(CQHP) Guidelines For Safety

December 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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HHT tffiruil9 m ffitrr E ffiffiroffi ffi Hffiffi Frbruary, 00 008 8


page l ) COMMITTEE FOR QUAIITY CONTROL OF HICH.RIStr BTILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJtrCTS (GUIDELINES FOR SAItrTY) Introduction Safebr thigh thigh ise isebuilding buildingconshrcrion conshrcrionworks or us ushas has oppriority.Ou constant ffortsaim ffortsaimat at renderingworkingplaleassafe;possible. renderingworkingpl aleassafe;possible. incet isproven Et tn€ tn€majoriry majoriryofindlstial ofindlstial accidentr arccaused arc caused ue o humanailure ailureall all these trorts an ead o safery nly fyou are aniliar w;th andpul iniopracticehe elev3nl afeb, les. It sa mlst to rcad hismanual hismanual efore taningo taningouork atwo*siies. atwo*siies.The The nanual hould houldurdlennorc urdlennorc serve spermanentuidelines nd ndshould shouldb€usedas assuch. such. All wod(bolh bolhon onand andaround aroundhe hehigh high isebuildings isebuildings .Dstuctionmlstbe bec.anied c.aniedut r a.(ordanc€ wilh he €CulationsfdF €CulationsfdF relevant uthoriries,l\I")s uthoriries,l\I")s ensluing ensluinghe hesafety safety ndheal6 ndheal6oftheenployees. is fte purposefthe'tafety guidelines not to charge ny cguiationsnd cguiationsnd rcvisioDs ufto supplemeni $em and ncorpomte€commendations ncorpomte€commendations Ede by heclient. heclient. Atl engineersndsup€ryiso-s ndsup€ryiso-sre n padicular esponsibleor thesafery four opentions. opentions.The The duries fthe sup€rvisorye$onneln connetiionwith safetynclude safetyncludesupervision nd nsp€ction. l|e employeesave employees ave o adhereo adhereo exisiing safetyulesandhave n case fnec€ssityo usesafety usesafetydevices ln thiscont€xl thiscont€xl our ouratt€ntion att€ntions sdrawn o he heduties duties fthesaf"-ty saf"-tyepresenhtives epresenhtivesho hoaI€ aI€appointed appointed to supporthemanagemenl managemenlfproj€cr fproj€crby€n$fing thata@ident reventionmeasuresreobserved. Their imction s ro nspect afety rocedures,epon epon aultr and o draw heatlention femploy€es femploy€eso o unsafe orkingpractic€s. Porenlial az.rds or workersn workersn c.nslruclion nc,uoc: yourplac€ plac€ofemplolment s designedo conform o safety equiements rd Theequipnent The equipnental al your regulationso improve afery l work w€aremaking aremakingelery elery effon o makeoperatioff makeoperatioffeasier ndsafer, ever*her€ achange fworkptac[ s nvolved, y st ndardizing quipmed. Our nslallalions d equipment rcplanned, onstructednd ndoperaled operaledn n suchaway suchaway hatall hatall workcanbe canbecarried carriedout by you as assafety safetyas aspossible. Materials,oolsedequipm€nt oolsedequipm€nt onforfl o he hehighest highest afe.r, {andards {andards d ar€ tgutarlych€cked by safety xpcrtsand andby by othersupervisory othersupervisory €rsomel. Howcver,saf€tymeasuEslanorbceffecliveifthepr€scriMsaferyregulationsarcstric Howcver,saf€tymeasuEslanor bceffecliveifthepr€scriMsaferyregulationsarcstric adheredo.W€would adheredo. W€would hcreforeike to pointou11o ou whenyou sta.t sta.twork work with usard usard at equent intervals uringyou uringyouperiod periodofernplo)'rnenthat hatevery everyemployee employee hareshe hareshe esponsibilityor safety t Fveryonemust now now and andadh€re adh€reo odlesaf€ry egulations, .

