Correlation of Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Teachers in Manila

May 21, 2018 | Author: Thea Santiago | Category: Job Satisfaction, Correlation And Dependence, Self Efficacy, Employment, Self-Improvement
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Short Description

A quantitative research that explores the relationship of job satisfaction and job performance of high school teachers...


Correlation of Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Selected Teachers in a Public High School in Manila

Submitted by:

Balagso, Ma. Tricia Nhela S. Camantigue, Kyle Andrea M. Evangelista, Thez Gereva G. G. Miano, anzyn Gae !C. "ama#o, Alysis Chris Neil ". Santiago, Thea Marie C.

BS $S%C&'('G% )*+

Submitted to:

!r. Ma. !olores $atag

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter : Chapter : ntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stateme Statement nt o/ the $ro0 $ro0lem lem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &y3othe &y3othesis sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signi/ic Signi/icanc ance e o/ the the Study Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sco3e Sco3e and and (imitat (imitations ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !e/init !e/inition ion o/ o/ Te Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter : Re!ie" of Related #iterature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$age  12 1+ 14 1) 1 15

Conce3tual 6rame7or8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter : Methodology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


"esearch !esign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


"esearch (ocale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sam3le and Sam3ling Techni9ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


:nstrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


!ata Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Statistical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter $: Results and %iscussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter $: Conclusions and Recommendations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


"ecommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


:nstrument :nstrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Statement o/ Consent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tar3aulin (ayout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


"a7 !ata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Curriculum +ull Hypothesis 0H o1: o0 satis/action o/ teachers, either lo7 or high, has

no signi/icant e//ect on the #o0 3er/ormance o/ teachers under 3u0lic high school 7ith regular curriculum. :n a case o/ 7hich> +. (o7 #o0 satis/action o/ teachers yield lo7 3er/ormance. 4. &igh #o0 satis/action o/ teachers yields high 3er/ormance. Alternati!e Hypothesis 0H a1: o0 satis/action o/ teachers, either lo7 or 

high, has a signi/icant e//ect on the #o0 3er/ormance o/ teachers under  3u0lic high school 7ith regular curriculum.

S'+&CA+C) ,& TH) ST(%/

This study mainly aims to identi/y the relationshi3 0et7een #o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance to assist and 3rovide another area o/ consideration in im3roving the 3er/ormance o/ teachers. The /indings o/ this study can 3rovide an insight to the /ollo7ing> The school administrators o/ the 3u0lic high school could em3loy di//erent strategies that could im3rove the level o/ satis/action o/ the teachers in aim o/  increasing the teachers 3er/ormance and eventually the schools overall 3er/ormance as 7ell.

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


The school might 0e a0le to /ind /la7s regarding their 3olicies to7ards the di//erent /actors such as 3ay, 3romotion, su3ervision, /ringe 0ene/its, contingent re7ards, o3erating conditions, co7or8ers, nature o/ 7or8 and communication. The authorities res3onsi0le /or ma8ing the school 3olicies may use the data as 0ases /or 3olicy * ma8ing and 3rogram 3lanning /or secondary education schools 7hich 7ill 3romote 7or8 3er/ormance and #o0 satis/action o/ teachers to7ards 0etter education. They may also ta8e time in revie7ing andIor revising the rules and regulations in schools so that the teachers satis/action could 0e im3roved and there/ore, could also im3rove their 3er/ormance. The teachers 7ould 0e a7are o/ the /actors that a//ect their #o0 3er/ormance. They 7ould also 0e a0le to /ind out their strengths and 7ea8nesses, li8e in the areas in 7hich they are satis/ied and not satis/ied. They 7ould 0e a0le to enhance and maintain their strengths and to diminish their  7ea8nesses 7ith the hel3 o/ their co*7or8ers and su3ervisor. The &uman "esource Management could 0ene/it /rom this 0y having an idea on 7hich /actors they should /ocus on in im3roving the satis/action o/ the teachers. The /uture researchers could use the data gathered to su33ort /urther  studies.

SC,P) A+% #MTAT,+

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


This study /ocused on the 3ro0a0ility o/ a relationshi3 o/ #o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance in the $hili33ine setting. The results o/ the validated SS ?o0 Satis/action Survey@ and the $er/ormance A33raisal System /or Teachers ?$AST@ o/ a 3u0lic high school 7ere used as a re3resentation o/ the relationshi3 0et7een the t7o a/orementioned varia0les. The 3artici3ants su33osedly shall come /rom t7o selected 3u0lic high schools o/ Manila, since they are /ollo7ing the same 3rotocol mandated under  the same 3u0lic o//icials. !ue to certain circumstances, the researchers 7ere not a0le to get the necessary data o/ the other 3u0lic school. =ith this, the 3artici3ants o/ the study 7ill only 0e coming /rom one 3u0lic high school 7hich is Manila &igh School. The data gathered in this study is only used as a re3resentation o/ the correlation o/ #o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance in 3u0lic high schools o/  Manila, $hili33ines. 6urther study is still needed to 3rovide s3eci/ic in/ormation a0out the intricacies o/ #o0 satis/action and its e//ect on #o0 3er/ormance among the 3u0lic high school teachers. Also, the 3artici3ants 7ere teacher :: and ::: only /or teacher : are the res3ondents in 3ilot testing /or the instrument used ?o0 Satis/action Survey@. Master teachers 7ere not included 0ecause o/ the unavaila0ility o/ schedule.

