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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014

The University of the West Indies OPEN CAMPUS Foundations for Leaning Success (FOUN1501) COURSE GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Semester 11: 2013/2014

Welcome & Introduction Welcome to the Semester 2 session of teaching and learning in FOUN1501, Foundations for Learning Success. I am Clover Hamilton-Flowers, your Course Coordinator and I am part of a team of committed persons who will be working with you to support your efforts to develop as learner-practitioners. Our success is dependent on the quality of our relationship with each other. This can be enhanced through open and constant communication and collaboration as we problem solve and demonstrate mutual respect in our interactions with each other. The activities included in each session are specifically designed to help you to improve your learning practices. Your response to these activities is critical to your success and as a consequence you should make every effort to apply suggestions for you to change or reframe your thinking. These activities should not be taken for granted and evidence of your engagement in each will be necessary. This is why you should ensure that you begin with the orientation activities and work out how you will be managing your learning. I trust that the cautionary aspect of this welcoming statement will serve as a source of inspiration that you can achieve your goals as a learner with high standards. If you wish to continue the discourse about your success, feel free to share your thoughts. I can be reached via email at [email protected]. I can also be contacted by telephone at 876-8792744. Thank you for your commitment as your tutors and I work together to make Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501) a meaningful and memorable learning experience. Clover Hamilton-Flowers August, 2013

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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014

CONTENTS PAGE Introduction


Course Outline


Course/Unit Topics


Study/Course Schedule


Coursework Assignment and Guidelines


Course Activities and Guidelines


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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014

Course Code:


Course Title:

Reflexive Practice: Foundations For Learning Success





Academic Year:

2012 / 2013 (Semester 11)

Course Coordinator:

Clover Hamilton-Flowers ([email protected] OR [email protected]


General Information Some important information to keep in mind: 1. Your picture uploaded on the Learning Exchange must conform to the following – a profile of just your face, a close up image that allows you to be recognized. 2. The Department in the Open Campus (OC) ultimately responsible for the delivery of this course is: The Undergraduate Programmes Department. View the OC Web Site for information on your Programme: 3. There are different avenues available to you as a student to receive support. The avenue you take is dependent on your particular need. View the QUICK LINK in your course for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs.)

Purpose of this Guide This Course Guide provides information for you to manage your learning based on the requirements of the course. .It is to be used along with other resources that provide insights for you to make decisions and act responsibly. Where you have doubts about

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your role and responsibilities, the scope of the course and timelines, you should consult this document. Course Coordinator’s Expectation As a participant, you are expected to: (a) Complete the orientation activities. (b) Work closely with your tutor and respond to feedback (c) Start a learning team or learning community early and interact frequently with members about your learning (d) Attend meetings and collaborative sessions that are planned by your tutors and team members (e) Respond to News & Announcements in the Teacher-Student Exchange (f) Make a learning plan and use it to guide you in managing your learning. This will help in minimizing or preventing poor quality work from rushing. (g) Be actively engaged in the various learning activities and on-line discussions. Ensure that you contribute to a discussion thread if less than six persons have responded to a post. (h) Start a discussion thread using your response to an activity if no one else has done so. (i) Encourage others to participate if necessary. (j) Avoid being the student who has to be prompted and called several times to contribute to learning. (k) Take the initiative to self-correct and use feedback to improve your practice. Use your portfolio to store your corrected work. Note that there are free e-portfolios that you can explore or you can use PowerPoint or other relevant technology. (l) Apply the principles for practice in various learning context. (m) Use assessment criteria as guides when working on assessment tasks (n) Maintain artefacts and records of evidence of your substantive contribution to learning for self and others (o) Comply with technical and ethical standards in sharing ideas and in the creation of products.

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Some important standards are conveyed by regulations and principles for practice that relate to:  Plagiarism as indicated in by the Undergraduate Student Anti-Plagiarism Policy, Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies (See the Quick Link in the left hand column of the course page)  Netiquette (see Quick Link in the left column of the course page for additional information)  Observation of deadlines for submitting assignments  Credibility/Authenticity of your learning.


