Hello dear friends, I am here to Reveal to you how to make an energy collecting device. One that Can Generate Gener ate 90,000 watts at !00 "olts "olts at a height of #$ feet. It%s It%s time we take off the chains that &ind us. 'ime to ste( into the light of ancient wisdom, time to rid ourselves of the &linders (ut there to kee( us enslaved. )any (eo(le are now awakening and the time for disclosure is now. 'he device I will descri&e will &e for receiving (ower from the universe of energy that is omni(resent.
HO* 'O CO+'R-C' 'H CO)IC CO//C'OR Height #$ feet. Generating 90,000 watts at !00 "olts "olts at $ft 1 sea /evel 2y the Coast.
'he Cosmic Collector is made u( of
Co((er 'u&e *ra((ed In 3 coil, /aying In a 'eflon 4ish
)etal 5late 2uried 6lat In the Ground
7 volt 4ee( Cycle /ead 3cid 2attery
'he Cosmic Collector is made u( of
Co((er 'u&e *ra((ed In 3 coil, /aying In a 'eflon 4ish
)etal 5late 2uried 6lat In the Ground
7 volt 4ee( Cycle /ead 3cid 2attery
7 afety 4isconnect witches 8high voltage circuit &reaker
3 Good i:ed ;uantity of ;uarts Crystals 3nd ;uart: and
+uire as all 7 volt &atteries have an ioni:ation of $ )h:. ee figure !. ?(eriment with the charging &attery and do not leave it charging indefinitely.
Connect a 7 gauge wire from the (ositive terminal of the 7 volt &attery to the (osivive terminal of the 7nd safety disconnect 8circuit &reaker, and connect another 7 guague wire from the negative terminal of the 7 volt &attery to the negative terminal of the 7 nd safety disconnect. see figure $. 'his is a second theoretical afety 4isconnect. It is advised for your safety and was not &uilt into the origional (rototy(e.
Connect another 7 guage wire comming from the +egative 'erminal of the 7nd afety 4isconnect to the st of the 7 wing nuts at the center 8negative end of the coil. Connnect another 7 guague wire comming from the 5ositive 'erminal of the afety 4isconnect to the /eft wing nut at the nd 85ositive end of the coil. ee figure =. 6or a wiring nut review take a look at figures #& and uencies as they corres(onded to the colors. I also wanted to shoot 7 volts through to see if we tuned the antenna to =.@#h: and filled it with crystals, then we talked a&out a crystal s(ray on. I thought that as long as the antenna could (rovide its own (ower it could also shoot energy out and in s(ecific fre>uencies that can heal. 'he higher the antenna the more voltage could &e used for a stronger effect. − o if I had it to do all over again I would have never used crystals at all and started with a smaller diameter tu&e and length. I would have done # scale at uickly get. − I wanted the coil to have 9 turns, each turn re(resenting the ne?t dimension. 'he st turn was the
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