Coursework - CIS6004 - 2019 - May

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Cardiff Metropolitan University B.Sc. (Hons) in Software Engineering Assignment Cover Sheet Student Details ( Student should fill the content)  content)  


Leshan Anjana Dharmasena

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Scheduled unit details  details 

Unit code


Unit title

Profession Professional al & Ethical Issues in IT

Unit enrolment details

Year Study period Upeka Wijesinghe


3 2019-2020

Mode of delivery Details  Assignment Details 

Full Time

 Nature of theWeighting Assessment Assessment Final Grade Topic of the Case Study

Coursework (Presentation and Report Report ) : 10% Report: 40%(Presentation Presentation Presentation: Identifying Identifyin g and assessing Ethical, social, legal and professional issues in a selected technology,/case study/ information system Will depend on the topic selected by the students 3000 (Essay)

Learning Outcomes covered Word count Due date / Time

24th August 2019

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Declaration  Declaration 

I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work or ideas have been used without acknowledgement. Except where I have clearly stated that I have used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented it for examination / assessment in any other course or unit at this or any other institution  Name/Signature  Name/Sig nature


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Marks by 1st  Assessor

 Name & Signature of the 1st Assessor

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the Agreed mark 1




Module Number & Title : 

Semester:   Semester:

Assignment Type & Title:  Title:   For student use: Critical feedback on the individual progression towards achieving the assignment outcomes 

For the Assessors’ feedback  

Indicate the Task number strength and Weaknesses and the marks for each task   task  

Task No/ Question No 

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Areas for future improvement  improvement  

Comments by 1st Assessor  

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Marks   Marks Task   /Question   No 

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IV comments (If Any)  Any)  

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Assignment Brief Purpose:

This assignment intends to assess student’s ability to perform a research on a selected problem areas related to information systems environment and to investigating ethical, legal and professional dilemmas of the selected organization/ context and provide recommendations with sound justifications.


Select a technology, case study, or an information system relevant to the module scope and conduct a research to identify the relevant ethical, social, legal and professional concerns related to the chosen topic. Evaluate and discuss the issues identified covering the following f ollowing tasks.

Task 1 –  1 –  Presentation  Presentation (20 Marks)

15 minutes presentation covering the following areas,

  A brief introduction to the topic

  Reason for choosing the topic

  Ethical, social, legal and professional issues related to the topic

  Research and investigation plan.

Task 2 –  2 –  Essay  Essay (80 Marks)

Write an essay approximately with 3000 words covering the following areas related to the chosen topic. a)  Identify the issues in terms of ethical, legal professional and social concerns of the chosen topic (10 Marks)


b) Critically evaluate different perspectives of the issues / concerns raised by applying relevant ethical principles, theories, regulations and professional code of conducts. (25 Marks) c)  Discuss the different perspectives, arguments raised by other writers that have researched the

ethical, legal, social and professional concerns of the same technology/ topic. The researchers you choose should be credible and renowned in their field of study . (20Marks) d)  Suggest the recommendations/ recommendations/ solutions to the identified issues and justify the solutions. (10Marks) e)  Discuss the importance of ethical approach for the chosen topic and explain how it is helping an

IT professional for his professional development. development. (10Marks) f)  Correct use of citation, referencing and use of credible and authoritative sources using Harvard

referencing System (5 Marks) 4


Marking Scheme Learning Outcomes: 1 

Critically consider the wider legal, social, professional and ethical environment for IT IT  professionals.

Critically discuss contemporary issues at the intersection of computing, technology, economy, politics and society.

Demonstrate appreciation of the importance of a professional and ethical approach to computer science, software engineering and information systems, along with the importance of lifelong professional development.

Learning Outcomes covered from the course work.

The LOs covered may depend on the topic chosen by the student.

Presentation Marking Criteria



The introduction introductio n to the topic and the relevance to the module


The sources of information and investigation plan


Clear and precise presentation (slides and verbal)


Identification of the issues related to the selected topic. 

Ethical issues


Legal Issues


Professional Profession al Issues


Social Issues






Marking criteria –  criteria –  for  for Task 2


Description of the criteria

Part a) Identification of the issues. (10 marks)


 No or very few issues have been been identified. identified. There are enough evidences; evidences; facts were were not  presented to demonstrate demonstrate the research conducted. conducted.


Issues have been identified successfully and demonstrated a basic understanding understandi ng of the subject scope with acceptable answer. The issues seem to be genuine and a reasonable sample has been selected and fair amount of issues have been raised.