COURSE RATIONALE: There are societal and institutional concerns about students' low level of self-direction, deficiency in pertinent skills and attitudes for this era and the future. Increased access to information, an increasing openness to partnership and cultural integration have placed greater demand for intellectual skills and qualities. Additionally, the need for learners to possess the skills and attitudes that make them employable requires a shift from a focus on acquiring the knowledge and skills for completing job-related activities to the development of: self-image, self direction, personal core values and personal qualities to make them productive and responsible members of the organizations to which they belong and the society on a whole. This shift in paradigm has been challenging traditional behaviours and practices that promote passivity, social segregation and the regurgitation of knowledge which stifles creativity and the development of critical reflective thinking skills that are needed to solve problems. Although educational programmes have changed and efforts have been made to help students transform their traditional practices, through the application of learner-centred models, significant change that is transformative in nature has not yet been realized. If learners are to experience deep change so that they can be successful in developing the skills and qualities they need to cope and become productive professionals or individuals, they need to be exposed to the principles of reflective practice as these principles allow them to examine and strategically change the assumptions, habits and beliefs that have become the norm for them and have been inhibiting their development as whole persons. To sustain this change and influence character development, exposure to reflexive practice is also necessary as this helps the learner to confront with the aim of changing, those personal and communal behaviours that: (a) encourage the misuse of power, (b) stifle wholesome interpersonal relationships and, (c) promote unethical practices and ultimately lower the quality of personal and communal life. By integrating the principles of reflective and reflexive practice, the kind of change that is transformative and which makes a significant difference is possible. This integration

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leads to a reflective-reflexive framework for practice and ensures that the supporting conditions for change are provided and inspires and places demands on learners to become rational, ethical thinkers, lifelong learners and problem solvers who play a more active and responsible role in the learning process. This responsibility includes working towards greater self-direction, utilizing critical/reflective thinking; building and supporting teamwork and community life and developing other pertinent life/employability skills that are current priorities and of future relevance

Course Description This course introduces the principles of reflective-reflexive practice as a foundational tool to be applied throughout this course as well as in other courses in your programme of study. The course is organized under four themes through principles of reflectivereflexive practice. The themes relate to self, the process of meaning-making, lifelong learning to include the development of employability skills, and community/team learning. The course emphasizes transformative learning and change at the personal level and professional level through critical self-exploration that is based on the principles of reflective and reflexive practice. Organized (collaborative) reflections and reflexive conversation are also encouraged as a means of contributing to holistic development. This includes the development of (a) social, emotional, spiritual and ethical intelligences, (b) problem solving and critical thinking skills and qualities, and (c) personal core values and work ethics. The interdependent nature of these aspects of human development are recognized and embraced as a fundamental requirement in addition to the necessary supporting conditions for high performance, overall learning success, and personal and professional advancement. Some of the principles that learners will explore as means of supporting their development include: self empowerment, transformative learning, experiential learning and organized group reflection (practical reflexivity). To support their learning and development, a care-centred context that inspires creativity, emotional management and work ethics, respect for diversity and community is created and sustained. These principles are integrated in all themes and are experienced through the various learning activities and the expected roles and responsibilities that learners will assume. Goals and Objectives Goals: To become reflective-reflexive practitioners, participants should: (a) Interrogate perspectives and frameworks associated with reflective-reflexive practice (b) Develop their capacity to better manage self as learners by applying empowerment strategies (c) Increase self-knowledge for development of a personal profile through the application of reflectivereflexive practice (d) Improve cognitive and psycho-social meaning-making strategies that are progressive/developmental and transferrable

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(e) Develop the intellectual qualities and skills associated with a lifelong orientation to learning (f) Become active members of a team/community by contributing to team/community life as reflectivereflexive learner-practitioner (g) Utilize technology as a multi-purpose tool to support and provided evidence of learning and/or change and to validate and enhance personal and collaborative responsibility for the change /learning process Objectives: Knowledge: During their exploration of the themes, the related objectives and planned learning experiences, participants should: 1. Critically examine their personal learning practices, beliefs and assumptions about how they learn 2. Compare traditional learning practice they have experienced with reflectivereflexive practice to ascertain which is more suitable for their personal and professional contexts 3. Explore the relationship between critical thinking and reflective thinking 4. Explore the principles of reflective-reflexive practice as a means of self transformation as learners or practitioners in a specialized field of study 5. Describe the features of a reflective-reflexive framework they would use as a guide to improve their practice and their profile as developing professionals 6. Critique the outcome of using a chosen reflective-reflexive framework 7. Illustrate the relationship between reflective-reflexive practice and lifelong learning 8. Demonstrate the basic roles and responsibilities expected of a learning team or learning community Affective/Expressive 9. Keep abreast of changes in their personal/self-profile that relate to their competencies and learning practices 10. Assume greater responsibility for personal change as they develop their competencies as reflective-reflexive learner-practitioners 11. Take the initiative to practice in an integrative manner, the skills that are associated with creative thinking, critical or reflective thinking and problem solving 12. Illustrate the self management techniques they have used to improve their intellectual characteristics or capabilities as emerging lifelong learners and as members of a learning team/community 13. Provide a rationale for their commitment or lack of commitment to a life-long orientation to professional development

