Cortex XDR Demo - Instructor Guide

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VER 2.0, February 2023

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Table of Contents Cortex XDR Overview


Demo Environment


Accessing the XDR Management Console


Attack #1: Phishing and Ransomware


Using XDR to Investigate the Phishing Attempt Investigating the execution from WINWORD.EXE Execution summary of the phishing attack: Attack #2 – Watering Hole Command & Control Using XDR to Review the Command and Control Attack Execution summary of the Command and Control Attack: Attack #3 – Linux Privilege Escalation Exploit Reviewing the Information from Lab 3 Investigating the Linux Exploit Attempt Part 3 – XQL and XDR threat hunting

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Using XQL


Threat Hunting Queries in Dashboards




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Cortex XDR Overview The Cortex XDR agent offers a complete prevention stack with cutting-edge protection for exploits, malware, ransomware, and fileless attacks. It includes the broadest set of exploit protection modules available to block the exploits that lead to malware infections. Every file is examined by an adaptive AI-driven local analysis engine that’s always learning to counter new attack techniques. A Behavioral Threat Protection engine examines the behavior of multiple related processes to uncover attacks as they occur. Integration with the Palo Alto Networks WildFire malware prevention service boosts security accuracy and coverage.

Demo Environment The XDR Demo environment can help you show use cases based on your customer’s needs. To help streamline the demo experience, you will only need to access the XDR management console. The infected client devices have already been attacked but the attacks were unsuccessful due to the XDR agent being installed on the client devices, detecting and then preventing the attacks. The three attacks that were launched on the client devices are: 1. Phishing and ransomware attack 2. A “watering hole” command & control attack 3. A Linux privilege escalation exploit attack Although the three attacks listed above have already been executed on client devices, it’s important to know how these attacks were launched. The following sections will provide insight into the attacks, so as you review them with the XDR management console, you will have a better understanding of how XDR detected and prevented the attacks. Note: Due to the size and display resolution, many of the screenshots in this document may appear distorted. Highlights and arrows have been provided to help you understand where to click and what to review on your screen. Your XDR management console will provide clear visibility into the data you should review as you progress through this demonstration.

Additional Resources: To help with your pre-sales engagements, additional XDR resources are available on the NextWave Partner Portal such as customer presentations, how-to videos, competitive information and much more. If you have any questions or issues pertaining to this lab, feel free to email [email protected]

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Accessing the XDR Management Console This lab uses a cloud hosted XDR management console with a preconfigured user account. It is important to use an incognito / private mode browser window to login to the cloud hosted XDR console. If you do not use incognito / private mode, and/or use your NextWave SSO credentials when prompted, you will be denied access as shown below.

1. Open an incognito / private mode tab and navigate to 2. When prompted to Sign In, please use one of the accounts listed below, then click Next and enter the password. Note: Either of these accounts will allow you to login: a. username: [email protected] // password: Password123! b. username: [email protected] // password: Password123!

Remember, if you receive an Access Denied Error, then you are either not using an incognito / private browser window and/or you have entered your SSO credentials, and not the ones listed above. Do not

proceed until you have successfully logged into the cloud managed XDR console. 4 ©2023 Palo Alto Networks Confidential. Do Not Distribute.

Upon successfully logging into the XDR management console, you will land on the Incident Management Dashboard as shown below:

You have now successfully logged into the XDR management console that will be used throughout the lab exercises.

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Attack #1: Phishing and Ransomware Email attacks are a common method used to lure unsuspecting victims into clicking infected files or directing them to malicious websites. As shown in the screenshot below, a user has received what appears to be a legitimate email regarding an online order. However, the attachment is infected and is looking to exploit an application vulnerability once the unsuspecting user opens it.

Hopefully your users are smart enough not to fall for such an obvious attempt. Unfortunately many people are easily tricked and will open the attachment. However, with a properly configured XDR agent installed, a phishing attempt like this will be detected and prevented as shown here:

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Using XDR to Investigate the Phishing Attempt NOTE: For this demonstration, we allowed the phishing attempt to succeed by disabling the XDR agent and allowing the execution of the infected email attachment. By allowing the exploit to run, you will use the XDR management console to gain visibility into all steps of the attack. Normally in a production environment, you would never allow an exploit to run. 1. Return to the XDR management incognito / private mode tab you opened earlier. If you accidentally closed the tab, and need to log back in, refer to the login instructions on page 4 of this document. Remember, you must use an incognito / private browser mode along with the credentials provided on page 4, or you will receive an Access Denied error. Note: The XDR instance is read-only, so you will be able to view and filter alerts, incidents, and other configurations/logs, but cannot make changes. 2. Using the menu options presented at the left of the XDR console, navigate to > Incident Response > Incidents as shown here:

3. Click the trash can icon to remove any existing filter as shown here:

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4. In this attack scenario, once the user opened the infected attachment, a ransomware payload was triggered using a Command-and-Control dropper. Review the list of incidents along the left side of the console, and locate the incident ID-3582 titled Hands-On Lab - Windows.

