Course-Guide-Gender and Society

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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_dpuofcj ag tbd ^bcfcppclds ^ravcljd ag tbd Kcs`kcs Arcdlt`f Kulcjcp`fcty ag X`eafa`l

X`eafa`l Jakkulcty Jaffded O`fu`rtd, X`eafa`l, Kcs`kcs Arcdlt`f Xdf. La. (>22??)58>-2:4/ (>22) 4750-?04/G`x La. >22??-5>8-??? YK`yar–s Agcjd[ Kdkodr= @ssajc`tcal ag Faj`f Jaffdeds & Tlcvdrsctcds (@FJT) Kdkodr= @ssajc`tcal ag Faj`f Jaffdeds & Tlcvdrsctcds Jakkcsscal al @jjrdhct`tcal (@FJT-JA@)


X`eafa`l Jakkulcty Jaffded upbafhs tbd prdkcsd tb`t dhuj`tcal cs ` sujjdss cg `lh wbdl tbd pdapfd fcvd ` hdjdlt `lh praspdraus fcgd tbraueb `hbdrdljd ta st`lh`rhs ag kar`fcty, dkpfaykdlt cl dltdrprcsds `lh jakpdtdlt pr`jtcjd ag dltrdprdldurc`f sicffs X`eafa`l Jakkulcty Jaffded pravchds qu`fcty clstrujtcal, rdsd`rjb `lh dxtdlscal gar ` jakpdtctcvd `lh jaltdltdh efao`f warigarjd prdgdr`ofy `s dltrdprdldurs wctb p`sscal `lh jakkctkdlt ta sdrvd.  @ prdkcdr jakkulcty-o`sdh jakkulcty-o`sdh clstctutcal clstctutcal garkcle bafcstcj bafcstcj clhcvchu`fs.

  utjakds ‚ O`sdh Xd`jbcle `lh Fd`rlcle ^f`l cl


Jaursd Xctfd


Jaursd Jahd

Jrdhct Tlcts


Jaursd ^rd-/Ja-rdqucsctds

Jaursd Hdsjrcptcal

Xbcs cs ` tbrdd ulct jaursd tb`t gajusds al tbd jaljdpt, prcljcpfds `lh `ppra`jbds `ppra`jbds taw`rhs edlhdr cssuds cl tbd sajcdty. Xbcs wcff bdfp stuhdlts stuhdlts ta wchdl wchdl tbdcr tbdcr pdrspdjt pdrspdjtcvd cvd `lh e`cl odttdr odttdr ulh ulhdrst` drst`lhcl lhcle e al edl edlhdr hdr rafds, edl edlhdr hdr prdg prdgdrdl drdljds, jds, edlhdr  k`clstrd`kcle, k`clstrd`kcl e, edlhdr cldqu`fcty, edlhdr hcsjrckcl`tcals hcsjrckcl`tcals `lh atbdr rdf`tdh tapcjs.


(JKA la. 03 s ?>>5) tbcs jaursd, tbd stuhdlts stuhdlts sbaufh sbaufh od `ofd ta= Jaursd Cltdlhdh Fd`rlcle  @t tbd dlh ag tbcs Ilawfdhed Autjakds (JCFA) 0. Chdltcgy jurrdlt edlhdr cssuds cl tbd jaultry9 ^bcfcppcld sajc`f larks9 ?. Hcsjuss tbd jaltdxt ag sdx, sdxu`fcty `lh edlhdr gaffawcle tbd ^bcfcppcld :. G`kcfc`rczd wctb tbd ^bcfcppcld F`ws jaljdrlcle sdx `lh edlhdr9 8. Hdtdrkcld `jtcal pf`ls ta jaultdr `ousds ar hcsjrckcl`tcals `oaut edlhdr9 `lh 4.  @l`fyzd edlhdr edlhdr stdrdatypds stdrdatypds `lh edlhdr edlhdr cldqu`fctcds cldqu`fctcds `s dxpdrcdljdh dxpdrcdljdh al tbd gaur fdvdfs ag sajc`fcz`tcal= sajc`fcz`tcal= `t bakd, bakd, cl sjbaaf, sjbaaf, cl pddr eraups, `lh cl k`ss kdhc` Zicffs 7. _dclgarjd drraldaus `jts tb`t sbaws hcsrdspdjt taw`rhs tbd hcggdrdlt edlhdrs9 5. Jaultdr edlhdr hcsjrckcl`tcal jb`r`jtdrczd jb`r`jtdrczdh h cl warhs `lh cl `jtcals9 2.  @ppfy edlhdr jarrdjtcle cl`ppraprc`td cl`ppraprc`td edlhdr edlhdr dxprdsscals9 dxprdsscals9 edlhdr sdlsctcvcty oy jarrdjtcle 3. Jalvdy pasctcvd suppart al tbd hcggdrdlt edlhdr spdjtruk9 `lh 0>. Hdscel ` edlhdr rdspalscvd pf`tgark gar tbd wbafd j`kpus.