An excellent set of issues have been identified. Evidences and justification were  provided for the facts gathered from the sample. sample.

Part b) Critical Evaluate the issues by applying relevant principles, theories and different perspectives (25 Marks)


Poor discussion and no evidence of applicability of the different theories given in the report. Poor analysis of the different perspectives of the sample. No or poor application of the relevant theories, principles and regulations.


Basic discussion presented by referring to few different perspectives. Reasonable level of application of the relevant principles, theories theories and regulations.


Very good understanding understan ding of the subject scope has been demonstrated and the discussion of different perspectives is critical. Application of the theories, principles, regulations is very good and the writing style used, referencing and citation is correct.


Excellent discussion with outstanding arguments and critical discussion. Many  perspectives  perspectiv es were considered considered and excellent excellent application application of the relevant relevant principles, principles, theories and regulations.

Part c) Discuss other writers’ perspectives (20 Marks) Marks)  

0-5 6-10

Poor or no analysis of the other writers’ perspectives.  perspectives.  Satisfactory analysis of other writers’ perspectives and reasonable amount of credible sources were chosen. Citation and referencing is done correctly although some minor mistakes are present.


Very good evaluation with critical discussion of the others’ perspectives. The sources selected are reliable and critical discussion of the other writers’ perspectives was given.Citations are referencing is accurate.


Excellent answer with outstanding arguments and discussion of the renowned and reliable authors’ perspectives. Discussion is critical and excellent set of  arguments  arguments were raised. Good list of references given and citation is accurate.



Part d) Suggestions, recommendations and solutions. (10 Marks) 0-3  No or very few few set of recomm recommendations endations and suggestions suggestions given . Recommendations Recommendations (if given) are not practical and specific.



good set of recommendations were suggested and justified them with principles and theories. Excellent set of recommendations which are practical, specific and relevant to the identified scenario/ topic. Solutions, recommendations have been justified pointing out the improvement which can bring along with them.

Part e) Discuss the importance of ethical approach for the chosen topic and how it is helping an IT professional for his professional development. (10Marks)


 No or very few few importance importance were discussed. discussed. Has not discuss discuss how ethical approach approach is is helping the development of IT professional


Has discuses good set of importance with evidence with justification Has discuss how ethical approach is helping the development of IT professional with justification


Excellent discuses has carried out on off importance ethical approach on the chosen topic with evidence with justification Given excellent set of example and evidence how ethical approach is helping the development of IT professional

Part f) correct use of citation and referencing (05Marks)


No or very few citations in the body. Incorrect use of citation and compiled only the reference list without body citation. Citations and the reference list do not match.


Correct use of citations but, number of sources used is not sufficient. Used Harvard referencing system.


Very good set of sources used and proper citation and referencing is done. The citations and the reference list do match.



Executive Summary

According to the summary I have created a research report which is related to computer games. However, in question a), I have identified what are the issues which might face in ethical, legal,  professional and social. In question b), I have critically evaluated the different perspectives of the issues or concerns by applying the necessary ethical principles, theories, rules and regulations and professional code of conducts as well. In question c), I have critically analyzed and evaluated the different perspectives of the concerns where other writers have used. In question d), I have given what are the recommendations or solutions which involve from the issues and finally in question e), I have discussed what are the ethical approach methods which involve an IT professional for his professional development. Therefore, as an analyst it is my job to seek what might be the usefulness of computer games in nowadays.



Table of Contents

Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................08 Introduction....................................................................................................................................10 Question a) ....................................................................................................................................11 Question b) ....................................................................................................................................13 Question c) ....................................................................................................................................15 Question d) ....................................................................................................................................17 Question e) ....................................................................................................................................18 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................19 Question f) ....................................................................................................................................20



Introduction Computer games are programs or software which enables a player in order to interact with a virtual game environment which is used for entertainment and fun. Therefore, there are many types of computer games are available from traditional card games to more digitized video games such as role playing games and adventure games. However, with the upcoming technology nowadays we have experienced the VR video games which is defined as virtual reality in order to get the experience is like playing a game in a real world. However, in this report all the benefits and negative effects of computer game are mentioned in this report.



Question a) According to computer games it is the most trending because many people around the world are highly likely to play video games on their personal computer and mobile phone devices in order to reduce stress. But however, there are some issues which might lead to ccomputer omputer games such as ethical, legal, professional and social issues.

