Counter Affidavit Sample Estafa

January 27, 2019 | Author: edcelquiben | Category: Conspiracy (Criminal), Fraud, Cheque, Crime & Justice, Crimes
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sample of counter affidavit...



X x x,   Complainants

IS No! x x x "

#$%s&s ' Estafa X x x,   R$spon($nts! x""""""""""""""""""""""""""""x JOINT COUNTER-AFFIDA COUNTER-AFFIDAVIT VIT OF THE RESPONDENTS X x x

THE UNDERSI)NED RESPONDENTS %$sp$*t+&ll, stat$.!


X x x! /omitt$(0 2.



The relevant provisions of the Revised Penal Code on estafa (deceit/swindling) (deceit/swindling) are as follows:  Article 31. !windling (estafa). " An# person who shall defra$d another %# an# of the &eans &entioned herein%elow shall %e p$nished %#: 1st. The penalt# of prision correccional in its &a'i&$& period to prision &a#or in its &ini&$& period if the a&o$nt of the fra$d is over 12 pesos %$t does not e'ceed 22 pesos and if s$ch a&o$nt e'ceeds the latter s$& the penalt# provided in this paragraph shall %e i&posed in its &a'i&$& period adding one #ear for each additional 1 pesos* %$t the total penalt# which &a# %e i&posed shall not e'ceed twent# #ears. +n s$ch case and in connection with the accessor accessor# # penalties which &a# %e i&posed and for the p$rpose of other the provisions of this Code the penalt# shall %e ter&ed prision &a#or or recl$sion te&poral as the case &a# %e.

2nd. The penalt# of prision correccional in its &ini&$& and &edi$& periods if the a&o$nt of the fra$d is over , pesos %$t does not e'ceed 12 pesos* 3rd. The penalt# of arresto &a#or in its &a'i&$& period to prision correccional in its &ini&$& period if s$ch a&o$nt is over 2 pesos %$t does not e'ceed , pesos* and -th. # arresto &a#or in its &edi$& and &a'i&$& periods if s$ch a&o$nt does not e'ceed 2 pesos provided that in the fo$r cases &entioned the fra$d %e co&&itted %#  an# of the following &eans: 1. ith $nfaithf$lness or a%$se of confidence na&el#: (a) # altering the s$%stance 0$antit# or 0$alit# of an#thing of val$e which the offender shall deliver %# virt$e of an o%ligation to do so even tho$gh s$ch o%ligation %e  %ased on an i&&oral or illegal consideration. (%) # &isappropriating or converting to the pre$dice of another &one# goods or an#  other personal propert# received %# the offender in tr$st or on co&&ission or for ad&inistration or $nder an# other o%ligation involving the d$t# to &ae deliver# of or to ret$rn the sa&e even tho$gh s$ch o%ligation %e totall# or partiall# g$aranteed %# a  %ond* or %# den#ing having received s$ch &one# goods or other propert#. (c) # taing $nd$e advantage of the signat$re of the offended part# in %lan and %#   writing an# doc$&ent a%ove s$ch signat$re in %lan to the pre$dice of the offended part# or of an# third person. 2. # &eans of an# of the following false pretenses or fra$d$lent acts e'ec$ted prior to or si&$ltaneo$sl# with the co&&ission of the fra$d: (a) # $sing fictitio$s na&e or falsel# pretending to possess power infl$ence 0$alifications propert# credit agenc# %$siness or i&aginar# transactions or %# &eans of other si&ilar deceits. (%) # altering the 0$alit# fineness or weight of an#thing pertaining to his art or  %$siness. (c) # pretending to have %ri%ed an# overn&ent e&plo#ee witho$t pre$dice to the action for cal$&n# which the offended part# &a# dee& proper to %ring against the offender. +n this case the offender shall %e p$nished %# the &a'i&$& period of the penalt#. (d) # post4dating a chec or iss$ing a chec in pa#&ent of an o%ligation when the offender had no f$nds in the %an or his f$nds deposited therein were not s$fficient to cover the a&o$nt of chec. The fail$re of the drawer of the chec to deposit the a&o$nt necessar# to cover his chec within three (3) da#s fro& receipt of notice fro& the %an  and/or the pa#ee or holder that said chec has %een dishonored for lac of ins$fficienc#  of f$nds shall %e pri&a facie evidence of deceit constit$ting false pretense or fra$d$lent act. (As a&ended %# Rep$%lic Act 5o. -66 approved 7$ne 18 19,8.) (e) # o%taining an# food refresh&ent or acco&&odation at a hotel inn resta$rant  %oarding ho$se lodging ho$se or apart&ent ho$se and the lie witho$t pa#ing