5. Click Incident ID-3582 to select it. The right half of the screen, XDR will summarize the alerts and insights of the attack, providing the number & severity of alerts, the hosts and users involved in the incident and MITRE ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques seen in the incident.

6. Note: If you do not see the Alerts & Insights option as shown above, you might be in the legacy view. Make sure you are in the Advanced layout, but clicking the drop-down next to legacy view, and toggling the view to the Advanced layout

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7. Click the Overview tab, and then click the small down arrow in the MITRE ATT&CK section to expand it as shown here:

8. Click the Include Incident Insights checkbox as shown below. This will provide more detailed information about tactics and techniques identified in the incident:

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9. Click the Key Assets & Artifacts tab. This view provides a list of files, hosts, and users that XDR has automatically identified as involved in the security incident. As shown in this screenshot, malicious files identified by wildfire will be highlighted in red. Click the WildFire Analysis Report icon in the files description as shown here:

10. The analysis report shows you a detailed view of the processes and timeline of events that occurred when the user double-clicked the infected invoice document. Shown below is the analysis report of what WildFire captured. Explore this information, and then close the Wildfire Analysis Report when you have finished reviewing the analysis.

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11. To view a flowchart of what happened with the exploit attempt, click the Executions tab in the incident view as shown here:

12. Click the Expand link on the right, and the flowchart will enlarge the view and provide more detailed information about each step of the attack.

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13. In the attack scenario which generated this alert, the unsuspecting user received a phishing email with an infected Word document attached. When they double-clicked the attachment, the exploit was launched. The causality flowchart shows each step of the attack and provides critical information in the lower portion of the screen. As you can see below, XDR is monitoring the WINWORD.EXE processes and logging all activities to help aid in understanding exactly what transpired when the user launched the document. Shown below is the expanded view detailing the flow of activities that were executed when the user double-clicked the infected document. Use the + and - buttons in the upper-right to increase the magnification for easier viewing.

14. Locate the WINWORD.EXE process. Notice a small graphical representation of the execution steps is shown. XDR also identifies the “Causality Group Owner”, with the CGO tag (in this example, winword.exe). This is what XDR believes to be the root cause of the incident.

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Investigating the execution from WINWORD.EXE A malicious VBA macro script in a document read by WINWORD.exe initiates the attack intended to drop and execute ransomware on the host. Let's walk through how this is accomplished. 1. Clicking through the nodes of the flowchart, beginning with winword.exe, you can view the commands that were run and other evidentiary data to better understand exactly how the attack was executed. First, click the WINWORD.EXE icon. You can see that winword.exe ran a command to open “your_invoice.docm”, a macro-enabled word document that subsequently perpetrated this attack.

2. Click the PROCESS tab below the graphical flowchart.

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3. The process view shows data collected that you could use to get insight into what actions the macro performed. For example, you can see system commands are used to collect information about the host into a results.txt file (You might need to use the scroll bar at the bottom to scroll right and see the full details):

4. Using the graphical flowchart, click the powershell.exe icon (there are multiple in the flowchart; click the one that is to the left of reg.exe). Notice that PowerShell is being used by the attacker to also disable the Windows firewall notifications in the registry:

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5. Click on the powershell.exe that is immediately to the left of svchost.exe. Here you can see that PowerShell was used to download something called “payload.txt” from

6. You can also view the Alerts tab for more contextual information about what happened at this moment in time:

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7. Notice that several nodes in the causality chain display red badges. These denote that an alert (or alerts) were triggered at this stage of the attack. Each of these badges indicates an opportunity XDR had to prevent this attack, but as mentioned earlier, XDR is in a “alert only” mode for the purposes of this demonstration. These badges can be clicked to provide further context to a given stage of an attack. Click the ! icon immediately above the svchost.exe to the right of powershell.exe.

8. Continue walking through the remaining nodes to view more information about the attack.

9. Several executables have been highlighted in red. Click any of the exe files in the chain that are highlighted in red. Like the Incident page, these indicate that Wildfire identified these as malicious files. This information, along with the fact that they are unsigned is also presented in the lower portion of the screen.

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10. Click the last node in the chain (ksmckmm.exe), and then click the ALERT tab. You can see that XDR has not only identified the malware as a version of Teslacrypt ransomware, but, because the dedicated anti-ransomware module is enabled in this endpoint’s XDR policy, the data encryption was prevented.