%)&+T,+ ,& T)RMS Job Performance J 'verall e3ected value o/ ho7 7ell a teacher eecute the

given 7or8 related activities over a 3eriod o/ time

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


Job Satisfaction J A 3leasura0le emotional state resulting /rom the a33raisal o/ 

ones #o0D an a//ective reaction to ones #o0D and an attitude to7ards ones #o0 ?Kum3ari and $andey, 42++@ Pay  J The amount o/ money or com3ensation the teacher receives /or 7or8

3er/ormed Promotion J '33ortunities o/ the teachers to 0e raised into a higher 3osition Super!ision J Administering o/ the teacher  &ringe benefits 2 Additional 0ene/its that the teacher receives Contingent Re"ards  J The a33reciation, recognition, and re7ards the teacher 

receives in return /or her good 7or8 ,perating Conditions  J "ules and 3ractices that the teacher /ollo7s Co"or3ers J The 3eo3le 7ith 7hom the teacher 7or8s 7ith +ature of 4or3 J The tas8s assigned and done 0y the teacher  Communication J The 3rocess 0y 7hich in/ormation is echanged 0et7een the

teachers 7ithin the organizations

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


CHAPT)R  R)$)4 ,& R)#AT)% #T)RAT(R)S

This cha3ter 3resents a revie7 o/ related literatures and studies as 7ell as su0#ect matters relevant to #o0 3er/ormance and #o0 satis/action. The /ollo7ing related literatures gave necessary data /or contrast or com3lement o/ this research. A num0er o/ literatures have sho7n su33ort to the null hy3othesis o/  this research 7hile a /e7 o/ the sho7n signi/icance o/ the said varia0les.


Many organizations are concerned in increasing an em3loyees #o0 satis/action in an attem3t to 3redict some im3ortant 0ehaviors sho7n in 7or8 such as 3er/ormance, a0senteeism, turnover, etc. Several studies have sho7n that #o0 satis/action is in/luenced 0y demogra3hic values li8e gender and age, or  tenure or level o/ education, and the level o/ income ?Al*ou0i, 42+4@. !r. Al*zou0i concluded that salary in/luences #o0 satis/action i/ other #o0 characteristics are 3ositive or rather satis/actory. 6or that reason, increasing the salary o/ a 7or8er may not in/luence his or her satis/action in 7or8 unless other   #o0 characteristics are also im3roved or enriched. :n addition, he cited one study 7hich stated that an em3loyees salary is a secondary varia0leF that is de3endent and its im3act may 0e limited 7hen the 7or8 9uality is unsatis/actoryF. This means that salary has only a minimal in/luence on #o0 satis/action. :n addition, 7hen an em3loyees 3osition in a com3any is considered, there is a strong lin8 7ith #o0 satis/action. There/ore, a 7or8ers 3osition in an organization tends to ma8e a 7or8er /eel 3roud 7ith their 

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


3ro/essional achievements. 6or instance, one related study /ound that 3ro/essors in universities 7ith high salary income have lo7 #o0 satis/action com3ared 7ith other #o0s 0ecause they thin8 that those 7ho 7or8 in the industry earn more than them. :n other 7ords, salary is not the only /actor that can increase #o0 satis/action level in the organization. :/ a com3any aims a long term satis/action in em3loyees, other #o0 characteristic must also 0e im3rove. 'ne study conducted in the niversity o/ $un#a0 sho7ed that the university teachers #o0 satis/action is signi/icantly related 7ith their 3ay satis/action. 6or university teachers, economic re7ard is one o/ the /actors that in/luence their satis/action to7ards their #o0 and eventually a//ects their  3er/ormance 9uality. 6urthermore, the 7or8 culture or 7or83lace milieuF also has an im3ortant in/luence on im3roving the satis/action and 3er/ormance o/ the teachers ?Nasir et. al, 42+4@. This study also sho7ed that several demogra3hic 3ro/ile o/ an individual J li8e age, gender, and 3osition J 3lays an im3ortant role in evaluating an individuals satis/action. 'n a related study regarding #o0 satis/action and demogra3hic varia0les, it 7as mentioned that there 7as either a 3ositive or negative correlation 0et7een an em3loyees #o0 satis/action and some demogra3hic

varia0les such as se, age, and

educational attainment

?Ta0ata0aei, 42+)@.  At this 3oint o/ time, educators, aside /rom having the duty o/ giving eminence education, are no7 /aced u3 to various regulatory re9uirements 7hich causes them to 3er/orm several res3onsi0ilities due to the im3lementation o/ K* +4. Their satis/action is as im3ortant as their #o0 3er/ormances are. 'ver the