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14. Advocate for the improvement of the supporting systems or conditions that are inadequate for them to develop as reflective-reflexive learners in a selected context Psychomotor/Physical & Technical Skills 15. Manipulate with increasing ease, the tangible learning/technological resources that create a challenge for them to implement selected self-empowerment strategies 16. Demonstrate creativity in their use of mental models to convey multiple meanings or perspectives and to present their profile 17. Integrate available technological tools and processes for creative organization of artefacts and to problem solve 18. Observe with increasing independence their personal response or reactions to sensory cues in their environment that are hindrances to learning/change/development 19. Collect authentic evidence of environmental cues that promote or hinder reflective-reflexive practice. 20. Demonstrate fluency in analyzing written and oral reflection using standards of critical reasoning COURSE CONTENT Theme 1: Readiness for Self-Empowered Practice [3 weeks] Problem Statement and Theme Focus: Many learners participate or become engaged in formal learning or educational programmes because it is a part of their culture or upbringing. Their experiences have taught them to focus on learning to pass examinations rather than to develop their capabilities. They soon learn to compete against each other and to identify themselves with their examination grades although these exams oftentimes emphasize knowledge of concepts, rules and procedures and ignore a wide range of intellectual skills and qualities. Unfortunately, many of these learners complete their programme of study still having doubts about their competencies and readiness for the world of work, which will be the ultimate arena in which their performance will be judged. How can learners be empowered? That is, how can the learner/you bring positive change to this situation in a context that emphasizes total development and learning how to learn? [Self assessment of information literacy skills will be a part of this course. For example, do you really know your cognitive deficiencies?] In theme 1 you, as learner, will begin to examine these questions using reflective-reflexive principles. You will examine your learning style and related learning habits as you begin to examine the self (knowing yourself) and to interrogate your personal thoughts and actions in light of ethical principles and the use of power. At the start of the learning process you will discern that reflective and reflexive practices come from experience that is based on the integration of the principles and methods (learning activities). This implies that talking about what reflective and reflexive practice is about is minimized, but is subtly present in

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the process of self- discovery about your learning style, and poor learning habits and dispositions as a part of your self knowledge. Theme 1: Summary of Content (a) Developing a personal profile for self discovery i. Cultural practices that enhance and those that impede learning (social, political, economic, philosophical) ii. Competencies for engaging in and for completing primary learning tasks iii. Dimensions of competencies for learning success iv. Intellectual qualities and skills for learning success  Critical thinking (standards, qualities)  Problem solving (process, outcome, models)  Decision Making (process, models, outcome)  Reflective thinking (skills, levels, characteristics)  Reflexive thinking (scope, levels, characteristics)  Creative thinking (skills, outcome, standards)  Information literacy (skill, attitude ) (b) Characteristics of supportive learning contexts i. Climate and pattern of interaction ii. Administrative support – policies, regulations and procedures iii. Technological resources (access, types, effectiveness) (c) Reflective-reflexive thinking and practice as a framework for change in practice i. Working definitions, meanings/perspectives of reflective thinking/practice, reflexive thinking/practice ii. The difference between reflectivity and reflexivity iii. The importance of reflective-reflexive practice iv. Characteristics of reflective/reflexive learner practitioner v. Levels of reflective-reflexive thinking vi. Evidence of the need for change in practice based on gaps in traditional learning practices vii. Using critical thinking and reflective-reflexive practice framework or model to support change, observation of institutional policies, etc.)