Supervisorsnstruct'ons Supervisors nstruct'onsmllsl mllsl be beobeyed obeyed


Pldd, machinery ndequipment ndequipmentmust mustbe beus€d us€dand andop€nted op€nted n a accrrdance ccrrdance ;th nsructions.


Evcryonem$t &t in such sucha a way hat hathe hedoesnotendangerimselforothers.


Saf€ty ndmonitofing ndmonitofing quipment uslnotber€mov€d, notber€mov€d,djust4 djust4 rcducedn efficiency r renderEd


Safety twork twork salways pen o fi fiither ither dev€lopmenrnd ndsuggesled suggesledmprovemmtsan mprovemmts ancontribute contribute to geneml afeb..

In genernl,upervisory ersoruel worksile n cha.rge,ngineen ndsupervison) ndsupervison) re csponsibleor safelymeasrlrs measrlrswith with regardo regardo aii Jp€rationsarriedoutund€rrheir upervision.




GeneralConsruction C onsruction uidelines

Constflctionworkcan Constflctionwork canbsparticularly bsparticularly azardous.eNonal rorecrive quipmen i.e $fety, electicalsafety, ndother ndotherprecautionsrE ssentialor or safe o.stluclionwork. o.stluclionwork.Ref€r o others€ctions in $is guideinesormor€ nfornation.Foliow Foliow bese uidelinesltrcn ltrcnvisitingor workingat workingatconshrction conshrction Do nol walk.stand, r work under uspended oads.fyou raise oads. raisea a oad,be besure sure10 rib,blocb or olhelwise olhelwisesecure securehe he oadas assoon soonas aspossible. Avoidplacingunusual trainonequipment r rorerials. ' 2.

Bepreparedor unexpecredlwards.BEALERT BEALERT Ba rn e Bst rd Cu , rd s


Construction mployeesmust mustuse usebanieff andguardsas asnecessary necessaryo protectemployees, contsaclors.nd contsaclors. ndvisirors visirors rom physicalhaznds. haznds. fyou suspect bazard bazards s not sufiiciently sufiicientlyprotecred, protecred, notify heattcndiru heattcndiruworkersor theSaf€t Ofrce irnm€diarely. NOTE: Bcnriers,guadt, an.l warkins signt arc rcquired o enswesafety enswesafetyagaihtt agaihtt eristing hazar^. 3.

Type ofBarri€rs and Guards Standard?esofbariieri rd suads nclude he ollowing: Cuatdrails ndhandholds ndhandholds '







Orher physicalbarrien and solid seFrarors (dusr barriers, barriers,hazard hazardbaniers, baniers, emporary walkltrays, tc.)


Signshat state stateDANGER, DANGER,WARNING WARNING r CAUTIONare arealso also nportaht \|hen barfierc ot guar^ are hecessary. emembero nake nake signsegible, *ible, ahd btief




PeNon,lProt€ctive PeNon,l Prot€ctive,quipnent ,quipnentDefined Defined Personal rotective quipmentPPE) ncludes ll clolhinsand andwork work accessoriesesignedo protectemployeestom workplacehazards. roreclive quipment hould houldno1 no1 eplace eplace ngineering, adninistrative, r proc€duralontrols proc€duralontrolso. safety it should eused usedn n conjunction idr hese odrols. Employ€esmustw€arprotectiveequipm€s e4uned ndwhen ndwhen nstructed yasupeNiso.. 2.

Bodv ProtectioD

Hazardshat hrcalenhe hrcalenhe orso end o threat threaten enhe he€ntire €ntirebody.A va-rieryfprotrclive va-rieryfprotrcliveclothing, includingabomtory oats, oats,ong ongpants,ubber prons, ov€ralls,d disposableody odysuits suitsare areavailable available for specificwork workcrnditions. crnditions. . Rubber, eoprene..rdplasticclothingprotect mployeestom nost chemical plash€s. . Cov€ralls, Cov€ralls,and anddisposable disposable odysuitsprotectemployees nd everyday lothingfrom .

Weldingaprons mvide mvideprotection protectionFon sparks.

