CQI 9 Awareness Training Evaluation Questionnaire Before and After

July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ZOTEC ZOT EC 7 CYE CYE 5 – Mfit Mfit Zrf Zrfitk itkfht fht Issfs Issfsskf skfht ht JVPIZEOH

7 94 kehutfs




7 90/45/04  

TIPZECET ECETIH IHZ Z7 P.S .Son onie ie Pig    Ifr


  (Zecl tmf ippropreitf ihswfr) 9. CYE CYE ic icro rohy hyk k kfih kfihs s i. Cohteh Cohtehui uinn Yuine Yuinety ty Ekprov Ekprovfkf fkfht ht `. Cohteh Cohtehui uinn Yuinete Yuinetefs fs Ekprov Ekprovfkf fkfht ht c. Cohteh Cohtehuo uous us Yuin Yuinety ety Ekp Ekprov rovfkf fkfht ht

0. Zmf CYE -5

Iujet Iujet to `f cirrefj cirrefj out is pfr IEIB CYE kihuin kihuin - kehekuk kehekuk

i. Ohc Ohcf eh yf yfi ir `. Ohcf Ohcf sexsex-ko koht htm m c. Is jfa jfaeh ehfj fj `y `y tmf tmf cust custok okfr fr 3. Zmf Zmf L Lfy fy Jitf Jitf eh AKFI AKFI kfih kfihs s i. Jitf oh wmecm wmecm AKFI smounj smounj `f `f cokpnf cokpnftfj tfj `. Jitf Jitf Oh wmecm wmecm AKFI AKFI aerst aerst rfn rfnfis fisfj fj c. Jitf Jitf oh wmec wmecm m tmf tmf nist nist rfve rfveseo seoh h :. CYE 5 Coitehb Coitehb systfk systfk Issfsskf Issfsskfht ht wenn wenn cirrefj cirrefj out is i. Tr Troc ocfs fss s Iuje Iujett ippr ipproi oicm cm `. Tr Troj ojuc uctt Iuje Iujett ippr ipproi oicm cm c. Iutoko Iutokotev tevf f procfs procfss s ipp ipproi roicm cm

6. CYE CYE 5 Issf Issfss ssor or smin sminnn `f i. Yuineaef Yuineaefj j EIZA Ehtfrhin Ehtfrhin iujetor iujetor e.f. Yuinea Yuineaefj efj ESO 5449 5449 ehtfrhin ehtfrhin iujetor  iujetor  `. Kehekuk Kehekuk 6 yfirs― fxpfre fxpfrefhcf fhcf eh tmf mfit mfit trfitkfht trfitkfht procfss procfss wetm quineae quineaeciteo citeoh h eh rfnfviht su`gfct. c. Trossf Trossfs s lhown lhownfj fjbf bf eh 6 corf corf toons toons j. In Innn ttmf mf,, ` ihj ihj c. c. 1. IEIB IEIB icro icrohy hyk k kfih kfihs s i. Iutoko Iutokotev tevf f Ehjust Ehjustry ry Icteo Icteoh h Broup Broup `. Iutokotevf Iutokotevf Ekpnfkfhti Ekpnfkfhtiteoh teoh Icteoh Icteoh Brou Broup p c. Iutoko Iutokotev tevf f Ehstet Ehstetute uteoh oh Icteo Icteoh h Bro Broup up

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Het etre reje jehb hb es i i. Mfit Mfit trfi trfitk tkfh fhtt proc procfs fss s `. Tn Tnit iteh ehb b proc procfs fss s c. Coit Coiteh ehb b pro procf cfss ss

=. Eh CYE CYE 5 Issfsskf Issfsskfht ht stj stj „Sminn „Sminn‛‛ ehjeci ehjecitfs tfs i. I Pfqu Pfquer erfk fkfh fhtt `. Bue Buejihcf c. Ihy Ihy ohf ohf oa tmf tmf i`o i`ovf vf


CYE 5 - Mfit Zrfitkfh Zrfitkfhtt Issf Issfsskf sskfht ht boins boins irf i. Coht Cohteh ehui uinn ek ekpr prov ovfk fkfh fhtt `.

Jfaf Jfafct ct pr prfv fvfh fhte teoh oh

c. Pfjucteoh Pfjucteoh eh virei vireiteoh teoh ihj wistf eh suppny suppny cmieh cmieh j. In Innn ttm mf i` i`ovf