Theme 2: Reflective-Reflexive Practice for Exploring the Meaning-Making Landscape for Learning Success [3 weeks] Problem Statement and Theme Focus: A word carries multiple meanings based on the context in which it is used. Despite this, some learners often interact with each other and with literature as though everyone uses the same meaning. This may give rise to conflicts in conversation and even debates that are toxic rather than creative. When conflicts of this nature arise or when the context of

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use is unfamiliar, persons may experience frustration, confusion or annoyance. Some persons may even become impolite as they seek to defend their perspective without taking the time to listen and to understand the alternatives. They may also ignore an important habit: verifying their existing understandings to confirm or change their perspective. Other concerns that have been noted include (a) the disconnect between claims to a preferred meaning and actual practice or behaviour, and (b) underutilization of a preferred learning style and cognitive strategies that support meaning-making. In other words, there is a gap between meaning and action, learning style preference and learning strategies. In light of the concerns raised it is necessary to ask the question: How can your undesirable learning practices and gaps between claims and actions be reduced or eliminated? Theme 2 builds on theme 1. It builds upon prior knowledge about self from developing a personal profile to an exploration of how this and other forms of knowledge were derived and the typical processes that are used to bring understanding. Theme 2 takes you, the learner, away from self somewhat to begin to look at others and other contexts besides the informal nature of home and/or community. Learning about self continues, however, with an emphasis on meaning making with its complexities to bring an understanding of why people, culture, disciplines, and professions, for example, differ. The idea is to encourage an appreciation for differences as a means of preparing for creative construction and team/collaboration in a wider context. Theme 2: Summary of Content (a) The Process of Meaning Making i. Personal strategies/methods that are used to derive meaning ii. Formal strategies for deriving meaning (cognitive, psychosocial, technological) iii. Guidelines for formulating good definitions iv. Using definitions to go beyond mere words and their implications for practice v. The relationship between meaning and behaviour or practice (b) Reflective-Reflexive Practice and the Meaning Making and Sharing Process i. Taking a reflective-reflexive approach to meaning construction ii. Taking a reflective-reflexive approach to sharing meaning (constructionism) iii. Personal theories that support and those that compete against reflectivity/reflexivity in meaning making and sharing iv. Established theories that support and those that compete against reflectivity or reflexivity in meaning making and sharing v. Bridging the gap between theory and practice: a. Factors that contribute to the gap between theory and practice b. Translation principles for responsible and authentic integration of theoretical principles to support meaning making in the context of reflective-reflexive practice

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(c ) The Role of Technology in the Meaning Making and Communication Process i. Technologies that support the meaning-making and communication process ii. Increasing sensitivity to environmental cues through technological resources iii. The importance of integrating knowledge, skills and attitudes in learning iv. Using technology to affirm, verify and validate others

Theme 3: Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundation for Life-Long Learning [4 weeks] Problem Statement and Theme Focus: Observation and current thinking is that learning is now regarded as a lifelong process due to developments in the field of technology and the dynamics of globalization. This process requires an orientation to reflective-reflexive practice for continuous personal and professional development in any chosen field or discipline. Many learners are of the view; however, that learning for life is unnecessary and is not a norm in their area of specialization. Furthermore, they are convinced that successful completion of a programme of interest will equip them with the competencies they need for life and that being reflective or reflexive just complicates learning. What are the implications of these learners’ disposition in an era characterized by unpredictable global trends that affect all dimensions of the environment including the arena of work? How can they be inspired or challenged to take greater responsibility for their learning beyond the formal boundaries of school? Changing habits and dispositions is not easy. Knowing the diverse meanings of concepts and principles and practicing for mastery of skills can be easily done in a supportive context and with coaching and motivation (extrinsic or intrinsic). Themes one and two provided the groundwork for affective development. Theme three builds on those experiences and challenges continuity and commitment to change by requiring you to take personal responsibility. This is when reflective-reflexive practice is explicitly addressed with the purpose being to inspire change in your personal profile based on new understandings about the learning process and strategies and why it is a necessity for life. Learning is also taken outside of the formal context of a school or university to the informal and formal of home, community, work (professional demands) and play and as a member of the world at large. This theme sets the foundation for your application of organized reflection and reflexive dialogue using team-based learning. Theme 3: Summary of Content The meaning of life-long learning in professional contexts (a) The relationship between lifelong learning and reflective-reflexive practice (b) Characteristics of the lifelong learner