Launder eusable rot€ctive lothinsseparateiom otherclolhjng. Youarepmvidedfteeofcha4ewithprolectiveclothinsandequipme Youarepmvidedfteeofcha4ewithprolectiveclo thinsandequipmen accordanceith your )"e ofwork andarea andareaofresponsibilit. This equipment equipment ust bewom n accordance ith ith th€ egutations ard mustb€ mustb€car€tutly car€tutlymaintained rd che.ked 0ensure ensureiat iat it is n perfect ondition. Thes€t€ms Thes€ t€msofequipnent ofequipnent ncludeprotectiv€ lothingand andsafcty safctybelts. 3.


Muy accid€nts ccurbecause eopleon site do not paysufficient attention attention1o 1o heir orn healthandsaf€q,. oucan protectyouBelfsimply youBelfsimply by knowingwhat cando doa grea deal o protect knowingwhat s awilable. weding hecorrect lothingard lothingard using heprorective quipmenl pprcpriat€o youjob. 'nl€ companys obligedby obligedby aw o prcvid€ o yoq withoutcharge, ny tens, s*ich hav€been pmt€ctyou you heatth nd identified snecessary snecessaryo pmt€ct ndsafery. safery. he ollowing istsofpersonal ror€.rion r€ *amples ofsuch terDs ut t is no nottexhausriv€. 'Suilabl€prot€ctiveclothingforp€rsonswo.kinsoutofdoorsinrain,sDoqsleetorhailandlow ' . . . . .

Suilableproiectiveclothingfor personsryorkingwith mat€rialssuch mat€rialssuchas asasbeslos asbeslos r asbestoe baredmakrisls. makrisls.ca4 ca4cement cement rconcrere. Ey€plotecto$or shield; shield;wn ft work activities processeseing eingcaJried caJried ut are ikety to cause eyeidurica. Respiratorsrr breathing ppa.ratussprorection gainst u51orumes Respirators umesor or ackofoxysen. Safbqnets, Safbq nets,hanesses,ires, hanesses,ires, €tc. €tc.1o 1oprev€nt alls wher€ t is not pra practicable cticableo pmvideworking pLaforms. Safety Helmels. Ste€loe Ste€l oecapped cappedoonvear oonvears s now ecommendednbuilding constructionitesand or somejobs

Youarerequircdby law to co-operate ndw€arsuch suchclothing clothingandequiprnentwhere where he circunstancesemandl" emandl" slore t in an anaDDropriate aDDropriatelace .nd .ndeDon eDonanv anvdefects. defects.


Pasea) 4.

Weara safety elmetHeadmtection Weara elmetHeadmtection Seriousead Serious eadnjudes njudes an esultrom esultromblows blowso o h€head.

Beswe harworkers Beswe workers ear ard ar,where ar,wherehere heres sapotentialor or ob.jectsa.ilingrom a.ilingromhbove, hbove, bumpso theirheads theirheadsiom ixedobjects,raccidental raccidentalead ead ontact ith ele.trical azdds. 5.


Accidentshai cause eadnjudesarc njudesarcdifiicull difiicull to anticipate r control. fhazards fhazardsexist exist hat couldcause could cause ead eadnjuf, njuf, employeeshould employeeshouldf to eliminatehe hehazards, hazards,ut heyshould heyshould lsowezr lsowezrhead Safety ats rotectbehead rom mpact, eletration, nd ndelectrical electrical hock.Head Headprotections necessaryfyou fyou workuheredlere s arisk ofinjury fiom moving, alling,or flying objectsor ifyou worknezr work nezrhigh-vohag€ high-vohag€quiprner,r quiprner,r Hardhatsshord Hardhatsshor d be rater esistan lame esistant, nd ndadjustable. adjustable. Wear n€ n€ofthe ofthefollowing hardhats hard hatsas asappropriate appropriateor yourwork situation: ClassA - Geneml ervice,imited ervice,imitedvoltage rolection ClassB - Ulility servicqhigh-voltage servicqhigh-voltage rotection ClassC - Sp€cial ervice, ovoltage ovoltageprotection protection Follow lesc guidelinesor head afei: .

