd-varkey

= is_bapicondct-varkey.

is_bapicondhd-valid_to = '12/31/2009'. is_bapicondhd-valid_from = lv_datum. *** BAPI Structure of KONP with English Field Names CLEAR is_bapicondit. is_bapicondit-operation = '009'. is_bapicondit-cond_no

= '$000000001'.

is_bapicondit-cond_count = lv_count. is_bapicondit-applicatio = 'V'. is_bapicondit-cond_type = lc_kschl_z123. is_bapicondit-scaletype = 'A'. is_bapicondit-scalebasin = 'B'. ADD 1 TO is_bapicondit-scale_qty.

is_bapicondit-calctypcon = 'B'. lv_unit = wa_vbap-kwmeng. is_bapicondit-cond_p_unt = lv_unit. is_bapicondit-cond_value = wa_vbap-value. is_bapicondit-condcurr = wa_vbap-waerk. APPEND: is_bapicondct TO it_bapicondct, is_bapicondhd TO it_bapicondhd, is_bapicondit TO it_bapicondit. ENDLOOP. *** BAPI for pricing Condition Records CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS' TABLES ti_bapicondct = it_bapicondct ti_bapicondhd = it_bapicondhd ti_bapicondit = it_bapicondit ti_bapicondqs = it_bapicondqs ti_bapicondvs = it_bapicondvs to_bapiret2

= it_bapiret2

to_bapiknumhs = it_bapiknumhs to_mem_initial = it_mem_initial EXCEPTIONS update_error = 1 OTHERS

= 2.

IF sy-subrc EQ 0. WRITE: /1 'Return Messages for Condition create'(t03). LOOP AT it_bapiret2 INTO is_bapiret2. WRITE: /1 is_bapiret2-message. ENDLOOP. ULINE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'

IMPORTING return = is_bapiret2. ENDIF. Correct AnswerRe: Bapi to create pricing condition\VK11

Niranjan Krishnamurthi Jul 9, 2012 9:02 AM (in response to Gil Hadida) Hi, Please try this. DATA: BEGIN OF ls_komk OCCURS 10. INCLUDE STRUCTURE komk. DATA: END OF ls_komk. DATA:ls_komg TYPE komg. DATA: BEGIN OF ls_komv OCCURS 10. INCLUDE STRUCTURE komv. DATA: END OF ls_komv. DATA: BEGIN OF lt_komv OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE komv. DATA: END OF lt_komv. DATA: komk TYPE komk , komp TYPE komp . ls_komg-matnr = . ls_komg-vkorg = . ls_komg-vtweg = . CLEAR: lt_komv,ls_komv. ls_komv-kappl = 'V'. " Application V = Sales ls_komv-kschl = . " Condition type ls_komv-knumh = . ls_komv-krech = . " calculation type; ls_komv-kbetr = . ls_komv-kmein = . ls_komv-kpein = . ls_komv-waers = . ls_komv-updkz = 'I'. APPEND ls_komv TO lt_komv. CLEAR lt_komv. DATA wa_pispr TYPE pispr. wa_pispr-matnr = . wa_pispr-vkorg = . wa_pispr-vtweg = . CALL FUNCTION 'SPR_KOMK_KOMP_FILL' EXPORTING pi_i_spr = wa_pispr IMPORTING pe_i_komk = komk pe_i_komp = komp. CALL FUNCTION 'RV_CONDITION_COPY' EXPORTING application = 'V'

condition_table =' ' " 3 character cond. table condition_type =' ' " cond. type date_from = '20120101' " valid on date_to = '99991231' " valid to enqueue = 'X' " lock entry i_komk = komk i_komp = komp key_fields = ls_komg " key fields maintain_mode = 'B' " A= create " B= change, " C= display " D= create no_authority_check = 'X' selection_date = '20120101' " valid on keep_old_records ='' overlap_confirmed = 'X' no_db_update = space IMPORTING e_komk = komk e_komp = komp new_record = lv_new_record TABLES copy_records = lt_komv EXCEPTIONS enqueue_on_record =1 invalid_application =2 invalid_condition_number = 3 invalid_condition_type = 4 no_selection =5 table_not_valid =6 no_authority_ekorg =7 no_authority_kschl = 8. IF sy-subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'RV_CONDITION_SAVE'. COMMIT WORK. CALL FUNCTION 'RV_CONDITION_RESET'. "necessary to write data COMMIT WORK. WRITE:/ 'Success'. ELSE. WRITE: / 'Error'. ENDIF. Cheers ~Niranjan