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i. Skills (information literacy, job/task analysis, critical thinking, creative thinking etc.) ii Disposition/attitudes/values - (intellectual independence, interest in learning, commitment to personal wellbeing, concern for social and economic wellbeing of others, etc. (c)The relationship between lifelong learning and reflective-reflexive practice (d) The benefits of being a reflective-reflexive learner-practitioner (RRLP) in the lifelong learning sector (e)Issues and trends in professional practice that require lifelong learning (f) Models/frameworks for reflective-reflexive practice i. Collective Reflection - Reynolds & Vince 2004 ii. Gibbs’ Model of Reflection – 1988 iii. Kolb’s Learning Cycle – 1984 iv. Atkin and Murphy’s Model of Reflection – 1994 v. John’s Model of Reflection – 1994 (g) Improving learning and employability skills through reflective-reflexive practice i. Reflection for, during and on learning ii. Self direction/intrinsic motivation iii. Reflection on learning (h) Improving employability through reflective-reflexive practice i. The meaning of employability ii. The importance of being employable iii. Sustaining and progressing employability through reflectivereflexive practice o Keeping abreast of global trends and development o Creative thinking (Creativity/innovativeness) o Action learning o Personal initiative to build employability skills

Theme 4: Learning as a Team Player: Reconstructing Group Learning [3 weeks] Problem Statement and Theme Focus: Many learners dislike the idea of working in groups because of negative experiences. Oftentimes these learners are unaware of the principles for practice that make groups successful. Examination of the approaches used by these learners also reveals (a) the absence of a systematic plan for working together, (b) a lack of pertinent social skills and intellectual qualities that are necessary for coping with group dynamics, and (c) misconception that the product to be generated is more important than the processes involved. They think that no one is seriously interested in what went on in their lives as team players. A learning context that places emphasis on experiential learning, engaging in real life activities in the form of projects and simulations, is a norm. Unfortunately, learners who lack the skills and attitudes for working in teams focus on getting the tasks done at the expense of learning. When assessed on the principles they are asked to apply,

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evidence usually shows gaps in their understanding although this should not have been the case if learning was a major goal for all concerned. In the real world where teamwork and professional communities are becoming more prominent, how will these learners manage if they do not reconstruct the meaning they give to group life? What would their stories convey when they experience the principles of learning teams/communities? In this theme, team-based learning is treated as learning organizations and institutions. It allows for the integration of prior knowledge relative to the earlier themes to influence high performance and change in working and in relating to others as a professional, community member. Its purpose is to influence change towards collaborative practice as opposed to being just cooperative. The nature of a team as a single entity, which is comprised of a collection of skills, attitudes and knowledge seen as a whole is emphasized and explored through problem solving. Self-knowledge as a team member, meaning making as a team, and learning for life are woven into the content and planned learning experiences. Theme four (4) brings everything together but does not bring reflective or reflexive practice to a close. It challenges you to live as reflective-reflexive practitioners (conscious awareness of the principles at work and your power to make wise choices based on contextual reality and personal core values and work ethics). Theme 4: Summary of Content (a) Types of learning teams/communities (b) Characteristics of learning teams or communities (c) Individual skills for teamwork (d) Factors that affect teamwork:  social (gender, age, occupation, etc.)  political (policies, leadership, etc.)  economic (amount and type of resources)  philosophical (e) Reflective-Reflexive strategies for building and supporting learning teams/communities (f) Indicators of the value of team/community learning in various disciplines (g) The role of teams and communities on professional development

Methodological Framework/Teaching Methods

To enhance learning during, in and on experience as well as through problem solving and self discovery, a combination of interactive and action strategies will be used to facilitate an inductive approach to learning. These strategies will be integrated in a responsible manner to promote a complimentarily framework that is based on supporting theories for reflective-reflexive practice. In cases where presentations are used, these will serve as a

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springboard for discussion, reflection, critique of issues, proposing future action. Some of the strategies for integration include:  Gaming  Pro-Contra Debate  Collaborative/Teamwork (rather than just group-work) to solve problems presented as cases or as open-ended issues  Participant constructed/designed self-study research - autobiographies or life history research  Cognitive tools such as designing cartoons/comics, mind-mapping (brainstorming to go along with mind mapping)  Self and peer critique (utilizing journal; vblog; blog; portfolio, mind-mapping)  Documentaries of their work through multimedia journal  Various presentations will be shared for discussion and recommendations. These include movie critiques and guest presentations The primary modes of delivery for this course are: online, blended or face-to-face depending on contextual demands and opportunities for access. Choice of technology for the course includes but is not limited to: Construction tools/software; Web conferencing; discussion forums; podcasts, blog, wiki, ePortfolio, eJournal.