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


years, several studies have struggled to determine the /actors that a//ect #o0 satis/action. Some consider 3ay as the main /actor /or #o0 satis/action 7hile others /ound /actors such as 3romotion, recognition o/ 7or8 and em3loyees loyalty. A study conducted in the 0an8ing industry o/ Bahal7a3ur identi/ied di//erent /actors a//ecting #o0 satis/action o/ the em3loyees and eamined ho7 these /actors im3act the em3loyees satis/action. This study /ound that organizational 3olicy and strategy, nature o/ 7or8, communication, #o0 stress and em3loyee 3ersonality has a signi/icant relationshi3 7ith em3loyees #o0 satis/action. Moreover, the study concludes that e//ective communication 0et7een co*7or8ers and su3ervisors is signi/icantly associated 7ith em3loyees  #o0 satis/action ?Saleem,, 42+)@. Teachers can 3er/orm e//iciently their /unction as 8no7ledge 3rovidersF i/  they are constantly u3dated 7ith the issues and trends concerning their /ield o/  s3ecialization. :n/ormation li8e this can 0e attained through a33ro3riate learning and develo3ment 3rograms an organization must 3rovide. Bay, An, and (aguador  ?42+@ conducted a study in an Asian university to test the relationshi3 0et7een organizational satis/action and 7or8 engagement o/ the teachers. Their study has sho7ed that the /aculty mem0ers 7ere satis/ied 7ith the o33ortunities that the university 3rovides and 7ith the amount o/ res3onsi0ility they received 7hich is 0ased on their ca3a0ilities. 6urthermore, this research has /ound that recognition /rom the su3eriors can 0oost an em3loyees interest and motivation to eecute an outstanding 3er/ormance. Their satis/action 7ith the said /actor 7ould lead to

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


various 3ositive attitudes in the 7or8 3lace such as having harmonious relationshi3 7ith co*7or8ers. !edication in 7or8 also ma8es an em3loyee 3roud and /inds meaning and 3ur3ose 7ith their #o0. According to recently discussed study, it is already 3art o/  the characteristics o/ the /aculty mem0ers to7ards teaching 3ro/ession. They commit themselves to share their utmost 8no7ledge through their un7avering e//ort in trans/orming the attitude and 0ehaviors o/ the learners /or their 0ene/it and also, /or the university. Moreover, relationshi3 0et7een organizational satis/action and 7or8 engagement among the em3loyees o/ the university is highly signi/icant. This /inding im3lies that the higher the organizational satis/action o/ the em3loyees, there is a 3ossi0ility o/ o0taining higher 7or8 engagement level ?Bay, et. al, 42+@.


Buchanan as mentioned 0y so3, Kadtong and so3 ?42+)@ de/ined individual 3er/ormance 7ith three /actors> motivation, a0ility and 7or8 environment. 6or instance, i/ an em3loyee lac8s a0ility, the su3ervisor could give 3ro3er training to im3rove it. Same goes 7ith the lac8 o/ 7or8 environment, the su3ervisor could 3rovide materials and in/ormation needed to 3romote higher  3er/ormance. :m3roving motivation 7ould 0e challenging /or the su3ervisor  0ecause individual 0ehavior is a com3le 3henomenon. There/ore, motivation also 3lays an im3ortant role 0ecause o/ its intangi0le nature and its e//ect on the 3er/ormance o/ an individual.