hcggdrdljds ag `ff edlhdr edlhdr rdprdsdlt`tcals9 rdprdsdlt`tcals9 0. @pprdjc`td tbd hcggdrdljds ?. @ha @hapt pt rdspdjt rdspdjt gar gar `ff edlhd edlhdrs9 rs9 :. Hcsjdrl jarruptdh chd`s `e`clst tbd hcggdrdlt edlhdr rdprdsdlt`tcals9 rdprdsdlt`tcals9 8. _csd gar suppart gar `ff edlhdrs9 `lh 4. Od `ttdltcvd ta edlhdr k`ftrd`tkdlt k`ftrd`tkdlt rde`rhfdss rde`rhfdss ag ald–s ald–s pdrsal`f edlhdr edlhdr prdgdrdljd. prdgdrdljd. ^_AE_@K CLXDLHDH FD@_LCLE ATXJAKD (^CFA)

Xa b`vd `l ulhdrst`lhcle ulhdrst`lhcle `lh edlhdr sdlsctcvd sajcdty

Dssdltc`f Fd`rlcle 

^_DFCKCL@_S Udd Ud di 0‚4

Jal Ja lt dl dl t Z t` t`l h` h`r hs hs

Hdj Hd j f` f` r` r` tctcv d I la la wf wfd he he d

Gu lj lj tctc al al `f `f I la lawf wfd dh ed ed

Cltdlhdh Fd`rlcle Autjakds (CFA)



Hcsjusscle tbd Wcscal,

_djctd tbd Wcscal, Kcsscal,

g`kcfc`rcty wctb vcscal, kcsscal, pbcfasapby ag X`eafa`l Jakkulcty Jaffded `lh tbd suomdjt/ jaursd

Kcsscal ^bcfasapby Jaursd arcdlt`tcal

Kcsscal ^bcfasapby `lh Jaursd arcdlt`tcal

^bcfasapby ag X`eafa`l Jakkulcty Jaffded

Hdkalstr`td ulhdrst`lhcle ulhdrst`lhc le ag tbd idy jaljdpts ag fde`f o`scs al stuhycle edlhdr `lh sajcdty

Zueedstdh Xd`jbcle/Fd`rlcle  @jtcvctcds (XF@s)

 @ssdsskdlt X`sis (@Xs)


Er`hdh Ar`f _djct`tcal

Cltrah Cltr ahuj ujtc tcal al ta jaursd  Edlh Edlhdr dr G`kcfy

tbd tb d Hcsjuss tbd jaltdxt ag  Cltrahujd Cltrahujd dvdryald dvdryald oy sb`r sb`rcle cle sdx, sd x, sd sdxu xu`f `fct cty, y, `l `lh h tbdcr= Wchdaa-w` w`tj tjbc bcle le,, edlhdr edlh dr gaffa gaffawcle wcle tbd   -Ztary ag tbdcr l`kd (cg ct w`s Wchd

`l `lh h

Fde`ff O` Fde` O`sc scs s ga garr tb tbd d stuhy stu hy ag Ed Edlh lhdr dr `l `lh h Zajcdty     JBDH Kdka la.0, s. ?>04  JDH@U (0320)   032 0325 5 Jals Jalstctut tctutcal, cal,  @rt CC., Zdj. 08 

 

  _@ 503? `lhh `lhh C__ (033?)   Odcm Odcmcle cle ^f`tgark ^f`tgark gar  

^b ^bcf cfcp cpp pcld larks

G`kcfc`rc G`kcfc `rczd zd ^bcfcppcld jaljdr jal jdrlcl lcle e edlhdr 

saj sa jc` c`ff kd`lt garspart ` oay-G`varctd ar ` ecrf) jafar -G`varctd -Baoocds Jrd`td ` tckd tckdfcld fcld gaffawcle gaffawcle tbd tbd Jrd`td F`ws sajc`f jb`leds cl tbd jrd`tcal ag  f`ws ws strd st rdle letb tbdl dlcl cle e edlh ed lhdr  dr  sdx `l `lh h f` hdvdf hd vdfap apkd kdlt lt cl tb tbd d jau jaultr ltry. y. ^rav ^r avch chd d ` o` o`sc scj j o` o`ji jier erau aulh lh `oaut tbd f`ws `lh `erddkdlts wctb wct b

ta od hcsjussdh cl jf`ss

p`cr p`cr-sb sb`r `rcl cle e ar sk sk`f `fff erau eraup p sb` sb`rcl rcle e , maurl` maurl`ff wrctcl wrctcle, e, wbafd jf`ss hcsjusscal, Pucz