ASSESSMENT This course uses 100% continuous assessment. Assessment will be linked to the course objectives and content themes. Assessment is formative and summative with a focus on the development of the individual and the group. Formative Assessment  Analysis of reflective journal entries - vblog, blog, wiki  Self-inventory quizzes and reports, concept maps, diagrams, and so on  Collaborative project – research and documentation (photograph/images)  Database: compile data from self-assessment activities - Learning plan: Modify learning plan based on changes in personal learner profile and practices It is important to note that formative assessment allows you to chart your learning progress and prepares you for the summative tasks. Summative Assessment Three major summative assessments will be weighted as: Self Profile (35% ); Documentary (25%); Portfolio (40%) 1. Profile: Preparation of a comprehensive self profile using appropriate technological tools and data from self inventories, peer and/or facilitator feedback to portray multiple dimensions of self (35%)

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2. Documentary: Advice to the novice/beginning reflective-reflexive learnerpractitioner based on analysis of reflections on experiences from exploring selected course themes (25%) 3. Portfolio Assessment using collected artefacts that have been reviewed to: o Address a question and to provide evidence of  the application of theoretical principles per unit/theme  self and peer assessment in light of standards of practice OR o Convey a self-study – life history since starting the course NB: Your final grade is derived from the quality of your summative tasks, all of which will evolve from the formative ones. RESOURCES: Prescribed:  Course material (available online)  Software tools that support mind-mapping and related activities (inspiration, hyper-studio, vblog, wiki)  Hardware – computer, printer  Resources such as:  Books, journals, databases (including The UWI Library Caribbean collection)  Video/podcast presentations (guest speakers)  Portfolio artefacts; electronic journal  Discussion forums  Digital camera /iphone  Vblog, Blog, Wiki  Construction tools (mind mapping) Recommended Reading: Preparing for Learning  Glasser, W. (1998). Choice theory. Retrieved from:  Overview of learning styles. Retrieved from: Meaning Making Process  Writing a good definition. Retrieved from: 

Kierkegaard in 90 Minutes:

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   

Edward Said On Orientalism: Kwame Anthony Appiah Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers Kwame Anthony Appiah on COSMOPOLITANISM: Examined Life Ken Robinson RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

Lifelong Learning & Reflective Practice             

Bolton, G. (2010). Reflective practice, writing and professional development (3rd Edition). London: Sage Publication Ltd. Bradbury, H., Frost, N., Kilminister, S., Zukas, M. (2009). Beyond reflective practice: New approaches to professional lifelong learning. London: Routledge. Brookfield, Stephen D. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publication. Bryan, P. (2009). Edward Seaga and the challenge of modern Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica: University Press. (Excerpts) Fisher, A. (2001). Critical thinking. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Paul, R.W. & Elder, L. (2002). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your professional and personal life. Financial Times. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Prpic, J. (2005). Managing academic change through reflexive practice: A quest for new views. Research and Development in Higher Education, 28, 399.406. Reynolds, M., Vince, R. (2000). Organizing reflection. Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing Company. Roffey-Barentsen, J., Malthouse, R. (2009). Reflective practice in lifelong learning sector: Achieving QTLS. pp. 3-5. UK: Learning Matter. Schön, D. (1984). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. USA: Basic Books, Inc. Stefani, L., Mason, R., Pegler, C. (2007). The educational potential of ePortfolio: Supporting personal development and reflective learning. USA: Routledge. Thornton, S.J. (1993). The quest for emergent meaning: A personal account. In D.J. Flinders & G. E. Mills (Eds.), Theory and concepts in qualitative research (pp. 68-78). New York: Teachers College Press. Thanassis, Karalis (2010). Situated and transformative learning: exploring the potential of critical reflection to enhance organizational knowledge. Development and Learning in Organizations. Vol. 24, Issue 1:17.

