-onuments& e"cavations& covering millennia in histor% will remind %our client of the rich histor% that is India. 2or the first time visitor& the 1eaut% of the Ta -ahal is a never to forget memor%. 2rom ancient temples to mos:ues to churches $some of the first ones in (sia, all can 1e fitted into an e"citing holida%. •
Ever%thing a1out India is not old and ancient& there e"ist with the centuries old monuments a %oung and vi1rant India. Hand gliding in the 1ase mountains of the Himala%as in Himachal Pradesh& White /iver /afting in the might% river 5anga where the rapids reach scales suiting the amateur to the professional. 8ncharted s+iing in the Himala%as to gentl% slopes. 'eep water diving in the (ndaman Islands& India can 1e a lot of adventure. )o" 9 4ings ensures that while it is adventure that the client 1u%s& 1ehind the scene is meticulous planning to see to it that there is not Cmis;adventureD •
'id an%one sa% all Indian food is curr%. Then tr% the )o" 9 4ings gourmet tours. 2rom the food of the warriors of the North West Province to the food of the Cna1o1sD of #uc+now. 2rom the food of the sea faring 5oans to the food of the Nizams of H%dera1ad. )o" 9 4ings have specialized to 1e the CIndian 5ourmet ToursD e"perts. #ittle wonder that when it comes to organizing special tours for the International Wine 9 2ood Societ% or 6eunes /estaurateur 'D EuropeDs >? th anniversar% tour& the tour operator is )o" 9 4ings. •
(t no other destination will %our clients have a choice of F= National Par+s 9 Sanctuaries that are there in India. )o" 9 4ings operates specialized wildlife tours with leading India naturalists as guest lectures. 2rom the /o%al *engal Tiger&
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