Wchd Wchda= a= ‖Xbd Ckpa Ckpasscof sscofd d Hrd`k‛ Hrd `k‛ oy Xbd Tlc Tlctd tdh h L`tcals. bttps=//www.yautuod.jak/ w`tjb1v;t?MO^OCG_?S w`tjb1v;t?MO^OCG _?S Zdd= bttps=//jbdh.e bttps=//jbdh.eav.pb/ av.pb/ jka-0-s-?>04/ 

Fdjturd, Uari wctb `ppr `pprap aprc rc`t `td d jakp jakput utdr  dr  k`tb k`tbdk dk`t `tcj cj`f `f sa sagt gtw` w`rd rd..


Pucz Xdst



Jf`ss hcsjusscals. hcsjusscals.

(0334)  @jtcal (0334)   _@ 35 350>0>-K` K`el el` ` J`rt` gar Uakdl (?>>3) 

^awd ^awdr^ r^ac aclt lt// prdsdlt`tcal

Wc Wchd hda a

Ub`t Jalstctutds Zdx1 sdx, sdxu`fcty, `lh   ^rck`ry jb`r`jtdrcstcjs edlhdr  gaffawcle tbd (rdprahuj (rdpr ahujtcvd tcvd are` are`ls) ls) ^bcfcppcld sajc`f larks  Zdjalh`ry Hdtdrk Hdt drkcl cld d `jtca `jt cal l jb`r`jtdrcstcjs (bdcebt, 

pf`ls ta jaultdr   `ousds oald stru st rujt jtur urds ds,, dt dtj. j.)) ar  hcsjrckcl`tcals   _dpr _dprahuj ahujtcvd tcvd rafd rafds s `oaut edlhdr  _dprahujtcvd   _dclgarjd drraldaus rdspal rds palsco scocfc cfctcd tcds s `jts `jt s tb`t sbaw sbaws s hcsrd hcsrdspdj spdjtt taw`rh taw `rhs s tbd hcg hcggdr gdrdlt dlt edlhdrs 

 


Fdjtur Fdjt urd d `l `lh h jf jf`s `ss s hcs hc sju juss ssca cal l al tbd tb d `l`takcj`f jb`r jb `r` `jt jtd dr cst cstcj cjs s ag  buk`l k`fd `lh buk`l gdk`fd rdprahujtcvd systdks, rdpr rd prah ahuj ujtc tcvd vd rafd ra fds, s, `lh `l h r dp dpr ah ahuj ujttcv cvd d `jtcvctcds


Hdkalstr`td Ub`t cs sdxu`fcty, sdx, ulhdrst`lhcle ulhdrst`lhc le ag tbd id idy y ja jalj ljdp dpts ts ag  sdxu`fcty `lh sdx sdxu`f u`fcty cty,, sdx `lh  ^syjbasajc`f edlhdr 

Fdjturd, Uari wctb `ppr `pprap aprc rc`t `td d jakp jakput utdr  dr 

psyj psyjba basa sajc jc`f `f edlhdr 

k`tb k`tbdk dk`t `tcj cj`f `f sa sagt gtw` w`rd rd.. Jf`ss hcsjusscals. hcsjusscals.

ag  gaffawcle


Fdjtur Fdjt urd d `l `lh h jf`s jf`ss s J` J`td tdea earc rczc zcle le dx`k dx `kpf pfds ds ag  hcs hc sju juss ssca cal l al tbd jb`r`jtdrcstcjs dctbdr `s k`fd ar  tbd psyjbasajc`f gdk`fd hckdlscals ag   tbd sdxu`fcty Jakkdlt Jakkd lt al tbd `rt `rtcjf cjfd= d= ‖Zd ‖Zdx x ag   Kytbs= Ct–s Xbd K`l–s




_dspalscocfcty _dspalscocf cty ta ouy jalhaks.‛. jalhaks.‛.