Web Sites 

Fisher's Critical Thinking (Chapter 1):

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How to become a reflective practitioner. The four stages of reflection. The What? So What? and Now What? Model.

What is reflective practice; Prerequisites of reflective practice; When to reflect; Types of reflective practice; Stages of reflective practice; How to become a of reflective practitioner. Retrieved from:

Reflexive practice: To enhance student learning. Retrieved from:

Critical reasoning for beginners (The Oxford podcasts) Retrieved from:

Employability skills. Retrieved: May 7, 2012 oyability+skills/ 

Diougiamas, M. (1998). A journey into constructivism. Retrieved from

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=92C3557 B0DD83AEEEE50BD2BA20982EF?contentType=Article&contentId=1833050 Retrieved:

UNESCO (2011). Ethical issues of information societies. Retrieved from

Team Learning  Avery, C. (2001). Teamwork is an individual skill: Getting your work done when sharing responsibility. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. 

McCann, D. (2011). Team learning. Retrieved from:

Team learning theory. Retrieved from: Units The units to be covered in this course are as follows: Unit Number

Unit Name

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Unit 1 Unit 2

Readiness for Self-Empowered Practice Reflective-Reflexive Practice for Exploring the Meaning-Making Landscape for Learning Success

Unit 3

Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundation for Lifelong Learning

Unit 4

Learning as a Team Player: Reconstructing Group Learning

Course Delivery: This course will be delivered over 13 weeks using the following strategies: Reflective discussions, journaling, collaborative on-line problem solving, online interaction through Chats, Skype meetings, Synchronous teaching sessions on Blackboard Collaborate (BbC)] The main course material will be delivered in a course package comprising Units, learning activities that must be completed and suggested Readings that are included in your course outline. Each week you will be required to work on tasks and complete the readings based on the schedule of events specified in the course schedule and based on feedback from your tutor. You must demonstrate that you are in charge of your learning and that you are making use of guidance given by your tutor. You must also be prepared to independently work through all of your course material even for the unit on team learning. 

You will be expected to participate in your online groups with your e-tutor or instructor and should log-in at least twice weekly to share in discussions and/or reflections and to respond to feedback.


This course uses 100% continuous assessment. Assessment will be linked to the course objectives and content themes. Assessment is formative and summative with a focus on your development as an individual and as a team member. Formative Assessment  Analysis of reflective journal entries - vblog, blog, wiki  Self-inventory quizzes and reports, concept maps, diagrams, and so on  Collaborative project – research and documentation (photograph/images)  Database: compile data from self-assessment activities - Learning plan: Modify learning plan based on changes in personal learner profile and practices

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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014

NB: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CONTRIBUTES TO YOUR DEVELOPMENT AND ALLOWS YOU TO CHART YOUR LEARNING PROGRESS. IT ALSO PREPARES YOU FOR THE SUMMATIVE. THIS MEANS YOUR CONTRIBUTION ON-LINE IN THE DISCUSSION FORUM IS A MUST. Summative Assessment You will be required to complete three (3) major summative assessment tasks as mentioned in the course outline. The weighting for each of these assessment tasks in this course is as follows: Assessment Item


Self Profile








NB: Every student is required to submit a Coursework Accountability Statement, which must be appended to each assignment uploaded. This form is found in your course space under Quick Links….

READINGS The resources that you will use during the course are listed in your course outline. Each unit requires you to use selected resources but you should do your best to use others. Many of the suggested resources are available on-line. However, you should purchase the prescribed text.

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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014


Bolton, G. (2010). Reflective practice, writing and professional development (3rd Edition). London: Sage Publication Ltd.

Avery, C. (2001). Teamwork is an individual skill: Getting your work done when sharing responsibility. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.