  Ethical Issues

According to Ethical issues which is caused by computer games are mainly privacy, violence, addiction and also image content. When considering privacy this occurs when the user wants to  play an online game which requires an online account therefore the gaming company may ask the user’s personal information such as user’s name, email address, date of birth and etc. in order to get the job done. But however there are some s ome gaming companies which may ask the user’s store payment information for in-game purchases which means that hackers may try to steal or hack the user’s bank information whenever the hacker wants itself which violates privacy of the user. When considering violence this occurs when children who are likely to play highly violent and mature video games which leads to violence for example: “A 14-year-old 14 -year-old boy killed his father by using a sledgehammer since his father had disturbed his computer game. ”  (Anon., 2018) When considering addiction this usually occurs when player’s play online games with other players which will lead to addiction because there is no general ending for example: mainly games which are especially addictive due to online multi-player games such as Call of Duty, Fortnite and etc. When considering image content this means that the contents which include in the game such as blood/killing, humor, nudity and sexuality could bring bad effects to the  player’s mentality. mentality. For example: A very famous game known as GTA which implies the real situation which leads to offensive language, violence, racism and etc.

  Legal Issues

According to Legal issues which is caused by computer games are mainly data loss, copyright and game ratings. When considering data loss this means that when the user is logging to the game by entering user credentials once the logging is successful the user’s saved point or data is missing so therefore in order to overcome this type of issue the gaming company should use an act called Data Protection Act 1998 this ensures that all the user’s data is kept safe and secure, 11


accurate, lawfully. When considering the copyright issue this means that other gaming companies may try to copy from the original game which is created by the original gaming company. So, therefore in order to overcome this issue the gaming company has used Design and Patents act 1988 this ensures that in order to prevent from other gaming companies from copying the original game otherwise they have to suffer the consequences such as paying heavy penalties. When considering game ratings this means that every game has no accurate game rating therefore this might sell the games to under aged people example: Early Childhood (ages 3+), Everyone (ages 6+), Everyone 10+ (ages 10+), Teen (ages 13+), Mature (ages 17+), and Adults Only (ages 18+). (Jimmy Dang, n.d.) which is based on the game therefore therefore in order to overcome this issue the gaming company uses Age restriction act to make sure that the game developer should consider the age of the user/player which is based on the game.

  Professional Issues

According to Professional issues which is caused by computer games are mainly cheating, sharing private information and harassment. When considering cheating this means that cheaters who are good in video games can take unethical advantage therefore which likely unfair for other  players in order to play the game in a proper way. (Anon., 2018) When considering sharing  private information this states that tha t if the player shares his/her personal information to strangers or other players where they can collect valuable information of the user. When considering harassment this states that if the player has harassed or bully the other team members which may lead to violence will create bad impact to the player itself.

  Social Issues

According to Social issues which is caused by computer games are mainly health risk, education and use of language. When considering health risk this states that if the player is continuously  playing the game for hours which will lead to eye strains, headache, back pain, wrist pain and etc. When considering education this states that nowadays children are likely to play more time on video games rather than studying for their education which results lower grades of the children. When considering use of language this means that when communicating with other  people/strangers through online may lead to harsh language. From that harsh language the player pla yer 12


might get used to it which will impact the society.

Question b) Ethical Principles 

  Respect for others

This means that when it comes to bullying or violence with other team members playing through online might lead to disrespect and end up with a bad reputation. (Anon., 2019) Therefore, in order to gain respect from the other team members is to listen what they say and respond in a  politely way and also should give credit to other players as well in order to earn respect from other players in a good manner.

  Treat others as equal

This means that if the cheater plays the video game by applying cheat codes it does consider unequal or unfair for other players in order to play the game in a proper way. (Anon., 2019)Therefore, by playing without using cheat codes in a video game it is considered as equal for other players to have fun play time with other team members of the game.

  Act honestly

This suggest that if the player is caught cheating by making money in many gaming competitions it may lead to unethical practices of the virtual video gaming is being destroyed. (Anon., 2019) Therefore, if the player acts honestly without cheating in a gaming competitions the player won’t need to suffer the consequences for e.g. paying heavy fines, getting banned from the game for entire career.