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


Com3etencies o/ an individual 7ith its com3le construct could have many di//erent antecedents. 6ernandez ?42+4@ has /ound that teachers /rom $asay City, !asmariLas in Cavite, "io Tu0a in $ala7an has very high com3etencies. :n relation to their socio*demogra3hic 3ro/ile ?gender and educational 0ac8ground@, it 7as revealed that there is no signi/icant relationshi3 7ith the teachers com3etencies. :n contrast, teachers com3etence is signi/icantly related to teaching e3erience, salary and 3er/ormance rating. Moreover, the learners 3er/ormance sho7s no signi/icant relationshi3 7ith the teachers com3etence. :n a related study o/ "amos cited 0y !iaz ?42+)@, it stated that one /actor  that 3redicts teaching 3er/ormance is the (icensure Eamination ?(ET@ /or  teachers. :n the $hili33ine educational setting, (icensure Eamination /or  Teachers or (ET, authorized 0y the $hili33ine government in +;;5, is 3art o/  guaranteeing a good 9uality o/ teaching 3er/ormance. Generally, graduates o/  teacher education courses 7ho 3assed the (ET are technically and academicallyF ac8no7ledged as 3ro/essional. 6urthermore, a study conducted in $hili33ine Normal niversity, o33oses "amos claims. The results o/ the research sho7ed that (ET score does not 3redicts teaching 3er/ormance ?!iaz, 42+)@. :n other 7ords, teachers 7ho scored high in (ET does not automatically mean that they 7ill have high teaching 3er/ormance. Although there is a 7ea8 relationshi3 7ith (ET score and teaching 3er/ormance, this does not mean that the claim should 0e discarded.

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


R)#AT,+SHP ,& J,B SATS&ACT,+ A+% J,B P)R&,RMA+C)

so3, Kadtong and so3 ?42+)@ cited 6actors study 7herein he descri0ed three ma#or theoretical 3ers3ectives o/ the relationshi3 o/ the t7o varia0les. &is hy3otheses are> ?+@ satis/action leads to 3er/ormanceD ?4@ other  varia0les moderates the relationshi3 o/ #o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormanceD and ?)@ 3er/ormance leads to satis/action. o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance has a circular relationshi3 7hich indicates that i/ the #o0 satis/action is high there/ore #o0 3er/ormance is also high and vice versa. $roductivity has many underlying /acets that can cause the correlation 0et7een #o0 satis/action to 0e eistent 0ut also can 0e negligi0le.  According to the study o/ $edro ?4221@, results has sho7n that there is a signi/icant moderate correlation es3ecially in the internal em3loyee rating and #o0 satis/action. This means that even i/ the em3loyees are satis/ied or dissatis/ied 7ith their #o0s, they 7ill still carry on 3er/orming their duties and res3onsi0ilities. A more com3lete understanding o/ the signi/icance o/ the relationshi3 o/ #o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance re9uires a dee3er investigation in 7hich other  /actors 7ere considered. so3, Kadtong and so3 ?42+)@ attem3ted to /ind the relationshi3 o/ the 7or8 3er/ormance and #o0 satis/action o/ 3u0lic elementary teachers in Cota0ato City, $hili33ines and also /ocused on the res3ondents demogra3hic 3ro/ile such age, educational attainment, etc. Ty3ically, the teachers 7ho are satis/ied 7ith the 7or8 given to them dis3lays high level o/ 3er/ormance and lo7er levels o/ stress and aniety. 6urthermore, their study concluded that the teachers tend to develo3 and maintain high level o/ 3er/ormance as long as

 Job Satisfaction Satisfaction and Job Performanc Performance e


they are satis/ied 7ith their #o0. Their demogra3hic 3ro/ile also has a signi/icant relation relationshi3 shi3 7ith 7ith their their 3er/orma 3er/ormance nce.. Age, Age, highest highest educatio educational nal attainme attainment nt and length o/ service have an e//ect on #o0 satis/action. Teachers 7ere o/ten considered as a s3eci/ic sam3le o/ em3loyees, 7ho have di//erent o3erating conditions and e3erience higher levels o/ 7or8 related stress stress in com3a com3ari rison son 7ith 7ith ty3ic ty3ical al organ organiz izati ation ons s em3loy em3loyees ees ?!e No0i No0ile le  McCo McCorm rmic ic8, 8, 4221 4221DD Klas Klasse sen n et al., al., 42+2 42+2a@ a@.. nli nli8e 8e ty3i ty3ica call orga organi niza zati tion ons s em3loyees, teachers have many various res3onsi0ilities. They are e3ected to educate students, students, insure their sa/ety and healthy atmos3here, atmos3here, communicate and colla0orate 7ith 3arents, other teachers, s3ecialists and administrators, develo3 their o7n s8ills and 8no7ledge, administer documents, documents, organize school tri3s and com3le com3lete te a num0e num0err o/ other other tas8s tas8s 3rovi 3rovide ded d 0y the gove governm rnmen entt and and schoo schooll administration. Many times, teachers meet 3ro0lematic students o/ various ages or di//icult and im3erative 3arents. Those interactions re9uire communication, 3ro0lem solving, and con/lict managing s8ills. Challenges in teachers 7or8 that re9uire emotional and intellectual resources may sometimes lead to 0urnout, de3ression or other 3hysical and 3sychological health related issues ?Chang, 42++@. :t is o0vious that teachers di//er /rom ty3ical em3loyees in various 7ays. There/ore, There/ore, instruments that usually measure such #o0 satis/action satis/action dimensions as a33reciation, communication, co7or8ers, /ringe 0ene/its, #o0 conditions, nature o/  7or8, organization itsel/, organizations 3olicies and 3rocedures, 3ay, 3ersonal gro7th, gro7th, 3romoti 3romotion on o33ortu o33ortunitie nities, s, recognit recognition, ion, security security,, su3ervi su3ervision sion may not al7ays match 7ith teachers #o0 satis/action as3ects ?S3ector, 42++@.