therefor with intent to defra$d the proprietor or &anager thereof or %# o%taining credit at a hotel inn resta$rant %oarding ho$se lodging ho$se or apart&ent ho$se %# the $se of an# false pretense or %# a%andoning or s$rreptitio$sl# re&oving an# part of his  %aggage fro& a hotel inn resta$rant %oarding ho$se lodging ho$se or apart&ent ho$se after o%taining credit food refresh&ent or acco&&odation therein witho$t pa#ing for his food refresh&ent or acco&&odation. (As a&ended %# Co&. Act 5o. 18.) 3. Thro$gh an# of the following fra$d$lent &eans: (a) # ind$cing another %# &eans of deceit to sign an# doc$&ent. (%) # resorting to so&e fra$d$lent practice to ins$re s$ccess in a ga&%ling ga&e. (c) # re&oving concealing or destro#ing in whole or in part an# co$rt record office files doc$&ent or an# other papers.  ' '. 1!1!

In the case of DIONISIO AW a.k.a. TONY GO vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, GR No. 182276, Marc 2!, 2"1" , the elements of Estafa were discussed by the Supreme Court, thus:

Xxx! T2$ $l$m$nts o+ Estafa &n($% A%ti*l$ 3.4 Pa%a5%ap2 ./B0 o+ t2$ R$#is$( P$nal Co($ a%$/a0 t2at mon$, 5oo(s o% ot2$% p$%sonal p%op$%t, is %$*$i#$( 6, t2$ o++$n($% in t%&st o% on *ommission o% +o% a(minist%ation o% &n($% an, ot2$% o6li5ation in#ol#in5 t2$ (&t, to ma7$ ($li#$%, o+ o% to %$t&%n t2$ sam$! /60 t2at t2$%$ 6$ misapp%op%iation o% *on#$%sion o+ s&*2 mon$, o% p%op$%t, 6, t2$ o++$n($% o% ($nial on 2is pa%t o+ s&*2 %$*$ipt /*0 an(

t2at s&*2 misapp%op%iation o% *on#$%sion o% ($nial is to t2$ p%$8&(i*$ o+ anot2$%9


t2$%$ is ($man( 6, t2$ o++$n($( pa%t, to t2$ o++$n($%!

T2$ +i%st $l$m$nt o+ Estafa &n($% A%ti*l$ 3.4 Pa%a5%ap2 ./B0 is t2$ %$*$ipt 6, t2$ o++$n($% o+ t2$ mon$, 5oo(s o% ot2$% p$%sonal p%op$%t, in t%&st o% on *ommission o% +o% a(minist%ation o% &n($% an, ot2$% o6li5ation in#ol#in5 t2$ (&t, to ma7$ ($li#$%, o+ o%  to %$t&%n t2$ sam$! X x x! :$ n$xt t&%n to t2$ s$*on( $l$m$nt o+ Estafa &n($% A%ti*l$ 3.4 Pa%a5%ap2 ./B0 nam$l, p%$8&(i*$ an( t2$ t2i%( $l$m$nt t2$%$in o+ misapp%op%iation!

T2$ $ss$n*$ o+ Estafa &n($% A%ti*l$ 3.4 pa%a5%ap2 ./60 is t2$ app%op%iation o% *on#$%sion o+ mon$, o% p%op$%t, %$*$i#$( to t2$ p%$8&(i*$ o+ t2$ o;n$%! T2$ ;o%(s s o;n o% o+ ($#otin5 it to a p&%pos$ o% &s$ (i++$%$nt +%om t2at a5%$$( &pon! To misapp%op%iat$ +o% on$>s o;n &s$ in*l&($s not onl, *on#$%sion to on$>s p$%sonal a(#anta5$ 6&t also $#$%, att$mpt to (ispos$ o+ t2$ p%op$%t, o+ anot2$% ;it2o&t %i52t! X x x! 2.3.