Ethical Theories

  Deontological Theory

Deontological theory is meant when actions are right or wrong in themselves, regardless of consequences. For example, if we consider that cheating in any type of game is known as illegal  because there are no proper regulations for its avoidance and also many gaming industries are 13


encouraging abnormality in people in order to seek high profits which is an unethical practice made by the gaming industry. (Anon., 2018)

  Consequentialist Theory

Consequentialist theory is meant when actions are right or wrong depending on their consequences. For example, if we consider that nowadays many gaming industry produces more aggressive or violent games which are highly demanded because many teenagers have got into it and also which brings high profits for the gaming company as well. But by doing this method this violates a lot of ethical principles which are respect for others, honesty and etc. (Anon., 2018)

Regulations When considering the law and regulation in computer games is that selling highly Rated R games to under aged children who are less than eighteen years’ old which is illegal. And also games which has included sexual behavior and crime activities it also violates the content rating system which is known as PEGI (Pan European Game Information). (S. Gregory Boyd, 2019) When considering copyright or trademark many gaming companies are trying to copy the title, features of the game and how it is displayed from the original game. Therefore, if the company has got into any mess by copying from other gaming industry competitors may face heavy  penalties or duties which violates the Copyright, Patents act 1988.

Professional Code of conducts   Public interest 

This means that game developers should know how to make use of the content rating system in order to identify critically of the video game. (Anon., 2018) For example: As I mentioned before many teenagers are mostly drawn into highly rated video games which gets the attention of the  players in order to purchase the video game will affect the player’s mentality. Therefore, this clearly breach the code of conduct which is known as public interest because the gaming industry is mainly concerned about high demand and also the gaming industry have neglected the concern when focusing on public matters. 14


  Professional Competence and Integrity

This means that gaming industry should concern for the workers who work very hard in order to make a video game successful. So, therefore when considering the employees in the workplace the business should provide additional training in order to boost the professional knowledge, skills and competence on a continuing basis which is relevant to the field. Also, that the gaming industry should provide protection against from who are harassing other employees which might involve into conflicts. (Anon., 2019) Finally, the gaming industry should provide health and safety needs of the employees which includes mental safety and physical health in order to make sure that the employee is fit enough to work by giving regular breaks and etc.

Question c) In order to discuss the perspectives of what other writers have researched about computer games where and how the gaming industries uses several methods in order to concern the ethical, legal,  professional and social. Therefore, based on the journal document documen t “Playing with Ethics: Video Game Controversy”. This document mentions that nowadays when many players or gamers have ethical issues regarding video games such as violence, stereotyping, rating and etc. (Jimmy Dang, n.d.) However, this states that “it is also the player’s responsibility to be aware of the positive and negative effects of video gaming.” Normally, violence occurs when the player plays highly matured video games for e.g. Call of Duty, PUBG and many other games. Also this has mentioned a recent study where “the Indiana University School of Medicine has used a MRI brain scan to a particular individual who plays highly violent video games which shows an amount of increase in emotional arousal which will lead to less self-control and attention of the individual. When considering about game rating this a rating system which allows the players to purchase or buy the video game based on the age of the user which is related to the game. For e.g. “Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)” is a company which assigns the video game rating based on the contents which is used by gaming industries such as: unwanted content which is illegal for small kids to play games. Therefore, with the help of content rating nowadays parents can buy video games which is most suitable for their kids by go through the age which is mentioned in the back 15


of the video game case. This will keep their children safe from playing games which contains unwanted content. Therefore, based on the journal document document “Impact of Computer Games on Students GPA”. This document tells us that computer games are the world’s largest entertainment where nowadays many students or children play video games for a long time without considering their education therefore the GPA of the students has fallen. (Karzan Wakil, 2017) For e.g. in a recent study where “a questionnaire is distributed for 100 students in a school in order to determine or study that how much hours that students spend their time playing time  playing video games.” According to the study it says that “students who play more than three hours a day and their GPA reduces up to -2.41%  per hour”. However, with the continuous playing of video games students might feel lazy and less active when it comes to education this is because that playing video games may reduce the human creativity which reduce the overall thinking ability of the student. And also another risk is that when it comes under health risk this triggers headaches, eye stains, back pains and many more. However, in order to reduce such concerns is that students should be able to limit the time of playing video games and also should focus more on their education in order to increase the GPA of the student which will improve their education. Therefore, when going through a book named “Video “ Video Game Law” Law” which contains all the legal laws which is related to computer games in nowadays. When considering copyright this suggest that in order to prevent from other companies copying the same game. (S. Gregory Boyd, 2019) Also copyright in video games includes the “stories, “ stories, characters, geographic locations and also the software source code which is used in the software as well”. Therefore, if any company has caught by illegally copying the company has to pay the fine which is depend on how much the company has copied from the original game. When considering trademarks this means that a word, name, or a symbol in order to identify the company’s products for e.g. xbox, playstati on and etc. Mostly many gaming industries used a specific symbol which is known as “TM” to indicate that the mark is being is used by the gaming industry.