Check he shellandsusteision ofyou headwearor headwearor damage efore eforeeach eachuse. use.Look Look for cracks.denb, denb,gouges, halkyappearame, nd om or brokensuspension brokensuspensionheads. heads.Disca_rd damagedais damaged aisor or replace rokenpartswith r€plac€mentsrom rom heoriginat originatmanufacnuer manufacnuer


Disctrd any hal that hasbeenstruck beenstruckor dropped tom a gleat heigh heighr, r,even frhere is no appenl darlage.


Donotwe3ra we3rahardhat hardhatbackwards, nless nlesshis his snecessaryo accommodaretherprotective €quipnEnte.9., €quipnEnt e.9.,weldersace weldersaceshield). shield).

Do not aint theplasticshell shellofa ofa hardhat hardhator or alter alter l ir any anyway way


Page 5) 6.

Wear a safety belt

Safeqb€ltsmd harnesses Safeqb€lts harnessesre realso also mponant or yoursafetyand andshould shouldbe beused usedaccordance accordance in accordanc€il} instuctions.t is mportant mportantiDt iDt b€ltsar€examinen irefi y for defects efore ach useand andare areoniy oniywom fin perfeclcondilion condilionand n accordanc€ith safety egulatiorl Each ndividual sresponsibleorrhecareand andmaintaance maintaanceofhis o\|n safety elt. w}lenuringasafety asafetybelr belru]'e u]'e caJr oensure a. rhe ix-nC omr s secule. secule. elrsmuJ d fixed to a poinl poinl at east evelwith or venicaLly bove bovehejob hejob ocation. Safety arness usronly usronlybe usedn usedn conjunctionwith a shock shockabsorber. absorber.hestopchule stopchulemxsl mxsl beused be usedn n conjunction safery whichconforms which conforms safetybat tandard tandardrocedue. General ul€s with or theacare careand andmess storage fsafety fsafetybelts belts o equire a di.t), rocedue. behshould beh shouldonly only be

cleanedn soapywater waterad ad mu51 otbe otbedned dned n dnect dnectsunlight. sunlight.Safery Safery ehsshouldbe bestored stored aiging up n adrayed,weil-aned weil-aned lace. hey heyshould shouldnolbesrored besrored earheat heatand andmust mustnot not come nto contact with acidor acidor othercorosive othercorosive iquids. A bellwhich whichhas hasb€en b€enusedo prevent all mus be €tuned o theSafery theSaferyDepa_runeniving delailsofhow delails ofhow il uas us€d. us€d.Safety Safety etlsand etlsandhamesses hamesseshould hould n additionbe additionbe examin€d sand andwhen when necessaryat necessary at eastonc€a onc€a yem by safetypersonnelto heck or wearofdarnaee. wearofdarnaee. ny beltwhich s follnd o be bedefective defectivenay nayno no ongerbe beused. used.Beltsard Beltsard ropesmade fchemical ibersare aresubject subject v€n withoutuse without use o aprocess fdeteriorationwhi€h s de dependent pendentpon pon heshength heshength fultravioler ighr a and nd onclimatic on climatic ndother .virorunefialconditio$. conditio$. l is helEforeotpossible otpossibleodelerminehe delerminehe ife ofa belt with ay degre€ fexactilude,bu bu tojudseby pastexpenene, expenene,belts beltsand and op€shave havea a ife ofttrce ro fiveyea$. . A faceshield faceshield s designedo prolect he ace rom some plashes r projectiles, ut does noteliminateexposure eliminateexposureo vapors.A faceshield faceshieldshould shouldbewom with gogglesor safeiy glasses . 7.

reu5etul o pr€vent yaslnin tomglareand ominimize Sungla-sses minimizeuliraviolet uliravioletight. tryewashStations tryewash Stations

Eyewash tations rcvideemergency)€ reatlnentor Eyewash reatlnentorpeople xposedohrardous materials. Thereare lEe comon types feye washstations: washstations:


7. 7.2 2


Ey€WnlhBowlsl 'I hese lationsare lationsare approved d de usuallyattached attachedo o emergencyhowers. They Jrovide conlinuouswater low andare andarer€cornmended r€cornmendedor laboratories nd otherocations iih hazrrdous arerials. DreDchHoses&t Si*;: Thes€ btionspmvide btionspmvidea continuous continuous ater low,but h€yarc arceasily easily onraninated wilh sedim€nt, nd heydo heydonotallow he teeus€ teeus€ofboth ofboth hands;he heuse useofboth ofbothhandj In{y benecessary. benecessary. renchhosesare arenot not approve4 and heyarenot prefen€d or labontoryusage-fyou fyou haveadrench osen osen yourworkareq lrsh thehose thehose ceutarly $ remove ry seolmem Plasaic yeWash yeWashBottl€s: These rationsonotprovideacon{inuous con{inuousiater iater low ard th€y th€ydo domt mt allowG€e us€ofboth hrnjr Th€y Th€yare arenotapprovedn approvedn labontoriesorother labontoriesorother haadous arcas. Plasticeye eyewash wash rottles rottlesare are deal,however, deal,however,or portableeye eyewash washneeds needs ndshortt€rmoperatrons t€rm operatrons here ontinuouslorving lorvingwat€r wat€r s not rinediately availabl€. availabl€.fyou fyou haveapla$ic pla$ic€ye washbottle €yewash bottle nyou work workaF4 aF4 nDle sure surerr is fil1edwith srerilewater or chang€d eekly. lfthe eres eresale ale etposed o hanrdous naterials or irritating elenents, mnediately Contacta aphysi.ian, ifnecessary. fwh theeyeswith watet or a leait I 5 ninutes.Contact


Pase6) Pase 6) 8. Toprot€ct eet eetand and egs tom fallingobjerts, noving nachinery harp bj€crs, otmaterials, chemicals,rslipp€ry udaces,mployees mployeeshould houldweil closed-to€dhoes, oors,ootguards,eggings, eggings, or safelyshoes safelyshoes sappropriate. sappropriate. afety afetyshoes shoes redesigned redesignedo o protectp€ople iom rhemost rhemostcommon causes ffoot injuries im 6ct, compressioi ndpunchne. pedal ootprotectionisalso vAilabte forplotection gajnst taticelechicity. parks,iv€ iv€ eleclriciry, onrsivemateriats, ndslipphg. ndslipphg. NOTE: Footplotection is panicularly inpo ant in labolatory labolatory agiculturcL and constructiotjwork 9.

Arn and Hand Prot€ction

Ans dd hands revuln€mble revuln€mble o curs,bums, curs,bums,bruises, bruises, leclricalshock, shock, henicjl spilts, spilts,and and ampur on.The on.The ollowing oms ofhandprotection rc rcavailable availableor enployees: ' Disposablexarn loves . Rubber loves


Ntile gloves


Neoprene lov€s


Leather loves


NonasbestoseanrEislant loves


Metal-meshlovesor meat utrers Cohonglov€s


Alwaysw€€rrhe ppropriateandandamproredion.Double Double ourhand rolection ywezdng multiplegloves multiple gloveswhen whennecessary necessarye.g., wo wopairs pairsofdisposable loves o. work involving biological hzz2rds). or orarm armprole.tion, prole.tion,wear weara a ong-sleev€dhi4 a aboratory oat,chemicat-resistanr chemicat-resistanr le€ves, orgaun et-lengdr loves. I ollow* eie su delins roensure roensure rm rmdnd dndhand hand afeD . lnspeciand and esl esln€w n€wgloves or defects. .

Atwayswash ourhands efore ndalier ndalierusinggloves.Wash Wash hemicat-protectiveloveswith soapand andwater waterbefore €movinghem.

. .

Do notwear notweargloves gloves earmoving movingmachinery; machinery;he heglov€s ay become aught.