In t2$ *as$ o+ ROSITA SY s. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, !.R. N". #$3$%&, A'()* #+, 2#  (is*&ss$( t2$ ;a,s o+ *ommittin5 t2$ +$lon, o+ $sta+a t2&sX x x! T2$ sol$ iss&$ +o% %$sol&tion is ;2$t2$% S, s2o&l( 6$ 2$l( lia6l$ +o%  estafa p$nali?$( &n($% A%ti*l$ 3.4 pa%a5%ap2 1/a0 o+ t2$ R$#is$( P$nal Co($ /RPC0!

S;in(lin5 o% estafa is p&nis2a6l$ &n($% A%ti*l$ 3.4 o+ t2$ RPC! T2$%$ a%$ t2%$$ ;a,s o+ *ommittin5 estafa viz !- /.0 ;it2 &n+ait2+&ln$ss o% a6&s$ o+ *on+i($n*$9 /10 6, m$ans o+ +als$ p%$t$ns$s o% +%a&(&l$nt a*ts9 o% /30 t2%o&52 +%a&(&l$nt m$ans! T2$ t2%$$ ;a,s o+ *ommittin5 estafa ma, 6$ %$(&*$( to t;o i.e! /.0 6, m$ans o+ a6&s$ o+ *on+i($n*$9 o% /10 6, m$ans o+ ($*$it! T2$ $l$m$nts o+ estafa in 5$n$%al a%$ t2$ +ollo;in5- /a0 t2at an a**&s$( ($+%a&($( anot2$% 6, a6&s$ o+ *on+i($n*$ o% 6, m$ans o+ ($*$it9 an( /60 t2at (ama5$ an( p%$8&(i*$ *apa6l$ o+ p$*&nia%, $stimation is *a&s$( t2$ o++$n($( pa%t, o% t2i%( p$%son! T2$ a*t *omplain$( o+ in t2$ instant *as$ is p$nali?$( &n($% A%ti*l$ 3.4 pa%a5%ap2 1/a0 o+ t2$ RPC ;2$%$in estafa is *ommitt$( 6, an, p$%son ;2o s2all ($+%a&( anot2$% 6, +als$ p%$t$ns$s o% +%a&(&l$nt a*ts $x$*&t$( p%io% to o% sim<an$o&sl, ;it2 t2$ *ommission o+ t2$ +%a&(! It is *ommitt$( 6, &sin5 +i*titio&s nam$ o% 6, p%$t$n(in5 to poss$ss po;$% in+l&$n*$ @&ali+i*ations p%op$%t, *%$(it a5$n*, 6&sin$ss o% ima5ina%, t%ansa*tions o% 6, m$ans o+ ot2$% simila% ($*$its! T2$ $l$m$nts o+ estafa 6, m$ans o+ ($*$it a%$ t2$ +ollo;in5 viz !- /a0 t2at t2$%$ m&st 6$ a +als$ p%$t$ns$ o% +%a&(&l$nt %$p%$s$ntation as to 2is po;$% in+l&$n*$ @&ali+i*ations p%op$%t, *%$(it a5$n*, 6&sin$ss o% ima5ina%, t%ansa*tions9 /60 t2at s&*2 +als$ p%$t$ns$ o% +%a&(&l$nt %$p%$s$ntation ;as ma($ o% $x$*&t$( p%io% to o% sim<an$o&sl, ;it2 t2$ *ommission o+ t2$ +%a&(9 /*0 t2at t2$ o++$n($( pa%t, %$li$( on t2$ +als$ p%$t$ns$ +%a&(&l$nt a*t o% +%a&(&l$nt m$ans an( ;as in(&*$( to pa%t ;it2 2is mon$, o% p%op$%t,9 an( /(0 t2at as a %$s< t2$%$o+ t2$ o++$n($( pa%t, s&++$%$( (ama5$!

X x x! 2.+.