 Job Satisfaction Satisfaction and Job Performanc Performance e


:n under understa stand nding ing the the inner inner modali modalitie ties s o/ teach teachers ers in 3er/o 3er/ormi rming ng their  their  teaching roles, the theory on sel/*e//icacy, as 3ostulated 0y Al0ert Bandura in his Social Cognitive Theory may 0e 0est used to 3redict teachers 3er/ormance. Band Bandur ura a ?Cha ?Chang ng et al. 42++@ de/in de/ines es sel/*e sel/*e// //ica icacy cy as a 3ers 3ersona onall 0elie 0elie// to al., 42++ accom3lish tas8s. :n his theory, 3eo3le 7ho have higher sel/*e//icacy are 0elieved to 3er/orm 0etter in their tas8s 3rimarily 0ecause they see the di//iculties o/ the tas8s as challenges to overcome and not as deterrent hindrances in their lives. Nonetheless, on the second level, the /indings o/ the study highlight the 3redictive value o/ sel/*e//icacy in the #o0 3er/ormance o/ teachers. The results o/  the hierarchical regression regression model 7hich included sel/*e//icacy sel/*e//icacy as a 3redictor had a signi/icant e//ect on the 3er/ormance o/ /aculty mem0ers. Similar to the study o/  Chang et al. ?42++@, sel/*e//icacious teachers 3erceive they have more mastery o/  their su0#ect matters, 0elieve they have more command to7ards the instructional instructional methodologies and resources they use /or class, and can 0etter identity the re9uir re9uireme ements nts o/ their their studen students ts 7hich 7hich ma8e ma8e them them 3er/o 3er/orm rm 0ett 0etter er.. (i8e7 (i8e7ise ise,, students 7ith highly e//icacious teachers are more motivated and res3onsive in class ?Erdem  !emirel, 422-D &ynes, 42++@ and learn 0etter ?'layi7ola, 4221D &ynes, 42++@. This /inding suggests that sel/*e//icacy and not commitment is 7hat 3redicts the 3er/ormance /or /aculty mem0ers. :n other 7ords, an em3loyee 7ho 3er/orms 7ell in an organization 7ill receive a0solute re7ards 7hich can lead to his satis/action 7hile the em3loyee 7ho elicits 3oor 3er/ormance might receive /e7 re7ards. This em3loyee 7ho 3er/orms 3oorly 7ill 0e less /ul/illed causing negative attitude to7ards 7or8 that

 Job Satisfaction Satisfaction and Job Performanc Performance e


can distur0 the ordinary o3erations and might handle client clumsily. They might also 3ractice 3oor sa/ety 3ractices and get accounta0le /or accidents. The reason /or this is that the 7or8er is not /ocused or the attention is a7ay on the tas8 at hand.

C,+C)PT(A# &RAM)4,R5

'ne 8ey /orce a//ecting the organization is 3eo3le. An organization cannot /unc /uncti tion on 3ro3 3ro3er erly ly 7ith 7ithou outt com3 com3et eten entt em3l em3loy oyee ees. s. 'ne 'ne may may have have a high high sati satis/ s/ac acti tion on 0ut 0ut 7e may may not not 0e sure sure i/ that that 3ers 3erson on may may also also have have a high high 3er/ormance or vice versa. This conce3tual /rame7or8 3resents the correlation o/   #o0 satis/action satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance 3er/ormance o/ teachers. :t sho7s ho7 each small com3onent such as 3ay, /ringe 0ene/its, o3erating conditions, su3ervision, co* 7or8ers, communication, contingent re7ards, 3romotion and nature o/ 7or8 is 0eing merged into one 0ig conce3t 7hich is #o0 satis/action. Same goes /or #o0

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


3er/ormance 7hich has $AST, $er/ormance A33raisal System /or Teachers, as its as3ect. :t 0eing a system means that it is a grou3 o/ related 3arts that 7or8 together to 0uild u3 or /unction as one varia0le 7hich is in this case, #o0 3er/ormance. The /unnel relationshi3 chart is not only 0est used 7hen sho7ing ho7 3arts merged into one huge conce3t 0ut also 7ith /iltering com3onents that are not really use/ul or that im3ortant ?Microso/t =ord, 42+2@. The le/t*right arro7 in 6ig.+ sho7s that the relationshi3 0et7een #o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance may a//ect one another.