^awd ^awdr^ r^ac aclt lt// prdsdlt`tcal

Wc Wchd hda a

Hcsjuss jurrdlt Hcsjavdr ald–s sdxu`f arcdlt`tcal _dpartcle edlhd edl hdrr css cssuds uds cl tbd jaultry _dpart al tbd hcggdrdlt typds ag  ^bcfcppcld lar ks ks.

sajc`f sdxu`fcty Dxpf`cls Dxpf`cls tbd hcggd hcggdrdlt rdlt ty typd pds s ag sd sdxu xu`f `fct cty y   Chdl Ch dltc tcgy gy jurrd ju rrdlt lt wbcjb `fsa cljfuhds edlhd ed lhdrr css cssuds uds cl tbd 0. Hd Hdgc gclc lctc tcal al ag tb tbd d jaultry. typd ag sdxu`fcty ?. Orcdg arcecl   Hcs Hcsjav javdrc drcle le yau yaur  r  :. Jb`r`jtdrcstcjs sdxu sd xu`f `f arcd ar cdlt lt`t `tca cal l 8. _djdlt cssud 

cl clva vafv fvcl cle e tb tbd d ta tapc pcj j sdxu`fcty 4. Er Erau aup– p–s s rd rd`j `jtc tcal al taw`rhs tbd cssud


Pucz Xdst

_dgfdjtcal ^`pdr  _dpartcle

sdxu`fcty wbcjb `fsatb cljfuhds 0. Hdgc Hd gclc lctc tcal al ag tbd d ty typd pd ag  sdxu`fcty ?. Orcdg arcecl :. Jb`r`jtdrcstcjs 8. _dj _djdl dltt css cssud ud cl clvaf vafvcl vcle e tbd tapcj sdxu`fcty 4. Eraup–s rd`jtcal taw`rhs tbd cssud Hcsjuss tbd vchda ‖Zdxu`fctcds ta ilaw `oaut‛ grak bttps=//www.yautuod.jak/ w`tjb1v;ZDurfIy?oL>

ZDKC-GCL@FZ Hdkalstr`td Hcsjuss tbd jaltdxt ag  Fd Hcsjuss Fdjt jtur urd d `l `lh h jf jf`s `ss s ilawfdhe ilaw fdhed d wctb idy Zdx Zdxu`f u`f B`r`s B` r`ssk skdlt dlt hcsju hcsjusscal sscal al sdxu`f sdxu`f jaljdpts sd sdxu xu`f `fct cty, y, b`r` b`r`ss sskd kdlt lt p`r`pbcfc`s.

ag   `l h ^`r ^`r`pb `pbcfc cfc`s `s sdx sdx,, sdxu sdxu`f `f `lh sdxu`fcty `lh edlhdr `lh `lh



prdsdlt`tcal,  Fcst hawl warhs ar pbr`sds tb`t hcsjusscals. (`) chd chdltc ltcgy gy `l `lh h (o) hd hdsjr sjrcod cod== Wchda prdsdlt`tcal Hcsjuss Hcsju ss tbd jaltdxt ag  -k`fd, gdk`fd, `lh tr`lsedlhd tr`lsedlhdrs. rs. sdx, x, sd sdxu xu`f `fct cty y `l `lh h sd edlhdr edlh dr gaffa gaffawcle wcle tbd ^bcf ^b cfcp cpp pcld saj sa jc` c`ff larks   Jalvdy pasctcvd suppart al tbd hcggdrdlt edlhdr  

b`r `ss b`r `ssk kdlts p`r`pbcfc`s 

  Ub Ub`t `t cs Zd Zdxu xu`f `f ^bcfcppcld sajc`f larks. B`r`sskdlt    Chdltcgy jurrdlt   Xy Xypd pds s ag Zd Zdxu xu`f `f edlhd ed lhdrr css cssuds uds cl tbd B`r`sskdlt jaultry.  Dx`kpfds ag Zdxu`f   Jau Jaultd ltdrr edlh ed lhdr  dr  spdjtruk @ppr @p prdj djc` c`td td B`r`sskdlt (`t bakd,   

Dxpf`cl baw `rd edlhdrs partr`ydh cl yaur dlvcralkd dlvcralkdlt. lt.


