Course Design in ESP

April 15, 2018 | Author: Dona Surizal | Category: Language Education, Evaluation, Learning, Academic Discipline Interactions, Cognition
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Module 17 Course Design

What’s Inside 1. Approaches to course design 2. Parameters of course design 3. Balancing parameters 4. Case studies

Approaches to course design 1.

Language-centered course design

Simplest ind! dra"ing connection #et"een anal$sis of target situation and the current of %SP course 1.

Sills-centered course design

&theoritical' (ce#erg theor$) underl$ing an$ language are sills and strategies used #$ learners to produce or understand discourse *hus SCA "ill com#ine the performance and Competence "hen presenting its learning o#+ecti,e &Pragmatic') #ased on goal oriented and process oriented course &"iddo"son) 11'

SCA general SCA is not a#out achie,ing set of goals (t lets the learners achie,e "hat the$ can "ith o"n e/perience and time constraint (t is a &continuum process' "hich means there is no cut of point of success and failure Learner "ill simultaneousl$ learn and de,elop degree of proficienc$. SCA! conclusion *ae more of learners into account than LCA Still tae the learner as the user of language instead of a learner Still concern "ith the process of language use not of language learning

Learning centred approach 0ocuses on studetns learning Determined #$ the teacher Builds on prior no"ledge and sill

 practices that need to #e changed to achie,e learning centred approach &"eimer 22' *he functin of content *he role of teacher *he responsi#ilit$ of leaning *he processes and purposes of e,aluation *he #alence of po"er

Language-centered course design

Select theoretical ,ie"s of language

(dentif$ learners target situation

(dentif$ linguistic features of target situation

Create S$lla#us Design materials to e/emplif$ s$lla#us items %sta#lish e,aluation procedures tp test acuisition of s$lla#us items

Skills-centered course design *heoretical ,ie"s of language

(dentif$ *arget situation

Anal$se sills5 strategies reuired to cope in target situation

*heoretical ,ie"s of learning

6rite S$lla#us

Select te/ts and "rite e/ercises to focus on sills5strategies in s$lla#us

%sta#lish e,aluation procedures "hich reuire the use sills5strate gies in s$lla#us

A learning-centered approach (dentif$ target situation

Anal$se target situation

Anal$se learning situation

A Language-centered approach considers the learner to here

A silled-centered approach considers the learner to here

6rite S$lla#us 6rite 7aterials *each 7aterials

%,aluate learner achie,ement

A Learning-centered approach 7ust consider the learner at e,er$ stage

Parameters of course design 1. (ntensi,e or e/tensi,e 2. Assessed or non-assessed 3. (mmediate or dela$ed needs 4. Pro,ider or facilitator of acti,ities . Broad or narro" focus

8. Pre-stud$ or pre-e/perience or run parallel "ith that stud$ or e/perience. 9. Common-core or specific . :omogenous or heterogeneous . 6ored out #$ the language teacher or #e su#+ect to a process of negotiation "ith the learners

Module 18 Course Design

What’s Inside 1. Approaches to course design 2. Parameters of course design 3. Balancing parameters 4. Case studies

Balancing the parameters! (n planning a course) %SP teachers should first #e a"are of the options and of the limitations arising from institutional and learner e/pectations

*herefore) it is generall$ important that the %SP teacher has a good deal of e/perience in #oth teaching) and materials pro,ision and "riting. (t is also important to ha,e a range of materials a,aila#le.

Case stud$ 1! Residential intensive non-assessed EOP Course – GEC Management College, Dunchurch

Case stud$ 2! An extensive, repeated assessed EAP course or students at the !ordanian "niversit# o science and technolog# $!"%&', (r)id, !ordan

Case stud$ 3 Extensive EAP speciic course or students stud#ing international )an*ing and inance at M+A level, "niversit# o +irmingham $non-assessed'

Case stud$ 4! An intensive one-o EOP course or research scientists, (ndia

Module 19 Course Design

What’s Inside 1. Approaches to course design 2. Parameters of course design 3. Balancing parameters 4. Case studies

Balancing the parameters! (n planning a course) %SP teachers should first #e a"are of the options and of the limitations arising from institutional and learner e/pectations

*herefore) it is generall$ important that the %SP teacher has a good deal of e/perience in #oth teaching) and materials pro,ision and "riting. (t is also important to ha,e a range of materials a,aila#le.

Case stud$ 1! Residential intensive non-assessed EOP Course – GEC Management College, Dunchurch

Case stud$ 2! An extensive, repeated assessed EAP course or students at the !ordanian "niversit# o science and technolog# $!"%&', (r)id, !ordan

Case stud$ 3 Extensive EAP speciic course or students stud#ing international )an*ing and inance at M+A level, "niversit# o +irmingham $non-assessed'

Case stud$ 4! An intensive one-o EOP course or research scientists, (ndia

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