Donolweargioves weargioveswith metalperrs perrs earele.ricat equipment. Glovesarc Gloves arc easit contaminated.Ayoid Ayoid touchingsudaces suchas suchas tetephones, oor knobs, knobs,etc. etc. ||heh wea/ingglores.

Excessive oise oiseemined emined rom planl, processesnd ools can cancause, cause, ver a pedod oftime, pmgrersivend neversibleossoftleaing.hc€n hc€ncause cause ingjDg r rushing ojsen the€€ls, the€€ls,which whichwilt Hcaringoss anals,maleconrmunicarionifrcut whicb nnm may ead oaccidents Hcaringoss oaccidentslmueh lmueh ;nslructionsither ithernot notbeing beingheard heard r b€ingmiss-heard Rcmember,erftess Rcmember, erftesscauled cauledby by excess;veoisearwork arwork develops erygradualy,but butc$not be becur€d cur€d onc.ehe hedanuge danugehasbeendone.So-cali€d.,getting So-cali€d.,gettingsed o noise"can canmea.n mea.nhat heres alEadysome henringoss. henring oss.Takeproper Takeproperprecaulions precaulionso gotect yow tr€4ng.



SECTION3 Srfetysigns Srfety signs Safety ignsat work confom to statulory equirementsnd orm an essentisl essentisl artofsafety nreascs but10 but10ense ense that heyde heyde effective, heirmeaning heirmeaningmust mustbe beclear clear o everyone. isns&e &e intended irstly to showclearly Safety isns showclearlyand and n a conp conprehensible rehensibleorn obi obiects ectsand and hichcan cancause cause anger nd situations hich ndse{rndly se{rndly10 10provide afety afetynsmctions. nsmctions. Safety igns igns onot nothowever however tany ime ess€nour esponsibilityor tldng the €quired afety Safery ingsare ingsareclassified classifiedn various variousways: ways:pohibitions, w&nings nstructions, tnersency mea$ues, uidelines, nd ndadditional additionalnformalion. nformalion.Tlleyare Tlleyare ntendedo ntendedo conveynfomation conveynfomation clearlyby neansofditrer€ni neans ofditrer€nishapes shapes ndcoluresand andare aredisplayed displayed here lrey lreyar€ ar€easily easily isible. l.

Probibition igns

Background-whitediagmmr text-black Safery olour ednust ednust appd aroundhe heedge edgeard in adiagonal rossline ndmust ma.ke p ar elst I500oi the urlace urlaceeas easof r-hergn. E)

Knoa hoe to properly pe.ale pe.alehe heequipmentyou equipmentyoure reusing. using.


Use only equipment hat is appropriate or the work work 10be 10be done.


tnspectourequipmnt o eDsuGhal t is n goodworking ondition efore eginningjob. eginningjob. n addition, nsu.€ nsu.€h.t h.t regule nspeclionsndmaintenance ndmaintenancereconducted reconductedsappropriate.


Do notst.ess roverload ourequipment. l.spect your equipmenl, d reporl lny drmageor drmage or olher problems, windshield ndwipes Brakes bothparking ndservic. servic.bBket bBket


Opemlingconlrols tf,rkjDSfluid\ Hedlighls, rillighls, rake rakeights, ights, nd unr unrsignals signals Horn andback-up back-upalam alam (loud enougli o be ha.d 200 feet awa, Rolloverprotection tructureROPS). > Rolloverprotection haulageehicles. > Cab hields rcanopiesn haulageehicles. b€ltwhenopedting €ltwhenopedtingmy my type typeof of vehicle, herhe.r\ a huck, huck,butldozr, butldozr, oader, r > Wear sealb grader. on't exceedhe exceedhe speedimit speedimit for thea.es. thea.es. unlesshe vehicle s designedo. designedo. them.Reftel them.Reftel only when he vehicle > Don't allow rideB unlesshe

