Cosmic Biology Science of Egyptian Medicine

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BLACKHERBALS.COM MICROCOSMIC SCIENCE COSMIC BIOLOGY THE SCIENCE OF EGYPTIAN MEDICINE TARIQ SAWANDI, M.H. The ancient Egyptians, our ancestors, studied the cosmos closely and recognized that great powers hold the universe together. These powers inherent in the universe were identified, located, studied, and named. These various forces were also identified in the human body, and the sum total of all the Universal forces was the One God, the Supreme, the Universe. To the great Egyptian god of writing, Tehuti (Hermes), the human race owes its concept of the "law of analogy." The great Tehuti was reputed to have stated, "that which is above is like unto that which is below, and that which is below is like unto that which is above." In other words, the ancient Egyptians taught that the human body was the "microcosm," or little cosmos, made in the form of the "macrocosm," or the great cosmos. This relationship between the Universe and the human body became the basis of ancient Egyptian medical science. This ancient healing wisdom is contained in the "Book of the Opening of the Mouth and the Coming Forth by Day," popularly called, "The Egyptian Book of the Dead." The entire text is a physiological and anatomical textbook to those capable of reading it from a scientific point of view. It explained the functions of the human body, the attributes of the mind, and the qualities of the soul and its energies. "The Book of the Opening of the Mouth and the Coming Forth by Day" presented a unique source of wisdom, a system of preventive medicine and health which I refer to as the "Ausarian Medical Conception" (based on the resurrection of the Egyptian god Osiris). The premise of the test is obvious: the soul which abides by the laws set forth in the text does not wonder in darkness; rather, it lives on with the good hope of going forth in the light of truth. Darkness signifies disease and ignorance, and day represents light - the light of the mind and the light of the soul. To go forth by day is to abide in the light. One must Open the Mouth correctly in order to receive the proper light. African people are children of the light, and all of our foods and material sustenance must contain vitalized light energy. (1 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


The ultimate purpose of the "Ausarian Medical Conception" is to tell us how we can extend, shape, influence, and control our cosmic energies in order to attain divine and perfect health. To understand how this is possible, we must look deeper into the body itself. According to the ancient Egyptians, there are seven principles operating in man, each of which constitutes a different type of substance that obeys a unique set of natural laws. They are: 1) The Khat, which most of us simply call the physical body. 2) The Ba, the soul of breath, or what is termed the "bio-plasmic body", or vital body. 3) The Khaba, the astral body, or what is called the emotional body. 4) The Khaibit, the intellectual body which consists of the lower and middle states of consciousness. 5) The Ka, the spiritual Self, or Higher Mind. 6) The Sekhen, the Super-consciousness. The plane where Universal knowledge is available to those attuned to it. 7) The Ren, the pure spirit, or divine mind. (Diagram 1)

DIAGRAM 1. (2 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


THE HUMAN AURIC (ENERGY) FIELD Expression of the multi-dimensional human being. The human being, collectively and individually is subject to the vast quantum energy of an astronomical universe. Every human being is surrounded by these seven energy principles, or "quantum mechanical fields," which the ancient Egyptians referred to as the "Aura," partly because it symbolized the spirit of "Ausar." This aura has two poles - a positive (Shu) and a negative (Tefnut). The ancient Egyptians believed that all aspects of nature and reality are underlined by the principles of "Shu" and "Tefnut." Shu and Tefnut were understood as metaphors for abstract qualities and correspondences that could be (3 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


applied to energy states in the body. Solar nutrition is continually entering through the positive-pole (Shu), circulating through the auric field, which in turn, nourishes the vital organs and sensory functions of the human body. Through the negative-pole (Tefnut), waste materials are eliminated and are recycled and purified by the solar energy. This auric circulatory system can be compared to the human heart with its arterial and venous circulations. (Chart 1)

CHART 1. The Two Fundamental Shaping Factors of Nature Shu




Positive (+)

Negative (-)



The grand duality of Shu and Tefnut is the basis of positive and negative charges in the body.

The interior organization of the aura itself is like a microcosm united with the planetary and cosmic forces through bonds of "sympathetic similarity". The "law of Sympathy" holds that, "nature is everywhere alike," an Egyptian concept that means that nature is structured the same when making plants, minerals, sounds, or human bodies.

Technology of the Auric Body The body has its own technology which harmonizes with nature. The human body may be thought of as a very complex battery that not only receives, stores, and uses electricity for chemical processes, but also maintains itself by assimilating vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients. The body recognizes these substances when they come along. The body draws energy from the food through the law sympathy. Nutrition would fail if the sources outside of the body did not have magnetic polarities (Shu and Tefnut) within the body. The human aura is interpenetrated within every level of the body including every atom, cell, and protein molecule of the body. The different energy fields can also perturb and influence each other through the mental vehicle and its different levels of consciousness. A thought is an act of creation. It is what we are here for, to create, to bring into being ourselves, by (4 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


means of thinking. The way we use our thoughts greatly affects our physical and mental health. When we release our thought energy, it is broadcast through the space/time continuum of mind and body.