SEMESTER 1 AUGUST-DECEMBER 2013 August 25, 2013

ACTIVITY Semester Begins Teaching Begins

September 2, 2013

Mid-Semester Examinations/Assessment by Coursework Teaching Ends

October, 2013 November 29, 2013

Summative Assessment Begins Summative assessment Ends Semester Ends

December 4, 2013 December 16, 2013 December 20, 2013

COURSE DELIVERY SCHEDULE Week 1 – Aug 25 - 31 - Orientation to learning

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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014

Introduction of self, checking/reviewing all relevant forums, engaging in preliminary activities, making postings, reading preparatory articles (plagiarism, netiquette, readiness assessment), comparing courses in terms of: expectations, activities and assessment, forming teams and complementary features, exploring tools and criteria for coursework assessment, preparing learning plan

Week 2 – 4; Sept 1 - 21: Unit 1 – Readiness for Self-Empowered Practice ●

Exploring terminologies

Exploring principles for successful learning practices

Completing learning activities

Comparing activities with unit and session objectives to determine relevance

Making journal entries

Contributing to forum discussion by starting a new thread once five (5) persons have already made a contribution.

Taking action to improve practice based on feedback

Confirming/validating learning or change in profile as a learner

Week 5– 7; Sept 22 – Oct 12: Unit 2- Reflective-Reflexive Practice for Exploring the Meaning-Making Landscape for Learning Success ●

Self assessment of the meaning making processes used prior to course

Developing operational definitions

Completing learning activities and indicating a major issue or concern to be addressed

Reviewing personal learning plan and making changes based on achievement of objectives specified in the plan

Contributing to forum discussion by starting a new thread if six (6) persons have already contributed

Sharing with tutor, the actions taken to improve practice based on lessons learned and feedback.

Preparing reflective commentaries for preserved artefacts

Week 8- 11 Oct 13 – Nov 2- Unit 3 – Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundation for Life-Long Learning ●

Explore concepts and principles

Completing self inventories

Applying principles and recording experiences

Modifying framework for practice

Journaling and analyzing artifacts

Researching about field of specialization and employability skills required

Contributing to discussion forum by and validating the contributions of others

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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014

Responding to tutor’s feedback to posted activities

Improving profile as learner-practitioner

Special activity: Using technology to prepare for a collaborative task. Week 12 – 14: Nov 3 – Nov 23. Unit 4 – Learning as a Team Player: Reconstructing Group Learning ● ● ● ● ●

Exploring team building Learning from a team or community Reflecting with others Problem solving with others Developing a product as a team for authentic application of principles

Special activity: Collaborative task Week 15; Nov 24 – Dec 20: Finalizing assignments for summative assessment.

DESCRIPTION OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES As indicated in the course schedule, there are several learning activities you are required to complete for each session of each unit. Although you may wish to omit an activity, note that each is different and emphasizes a major set of principles and concepts. If you are committed and serious about your development, you should do each activity and post to the forum as indicated by the task or your tutor. You should also use your portfolio as a record of the evidence of completion of the activities and the contributions you make to others’ learning. Your tutor will also provide guidance as you explore the various activities. DESCRIPTION OF COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENTS

Assignment 1

This assignment will be based on the collection of data for you to develop your profile as you work through various activities and invest in a change project. You will be provided with feedback for you to improve its quality based on a set of criteria. It will emerge initially from observation of your work during the sessions. The criteria for marking will be included for this task and you will be required to use them as guide for successful completion of the task. Assignment 2

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Reflective-Reflexive Practice: Foundations for Learning Success (FOUN1501). Semester 1, 2013/2014

This is a documentary that will allow you to share insights for the learner-practitioner who is a novice/beginner to the field of reflective-reflexive practice but in the context of group. It will be based on a case scenario that will emerge based on the dynamics of the course. Doing the tasks as an independent piece is not allowed as this prevents the exploration of the principles of collaborative/team, learning in the context of the course. Team/community building and empowering team/community life are requirements for success and serve as evidence of engagement in the relevant processes. Assignment 3 This is a portfolio task that will require evidence of your development. It will be based on a question that indicates the context for designing the portfolio. The question is to be answered with reflective comments and artefacts from observing feedback to improve practice. Since portfolio development is a process, this task requires application of the principles for portfolio design, proper management of time, intellectual qualities such as courage, integrity/honesty, autonomy and creative thinking skill that are supported with the use of technology. Referencing your work is important and you should use the APA guidelines. The online information for you to access this resource is provided below. APA Formatting and Style Guide You should remember that: All students are required to attach their Coursework Accountability Statement to their papers on submission of an assignment. This form is can be downloaded from the Quick Link found in your course space.

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