In t2$ *as$ o+ FRANCISCO R. LLAMAS a CARMELITA C. LLAMAS s. THE HONORA/LE COURT OF APPEALS, /RANCH 00 OF THE RE!IONAL TRIAL COURT OF MA1ATI CITY a THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, !R N". #+&$$, A4st #0, 2#  it ;as 2$l( amon5 ot2$% t2in5s t2at DAMA)E is an $l$m$nt o+ $sta+a t2&sX x x!  A%ti*l$ 3. /10 o+ t2$ R$#is$( P$nal Co($ stat$s ART! 3.! Ot2$% +o%ms o+ s;in(lin5! ' T2$ p$nalt, o+ a%%$sto ma,o% in its minim&m an( m$(i&m p$%io(s an( a +in$ o+ not l$ss t2an t2$ #al&$ o+ t2$ (ama5$ *a&s$( an( not mo%$ t2an t2%$$ tim$s s&*2 #al&$ s2all 6$ impos$( &ponxxx 1! An, p$%son ;2o 7no;in5 t2at %$al p%op$%t, is $n*&m6$%$( s2all (ispos$ o+ t2$ sam$ alt2o&52 s&*2 $n*&m6%an*$ 6$ not %$*o%($(9 xxx In $#$%, *%iminal p%os$*&tion t2$ Stat$ m&st p%o#$ 6$,on( %$asona6l$ (o&6t all t2$ $l$m$nts o+ t2$ *%im$ *2a%5$( an( t2$ *ompli*it, o% pa%ti*ipation o+ t2$ a**&s$(! Fo% p$tition$%s to 6$ *on#i*t$( o+ t2$ *%im$ o+ s;in(lin5 &n($% A%ti*l$ 3. /10 o+ t2$ R$#is$( P$nal Co($ t2$ p%os$*&tion 2a( t2$ 6&%($n to p%o#$ t2$ *on+l&$n*$ o+ t2$ +ollo;in5 $ss$ntial $l$m$nts o+ t2$ *%im$.! t2at t2$ t2in5 (ispos$( o+ 6$ %$al p%op$%t,9 1! t2at t2$ o++$n($% 7n$; t2at t2$ %$al p%op$%t, ;as $n*&m6$%$( ;2$t2$% t2$ $n*&m6%an*$ is %$*o%($( o% not9 3! t2at t2$%$ m&st 6$ $xp%$ss %$p%$s$ntation 6, t2$ o++$n($% t2at t2$ %$al p%op$%t, is +%$$ +%om $n*&m6%an*$9 an( ! t2at t2$ a*t o+ (isposin5 o+ t2$ %$al p%op$%t, 6$ ma($ to t2$ (ama5$ o+ anot2$%! On$ o+ t2$ $ss$ntial $l$m$nts o+ s;in(lin5 &n($% A%ti*l$ 3. pa%a5%ap2 1 is t2at t2$ a*t o+ (isposin5 t2$ $n*&m6$%$( %$al p%op$%t, is ma($ to t2$ (ama5$ o+ anot2$%! In t2is *as$ n$it2$% t2$ t%ial *o&%t no% t2$ CA ma($ an, +in(in5 o+ an, (ama5$ to t2$ o++$n($( pa%t,! No;2$%$ in t2$ D$*ision o+ t2$ RTC o% t2at o+ t2$ CA is t2$%$ an, (is*&ssion t2at

t2$%$ ;as (ama5$ s&++$%$( 6, *omplainant A#ila o% an, +in(in5 t2at 2is %i52ts o#$% t2$ p%op$%t, ;$%$ p%$8&(i*$(! On t2$ *ont%a%, *omplainant 2a( poss$ssion an( *ont%ol o+ t2$ lan( $#$n as t2$ *as$s ;$%$ 6$in5 2$a%(! His poss$ssion an( %i52t to $x$%*is$ (ominion o#$% t2$ p%op$%t, ;as not (ist&%6$(! A(mitt$(l, t2$%$ ;as ($la, in t2$ ($li#$%, o+ t2$ titl$! T2is 2o;$#$% ;as t2$ s&68$*t o+ a s$pa%at$ *as$ ;2i*2 ;as $#$nt&all, ($*i($( in p$tition$%s> +a#o%! I+ no (ama5$ s2o&l( %$s< +%om t2$ sal$ no *%im$ o+ $sta+a ;o&l( 2a#$ 6$$n *ommitt$( 6, t2$ #$n(o% as t2$ $l$m$nt o+ (ama5$ ;o&l( t2$n 6$ la*7in5! T2$ in$#ita6l$ *on*l&sion t2$%$+o%$ is t2at p$tition$%s s2o&l( 6$ a*@&itt$( o+ t2$ *%im$ *2a%5$(! X x x! /underscoring supplied 0 1!4!