Solar Energy and the Auric Field The solar energy operates in three ways: light comes directly from the sun; or it may be reflected from the surface of planetary bodies; or from the moon which is a luminary body circling about the earth's magnetic field. The rays of the sun sustains the spiritual centers in the body. The rays reflected from the planets sustains the soul, and the moon governs the reproductions powers of the body which is referred to as the powers of Auset (Isis). The energy body, or bio-plasmic body as three main functions in relation to the sun: to receive energy from the sun; to assimilate and circulate it to all parts of the body; and to act as the blueprint for all physical growth of the cells, molecules and genetic patterns. It also acts as the mediator, like the bridge between our higher states of consciousness and the brain and its nervous system. Most physical ailments arise from depletion of the auric fields, and it is here that we must search for the invisible causes of visible illness. Therefore, it is extremely important in Egyptian medicine that the energy body be maintained and augmented throughout life if we are to receive healthy channels of energy.

Quantum Physics Looks at the Auric Energy Fields The idea of the auric field is expressed in contemporary physics, which has substituted the word, "aura," a spectrum of undulating radiation, with the term "quantum mechanical field," which consist of material objects that occupy space and have properties like mass, electric charge, energy, and subatomic particles. This is the stuff of the quantum mechanical field. Scientists also define quantum as the smallest unit of light, electricity, or other energy that can exist in the universe. If you could get a closer look at the atom, you would see that it is composed of tinier units of matter called quarks, bosons, leptons, electrons, neutrons, and other particles which bounce around at lightening speeds around empty space. (See Diagram 2)



If we look even closer at these subatomic particles, we'll find that they are not material at all, but rather mere vibrations of energy that have taken on the appearance of solidity. This scientific discovery, that matter is a fluctuation of energy, was first expressed by Albert Einstein and other physicists at the beginning of the 20th century. In recent years, connecting quantum physics directly to biology in the human body is changing our basic assumptions about sickness and medicine. Physicists now believe that the physical world including plants, animals, humans and galaxies belong to a "Grand Unified Field." In other words, the "whole" of nature comes together in this all-embracing field. Since we too are part of nature and the universe, we are also part of the Unified Field. Western physicists are just beginning to realize what the ancient Africans understood about the profound realities of the universe over 7,000 years ago. That plants, as well as animals and humans, have fields of "fine sheaths" of subatomic, or protoplasmic energy which permeate the solid physical bodies of molecules and atoms was a centuriesold allegation by the priests/physicians of ancient Khemit. This "quantum field," or "aura" was depicted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics around the bodies of Egyptian deities. (6 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


The Ausarian Conception of Divine Health The first idea of balanced health was recognized by Egyptian physicians through the resurrection and mystery of Ausar, from which developed a medical science which in precision and extent surpasses almost any other health science that has been devised. Let us look at how the Ausarian medical conception developed. According to Egyptian legend, Ausar is the first-born of five children of he goddess Nut and the god Seb, and he eventually become king of the Egyptians. His brother Set, the third-born child, was very jealous of Ausar and decided to kill him. Through trickery, Set got Ausar into a chest, which was tossed into the Nile. The casket with the drowned body of Ausar was washed to the sea. Ausar's sister and wife, Auset, the fourth-born child, searched for and found Ausar's body and brought it back to Egypt. She hid the body, but eventually slackened her guard over it, at which time Set, while hunting, stumbled over it. Knowing of Auset's magical skill (herbal knowledge) in revivifying corpses, Set stole the body. In order to prevent her from resurrecting Ausar, he dismembered the body into fourteen parts and hid them throughout Egypt. Auset them searched for and recovered all the parts. She was able to reconstruct Ausar's entire body, but she was unsuccessful in fully reviving the corpse. But after three days, Auar arose from the dead to become the judge of the living and the dead. Ausar became the symbol of divine Presence and Immortality. He combines both human and divine attributes, signifying the living soul. It was part of Egyptian healing science that the body be identified with Ausar. The 14 dismembered parts of Ausar became the major internal organs of the body under the Egyptian medical system. (See Chart 2.)

CHART 2. The 14 Anatomical Organs of the Viscera* Egyptian




1. mat




2. mkhtw




3. kbmaa




4. sma




5. hty




6. ru n ib




7. kh t



testicle (7 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


*In Egyptian Medicine, these 14 organs represent the dismembered parts of Ausar. By reviving and vitalizing the 14 organs and its energy fields, one could transform and resurrect divine health, and this become "Ausarized" in the physical body. This is the premise of Egyptian medicine. Light became the immediate carrier of life itself and the promise of the resurrection of the dead. "Wherever light existed there could be no death, and because light was everywhere, immortality was inevitable" (Manly P. Hall, Egyptian Concept of the Soul). Light is the fundamental energy radiating through man and the cosmos. The same applies to the finest particles of matter. Everything radiates light (photons) which can be identified as color, form, movement, perfume, temperature, food, herbs, flowers, cells, planets, and galaxies.

