December 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CPA Dash By Timothy Miranda


Federal Trade Commission Compliance

I make every effort at candor regarding any products or services we use, recommend, or otherwise make mention of. I strive to clearly differentiate between our own products or services versus those of third parties, to facilitate inquiries, support, and customer care. Likewise, just as I (and any other legitimate business) may profit from the sale of my own products or services, I may also profit from the sale of others’ products or services (like any retailer). Additionally, wherever products or services may give rise to income generation, I endeavor to provide realistic and factual data, but highlight the fact that the variables impacting results are so numerous and uncontrollable that no guarantees are in any way made. It is my goal to embrace the guidelines and requirements of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for the benefit of all, and with that in mind provide the following disclosures regarding compensation and disclaimer regarding earnings & income.  Note that material connections may m ay not be made known k nown at every single sin gle advertisement advertisemen t or affiliate link. Thus, to be safe, you should simply assume there is a material connection and that I may receive compensation in money or otherwise for anything you purchase as a result of visiting this website, and also that we may be paid merely by you clicking any link. Compensation

You should assume that I may be compensated for purchases of products or services mentioned on this guide that are not created, owned, licensed, or otherwise materially controlled by me. Stated differently, while most people obviously understand that individuals make a living by way of the profit that remains after the costs associated with providing their  product or service are covered, co vered, at least theoretically theo retically there may be b e someone out there t here who does not understand that a third party can "affiliate" someone else's products or services and be compensated by the product or service creator/owner for helping spread the word about their offering. Just compare it to retailers. They seldom produce anything, but rather make their money connecting product and service creators with end users.

Earnings & Income In light of all of the factors above, impinging on the very nature of income-producing  products and services, serv ices, there is no way w ay to guarantee results resul ts of any kind whatsoever. Accordingly, we affirmatively declare that we make no guarantees as to your earnings & income of any kind, at any time.

As with any business endeavor or investment, past performance is no guarantee or predictor of future performance. Any testimonials or other representations of results are for illustrative  purposes only and, though every effort is made to ensure they’re factually factuall y honest, they are not intended to imply or insinuate what is likely to happen with you. Your reliance on them as such is not advised. It should be noted that “earnings & income” is so phrased with specific intent. While income may typify the earnings most either seek or are accustomed to, earnings can come in nonmonetary forms. These include some forms that are abstract or intangible, and thus not even readily converted to currency or a common medium of exchange. Thus, note that all manner of compensation, including earnings of a non-income yet nevertheless beneficial form, are covered by these provisions.



Everybody knows that paid traffic is one of the fastest and simplest methods to drive targeted visitors to your CPA offers. It is also one of the fastest and simplest methods to leave you flat broke and discouraged from internet marketing. That is the major reason why many m any beginners and even some veteran marketers choose to stay away from paid traffic.  Admittedly,  Admittedl y, I use used d to be one o ne of those tho se marketers market ers who decided I would never spend a dime on traffic. So what did I do? I spent my time creating websites and videos and ranking them on Google. I built up quite a bunch of them and was making a killing with them in CPA commissions. Now, I know what you’re thinking. This is where I’m supposed to tell you that the latest Google update knocked out all of my sites and I lost all of my income, right? Wrong! Nothing bad happened to my


sites, and I actually saw an overall rise in my rankings after the latest update. I hate when marketers market their products by telling you that everything else doesn’t work and to not waste your time on something just because they say it doesn’t work. I want to let you know that there is still and will always be good money to be made through building and ranking websites. So why make a course on media buying if you can do well by building sites? Because media buying is faster, simpler, and more m ore easily scalable than any other form of traffic generation. Period. With media buying, you do not need to write any articles, design your own websites, or do any off-site SEO. You go straight to the websites that are already bringing in tons of targeted traffic for your offers. You are essentially paying for someone else’s time and hard work to bring in relevant traffic so you can reap the benefits immediately. The type of media buying we will be doing is display


advertising. You place your banner on their website and watch the traffic come in straight to your CPA offer or landing

page. !"#$%&'(

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