Hdji Jf`ss  @sscelkdlt Pucz Xdst

Urcttdl dxdrjcsds

 

tbd tb d

Jakputdr dxdrjcsds


hcsjrckcl`tcal cl sjba sj baaf af// wari wa ripf pf`j `jd, d, jb`r`jtdrczdh cl warhs hcg hcggd gdrr dl dljd jds s ag `ff pddr eraups, `lh k`ss edlhdr  `lh cl `jtcals kdhc`) rdprdsdlt`tcals     Dx Dx`k `kpf pfds ds ag   @hapt rdspdjt gar `ff 

p`r`pbcfc`s     Ba Baw w ta ja jaul ultd tdr  r  sdxu`f b`r`sskdlt 

  Chd Chdltc ltcgy gy jurrdl jur rdltt edlhdrr css edlhd cssuds uds cl tbd ag  jaultry.   Ja Jalvd lvdy y pasct pa sctcvd cvd suppart al tbd hcggdrdlt edlhdr   Edlh Ed lhdr  dr  spdjtruk

Ub`t cs Edlhdr1

Hdkalstr`td ilawfdhe ilaw fdhed d wctb idy   Hckd Hc kdls lsca cals ls jaljdpts al Edlhdr hc kd kdl sc sc al al s `l h  Bcstary ag edlhdr  bcstary ag edlhdr.



Xbd Xb d


  Ja Jault ultdr dr edlh ed lhdr  dr  hcsjrckcl`tcal   Edlhdr `lh jb`r`jtdrczdh cl warhs `lh cl `jtcals Zajc`fcz`tcal   @ppf @p pfy y edlh ed lhdr  dr    @edlts ag   sdlsctcvcty oy Zajc`fcz`tcal jarrdjtcle cl`pprap cl`p praprc`td rc`td edlh edlhdr  dr   @t bakd dxprdsscals  Cl sjbaaf/ waripf`jd  _dclgarjd drraldaus `jts tb`t sbaws    Uctb pddr eraups hcsrdspdjt taw`rhs tbd   ^a ^artr` rtr`ydh ydh cl k` k`ss ss hcggdrdlt edlhdrs kdhc`     @p @pprd prdjc` jc`td td tbd hcgggd hc gdrr dl dljd jds s ag `ff edlhdr  rdprdsdlt`tcals 

Cltdrvcdw `l clhcvchu`f wba hads lat chdltcgy bcs/bdr edlhdr `s k`fd ar gdk`fd. @si baw bd/sbd cs hdsjrcodh cl tbd jakkulcty ar dlvcralkdlt. dlvcralkd lt. @si baw bd/sbd hcsjavdrdh bcs/bdr edlhdr chdltcty. .   Urctd ` pdrsal`f dxpdrcdljd ag sdx sdxu` u`ff b` b`r`s r`sskd skdlt lt cl `l `ly y dlvcralk dlvc ralkdlt dlt `lh hdsj hdsjrcod rcod baw yau gdft. Ub`t hch yau ha ar hch latt ha ta jau la jaultd ltdrr tbd `tt`ji1 `tt`ji1 Ecvd Ec vdl l `l `lat atbd bdrr jb jb`l `ljd jd,, ba baw w wauf wa ufh h ya yau u b` b`vd vd pr prat atdj djtd tdh h yaursdfg grak tbd b`r`sskdlt1 

_d`jtcal `lh rdgf _d`jtcal rdgfdjtca djtcal l al tbd gaffawcle vchdas Wchda= Wchd a= ‖Xbd Arcecl ag Edl Edlhdr‛ hdr‛ bttps=//www.yautuod.jak/ w`tjb1v;4d0?]amiSrT   Wchda= ‖Ky Edlhdr Xr`lsctcal grak Gdk`fd ta K`fd‛ bttps=//www.yautuod.jak/ Fdjt Fd jtur urd d `l `lh h jf jf`s `ss s w`tjb1v;_Sucpo_Eu4s   Wc Wchd hda= a= ‖E ‖Ecr crf, f, Oa Oay, y, O` O`if if` ` a hcsjusscal al Edlhdr  Xakoay1‛ `lh sajc`fcz`tcal   @l @l`f `fys yscs cs al tb tbd d bttps=//www.g`jdoaai.jak 

Fdjturd, ^awdr^aclt/ Wchda prdsdlt`tcal


jakp`rcsal ag edlhdr  `lh `l h saj sa jc` c`ffcz cz` `tc tca al odtwd odt wddl dl ‖tb ‖tbdl dl‛‛ `l `lh h ‖law ‖l aw‛‛ gr grak ak v` v`rc rcau aus s `rtcjfds. 0. @t bakd= tr`hctcal`f buso bu so`l hvs `lh h `lec wcgd wc gd ra rafd fds s`lh vs.. `l Jb`l Jb ecle le r af afds ag wcgd `lh buso`lh ?. Cl sjba sjbaaf= af= Edlhdr  Oc`s cl tbd jf`ssraak `lh J`kpodff–s Edlhdr Ztdrdatypds cl Dhuj`tcal vs. Ord`icle edlhdr   st stdr drda daty typc pcle le cl tb tbd d jf`ssraak :. Uctbcl pddrs= ‖Ub`t Iclh ag Ecrfs Ha Oays Fcid1‛ oy Gr`li Baw`rh Baw `rh _cjb` _cj b`rhs rhsal al (0348 (03 48)) vs. Xbd Chd`f K`td K` td.. @l @lh h Ed Edlh lhdr  dr  Hcggdrdljds cl Dkatcal`f _df`tcalsbcps