94. Rmecm es hot hot tmf spfcein spfcein procfss i. Mfit Mfit Zr Zrfi fitk tkfh fhtt `. Tnitehb c. Sura Suraic icf f co coit iteh ehb b j. Smot Smot `n `nis iste tehb hb 99. Is pfr CYE 5 tmf tmf rfcorj rftfhteoh pfreoj sminn `f i. Kehekuk Kehekuk ohf ohf cinfhjir cinfhjir iatfr iatfr tmf yfir yfir eh wmecm wmecm tmf tmfy tmfy wfrf crfitf crfitfj j `. Kehekuk Kehekuk ohf ohf cinfhjir cinfhjir arok arok tmf jitf jitf oa tmfy tmfy wfrf wfrf crfitfj crfitfj c. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf 90. Zmf rfquerfkfht rfquerfkfht aor cine`riteoh oa Zmfrkocoupnf Zmfrkocoupnf es i. Fvfr Fvfry y quir quirtf tfrr `. Ohcf Ohcf eh se sex x koht kohtms ms c. Fvfry yfir j. Fvfry yfir rfpnicfk rfpnicfkfht fht oa oa hfw tmfrkoco tmfrkocoupnf upnf f. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf 93. Eh AKFI Orebehin jitf es i. Ni Nitf tfst st rf rfve vese seoh oh jitf jitf `. Jitf Jitf wmfh wmfh tmf tmf AKFI AKFI es aerst aerst cok cokpnf pnftfj tfj c. Jitf Jitf oh wmec wmecm m AKFI AKFI smounj smounj `f `f cokpn cokpnftf ftfj j j. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf

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9:. Eh spfcein procfss Pfworl es pfrkettfj i. Treor Treor ippro ipprovin vin arok arok ttmf mf custo custokf kfrr `. Vhequf Vhequf ejfhte ejfhteaecit aeciteoh eoh ao aorr tmf rfwor rfworlfj lfj proju projuct ct not c. Sminn Sminn `f ippro ipprovfj vfj `y `y YI Mfij or Trojuc Trojucteoh teoh mfij j. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf f. In Innn ttm mf i` i`ovf 96. Aor cohtron oa procfss , cohtronnfr cohtronnfr sminn `f cine`ritfj i. Ohc Ohcf eh yf yfir ir `. Ohcf Ohcf eh se sex x koht kohtms ms c. Ohcf Ohcf eh tm tmrf rff f koh kohtm tms s j. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf 91. Zrip poehts kfihs – Eh procfss i. Irfis eh ihy fquepkfht fquepkfht or cohtiehfrs tmit kiy ehijvfrtfhtny ehijvfrtfhtny rftieh pirts wmecm wmecm nfijs nfijs to kex up `. Tirts Tirts irf irf ainn ainnfh fh jure jurehb hb proc procfss fss c. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf

92. Zmf Pfworl /Pfprocfssehb /Pfprocfssehb pirts pirts sminn rfquerfj rfquerfj i. Hfw procfs procfsseh sehb b cohtr cohtron on smff smfftt `. Trocfssfj Trocfssfj is pfr rfbunir rfbunir tmf cohtron cohtron smfft smfft c. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf

9=. Pfworl pirts sminn `f iutmrosefj iutmrosefj ohny `y `y i. Zmf Zmf Y Yui uine nety ty Kih Kihib ibfr fr `. Zmf Zmf Tro Troju juct cteo eoh h Kihib Kihibfr fr c. Fe Fetm tmfr fr oa i`ov i`ovf f j. Hohf ohf oa oa i i` `ovf

95. Zmf cohtron pnih pnih TAKFI TAKFI sminn sminn `f upjitfj wmfhfvfr  i. Hfw aienur aienurf f kojf kojf es es ejfh ejfhtea teaefj efj `. Hfw Hfw cius ciusf f es ejfh ejfhte teae aefj fj c. Hfw custok custokfr fr cokpn cokpnei eiht ht es rfcf rfcfevf evfj j j. Tr Troc ocfs fss s es cmih cmihbf bfj j f. In Innn o oaa ttmf mf i`ov i`ovf f

04. Is pfr CYE 5 eh Mfit trfitkfht Trocfss Trocfss Trocfss cipi`enety cipi`enety sminn `f cirrefj out uhjfr i. Ehetei Eheteinn vineji vinejiteo teoh h aor ficm ficm procf procfss. ss. `. Kig Kigor rf rf`ue uennj c. Tr Troc ocfs fss s rf opt optek ekez ezit iteo eoh h j. In Innn o oaa ttmf mf i`ov i`ovf f f. Fque Fquepk pkfh fhtt rfno rfnoci citf tfj j a.

Hohf ohf oa ttm mf i`ov ovf f

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09. Outboehb not to `f `f tricfi`nf to tmf ehcokehb ehcokehb not i. Zruf `. Ainsf

00. Pfprocfssfj Pfprocfssfj or Pfworlfj Pfworlfj not to `f ejfhteaefj ejfhteaefj i. Sfp Sfpir irit itf fny `. Fe Cih `foakexfj kex suppnefj fj c. Fetm tmfr fr tmf tmffj i`ov i`ihj ovf. f.suppne

03. Stihjirj opfritehb procfjurf procfjurf sminn `f `f eh tmf nihbuibf nihbuibf oa i. Kotm Kotmfr fr to tohb hbuf uf `. Noci Nocinn nnih ihbu buib ibf f c. Pfij Pfiji` i`nf nf `y `y tmf tmf opfr opfrit itor or j. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf

0:. Es projuct projuct tfstehb fquepkfht fquepkfht i. Sminn `f cine`ritfj wetm rfafrfhcf to tmf Hiteohin or ehtfrhiteoh ehtfrhiteohin in procfjurf `. Sminn Sminn `f cine` cine`ritfj ritfj wetm HI@N iccrfjetf iccrfjetfj j ni` ni` c. @otm @otm tm tmf f i` i`ovf j. Ihy Ihy oh ohf f oa tmf tmf i`ov i`ovf f 06. Zfkpfriturf uheaorkety uheaorkety survfy to `f cirrefj out aor inn tmf fq fquepkfhts uepkfhts i. Ufs `. Ho

01. CYE 5 sminn `f cirrefj cirrefj out aor i. EIZA EIZA Iutok Iutokote otevf vf corf corf Zfik Zfik is is pfr pfr EIZ `. In Innn Iut Iutok okot otev evf f OFK OFK c. Hoh-iuto Hoh-iutokote kotevf vf OFK wetm custokfr custokfr spfce spfceaec aec rf rfque querfkf rfkfht ht j. In Innn o oaa ttmf mf i`ov i`ovf f f. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf..

02. Is pfr CYE 5, Hiteohin Hiteohin ihj ehtfrhiteohin ehtfrhiteohin stihjirjs stihjirjs sminn `f rfvefwfj rfvefwfj eh jfaehfj jfaehfj arfqufhcy   i. i. Zruf `. Ainsf

0=. Strfss rfnefvf rfnefvf procfss rfquerfj CYE 5 issfsskfht i. Zruf `. Ainsf

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  05. Eh CYE tmf Fquepkfht Fquepkfht sminn `f cine cine`ritfj `ritfj wetm rfaf rfafrfhcf rfhcf to Hiteohin Hiteohin or Ehtfrhiteohin Ehtfrhiteohin stihjirj i. Zruf `. Ainsf

34. Eh CYE 5 issfsskfht issfsskfht iujet – Hot sitesaictory sitesaictory kfihs i. Ea tmf o`sfrvfj fvejfhcf fvejfhcf es hot cokpneihcf cokpneihcf to tmf rfquerfkfht rfquerfkfht `. Ea tmf o`sfrvfj fvejfhcf es pirteinny cokpneihcf cokpneihcf to tmf t mf rfquerfkfht c. Hohf oa tmf i`ovf

39. Poot ciusf wenn sekunitf sekunitf tmf jfafct jfafct i. Ainsf `. Zruf 30. Jf cir` cir` kfihs kfihs i. Pfjucteoh oa C% eh tmf suraicf `. Pfjucteoh oa C% eh tmf corf ihj tmf suraicf c. Pfjucteoh oa C% ohny it tmf corf.

33. Yufhcmehb Oen tfkpfriturf sminn sminn `f cohtronnfj cohtronnfj i. Zo cohtron cohtron tmf tmf Kftinnur Kftinnurbeci becinn ihj kf kfcmih cmihecin ecin propf propfrtefs rtefs `. Zo ivoe ivoej j ttmf mf ae aerf rf c. @otm 3:. Mirjhfss es tmf jfstructevf jfstructevf tfst i. Ho `. Ufs

36. Spfcein procfss irf tmosf wmecm cih hot tmf vfreaefj wetmout jfstructevf tfstehb iatfr tmf procfss i. Ainsf `. Zruf 36. CYE es custokfr spfceaec rfquerfkfht rfquerfkfht i. Zruf `. Ainsf

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31. Eh EIZA 915:5 915:5 CYE rfquerfkfht rfquerfkfht aor spfcein spfcein procfss procfss es ijjrfssfj ijjrfssfj eh cniusf cniusf i. :.3.0 `. 6.1.2 c. j j. Hohf Hohf oa tm tmf f i`o i`ovf vf.. f. In Innn o oaa ttmf mf i`ov i`ovf f 32. Cohtehuin Cohtehuin ekprovfkfht ekprovfkfht es tmf output oa  I.Trocfss Faafctevfhfss Faafctevfhfss `. Trocfss Faaecefhcy c. Hohf oa tmf i`ovf 3=. Trocfss rfvinejiteoh rfvinejiteoh to `f cirrefj cirrefj out aor tmf Pihbf Pihbf oa tfkpfriturf eh Mfit Mfit trfitkfht procfss i. Zruf `. Ainsf

35. Is pfr CYE 5 rfquerfkfht rfquerfkfht procfss cipi`enety cipi`enety sminn sminn `f cirrefj out aor Mirjhfss /Zfhsenf strfhbtm wetm kehekuk arfqufhcy oa i. Ohcf eh i yfir

rfvinejiteoh `. Aor fvfry procfss rfvinejiteoh c. Hohf oa tmf i`ovf

:4. Cohtron pnih pnih sminn `f kijf `faorf AKFI i. Zruf `. Ainsf.

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