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


CHAPT)R  M)TH,%,#,'/

This cha3ter intends to 3resent the /ollo7ing> research design, sam3les o/ the study, instrumentation, data gathering 3rocedure and statistical analysis.

R)S)ARCH %)S'+

This study used a descri3tive research design, s3eci/ically survey. !escri3tive strategy can 0e de/ined as a techni9ue 7herein the used varia0les 7ere o0served as they eist naturally ?Gravetter6orzano, 42+@. :n survey research design, 9uestionnaires 7ere used to ac9uire in/ormation a0out a 3articular grou3. The aim o/ survey research design is to o0tain a more accurate re3resentation o/ the characteristics o/ the 3artici3ants. This study also used correlational research strategy, in 7hich varia0les are measured to identi/y or  descri0e relationshi3 that may eist 0et7een the varia0les ?Gravetter  6orzano, 42+@. :n this strategy, the researchers do not e3lain the relationshi3 o/ the varia0les and does not involve mani3ulation o/ varia0les. :n short, it sim3ly descri0es the relationshi3 0et7een the varia0les.

SAMP#) A+% SAMP#+' T)CH+6()

:n selecting the 3artici3ants, the researchers used non*3ro0a0ility 3ur3osive sam3ling, and s3eci/ically convenience sam3ling. :n non*3ro0a0ility sam3ling, a small 3art o/ the 3o3ulation is selected in 7hich a de/inite characteristic o/ the 3o3ulation are 3ur3osely le/t out /rom the selection 3rocess /or various reasons ?Altares et. al, 42+@. $ur3osive sam3ling, as used 0y the

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


researchers, is use/ul 7hen loo8ing /or s3eci/ic characteristics o/ 3artici3ants. :n this study, thirty*/ive ?)1@ 3artici3ants 7ere /rom Manila &igh School, 7hich are /rom teacher :: and :::.


:n measuring the varia0les o/ the study, the o0 Satis/action Survey 7as used /or #o0 satis/action and the $er/ormance A33raisal System /or Teachers ?$AST@ 7as o0tained /or measuring their #o0 3er/ormance. The researchers used o0 Satis/action Survey ?SS@ 0y $aul E. S3ector to measure the #o0 satis/action o/ teachers. :t is com3osed o/ nine dimensions that measure overall #o0 satis/action. The 9uestionnaire has  items /or each su0* scale 7ith a total o/ )5 itemsD the 3artici3ants 7ould 0e choosing /rom si choices, their ans7er 7ould 0e /rom strongly*disagree to strongly*agree ?S3ector, 42++@. The instrument 7as o0tained /or /ree u3on the authors note. Be/ore using the SS, the researchers conducted a 3ilot testing 7ith the teacher : o/ Manila &igh School as their 3artici3ants. There 7ere nine res3ondents /or the said survey. $ilot testing is done to test the a33lica0ility o/ the said instrument in the $hili33ine industrial setting. :n terms o/ the relia0ility and validity o/ the instrument, the /ollo7ing sho7s the internal consistency relia0ilities ?coe//icient al3ha@ o/ each /acet 7hich is 0ased on a sam3le o/ 4,-2> $ay has .-1 O, $romotion> .-) O, Su3ervision> .4 O, 6ringe Bene/its> .-) O, Contingent "e7ards> .-5 O, '3erating $rocedures> .54 O, Co7or8ers> .52 O, Nature o/ =or8> .- O, Communication> .-+ O, 7ith a total o/ .;+ O.

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


The /ollo7ing 5*3oint agree*disagree res3onses choices 7ere used to score the instrument> + 4 )  1 5

!isagree very much !isagree moderately !isagree slightly Agree slightly Agree moderately Agree very much

The SS are 0oth 7orded 3ositively and negatively in num0ers. The num0ers 7hich are 3ositively 7orded are the /ollo7ing> +, ), 1, -, ;, ++, +), +1, +-, 42, 44, 41, 4-, 4, )2, )), and )1, 7hile the negatively 7orded items are as /ollo7s> 4, , 5, , +2, +4, +, +5, +, +;, 4+, 4), 4, 45, 4;, )+, )4, ), and )5. :n scoring the test, all num0ers that are 3ositively 7orded stays the scoring o/ +*5 in numerical score. =hile, negatively 7orded num0ers gets the reverse scoring. A/ter getting the scores 3er item, 3er /acet and the overall they 7ere then added to com3ute /or their mean. The added scores or the mean 7ere then rated to 7hich range they entered. The /ollo7ing is the e9uivalent ver0al inter3retation o/ the com3uted score> !issatis/actory ?+*) mean score@,  Am0ivalent ?).2+*).;; mean score@, and Satis/actory ?*5 mean score.@ $er/ormance a33raisal 7hich re3resents an em3loyees com3etency on 3er/orming according to standards re/lected 0y current or 3ast 3er/ormance evaluation ?!essler, 42+2@. The teacher evaluation re3orts s3eci/ically their  $er/ormance A33raisal System /or Teachers /or school year 42+)*42+ ?$AST@ 7ere rated 0y their su3ervisor and 7as a33roved 0y the !ivision o/ City o/  Schools. The co3y o/ $AST o/ M&S 7ere o0tained /rom the said school. Be/ore