> > > > > > > >

tumedoff he.e areno so sources urces f ign tion nea. y.NO y. NO SMOKING signs shouldbe beposted postedn n feflrelineand ros.he.eare Don'1tun heensine n anenclosed an enclosed@ @ unless he.e signsshould s enough entilation. MakesuretheFare Make suretheFarewarning i8ns, aricades. . flaggerso flaggerso keepp@pleourofthearea. Makcsurc Makc surc o hlve a spotter spottero o guide ouwbennecessary. Be awarc foverhead bstructjons.likeower bstructjons.likeower mes rtreeslfyou don have clearvieq walkarouDd revehicle revehicleo o check orobsl.uctions. M.ke sure olrrvehiclc s notove.load€d. notove.load€d. MakesuE ny loadyou loadyou arc arccanying canying s s€cured ndstabie. K@pdllequipmentat K@p dllequipmentateasi 0 feet ron highvoltage highvoltagei.es i.es that thatc$ry c$ry 50,000 oltsor oltsor less.The cletusnccistde cletusncc istde is nore iftbe lioeca(i€s ca(i€shighervoltage. highervoltage. Everyoie €a.by €a.bys s n da,lje. fequipment ontacrshe inejotjust th€ th€operaror. operaror.

> stay lerlar lllimes. istenothe adio;t\dislracring. adio;t\dislracring. > Don'i istenothe Keep safe istarcc. > Keep ff heeqripnenrnlessaurho.iad. > orjacketfyou fyouare areworki.s worki.snear nearnovitrs novitrsehicles ehicles.. heaq, quipment.ear ea r > w€ar brjght erlorjacket lef'lcctorirdlothing lef'lcctorird lothingrrnight.


Page 9)



Significant nd arenot not nspecrd ndserious serious.juies mayocctlr fcranesare beforeuse before useand and f they are arenot not usedprop€rly.Often rhese rrjuries orcur when whena aworker sstruck struckby by ai overheadoad oador or caudt within thecrane's the crane's wing Manycme thtalities ccu when he wingmdius. mdius.Manycme heboon boon ota ctreo ls oadine oad inecomac' no\erhealpower o\erhealpowerin ine e Checkall crane onlrols o insureprop€r insureprop€roperation operation eforeuse. eforeuse. > Inspectwire wire rope,chains rope,chainsa.d hook or ey damage. >

Know heweighl weighlofthe ofthe load hat l€ crane cranes s to llft.


Eisu€ that he oaddoes oaddoes otexceed otexceedhe hecrane's crane'sated atedcapacity capacity

Raisehe oada oada ew ncheso ncheso vdfy balance nd ]teetrectiveness ]teetrectivenessfth€ brakesystem. brakesystem. Checkall Check all riggingprior o use;do use;donot not eTaphoist eTaphoist opesor chains chains round h€ oad. Fullyext€nd uhiggeis. Do not movea movea oadoverworkers. Barricade ccessiblereas ccessiblereaswithin thecrane's wing adius. Watch or overhead iectrical disiribution nd ra ransmission nsmissionines inesand andmintain mintain a safeworkine workineclemce clemce of at east1 east10 eet fiotn enssizedelec'tical enssizedelec'ticalines ines Cranes nddenicks nddenicksare are estricred omoperatingwithin l0 fet ofay elecaicalpower power ine. Theuplermtarine truchle Theupler truchlesupporting supportinghe heboom boomand andmaterials materials einghardlen einghardlen spmvidedwith anelectic.al an electic.al roundwhile workingnear nergizedransnitter owen;. Ratedoad oadc€pacities, c€pacities,pemting pemting p€edmd iistructioE de posted d visible o theope.ator. theope.ator. Cranes E equippe equipped dwith a oadchad. oadchad. Theoperator The operator de$tands and andus€s us€she oad oadchan. chan.


Theopemtor The opemtor andelednine andeledninehedgle hedgle and engn oflhe craneboom craneboomat at all all times. Cranemachinery ndolher ndolher€quipments ffp€ct€ddailyprior o use o male sure hat t is n good rndition. Acc€ssible reaswithh thecrane's wing adius adiusale alebdicaded. 'Iag lines linesare areused used o prevent angerouswing wingor or spinofmalerials spinofmalerialswhen aised r lowred by


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