/w`tjb/1v;:2?:00>445223>>  Wchda= ‖Edlhdr Chdltcty= Odcle Gdk`fd, Gdk `fd, K`fd K`fd,, Xr`l Xr`lsedl sedlhdr hdr ar  Edlhdrgfuch bttps=//www.yautuod.jak/ w`tjb1v;U3SwAD2lhlj 

Wchda= ‖^rchdKal dKaltb tb Zpdjc`f! ZpdX jc`f! F dtWchd –s a= ‖^rch `fi

_dparts _dpa rts al tbd sdfd sdfdjtdh jtdh tapcjs  @hapt rdspdjt gar `ff edlhdrs   Hc Hcsj sjdr drl l ja jarr rrup uptd tdh h ch chd` d`s s `e`c `e `cls lstt tb tbd d hc hcgg ggdr drdl dltt ed edlh lhdr  dr  rdprdsdlt`tcals  

 _csd gar suppart gar `ff edlhdrs

  Chdltcgy jurrdlt edlhdr cssuds cl tbd jaultry.  Jalvdy pasctcvd suppart al tbd hcggdrdlt edlhdr spdjtruk   Jaultdr edlhdr hcsjrckcl`tcal jb`r`j jb` r`jtdr tdrczd czdh h cl war warhs hs `l `lh h cl `jtcals   @p @ppfy pfy ed edlh lhdr dr sdl sdlsct sctcvc cvcty ty oy jarrdjtcle cl`ppraprc`td edlhdr  dxprdsscals   _dcl _d clga garj rjd d drr rral alda daus us 

GCL@FZ 08 ‚ 02

Hdkalstr`td ilawfdhe ilaw fdhed d wctb idy jaljdpts al edlhdr  hcsjrckcl`tcal, cldqu`fcty `lh edlhdr  rdprdsdlt`tcals

Edlhdr Hcsjrc Edlhdr Hcsjrckcl` kcl`tcal tcal `lh Cldqu`fctcds `. K`jbcska vs k`rc`lcska kdlt`fcty

 @pprdjc`td hcgggd hc gdrr dl dljd jds s ag edlhdr  rdprdsdlt`tcals

tbd _dpa _dpart rt `lh _d _dgf gfdj djtt al tb tbd d `ff Ed Edlh lhdr dr Hcsj Hc sjrc rckc kcl` l`tc tcal al `lh `lh Cldqu`fctcds 0. @t bakd

o . Kcsaeyly `lh  @hapt sjbaaf/ waripf`jd kcs`lhry edlhdrsrdspdjt gar `ff ?. :. Cl Uctbcl pddrs j. Edlhdr cldqu`fcty (ar  8. K`ss


^awdr^aclt/ Wchda prdsdlt`tcal


edl edlhdr hdr hcsjr hcsjrckcl ckcl`tca `tcal) l) `t bakd, cl sjbaaf, cl yaur pddr eraup h. Edlhdr jrckds `lh ^byscj`f Odb`vcars `kale @hafdsjdlts cl

tbdK`ss ^bcfcppclds 8. kdhc`= Oako` edlhdrs Puddls Pud dls `lh L`tca L`tcal`f l`f Hdvdfapkdlt vs. G`kcfc cfc`rc `rczd zd ‖Xaw`r ‖Xa w`rhs hs ` Ed Edlh lhdrdr- G`k ^bcfcppcld G`cr Kdhc`.‛ jaljdr jal jdrlcl lcle e F`ws Zuppartcle edlhdr. Zdxu`fcty `lh Edlhdr  Edlhdr Zdlsctcvcty Edlhdr  _dspalscvdldss


Hcsjdr Hcsj drl l jarr ja rrup uptd tdh h chd ch d`s `e`cl clst st tbd tb d hcggdrdlt edlhdr   rdprdsdlt`tcals _csd gar suppart gar `ff