T2$%$ is no p%oo+ t2at t2$ %$spon($nts int$ntionall, mali*io&sl, an( +$lonio&sl, ($*$i#$( t2$ asso*iation! R$spon($nts x x x an( x xx si5n$( t2$ @&$stion$( *2$*7 as a&t2o%i?$( 6an7 si5nato%i$s o+ t2$ asso*iation! /Note: R$spon($nt x x x (i( not si5n t2$ *2$*7! H$ (i( not pa%ti*ipat$ in t2$ @&$stion$( t%ansa*tions in an, mann$%0!


T2$%$ is no p%oo+ t2at t2$ %$spon($nts (ama5$( t2$ asso*iation 6, &sin5 mal#$%sin5 o% *on#$%tin5 t2$ @&$stion$( amo&nt to t2$i% o;n p$%sonal &s$!


R$spon($nts x x x an( x x x simpl, t%ans+$%%$( t2$ amo&nt to t2$ nam$ o+ t2$ n$; Coop$%ati#$ IN )OOD FAITH in a**o%( ;it2 t2$ +o%mal mani+$station man(at$ o%($% ;is2 an( ($si%$ o+ t2$ m$m6$%s o+ t2$ asso*iation ;2o 2a( +o%m$( a n$; Coop$%ati#$ an( ;2o 2a( man(at$( t2$ asso*iation to t%ans+$% its +&n(s ass$ts *on*$ssions an( *ont%a*ts asso*iation to t2$ n$; Coop$%ati#$!


)OOD FAITH is a ($+$ns$ in  malum en se  s&*2 as $sta+a! T2is is too 6asi* an( too $l$m$nta%, a (o*t%in$ t2at it (o$s not %$@&i%$ 8&%isp%&($ntial *itations! At an, %at$ t2$ +ollo;in5 *as$s a%$ *it$(PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES s. CORA A/ELLA OJEDA, !.R. N"s. #+23$-$, J5 2+ on )OOD FIATH as a ($+$ns$ in $sta+a an( mala en se!


Un($% pa%a5%ap2 1 /(0 o+ A%ti*l$ 3.4 o+ t2$ RPC as am$n($( 6, RA 4 t2$ $l$m$nts o+ $sta+a a%$- /.0 a *2$*7 is post(at$( o% iss&$( in pa,m$nt o+ an o6li5ation *ont%a*t$( at t2$ tim$ it is iss&$(9 /10 la*7 o% ins&++i*i$n*, o+ +&n(s to *o#$% t2$ *2$*79 /30 (ama5$ to t2$ pa,$$ t2$%$o+! D565)t a a7a45 a(5 5ss5t)a* 5*575ts "f t85 "ff5s5 a

7st 95 5sta9*)s85 9: sat)sfa6t"(: '(""f t" ;a((at 6")6t)".  T2&s t2$ (%a;$% o+ t2$ (is2ono%$( *2$*7 is 5i#$n t2%$$ (a,s +%om %$*$ipt o+ t2$ noti*$ o+ (is2ono% to *o#$% t2$ amo&nt o+ t2$ *2$*7! Ot2$%;is$ a  prima faciep%$s&mption o+ ($*$it a%is$s!

T2$ p%os$*&tion +ail$( to p%o#$ ($*$it in t2is *as$! T2$  prima faciep%$s&mption o+ ($*$it ;as s&**$ss+&ll, %$6&tt$( 6, app$llant>s $#i($n*$ o+ 5oo( +ait2 a ($+$ns$ in estafa 6, post(atin5 a *2$*7! )oo( +ait2 ma, 6$ ($monst%at$( +o% instan*$ 6, a ($6to%>s o++$% to a%%an5$ a pa,m$nt s*2$m$ ;it2 2is *%$(ito%! In t2is *as$ t2$ ($6to% not onl, ma($ a%%an5$m$nts +o% pa,m$nt9 as *omplainant 2$%s$l+ *at$5o%i*all, stat$( t2$ ($6to%"app$llant +&ll, pai( t2$ $nti%$ amo&nt o+ t2$ (is2ono%$( *2$*7s! It m&st 6$ not$( t2at o&% R$#is$( P$nal Co($ ;as $na*t$( to p$nali?$ &nla;+&l a*ts a**ompani$( 6, $#il int$nt ($nominat$( as *%im$s mala in se ! T85 '()6)'a* 6"s)5(at)" )s t85 5x)st565 "f 7a*)6)"s )t5t. T2$%$ is a *on*&%%$n*$ o+ +%$$(om int$lli5$n*$ an( int$nt ;2i*2 to5$t2$% ma7$ &p t2$
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