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


o0taining the teachers evaluations and distri0uting the o0 Satis/action Survey ?SS@ in the 3artici3ating school, the researchers sent a 3ermission letter /or  access in the data a33roved 0y the !ivision o/ City Schools '//ice. The letter  indicated that the data to 0e handed 7ill 0e treated 7ith utmost con/identiality and shall not 0e lea8ed outside the intended 3ur3ose o/ this study. :n rating the teachers 3er/ormance ?o0tained /rom the school@ the /ollo7ing scale is /ollo7ed> 'utstanding ?'@ ranges /rom ;.122 to +2.222, +. Among the /acets under #o0 satis/action, the teachers 7ere greatly satis/ied 7ith co7or8ers and dissatis/ied 7ith o3erating conditions. 4. The res3ondents have high overall #o0 satis/action, as 7ell as #o0 3er/ormance



this they have




determination o/ 4P and a result o/ 2.4 statically signi/icant. ). The average #o0 3er/ormance rating o/ the teachers are very satis/actory. . The null hy3othesis o/ the study 7hich is o0 satis/action o/  teachers, either lo7 or high, has no signi/icant e//ect on the #o0 3er/ormance o/ teachers under 3u0lic high schools 7ith regular  curriculum. 7as acce3ted. 1. There is little correlation 0et7een #o0 satis/action and #o0 3er/ormance. 5. &aving high #o0 satis/action does not mean al7ays high #o0 3er/ormance and vice versa. -. !es3ite the results, the teachers still does their #o0 accordingly.

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


"esults sho7ed that there 7as no signi/icant correlation 0et7een the t7o varia0les 0ut communication had a 3ositive relationshi3 7ith #o0 3er/ormance. Recommendation

This research recommends a reconsideration o/ the !ivisions '//ice on the rate o/ 3ay and 3rocess o/ 3romotion to im3rove the level o/ satis/action o/  the teachers since their satis/action 7ith these as3ects is am0ivalent. 6urthermore, the school administration should also /ind time to reevaluate and reconstruct their 7ay o/ recognition and a33reciation so the satis/action o/ the teachers im3roves. 6or instance, school administration should regularly in/orm the teachers o/ a #o0 7ell doneD this 7ould hel3 the teachers /eel satis/ied 7ith their hard 7or8.  As /or the teachers #o0 3er/ormance, though it is already high, the school administration is recommended to closely monitor the amount o/ 7or8 given 3er  time and that they should encourage su3ervisors to o3enly communicate teaching methods and 3lans /rom and to the teachers to gather in3uts 7ith a ho3e that may hel3 the teachers im3rove their o7n 7or8. Since the results o/ the study sho7ed negligi0le correlation 0et7een the t7o varia0les, this does not mean that the relationshi3 does not eistD it is only 7ea8. 6urther research /rom a greater num0er o/ res3ondents /rom di//erent 3u0lic high schools is also recommended to /urther assess the general 3o3ulation and to have higher eternal validity.