_dgfdjtcal ^ddr Hcsjusscal Cltdrvcdws

tbd Hcsjuss al tbd F`ws Zuppartcle F`ws Zdxu`fcty `lh Edlhdr 350> 0> K`el K`el` ` J` J`rt rt` ` ag  sdx `l `lh h 0. _@ 35 Uakdl ?. _@ 75?4 :. _@ 503? 8. _@ 5255 Od `ttdltcvd ta edlhdr  k`ftrd`tkdlt rde` rd e`rh rhfd fdss ss ag al ald– d–s s pdrsal`f edlhdr   prdgdrdljd Hcsj Hc sjus uss s al ba baw w ta `ppfy edlhdr   sdlsctcvcty cl sjbaaf, `t bakd ba kd,, wc wctb tbcl cl pd pddr drs s `lh k`ss kdhc`. wctb wct b

Edlhdr `lh Zajcdty Jaursd K`p EDLD_@F DHTJ@XCAL (E.D.) FD@_LCLE ATXJAKDZ @. CLXDFFDJXT@F JAK^DXDLJCDZ (Ilawfdhed)

Fde`f O`scs ag Edlhdr  `lh Zajcdty Jaursd

Zdx, Zdxu`cfty `lh psyjbasajc`ff ag  psyjbasajc` edlhdr 

Bcstary ag  Edlhdr 

Edlhdr  Hcsjrckcl`tcals, cldqu`fcty `lh edlhdr  rdprdsdlt`tcals





F 0. @l`fy @l`fyzd zd ‖tdxt ‖tdxts‛ s‛ (wrc (wrcttdl, ttdl, vc vcsu`f su`f,, ar`f, dtj.) jrctcj`ffy ?. Hdkal Hdkalstr` str`td td pragcjcdl pragcjcdltt `lh dggd dggdjtcvd jtcvd jakkulcj`tcal (wrctcle, spd`icle,




`lh usd ag ldw tdjblafaecds) :. Tsd o` o`scj scj jaljd jaljdpts pts `jras `jrass s tbd hak`cls ag ilawfdhed 8. Hdkal Hdkalstr` str`td td jrctcj`f, jrctcj`f, `l`fytc `l`fytcj`f, j`f, `lh jrd`tcvd tbclicle 4. @ppfy hcggdrdlt hcggdrdlt `l`fy `l`fytcj` tcj`ff kahd kahds sC praofdk safvcle


^ O. ^D_ZAL@F @LH JCWCJ JAK^DXDLJCDZ (W`fuds) 0. @pprd @pprdjc`td jc`td tbd jakpfd jakpfdxcty xcty a agg tbd buk`l jalhctcal ?. Cltdrprdt Cltdrprdt ttbd bd buk`l buk`l dxpdrcdl dxpdrcdljd jd grak v`rcaus pdrspdjtcvds :. Dx`kc Dx`kcld ld tbd tbd jaltdkp jaltdkpar`r ar`ry y warfh warfh









Fde`f O`scs ag Edlhdr  `lh Zajcdty Jaursd

Zdx, Zdxu`cfty `lh psyjbasajc`ff ag  psyjbasajc` edlhdr 

Bcstary ag  Edlhdr 








Edlhdr  Hcsjrckcl`tcals, cldqu`fcty `lh edlhdr  rdprdsdlt`tcals R R R

grak `lh efao`f p drspoatb djtcv^bcfcppcld ds 8. X`id rrdspa dspalsco lscocfcty cfcty ggar ar ilawcle ilawcle `lh `lh odcle Gcfcpcla 4. _d _dgfdjt jrctcj`ffy al sb`rdh jaljdrls 7. Edldr Edldr`td `td cllav` cllav`tcvd tcvd pr`jtc pr`jtcjds jds `lh safutcals euchdh oy dtbcj`f st`lh`rhs 5. K`id hdjc hdjcscal scals s o`s o`sdh dh al kar`f larks `lh ckpdr`tcvds 2. @hvaj`td rdspdjt gar buk`l rcebts

J. ^_@JXCJ@F ZICFFZ (Zicffs)














Fde`f O`scs ag  Edlhdr `lh Zajcdty Jaursd

Zdx, Zdxu`cfty `lh psyjbasajc`f ag  edlhdr 

Bcstary ag  Edlhdr 

Edlhdr Hcsjrckcl`tcal Hcsjrckcl`tcals, s, cldqu`fcty `lh edlhdr  rdprdsdlt`tcals















Cltrahujtcal ag tbd O`scj jaljdpts `lh hdgclctcals 0.  @ppfy jakputcle taafs taafs ta prajdss prajdss   clgark`tcal dggdjtcvdfy ?. Tsd jurrdlt tdjblafaey ta `sscst `lh g`jcfct`td fd`rlcle `lh rdsd`rjb :. Ldeatc`td tbd warfh ag tdjblafaey   rdspalscofy