Ausarian Diagnosis and Treatment of the Energy Fields The aura, otherwise called the quantum energy field, or the life-force is very difficult to describe because this energy, or life-force cannot be seen with the physical eye. However, we can feel this lifeforce in the body. Centuries ago, Egyptian physicians would classify different illnesses with their corresponding energy bodies. They believed that many sicknesses began with obstructions in the aura bodies, or impairment of free circulation and interaction between the fields. The ancient Egyptians maintained that most of the common conditions of the body come from the food that we eat, and the air that we breathe. Your body draws on many different sources of energy, which reside in different energy centers in the body such as the liver, heart, kidneys, adrenals, gall bladder, prostate, pineal and the pituitary glands. Yet the body also absorbs energy from the solar system, which mixes and transforms in our body. Food, for example, must contain most of the nutritional elements which provide energy to the body. If, for any reason, essential elements are lacking, the energy bodies gradually becomes incapable of maintaining healthy patterns and electro-magnetic polarities. The principal field upon which the energy bodies must labor is the solar plexus, or what is called by the Egyptians the Khaba, or astral body. It is obstructions here that most directly disturb the alchemical process of assimilation. As one holistic doctor puts it, "most persons die first in the digestive system." Today, we are discovering that African Americans are finding it more and more difficult to digest foods, or suffer from constipation, nausea, insomnia, and lack of energy. There are many reasons for this, such as food pollution in the environment, or genetically incompatible foods to the African, but it also seems to be the stress that African Americans live under. Now the main energy body which governs the digestive system is the astral body which has its main center in the solar plexus. It relates to all the digestive organs, including the stomach, the pancreas, the liver, the gall bladder, and the small bowels. If a person has a serious digestive problem, the Egyptian (8 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


system tells us that the astral body will be involved, and we also know that it is the energy body which corresponds to emotional disturbance. So, in order to re-align and re-organize the astral energy pattern, we must work on two levels. (See Diagram 3) DIAGRAM 3. (9 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


THE AURIC ENERGY CHANNELS The frontal site of the seven energy bodies including the astral body (spleen, adrenal, pancreas, and stomach). For the above condition, we can prepare a herbal mixture of coriander, hyssop, and ginger for the digestive process. We might give chamomile, vitamin B, potassium and magnesium phosphate for the nerves, and them we must look into the psychic levels of the person. The stress that the person is under may need to be resolved. At the same time as we direct the person to take herbs, minerals, and vitamins on a daily basis, we would suggest he or she learns to meditate and also make some major lifestyle changes. In ancient times, Egyptian physicians would heal working with the energy bodies using various crystals, metals, colors, and sound vibrations over the body to help re-balance the energy bodies. Now that African Holistic Healing Systems have become more recognized by African American, I think it's important for us to embrace our traditional healing systems to cure and maintain our health. The African approach to medicine addresses the whole body -- mind, body, emotions, and spirit. If our body becomes diseased, the various aspects of our being have become separated and hence we must bring everything together in healing. © Tariq Sawandi, M.H. July 1, 2000

This is the first part of a three-part series on ancient Egyptian Medical Science by Tariq Sawandi, M.H. Part II. The Eye of Ra: Reconnecting with the Healing Wisdom of Ancient Africa Part III. Photo-Biogenics: The Ancient Egyptian Science of Healing with Radiant Foods Tariq Sawandi is a Master herbalist, nutritionist, and consultant on holistic health. Dr. Sawandi is renown for his in-depth knowledge of African holistic medicine, including Chinese and Japanese medicine, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and North American Indian (10 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]


herbology. He is also the pioneer of a new holistic health treatment called, "Herbal-neuroimmunology" which is used to treat infectious diseases such as the AIDS. He has written for the "Black Healer" newsletter and is the author a of new book titled, "African Medicine: A Guide to Yoruba Divination and Herbal Medicine". Dr. Sawandi welcomes your questions. He can be reached at P.O. Box 3466, Bldg. 3B04-210, #D47495, Corcoran, CA 93212-3466.

Available Now Exclusively at

AFRICAN MEDICINE A Guide to Yoruba Divination and Herbal Medicine The E-Book by Tariq Sawandi, M.H.

Click here for details and ordering

See The Orisha Self-Assessment Diagnostic Charts, T. Sawandi ©2001. (11 of 12) [11/22/2012 3:48:00 PM]



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