Question d) The recommendation and solutions for the issues are:

  Install an anti-virus software

By installing an anti-virus software will allow to protect users from viruses and malware through online. Also when creating an online account this allows the cybercriminals to collect information from user. (Anon., 2019) Therefore, Therefore, nowadays many children don’t know how online gaming is secure or not but with the help of anti-virus software now parents can activate  parental control which restricts the information information shared to other users.

  Use of legal acts

If the hacker tries to t o breach from the user’s personal account information which violates data  protection act 1998. Therefore, the gaming company should be responsible for protecting the user’s information safe and secure. When considering the design and patents act 1988 this allows the gaming company to prevent other companies from copying the idea, features, graphics, music of the game. Also before deploying the game to the general public the game developer should consider the age of the user which is based on the game such as unwanted media that might affect the mentality of the user therefore it violates the age restriction act as well.

  Banning / report

This means that if any player is caught from cheating, violent actions or offensive language which is a harassment and unfair for other players to play the game. Therefore, the solution to this problem is that players can report that particular person or player and then finally the gaming company might take necessary actions against them such as banning from the entire game or pay a sum amount of fine as a punishment.

  Take regular breaks

This means that when the player plays the game for long hours’ health issues might involve so therefore, in order to reduce these risk, the best thing is to take regular breaks which is good for 17


the health of the player or gamer.

Question e) When considering the ethical approach in order to help the IT professional for his professional development is to provide necessary training which is related to the field may able to assist the ongoing professional development (Anon., 2019). And also by monitoring the IT professional employee in order to identify what are the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. By identifying this will help to correct the weakness or mistakes that IT professional has done which will improve the development process. Also finally, by using any motivational methods like giving extra salary bonus this will try to motivate the IT professional to work hard in order to achieve the target. By using proper communication between other employees in order to understand clearly which makes the work easier. However, if the IT professional has the creativity to solve different various problems which might arise while working this will help to improve his problem solving technique and will lead to helping his professional development.



Conclusion According to the conclusion I have selected a technology with the ability to perform a research as well which is known as Computer games. The reason of conducting this research is to identify what are the benefits and the issues which could impact to the people and the society. However, in question a), I have clearly identified and given with examples that what are the issues which might face in ethical, legal, professional and social. For example: violence, privacy health risk and etc. In question b), I have critically analyzed and evaluated the different perspectives of the issues or concerns from collecting information through the internet by applying the necessary ethical principles, theories, rules and regulations and finally professional code of conducts as well. In question c), I have critically analyzed and evaluated the different perspectives of the concerns where other writers have collected information by considering the computer games topic. In question d), I have given what are the recommendations or solutions which involve from the issues of computer games and finally in question e), I have discussed what are the ethical approach methods which involve an IT professional for his professional development in the workplace. Therefore, I hope that by conducting this type of research would benefit anyone in order to get an idea what is like to play a computer games nowadays which may affect the  people’s day to day lives.



Question f) References



UKEssays. (2018). Ethical Issues In Video Games Media Essay. [online]. Available at:   [Accessed 19th August 2019]. (2019). Video Games and the Law. [online]. Available at:   [Accessed 19th August 2019].










at:   [Accessed 19th August 2019].

Avast blog. (2019). Online games: 5 risks to your online security and privacy. [online]. Available at:

https://blog.avast.c om/online-games-5-risks-to-y ames-5-risks-to-your-online-sec our-online-security-and-priva urity-and-privacy cy  [Accessed


August 2019]. (2019). How Gamers Can Earn Respect. [online]. Available at:  [Accessed 20th August 2019]. (2019). Code of Ethics. [online]. Available at:   [Accessed 20th August 2019].



  Research Journal

Dang, J., Lee, J. and Nguyen, C., n.d. Playing with Ethics: Video Game Controversy. [pdf]. Available


[Accessed 21st August 2019] Wakil, K., Omer, B. and Omer, S., (2017). Impact of Computer Games on Students GPA. [pdf] European







[Accessed 21st August 2019]


Boyd, S.G., Pyne, B. and Kane, S.F., (2019). Video Game Law. Boca Raton. A K Peters/CRC Press






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