11. Since XDR eventually prevented the ransomware from encrypting the drive, no immediate action is necessary at this time, however analysts can use the data collected to better understand the root cause and scope of an attack’s effect on the environment for remediation. 12. Close the expanded chart view by clicking the X in the upper right of your screen (you will not be able to access menu items until you close this window)

Execution summary of the phishing attack: The XDR agent is actively monitoring various processes and looking for unusual events. Unlike traditional antivirus that uses static rules and heuristics, XDR has the ability to detect suspicious activity inside processes and successfully prevent attacks and exploits from occurring. The amount of detailed data that the agent collects and forwards to the management console is critical in helping an analyst fully understand all aspects of the attack. Initially the XDR agent was set to an “Alert Only” mode which allowed the attack to execute, so that you are able to gain deep insight into the data that is available. However, a properly configured XDR agent will prevent these types of attacks and provide detailed visibility for the analyst.

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Attack #2 – Watering Hole Command & Control XDR analyzes raw security alerts and combines them into larger incidents. This allows a user to quickly understand how individual security events are related and reduces alert fatigue by linking seemingly disparate events into one group. Like in the previous example, the XDR protection has been temporarily disabled so you can see how the attack is executed. Below you will see where an unsuspecting user has been tricked into connecting to a malicious URL. The user is a developer looking for a file they need to download in an effort to fix an issue they are having with their code.

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Once the user downloads and executes the infected file, the attack will succeed as shown below. As in the previous demonstration, XDR will not prevent any actions taken as its policy is configured to alert only Remember, normally a properly configured XDR agent would prevent this type of activity from succeeding. It is only allowed to successfully run so that you can visually see how the attack succeeded when you review the activity using the XDR management console.

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Using XDR to Review the Command and Control Attack In this attack scenario, a developer downloaded and executed a file from a site pretending to be the actual StackOverflow site, thinking it was going to help with a programming problem. However, an attacker has used that site to link to a malware dropper disguised as a C compiler in hopes a developer will use it. You will now use the XDR console to review the activity related to that lab. 1. Return to the XDR management console, and make sure you can see the open Incidents along the left of your screen by clicking >Incident Response > Incidents on the navigation bar. Locate and click incident ID-3582 as shown here:

2. Notice that Incident-3582 is the same incident used in the previous demonstration. As mentioned earlier, this is because XDR can analyze multiple security alerts and combine them into larger incidents. Click the Executions tab and then click the group owner: gcc64_win.exe section:

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3. Like in the previous exercise, click Expand, and then click through the nodes of the flowchart, beginning with gcc64_win.exe to view the commands that were run and other evidentiary data to better understand exactly how the attack was executed.

4. Here you can see that gcc64_win.exe was identified as malicious by Wildfire by its node being red in the causality chain. gcc64_win.exe acts as a dropper in this attack to gather and exfiltrate system information and credentials, and install Command and Control software, and establish persistence. Let's walk through how this is accomplished.

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5. Starting with the top cmd.exe node, you can see that certutil.exe is used to download a suspicious file named “quasar.pdf.exe”

6. Click the certutil.exe node and then click the Network tab. Network connections are also recorded by XDR so you can identify where this was downloaded from. You may need to scroll through the various columns to find this information.

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7. Typical C2 attacks aim to gain persistence. Click the second instance of gcc64_win.exe as shown below, and then click the Process tab.

8. You can see a scheduled task is created to run “svchosts.exe” on startup under the name “Google Cloud Agent”.

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9. Looking at the FILE actions of gcc64_win.exe you can see the scvhosts.exe file used by the task scheduler was also created during the attack (in addition to the information shown in the screenshot below, there is a scroll bar below the rows of data. Scroll right to view additional information collected by the XDR agent)

10. Click the dumpster.exe icon in the flowchart view. Upon establishing persistence via this scheduled task, another executable downloaded by the dropper, “dumpster.exe” is used to dump lsass in an attempt to harvest credentials, again triggering XDR alerts

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11. Click on the second gcc64_win.exe node. You can also see that the dumpster.exe file was downloaded using certutil.exe, a common file transfer method used by attackers.

12. Next, a dropped copy of nc.exe (netcat) is used to exfiltrate both the lsass memory dump and the collected system information, which XDR notifies us about

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13. Finally, you can see that the dropper attempts to transfer its command-and-control agent via the bitsadmin tool to move laterally and infect other hosts on the network to repeat this attack.

Note: As this is a self-contained lab environment, the “lateral move” is actually just an upload to localhost for purposes of demonstration. This level of detail that XDR collects and presents to analysts is valuable if/when an attacker can bypass an enterprise’s defenses, or when using “living off the land” techniques, enabling analysts to identify the root cause and initial attack vector for future prevention, as well as ascertaining the scope of an attack’s effect on the environment for remediation.