8. Jrd`td safutcals ta praofdks cl v`rcaus gcdfhs














4. K`l`ed ald–s ilawfdhed, sicffs, `lh v`fuds gar rdspalscofd `lh prahujtcvd fcvcle 7. Are`lczd ald–s sdfg gar fcgdfale   fd`rlcle Fdedlh= F ; G`jcfct`td fd`rlcle ag tbd jakpdtdljcds (clput cs pravchdh `lh jakpdtdljy cs dv`fu`tdh) ^ ; @ffaws stuhdlt ta pr`jtcjd jakpdtdljcds (la clput out jakpdtdljy cs dv`fu`tdh) A ; Appartulcty gar hdvdfapkdlt (la clput ar dv`fu`tcal out tbdrd cs appartulcty ta pr`jtcjd tbd jakpdtdljcds)

O`scj _d`hcles

bttps=//jbdh.eav.pb/ jka-0-s-?>04 bttps=//jbdh.eav.pb/ jka-0-s-?>04// bttps=//www.abjbr.are/dl/ bttps=//www.abjbr.a re/dl/ pragdsscal` pragdsscal`fcltdrdst/p`ed fcltdrdst/p`eds/ s/ jdh`w.`spx bttps=//www.aggcjc`fe`zdttd. bttps=//www.aggcjc`fe `zdttd. eav.pb/jal eav.pb/jalstctutcals/tbd-03 stctutcals/tbd-0325jalstctutca 25jalstctutcal-ag-tbd-rdpuo l-ag-tbd-rdpuofcj-ag-tbdpbcfcp fcj-ag-tbdpbcfcppclds/tbd-03 pclds/tbd-0325-jalstctutca 25-jalstctutcalag-tbdlag-tbdrdpuofcj-ag-tbd-pbcfcppclds`rtcjfd-cc/ @TXBA_= Ickkdf, K. & @ralsal, @. XCXFD= Xbd Edlhdrdh Zajcdty _d`hdr. ^TOFCZBD_= Axgarh Tlcvdrscty ^rdss. CZOL #= 352->0333?5838 H@XD/DHCXCAL= ?>0:/4tb Dhcal

Dxtdlhdh _d`hcles

Xa od pravchdh 

Jaursd @ssdsskdlt

 @s chdltcgcdh cl cl tbd @ssdsskdlt @ssdsskdlt X`si 


F`leu`ed ag Clstrujtcals  @ttdlh`ljd  @s chdltcgcdh cl tbd stuhdlt b`lhoaai b`lhoaai Bakdwari, Puczzds, Urcttdl _dparts, _d`jtcal ^`pdrs `lh ^artgafca 

Zpdjc`f _dqucrdkdlt  ^rapas`f Hdgdlsd Er`hcle Zystdk  @ffaj`tcal ag Er`hd Er`hd ^drjdlt`ed gar gar Kchtdrk `lh Gcl`fs Gcl`fs   Puczzds - 8>%   Xdrk Dx`ks - 8>%   ^_@@ - ?>% 

Jaursd ^afcjcds


0>>% 

Er`hd Jakput`tcal

GCL@F E_@HD (Kchtdrk Dqucv`fdlt Er`hd x :>%) + (Gcl`f Dqucv`fdlt Er`hd x 5>%) Jf`ssraak _ufds `lh;_deuf`tcals  @s hdgcldh cl tbd stuhdlt b`lhoaai b`lhoaai

Er`hcle ^`r`kdtdrs

Jaursd Xctfd

Bakdwari, Puczzds, @ssdsskdlt, Urcttdl _dparts, _d`jtcal/Xdjblcj`f ^`pdrs `lh K`mar Dx`ks   _`tcle p`r`kdtdr al `ssdsskdlt, suokcttdh rdparts `lh rd`jtcal/tdjblcj`f rd`jtcal/tdjblcj`f pawdr    Jaltdlt :4%   Dxpdrcdljd 04%   _dgfdjtcal 0>%   @ppfcj`tcal 04%   Dv`fu`tcal ?4%   XAX@F 0>>%   _`tcle p`r`kdtdr p`r`kdtdr al tbd CLHCWCHT@F CLHCWCHT@F `lh E_AT^ prdsdlt`tcal/rdjct`tca prdsdlt`tcal/rdjct`tcal l @.S. Xd rk ag   Dggdjtcvcty

^rdp`rdh oy

@ppravdh oy

^`ed /s


G`jufty Kdkodr= EDLHD_ @LH ZAJCDXS

?>?> ‚ ?>?0


KZ. HDFC@ K@E@Ð@ Hd`l, Jaffded ag @rts `lh Zjcdljds


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