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance



 Aamodt, M. [email protected] and Organizational Pscholog. 4nd Ed. $asig City, $hili33ines> Cengage (earning Asia $te (d. 33 4;1*)4.  Altares, $. et al. ?42+@. "andom and Non*"andom Sam3ling. !lementar "tatistics with #omputer $pplications . 4nd ed. $hili33ines> "e Boo8 Store.3 ++.  Al*ou0i, M. ?42+4@. The Sha3e '/ The "elationshi3 Bet7een Salary And o0 Satis/action> A 6ield Study.6ar East ournal o/ $sychology and Business, une 42+4, A Con/irmatory 6actor Analysis Based on Secondary School Teachers Sam3le. :nternational ournal o/ Business and Management, 33. +*12. Ba8o, A. ?n.d.@. The $ositive and Negative E//ects o/ o0 Satis/action on Em3loyees $er/ormance in an 'rganization.Australian ournal o/ Commerce Study. Bay, A., An, :., (aguador, . ?42+@. 'rganizational Satis/action and =or8 Engagement '/ 6ili3ino Teachers :n An Asian niversity. :nternational ournal o/ Multidisci3linary Academic "esearch, 4?@, 33. )4*+. Berghe, . ?42++@. o0 Satis/action and o0 $er/ormance at the =or8 $lace. !essler, G. ?42+4@. &uman "esource Management ?+4th ed.@. urong, Singa3ore> $earson Education South Asia $te. Em3loyees $re/er A o0 They (ove 'ver &igher $ay. ?42+), 'cto0er +-@. "etrieved March ;, 42+1, /rom htt3>*3re/er*#o0*love* higher*3ayR. A Case Study '/ $un#a0 niversity. :nternational ournal o/ Asian Social Science. 4?+2@, 33. +)+*++1 $edro, M. C. ?4221@. o0 Satis/action as Correlate o/ !emogra3hic II777.statisticssolutions.comI#o0*satis/action*survey*#ssI Ta0ata0aei, S., Ghaneh, S., Mohaddes, &., Khansari, M. M. ?42+)@. "elationshi3 o/ #o0 satis/action and demogra3hic varia0les in 3ars ceram /actory em3loyees in :ran. $rocedia * Social and Behavioral Sciences. ?42+)@, 33. +-;1*+22 so3, A., As8andar, K., Kadtong, M., so3, A. S. ?42+)@. =or8 $er/ormance and o0 Satis/action among Teachers. :nternational ournal o/ &umanities and Social Science, )?1@, 33. 41*414. so3, A.,Kadtong, M., so3, A. S. ?42+)@. The Signi/icant "elationshi3 Bet7een =or8 $er/ormance And o0 Satis/action :n $hili33ines. :nternational ournal o/ &uman "esource Management and "esearch, )?4@, 33. ;*+5

 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


APP)+% A: nstrument APP)+% B: Statement of Consent APP)+% C: Ra" %ata APP)+% %: Tarpaulin #ayout


 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


APP)+% A

 JOB SATISFACTION SURVEY  Paul E. Sector !eartment of Ps"c#olo$" %ni&ersit" of Sout# 'lorida (o"ri$#t Paul E. Sector 1994) *ll ri$#ts reser&ed.

P+E*SE (,-(+E /E E %E- '- E*(/ %ES, /* (ES (+SES  -E'+E(,  %- P,, *% ,. 1

, feel , am bein$ aid a fair amount for t#e or , do.


#ere is reall" too little c#ance for romotion on m" ob.


" suer&isor is :uite cometent in doin$ #is;#er ob.


, am not satis "oman Catholic


 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

Kyle Andrea M. Camantigue 42* A Batangas (ine Street, $aco, Manila, +222;+5+-1)+8yleandrea+)

)ducational Bac3ground:

42+4* 3resent

$amantasan ng (ungsod ng Maynila, :ntramuros, Manila Bachelor o/ Science in $sychology


Saint Anthony School, Manila $hili33ines $rimary and Secondary Education

Personal nformation>

!ate o/ Birth> !ecem0er +), +;; Marital Status> Single Nationality> 6ili3ino &eight> +1 cm =eight> 1 8g "eligion> Catholic


 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

Thez Gereva G. Evangelista !olmar :: Goldenhills, !e3aro,Caloocan,City 2;+--151; gerevaevangelista

)ducational Bac3ground>


$amantasan ng (ungsod ng Maynila, :ntramuros, Manila Bachelor o/ Science in $sychology


Este0an A0ada &igh School, Sam3aloc, Manila Secondary Education


!e3aro Elementary School, !e3aro, Caloocan  $rimary Education

Personal nformation:

!ate o/ Birth> 'cto0er 4, +;;1 Marital Status> Single Nationality> 6ili3ino "eligion> "oman Catholic


 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


anzyn Gae !. Miano +5;4 Alvarez St. Sta. Cruz, Manila 2;+5++;-55  #anzyngae

)ducational Bac3ground>


$amantasan ng (ungsod ng Maynila, :ntramuros, Manila Bachelor o/ Science in $sychology

422;*42+4 422*422;

"amon Magsasay &igh School, Cu0ao, Uuezon City !ecem0er +, +;; Marital Status> Single Nationality> 6ili3ino


 Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

Thea Marie C. Santiago +;1 B. Tomas Ma3ua St., Sta. Cruz, Manila 2;+1+4-4+ 11;*+2*;+ theasanti2-

)ducational Bac3ground:

42+4* 3resent

$amantasan ng (ungsod ng Maynila, :ntramuros, Manila Bachelor o/ Science in $sychology


ST J Education &igh School, Es3aVa, Manila Seconday Education


Andres Boni/acio Elementary School, Sta. Cruz, Manila $rimary Education

Personal nformation>

!ate o/ Birth> August -, +;;5 Marital Status> Single Nationality> 6ili3ino &eight> ++ =eight> ++- l0s "eligion> Catholic


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