Ferry Lianto Apr 13, 2006 9:01 PM (in response to Martín Becker) Hi Martin,

Please check this sample code from other thread. wtable1-table_no = '306'. wtable1-applicatio = 'V'. wtable1-cond_type = 'ZPR0'.

wtable1-operation = '009'. wtable1-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable1-valid_to = '99991231'. wtable1-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable1-cond_no = 'wtable1-table_no = '306'. wtable1-applicatio = 'V'. wtable1-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable1-operation = '009'. wtable1-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable1-valid_to = '99991231'. wtable1-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable1-cond_no = '$000000001'. APPEND wtable1 TO table1. wtable2-operation = '009'. wtable2-cond_no = '$000000001'. wtable2-created_by = sy-uname. wtable2-creat_date = '20051022'. wtable2-cond_usage = 'A'. wtable2-table_no = '110'. wtable2-applicatio = 'V'. wtable2-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable2-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable2-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable2-valid_to = '99991231'. APPEND wtable2 TO table2.

wtable3-operation = '009'. wtable3-cond_no = '$000000001'. wtable3-cond_count = '01'. wtable3-applicatio = 'V'. wtable3-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable3-scaletype = 'A'. wtable3-scalebasin = 'C'. wtable3-scale_qty = '1'. wtable3-cond_p_unt = '1'. wtable3-cond_unit = 'EA'. wtable3-calctypcon = 'C'. wtable3-cond_value = '454'. wtable3-condcurr = 'USD'. APPEND wtable3 TO table3. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS' * EXPORTING * PI_initialmode = 'X' * PI_BLOCKNUMBER = TABLES ti_bapicondct = table1 ti_bapicondhd = table2 ti_bapicondit = table3 ti_bapicondqs = table4 ti_bapicondvs = table5 to_bapiret2 = table6 to_bapiknumhs = table7 to_mem_initial = table8

EXCEPTIONS update_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. READ TABLE table6 WITH KEY type = 'E' TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. loop at table6 into ret. write: / ret-type, ret-message, ret-id, RET-LOG_NO, RET-LOG_MSG_NO, RET-MESSAGE_V1, RET-MESSAGE_V2, RET-MESSAGE_V3, RET-MESSAGE_V4, RET-PARAMETER,RET-ROW,RET-FIELD. endloop. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' *EXPORTING * WAIT = IMPORTING return = ret . ENDIF.'. APPEND wtable1 TO table1. wtable2-operation = '009'. wtable2-cond_no = 'wtable1-table_no = '306'. wtable1-applicatio = 'V'. wtable1-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable1-operation = '009'. wtable1-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable1-valid_to = '99991231'. wtable1-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable1-cond_no = '$000000001'. APPEND wtable1 TO table1. wtable2-operation = '009'. wtable2-cond_no = '$000000001'. wtable2-created_by = sy-uname. wtable2-creat_date = '20051022'. wtable2-cond_usage = 'A'. wtable2-table_no = '110'. wtable2-applicatio = 'V'. wtable2-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable2-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable2-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable2-valid_to = '99991231'. APPEND wtable2 TO table2.

wtable3-operation = '009'. wtable3-cond_no = '$000000001'. wtable3-cond_count = '01'. wtable3-applicatio = 'V'. wtable3-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable3-scaletype = 'A'. wtable3-scalebasin = 'C'. wtable3-scale_qty = '1'. wtable3-cond_p_unt = '1'. wtable3-cond_unit = 'EA'. wtable3-calctypcon = 'C'. wtable3-cond_value = '454'. wtable3-condcurr = 'USD'. APPEND wtable3 TO table3. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS' * EXPORTING * PI_initialmode = 'X' * PI_BLOCKNUMBER = TABLES ti_bapicondct = table1 ti_bapicondhd = table2 ti_bapicondit = table3 ti_bapicondqs = table4 ti_bapicondvs = table5 to_bapiret2 = table6 to_bapiknumhs = table7 to_mem_initial = table8 EXCEPTIONS update_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. READ TABLE table6 WITH KEY type = 'E' TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. loop at table6 into ret. write: / ret-type, ret-message, ret-id, RET-LOG_NO, RET-LOG_MSG_NO, RET-MESSAGE_V1, RET-MESSAGE_V2, RET-MESSAGE_V3, RET-MESSAGE_V4, RET-PARAMETER,RET-ROW,RET-FIELD. endloop. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' *EXPORTING * WAIT = IMPORTING return = ret . ENDIF.'. wtable2-created_by = sy-uname. wtable2-creat_date = '20051022'.