Execution summary of the Command and Control Attack: Hopefully in a production environment, there are other frontline defenses in place to prevent users from downloading a malicious EXE file from the internet and executing it on an endpoint device. However, if someone uses a USB drive to launch the EXE, many first line defenses are bypassed, and a reliable endpoint security defense is critical. XDR not only will prevent these types of malicious files from being allowed to execute, but also provides extensive analytics to the agent allowing deep forensic investigations to take place.

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Attack #3 – Linux Privilege Escalation Exploit This demonstration is designed specifically for users interested in XDR’s ability to prevent Linux privilege escalation exploits. In this scenario, an attacker has gained command and control access and is escalating their privileges to gain root access. This linux client does not have the XDR agent installed, and as a result the exploit script successfully runs, and the attacker has gained root access as shown here:

However, on a different Linux client, the XDR agent is installed and the attacker runs the same exploit script hoping to gain root access. As shown below, XDR is configured to block such attacks and successfully blocks the attempt.

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Reviewing the Information from Lab 3 In the first two labs, XDR was configured in such a way that it allowed malicious activity to be successfully executed so that you will have insightful data to review to demonstrate the level of granular visibility provided by XDR. In the third lab, a Linux client ran various scripts to attempt to exploit the system and gain escalated privileges. However, because the XDR agent was properly configured, the exploit attempt was blocked.

Investigating the Linux Exploit Attempt 1.

Using the menu options along the left side of the console, navigate to > Incident Response > Incidents. Locate incident ID-3524 | Hands-On Lab - Linux. You’ll quickly notice there is far less data for this incident, because unlike the other two attack scenarios that were allowed to successfully execute, the XDR agent on the Linux client successfully blocked the exploit attempt.


Click the Alert & Insights tab. You will see that XDR prevented the attempt to gain escalated privileges as shown below (Note, you may need to collapse the incidents section on the left of your screen and/or scroll right using the scroll bar at the bottom of your screen to see the Action and Description fields)


Unlike the two previous scenarios, you won’t need to spend much time reviewing the XDR data, other than to demonstrate how a properly configured agent can successfully stop various attacks when properly configured.

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Part 3 – XQL and XDR threat hunting In addition to reviewing incidents like you have done in the previous exercises, you can also use XQL to hunt for other instances of artifacts from an incident, or mine existing XDR and 3rd party data to surface potential threats. For example, XDR collects Windows event logs which can be queried to surface potential threats or areas of interest.

Using XQL 1. Using the left menu options, navigate to > Incident Response > Query Builder and then click the XQL Search button. (Remember, if the menu options aren’t responding, make sure to close the expanded flowchart view).

2. Click the Query Library tab and then type the word failed in the search box to narrow the list of available queries and then click the Failed Windows Login Attempts.

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3. The saved query will be displayed on the right of your display. Click the Use in Query link as shown here:

4. Once loaded, you can view or modify the query as necessary as well as adjust the time frame. The query also has comments to explain what each line does. Drag the separator bar down if you need to see more of the query.

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5. Before running the query, click the “Custom” link in the upper-right and set the time frame to search from Nov 6 2022 - Nov 8 2022 to be certain you return a sufficient number of results from the demo environment, then click “Run”.

6. After the query finishes running, the results will be displayed in the lower pane. You can see a suspicious user has many failed login attempts. These types of security anomalies can be the jumping-off point for a threat hunting investigation.

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Threat Hunting Queries in Dashboards 1. Your XQL query results can also be displayed on a graph. Click the Graph icon in your results window and assign data to the graph as follows: ● ● ●

Graph Type: Column X-Axis Data: User_Name Y-Axis Data: Counter

2. These charts and queries can be saved as dashboard widgets so analysts can have quick access to the information for future investigations. One such dashboard has been created with several other example queries. Navigate to >Dashboards & Reports > Dashboard.

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3. From the Dashboard page select the XQL Demo Dashboard from the dropdown menu.

4. You will see the failed login query and several other XQL charts and graphs displayed.

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Summary This has been a brief walkthrough of some of Cortex XDR’s capabilities that can increase Security Operations’ productivity by reducing investigation times and mean-time-to-response for analysts, as well as surfacing previously unseen threat data. In the three demo scenarios presented here, you were able to see the detailed analytics that the XDR agent captures and forwards to the XDR management console. This rich data allows the analyst to fully investigate the attack. These examples showcase only a small portion of the overall capabilities of XDR. For a detailed description of XDR capabilities, download the XDR datasheet HERE.

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