wtable2-cond_usage = 'A'. wtable2-table_no = '110'. wtable2-applicatio = 'V'. wtable2-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable2-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable2-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable2-valid_to = '99991231'. APPEND wtable2 TO table2.

wtable3-operation = '009'. wtable3-cond_no = 'wtable1-table_no = '306'. wtable1-applicatio = 'V'. wtable1-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable1-operation = '009'. wtable1-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable1-valid_to = '99991231'. wtable1-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable1-cond_no = '$000000001'. APPEND wtable1 TO table1. wtable2-operation = '009'. wtable2-cond_no = '$000000001'. wtable2-created_by = sy-uname. wtable2-creat_date = '20051022'. wtable2-cond_usage = 'A'. wtable2-table_no = '110'. wtable2-applicatio = 'V'. wtable2-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable2-varkey = '13001001USD 000000000050068946'. wtable2-valid_from = '20051101'. wtable2-valid_to = '99991231'. APPEND wtable2 TO table2.

wtable3-operation = '009'. wtable3-cond_no = '$000000001'. wtable3-cond_count = '01'. wtable3-applicatio = 'V'. wtable3-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable3-scaletype = 'A'. wtable3-scalebasin = 'C'. wtable3-scale_qty = '1'. wtable3-cond_p_unt = '1'. wtable3-cond_unit = 'EA'. wtable3-calctypcon = 'C'. wtable3-cond_value = '454'. wtable3-condcurr = 'USD'. APPEND wtable3 TO table3. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS' * EXPORTING * PI_initialmode = 'X'

* PI_BLOCKNUMBER = TABLES ti_bapicondct = table1 ti_bapicondhd = table2 ti_bapicondit = table3 ti_bapicondqs = table4 ti_bapicondvs = table5 to_bapiret2 = table6 to_bapiknumhs = table7 to_mem_initial = table8 EXCEPTIONS update_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. READ TABLE table6 WITH KEY type = 'E' TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. loop at table6 into ret. write: / ret-type, ret-message, ret-id, RET-LOG_NO, RET-LOG_MSG_NO, RET-MESSAGE_V1, RET-MESSAGE_V2, RET-MESSAGE_V3, RET-MESSAGE_V4, RET-PARAMETER,RET-ROW,RET-FIELD. endloop. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' *EXPORTING * WAIT = IMPORTING return = ret . ENDIF.'. wtable3-cond_count = '01'. wtable3-applicatio = 'V'. wtable3-cond_type = 'ZPR0'. wtable3-scaletype = 'A'. wtable3-scalebasin = 'C'. wtable3-scale_qty = '1'. wtable3-cond_p_unt = '1'. wtable3-cond_unit = 'EA'. wtable3-calctypcon = 'C'. wtable3-cond_value = '454'. wtable3-condcurr = 'USD'. APPEND wtable3 TO table3. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS' * EXPORTING * PI_initialmode = 'X' * PI_BLOCKNUMBER = TABLES ti_bapicondct = table1 ti_bapicondhd = table2 ti_bapicondit = table3

ti_bapicondqs = table4 ti_bapicondvs = table5 to_bapiret2 = table6 to_bapiknumhs = table7 to_mem_initial = table8 EXCEPTIONS update_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. READ TABLE table6 WITH KEY type = 'E' TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. loop at table6 into ret. write: / ret-type, ret-message, ret-id, RET-LOG_NO, RET-LOG_MSG_NO, RET-MESSAGE_V1, RET-MESSAGE_V2, RET-MESSAGE_V3, RET-MESSAGE_V4, RET-PARAMETER,RET-ROW,RET-FIELD. endloop. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' *EXPORTING * WAIT = IMPORTING return = ret . ENDIF. Also there are other options: - from LSMW the report RV14BTCI - batch input to transaction XK15 - using FM modules RV_CONDITION* (e.g. _copy and _save)

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